Newspaper Page Text
THE LAS VEGAS GAZETTE THURSDAY MORNING,' JUNE 3, Í88G. ThéGazette Job Office Is prepared to tora out Every Glass of Work! CHeaply I 3Pr oxrLXtly I T B. MILLS ' " DEAL1R IS Mines, Real Estate L.1VE STOCK. . 1MPKOVED RANCHES, Office on Bridge Street, near Poatoffloe, Las vegas, new juexico. All kinds oft errttorlal and county bonds and warrant! bough land sold, and all kinds of land lortp bought and nold which will loca ta all classes of government land, fifty im- R roved and unimproved ranches for Baia In ew Mexico and the Republic ol Mexico, em bracing traota trom 25,0.0 to 1,000,000 acres each at from twenty cent to one dollar per acre. Title perfect. Full information Bent 11 non annlioatlon.Havlna- business oonnestlnn with attorneys at Washington. D. C, we are prepared ta give particular attention to prose ting claims of every description against the United States government. ColeotlonB made in any oart of the lerrltorv. Deutsche Gastos Bridge St, Las Vegas. Boarding by the week, day or meal. Good victuals well cooked. Olean beds nicely kept. 9S eta. a meal. 85 eta, a bed, or 6 per week, boarding and lodging, H. HILGERS. B.B. BORDE. C. M. Boedih. B- B. BORDEN & CO. A work done with Neatness and Dispatch Satisfaction uuaranteea. Pln. nnnnlflnat.lnnsand Estimates Fnrnlshed, Shop and ottloeon Main St., Sonth of Catholic Oemeteiy, Kast Las Vegas, H. M. Telephone ooanection withshoD. A. C. SCHMIDT, Manufacturer of ' Wagons and Carriages ADd dealer In HEAVY HABDWAKE vinñ nf wagon material s on hand Horse shoeing and repairing a specialty, Grand Avenue and Seventh Street, tiast La Veras. MARCELLINO&MERNIN NEW AND OLD Pianos, Organs, oold on monthly payments and taken irj ex change. Muslo and all kinds of Musical In struments. S. and E. Books and Stationery. Bridge St., next to Font Office. THE BREWERY SALOON Sixth Street, Eaiat E.aa Vesjaa. paihIP NELSON, Proprietor. Fresh Keg User Constantly oa hand at rivej Cenia per Glass. . . . Always on hand, 'the choicest branda or wines, liquors and olgara. . Also, a nrst-ohns lunoh counter run in con nection by Umanu! Manca. ' TTnfords. j&Lm X. DEaXTXAXj" Of West Las Animas. " " " " " ' HAS JCST UNLOADED I! LAS VEGAS A CAR LOAD OF Fine Hereford battle ! Pure Blood and Registered and frora the Best Herd in . '.. -the-West. . '.r'l ... :;" ; - ' AN , OPPORTUfJITY FOR BUYERS. . For Particulars inaulre oí At Stocic J siinuis,Mi).j I ANHEUSER-BUSCH Lager Beer BROWNE & MANZANARES CO. Sole Asienta for Las Vegas and Socorro. ALSO DISTRIBUTING AGENT3 FOK Las Vegas Lager Beer. PLAZA PHARMACY E.G. MURPHEY at CO. Always on hand a full assortment of fine hair tooth, nail and infant brushes, etc, toitolse, rubber and Ivory oombs, toilet and bathing sponges, powder puns, powaer doxcb, pom ades, toilet and bath soaps, chamois skins. perfumery, fancy roods, etc Physicians' pre-1 scrlpuonj carefully oompounaea. Blanchard's New Building an Bridie Street, Opposite suupp's uiacasmua anap. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. W. T. TBIVBRTOH. WALLAC1 HK68KLDKN, 6 Estimates given on all kinds of work. illden Street Between Railroad and Grand Avenne. LAS VEGAS. (East Side) N. M IP. 333. NEW PHOTO GAILERYj ART and CURIOSITY STORE- Views ofl Las Vegas and vicinity. Frames made to order. Indian Potterv and Blankets and other Native Curiosities. 820 Ball road Ave., Opera Bouse Block. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. HcQUAID & LAMARR, Contractors and Builders. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON PLANS, Fü BOTTOM UrBOLSTIHED; AVB RaPAIHKD. AI 90 GENERAL JOBXING. All work neatly done and satisfaction guar anteed, vail and see us. Snop 415X Grand Avenue, East Las Vegas, M. E. KELLY, (Owner of the MK brand of oattle) RANCH ANOCATTLE BROKER. OFFICE: Bridge Street, Opposite Postofflce, Burveylngby Johh Campbell, the well-known liurvevor. PiRLORJARBER .SHOP. 0. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. Center Street. East Las Vegas. Herefords. Colorado. Grower .Office. JACOB GROSS, A. M. BLACKWELL, HARKY W. KELnf GROSS, BLÁCKWELL & CO Wholes?! Dealers In eneral Merchandise , i , . . . , . .- i - - . ' , , Rauch Outfitting a Specialty. WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, I LAS VEGAS, LAZA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, The only Brick Hotel In Las Vegas. First cUss In all Its appointments. Clean airy rooms- Elegant Furniture. A No. 1 Table, and everything possible done lor the comfort ' oí Quests. Headquarters for stockmen and Commercial men. Rates $2.50 ana $3. 00 per day. Special Rates to Parties re maining a week or more, i LAS VEGAS, HENDENHALL, Livery, Peed and Sale Stables Buy and sell Horses, Mules, Harness, oauai'jB, w. CERRILLOS HARD Por 3a.1. EAST AND WEST LAS VEO-AS. LAS VEGAS BREWERY i BOTTLING ASSOCIATION IjA-B VEGAS, NEW MEXICO Our beer Is Drewed from the choicest malt and hoes and warranted to eAve entire satisfaction. Our BOTTLED Is seocad to none in the. market. ' : LAS VEGAS. - NEW MEXICO G. A. ROTHGEB. Proprietor. THE AGUA ' (WATS E4 Rnrmiiaa Wntor trnm a Pure Rio Gallinas." taken seven miles Gravity System. or rates, etc., OFFICE : Comer Bridge and Twelfth Streets. LAS VEGAS, S. Vf. LEG, Superintendent. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ADIFi H. WHITMORE, AGENT, LAS VEGAS, THE LAS VEGAS C3r jAJSI 33 : - . , . . ..:,.,. - ;, ..- . r , i :.íi M. S-HART, SUPERINTENDENT. LAS VEGAS. MYER FRIEDMAN & BRO. Wool Dealers and LAS VEGAS. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. First. Class in all MRS. M. A. HORNBARQER, Proprietress. Corner of Sixth Street FRANK T. .A practical cutter with thirteen Peters & Trout's . LANCASTER. OHIO. " Astonishin? Prices! Suitsf $20 Can be found every morning at Rooms Plaza Hotel, Street Railroad Co. Cars rnn reimlarlv from Old to Twenty-fiye ticket can be procured . v LAS VEGAS, i HEW MEXICO. .i. NEW MEXICO HUNTER & CO. Ponies. Buggies, Watron AND SOFT COAL NEW MEXICO PURA CO. I: '.I I WOBKS) and Clear Mountain Streams the above the city and oonducted by appiv o , - NEW MEXICO NEW MEXICO. COKE CO, NEW MEXICO. Wholesale Grocers, NEW MEXICO. its Appointments. and Douglas Avenue. ROBINSON; years experience, representing ' "1 ' Palace of Fashion Upwards! Satisfaction Guaranteed. Plaaa Hotel. Afternoon, on Kast Bide. "West Bide, Las Vegas ew Town every thirteen minutes, and from tor f 1 at the Company's office, Twelfth NEW MEXICO. ' V ' '1 LEGAL NOTICE. TanaiTtiav or Saw Maxico, I n County or San Miguel. ( In the District Court or Ban M imiel County. In the matter of the petition or William B. tion or Epifanio Vigil, in perpetuation or tho same to be used in the cause wherein William Kroenlg and others aie plaintiffs, and Martha J . Tipton and other are defend ants, numbered ali, aod now pending In the District t ourt or the First Judicial Dis trict in .Sua Miguel County, in the Territory or New Mexico. To Columbus Molse. Louis Su.zbacher. Wil liam Kroeulg, Joseph H. Watrou, J. 11. Koog lor, attoruey for Koaalte V. Kennon and her husband, Louis Kennon, Henry tí. Brent, Franois I. Brent, .Sarah C. Orrlek, Alexander Orrick, Florida Sutherland, Duniel V. Urent, imgn urent, italic nusten., rranx nuiwn wauniogtou lirown. atarv urown. mixaueia Smith, James Smith, Mary Beltler, William Beltler James Brown, Wyalt brown, I harles Uildersleevn, and the unknown heirs or Jose Oregoro Trujlllo. deceased, anil their assigns, and all atners whom It doth or mty conoorn, or who may hare or claim to have any interest in tne matters in litigation in tne saia nuove mentioned suitor William Kroeuig aud others against Martha J. Tipton, tireeting: This i to give you and each or yon notice, that upon tho application or William n. Tipton, duly made be lure the Hon. Kliatia V. Long, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 0 the Terri tory or Hew Mexico, ana Jude-e or the First Judicial District Court theteof, an order or said Court was duly entered and made by the said cuiei üuaiice, inai a commission oeii.sueuw the Clerk of said rlrst Judicial District, in ao oordanoe with the prayer or the said applica tion of th said William B. Tipton, to take the depositions of Epllanlo Vigil and Rafael Vigil tn nernetuation at tne same to oe unen in me said cause or Wil Um Kroeuig et al. against Martha J. Tipton et at., and that pursuant to the statute in such eases made ami provided, 1 shall proceed, on the first Monday In June, lBtti. the same twins- the 7th dav or June. lbHo. between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m.andt o'clock p. m. of said day, and If necessary be tween the same hours or the day (oiloniua, until the same be completed, at my office. In the court house in the towu of Las Vegas, in the County of San Miguel, Territory of New Bex loo, to tnae tne ucposiuoua ot i&piianio VliriLa resident of the citv uf ttanta Fe. Count v of .anta Fe, Territory of New Mexico, and ttaiaei v igi, a resmoui ot tne lown or rccos, In the County of Unn Miguel, Territory ot New Mexico, in perpetual remembrance of what they may know and can sy touching the mak ing and execution or a cert I an document and Instrument or writing purporting to have been executed and made byoue Gregorio Trujlllo as his last will and testament in the year ltH3, devising his lote real in aoertaln trait of land Known as "J.a Junta" or "soonv uumurant. situated In the Counties of Mora ami ttan Miguel, in said Territory of Now Mexico, to oneDonaoiano Vigil, and toucolng any other matter or thing saia witnesses may Know con cerning the titles to said land, an i that 1 shall continue the taking or the depositions or ssiu witnesses, if need be, from day to day, at the same plaoe and between the aaine hoars, until the same is oompleted, at which time aud place you aod each of you may attend aud oross-examiue the said witnesses, If you olease. witness my naua tniB inn any oi April, A. J)., iwu. R. . JOIINSTO! Clefk of the First Judicial District of the Ter ritory ol New Monea. . Jab. H. Pubuy, I Bhekden& Vincent, Solicitors for William B. Tipton. MASTER'S SALE. Rv vlrtne of a decree rendered in the Dlstrlot Court of the First Judicial Dim rlrt o I the Ter ritory or New Mexico, in and for tne County or San Miguel, at the Maroh term, lt6, in a tor- lain cause tnerein penaing, wnerein j nanus a, Bavnold'. assignee of Kupe& Builard Is oem nlaiuant and the Dauibmau Cattle comnauy and V. Althof are defendants and the Laa Vegas k Fon du Lao Cattle company Is luter- vennor, tt was oraereu aiuuugeu ami uecreeu, among other things that the following de scribed lots or parcels of land and real estate, situate, lying and being in the County or San Miguel and Territory of New Mexico, and bet ter described as toiiows, to-wit: i The north one-half of the southeast anartOr, section thirty-four, and the soutueaat one- Quarter of the southeast ona-uuarter or section thirty-lour, township twelve, north Of range thirty, east; and the northeast quarter of the northeast cmarter of section three, township eleven, range ihiriv, east, together with one shingle roof adobe building of two rooms, and a portal thereon situated, be sold at public auotlon by John H. Koogler, a special matter duly appointed for that purpose, to satisfy the sum of two hundred and eighty-one dollars and aixty cents, with Interest thereon at six per cent per aunum, from the 10 dav of Maroh, 18(5, and all costs and disbursements con nected therewith. 1 Mow, therefore, notice is hereby given that the above aesorlbed land, premises and real estate, will be sold at publio auction, to the h la-heat bidder for cash, on Tuesday, the 6th dav of July, A. U., ltuttt, at 10 o'clock In the morning of said day, in front of the east door or the court house, in the town oí Las vegas, Comity of Han Mimiel. Territory of New Mexi co, in accordance with the aforosald deoree of 0OU1X. JOHN n. nooubatt, Special Master, Dated May 18, 1888. LEGAL H0TICE. Tkrmtokt or Nkw Mkxico, 1 County of San Miguel. ) In the Probate Court of San Miuuel Cellntv. To Columbus Molse, Louis Hultbacher, and the unknown ueirs oí lose uregorio jrujiiio ana their assigns and all others whom It may eonoern. 1 Take notsce that I will on Monday, the 5th dav of Julv. A. D. . 1SHS. at lo e'olock in the forenoon of that day move the Probate Court of San Miguel County, in the Territory or New Mexico, Detore tne non. nevero naea, uuuge of said Cotut, that the will of Jose Gregorio Trujll o, now on lile In said court, be approved and admitted to probata In accordance with the application filed with tne said will, when and where you oan be heard, If anything you have to aay to tne contrary. Las Vegas, New Mexico, April 17, 1888. J. H. Pubdt, Bkkkdkh k Vincínt. Solicitors. ASSIGKEFS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI' HI their deed of assignment for the benefit or creditors, M. Romero A Co.. Margarlto Ro mero and B. Jesus Marques have conveyed aod tr.narerred to the undersigned all their real and personal property, with full authority to oolloct their assets and pay their llabil- ties with the proceeds tnereor. Ail persons knowlnr themselves to be Indebted to said firm or individuals are notified to make settle ment with the undersigned; and all creditors of either are requested to present their claims to the nnaersignea witooui aemy. - manual tSACA uitrua, Assignee. Las Vagas . M.. January . ltwo. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. . XTOflCB1 11 hereby liven that by their deed IN .of aaaia-nment for the benefit of oreditora Trinidad Romero, Brother and Son, T. Romero ft Son, Trinidad Romero, angenio (omero ana .irania rtnniAm. have oonveved and trans ferred to the undersigned all their real and personal property, wun tun autnonty iocoi fenttnelr assets and pay their liabilities wltl the proceeds thereof. All persons knowing themselves maoDtea to enner ox aaio urrai or Individuals, are notified to make settlement with the undersigned, and all oreditora ol either are requested to present their claims to the undersigned without delay, ; tr . ) . i.M. Bbcvswios. Assignee. BAKERS. DEALEBS IN STAPLE ANflFANCY GROCERIES. i 'iluii Í C t ' Everything in Btocfc. Prices Ut suit the times. Give us a call. SIXTH ST., LAS VEGAS, N. M. GraafttwkM THE IIBGESSITY FOR TUS SPKCI DR. WAGNER & GO. Wa offer no asolorv for devoting to much lime and attention to this much-neglected does of diseaaea, believing that no condi tion of humanity la too wretched to merit the sympathy and beat aervloes of the pro resston to wmcn we oeiong, as manr are Innocent eufferere, and that the physician who nevóles himself to relieving the afhioted and savin them from wore than death, la no leas a philanthropist and bene factor to his race than the surgeon or phjsl ciaa who by eloae application excels in any other branch ot hla profession. And, fortn nately for humanity, the day la dawning whea the false philanthropy that condemned the victims of folly or crime, like the lépera un der the Jewish law, to dleuncared for, hat passed away. lüUKlí ALEN Who mav be suffering from the effects of youthful follies or ludlscretlona will do well to avail themtelvea ot this, the 'greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. Dr. Wagner will guarantee to forfeit M0 for every case ot seminal weakness er private disease ot any kind aad oharaeter which t undertakes to ana rails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN There are many at the aga of SO to (M who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often aocompanied by a alight smarting or burning sensation, and a weaken ing or the system In a manner the patient can not aoconut for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be foun and sometimes small particles of albumtu in appear, or tne ooior win do or a mm, naien nue, aga:a cnanging to a oara ne toroid aDoearanoe. There are niinr men vfai. die of this dltttoulty. Ignorant of the eausc. which is the -eoond stage of seminal weak ness. Dr. Vt, v ill gnarantoe a nerfeot oure 4 all cases, and a healthy rea to ration of the gantto-urinary organs. vonsuiiauon iroe. xnorougn examinaut n and advloe A Bee the Doctor's additional advertisement in the Denver Daily News and Tribune-be-publican ah communications should be addressed DR. WAGNER & CO. S3 Larimer Street. Address Box 2783, Den ver, Colo. Out this out and aka alona. . ÍOIO Main St., Kansas Olty, Mo. Treats all Nervous and Chronic Diseases, TOUNO MEM 1 suffering with Weakness, Nervous Debility. Loss of Memory, Desiwndency, Aversion to Society, Kldner Tronóles, ot any diseases or the denito-Urlnary Organs, oan her find a safa and speedy our. MIDDLE-AUED MEN. There ara many troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accompan ied bv a slight smarting or burning sensa tion, and weakening of the system In a man ner tne pauent can not account lor, on exam ining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small pai neles of albumen will appear, or the color be of a thin, mllkish hue, again changing to a dark or torpid appearance. There sr. many men who.lle of this dimoulty. Ignorant or the cause. The doctor will guarantee a perfect oure In all such oases, and a healthy restora tion oi in geniio-unnarv organs, . PROFESSIONAL. J T. BOSTWIGK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sixth Street, opposite Post Office, LAS VEQAS, . NEW MB I ICO. J B. W. VEEDEE. ' - v' ATTORUEY AT LAV, Office In Klhlberg Block, LASVE0AS, - NEW MEXICO. JJOV1S SVLZBAOHEK, ATTORNEY AT 1VAW. Office: National St., opposite Court Blouse, LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO, J. D. l'HBTAJt, W. L. PlBBCl, Q'BRYAN & PIERCE, AIIUaUIEXI AT LAW Office in New Opera Honse Block. LAS VEQAS. - - NEW MEXICO. EMIHETT, ATTORNEY AUD SQLICITOR, Office, Stern's Block, Bridge 8t,, LAS VEQAS, - . NEW MEXICO. J H. s W. O, KOOOLEJl, AllUHDCIS AI A.AW. Rotary Pblle. : J ; Ofboeon Bridge street, two doors welt ot rostomce. LAB VEGAS, ' ' NEW MEXICO Wm. Breeden, W. A. Vlnoent. TjREKDE & VINCENT, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Prsctloeln all the courts in the Territory. Wm. M.blean manager of the oolleutlon de partment First national nana mooa, LAS VEQAS NEW MEXICO. J B. PETTIJOHN, in. UUMBUliTlMU PilXBliJIAJS rs of Inquiry from invalldi P. 0. Box 3D, LAS TEQAS EOT SPRINGS, NEW MEXICO. B. DUDLEY, M. D. Offlc: Sixth St. near Douglas Are. Kesldenoe: Main Street, between Seventh and . , Elghta. LAS VÍ GAS, - - NSW MEXICO. E. H. IK1PW1TH, M. D. Office in Klhlberg Block. , Offloe hours, from II to ! p. nu LAS VEGAS. - . NEW MEXICO. Q O. WOOD, . , - ARCHITECT AND EITCIIEER, Plans and spocifloatlons made for all kinds of construction. Also survey, map and plat. LAS VEGAS, (Sixth StreeO NEW MEXICO. TR. F.H. WILSON, , DENTIST- ! Office and residencs Glven's Block, west of Postofflce. LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO TR. F. E, ONLKT. i RESIDENT DENTIST, OCULIST AND ATTRIST l LAS VBGAB, NEW MEXICO. Ths StrpBon count 0 Naw Maxico. ) Eusna V. Lono, Chief Justice, I Sarta Fa. New Mexico, 'M. ) Th bearer of this Is Dr. Olney, ot Warsaw, Indiana. I have kaown him for the psst fif teen years. He Is a maa of strict Integrity, honorable In business, of fine social aad bus iness qualities, worth y ths confidence of any community. He waa regarded as on of the moat accomplished dentists In Northern Indi ana. He has given epeelal study tod en joyed good opportunities as an ecoollst and aurlst. I take great pleasure In reootnaead, lug him as In all respects reliable. if Respectfully, Elisha V. LSwo, Chief Justlos of N. M,