Newspaper Page Text
THE IAS VEGAS GAZETTE THURSDAY MORXIXG, JUNE 3, 1886. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL TRADERS. Calvin Fisk's Real Estate. RENTE tNO UMI W Office Sixth St., opposite poetoflice. EAST I. AS VEGAS. MONET TO LOAN ON WOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. HOUSES TO KENT ron saxjTCs Bustneea property, price 16,900, leaaee guar- uuea tor a year. at iou per momn. Residence property for aale, price (1,000: aara2onerenton Investment. Á few ohoioe lou for aale at reasonable ngnre. Business ehanoea for aale. DoD.t forfeit to oome and aee ua before mak ing investment. Calvin Flsls.. Need of Citizen Inspector to Sn perintend ConstrnctlOD. Letter of Approval Sturdy Denial The Glorloua Kain Lecture Tonight And Farther Fragmente ot Fact anil Fancy. 1HURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3 BUSINESS ITEMS. Visit Evans1 Art and Curiosity Store Wanted A servant girl. Apply to J. A. Juttd. Wantbd A cook and aurae girl. Ap ply to Mrs, X. H. Lawrence. A magnificent lino of new good?, suitable lor presents, just unpacked at Bartletl's. . J. W. Bart lou has the iinest line of clocks and silverware that bas ever been brought to tbe west. For the mirest liquors in tbe cltv and the most palatable mixed drinks, go to tbe Arcade saloon, Kauroaa avenue. Bill heads. You have used up all your bill beads this montn. urdcr a li'ew lot from Tub Gazette job oflice, Our motto on commercial printing "Quick work, finest style and low prices." Try The Gazette office for while. The finest ice cream in the city in to be had at the parlors of Mesdames Bromaeen & Wilson, next door to tbe Farmers hotel. New tvpe and eood workmen. Tb bast of stock and rapid movement. The way lob printing is executed at The Gazette office. Leave orders for ice at Leon & Co. west side, aud Wells, Fargo & Co.'s of flee on east side. Montezuma Ice Co. THE BRIDGES, Throw away the old watch, or trade it for a dog and kill the cur. You c&d buy a "Rockford" that is a time keeper, for little money at Bartlett's. Telephones No. 81 or 43 will catch Tbe Gazette office. Order your sta tionery this morning and it will be ready when you want it. Printing. Our specialty. We can (rat out your work for you now on tbe ame DAT aa ordered. Save time and money by ordering your work at The Gazette. " Families can be supplied with porter, ale, beer, wines and fine champagne at McDonald's, in the Givens block, on Rndge street. Also fine brandies and '72 whiskies. It was cold last evening; but it will be the coldest day New Mexico ever saw when Jewelry can be bought anywhere else in the city as low as it can at U. W. Wyman's, the Center street jeweler. Tbe ladies of tbe Presbyterian Aid society will hold their next meeting Thursday, June 3d, at the residence of Mrs. J, S. Elston. All friends will be weloomo to these afternoon sociables, whether members or not. Notice of Uountl-Vp. Owing to tbe poor condition of cattle through lack of water and erráis, the round-up of the Bell range is put oil until sucn time as cattle snail ae in con dition to be worked, when notice will be given. M. Slatterv, General Manager. Equal to tbe Fine Imparted. Is the next size to our "Uerster" and is composea of selected imported wrap pers and choicest Vuelta Abajo filler with Spanish workmanship. (On open ing; these cigars smokers will find the filler nicely booked and rolled up in binder style.) The only place they can be obtained in Las Vegas is at Chris Sellnian's Club saloon. A Good 8uggeatlon. W. H. Snui'P, the Bridge street dealer in agricultural implements, yesteraay accosted a Gazette reporter with the exclamation, "I thought tbe newt papers claimed to be watohful of tbe peoples1 interests, that you were even on the alert, and when you saw danger oommg you raised your voice, enea aloud, ana sparea not." me reporter of course wisbod to know wbat new enemv was now in tbe held, what in torest ol the people was menaced wun danger. Mr. Shupp went on to say that there was one natter in oonneouon wun building the bridges, which bad been recent y let, that seemed to uim ot vital imnortance. though public attention bad not been called to it. It was abso lutely naoessarv that toe construction of tbe bridges should be under the supervision of some of our citizens men who not only bad the interest ot tbe community at heart because their own interests were located here, bat who bad lived here long enough to be familiar with our streams, and to know the way in which they act when high water comes on. If a man can design a good looking house is no sien that ne i ame to erect bridge over our raging and shifting riy era. Tbe architect that planned tbe bridge now over tbe Gallinas, planned tbe Plazt hotel, tbe First National bank and many other of our best and most imposing buildings. Still, be waa very tar from qunltnea to conslruot bridge, in New Mexico, as sbowtffby the present bridge, which speaks for itself. When it was in build ing. Mr. Shupp spoke to the architect but was curtly informed that people bad better attend to matters wmcb tbey un derstood. It turned out, tbougb, in very ahort time that the arohitect was tbe one who did not understand. Tbe ttx payers of tbe county cannot afford a second experience ot tne same kind lhty must see that someone superin tends the building who knows some' thing about our rivers. The contract stipulates that the bridges shall not be received till they have been inspocted and reported upon favorably bv a com mittee of three taxpayers. Unfortu nately this inspection is after they have been completed, and when it will be.of but iittlo service. No one can tell from examining a bridge after it is built, what they can tell by examining it while it is building, ibe only way to pre vent a repetition of the experience al ready bad, is for the county commis sioners to appoint n superintendent of construction w.,0 has acquaintance with bridge building in Ibis country, Such men can be bad and it ought to be done. Tank Irrigation, To the Editor of TBI Gazktti. The views presented by Mr, Romero in The Gazette of yesterday, on the subject of tank irrigation, are sustained bv the experience of other countries At Greenock, England, a tank bas been formed wbicb is ted by surface drain age alone; yet it supplies 050,000,000 cubic teet of water in a year, ine city, in its water works, consumes annually 18,250,000 cubic teet; and the remainder is furnished to two miles, at the rate of 11,000,000 gallons daily. Suoh tanks oould be constructed almost anywhere in tbe valleys of JNew Mexico and man ufaciuries be run by tbe water power tbey would supply. Again, notning nas contributed so much to tbe wondrous fertility of India as this same system of tank irrigation In the Mavras Presidency alone, there are at tne present lime some 43.000 na tive tanks or artificial lakes, with 30,000 miles of embankment, yielding a yearly revenue of $7,500,000. Some of these tanks are 1,600 years old, some of them ance of nature aliucst insUnt ineously. A wave of traen seemed to fl iw over tbe face of the landscape, in auswtrto tbe tall of tuosnower. If this rain ex tended to the country, as it appeared to do, the amount of good doce will be in calculable, t here ii no denying it. but New Mexioo was suffering (rom a Me- spread and severe drought. From a I patts of the territory came uo the cry of losses from drought, and the cattle men were so disheartened that it was useless to talk to tbetn on tbe subject of any business. Every thought was paralizad by tbe dread of the drought continuing. Had it done so for only a few weeks longer, the loases of tbe territory would have been very large. But to all appearances the drought is now ended. From several parts of San Miguel county come en couraging reports of rains on the ranges. It may be tbat tbe rainy season bas not fully set in, yet, doubtless, there will be no more of tne severe drougnt from which we have been suffering. CoL Grayson, marshal of the proces sion on Decoration day, wishes to re turn bis thanks to the Odd Fellows for the large number of their members who joined the procession in uniform, and specially to tbe many citizens who in oarrlages and other private conveyan ces added to the imprcssiveness of the occasion. Telephone 30. & Wilson's DaVlXY BULLETIN. Fresh Blue Grass and Whit Clover Seed , STRAWBERRIES Every Day- cover only a few acres, some have an area of as much as thirty.five square miles, while all contribute to the pro. ductiveness of one of the most densely populated parts of the world. With our untciuaUud c.ioiate and the virgin rich' ness of our soil, only this system of tank irrigation is needed to make JNew Alexi co in modern timos what Mesopolami was in days of old. A. W, A. Las Vegas, N M., June 2, 1686. Loealettea. Granstam & McCrillis have executed a nice job in putting up some awnings for a house on the south side of the Plaza. Dick Newby has sub-rented tbe house on seventh street recently moved into by E. P. Sampson. Tbe latter will take rooms at the Occidental hotel, while his family are absent in tne states. The account of tbe Albuquerque love feast, given in a special dispatch to Tbe gazette yesterday morning, was pre pared by a man on the Bpot, and was true to tne minutest particular, let re publicans say what tbey may to tbe contrary. There have been stolen from parties in our cuy. toree lour per cent, regis tered bonds, of the issue of July 14, 1870 ana January zu, lmi. mey are num bers 23,944 and 22.945, for tiOOeacb. and number 1,348, for $500. All parties are cautioned against purchasing these bonds should tbey be thrown on tbe market. The parties menti oned in yesterday1 Gazette as desiring to secure the po sition of deputy sheriff, with the ulter ior motive of ousting the present pelioe force on the east tide, deny that suoh was their motive. They were solicited to take tbe position mentioned, and the petition to have them appointed was circulated by others than themselves, The Gazette wishes to do no one any injustice, and is always ready to correct any mistake wnicn may have crept into its columns. This evening is the time appointed for me lecture oi uoionei soon at tbt Bap tist church, for tbe benefifrof the Ladies' Relief society. Colonel Scott is said to be a good talker, and he bas seleoted for his theme a subject in which he is thoroughly at home "Some Piotures From Bible History and Poetry." No doubt tbe lecture will be a feast of fat things. Then, too, there will be music by some of tbe best talent of our city. Over and above all, the cause itself pleads with overyone for patronage. Let tbe bouse be tilled tonight. The rain yesterday was a blessing but not in disguise. Any one could tee millions in It as it fell in refreshing co piousness from tbe cloud canopied sky. A change was wrought in the appear- PERSONAL. Item Concerning People and Their Dolnga. A., T. S. F. R. R. TIME TAflLE. unday, Jui eeth, 1830. Mountain In effect u,iie. AiiKive 7:30 p m 7:40 a ni a m 6:4J p m AIR LI XI. THAIHS 101.. Cala. A Mexiso Ex.. Kit.... Atlantic Kl 107... Fust Freight , I d.... Fast Freight DirAiT 7:15 p m - a in 10:00 am t:15 p ra HOI (PRIMOS BRANCH. I.y. Las Vega 8:09 a m 1:K a m 18:30 p m 6:45 p m 7 M p tn Traína 201..Bxpresa.. V1..Kxpresa.. ftifi..Erpreea.. S07..Kxureaa.. 209.. El reaa.. Ar Hot ap'ngs B:3Qam 10:4tam 12:85 p m Slop m 8:80 p m Ar La Vega Traína. Ot Hot Bp'nga Wm. Vawter, Lamy. was in the city yestordsy. - . E. J . Wileox and family have re; urn ed to the ranch, - James Roberts, from Los Colonias, came in yesterday. T. Jarnmillo and two children are in the city from Loa Lunas. John Pawlev leaves todav tor the ranch near Fort Sumner. .. Frank Cayote and wife, ot Sapello, spent yesterday in tbe city. Lorenzo Labadie. father of the west side postmaster, is up from Santa Rosa. Mrs. Hyatt yesterday left with the re mains of her daughter lor Indianap olis. James E. Whitmore, wife and daugh ter, and Miss Winn, left yesterday for Gallinas Springs. Mrs. Crispell, wife of the Bridge street nrtiat,has gone for a summer visit to Baitle Creek, Miobigan. Mrs. Doctor Olnev was among the passengots for the east yesterday. She re-visits jer old Home at Warsaw, Indiana. Dr. Henriques is quite ill at his resi dence in this city, though be was some what better last nignt than be bad baeu for a day or two. Mrs Kleder, wife of tbe Bridge street grocer, left yesterday for their old home at Warsaw, Indiana. She will be gone for a few weeks. Leonard Blytbe bas gone to Kinsley, Kansas, to see about the shipment of the large number of cattle be recently bought from A. D. Crook. J. J. Dolan, of Lincoln, was in the city yesterday with Mrs. Dolan, on their way to a six weeks' trip in new lorn. Mr, Dolan is one of the leading men in his section, and witball a good dem ocrat. Mrs. Rotbgeb, wife ot our well known brewer, left yesterday for Quincy. Ill, Quincy was tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Kotbgeb before tbey came to iNew Mex ico, and they now have a daughter there at school. Dr. N. J. Pettijohn and bride came down from tbe Springs yesterday and spent tbe day with the family cf S. S. Mendenball. The doctor enjoyed meet ing old friends and renewing tbe amen ities of social life. 7:40a ru an. .Expre aa.. 7:15am Win 3"4.. Expresa.. 9:30am ll:H0am Bi prese. . 11:05am 5:$tpm 20..Kxpre8.. (t:0Hpm 7:80 pm 10., Expiran,, 7:06pm Cut freight traína Noa. 107 and in carry passengers between Raton and Abuquerqiie. Trains 101 and 108 run through betwetn Kao aaa Cliy and Kl Paso, connecting at Albuquer- ?ue with Atlantic & Pac 1 no express to and ram California via afojave, for polnta north and via Waterman and lite California Southern it. R. , for Loa Angeles. Colton, San Diego and southern California. Short passenger traína will connect with lol and loi at Rinoon and will run between Rinoon and Deming. Ticket on aale for all principal poluta eiat and west. Baggnge not checked for fast freight trains 107 and 108. J. E. MOOBB, Agent Las Vegut, N. M . The Lateat Style of Lawns, Buntings, Dress Goods And a Foil Line of , WHITE GOODS Just received Also a fine Une of Laces, Embroideries and Aliover Laces and Embroideries. Call and examine Bur new stock of Dry Uooda, N. L. Rosenthal &. Sons. JjK. Si. onLKV. RESIDENT DENTIST, OCULIST AKD ATJRIST LIS VEGAS, - NEW HJfXICO. Tna SupRKMa ooükt of New Mixico. 1 Er.iKHA V Lono. Chief Juatlca. i Santa Ph. New Mexico, Jan. i o, '8J.) 1 lie hearer of tbls la Dr. olney, of ttarnaw, (ndlann. 1 liare known him for the past Hi teea years He is a man of Slrlct integrity, honorable in bualnosa. of fine aoc'al and bus iness qualities, worthy the corfldence of anr community. He waa regarded as one of the moat accomplished dentiRt in Mrthern Indi ana. He has given auecial atudy and en Inyed good opportunities aa an oooullst and auriftt. i tHKe great pieanure m recommend ing Dim aa man rcepeciareuaoie. Kuxprctfully, Elihha V. Lona, . Chief Justine of N. II. Wm. lireeden, W. . XM , Viiioeüt. ATTORNEYS AT LAV, Wm. M. 'luun manager of the collection Í6' partment First National Bank Block, LM VEGAS - - NEW MEXICO j u. jettijoiis, m. "consulting physician ' Answers letter of inquiry foin Invalide, P. O. Bex 89, LAS VEGAS HOT 8PBIXGS, NEW MEXICO J. B. DUDLEY, M. D. Offloe: Sixth St. near Doug-las Aye. THE CITY SHOE STORE! NO. 17 Center Street. RÉllí GiÉ it Pillar Prices ! C. H. SPORLEDER, NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. " if CTST BECEIVBD Ladles' Donstola- Kid Button. Ladles' French Kid Button. Ladles)' Fine American Kid Button; . Misses Fine American Button. In B, C, D, and B widths. Also, a Good Assortment of Boys' Boots. The above goods made to orlar expresily for my trade. warraatM in reaper!. Ladies who aeslre a Flrat-claaj Shoe Dressing will find the sama in gottinr the Alm,l Pollen. Contains Oil, and will prove euporlor to all athare for Lallea' Fine Shoes. A1,n0B,, ' CHAS. TI. SP0RLEDER, Sole Agent. " THE GOLDEN RULE PRIZE PUZZLE. Ucaldenoei Main Street. bctwcrktovtnlh and KIghtu. . LAS VfGAS, - - NEW MEXICO. p H. SK1PWIT1I, M. D. Office in Klhlberg Block. Office hour;, from II to 1 p. m. LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXK10. Q1 O. WOOD, k ARCHITECT AND ENCIHEER, Plane and apeciflcatlona made for atl klnde of construction. Also surveys n.apa and plata. LAS VKGAB (Sixth Street) NEW MEXICO. D R. F. H. WILSON, DENTIST. OfUce and residence Glven'a PostofSce. LAS VEGAS. Block, west of NEW MEXICO J ATTORNEY AT LAV, Office t National St., opposite Court House, LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO, FRANK LE DUO, . fnctal Tailor and Cutter, A Choice Selection ol Suitings, Coat ings and Pantaloonings. Always Guarantee Satisfaction. West Bridgf) Street. Las Vegas. New Mexioo. J. D. O'Rhtaw, W. L. Puro, Q'BHYAN & FIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OBcc in New Opera House Block, LAS VEGAS. - NEW MEXICO, EMMETT," ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, Office, Stern's Block, Bridge St, LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO, J. H. fc W. 6, KOOGLEB , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Notary Public. Dftioe on Bridge street, two door we it of Postolflcfl. LAP VEGAS. NEW MEXIOO . Notice for Publication. Pre-emption No. 1,131. Land Office at Sahta Ff, Ñ. M.,1 MaySl,l86. f Notice is hereby given that the fnllowlnr named settler haa filed notic of his intention to make final p oof tn support of hi) claim, and that eald proof will be made be'ore ihe probate judge of Ban Ulguel county, at Laa Vcgae, N. M., on July4, 1838, via: í'rnnoisoo Galleirns, of San Miguel county, N. M.. for the E", ol'SE of aec. U, T. 1(1, N. H. 80, east. lléname the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, aaid land vl : Jose Leyva, Luciano Gallegos, Hamon Fuzutea and Tomaa Hacncco, allot Gallegos poetoRice, New Mexico. . Cuarub F. Eabhv, Hegliter. ILFELD'S Is the Place to See a New Stock of Carpetings, Matting, Rugs, Upholstery Goods, ALSO O XT Ha-T AINS Lace, Scrim. Raw Silk and Plush "Would also call attention to a lot of cpeap Wall Papers which V " will be sold CHEAP TO CLOSE. When in want of anything in Dry Goods, Furniture and Bedding, Don't Forget ILFELDS bo ca CO as bo. as i u 0 f 0 t ' i i 0 B r - o i H E Í e ' E s a) , la e a, a i a. e t s h It ta S Ja Ü Ü is is o u 8. a do Ü S 5 affi JO Í I ii. a xi a o i 6 8 9 PROPOSITION. let. To the person sending ua a cor rect solution of this Puzzlo, describing every move required, In tho fewest words, we will give an order of $25 to apply toward the purchase of MERCHANDISE S) (lays from data of Award. 2d. To the second best, an order of t0. 3d. To the third boat, an order of el5. 4th. lo the fourth beat, an order of 6th. To tbe ten noxt best, f 1 In Mer chandise of any description desired. CONDITIONS: Every Competitor will write In lnk on one at e of paper, and sign name, which will be re. orded in a book. Thla contest will close at 12 M., December 1, 1886, and the awards made at 13 M., December 16, 1880. DIRECTIONS. Plane white buttons on the four upper figures and black buttona on the four lower finuras. 'J he puzzle Is to change the white buttons to the lower figures and tbe blaok buttons to the upper tig- -urts by moving and Jumping; never move more than one ligure at a time; never Jump more than one button, and alvcaysju-npa button of opposite color; white buttona must be moved down ward only, anl black ones upward only. tur. r. cooks. HENRY O.COORS. CCORS BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail Sealers In House Furnishing; Goods, Carpets. Oil Cloths, Hattinirs, Etc, ntts Pis Sporting Goods, Ranges, Cook and Heating- Stoves, GrateSi Lumber Lath,' Shingles, Doors and Blinds. ALSO CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. LAS VEGAS NEW MEXICO. Tony's . Bath Rooms. Jk!tMí ' J E Bridge Street near Gazette PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY 33TJTT Las Vegas Roller Mills Flour A.T MANtl-ACTCREH OF SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. Til H SUPPLIBD. lias Vegas, New Mexioo. THOMAS SIZRIE, ' Dealer in Fruits of all Kinds CSNTBB STUEET. ONE DOOB EAST OF SPORLKDEB'S SHOB BTORK. V -V