Newspaper Page Text
J r THE EDDY rent: Pocob Vnlloy to the Front, Orbnkom to tho Ronr. CUR VOL. IV Wa L Douglas 3. SHOE deoIhVhb tou ray to ior tnomei- e m. im!n the V. L. Douglai Mine. and 9 3 Mil la t a cood ihoe jon cin buy for J m OVER 100 STYLES AND WIDTHS. fJOrHIIIKHH, nUTTOW. uil I.ACK, niado In nil Hinnaoi the Heat eelected leather liy (killed work men. lVo maka and eell more 83 filiota , limn nny manufacturer In ilia world. Nona cfnulrw unlei name ami Pile It ilunped on the luttom. AW vpir tlo)f r for our flfl, ejs.80, 83 ami m.7fl for Uy. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If vwrdeak-r cannot mpnly ion, tend to Lie tory.rnclotlna; (nits and ibcriiu to ray carriage Sut. klii.iU width, Jur tuitom IVpt til (til tour order. Send for iv lllui iricu laiaiogue to inn 11. W. Li DOUOLAB, Drooktoh. Mnas, EXCITEMENT, Rev. Frederlok, of Dullard Mission, hi. 1,0ms, writes to Veno Corn fylnff That Wm. Hess, of 813 Chouteau Avenue, End Been Crippled for Three Years from Rheumatism. Three Bottles of Veno's Elcetrlo Fluid Wero Rubbed Into Mr. Hess Limbs and in 30 Minutes lie Stamped Bis Feet, Leaped for Joy . , ruid Walked Home, LeavinjffHls Cane. (St Lout Chronicle.) Wm llsia of ti Chnif. lean ave . 81. Liil, wa n cripple yeiterday, to day he wlk without lilt cane and oa well ni ever, Yeiterday lie hod rubbed Into Ma limb ttirie bot tlca of Veno's Kleotrlo Fluid before a large au dlence lie wa token to eno hardly able to hob ble, but In thirty minute 'after Vrno'a IClNstrlo Klu id had beenj-ubbed In- to lila llmlia Mr. He jumped, (tamped hli feet and declared filmielt freo from pain. Tho excite ment wai at Ita height when he atarted homo leaving- hla cana with Veno. Tho treat audi enreheeredltelt hoarse. Three curea are not per formed by magnatlam. Veno haa no faith In eucli nonsenee, It la the. extra ordinary power of Veno' Kloctrlo Fluid and Veno'a curatlvo Hymn. The above la the opinion of the Ht. Louis Chronicle, on of whoa repreaentallvea wltneeaed eeveral of the remarkable cure performed by Veno'a ramedle. VENii'H CURATIV1! HVItUP (10 cent a bottlei I a poalttve cur for nenrouaneaa, malar il fever, weak atomach. dyipepala, conatli-atlon, liver, kidney and blood dla eaaea, Iceiileaanea and poor appetite, and when uel with VKNO'B BLICOTIUO FLUID (M canla a bottle) will cur the wont and moat dee perat forma of rheumatlein, Paratyat. (elnal trouble, sciatica,, neuralgia, allff joint, weak mutele. nttmhneee and all ache and pain. Guaranteed to our per rnanently. If your drui.ut ha not not theac medicine, aak him to ct them for you, or writ to the Veno Drug Co., Pitta burr, l'a- PLANTING weii rjegunia nair done. licgin wu y leuinc terrf bteili, kUon t let cbahra deterinluo your crop, but plant Ferry a Beeda. Knowu and old averywhera. Jurors you plant, eel Farry's Sssd Annus! ior iwo. .'iam moro pre iioai inrormaiion inr firtnun ana ywuouera man many nlgU' b. nasi a iu., Baraoir, OKH, hair ba L-8A u.Am u Mil. use iiuvrn. lMtre Orur i1aala i!ITrt1S1 IUUI Patents. Trade-Marks. teiamlnatlao d4 Ailtl.e at to faltoijiMUly of if.uncm. Htaalcf lnMiUra'OuM, er llaw it 0,1 RODS! or tiaiiui ibA lMatmi Gold ar Miter UCH, Boa S8T. BoulUlualoo, Cobs. W N U DALLAS. 0-00 W AiMwtrinir tUtartUaioU Mm llou tun l'Mtr TOTaSBSrWr Ji 1 V mi 1 1 1DDDY,NE W CUBA'S ANNIVERSARY. ONE YEAH OP THE REVOLUTION HAS PASSED. Th Cahan heyntnllonary Clttl.. of Nen Torlc Vrlelirala I lie Anniversary of the rl Year of the rnlrlnt aTriiRnle for independence ami frrnlmn. Now York. I-Vh. 3. Oulxvn rovolti--tlormr elttbri InnL nlehl rolMirai&ii tholr first nnnlvonmry. Ono year nun imtrtoiit! niimiia look up nrrriH njralrut Hpaln. Tho Hovoltitlonnry club At UiIh city hold a Rrnnd nmna mpclln'ff. fit unioKonng nnii mid Uio pinco wa frowdod lo Ita iilmodl onpnoll)'. Mnny of Hiom I ladlca. They woro ifrwaoil In tlcop inournitiB, inillcntlriK thai relative or frlonda 0(1 rIvmi up their IIvm lo tho cauao of Cuban Indopcnilcnuo. Over tho npcokor'e atnnil Honied tho now Cuban Date, 6r ni.w colors adopted by the rOVOltltlonlata. rod. whlln nml bhm with n rod diamond nt tho aUtft ond. In tho'conter of which la a white atnt. At the .rear of thn ntnen trnrn tho munoii of the dead heroes who havo Riven up their lives for tho liberation of Cuba within the lust year with the Picture of Gen. Marti In the center Tho Rpoakero who owmpled nonta on the platform were Juan Fran, chair man of Uio meeting: Rnrlnnn Tn. Vnr. ona, Knrlquo Joso Tnijlllo, Dr. Ktisoblo iiomnnuoEand Dr. Joaquin Costollo, apocial comni sn oner from Culwi. All except ono of tho epeochca woro in tno HpaniHh lanRuago and tho np plauao wa frequent and long whon Oen. Wovlor wna Hcnrml. Tlio flhit trpenkcr waa Honor Varona, wlio aald: "Tho movement bepan on tho 2Uh of Kobruary, 183D, la a Rrcat rovoiution because it aprlnRa from tho deptii of Cuban norJotr and becauao It uogin by boinrc oconomlcal, rather than political, flnaln haa carried In nueli on extromo hor aystom of plundor that ior tuo colony tho Havering of tho hacklea that bind her to thn mniiinr country Is a quetitlon of life or ncAth. "Tho conscquonce Is that tho rovptu tlon must b prosecuted In a splrlron- ureiy rovolut onarr that U to nnv and Spanish. Tho economic regime Im posed upon Cuba by Spain was baaed UrTbn monopoly. Tho reel mo whlrh Cuba mttat adopt for heraelf has boon based on liberty In order that tho cur rent of mercantile transactions should float throuirh their natural channel lo their natural market. Thn nnlitimii Xpfflmo to which Spain haa subjected uu iii imrciy pcnionni nnu military. Tho regime which Cuba seeka Is thor- ougniy impuiar and democratic. Ir reaponslbllHy Ih tho attrlbuto of Hnan- Iftl. rHM.IiAH..t it I..,- 5.t wuuwunui i-n. nuawiiiii) roapnnnl billty should be (jo attrlbu'ln of the sorvantu of tho Cuban people. uuna haa armed her non. not in ninko soldlerti of them, but that they (hOUId Win the I t o Of free n Henna This war In Cuba Is and hIioiiIiI be nnlv n t-ccltlont. ThrotiRh hor ioi rlblo sac- rMcea Cuba seeks n utato of Indopond enco. Hut 8naln had dono nnd will continue to do her ulimMt o keep hor In subjection nnd break tho spirit of hor patriots. This wnn (iio mentilnir of hor sendlnK out tho Tyrant Wevier to take command of her army. It la n declaration that flrmln la rranlvml to prosecitto tho war to tho bitter ond. To thlss barbarous roaolvn Cuba win oppose) her atroiiR and alern dotermlna Al . -1 .... ... iwu u acninre nor vioinry m wiml over cost. And If every thine: should ni against her sho is ready to raorliico hor last son and leave the enomv in nnmivi. slon of nothliiR but ruins." Renor VII eticda. n lawyer from iin. rano. In a brief snceoh denlelel with Croat force the prlvntlnim or llio Ouban armlert on tlio field nnd declared that money nlono was wanted lo make tho war ror liberty a Rlorlotts suecesa. Aflnr til a rjnCiifl tt nnl I awi Jm luken up and n largo amount of money waa Riven, six Rood sized, baakota IwlnR soon tilled with American Rinlwc5: rreaident ralma. n Miouoli n rattan t. on neeoHHt of a sIIrM IIIrsm, wm un- ablo to Bpeak- hn Stnney for Kerlarlun Netinota. WashlnRton, Feb. U. Tho home yesterday In commlltM of tho whnl nfler a very InlorostliiR dolmto hy a voto of 03 to 81 decided that nono of the appropriations In tho Indian appropri ation mil for Indian schools should go to tho sectarian schools. The only seotarlan school (o which money now Roes arc Roman Calhullo In tlenomlna tlon and the fight was led by Mr. Lin ton (rep.) of Michigan, who Is the moat pronounctxl and openly avowed A. 1. A. membor on the floor. In lat year's bill the appropriation waa cut down 20 per cent with tin. understanding that It should ho re. duoed 10 per cent., but Mr. Union moved an amendment to the effect that no portion of this should go to see. tartan sehols. In his speoh In support of It he attributed tho defeat of many members two years ago to tho refusal to abolish sectarian whools und pre- dlctuU disaster tu thoso who mill aloud out against their abolition J hit) famous writi r ami g- ntivtiiun 'DWlije Itdejid MffiX ICQ TI 1 UH8DAY. FEBRUAKY 27, ftnltatltin Army flow. Now York. Fob. Notice was posted at Salvation Army ieadquar ten yesterday In tho form of a cable Rram from London as followa: "Field Commander KvA ltooth has noon, placed In charge of affairs. In A merlon nnd nil omeora of tho array must report to her for the .present," Tho notlro posted Sunday that Com mnndef llooth-Ttiekt- and his wlfo woro appointed to sucooed Mr. and Mrs. Unlllnglon Hooth disappeared from tho board during tho night. intion. Fob. 2. Ilramwoll Booth aald yesterday: "I do not bollcvo tho attempt of nalllngton Hooth to do stroy Con. IIooIIi'b Influence and dl vldo tho Salvation Army In tho United Slates will seriously disturb many of our poopla. At the tlmo of his with drawal Imlllngton Hooth was listed for tho command of another InrRo terri tory. Ijjvn Honth will remain In com mand tlf the United States until (Jen. Hooth', return." Now York. Feb. irS.-Commander Halllngton-and Mm. Hooth left tho na tional headquarters of tho Salvation Army in Fourteenth street at 7 o'clock last night for good. Mr. Hooth aald they would consult lending Pillions to learn how boat the Intorests of the American people may lie served In the matter of disposing of omo of I lie army's property of which ho is net InR Inistee. Mr. and Mrs. Hooth wild they wero roIiir to a friend's house to lake a mtioh-nocded real. It Is thought by sovcral members of tho army who wero willing to oxpresa nn opinion that Halllngton Hooth and Mrs. Hooth will soon bo at work with many of tho prosent army ofllcera nnd prlvntoa In orgnnlsltiR n now army with the help of prominent Christian work era of this city. A prominent ntaff ofllccr aald Inst night that Commander Halllngton Hooth had folt along during thd nine ytr of tils rosldenco hero that tho ntrlct military ruloa of his father, tho Ronornl, Vould not work successfully In tho United BtntoH ami ho had boon BUcrcBsful because ho had mCdo tho people love. Tho same authority ald that .5000 a year had been contributed by tho United States to assist tho Kng Halt branch. Wltttf'a llranlntlitii. Washington. Feb. 2fi. Yesterday Senator Whlto (Dom.) of California of forcd a substitute for the ponding reso lutlon regarding Cuban independ ence: Itesolved, that tho. senate rontom plates with solicitude and profound ro- Rrnt ihe sufforlnRB nild destitution ac companying tho olvll conflict now In progress in Cuba. While the United Stulea has not Interfered, and will not unions Its vilnltlnterests demand Inter- ferenre with existing enlnnlea of any Buropean government on this hemls. phere, nevertheless our peoplo havo never dlagulsod ami do not now eon- cenl their Bympnthy for nil thoso who HlrugRlo pntrlotlcnlly nn do tho Cubana now In revolt to exercise, mnlntaln and preserve tho rlRht of solf-Rovornmcnt. Nor can wo iRiioro our exceptional and closo proximity nml our consequent grnvo Intereat In all qiioatlonn nf footing tho control or well being of Hint Island. W nrdontly bono (hut the exccutlvo ilopnrtmrnt,' lo whoifo In- viMttiRntinn nnd enro our dlplomntlo relations havo been committed, will nt nn anrly dnto llnil tho facta to bo such as To wnrrnnt tlio reooanltlon of ihn bt-lllRerency ofnhoso who are mnln tulnlng iheuiNlvoa In Cuba In armed opposition lo Hpnln, anil that Ihe In- lliieneo nml ofrtrori of tho United 8tate may be prudently, neanefitlly nnd of. feeilvely exartotl in the end that Cuba may b enabled to eaUbllBh a permnn ent govommant of liar own choice. A HlKitllUnt Vote. Washlnglon, Feb. M.-The puhllo Jn- loM-st In the Cuban question whs shown yraterday by tho orowda whleh eamo to the wuwl RHllarlea in nutlet iwtlon af n rantltiitaiiee of a Cuban do bale. The dlpliimntle gallerlsa show ed ibo InrgMt reireiitatlim sluoe the alun oiwnoil, tho ministers of dhlll, Hraill, Hawaii Rod several of her toon tries bolng praemit. Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, occupied almost tho entire day In a narrative and historical speech. Ho spoke for litre hour lud had not rourlitded when Ihe vhiirIo adjottriiail. A algiiMetwi Tot) on the reooliitlon for nn liivastlHtitlon of recent bond Miias was tHken during the day. Mr. .(nine's rosalutloii for nn Inveallgntlnu rnmo up anil Mr. I'oficr nrrered an umonilment for a speelal oommltlce and a more ouniprelienslvo Inquiry. Mr. IaxIrb Mitight to have I ho amend- niont laid on tho table, but his motion lo this effect waa defeated yea 18, nays 31. Final netlun waa not seeured, as Mr. Hill carried the debate beyond 2 o'elook. The bill pensioning the widow of Soorelary Otealiam dt $100 monthly wua Wad Fn lii. ut t ItfiolutHl has iruiie bunt In,; u'nln I i.o. l: )lu itn uf Mawurlmif (is ti UeaU A ROW IN THE CAMP. QUITE A FLURRY IN THE SALVA TION AnMY. Ilalllnatnn llnnlh It Ordered In RnRland and llrfiii. n fj, , nuinltaeit fur In anlmtdlimtl,,,,, ntnl lis and III Wife Have DlMppenrtd, New York. Fob. S2.-Holllngton Hooth. commander of tho Balvnllou Army In America, hna tllsnppeared wnn nis wire. Tholr homo In Mont cinlr, N. J In closed. They hnvo not the nrmy hendqiinrteni In thl city slneo Thursday. Herbert Booth, tin tuo steamship Trtttonlo WednoH day nlghi Kvn HwHb. a slater, nr take ntiargo of tho forces here. Ho offered n reward Thursday to any one wno will tell him whero Halllngton Is fho nrmy Is stirred up to great excite. mem. On tho steamship Tentonlo Wed nesday night I5va JJooth. a Bister, nr riven rrom Kngland. Herbert Hooth waa hastily summoned to Now York by Col. Nlcol, n staff officer of the army, who rnmo hero ostensibly on a tiissinn to Investigate the sentiment of rebellion In this country ngalnst Ihe transfer of Commander Booth to an other field. Ho arrived nn Thuradnv nnd on that day n rourl of Inquiry waa newi by the threo with Balllnglon nooth beforo them. Proceedings be- enmo honied. Thero woro charges nnd Incriminations. Halllngton Hacth wns ordered to proceed at onco to Kngland. "I will not go." ho nald. "This In Insuboirdlnatlon' replied Horbert. "You know whnt that meant. In tho nrmy." "Yes, ! hnow." "It means dismissal." "Then I will ncccnt It." renllcd tho commnnder. In tho hent of tho nrgtimcnt that fol lowed tho commnnder complained bit terly of tho Injustlco of hla father for romovlng him from tho field whero he hnd Inborcd so long nnd whero he wished to finish his life. Ho mado tiso of terms of Insubordination and crltclsd tho general severely. "This mcnnH n trial by court-mar tlnl," rrled Herbert Booth, springing to his foot. "You have spoken disrespectfully of your father and your general. I pre. fer charges of insubordlnatloji against you. I move that the court proceed to try you for the wordn." Col. Nlcol supported Herbert Booth and made known his full authority. "I have authority to dismiss you from ofnre," he said, "and to appoint your successor. I now demand of yon all property ot the army that stands In your nnmo. You nro dismissed from office." Then Halllngton Hooth roso to his feet nnd snld: "Let It mean dismissal," he aftil, "1 will novor stand it." After receiving notice of dismissal he ana his wlfo, aided by a fow friends, spent tho ovonlng packing up tholr peronnl belongings. Tho keys were turned aver soon afterward. Kirltemeiil In the Home. Washington, Feb. 22. Tho house, In committee of tho whole again yester day, refused soma ot the Itepubllcan lenders In tlio matter ot reducing the salaries of Indian Inspectors from $3,000 to J2.600, the latter being tho alary In tho law for the current year. An appeal waa made to the house In behalf ot economy and retrenchment and was dofHitcd. , Yesterday they renewed tho strug gle. Tholr defeat waa emphasized by ihe fact that a parliamentary wrangle ot over two hours was required to dem onstrate that their amendment wan In order, and that having won the first halt ot their victory In the decision ot the ohnlr, the house, by a vote ot OT to 78, refused to adopt the amendment. In $mrMtanco of their policy ot re treaehment. however, Mr. Cannon ralaed a point of order against two provisions, whloh changed existing laws, and they went out of the bill. The progress yeaterdaywaa very slow, only two of the alxty-ono pages ot the Indian bill being disposed of. Whllo Mr. Talbert. of South Cam Una, and Mr. Bowers, ot California, two rather hot-heated gentlemen, were hammering away at each other during the debate with much lustiness of voice and a whirlwind ot gesticulation some ardent sportsman called out: "no It. FltMlmnions." Among the laughter that tot owed some otie called "time" and (ho Inci dent closed. Tho house adjourned aver Baturdar. except for a night session devoted to private pension bill. The evening session of the house was deroted exclusively to the private pension calendar. Five bills wero pass ed and nine wwo repotted to the house by the committee of (ha whole with a favorable recommendation. The) houso has pasted the huiiv an proprlatlon WH H carries IV3.295, 902 18JMJ, lliinllnf Ion nt 'he Stand. Washington. Feb 22. Th a0nate committee on Pnolllo railroads waa In nesslon yesterday with Mr. Huntington mm on tno Ntanil and Senator Morgan ngaln aotltia OS'.nl.lAr The Inquiry was continued on tho linos of tho report made by ihe I'atllson com- miiiro. Mr. Huidlngtnn nwiorled Hint many of Hie HtatOtnOtltK mndo III tho rnnnrl wero (he result of mero ntreot talk In Kn KrantilHoo. Ho wnn naked If It wan true ns was Kittled m ih bun riui. tor Stnndford'n testimony beforo that i.nimmBnn Mini Huntington. Stan ford, Honking ami Cmk celved .13.000,000 In ntoek nftcr tho completion of tho Conlrnl !'nclu. and replied Hint (hla Mtalnmnnt 11,1 nm nword with his reonlleetlon. The four nun rrcrivcii ilB.ouu.WM) In otoek III Ihe nggregnle, nnd II hnd been divided eqiinny. "Aro you," naked Sonntor Morgnn, iniimorcnt to public opinion?" "I am sallsfled," Mr. Huntlticton ro piled, "If ono llllin w nf mo and thnt la C. P. Huntlnirton." The committee ndjourned until next rriuny in give sir. iiuniitiRton an op portunlty to examine the Paulson re port With the view of mnklntr hla statu fnent on the points developed In this document. Senator Morgnn remarked that he wniltOII 10 KlVO Mr. Ilnntlnnlnn an nn- portunlty to answer the nanorelnnn rnul upoirhlm. hut Mr. Huntington replied that it would take 100 yearn to reply to an trtat his onomlea hnd said ot him Killed III I'Htlier. NaHhvlllo. Tcnn.. Fob. 22. H. It Onmpbell. ox-clerk of tho Unltod Stntoa district court, was shot nnd kilted by his son, Tlohcrt Cnmpholl, In this city yosterday. Young Compboll tins been regarded ns mentally unsound for Homo time. Mr. Campbell wnn walking on North Vino street with his son. K. II. Cnmn boll, Jr., when Iho latter suddonly drew n revolver and shot his father Just over tho car. mo hiillot entering tho brain. Mr. Campboll fell and ox pi ml lnntan Young Campbell wnB Immediately taken Into custody nnd conveyed lo tho potloo ittntlon. He Is 20 years old nnd hnd been n patient nt n private niinl- Inrlum In Michigan nnd nt ono In this stnto In different 'times. It Is, thought tho killing wns duo to (he belief on tho part ot young Campbell Hint his father Intended to send him bank lo an asylum for Iroalment. Deceased had been rlerk nf the Untied Stntoa district court for mnny yearn and waa well known. Klia Told nn lllm. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 22. John W. Smith, n young farmer of Princeton, Is under arrest here on chargea of coun terfeiting. Mrs. Laura Lemon, n sweet heart of Smith's. Informed tho officers, alio rlalmn Smith offered her counter feit dollars to pass on merchants. Bho wns nrrested nnd placed In Jnll hero. Sho wrnlo letter to John nnd A. Brum- mell, of Princeton, threatening to ex pose them ns members of tho same gang of counterfeiters It they did not sccuro bonds for hor roleaso. They onnfiy secured tho bond. Meantlmo the Federal officers got poaseailoi, of (he loiters and other evidence against Iho Hrunimells. They havo not yot been arrested. A largo amount of counterfeit coin was found at Smith's bouse. Murdered and Itobbed. Jeffersonvllle, Ind.. Fob. 22. Cliarlea Soannell, on whoso ponton wero foil ml papers showing him to havo been dis charged from tho United Stntea norvlco by expiration of enlistment at Colum bus Barracks, O., on Ftib. 6, 1890, and who was paid $170 by a Unltod Stnto paymaster In Chicago on Fob. 8, 1898, wan found dead on tho rivo bank near this place. Kverythlng polnta to a mur der, a Jagged wound In tho right tem ple showing how ho met hla death. A revolver was found tied w. . hand korohlef to his right hand and one chamber empty. Ills money, eoat and veat were gone. The palloo have some ctews on whloh they ore working, Bean nell was last seen In Louisville with al most f 300. federal Kalarle. Washington, Feb. 22. In the Judi ciary committee of the house yesterday ho question ot the salaries of the Marshals' oftleo and (he District Attor neys of (he Federal courts oamo up again. Tho proposition ot Friday was reversed as fur an the courts In Texas nro concerned, nnd tho Marshal and District Attorney of the llastorn dla trlot nro each (o reeolvo $5,000. This Is also applied (o thn court oOleo at Fort Smith. Tho Marshall and Dis trict Attorneys ot Ihe other dtstrlets In Texas aro lo gc(, under (ho present plan $3,500 each and (heir (raveling ex penses nnd board while away from home. Ilaby Braided lo Death IMtia. Ill . Feb. 22.- The 2-year-old child of Al (' Clulter, of Wiley, while endeavoring lo peer ln(o a tub of boll Ing water upset (he tub. spilling (ha boiling water all over Itself The little ono died In aa iiour. NO. Hi. What n Pel lfrt llld. , A l anglo rwsntlx pb'ke-i up tin L. year-oiti dot of Mr. ami Mr- .1 niorriKon or liiiitisviuo, Ha . and . riod him 70 fowl In Hit nlr M..i. n.s mother's oyea. Tho voting ongh-t i. which war In Uio angina neat mm tim houso. begnn to scream and llm moth , bird turned nnd slowly dc-'.-u,. f, Wlmn 10 fnni fnim thn Rmitml sha drop)od thn lNiy In a omlnr Imsli, nnd hn wns nut Kcrlniialy Injurwl. Malaria on the Mississippi Bottoms. From the Ilanner-Dtmoarat, Lnk Providence, J,n. The swamp lands along the iMttka ?f. ,'.,B .Mlsslnslppi river in Arknnaas, Mississippi nnd l.oulalana nro gener ally oonildcred very unhenltby In sen traat with the hilly country adjoining tliom. It Is hero the germs nf malaria are formed, and frnm whloh originate (nose terrible mnlnrlnl chill nnd avers wbloli the penplo nf the low countries dread. In nddltlnn In these aro Inter mlttent and remittent fevers, dyspep sia, Indigestion nnd rheumatism, nil caused from malarial germ and tha dampness of tho ntmosphcro, Medtcnl aelenee tins been put to Its utmost cnpnclty to dsvls some mode of treatment by whloh these phyilcal ailments can be moderated, If not erad icated, but so fnr tt has failed. Nor does It aeem that there oan bo found any our for the Bymptomn. Bush hns been the general opinion until re cently, when Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pllla found their wny here, and onme to alny. Todny thoae who have uaed (hem say they would not do without them for nil the medlelnea In the drug store. tr. Dan. O'Sulllvnn, Rr.. Is a promi nent eltlten of thl oily, Lake Provi dence. Ln and haa I teen identified with lis Interests for yenrn. Al present he owuples nn Important poaltlen en the City Council nnd Is also searctnry of Hint body. Ho wns onao a strong, ro bust, henltliv man full nf ul, n ...i alwnys on tho an. Within tha last year, however, Ida benllh linn been very bad, his nppeltle poor, bis dlgc. unn poor, in met, in entire system wan completely out of order. Ho begnn to unu vnnuui ninuicinee, inn 10 no pur pose. At length he decided to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills for I'nlo People. In ft fret flnva Ml i nlintiivfTi tnt lit. Umt- ter could bo noticed. Ilo continued to improvo no rat. Hint tno proprieior of tho Lake Providence Ilanner-uemotrnt InlMriflniira 111... a M.I I.Ih mI.J, he had been taking to put lllm In auoh h ! niinim uKnin. in repiy waa in Biilmtnnee an follows: "Ml llllap tvn nil r. . . 4 . . . dlgestlnn was very bud. t felt bIurrIbIi nnii mi, nui wiiiii iu iiu a minn uui lay nrnund the bullae. My Mood began tn eel thtn. unit f hIoIi nil nv.r f rnnoliided to try Ir. WllllnniM' I'lliU rill, ns I tin d nenrd bo inuoli about them. After tnklnrt them a few dnyn I could feel that they were dolnc mo e great deal of good. I eontlnuctl the nsa of them, nnd In n week or bo 1 fait like a new man. They toned up my stomneh, put my blood In good condi tion, gave me a it end color, n irood nnpetlle, In fact, put me In a flral class shape bkbIii. My frlsnds oon aratulated my return of henlth. and I smiled when t told them that Pink Pllla did Hi work." Mrs. D. If. Parker, who was raised in in oity or iani rroviaenee, but who now resides In Greenville, Mississippi. ol0 liaea Pink Pllla. Iter hiiahsnrf. XI P. II. Parker, a popular travellm salesman of tlio Dritmmond Tobaooo Cnmpnny, of Ht. Louis, says that for ... I..." .in,. .,, f.ul(ni,iiM ll-JIII dysnopsla and Indication, thnt ah bad i .m mi.iui VI lift. lilt,, would frequently hnvo severe spelts frnm lietna a little Imnruileut tn tier diet. Hho oetit for some Pink Pills, took them and Is now well nnd atrong. nnd enn eat any nnd every thing with out being affected In tho slightest man ner. ntlA tm loilfl Iff Iti, npal.A. nt Williams' great remedy. Hho alio nut- ieru rrom rntumatism, ana that too, linn ,c,l iivr. Tim M'lllln.MK.T1lMl TIMI- ... ... ............ w iii wmmiii nil the elements necessary to give now life iiviiiioe id ma uiooii ana rppiara shattered nerve-. They are for sals by II ,1 rnvnl.l- n ... I.A t,B,l l, ... -1 1 .... vt mnj .v ia,i u llinil from Dr. Wllllama' Medlolno Company, nviiciicuinur, it. i iur nu noma n vox, or six boxes for tS.CO. ferlulniy lie Will. Fallx Mo nil. u (lormnn. lias oaL a conoooslon from Uio alinh ot t'orsln to build n railroad from Hnsdan to Tehe ran, tho concussion to tnft Bivtlfify-flvf) yenrj. He has tho right to make lit own ratos, and use alUier alaam m oliwti'Iclly, ah ha pleases. They any Hint ho Is rfolug to inuke big money out of it. A Haver Law. The law Iiiiihmmbs h Una of 10, or I'J moHtJts at haiil IMmr, fnr Hintllng nn iiulaoant print, book, iurd or olhar Imleoeut urllela Ui rough Ur mall." mftml frnm lbs niMfMi iMl. Tm laaeUfUFot Ik otu ntt h&rin eatlr. Tm InaeUeTii of tha otceaa naim I aol Mir oaaee a iMMiiitiet U remain ni peawulhe !. sjir alia fail to tb i. bMWttt ad oMtrtpfisj of tKe o..n, ItMiaeai.m Preienl iiir liMa, tu w. dMr. sl asvt ether aiimmu rvien mi tn ki4Ml aaa bi-di .f. iwiaiiars smntek nun. wtiea n..w.. rail, I llluua, li-l M aewt iheamaHei Buti'eaa doflu not moan haniiinon. it n tonne an unusual numbm- of cnrnn TUB WOltl.ll'H KAItl.MUT I'OTATII. 'Ilint's SaliuM''ri ICnrllMt, fit for um In 98 days. Balaar's nw 1hI toniHto, Champion of tha World, Is prnoun'd the lieavttat ylelder In tha world, und wo cliallwiig you to proiluea U equal! 10 ueraa to Halsnr's Karl la. t Poiaioe ylakl 1000 bushels, Hikl In June at $i "" a bwslial 1 1000. 'Jlml y. A wora to tha wlsa, eto. Now If fne will ml Ihle nut oit tend U with 10e Bt4age o mil k t. free. 10 iiaekatM Klua a"1 fasms. in ilmllug TsoaTnl. Uaiymo, awtwl Vi tib. litani Smiii), t limit I'lovor, ate.. nuU oui in oiiuiiith ! ratalogiM. w b lf - n. l( li HI I "'.II ' ' 'all u i mam Ht ptd.