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i LH. OF NEW MfX. County of Eddy. Fihkl for record ! JL i I I I JLmI mMimuff y JUi liaaaal aJU.X aJGrf. ,S. J Jim II I M VOL, 4 121)1) Y NKW MHXiaVilAIMlI 5. 1800. NO 17 i 4 t MY COUSTHYm FORTH liK WAITING POn THI RAltnOAO, SU0AH FACTORY, OANfllNO FAOIORY. A I'ew TT I'nrla fer lltililn Heailsrs lit MiiiiiihI Hluir, People (t'liiK nwajr drive tvcr tin country ami notice the thrifty appear uncP itt the farina" nf iieople that are tint waiting for soinelhlim. Notice farm with one year's cultivation are lulvutirril a muoh excepl orchards) tin n rth would In three yearn. Two ycir old eaeh tic will hear the sec mill year front twttlnn. Al l ISO I nil II. II. I'tlll A MAttKKT. Visit the depot uiul witness the receipt of hiM-oii, lard, butter, cms, poultry and feed, tor nil of wlili'h tire Pecos Valley l a world beater nl producing. I AN I sKLl. AJOTIIINH. UccaiiKf I here Ih not enough raised to Niipply the demand. I don't think thut there ih u provUion dealer In the valley hut would prefer to handle home prod ucts if he i-oii Id procure Ilium to keep in stock, lie would not need ao large a dock: money that he aenda away wnu'il atop heie uud ho would hiiiidle It several times, whom ho only lundlea onco now. Fanners aliould not expect u i.iii i-ueen. 1 1. c dealer is necessary 'niisiiiiiin, Iniy In KinalUiiutltiea for iri'u reason, one proinlni nt one Is l.i huc fieah i.rtirleM. Ten down tft i.i ten i ruiwls of hntter In ton large ii iinntity for the in e rage fumlly. It I ry unprofitable for tin producer to n,..'iid lline traveling from house to In. ice; lietter be in the shadt; with an agricultural paper exchanging thoughts with In other producer. Till the val ley mid the railroad will come: raise Miiiiethlug to Mhip and It will come Without u bonus, t'Mi i they may ask for n hoiiuM from force of habit); create a want of it rimd and some corporation will I. mid one, and with the road will ci-iiu factories, and people to consume out prnduue. Win I'I'.OlM.i: I.KAVl'.TIIIIVAI.I.ICY. One ehiNH-a transient laboring clitas for piih if work daunr, canals mid rail road drew here follower of that claw, aiidsporU.thtdrworlchcomploted. An niliu cIiihh with huig liuiui'M to super intend. have mine to new fields. An other class Which In iwmtly gone la till Swiss colony Unit were, where raised, uh right, and il they had had trie right ciii'.itiruuemeul and instructions would hue lieenine n desirable addition to tin v.tllev. All of them had mentis and health, butnoexperleuccof our funning or 1. 1,, i. (im hoi h'h had to he hrokeu wr for them, and tlwt Inevitahle hoiin ilekiii'f. Uiul iieeomiianleii. more i.i Jer ii. every chnnae however advun till I , OIS. Another class of in i. pie that ui ' veiy much ill -ul iwlled weie em 1.1. y i h of one company, hut weic dm c.iimed. cui-ing the country and com i..n,y bitterly, uud are like a pet hoy tint had too much money and too lit - t!e v,..ik. 'I hey are hpolled, uud at the i,n t round-up the company may Dud . iieavv charixe airaiimt them, for it Vt.MiM ne a m ih.iih offence to Hpoll one 1 1 nature's iioldeiueii a good farmer, 'j 1 1 eotupaM did not allow them to n ili. tor nusthinu. even toting their mul.. IVoiile ill tin- vulley Unit had t in lie for their gruli ha vb that desired l.s II a good hoiuc. There w ere long ii i n d K ntl ineiito instruct them that were iTiihahly as iucoiupeteiit us were 0 IIm-smI k In letting up a tool, and made no pretention to labor whatever, for i not a known case ot practlc-il iiihiriictlon bi twei u the Tex ih line and Jl .swell, and jtenerally lefl the pupil vi.'ideilmr who he wac ami what he was them for. j iieie ih no m-. r.-i about iirigatlou J Kiionledgi en . ntih to know when jou w.ini watei on our corn, and not on your hay. which Ih in your power to ap pit .i not, im ii if in one Held The Hitpply canal 1 above all irrigable laud. ... tut ie I no (I iligt-r of u ll itill if the lUHil hli'iii.-. 'i here is a WiilclllllUU With telephone eoinnillliicatiou Willi Wul. at il.iin, whociiu aliutmt In Ntuntly turn water In to the old -huu nel. illsappliiatloii has given tin touu ti a black t e, but tlie other ite in liiiijlit aiel o,.i'ii. '1 l,e ..ntlnuk h.i-- ii ttilbt uitl.ll appe.iruiice- a l.oide .. ..ti.i el. ..i .idiliji then n.l.iry t-It i wi. M are i ui. il.ny new .iiiu-eM that .i.i i.iii k - fln of, that don't' ! w.ilk on i.e e ntli, and u ie In 1 I. .mli with the people, ivill m.ike a ue 1 1. It it chatter I "I the Ijcttei utMHl olilCt'l: . bill W ill We h.iti lion tiaus It ible ptopelty rlsfWlieii i ue em if .p" i id. -lit liol ic" ot i, iii- loVt ly e'llo le , itii II" H ill i. k. L-j "k-.e! n wind ami ' nt tuthtlu. h .n uk tii t nit- t un II" I. .mi that l.u in ie p w i Ii a d i ill ie spun I In- "let t ii. oi. - .nil lie. it w n oi I i .ii'iiig lli'W. u IM climate Ih i. .it ii. I' I ..i i a chilled one n . I in ul .tiiii snow. e , 1 1 it I lull Oil) ale liot of .11 ii ui I .1 tloligt I h .UI I- nd, 'tlin liii.l.lniu'- h.ili w.i) iniind. . i Ing the lighter one rd the next t.. . i p. oi tie u knot In a -"iinlnilll 0gRd, which WM rwlljr diUHitiiforUhle, linearly done With by irrlgstfon and vegeUitlnii, nnd will Hrentuslly be of it.. .i a r.i m. .m itMn Iuwm utarxulv ni.v wsli-r since the flood. and the seres newly broken ma)B the dust, lrrlimled land duws net need water on tlio snrfaoe to dampen It, as snb'IfiiRutfoii will do that. Our winds are nut tlio olillly, jienelrnllng wind of tlio north Urn! tear along forty miles an hour forty days during the month of March. Our garden season is longer than In the iffrth, but on the fall end and for winter use, many tcgetrihlc remiln in tile ground or piled with slight cover tug, while )oii have to can or bury deep to pres-ne them in the north. While I have not much pending, hav ing lived nearly the allotted time, no laud for k tie, none t buy, It Is tearful lo think of th hardships nf a cold, rain country compared ton warm, Irrigated one. We luive the lieat Irrigating plant In the world, erhnM not the largest, but second to none In skilled management, apparently as easy umimgeil as a well broken team. The company Is com posed of men with means and energy. Witness the rebuilding of the dam when It washed out, without hesitation Chat was a costly exM'il"iioe. The present general malinger talks patri otic bus Kpi.ire from the Hhoulder, dis covered too many oltlcers that wcieuol talflng root well with thu recommend he came with he has to ninth', (live him your support (not llnaiiciallyi in his absence as well as in Ids presence. To me the Pecos Valley has the best outlook that it ever had. Northern farms arc worn out, many of tlftiii,niul others held up only with fcrtilliers. One very Impoi taut advantage of the valley In raising hogs Is that olio oan raiiu alfalfa, which some of the heat corn stole uu it not raise, iTbr olover, IhcrcToie chulern. I like io be utile to siibstaut into my statements, so I will Uko Sir. Demurest and Mr. Itarey, of Otis, fur Illustration, craving their par don, ir. Itarcy slilst his hogs, uud they go tit top prices, cast, then buys his bticun, hams uud lard tit Kddy, per haps from his own raising, imylug freight both wnys, helping to build n town In i.iiotliurHlattLijut it ladlio llp.onn Hii Bt iifWifTl wtlliiiilt TfCBuTtl Mr IJeiuortqtt cuius Ids t lioma nml pcltdles,Hnd its Al. Thu Illustration is Hint a No. 1 article oan be raised mid made In the vnl.ey. Man Ann Si i a iter.. I'm liHiit'l uTi ihu Iniil, t'uh'n Hi.- H'jduntorn nnU inurilnroi ot Cel. t'ouiiiidu, ol New Mellon, hum vnu- i-linil In nit) hit or Im.-n wiilioutuil up by the until., I'm Unrr-tt will 11... I IIiviii, miy lltu Uvi.vvi New, la ltilriii.g lo tlie tt furl. In leg ItiH.lo tiy Hit. iillirliiillh.ii of IliU lerrltury l upprfliviitl ihu J''uiiiiIiiiu mult! io ', uiiJ iiilti: OirrH dun not I'VlUiiu I" Hull Duo liRlit tl. kid ghiro rln nf dviii'ivta lo bo fuuuJ In largA eillin. I. ii I to I lint luiyljsr, tangliar, morn eaoni Kmjuk el im ofTneii who Hack erlinlasU over iluiu nutl liionntniu I mil, ana lim-r Ui up uiMh the coinutnud liiii.d up" It jIthi, nutl Hi" iiIiImu of por.ull ohers) or In siiotlier dboihI falls dvnd wllb It ballsl I itirouijii Ilia lirsln. Onrtett I a vrlutt liuiiisn li.M)Jliull.iil, llv la ii msn of iMk- .. Mluuiitgs, a ilosd shot nnd tt-.-ui In itttul. tit Idi U'lrlit-ssi It wn lie who , if4ahi.l - Hilly tlio tuil" to tils Islr. ttroualil ..Im to U.jjiuU euijt'd the ef esr of ihst noiiif u trek p i ado. Thnl i.ut rsUbltsh ml his ii'iiulntion, slid he h aver silica Ikm-ii it inner lu I ha eilinlnat ol. 'I I. a sli. i anient Hist 0rret lis bean ample; a t tuliant down the mar. erera of ( J'..uiilitiii U siit.faiory tieesiue t b sh .."-U'S'ieo 'Ks' Hit' oiliulosl-t will hsenuut). If ilo-rs i si.y ilns nt nil to Hi t rpatrntom of tlm lnl.l oelrags lis! ta nl thin to t-l lltaui Vhxi h tskfa I lu-l r I mil it will be for n risatli lull. 1. Ha j Will lit.t r Uiiva it UliUl llnsjll or nllr, U l. j'l.yii'ah.'a mnidarefli Imve baeil esptarml, Ii U avuti ii in irr UilM.niH plcen ef wtirk tKsn ii Ih" huniiiu: iluttn of 'Hilly li a i l(ld," .oitl t-a Urttia n i.i..fiii, for lii:e '-tin-Kid" rltol iiutuk nnd tlh Hi.srr.i.,1 aim, l.e liser taertrd lo ssaliist.ii. I'l.l ds t.r ltsiis nv.-r Hie loud who I iritMliiK (' it. t-'tiuiit'ili.' le-iritioxr, tint to H r.ioii ol (lrrt l' l'illiiitts, It will only ' il.l iuti-rtsiiti ins parssi'. ' M. iaHi Tlia Tesns ft l'liftllc UUIttay Couipnny will tltt )r lerAlal. i iiitfiilnr) oidsli-fd ..!ei)imu, daly ifilli. I fl-iounsrl. . ...I...,, sow, "''"'"" nil nil p rli'ina of lIlU )IU', t j A 1 ello -li-)!' tor tltnse ll(kl all . til. I In. in 1.. i i.i- !. iri-.-l lias. Hireut of II. I . x i-. i 1 '. .hi I i-t ttitUaar, ur Htldrraa. I O into llrai fa. I (hii i l'.t -. & I i.i. Au-ii, I ills.., I , lit-. A'i ol I filter ltiaiitMtt l,.t. lit iris Ista -r I a soidii-r la tie-Ar-l Msr).lnl V- lanuaia, ('o,it.iiif IJ lloiiuu ui tviuiol i- vltij I i.iiiriiaivd nliruuM tllnr. I MSI riliiav 1 1. -n I list it : J !('' nmtui.l of no 'fl 'liit-, but ' " ' ',",u'' "ni "' wait! . " ' ' I i i ii tttitiiii iiij ma my Mtiii.iii'ii iiioii I iitmt.t iIhImi I ullit I'll. . f i hii.I tilHr r - ; Uj.i U. liifUt litul-Lilil t.j Uty llutr. I '! Uhi lil ijrll th oi 1 tuatll II 1 peita tloit u . iu u;;r: k miti. mil laltt-f and I t k- t.'iiwnrv iu it n. no i. mill. k i.i, oi j... ,(ii'i. ... i ll nl mi old n, I,,., t. lit . i I I l.i I - 'i ... s to I hi-t . e ii,.'i , i-iiiil Inc t il . 'hi- il.i Itii .' .ri n 1 del, Mom i.nii; i uuwl.tili Jii.i' 'iud itcuukaU loud, l.iura truly. K h. Hsnuimo. rlalaa,--, dragee. I fr st,t b) Kdlly IlitlV I't). mm ran no iNfsrttwitsn iwm jiiuiim hwi vmim ' wti . nie untnrio iieimrtMBMti at mrrieni- ttit?d It the Oninrto (Imsl ttowla tmuMKUm, which enntalua mnrh goud lufneniathai ctiOi-enilug roudbalMing, fttmi which we tke tlw following t ii wet releutlve soil n purfeft nyKtem of Hntlerdraliilug' mnst l e irovtl(. This In best done lif cntting dltclirs dt- nirrsmiie neriias un wsl Willi ills- raiiHTto mm hi mieiiea. i iwpii uiagn- MMWnRjrCi:m III Wkffts 1U AyQW iml rtll. hes should mve a go.,1 fall sjl j asm$ , . llw uuU UUlkt gtssl outlet uiul shonld In fnin IH lueh-1 nalftti tlwe prr M rltv (f the people 4s to cs to two fret nud ntsmt tme T.s w.d Ktlt(,)y tnteise tl exist lug qtiaMiHy ot al the Isrttom, wil l ii slight sl.tpr. .ml-, ,rtW,t,nrrt Ita.ey. 31ft eomilry has ever watil In thw i.honl. I... laid eoarso I j,,,, or , huw tn, MaMtanl Woken stow, 'jr..k4 btlcksor lajrnnn- mrnev--BWL. of Ci.ul i mtfr hat tcrtal suitable lo form n drain, illlimc thorn up to the level of tlio sidatrade. (leu ditches si em Id bo cnt on eaok shlf of the roadbed at a dl'tante f 13 feet froai the t utsitles of th in' tilling. Tiiey sli .uld 1h l-ep cuongh'j lo ilium the fornidiitloti- t Inehe i l'l-hlw the snl.ur.ulc. USISI lo I Wht't-e tile in ehimp nnd a B"1 rmtlet ohlaiuahle ulo side drains are. iiff i-a-ble to ojmsii dttchna. e"o:;'.'...v initivrs NKKtM IMI'IIOVINO. Prom (IikhI KtsMts. shonhl lie made over the tiles lo oaloh the smfw water nnd coiidnet it to onteh tsudns placed' at convenient dis tauees mmrt. '11 io caieh Istsius should ba mnde of durable mnlerials of suffi cient slae to be freely cleaned and should be covered with Iron irratlnits. The basliiH slionld ostend id least two , feet below the l uttom of the tile to we Import. The gw fttnlk-of our gold Iirovido space for tlio deposit, and tlmy geMhurotd at the mutation of Kuro slionld be cleaned at least twioo a year. , peau dnaers, who desire to leap the The strips of ground lielwueu llioinut-. Ueitlflts of ttt premium that nocnuin- nUNl rofiii niKl tliu open niton should be ! projioipj- yrndud to coufurm with tJUa crown ami untile ol thu niuttilmir niitt sli.iuJdJjOJ.twilsl.uidJ;i)iiJL In soil. TJils1 AVUiAnarLba mmw iy m clienp nittv lamely useful in piwewnug ! the uttrrylug of mud on the mutnliug. i Moreover, tlie uniformity of thu grade ' facilitate the passing of I en ids. In a soli tlwt Is gravelly nnd iH-rvlouN to water I ho open ditches on each side of thu rrsul, even of u nil foot wide uro sufllolent for draining the madb d. If there Im any springs under (lie mud, a suhilnilii leaiiiug dlm-tly to the wide ditch will be re-mired, Should the roud W on a sldehlll, a ih-ep, open ditch on the upper side, to arrest the (low from the iidjnernt laud, limy l snfllt'ieilt, tin. w.iier ts-iug at iiilirviiN c.inilu. ted , mi-, -t nnd under titer .mil v mi onliii. v .toneeulurt. D niol iiuk. the of giving Insnnieient untfull to the, drains. . WHSftK 8" ONE 18 SCARCI. ; lliirnt t'lnjr 1 Miirlril ns h i.' s-...,.i M .,.,,,, 1'tir IIiiIIiIImk UosiI. Throe years co, while oil a Ids-vein tour In the ertNtt ni ( i.iiiitlt-M.f I!iiuln)iil, I saw a road mulerial Is-Ihk hm .I thi 1. I have never elsewhere win or heal. I !, I 'UH a curresiiouiU'iit !' Ossl It.snl- 1'he place was in ICsm-x or ( iindii lthc sliire, In K district of he.ivy eluy h -ii without hslges of haul rm-k ami w it'i out I ho flints that ate to K-. iu i .illy ust 1 fornxidmaidBglu tluitiwitof the conn try The material used was simply burnt oluy iu irreajnlar luuips uveiiigiug, us wi-ii as I can recollttet, alsut i iueli rs in diameter, ll was spre-wl wis.n the roadbed like broken sdMie ami left for the bnsid licit of tli clumsy loolln ITnt eltti i'iil farm carts to roll, for It was only a mluur roud and not a main hiuhv.iiv. I wns unable ut the time to I , ,(1, Mxy Jnfollliutloll III to the nietli ts of buroliiH Ihe cluy or tin- result i I Mt-.t t-.i rli in-e v Itii it iu a in i I)., I, but aui'lher settiiHi of theroel, wlneh M-ined to have ls-e mp.trel o- tint s.ime wnv, wns tle-u iu eupitul vmi ,rrw i,K,t frm tnillkt. ..... i ri Altl la Maw .lanr. TllCsr,tsof the New .l.-rsey illtpnued MW ,ml, tig is-l e, i.t h Uie si;,..-. )7 ini' et'ii i by the t .uuly ami 10 r ccut by Ihe nr"srty holdor ultaig th" Hue of Hie liupl IO..-I. Who, In git tint roiul improviHl nnd. r the law, une-t u-tllloti for it. I'utler it i.s rmioii Hi fariiu ii. get u )tl. n tiiin f-r their stnull iuve-lmeiil lu linpioMtl roiwl.i and Hud at the k.i uu time their laud, farm nlii uud Usjk have an tnrreased vuluo beiMinsu ttt Ihe grealer ease of ae Ms to the market. llrWMtt Psr Wide Tire. Tlie dlsensshai of whle lire for conn tiy' rise li. has ereatinl a ileiHUtid for s 'h tires it'A mily for loads, bnt also fui' una uae, ami muny mauufaernrer liave set alsaii snpplyiug ihe ihtuaud. Owu eis of lawud iu Montnis would m gl-i I of the orsirtuully to etnploy a cuttm.iu who um1 a wide tired wsgou. Al"U-ti-oao (I'a. ) Democrat. All Hintllaiit Ida. The Merchant' uant-lallo4i of Hsu Praiit i-tti inl. inU to hold a pining ex IHStlfoii, nl w iih h It is oxfMKHed to show nil wmw of ivlng now In use, to KtUm with tmeh InstriwUTB find eulr Mtnliitf mailer as would imturully ro lfllp lo the Reneral snlileet of streefti ami rmvnig JIBtwSlillieH' Htmtt Airullllnii, Gotmiot (Irsenlmlge law signed tlin Mil raUltve to the eansUfiettaii of Mala liWtwsy. it upirattiarM fJ 00,000. WIB0TON ASSISTS MtVlfl. fil(, urefr ( ti.n Mini, osMiMl.ttH. dues Mf. jptosMst, the illreetnr of the mint, menf w lien be tetla ns in Ids maty reiwais timt the prodneihui of old Ii liimuetiiH? This hm he n tlw bnrilrn of bin ieprtn ftt many tmmlhs. Ho tells tia I 'ml tlio Mffxluoilui of gold (n vn v rutii. It- Iiu iimImi He ynts lit i . - -... i Hntcs wig i rtiiwrtcs that houost stalls Milan srefiup lied to w watlon. What Is.hhr tibjBtrt r Dt ' i htl 'nietitl lo eiiiive IIm Idea that IncvMse iinahidhni of goW will imik lhc(k'oplpi Kit- pKKonsr If so, now? The prosjs iii of the ptndaorrs of the eotmtiy AutmiiIs on s higher averafe of nrlcei, Th. e who arc favorable to the iroocolnageof miIvi i- luive been uonleod lug fiat onlv a 1 1 1.- iderable sddillon to the nmoBjit of llrt ue iioy of fluul pay maut wai m uimpll-.h this rejmlt. The titct that Pieston, im avowed gold hog, shniy Lo ciitGfttig lo this idea In his tept rts Is a htiln hit sstoutshlng, to say the leyt. lie givrs his case away. ThecoUtfidtoni f thegotdbn ?s Is that the iruautHy nf tuoui of flnul payatest will not have the etM of Increasing prhs-a and values. TlMMwy that tba volotBe of hurtio mcaM lim nothing whatever to do with rtaWant'er. Why, thsu, shoe hi the (Hreetor of the mint, an mowed goldbag, he interested' in showing ffcet the production of gold Is ery rapidly iiu-roasiugl' What Atr. PiwIor falls to note la the fnet that. 1u spite of I he fnertuned mo- iltiotlai ol Lold, wn iH.rt more thsu JatM Ininr tlfiouirdtotgii esnnauge. Wo nbont "imrlty" uud tdlflUt 'a iiiuihb', but at the same II llttrn hTis tif is-i-or at This lu it very serious mutter if wn were dl).poed lo tuko n OnTnuian wjidhj view of It. "l,arwFr8 ft very boI e cuo f ir the raids UffiMl! lifwty tver has leeu muking Hipilfl twiervn, but "psitty" Is iirfpfb ft n little hit when we eouin to esporliug unr gold. Hut the irusoi lm aristrs, If "parity" is lint good tuongh for bnuduy, why hhouM it Ixi i ufiitcud on Mtaiduy ? At lautn Constitution A FISTFUL OF WHYS. ' lenthtes ! Awri Wlilsh User Vim HwOaslli .r What is ti e tliiT rvuee Ifctww'ii the r.ei-uls ,vh c-Iiiuik" ho laws to get filter us .pie's proi.tity nnd lite Ihhive who hreidaie law in doing the same thing? jneroimernme more cmiuing ami ine Intlrr mote eour; e. U'ti. in ii tlm v tlm lihssl af itlriflha- llon Ilcfun o it-dueing its volume has thu noi.o niiiHit uai general prosperity as t ie los of blood upon thu vigor of imili al life Why wns im iMtiple over eniluvrd w'tiie liny hsd plutlyof mmieyV lie cum H'opln tin not become coward un 111 t'i y uro "hrukti." Why ate American statesmen who serve the alien bondholders' trust mere (onti-uitiiible than alteu ruetnie lie- eauie they add I mason to their hostility to llie'r nuilve luiL W hy do mi many D, iii-rats prefer the Uemistriu y h t'ieveluud to thu IJfiittsj- racy nf Jetietaouf Qeeause Jeifersoii Is ilea I and eau't niva them any ufflees. .'liv is kiIv.-i- money better then gold mom y't He. uie the eooulrle using at vrr 'iiondy inn advniii'liig hi prosperity. while eom-trie ii in only gold money uut iilroitruiliuu io elvillKatiou. What goiul doc it do to coin silver If the ndmhihtrutiou wen't ma) it lo pay obi i.utloi whleli by law urn payable lu siherr .1 ti t un Clin li gis-il u.i it would do t ) t 'ump hum of irou imd payatorago itti tin in. ll' w Imve (ho nhlili-s kt-eiired the KMVi. t'itf l'i I us. (lent of the t'rlllttd Hti tea for Ihe l ist JO enih!' Hei ausetdl ver ui u voted tur gold turn for pre! dent. ,,'l.s did silver mi ll volo for gold nu u for pit. tilclitf Hn-.iiibii the pi-tiple were It rlti'l lr the pi oiillsei of their nolltl cal h.-ileis nnU by tlio t' il Isnd, kissI tie, il iittitHibtof Ihtir uiudidule. Why ure preteuded silver men iu Ih" two out parties ru fant guk! rntur ut cu.'iti "ho that Is tot with feu i ug.tiuat un . " Whv I It neccMNarv for (ho lO.nnfl I 'ikat f the I'uiled Huues to t liter t. .ly Inti politlus iiml path tarlt t.iuisfor the gwld slumhud uud , luhT Deuatwo if tlm electors w(M i-hualud out of the right of vtlH lliaiii .elves uud aguinst theli- Lpafejeor by the (rl.-k'-ry of pi litii i.ius nail COM vi m hoi the uvi i linn et of tliajteopla .'..iild be icslorisl uutl Ihe uiumf ill i uehy, whkh bus pnaluced dlsltBjssml i v.rful iu every gold standard eoftfflly vf the wurhl nutwilhslaudinK i?6fSllH 1 puaeo and ubuinlunt harveot Wkl Iw . tivi-rtliii.wn. Kther Knisl't im Mm tlm ttmld R.H. iiract, PreMill, s. t. tmiRO a 'has II. Kddy. .1. F. MntlwMon. m, T. W. A. Hawkins. OEfl T DOOHS. WDLIHjRSS.. mm, m, m, T i rst J. F. MATHESOW,. Qornmission And Qegqiiil Hay, Gfofiiij.i Secl, IToecl BlaGlcsmith Coal and Ice delivered in the City. A.KERR, .v HJieliili. t . W. A. MILLER, painter and Gallery of 1'AIKTS. OIIA V ARM IB II I'liTURU IrltAlltH, Itlltlil l(il I.IJliVII IMLTUKH MUUI,UliiU AIITIHIH' VI ATI-'. It I A liS NU Wsill- BEAU6HAMP & WINDHAM. City Livery Stable. -i-SANTA FE ROUTE THE SHORT IblNETO Chicago, Bt. Louis and Kansas Gity. Tnuifm m El Ito M W. Fur eihar lirterwatloa nd advertistaf Matter ask F. and J' A., H Kl 1W, Tesas. lawaajiriraaai falsa i ait 4u M, Tf" TUuQifil UiTMtT5fL il, 1IN. JfriirrH Vtrm, Ti-.v., it'll) 'f til 10:0(1 n. f, arriving I Itmutll, !W it m. i rnlrnl thiir l.iavs liiifin 11 , A". ,J. ilnil ii ut 1 ft. m ,nml arrive ut J' -Mm, I' .yas, nl IO ;. ji. in-, vannivittii! with thr train tltf Trxa & Pa 'jir niihi ii i) fur all jHiint Jt"urth, South, JCiut ami Hrt. For jin Ihe, information rrgaitllnt connrrlhminr rate awiln to tin aUtntnf Ike oamftHHy or tM Mtilntgnl at Jttldy, A'tut JUcJtlr ii). VIcPrWt CE. Ccavfjy, Cw&ier N ational Bank. Ulttlna - . J. A. IJdtlr. It. II. Imuran ('. K. Ton way. 'IS JL. U jaWtWraWar i LUffiBBR, mm mi . m Fpraanliiitf Qecor'ator pine fiirip. EH. It AhHAMIN II, UAHUIsS Paper S. T. 1IICUOLBOK, (lent, ltaa. Agent. Toptka, KAa. , 1 ,u If Pbcbs Vallei Railroail.