Newspaper Page Text
XI); (.'oahl Btto I ice OS VOL, 4: EDDY NEW MEXICO, MARCH 12. lbOG. N0 18 I. V. '2 7 KILLED AT PHKN1X ELI OHEVALUEn MEETS DEATH THE HAND8 OF DEPUTY SHER IFF M0DANIEL8. AT A Yttr rw Word. I' it, Tli.n llolh M.ii limply 1 1telr His 8lnxly nml Cli. Vitllltrlll.s In ,t limit Mi Hour. Otic of llio most unfortunate tragc (Huh over chronicled In Kddy county occurred Saturday night at 7 o'clock nt 1'hcnlr. the saloon town about n mllo south of Kddy. ISoth men were lu Mm saloon of ilitrllold & Tee. Cliovalllor passed McDanlel mid .Jeff Sykes In the doorwuy between the buIooii und danco hall. Kro Alcliatncl luia crossed the room of tho daucu bull lie lieurd Che vilirrlr t-all hlni 10 Htip, which ho did. CliovnlllPr tlion crowed the room to whero McDanlel wits Atundlng, making Kuinu lenmrk uud holding his hnnd on his hln wicket, MoDunlcl told him to throw III) hln hiinds but he Instead pull od his gun. A ho did so MuDnnlel llred, the Ural aliot taking effect on tho right side of the neck ranging uown under the collar bone and coining out about ono inch from tho buck bono bo tween the shoulders. Tho room being full of Hiuoko after' the llrst shot no olher shots took effect, though Chovul Her fired tils rovolver four tunes nud McDunlol live times. Chevnlllor then walked to tho bur In the front room and ruvo un IiIk aim. Inyliig 11 on tho bar. Immediately becoming tutnt he wus naught while falling, by bystand ers, who luld him down on the Door In front of tho bur, carrying him from there to a bed. Dr. Kcnsltiger wr,s summoned and juudo an examination of tho wounded man and madohls con dition as easy ns possible. Win. llarlleld and Tom Williamson were stundlng In the door between the dunce hall and saloon when tho men wore shouting, while Jeff Sykes was within two feet of Chevalller when the llrst Bhot wus lltod. Chovulller was ar rested Christmas bv McDanlel, and loeked up over night lu the littlo lock, up at l'hetilx, for tlNHikenliMn arl flourishing n slX-shootor. McDanlel did not lllo cotnplulnt, but Instead turned Chevalller loose next day. II nil it com plaint been tiled ho would have been fined at leoBt 950 and costs, und proba. bly laid the whole out in jail at u cost ot 840 or WO to ho county und no ben efit to himself. Since Christmas Che valller, despite tho udvico or his friends, nt different times .threatened to run McDanlel out of thecountry. MeDan. lei, being a ifofluty sheriff, decided to stund his ground. Chevalller had used very insulting language toward Mc Danlel at different times, uud during ull this McDanlel remained pusslve, and from till tho evidence produced it would seem hus tried to esoupe this Inst tragic occurrence to the best of l.h; ability. Kll was ono of the most genial and unlet fellows over to sot foot in Kddy, but It would seem had Imbibed a dlsllku to McDanlel since spending a night in tho lock-up. Justice Iloberts munitioned tho fol lowing rltUCns and held and inquest over the remains Sunday: W. W.lltish, M. 1. Kerr, sr., Tom Jones, Xlb Jones, II. OhnomiiB, M. W. W indom. Tim re; suit of the coroner's Inquest wus to the effect that deceased, Kll Chevalller cuitte to his death by e gun shot wound ut the bunds of Frank McDanlel. . Tho Justice BOt Wednesday, Mareh 1 lth, for tho preliminary hiring, which commenced yesterday nt ll) a m. uud wus completed at 3 o'clock. lno wit ness were exumlned, ull of whom sworo to practically what has been stated. District Attorney Franklin nppoured for the territory and V. S. Uulemun for tho defense, while Stenographer Driggi recorded tho evidence. Win. llarlleld was the llrst witness and ho testllled to Chevalller calling on McDanlel to stop after passing him In tho doorway. Dr. Kenslnger testified to whero tho mor tal wound took effect. Joff Sykes tcs 1 1 lied to Chovulller stepping up close to McDanlel ond suylng: "I understand you say you arc the best man in the county," at the same time pulling his six-shooter. Others testified to having conversations with Chevalller. who stated that ho Intended to kill McDan lel. Aftf r tho evidence was In. Justice Iloberts summed tip the ease, saying ho felt It a disagreeable duty to decide the matter, but undor the evidence could not hold the defendant olid there fore dUchurged him, fully believing that tho shooting was In self dofence. Kll Chevalller was born In 1857 In Ilaplds parish Louisiana, Ills parents were neighbors or Copt. D. C. Paul, with whom Kll cutne to Kddy county in December, I8l2. Sincothenho was employed for the llrst six months with his brother Joe, who cuuio with him, in opening a forty-acre tract for farming. Joe returned to Louisiana the next summer ond Kll went to work for (lib son, tho man killed by John Densott. Kll worked until tho full or lBUI for Olbson, and since then wus employed by W, W. Hush In tlio butcher business forking at tho slaughter hottso tho greater portion of tho time. Kll had many friends among thoso with whom ho became acquainted whllo lu Kddy, all of whom sincerely regret his fearful death, though none appear to censuro tho deputy sheriff, whom it Is generally believed was compelled to shoot or glvo up to a citizen who, despite tho strln gent law against carrying deadly weon ons, had gouo armed for somo time Tins Is tho only phase of the wholo at fair which all law-abiding citizens dep rlcato: for no good citizen ever carries n slx-shootor In tho dally pursuit of his avocation, and Kit had u six-shooter and miiBt have carried It for u purpose. ONLY HI 8.00 The Texns t Pncltlo lMllwar Company will tills year furnish loreaulsrr ordnloed olorftrmtii, duly credits! mlislonorsrlrs or othor. solely .ugngcit In ministerial dulU, one tlmusnud uillo ticket, good ou nil portions of tnr,( 17 Mo in. Ann est 011 tor 1 ckois mourn be tnnde In the nearest tlok.tsuont of tlis lent & I'noillo HnllwNy, or niltlfWS. UAHTON AU8MKU, (ieu'l 1W & Tbt, Ann)', IJitllns, Tesas. Nntlra lu ll.tiirit HnrnoM, The party who borrowed my double harness, Jan. 10th, Is requested to re turn Rnmo its I need It. J. O. (JAMHIION. HUI.KOT HOIIOUI. IN UIHIV. A select school, in which all tho lead ing common branches will bo taught according to the latest uud most ap proved normal methods, with Kinder- gurten training classos added for tho younger pupils, will open April 0, 1W0, or u term of at least two months. There will bo morning sessions only. arnnts desiring their children to at tend this school will please call upon or notify tho teacher, Mattio IU-:tr. tarlJIeyelo for sale A new ( . .cen highest of high grade, only 835. Inquire at llagennan hotel. I'.VUrUH OY Till', t (IJtl.Sll VUAtt. Tho ooraldu yonr will tin period nuin ornblo in tlio liUtory of tho woild, If but nnrt of the iilnnt or Hit UullrJ Htaics Hovoruuietit mid Knropcnn uotloiie 11 cit- rlrd cat. Au mo uuucu omit iore win bo 111 llvtlleftt tiMidcutlel CAitipMtrit evor htld, nnd the Fifty -fuurth oOifirom, now in souluii, w'll larnUh cxoetditigly interetluL( drbntes on the tnrtll nnd dunu oIrI nnmllou until June. There will ba soversl oxeltlug stste leatlon nud mnuy puulMlapetiHi.-BmyoiTv -win wnton iolUli.pou. 'KrwrynuB -win which Ith laturest tho progress of the Veneru rinu Commission's inquiry, the result of bo wars in Cabs, la Booth Af f Ion, In Tur- w iu ttui key, nnd the outooine ot other compllcii tloni now ntUlns lo llm Old World. It I n reinnrknble coincidence thnt nt the brulnnlnir ol ft yenr of suoh rloh iirouilio of Rtlrring iiews the grenteit inetropolltnn newtpsper In the unite J Slntei-The St. L00U Itepobllo-ehunld reduce its price lo 90.00 n yonr, or to U Ihnn two ecu 1 11 n dny. Tlilt low price now .lncei the Itnpubllo within the runuh of cveiyone. Thoo who wlh to keop poated 011 politic, trndr, nnthuiHl nnd lulornn Initial nlfnlm during 1600 should nt once eobnorlbe for It on thoo tiny tvruii. in ndditlon to Inking their own loonl nnnor. Xewipnprr renders who tnny think they ennuot nfToid to InkeAiuitrnpolltnndnlly pnpor ihonld nt pnt eabnorlbt for tho '"l'wcd B-Veek" Republic lot papers a yenr for only 81.00 11 year. It contains tho btst of orerythtng that nppinm in the dstly. LAItlKfl TAHI5 "NOTICK" And ieprnto thn letters N-O-T-I-O-K, trninpunlng them 10 at to make ns uinuy smnll ward ni possible. It it snld that twenty-tiro word osn be made) for txsm 11I0, note, tone, ouoe, got, It, on, tie. If you nro bright enough to make ttfteeu or more you oau be turo of rioelring na ele gant rcwaid. The LiDlse' Evxsv Bitoa. wax will pay 810.00 In gold lo the peuon nldc to uinko the best list or ward from loiter contained In N-O-T I C I!, 80.00 for tho secoild bet, 8S.00 for the third best, $7.W) for tho fouttli best, n LnJIts' NlckftWntch wl h flue Ainyjenn move, ment nnd well worth 0.0$ lor each of tho tiro next bt lUts, nnd Ono hundred vol nnblo reward In order of merit for the nest bcit ono hnndred list (should that number bo received). Knch pereou end ing Hut of llfiti.n word or tuoro i gaar nuteed n benullful presKitl. A tho aboro rewm d nro glren f reo nnd without consid eration, Muiply to attract attention to thU most oharmlug sixteen page weekly for iiidlr and ulrU, It I neooMAry for you to (end eight two oont stsinp for TIIIAL BUUBtMlIl'TlON (four number), coutalnlusr full particular and JstUr from thoso who have already rslredTl. vsblo reward If your letttr enclosing trial subscription l received tirouiptly, you will ..euro FltKK IN ADDlVlOH TO Ahh OV TUB AUOVK a eolhetton of chole flower seed, Un dlffenl rare and beautiful varlttles, also two btaUfol wi. ared engraving, entitled "The Doctor" nnd Its companion "The Urlbo." Thou sand, of dollars are being expended to introduce thl popular weekly . Hallsfao lion i guaranteed in every cmeorslntnp reluuded, WIHTB TO-IlAV nud addres LAUIHH BVKIIY SATUKUAY, "C," Wnluut Httest, Philadelphia, Pa. VOII IlKNT. A neat five room house, electric light, range, bath, hot water connection, etc. K. S. MOTTHIt, Agt. lluektsu's Arnica Sat.. Tlio best Halvo In tho wotid tor Out, tirades, Bore, Ulcers, Bait Hboum, Fever Motes. Tatter. Ubaoed Hand. Chilblains (torns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl- tit ely oures file or no par requirsa. 11 UguarauUed to girepetfeflt aatUfaotloa ot monay rofondsd. I'rlee 911 oesis prr bit, For salo by 8tdy Diug Co. FT"! hesMsVss burnishing Goodij Millinery, ! Hats, New Goods Now Ooftiing ALTQELD 'ON QILVER. tils Tie w ca OutMncy a. Olrn InoalllU not. Coal tllolnp; Town. I'll on nddrens at Colliusvlllo, Ills., Governor Altgold said on tho silver qnostlon t Up to 1870 gold nud silver together had dono tho work of tho world. As n great Knroprnu flunuoldt pnt it, tho two metals togolherhn)! forinod thostiuidnrd of vnlncs of nil tho commodities nud pjopertor in tlio world) tho bnslucss of tlio world is so great nnd tlio popula tion so largo that both tnctnls nro ro- qnlrcd, neither being sufllcieutin Itself, It is u fuiiunuioutnl principle of flnniico that when yon lticrouso (no volmuo of money in tho world you correspondingly ralso tho soiling prlco of nil tho proper ty in tho world. Tills Is what tho bank ers rail In flat Ion. Tho opposite of this proposition iioccKcnrlly holds good. They Were nil iryliitf to fnnko tho littlo bit of gold In tho world do nil tlio work thnt hnd roqtilrodnll tho gold nud silver In tho world to do. Gold hud 1 o do nonrly twlco tlio work It liad dono, nnd it LiOiiiiiO twico hs lintKiriniit ns it hnd been. In tlino It wns fontid thnt it would bny nearly twloo m much piopo? if ns formerly, When tho merrlinut could not sell, ho ceased to buy ot tho jnnnnfaotr.rrr, nnd ho hud to shut down work in part or en tirely. When ho shut down, hoqnlt buy ing coal, and tho co-il miners had to scramble to roll their Joul. They began to cut one unothcr's throats on prices, nud lu tltuo to cut tlio miners' wngos or shut down work entirely. Asncouso qncuco you woro out of work und your children out of broad. Hero wns tho onuso of tho distress that prevailed ntuotig tho producers of Kuropo nud America. Tho records of soiling prices kept lu tho largo cities shows that tho prices of nil commodities, token togothcr, hnvo fallen HQ to 40 per cent nud that wherf there fins be 11 110 fall in tho prlco ot nu nrtlclo it is duo to somo local or special cnuxo. Yon know that when you tako half n man's blood from liltii ho will bo too weak to work. Money is tho business blood of tlio world. It oironlates through the commercial world ns blood doos in a m mi's body, uud when tho government arbitrarily destroys nonrly half of this blood tlio country ii left too feeblo to go on vigorously with business. Inasmuch ns tho debt ot tho country still hatigs over bs there can bo no re turn of prosperity until wo can again sell products for higher prices, Tho 3 rent wrong that has been dono tho pro uulug clashes Is twofold. It hnfl com pelled tliuiit to giro twico as much ot labor or iu'odnot to pay interest or 11 .debt ilow ns was accessary when tho debt was created, nud by paralysing Itultistry it has brought stagnation to tlioro laborers who woro out of debt Tho volume of busitiess today is 90 per cent loss thiiii tho volumo ot last year. Wourosrltliiigounbnsis of lower prices nud lower wages, nud thcro must bo an lueitwo lu tho volume of money to put ns hack tothu point whero tho country's prosperity ceased. dvutral Warner on tlio Situ. lion. Tho recent elections in Ohio uud Ken tucky do nut, Gsnprnl A. J WarnersAys, Interfere with tho fulnio suoecM of tho cunse of silver. "Thtwa elections were not Hepubllcou victories, but Dcmoeratlo dufcuts." Kild Mr. Warner. "lu Ohio wo had a ouudldnte, roiiully papular, ruuuing ou 11 pinttoriu prepared vy a puuked convention. It did not meet tho indorsement of tho people and thousands of Democrats staid away from tho polls or kcrntolied tho tloket. In Keutuoky tho gold men simply voted together nud defeated Hardin. "It seems to bo concede. ' continued Mr. Warner, "that both parties will uumiuato gold candidates in their tin tloual conventions, uud tho stiver teop!o will thus bo forced to put up n tloket. Tho tlino has como when principles will no longer bo sacrificed for party fealty, nod If the silver people nomltmto n tick et It will receive avoto that will at least bo the commencement of n permanent turning of tho masses of tho people to ward the new party. The elections havo benefited tho oatuo ot stiver froia my point of view, for they havo emphasised tho fact that tho m1.--.e7 power andjtfao 1 Can More In. ONE DOLLAR OAgH Tlmn Any Othor Huuso fcfifiO flrt'flnfi'Y ..iimrir - W Suy from a Cabh House and you will get gold man of tho cast control both tho old parties and that neither 0 tiio two great parties will put np a man unsatis factory to tlio mouoy centers of tho couutrV. Tliis domoustrntiou will cause tlioasaudaot voters to break off nud seek that party which represent tho princi ples in national flnonco for which thoy cotitosd." BO DRAINAQE AND FltOST. Dry sTouuilallon ln-MrT. tlio Ituotl Vh or StHetilnc Imporfeot droiuago is tlio caumut tho bndneM at our roods in nearly all iwes. Tlio liinspsrlouccil nro not npt to appre ciate tlio paramount necessity for tlio mnintenatico of n jicrfeotly dry founda tion of oorth for their surface of bnik'en stone, gravel, eta, to Ho upon. A pro tracted ralu will soften au umtralued road, nnd on thn pnsxlug of n heavy load Injurious ruts nro the. consequence. In these latitudes tho soil water freezes, and thn oottseqneut expansions and con tractlct'itnlckly ruin n roadbed. It mA&crs not whether A road bo earth or aincndatu if attention is not jjlvcu to(tho preservation of tho flu ishodi crown. If ruts nro allowed to fonu.iwnlor Is mlinltteiL Kvery depres sion its a router of doatmotlnii. Tho lipwor oixIstaitciutteawtttor bo coined wm nud lew until tho roadway becomes actually liupnesublo. In conxtruetlug earth roads a plow should not bo used except where actual ly iwccMinry, becauso n plowed surface is only witli great difllculty made hard and smooth, and tlio plow Is likely to out too deeply into tho earth. A good road machine should bo procured if invi sible, for by tho uso of a uiachluo tho natural foundation of tho ground is not disturbed in rounding up tho road as Is dono with common plows and scrapurs. Kvory municipality should own n road machlun and should l:uvvn,inuii cspeolally Instructed and oonnimillr lu chargo ot it With a road mnchfuo in skilled hands, then wjil lo no quasi ton raised ns to tho economy uif construct Iwi nnd repairs and the offloleuoyuf the work dono. After 'tho rood machlno has completed its work tho wholo grade should bo rolled with u roller weighing about fivo tons. Rolling is essoiitlaliu making tho foundation nnd surfacing to forut per manent or gravel roads. Tho roller should follow olosoly uiwn tho gruder or scraper so that tho loose earth may bo consolidated whllo it Is still moist. The roller should pass many times over tho softer portions cf tlio rood, nud whero tho road is very dry and not In clined to pack it may bo slightly mois tened to facilitate ti8 consolidation of the earth. Tli. Tariff on Apple Tho shipment ot great quantities! of apples to Kuropo goes ou. And yet if you let the MeKluloyltts tell It a deadly blow was struck ut the American farm er when an ad valorem duty of 30 per cent was substituted for tho MoKluloy duty ot 28 cents a bushel on apples grown in tho pauper orchards ot Eu rope Boston Herald. rarm Valu. Xlatscd, Tho residents of Moorostowu and vi cinity in Burlington county, N. J., have freely taken advantage of tho opportuni ty for road improvement which tho new road law of the state has opened np.. As 11 result the roads about Moarestown and oouneotlug it with Camden havo been improved to a very largo exteut The effect of It Is seen lu a much brisker domaud for farms lu that vlolnlty, For years past it has been exceedingly dif ficult there, oJ In agricultural section elsowhero, to sottlo estates owning farm lauds when there was a necessity to sell because purchasers wero rare and offers uninviting. Tho Improved roads havo changed this, nnd farm lands uear Moorestown are la demuud, l'hlbulol phla Press. Jostle sv&d UtMUl More than 80 prisoners ore Incarcer ated lu the Lafayette couutr jail, says tho Kaunas City Times, and last Friday a clialn gang was put to work ou the roods leading to Lexington building them up and making aeeess to the tiftrn easier for tho farmers. It Is thoflrsl tluio iu tho history of the county that tho experiment has been tried. Sell You Goods for.... ?. II. FIERCE, President, S. T, BITTING First National !JireeCTORSiT- (Jhas II. Kddy, .1. V. Mutheson, 8, 'P. Hitting, .1. A. Kddy, It. 11. lMcrco A, lltiwklfiSl ('. (Jonwny. LUMB noons, mouLiiiK,, PlCXEIS,.SSU,.llV- J. F. MATHESON,. mission w, Ami Oonuml Hay, rain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal and Ice delivered in the City. W A. KERR teal iraiR inn a Fsino'y" C3-rooris , tS30ie<3Tn W. A. MILLER, painter and )ecorator5 Gallery of 1'AtVTH OILH. VAHNI8UHB, kadamiwjs, ,U1U"B X AHTI3TB' MATfiltlALS AND Wall' -SANTA FE ROUTED THE SHORT kINETO Ohicago, St. Louis and Kansas Gity. . 'o Transfers from El l'aso or Port Worlli, BiStfon sFor olhsr lafdnd adTtrllslug tasll.r isle K. COPLAWD, w ' a. t. NictiioiiSoN, Ui 1 and lk A,( UM kW', Aent' i?ate, Texas, T6?ka, Konsw. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, New filings In Shirrs and HSid the Lowest Prices. Vice President C E. Conway, Cuhle. Hi A. K. PRATT. ik-saM LDMBI, LATH, SHIH6LHS For.varding rv Fin fljrhp. MOUliUlNO. Paper. 5 fc !