Newspaper Page Text
KJJy Connty Dx Ho 1 dee 00 TTiTornr1 DHMRM9 IBBIMEHB IBMHM PKBHRIHHBBMN BHBBWiHH anRHBr EDDY NEW MEXICO, MAIM1 1 1 10. KSOO. NO 19 Till'. MIT Of lltlllOATION, , jftiinn Ac Iii orchard work tunny or tlio best ir riKit'TR inn hut two furrowH to a tree, i w on Mich sldo, tho first yoor, two on i jc.Ii ntdo tho second yenr, and no on until tin- third or fourth yonr wliou tho wl. 'elnUmnliiBiwrolllllt!il. Olhor gridiron the whole rijiud nt onco and th roots of tho jRcm nwny from tlx 1 1 unit and out ItiUf tho warm, sun lit Md us fniddly nsfiolhIc. Thin I tlu better way whorti ono has tho water and time And Whore ono wnnt to tn.ik i i.o p ure pat It way from tho h' rt "M cuii ralso n lanjo amount f . reduce In Uihsihico butweon tho young trct-H without any porcuntlble Injury to them, i hi Is now n common practlco In ni.iii) plaeoaU hough Homo condemn U Tin on tloulty It Injures tho trees by draw inn too heavily on tho will, l'rno (,. .iiv ii luiiiiitiir iif thu kind and tho difference cannot bo Been Of ootirae the ixiru I'l'Al-iet is an oxlra drain upon u.e Ifitlllty of the will, and will hasten tho time whon fcrtlllrem mutt boused. Hut most all Krotind Ir rloh enough for younu tree, whllo no jfrnd ih lull enough (or old onus In full bearing. Thu time will come when you must rerlillMi anyhow for largo yi. hi . t liiHhgrudo fruit, and in the inoantlnie by using tho ground you have some returns before your orchard c Vi' niici Inuring. If tho ground li well Irrigated and cultivated thu aiuuiiiit tf kui ii that eon bo mined lie-tw- the i own under u wai m sun with out apparently Injuring tho tree Is wonderful, and holiw out many n poor man in i nlifornln. Hut It must or c e In- dniirt with oaro uud good judgment. m:i -LATINO THU PLOW. Whcnfverjlhhg In rwuly and tho water turn-d Into tho dlitrlbullng IIuiiio tie it in little to do but rogulute 1 1 i an -. TIiih (h not iiiiidh of a UtHk oven the Drat time, for they may bo set u uly by fU OJH. Hut you uliotthl' g 'aloim the line to and fro suvoml t.m w.itelui.glhu How elosely no ax to get it iih even us posHlblu from every liole. It l nut ouny to Jiulgo or thu anu'iiiii r il'w by tho s-wj or the Birtaiii, fr velouliy U an important a fnc r a- IhiekuoM. )tut by waluhliig thrill charge a whllo, and tho way thu v lU-r Hiwx dnwit'tho furrow you will .. .i l:tu-lln-itntoHioi no iih to Insure r,uite n;i e ven ileliwy to unuji furrow. Hi" i ir.un Iwjrflf tho fiinah n half d'jll ir I - n t Hit in alone and you will have little or no work with thain the III ki tnu flTf.h hoe In hund go over tho Held a f tiuii - .ind Unit thu furrowa are all n;M. Soitif think buro feat and hgj essential to thorough so tney are :r siiiiuuna iiuujub lloiidiug they HoinetlmoH aro in thu bent w rk. Hut for small furrows, aUwr y .a ivo everything working right, ymt will need nothing but slippers and will hardly soil thrni. on i. eo I not spend any tiuiu oonx- Ing water down a furrow. This will do In a ii e warden patch, but on a tmul of miy sire It Is an endless Job. If the wuft r dues not run fast euoiigli after a fair trial open tho gate a Jittlo more Hut be careful how you decide It Is not running fast enough, l'allunco is hero the cardinal virtue. Tho water may ni'i in to dmp out of sight too soon and yet bi creeping ulong below and tilling npiott.iul the lop. dive It at loast twenty futir hnra to go WW feet If your soil bus l d thu tost before men- t ... ... ..--i.. .i.i.. ....i tioniil i no waier win jimuauij though, Ihftigli vary slow nt thu cUirt. Once ac'iuuluted with the vagaries of yuan il )"U will huvo lilt o trouble. will I w whether to crowd on nvre water at the beginning and force It through r t wait and let the small iiktireniiiH woik their way. When v 'u t an have tht Irrigating bend long enough the latter course is most always the bit. If llmltwl to a short run you will. f course have to force It through with larger streams. Tho longth of thu run will beconsldersd further 011. 1111. WAKIK WATJHI, inure good wetting of the lowor end uf the tract souiu wiwtB must run off Ittliolraotis vll hiul out this eh 'iild ii"t exewtd rive per oent and on many plaoos it Is almost nothing. Hut even a little may be oonsltlsniblu lit aniuiuit and It Is well Ui provide ioiiie way t i ullllsti it. ConslderHble lire v d a well us slwde, and windbreak f r iitiiiiri. like oriiifv' that do beat in rii 1 f 'if ml uir. 1 mown lit this way 1111. 6ii "t tun dry aeutiotw, Where ti,i wnu- nniounts u anything and Ii riMii 111 a ditch along the outer edge of t, 1 X v ill itener.ill) kwp the ruol nt 1 M nibteudtif allot, mg them te rah mati tract ax they hi apt to do if If ft tiHluftl r Ia the dry t oiiiiii ii iintit-''t ar tn'or ktrg , 1. riib flirubs liukl be;ioMu around . Mii iit'il tr 1 mile. 111 ..ii.i way ).H .1 ullll W' 1 iki'i r Hi to. la lllltll'll 1 till- W.IhIc IIIU) 1 ,( tni' I . .it.-, a 111.UI :ii:a!i I i lllf t IT I I H kl llX ill II rnnny other thlngtf. As 11 oarrlM oen sldcrnblo of tho fortllizoM that may ho used, It should never bo allowed to run nwny as It generally Is. At tho mime timo provision for waste dltehosihould bo inndo its water Is at any timo linbla toosoapo under .careless management and do damage. ji SMAM. KTllKAJIH lllBTrT Ouo who has nover watohed thorn far a whole kimirou can soorcely bellevo the work douo by stromas so small that thoy never run muddy, never out ami nover build bars. Hut If tho soil ii close enough to permit It, they nro ns muoh supurior to all other modes of applying water as a long slow rein Is to a oloudhurst In Its present perfec tion the system was llrsl worked nut lit ltivoraldo, California, by people with tho moans, tho time and thu Inclination to experiment. It has worked Ita WIT around wherever It Is possible to apply It, and Ita value over all olso on fluo soil can bo no longer iuotinnud, Tho only exception Ih that before glvou, of alfalfa and some other crops on a vary largo soalo, where It Is simply a ques tion of economy In handling the water and not onu of result. li.Ni.v win. mi Tim Toxns l'aolllo Hull wny Oumpnor will till jrmr lurnlili lorcttiilnrjr orURliiMl iilergynii'iii duly erutllte-l uiUloiiornrlM or (ilium Mitcly iiiKttgisl In mlnUtiTlal iullif, our llinimntiil mile tlekrla guotl 1111 nil porllum of t lint jtm. Appllaitllun (or Himii llekt'ls lionltl bDinnilal(itliBtionret UskfitsKSot of tht Uxnn PaoIIIo Itnllwsy, or R(liirM. (Umton Musmkii. (Idii'I Phi. Tkt. Agent, Dnllnt, Ttixn. I Viillrn In llatiirn lliirnro. Tho party who borrowed my double harness, Jan, 10th, Is requested to re turn sflino us I need it. .1, O. C. Illinois'. liVKNIH OV I Ilk tOMINll VUAIt. Tho oomlng jroar nill bon porlotl inun urnlilu In llio liUtory of the woilil, if tint a pntt of tho pinna of lli'i Unitstl HtutM Kovrruntont mid Uiiruptna liRlluim i onr rlnl eat. lu Hie Utiltml Htnlcs tlnfu will u u III llvillont iiremJuiitlnl ontnpniiii uvor lulil, nml tlm l'lfty.fourtli oonurs, now in nu'ntuti, will iurnhli exovi'tiiiigly lulf ri'ntliiK drbnli'S 011 llirinrilf nuJ fliina ibil (uritlou until Junr. Tlieru will bo ra.rd exulting jtnl vleolieu imU mmty iitilltlotil aiu-cchirs. Kv.riOtia v. ill trnteti llli liiltifttt thu tri'gr(Mji of lli VpiiczJ- r nu UainmlMloii H ItHpilr v, Hi iuiiim o( thu w,u in Culm, in HjuIIi Afrluii, In Tur ltBy, mill thu (iiitoouip of oilier I'ompllPA t limit iiuw iirilng In thu Old World. It U u runiitlCtlile ooluoiUwiine that lit ihe lirxlniiing el n ysnr of rneli rich priinitiiu of atirrlng new tlii Kf,l inetropuiltnii iieipiiir In th L' 111 tod Slulfn Tim Si. I.miln llvpnlitlo -alimiUl imlueu its pilot lo 80.00 it yenr, or to U 1I11111 two 0011U n ility. Thla low price now tnao tho Itfnilillo wlllilli the rnnali of vbi Jiiiif. Thime who wish to KSeo imikMhI oil lotltiewa, trade, imllunil mill intvrim lliinnl nlfiilr during 180(1 thould nt oiim milmnilliu for It on theoe ermy term. In niiilition to tnhiiig their own loonl pnper. NewprVr ft'iultm who inny ililnk tliejr 'ominot slforil to Uke n iiitroinlltnii daily pnper ahonlil nt lrmt nuliaerlhe for the "fwloan-Wctk" Hrpiihll lot per n yonr for 011I7 61.00 11 rr. II oohlnlna thu best of BTBryiliinic Hint appears in the dnlly. lailllli T.I It 15 "NOTItMf" Ami fuparntH the letter N U T I O-H, trniiaporliig them n) M to nmke n tunny umiill word hm iiulble. It U enlil Hint tueuty-tlve wuiUi win he imiilei for ixuiii ilw, note, tune, oiicv, goti it, on, eta. If you nro bright enough to innUo fifteen or more you run he eiire of receiving no tie until reward. The Iiiniu' Uvkiiy Batuu. day will pny 81000 lu uld Iii Hid purauu nhle to innku thu bet lift of word from letter eontnloed lu N-O-T I 0 K, r? for tlio necond licit, 8H.(l() for tho third beet, $7.00 fur tho fourth tiotti n intuit ' NlclCfl Wnloh wl Ii lint' Amurlsnii move. oiiit nml well worth $G.M fur raoh or the live next beet llilc, and onu hundred thI nnlilu rewnrd In order of merit for Hie next bent una hundred IUU (nhoiild Hint nuitilior bo received). KhcIi pornun eend 1113 Ul of liriren uonla or more U (,-unr-ntileetl n lieumlful prMPiil. A thu nbuve rewmiU nroKlvuu freniuidwlthuuleoaaid erntiun, Imply to nttrnet nttetiitott to tll inott eltnrinliiK alxtteu pKn weekly for Indie nod ltU, It I lieeeMnry fur yon lo (end elubt two sent atniM for TIUAI. HUUSfltlPTlON (foornuinUere), ooiitaluliin full pnrtloalara nud ltler. from thoae who liava Already reoetved l vabte tewnrda. If) our Utter eiioloeiUK trial aubtflrititlou U rwtlved protnolly, you wIlleMHire KHKK IN AUDITION TO AMiOFTHS AIJOVU n olleeltoii of efcotM Unver !, ten dlffent rare nud beautiful vmietlM, nto two btnMfal nul ored eiirnvlii entitled "The Ilnoior" nnd IU eom pun luti ''Tiw llrlbe," Thon Mtid of didfar nte tieinv enpevditd to IHtroduee (Tila pntuilsr weiklr Kntltfnc llen la U'lrtraiiUed In svery at or ilamiM rttlundwl. W1UTK TO-UAY nnd nddreaa UDIMH BVBHY SATUUDAY. C," o Wulimt Htroeti I'lHladelphln, Tn. FOtt ItllKI. A nofitllvo room lioutc.oluotfleltKht, reiiKO, butli, hot water oonnitotlon, etc. V.. n. AIUTTIIIIi AKt. SIll.KOT SOIIOOt. IS lilMIV. A solout 80I100I, in wlilolt till tliolmii iHK oflinnion branolitw will be tatiKhi neoordlnir to tho IntMt and moat nj proved normal inutlimli. with Klndm gnrtvu trulnlng oIihmhm ndrtttl for tin yoiingr ptipllA, will oien April 0, 18uu rr 11 I frin of at lMt two tnantlw. Tliro will bo merniiifr Mnru only. 1'itrt'tite de.slriiix tlntir children to at nml thl-hi liiml will ploaa call iihiii mi 1 tii iiuwwr, MatU Iteiir. Man m miUi FuniiBhiiig Goods, Millinery, Hats, Now Goods Now doming; In Buy THREE nEPUDUQAN LpADERO. What llor the lmleprnilrnt Vnterhlnli if Thl l'inn Trior Tlio CIiImko Trllmno (piolon 8nnlor Slientmn na any lug. "It Ih known ilmt Mr. Klklim linjl In hln jiooket a written pronilw from Mr. Hiirrlnoii pImIkIuu; that rx-Simtor I'lnlt alinnld ooulrol tlio fwlentl imtronnKo of New York alitlo in onaoof Ilia noiiiliintioti ntu) oleollon. " Tit Tribune, coninimitlnu; editorially on tills oxtrnurdinnry atntoiiiunt, aoya: "The three iwrnottH iiiMitiotiml nboro do not aeom to Imi in nny hnalo to deny tho soiialor'natatenifliit. It may tie naHiiniod, tlipteforo, thai it Ih trim." Thin la not 11 Drtnocrntlo uccuintirm. It ia n rpintu tluti from a gtwit Itepalillunn letulor, uo wplwl hy a Kient Hopnlillonn iiowimi Ikt. And all that It lina (o any In tho wny of ootitlojiitintlon 1m tn oxprnM tho feoulu liojio Ifmt thla method of eetirlilK votoM limy not ho umployod in tho Ho publican oonvontioii naxt yonr. And why not, pray? Who nro tho pnrtieri to (!! ''-ui mid what troatmcut Iiiih the ItepnuliiMii jtnrly awftrdod to them? Mr. lltirrleon Una '00011 01100 tin pteaident mid twluo lu oiindldnto for Hint IiIkIi ofllco. I In would Ilia' that honor iiKnln, and It Ih no certainty that lie will not Kt It. Mr. KlkliiK, after nffBriinj Utniiorary oulluac for jit at huoIi trnlianctlona na t li Ih, in tho dnyu when 'Jinie ivoro Itppulillmiirt who would not tult-ruto them, la now a aonntor of tho tmrty front Went Vlrulnlii. Ilu ia ulao unilomtoiNl to tw nKnln thu ouitodlnn of ; tho Unrriaott Imom and hIiiiiiIh IiIrIi in Hie Inner oouiicIIh of thu wmw. Mr. IMatt la tho Itepnulloan iwrty of New York. If ho ordered IIh delPHittm to veiwit thla trndo next your, they wmtld do it at IiIh enmmmid 111 tinliodl liitlnnly iih any oilier wirvmilHobey Iholr miuter. And Air. Quay, who la worn Hmii nny of tho lot, la tho only oilier mnii who oommron with Ilium in Inllu iiiim In thu ltepublloan orfiimlsitlcii. . Thoao nro, wo rniy, tho dnya of itidn pendont votliiK. If that la tritu, whut doofl ths iMilepoiidunt voter think of a pnrly oontMllod hy mifh Influence tmnfeaaliiK ojieiily, without upparuut thnme oi iirotnlnu of reform, to a kI(,hii Uu pculittlmi In iinlnuiiiHof Tho Jioo-' plo hnvo time to relleot within tho nuxt , ynnr 011 tho 111011 mid tlio Impaltf4 Hint nuw doiiilnnte ihe Ileptilillciin organlsMi' ' Hon, Wo are miatabon if (hoy do not think to 11 purpose. St. I'atil Olobo. CONCBRNINQ COTTON. Inerrace ir Import nr Itrnr XInterlal I r 'timillln Inillrnllnli. Quo of tho lntufit charuM tiKnlnxt tho wleked Demoorntio tarlfr ia Unit "under it" the luipnrla of row cotton inorensed 10,000,000 pounda in tlm nine mmitlm ended tiopt. 90, IHflli, but no mention ia uiul of Ihe fact that -tho oxporti of raw cotton iiH)rMtNl upward of 300,000,000 nuunda in tho miuio iietloil, euya tho PhllmlulplilH Uncord. Hitiee ootton lias nlwnya been freo of duty, It ia not easy to wroeivM why tho new Inrlff aluntld lie blamed for a alluht Inert-Hex in cot ton import. Poanibly the lufi roller of protcutloii Imnuiiie tlmt they cun ier huhiI" the noiitlfWn iilnntetHlo fnTor ree torntioii of the dull 011 wool lu reci procity for ties imposition of a duty 011 raw cotton Auv uue int tue dttlScat of enlnnilly huwlen cnunot fail to aee In thli in- ci-mmm nf iuiporta of raw ontUm a moit favorabl ItMlnatrlal Indication, llila iiMlwrtwl ootkai. whieli eomea for the 1 moat part from Kgypt, i of lb fliit fiber, and ia eepaolally deaiguetl for tlw jirodaetliin of certain fabrics fur whlob thu doiiiHitio materlul la not atlaptad. luatend of atfordltigau nocaaloo for ultt laHMtraf cahtiully, tb lurrcueatl iw portiUlon of thUeattMi la evidence of the incrraattl luannfaaiHra of flue fabliau in the niiiia of the Unite I State mid of tin' iiirri iiit. 'I I'l'iiKiimptlou of iHoh fab nw, t thf Ann rii'Mii nipl. formerly liiii.. or in !) 1 r thif Ktt ilim cwrt. it V in r' il, ill IIMi l,UMln Utn III'' uo.lixt ' Km'liili, l iiiii'h niul ( iur uiau iiiannfwtuti 1 Hut now, wldi the Um iua.iiiiiry Aun t c uit limuully t nr iiivmil, ioti llii-iil ly Aiipur'iiti-ii'lfii mul h-tiullwl l.v hlflilj 'mHi.I .Hid wi II 1 ,tii ' .1 ir, ih" lu.nui'm'luri-ii uf llmlTuitnl Mi'i 'iiivi' tt ri'tl tin in. iupfili 1 IlK'iitf Him 1 1n .111 , if 11 11 '. i i 11 1 inil ri .1 I' i.i I), t 1'. aim taiam tuiam tJLa wJiiiSi Sinliil i I Cnu forP NE DOLLAR CASH 'J'liun Any OrlttM' Mouso hi Hie Country it fr(3m a Gash House and you will get ly that tho cotton lunntifnoturorn of Now Hn((Iiind would favor a duly on tho Kfiyptlnit fllHtrfor tho cuko of protootlnK tho hca Inland oottuii, which ban the in duatrlal world fnr Ita full uinrket. Suuh a propoHltlon oould hnrdly miiiuinte oven from tho Homo Market club of Doaton. Ilrltiery or Itlncliumll, General Qroaveiior of Ohio ropora robellliiK iiftnlnet the Republican im tlounl committee aliould it aoleot Batr Frnnolwo tut the place fur IioMIiik tbo prealdaiittnl oouveiitlou nest yenr. oral OitMVonor objeuta to Mich a ohotro 011 tho ground that Unn Frtinuhoo'a offer to iiy the hotel bllla of the dolefrnttiH Ih In tlio utiluro of a bribe. lint if Hint la a bribe, whnt la tlio cammitttw'a do inuiid that the oily selertod fur the oon vi iitlaii mtiat pny about $00,uoo ImU'lit udnoaH llionrred by H10 romiiiittitt ilnr lliff tho Inat pnwiidutliit cniiiiiiiii? lllnoknmll? IorUviHe Conritr Juur mil. jnH.d yoti-, Auutial ropalt-iUK la ton Koldom for a dirt roftd.- It aliould ho looketl nf tur wheuuvar It Rotn out of slmpo. Wlilo tires provout rulN, mid ruta ottoo nttido pioitnt wide tirtw. Stint rllit .md kvtjp rlgli). It oofttH ooiiiihtunihln muuey to buiM llrat olnw loodH.Jiut It wwtH very muoh niiirj to get nlotiK without them. Itond impmvoiuout Iiiih in moat plure bnoomu pupiilui- Thla luauroa I In am am. Jtilhiu Ilnwthoruo w.yH ho haa tried ridliiH, bat found Hint Ida favorite method of dismounting over tho front wheal hnd a marked direct on Ida brain. Until Htmiilurd .Iliirluuit". Tlioee who lwllero that Iho world Ii' proaiierluu tindrr u Hold at nud a rd aro In vitwl to raid thu following dlapntuh from Ottawa : vitawa. 0.-1. 110. TIh aunual report of (n nda'a flrotiKNi ikiinrtinuiit fur tlx year entlliw lR'l, J tut UmimI, i4towx n itreat InerwwM In tia iiuantlty uf i.l cwtato loortgncm nnd In total louiw. Tlu' v.iliui of tho nil atut inorteitl i Mill IH5,KO.mj. eoHirwrtit vrllk 1140,010,031 lu IMU, an lnr. iw In IMU uf iwrl- M.UO.axi. Tatiit iuw rr IMII am llil,lUl,UU, iw naalnit lJJ5,Sin,ay Ui iwa, nu inrrt wf vi r w,txo,- OUO, 7ietf) flauriM Imw tlmt nuvi r lii Ita bin- tajrjr Im OawaiMeu tawllK-u lunvity own b8(kL Bhifo IsfS tho Inereaw in total lonim Jua Ikii over BK) ir rvnt. MottKngcs nud Icmna iiiorrnalug "uovor In ita history Im Omimlit bcuu no honvily niortguged." Thla in what tho gold alniiilard iiiikiiih. Ah tho lot nf tho dobtor lieooiiioa harder ho borrows niotioy to tMiy Hie iuturuat mid flimlly givua up IiIh property at a Iuon of all of Ilia original iuvtwtnient. How long mint this cruel, merciless process go an before tho people irillaHio and rsstorn the gold and allvoroolnngti of former yenrar lliua and thus only omt proajwrity bo regain od. Oiunlia World-Ilenild. Anutlfrr Itiue of ltond Whether the renewed cxjiort of gold Is due merely to a temporary atrlngeney In tlio exchange miirknt or to ennw which nte likely to coot lime for mniu. time, none uf tho Wall street llnnuclera HeeniH to have very oJ ear opinion about. They do think that It In probable that within the next two or three weeka iierhuiM ns much its $10,000,000 of gold will bo ex ported, ami there taenia to ba au Im pression that tit' 1 may be the beginning of sunh oxjiorta ns will oompel tho treaa tiry department hriiIh to take tteiw to protect ita own nupply. In fact, not a fow of the lliimiolers are In-lined tn the opinion that bafore the end of the yonr the government will negotiate, ngnlu for the mile of bonds for gold. Now York Oor. ridbtdelphln l'rew. Tim llauker I Hum. At the meeting of Group No. T of the New Yoik Slide liaukera' nwoalntiou, held in New York olty the other day, Kills II. IlobortH, ox-iirtUttuit United States treasurer, was the principal speaker. Daring Ids speech lie made uu iy caudid itatement 1 "Tho bank er of tlic Laitad Stntea might to femi nist.. th Amuielal fstleoy whlah fliall gnt.-ni ihUouunary. UuiiKtessleuHl na r n will profKHl on tbo line that the brtnUcrn formulate. Why ii..nll th" liik. wulr foi the nvnl ir 1 irir ry nod ixiugie. to uit' . j t 'il f . aurl ) ii-m In.,- Sell You Oonds foi'T. . . II. !!. PIERCE, President, S. T, BITTING First National OIF1 E3DID"Y'? 1ST. IM!.. piRCTon:s Clmi 11. liddy, .1. 1'. Mathosnti, s. T. Hitting, .1. A. IWdy, It. II. l'lorco W. A. Ilawklnn. C. K. Conway. ooo8oeo.ooeasi-sM PICKETS, 8ASII, etc, F. MATHESON,. . commission WaL And Gonoi'iil Hay, GiHiin, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal ana Ice delivered in the City. W A.KERR s-y- Fancy G-roceries W. A. MILLER, painter and Qecoratorj Qallcry of pim Irfep. I'AIJJ'll. Qlliai VAIUJIflllHa. kajaauisjl .kahkmj PlOTUftB KBAMB8, 00M AIOUIiUINO lllCrFOnK MQOhDINO AKTIBT8' llATltHIAli AND Wall" Paper. -SANTA FE ROUTED THE SHORT bINE TO Ohicago, St. Louis and Kansas Oity.. Vo Transfers from KI M or fori fclii. uijt'loii nl'or othtr Itiroud ndveflltjuj; matiat alk k t niM.ANU, 0. T. NIJllIDtflON, l F nndP A., (lenlU Ajcat. hi I-- Text TSpekSi Kanwi Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, New Things In Shirts and Hats the Lowest Prices. Vice President C Z, Conway, Cashier m Bank, LUMBBBi-UTIIiSHIILl Li irorwiu'diiiir - 4 ft