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KJJ; Conuly net llo t dit pi JMM HHHHM IMMm SJMajMajWaBjaJ MajWMgMHKi SananaMHMalajM Hk HHM HHMUMAMflMM VOL, 4 J2DDY NEW MEXICO, MARCH 2G, IB9G. NO 20 ItORWKLt, 1TF.MH, rrorathsRctlittr. I. L. Wlldy la setting out n large or chbrd. (. . W. Hnynes has rented tho Need linm residence. (ins Slcgmnn, of Miller, was in lown yesterday, Fred Miller was U town Thursday from Hope. . L. It. Hnitlett oaino up froin Kddy on Sunday's train. This morning J. S. Williamson left for Ft. sumner. W, 8. Pragor returned, Friday, from a trip to the east. 0. 1). Foul, of Uugcrinnn, was In town Thursday after supplies. m. T. Hitting was in town uatcrday looking ufter business IntcreHts. Charley Pollock is taking dancing lessons. Won't he bo In tho whirl. V, 11. C. Potty and daughter, Miss Julia, left for Midland, Texas, yesterday. Joo Whlteman left Saturday for Whito Ouks on u bttslneHS und pleas ure trip. J. M. lilggs and family will leave this week for the western part of thu terri tory. Ileal estulo deals nro getting numer ous. but not any too many to suit tho dear people. A. CI. Draper mode u trip to tho lower valley Sunday. It Is not often that A. (1 gets out of town. OorgO A. and Charley White, sheoiF men from tho l'enasco country, were in town yesterday nrtor Hiippllos. Attorney J. O. Cameron, of Kddy, nr. rived on Sunday's train und has been looking after J?ul business since. Mrs. M. ,1, Murray and son and Bister, Miss Iloso Netterberg, returned to their Iiomo at Kddy on Saturday, Carrie Whlteman accompanied them for a two week's visit. A. Fruit came up from JSddy last Wednesday evening and now lias charge of the Joyco, Fruit & Co. estab lishment. Mr. Fruit nud family will occupy tho Capt. James residence. Ilagerman school has an uttoudance of sixty-eight scholars, dally, Misses Hluckbtono und Smalloy huvo been em ployed fir an intension of three months nlteriijp uxplratu'n of present c Kitriid. Thursday Frank Graham received fjyj sad nows of his brothor being shot and killed tteur Crawford, Tex. Frank loft for Texas and hns not returned. Tho murderer Is now In Jail at Waco. li t'. Petty, or Midland, Texas, has purchased the old Hoarse pruperty on corner itlchardson uveutie nud Fifth street. Air. Petty will build a two ttliiiy brick residi-nco und move his family to Itoswcll. I". M. Iltii ton died Monday evening at his homo near llagermnu, of paraly. uis or the luMft. The remains will be embalmed and sent to Fort Wuyno ind. lfr llnrton was ono of tho oldest set tlers at Ilagorman. Tho Jaffa.Frnger CCuhus openea u real estate nnd brokcrago exchange, with a capital stock of 8100,000. Tho firm is no well and favorably known in New Mexico that tho JUhiisthii need nst mention their reliability. Tho peo pie of lloswell oro glad to know that the linn has again estuuibuieu iiseir in (iiisIuchh In our midst. Their olllce is lu tho old bank headquarters ut Hotel I'anly, THE OLD AOE CAVES IN. A I 'f f. ,nii(i huiI n J.ono llalajr 'tgff Ncljr. KOws hat. been received hero of u serious disaster to tho Old Abu gold mind at White Oaks. There was u eav Ing In a lev nights ago, from tho llrst in thu H&Lh lovrl. a distance of about 700 feet. i.'h" men were ull out of tho mine Bt tho time. It will tuko mariy tvk and an expenditure of 860.000 to repair the damage. Nearly all of th people of tlio oamp are dependent upon this mine fur employment und tho dis aster hi of public character. Tho burning of tli t shaft lust year caused the h so of (Wo lives and the suspen sion i.f work f r months. Tho iniuo linn for many rears been a good pro duccr and he paid large dividends. Iteecntly atiOJVbody of rich oro was stytck otid ijntlDtiblcdly tho company will take jirnmpt measure! to repair the damage. hi ruso neraiu. 1 1 1 j, A CHILD U09T. l ii JIlvl ftoin Last Nlgltl' OuIroIub T. & V, Train. IU to lit KU'ato ItmM Van Hoius, Texas, March 23,-Tho four year-old son of W. C. Harden, who was u passenger on tho T. & P. east a . . . A. . . I 1.1 i .. .yjotllM train iasi nigm, was ios somu where Sierra lllanou and Van Horn The child was last seen at Sierra Jilanoa im tho train. A party from hero In t ar hiug fr it. AHIMiokat for llog, .Hitherto tho growing of this ralua- blo tuberous rooted perennial, Illustra ted hcrowlth, has been nlmost wholly neglected, nnd greatly misunderstood, Hut tholr groat vnluo as a cheap, handy, healthy hog food has been so thorough; ly aired tho past three years, In tho pross of thu country, by men who have had practical experience with them, that an enormous dmiund has been created for thorn. As a hog food they cannot bo oxeol- led. A good plan is to plant all your lots with artichokes about May first, when your hogs nro turned on pasture. Then when your pasture plays out In thu fall-or about .September into Oc tober 1 you will have line food In your lots for your hogs, whero they can root at Intervals, whenever tho ground Is not frozen, until the following Muy, when they will have received as much benefit from. one nsre of urtluhokcH as from ten ncres of corn. Thoy will also have lelt enough tubors In your lots to ru-seed the ground for tho next crop, It Is a hog's nature to root, In filet his hogshlp happier tlmu when ho Is rooting, und tin nrtluhuko ouu truly bo called a hug's drug store. A wealthy hog rauor of tho writer louiialutnnco, v,ho has made 480 acres of 8100 land out of hog raising for tho pork market, miys he would not bo without a big puteh of the urtlchokoji, as ho has hod no hog tllwniu) In his herd since they have been allowed to oat artichoke tubers. A sow will not oat her pigs If she has been allowed previously to out arti chokes, and hogs do not root up pas tures in the Bprlug when thoy have pro vlotisly been allowed to root In the ar tichoke patch to their hearts' content. A hog's object lu rooting is to obtain roots, which, ns I said before, servo tho samo purpose to him its does the drug btoro to tho luuimim being. Afrtr ho has eaten a goodly portion of art! chokes, tho rooting notion will bo al most entirely nut of his head, so say extensive hog raisers who lmvo grown and fed the artichoke. In many parts of North America the "wild" urtlchoku Is it native. It Is merely a bad weed, n dangerous pest, which produces very fow and small tubers, and Is very dillleult to extermi nate. Many farmers who have seen It growing understand that there is u dif ference n vust difference lu tho wild" and "tame," or domesticated, sorts. In fact thoy aro us dllferent as are wild and tame ryo. During tho past fow years tho tame or domesticated sorts have been Im ported from Ittirope and are, In some psrtH of tho United Status, being ex tensively grown us a hog mid stock food. Thu artichoke can ho as easily grown us corn or potatoes, and on laud that will produco fifty bushels or corn you uau easily raise wo Minimis or urn- uhokes. The writer frequently does this, and has grown over POO per ocru on ground that had never been ma nured. Cut tho tubers, plant und cultivate precisely same as potatoes. They ure great soil eurlcher, und can bo easily exterminated by plowing the young plants tinder when thoy nro about a foot high, as tho old tubers huvo rotted, und tho young ones havo not yet form ed ut tho time, 1 would not think of farming with out them. The Improved Whito French is tho only variety worthy of culture and it is u purse comforter. Six bush els will plant ono acre. Again I say, grnw thu urtiol oko and you wilt havo u line, health hog rood und no choloru. J. P., Mellville, Madison County, 111. ONLY HI 5.0(1 'I'lia 'I'uina t'xnlfin Itnltonv fJutnninv will thU year fufiiUh to legatary ordnlnod elergymii, duly oredlla-l, uiUilunornrlr ur ntliBm noltlr nuirnaet! in mlnWlcrlnl ilullin, on thousand mllo lloktU good on nl purliaii orilini hjhimh. AppiltmlBU mr iiimki mni iiiuuiu Tviiu A Faeitla lUllwnjr, or ndur. (lou'l 1W & Tt. Aetit, Dulls, 'Uiw, Nutlet, ia Itatiirit llarutM, Thu iwrtv who borrowed my double huruuM, Jan. 10th, is requested to re turn winu as I tietd It. J. O. Cam linos. PUIt 1UJ.N1. A iifuil llvii rnotti limun. nlpiitrliillirliL range, bath, hot water connection, etc. is. a. aion mi, Agi. BKLItOT aOIIOOI. IN KDItV. A Kuluct soIAjoI. lu which all the lend ing common brunches will bo tuught according lo mo jaiosi unu mosi ap proved normal methods, with Kinder, garten training olasses added for tho younger pupils, will open April 0, 1HW, for n term of ut least two mouths. Thoro will be morning sessions only. Parents desiring their children lo ut tend this school will please call upon or notify tho teacher. Mattlo Ite'.if. rnrn IJI"i J mirm m ntaeW Furnishing Goods Millinery, Hats, Now Goods Now. Ooming In. Buy V DONNELLV'8 6UOOE8TION. Th nun ll l'ropoie. For Ilsllylne Alt ltnrurracrt In 1800, Thoro are enough pooplo in tho United States oppr nod to tho sluglo gold stand ard to oltxit n prosldont, vlcu president and n cougroiHi, beside governors and legislators lu two-thirds of tho states. 13ut you say to tho freo silver Domoornt or Itepubllonu, "Uomo Into tho Pooplo's Party," nud he draws back nnd ropllos "No I iJon't boliovo iu government ownership of railronds nnd othor mat ters whloh you oliug to, Yon nro too radical. If I tried to movo my followers Into your oamp, half of thorn would de sert nt tho gata nud go over to tho ouo my. But why not lot tho Populists givo up part of tholr platform nud cotno Into our cninpr" To which tho Populist ropllos t "That unot bo. Wo nro for freo sil ver, but thcro nro other things which wo regard ns of grontcr iuiportnuco tlmu even tho sll .'ur question. If wo tried to movo Into your camp, two-thirds of our won would lonvo us nud go bnok to tho old parties." Plutocracy listens to (his dlsputo and grins with dolight. It chuckle mid saysi , ,TThoy never can unite Wo will boat them iu detail nud plauder iliom at our lolsuro." Now lot D.i inukn n suggestion : Tho Populists will, us n matter of course, hold n national convention next your, nud they will undoubtedly sub stantially renftlrm tho Oinnhn platform, omitting, perhaps, tho subtreasury sohomo. On tho snmo dny, nt tho snino placo, let thoto bo nuu'lier oouventlou hold innn up of portios not Populists, but menu or freo silver, nud who rofuso to , amltat vrlih olthor of tho two old par- ' ties. Let tl mi adopt n platform ns brosd or its narrow ns thoy plcana Tho j prolmbllltlesnro that thcro will bo littlo ! dlfferuuoo, when thoy enmo to dlwtiM , tho sovornl issum htifnro the pooplo, bo tweon tholr )irlnolplcs and tho Oinnlm plutform. Pildo of opinion has muoh to do with thoro tilings. Then let each convention nppoiut n commltteo of con ference itud iuo if tho X'opuliits nud tho free sllvcrltcs cannot ngroo upon tho Mtniu cnndlilntes for prcsldont und vlco prosltleut. If this is done, both sides will then support tho samo electoral ticket lu thu kovcrnl states without tho slightest sacrifice of principle on cither sldo, nud wo will swoop tho coun try I Huppoito ouo of thoso roform eouvcu--Hons puts fcrthn domaud for tho iultla iivo nud refureudumr Buppma both do? What thou? All mou, of tho most di versified views, could thus unite toolect n reform pi t-sftlont and coiyjrtws, govern ors mid itnto IcglHlnturPs. Then when ever nuy of our more advanced or mora rndlenl friends think thu timo is rlpo to submit their particular polloy to tho people they can "lnltluto" It nud lmvo it "refwred" to n popular voto, and If tho voter hnvn been sumelontly educat ed to support their view, then thnlr es peoial roform will triumph. Under tho theory of a republic whatover tho inn- iority think right is right nud whatever t thinks wrong Is lirnctlonlly wrong, for th thiH' bciiiB, nlthnugh it may bo thooretieally right. No man Is fool enough to tlamaud that his pet ideas shall bo oMkblishMl byn mlitorllyt for tho imestliHi would then nrlM, What shall tlmt tulnorlty eousltit of 11) pr evut, or 30 per out, or 1 m etmt? Ilwio nil thsso soiwrntn bauds of re formers oun uiilto in one grand move ment ttm!3Wii tho iiiUIbii. lflimtlus Dounelly in T1m IttprsKJilutlve. It Is possl'jlo to grain butter uuy wsy ouu wuuts it, elthsr ooarto or Hue. Hut when it is suflno grnlnwl us to ta uionly U is injurod and off flavor. A oreuinury trust is the mtxt thing threatened. This would nut be so bud If tho dalryuieu tuid furmers thomselvtiM formed thu trust. Dut it is said that I body of Uhloago capitalists are buying up weoteru creameries nnd propose to run them us other combines are run. It willuotpay. Thero is not profit enough iu a oreainery fur anybody to owu it ex cept tho peoplo who operate it and those who coutrlbuto milk to it. Tho proAls aro too small to divide. "T rmym rrn mrm "tsTT" "n mJi mL mLi toLm nlwN Vaei O 0 v v, -J-J I Can More ONE DOLLAR CASH Tltnn Any Other Jlotiso In thu Country. from a Cash House and you will get (BIMETALLISM AND NATURE. Cwla" Illnitrate 111 VlnsncUl Ttiorr by IUfcrtlof to the Dasl lu rUtare. Wo boliovo that bimetallism that re lies ou two matals for money is a hotter polloy than ouo that rolics on only onO motal. Wo, do not pratend to say thai tho lutolllgouco of mankind may uot find n batter system than both of thorn, but wo do say that to doiuouetlzo olthcr of thoso metals Is n stop backward nnd not a stop forward. Dlmotnllism is tho right to mo olthcr gold or silver ns primary mouoy. Thus, undor such n law, if our Irndu relations or tho laws of othor untlous tnko our gold nwny, wo havo silver, and no serious Injury occurs. And thu canio enving piliiolplo implies if our silver should lonvo us nun gold romnlu. Tho vital prlnclplo lu bimetallism is tho right to uio either motal. If production grows loss on one, wo lmvo the other, and tho two togfthor furnish n moru stublu supply of mouoy material than either nlono can ftirulih. With one only of tlmm for money, tho contraction and expituslun of the world's supply, iflter uittlng as thoy will, makn mi uucurtnlu otKruuMtuhlesnpply. Of tho two metals, dollar for dollmr, 10 inula of filter tn 1 iwrt nt Mold, stiver Is tho mors uio ful of the two, if nppllMl to tho imwt iides itiul Is tho niuio servlccnhlo of tlit two liiflaln. Tho prluclpls that it is mi for to rely for money on two metals than on onu Is n principle Hint wo curry into everyday Ufa Wn rely on wheat, oorn nud riee for bread i on Iwef, pork nud mutton fm moat. If ono is Hmrcu, wo uw theothor It is also a principle reoogulxwl h the uiiheeu Powor tlmt mad us. Yf lmvo two eyes, iw to iclh ra thu strut upon tho otliiri two rurs, two arm, two hip for thu miiiiii ri'BKoii. Wo ltav ouo lieud, hut two Mm of brain ; ouu hmirt, but two vi utricles mid two sets of veins; ouu chext, hut two lungs; two fuuutlous.tu relievo the oruaiw of dlgM- lion; tho inantli nud nosu are both dual lu count ruction. Creation ltwilf Is duiil lu thu marriitgo lolntiuu. I remind you of thcrfo simple fuels iu unlure to touch tho simple Iidmuii that, lu providing for nuiiioy, it was slmpllolty nud wIhIiuii to provido tlmt money could bu madu from two metnln, ouo to rolievo thu strain ujwn tho othor, mid thu volumo of both to bo drnwu npnu to meet thu domand for mouoy. Tills was tho elas ticity that bimetallism gave to our cur rency. W. U. llnrvoy's Kansas Ulty Sjiecch. Wlmt UimIc V1ub. Homo of our friends tell us tha IitSv- doesu't oreuto value I ugreo to tlmt. Uut tho law oau eronto demand and do maud mm oroato vnluo. Do you lines tluu tlmtr Htriku down thu demand for uuy oommudity ami you dimluUli its vnltiu nud iuemtso thu demand nud you iumedso tlio vnluo. Now, our Demoeratie friends who op pose this memniro (the rehnblllttttiou of stiver) my tlmt under no oousldttmtibu could they itflrtw to ooiii sllvor nt m tlmu its uommeroial vidua I agree with them. There Is no trouble botwenii us ou that. Hut how oau we get at Its com mwulul vuluy If my DMnoeratio friends think to oompum Its vain with goM now wheii It is itrditbltwl colnsge, than I say to them they nro no friends of sll vcr and are eueiules of it fair test The way to test Its commercial value is to restore Its status ns it wus whan it was strlekeu down. Ux-Speaker Urlin. fUpalr t) ltol Iitip. Is it any wonder that In many cams Uio horses on the farms are a liaru looxing ot of animals when the roads lu the near vicinity of tho farms Iu question aro one mou of mud and ftltlif How much rnoro proiltablo It would Ik uot only to the former himself, out to tno Sublloin gonornl, If mure attention were evoted to seeing tlmt tho roads are kept iu good condition. Tho greatest troublo to bo overcome Is not only to soo that the roads aro repaired, but to sea that nrooar renairtmr Is done. Many fanners, nud even turnpike companies, when thov do make repairs, suoh as filling up ruts nud holes lu tho roads, haul loads of stone, without any owe being esar clsed us to s I us, and dump them ou the road aud then wait for passing teams to seatUr tsau abobL Good Hoods. Soil You Goods for.... R. II, PIERCE, President, S. T, BITTING First Mio . OIF T. v. " MPIReCTORS.K- Cliu, II. IliWy, .1. 1'. MiiIIhwoji, S. T. V,. .V. lliiwkltiM, A , Pir.VPTS. RASH. Mr. Q J. F. MATHESON,. GF And Opnernl Foi'wni'ding SB. Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal and Ico delivered in the City A.KERR sal V J Fancy Qroceries W. A. MILLER, Painter and Qecoratorj Gallery of Fc ArP PAINTS, QII.H, VAnNIBIIBS, lUW.HAMIWJS, SAJS "W"all" SANTA FE ROUTED THE SHORT lolNETO Chioago, Si Louis tninsftrs fr&ni wjRlon sl'Or otlur lnfo0d advrtilng wsltr I). Ih and V. A., l!l I'uso, Toxae. Bry Goods, Glofliihg, Shoes, New Things In Huts the Lowest Prices Vice President C E, Conway Cashier UlttiliK, ,r. A. IWilr, It, ll,. Moroa ('. IC. ODtnvny. Ddl Bdnk. LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES 7 Mnlib. J. jSipoitxlty. Paper. TTSi and K OU., Kl m or fort nattsr "kBBB 0. T. NI0IIOLB0H, (Ifni. Pass. Agent, Topeko, Kansas.