Newspaper Page Text
(Current. EDDV, ...... N. M. This favorite soa-ahlne bolneo MB turu out to be only tnom-ohlne. Disappointed aoplraals for Consul ships In lpln Mrs booamlng reconcile to life onct wort. , The homing question with the Mir Jlon Aroiy Just new le: "Whet shall we do to be saved?" rrtnehmen ere building a telegrapl line serine tbe akara Desert. It re quires both nand and Oant. The new project by which ears nn to run by air le iloubtlM n eomplemeni of eoino ot thete wind franchisee. Washington, I). C, wo nrn tnlil, aup port eeren theaters. The rent ot the '-otinlry, boworer, supports Washing ton. rongroeeman Woodman rays there'i nothing open on Sundays In Washing ton but the graveyard. Why tloeen'l ho yawnT Tbe prospect le now tbnt tho Keel) motor ami Dr. (Junior Simian diction ary will be turned loose on the world about the some tlmo. If tbe revolution increase In volume the parent ftalvatlnn army will toon he compelled to rcroKnla the belllgererulj ot the Anirrlrnn brench. Hon. Itoko smith may possibly find1 rime clause tn the political land lawi ; 7"' " which will justify him In declaring tht fUt AUbama dlatrJrt. Ily Wednee rrlsp aanatorlal lioom a "sooner." J lorUeleni. Mil will be completed and It will p rob in hn null has no claim on the north fAly o-aiwr the attention of the house role, but It would be assuming n great' "H" " remainder of theweek. lrnl of Istltude for t'nele gam to elaln tt by virtue of the Monroe doctrine. An ISngllsbman has succeeded In tak ing a photograph ot a thought. lCn gllsh thouihts offer peculiar advant age for photography because they arc mi very slow. postomce has been osUbllshed In tho. ronvoat of New Meltnry, near l)u btinue. Inwn, but It Is not oxplnlnod bow they will get around tho mil against the admission of males. An epidemic of mumps has broken out In the Weeleyan university al rn.MH ,.... ill n1 (, uliiil-ttld am JltinillllllKIllIIt 111 I HVWW RlHMOIItU r" , ...J'i ... ii .... i.j. .t.t. .,. I Kjftrig I mm Ml, ifuvwiiur n v v uiuh; , mat Only IS per cent of thigraduatos ol week dispatched a force of 600 Urttlsh women's .ollegta marry. Of the re- iwm to asl In putting down the mnlnlng fir, per rent there are some who Mnll uprUlng. The lrdr of Mat wculd mnrry If the right man eam airland Is 3to mile to the northeast nlnng. but the statistics are silent on onl Huluwsyo Is ISO mile. away, this point I ThB Present outbreak of dlscontant J can hanlly be tho result of race eytn- Marriageable American men will re- lthy with tho MntaMe and If It has Jolce to lenrn of the proposed tax on any connection with the Matabele revoll the dowrlee of rich American women t tnust be through the Inciting agent who marry foreign noblemen. Could ll"g the same. Mnsur have been they make the tax prohibitive these taken to protect Marking. The Inhsb Sr ntlemcn would not scruple to do It. j lm have held a mt Hlng and oclded I to apptal to (iov. Sir Hercules Robin- This Is what the telegraph editor will son to -end troops, the police not be have to tackle after tba Oreater New lag sultlclent for the protection of Ue York scheme becomes a reality: cbauanaland to the north. Nowyorkbrooklynloagial a n d c 1 1 ! ,H,., (Vwiiimg n7. graveaendjerseycltyhobok o n k I n g a Nw VoTk Aprl c.-Bg-IVaoldwH county. July l.-gpeclal.l-Mlas 3o- aprlioa Mucr:.! a nutnbw of Henna painted a picture to-day Mn&t y,tro,. l.rtvtmaM win u- .... ,.. uH yum. cner a oeuvres in me ueiurai mrx an gallery. It Is nlesslng to hear from the repro- lentattve negroes In conference at Tua- kegee, Ala., that the condition of their! rare Is Improving. The present genera- lion Is freeing Itself from the enervat-! Ing Influents of slavery, and the next.' It Is to be hoped, will gratify the pre-, dlctlona of the negroes' alneerest friends. Their prograaa, Ilka that ot, all races, deavor. depends on their own on- o.ier Proctor, formerly secretary , of war. last week made some very Tig.' be iu;Jtfd to the eager gi c f people orous remarks on the neeeeelty ot who are not In any wiv tntrrested In KrcnRtbeiilnK our const defenees. There her or Mm. It Is quit a private mat Is a feeling In tbe coantry that this Is ler. If peopl knew the hour there a work that should be attended to. awl would lie a th jfig about th church that too without delay. Not that we are j through which they could nut mke In danger of Immediate war, uut Hie Very fact that our coast cities are M de fenseless might prove tbe oecaaUm ot n war when strong defenses would bring jwace. Any nation wleulng to jmnlsli tho I' n I ted HUtee tor an alleged Injury Would flgur eut that all they would )tave to do would be to send a fleet to peine one of our great cll's and demand C, ransom. The senator also points out bat we should have proper defenses for the sake of our new and costly navy, lis there might come a time when a per- j IWH oi our nvtif uwm cuumrnif imi t.Mt.4 . u.l nut rlaaaail umuUt nl ' ft " - . h temporary harbor of refute- It sheuld nUo b remetHMroti tuai utia manay Will not be thrown away, Iho it will gill be spent at home and gtr employ. Uent to home labor The amount of matter handled by the Chicago postal detMrtmeat Inat month was to per cent greater than the ansonat Mindled during February ef last year. It Is for young woman and the polltl tdaas to decide whether leap year or fiolittcs Is reepoasible for this eaorwoui iaerwue. The trouble with lUly Is that she Is pot a good Imitator. In trying to emu late Raglsad's grab-all policy abe chose a strong nation. Kngland never does at. she picks out the weak. Wltntu a abas tee. A VERY LIVELY AYEEK. THAT'S WHAT THE IIOUSU EX IBOT TO HAVB. Tlio Omiferciire Itrjwrt of the Cuban Hrto JiiIIhiii Am to be Voted tin Tii'Dny. l'6tnlea lllll in the 8riint-Mnrstn to Nprnk. Washington, April C This promises to be an exceedingly Ilvoly week In tho house. To-day the house will rote on tbe adoption of the conference report on the Cuban resolutions, which was de bated on I'rltlny and Saturday. It Is a foregone conclusion that tho report will bo adopted by nn overwhelming veto, but It Is probable that thoro will bo tnoro member recorded against It than the tioeftage of the original reso lutions. Immediately ntierward an effort will Ira made to pan the river and lmrbor bill under a suspension of tho mica. Tho bill oarrlee something over $0,000. 000 In actual approprlaUons, but nu- LtborUes contract for almoet $40,000,. 000 additional. The Democrats would like an opportunity to attack tho bill heoAtiiQ ot tho onorroou charge It makes upon tho treasury In tho futuro nnd they will make all the resistance they aro able to. Under tho rules, how ever, their opposition Is not llkoly to be offectual, and moreovor, thoro aro many feature of the bill In which In dividual Democrats are vitally Inter ested. following tb pneenge ot the rlvors fitidvliarbor bill Mr. tickler, chairman of the Invalid pensions committee, probably will call tip one of the general bills retHKted by his com mh tee. There lUn cases to be More Trouble. Cape Twvn, April 0. Alarm prevail at Maf eking and the" fanners In the outlying dlstricu are brtnuing their families Into town. They declare that the natives In tho country around are preparing tu rlo on account of tfw dtacowtmt aroused among them by tbe slaughter of their ,u tl fl(rorl t0 ,wm) out t, (le Htmctlve rinilor pest. This cattle ills- oae has been creating great havoc among tho herds of the Transvaal nnd Ilhodeala has become paralyxed. Mafeklug Is situated on the northern border of Cape Colony, with the Trans vaal adjoining It on tile oast. It is . a . a a a ell. the point from which Jameson's riders point from which Sir HerrulM Hobln- . WBdd,B to Mr,. UUtimdrK to - . . . . .. Admission to the church will be by -ard oitty. and not mora tb thirty guetta will be treHt. Thoro Is :lll a great daal ot sprctilnMon about the time at wMeh the rcrewoiiy will l pe.-fored. but nonmioB upon that ""'J 4l allowed t(. lak out. Watt the guests do iw.t know th hour, "Vu.! see," raid Hv ary TlbfbetU to-day. "Oen. Hurrlson do.j not wan a crown to oe arounn me enurcn worn thty j In and c,u'. It Is not that he desires to make himself exclusive. Irat tiui hew nt like Mrs. niaamlck to tholr wtiy." llellt-Hlr (ititue. Ath'na. April 6. To-day is the day act for Uw ojxuilng of the ra:su In Bw lUJlonl' nif v tni juttrcoy. as a iwoUminory rereiu.m n a'tu wm unvHIed by the Or;-n rlne Coa :antlne of (Str 4 M. Avero'. the wv-ilthy (Ire-k of Alexamlrta. wbo ha ak-'ic iMMtilluiel i.onu.tHio dnvhnuu toward the -xnn- of the rne oratloa of the Hi uUn a u at l 1 1 possible to it irlK' '-onili li.n Th rstas are to in- nn. ler 'he i,ir-tiii of the Athe nian Olympic games raMU tteo, of which the iVown HrHw C.n antlue Is the (halrtnan. Tbe t niied State rontrtbu'M twu H um to the r mrpil tlon. rat- from lii!i'um and one frim the IU.jt.ra A'h!i:lr s..'!aili,a. t'r fl.-r HIiuT" Ifcira Iiepot. Ky Api.M I.ale yes tHay evening as Mrs Nancy Killer waa riding home n horseback from ll- abe waa met In the road by a mini ltanuinl Hrown. wbo at once tout: hnlil of her huree and 'ommeni-ed to (lrK br rr Having draRgeil Iiit off be thrfw In r umii the groninl. chohiiiK t.'T nil 'in- hili iilniiiii in in socwiliilhty Hr i.: i i.i uruiaed and bleeillnK and t ik i' the wi. hU Hrown ralfie line al. .ji llirii' UKUiili noxi fn.rn M -t . i tin- i ml !.u- I. :i i. iicIIikc 1 1 ' i'. k- iik- ; r , , 1'natnntre lllll Tn-rtay. WnaMnolen, April 0. Tij; senate will oonUntie the consldehaU. lot tho postflfTlee bill to-day, and It lit hoped that the day will suffice to oonoludo the debate on this bill. Senator Morgan will to-morrow mako a speech on the I'sotflo railroad refund ing attention and will probably eon mime the ur eater jmrt ot Mie day in support ot hhi resolution, outlining a bill nnd tn opposition to the bill tinder eonslderatlon by the joint etfScommlt Uo ot tlio two hoimns. Tho remainder ot the week wilt be given up largely to the Indian appro priation bill. Thero will bo an effort In tho aenate to amend tho bill by add ing tho plan agreed upon by tho com mittee on Indian affairs for changing tho system of land holdings In tho In dian Territory and this will develop a sharp debate. The naval appropriations hill vlll bo reported during the wcok and will bo In eondkkm tn lie taken up na noon as the Indian bill is out of the way. It Is Senator Porter's intention to call up his anti-bond resolution It opportunity of fers. A runic. Chtoago, III., April 6. A tiro Which boro a vary threaten big aepect for a time ami cr en tail a ; suite broke out this afternoon In n Clark ntrcot dlmo mil soutn. It lolnff ISastw Siimlay tho two mmll IhentMrs in tho bulhHtvg woro on tortnlnlng atnllenoea ot moro than usual proiiortlons, at leaat 1000 iKvrsona, who occupied ovory nvallablo epneo, bolng prosont. The mtdlmr mado a rush for tho door ntid for altmo pandomo nvtim reigned. Tho atnge nrnnngor, Clmrles Hell, took a commwuln pol bfoti ami tirgeil the people not to lose their heads, and to his cooIiiom mid nelf-poaaeMHoa U due the fact tlmt tho INktron finally esropfd without Injury. The wildcat o.nfiulon, however, pre vniled among t'.ie freaks and atttgo per formers, but all em-aped wtttmnt kijury, rnnnof tli actors nHMtlng Into Uus stma in their :e wttlro. llnii.ri lliMitrn;rd. Madrid, April C A terrible, flro has occurred at Manilla, In tho Phllllplno Islands, by which 4000 house woro de stroyed and M.000 people left homo leas. Manilla Is the canltnl of tlm Phliiininn Islands nnd has n population of 100,000, or with the surbtirbs 10,000. It Is one ot 4he great emporiums of tho onst. Tho j prlneliwl public buildings nro tho ca thedral, tho imlares of tho governor and the archlrtahop's bonutlfttl town house, ten churchoa of dlfforont relig ious orders, several mehaatorlM, con vents, tho nrsennl, threo colleges for young men nnd two for young womon, a supreme court, prison, civil hospital, uulvwslty, a marine and a oominoreinl ! echool, n large U-eaxor, a euatom-house ami imrracHs. it has frequently been vmteu uy severe ana dealruotlra earth- quake. Tiike ii Out tllnc (Inn. New Orleans. La.. Anrll 0. Tn re- sponse to the application of the sheriff ot 8t. indry parish and the mayor o Onelousas, (Iov. Poster directed llrlg. Oen. John Olynn, commanding the state national guard, to comply with the re quest ot the St. Landry authorities. Oen. dlyun issued the neceosary or ders and sixtv men of lb Wuliinir. ton artillery left this evening for Ope- uosas in rommandi of Capt. fndsrlilll. Ten ot the men were artillery men In charge of the Oatllng gin, whlih no eowipwiled (he expedition. Tbe others went na lufnntry. A special train will meet the party at Utayette and tho troopa wilt tie In Onelousaa before morning. liloetrlelljr Cm, n, It. New York. April 0. A eaoh offer of over tl.000.600 has been made by a lead ing banking house representing a for eign country for the privilege of runn ing ofli is! boats on tlio Erie eaiial by otootrle traction. Several mouths ago experiments were made at Tonawanda with a system ot towing nana! boats by a small motor running on a cable. The motor ran suc eeaafttlly and If la said to lie ready for operation the entire length ot the canal. It this system be put into nieoaaafiil operation the canal would become the great traltlo route from the lakes to tho seaboard. THiM'r-iiii.i. in Mli'lileitii. Detroit. Mich., April .-A special from ljuiaing. Mien says Uwt Dr. ft. A. Ilanger of the Michigan agricultural college, who ban InvoMlgatod the tub erculosis In almost ovory part of the state, Imm discovered that the disease also exists la the fine herd of thor oughbreds at the college farm, not withstanding the eopootal care and ex ercise given these cattle. ISxperifont will be made upon the Infected animals. iHjttrle Were final. Akron, 0-, April I. Ira SUIlson. the hired man of Alvln N. Stone, who was assaulted by the same nmon who killed Mtone and bts wife a week ago. Satur day night, died this afternoon. He waa never able to give a clear account ot the tragody, saying during the brief in terval that he waa Vunacious that he remembered nothing of the aosault upon hlmaelf. hl-l HIIIM I'llHl. Wtwbwrg. la.. April . H. c Paster aoM of the Ntwefttle Wire Natl com pany, Is authority for the t mew wit that as a result of the steel lillH pool wire u ails will be advanced 2& nU par ton. This will make an advme of 40 t-onu within the past two - k., ISrt. April C The Temps nrts that thi Idea ot ths Dongola e,. inion emanated irom King Hunilx who -Hiiltniicoimlv addreaard Eiig'..i) and i u nnriy utx tbe subject. ENGLISH ANECDOTES. THE UATE INDIANIAN WAS A PJATIIEn ODD OLD MAN. During the Anneiatlnn ot Texai the rnuniUllon for I tie flreat fortune Wa tli1 III Clmrlly WatAtwars Btlent HU tlraltirj-. Indianapolis Letter. M, ILLIAM II. BN gllsh, one of tho stalwart figures nmong Indiana's best men, Is gone. He seems to liavo kept his lite woll squared. He was a lono-some-looking man, and was as lono- samo ss ho looked. Ho doubtless found good company In himself, for ho was tho solo counsellor ot htn own nets. Had he been less so cludod ho might liavo lived longer. He lodged nnd ato at a hotel on tho Clrclo which ho owned. It was there bo tell sick, nnd thoro n few weeks later ho died, To an old man who has known tho mlnuto attentions ot home, sickness nnd death at n hotel arc not Ideal reali zations. When Mr. English's illness was Incipient ho Indulged tho delusion of robust men that It was a trifle, though warned not to do so. His only dnnghtor lived but n couple hundrod miles away at Chicago, though she was not sent for until her father's condition, I believe, wns critical. Mr. English hrd ample fortune, of course, to keep a man sion nnd pay servants to wait upon him, but the ease and comfort ot such a life were never n part of his calculation. ICconomy teemed to have grown Into a passion with him. and perhaps he prac ticed it to extremity. 1 don't know. Of late Mr. ISngllah had become stout, nnd yet with his Increase of rotundity from year to year ho never outgrow thai WILLIAM brown frock coat his tailor mado him. iioino sevonteen yonrs ago, for n visit to Samuel J. Tllden. It was In that coat pants and vest lo match that ho had tho famous Interview with Mr. Tllden as ,to campaign expetuos, nnd about which 1 Mr. Walter Wellmau has spun sorao It IhlH wildest romame. Mr. Kngllsh cor 'talnly did not get cheated In that coat, liii) matter what price he paid tor It. It must liavo been mado ot good material llo have kept Its drossy look so long, cven It handled with the best of enro. I should say, from observation at dlffor ont times, that the goods was north ot Kngland worsted. Mr. Hngllsh tcomod attached to the coat as an old friend: ! and, 1 1 he Napoleon, ho could never 1 tolerate new faces about him. It wax all ho retained ot the campaign, nnd kept It ns n relic, though he paid for it, as he did for everything else he got at that time. 1 saw him last In the early days of December. He was without an orereoat, after the manner ot Hannibal Hamlin, which was very Injudicious, for the weather was Inclement. Tbe brown frock was wide open In front. Poislbly it was a little too tight to button then. In Indiana Mr. Kngllsh was thought a rich man. He left nn estate worth three millions, halt of which goes to his son. It Is ot titty years' growth and be gan with the annexation of Texas. Mr. Ungllsh was then 23 years old and clerking In a department at Washing ton. He was richer In character than In purse, and had his reputation at hit heme not been ot the very best, that fteodtlde In affairs that Shakespeare sings ot would probably have dashed past him and been lost forever. He bad some money at Lexington, his native tewn, nnd had saved all jioeslblo from his salary ot two years for Mr. Hngllsh wns a born saver, though not then domi nated by bis genius tor acquisition. Tho bonds ot the Texan Republic wore at very low price net above seven or eight cento. Jesse D. Urlgbt, who an ticipated Texas becoming a state, was a friend to young Kngllsh and told him that ho might lay the basis ot a fortune, If he had. ambition that way. by buying Texas bonds. "Uut mind," said Mr. Ilrlght by way ot caution, "this Is only my opinion. You must not hold me en tirely responslbls If annexation falls." Young Hngllsh asked that the situation be rears fully explained, which was dene. He was then piepared trr the ccottquenre of bis onn acts. Hero wss ,taiJy his opportun ty He got leave of nbscneo as quickly ns possible cni went back home. There he drew on th town for nil the money he could boryiw. Out the town was poor. One of the rich -, est men In It was a merchant who he 1 mndo a snug sum by swapping prints for prod fire, and who liked lllll Rngllsh. I Ho was Mtkcd tor n liberal loan. Hi wanted time (u oenslder. Uut tliiis wat money then or nothing. No gpldoil dream had ever Mtggcitcd to blm a ' speculation In bonds, but on Bngllih'i assurance ho shelled out a thousand or j so. Ho knew that, mako or break, tt would bo returned to him. That was In '1645. Rngllsh went back ta Washing. I ton nnd put ovcry dollar ho had Id Texas bonds. Tho Lono Star joined thq constellation, tho bonds went to par, and Mr. Hngllsh raado his pile. Llk the pcaeh. It grow, and it grow, and II grew. Uut somo ot It returned to the old merchnnt nt Lexington. Itntcrprlea had pushed him to the wall, ho had mado other loans that wcro lost, and the bank that held his money collapsed In a panic. Ho lived four years, surviving tils wife six months, without a shelter or a tablo ot his own, and during all this tlmo Mr. Kngtlslitcheerfully sup plied him with both. This was but ono ot tno mlll-onnlre'i kindnesses that the world hnov nothlnc of. Ho despteed ostentation In chnrlty, yet was greedy ot fame. When Chlcngc burned down Mr. Hngllsh gavo n thou sand dollars to tho relief of Its poople, though It Is believed ho gavo only ten. He wroto hlo name on & subscription paper for n round thousand. Though carolossness or Inattention ho put tho last two ciphers In the conln column, or at least too far to tho right to be In line with tho dollars. Tho subscription list ; was given to one of tho newspapers with directions that proaf-shoets bo sent to tho others. There wore no subscription! below n dollar, nnd only n few to which cents were attached. So the editor eli minated the cents column, printing only tbe amounts In dollars, and away went Mr. English's last two ciphers. This represented him as contributing only II. HNOLISH. ton dollars. It wns a small sum for him, and gavo people n wrong opinion o him. Uut he would not correct the error. The last tlmo tho Ohio river flooded It j valley lm gave a hundred dollars down and fifty each week while the dosttttt tlon lasted. I know a roan who assisted Mr. Rn- gllsh In his third roco for Congress, I Tlmt was before ho came to Indian npolls. Thoy tits at the same table, slept ' in tho tarao bed, spoke from tbe annm, platform. Mr. Hngllsh Is not the only lndlanlan ot renown that ha been' helped by IhU roan. He U a big sak in the Intellectual forest ot Indiana, and i groat many twigs hang on him. ll has made reputations nt the price ot IiIh own, and In his old ago says It Is an un-i, profitable business. As nn orator for; tho people he laid Mr. Kngllsh in tha shade. Ho had a new speech for every MRS. KNOL1SH. occasion, and his thoughts burst Into words with the strength and fresiinets, that only new thoughts can. In one UN tie town, where the people had deter mined on an ovation, they gathered, about the stand after speaking to cem pllment the orators. It Isn't a trlbutd to their Interest In political affairs ta say that after Mr. Hngllsh had been In congws four years they took the other man for tho candidate. They did though, and wished hint success. Hq explained to them that be was not run nlng. "Why," said tbe spokesman with, drj.sU. "Uen't you tho congressman TH Most men do not know opportunity when It stares thsm la tho fact. SYlofaiers Anxloinlr wiitcli 1. clliiliur heiillli of their daughter, rki many am cut off bv niiMiti'iillon In early years thai, there I real cnttso for anxiety, In the enrlv ttngo. when nut Uoyoml (be resell ot inmllclno. Hood's Sam (wrllta wHI rtMtoro tlio qualltr anil quantity of the blood ntiil tlttts giro gowl health. I trail Use following letter: "It U but Juit to write 'beut my daughter Com, aged 10. She wss com pletely ran down, declining, bed t Vat tired fellttg, and friends said site would net tlvo over three months. Sbo iMd a bad. Oqu ind nothing itemed to do her sny Rood, I happened to read about Hood's Br Mps rllbi and bad tier glvp It a trial. From the very first dose she began to get better. Alter taking a few bottles she wss com. rdctcly cuied and her health lias been tho beat ever alnce." MlM, Addir Pbok, 12 Railroad Plaee, AmttcrdsuvN. Y. "I will say that my mother has nob Hated my case in as strong words ui t would liavo done. Hood's Baraaparllla has truly cured me and I am now well,1 Cora Pbok, Amitcrdam, N. Y. Iio snre to get Hood's, becauto Sarsaparilia r thf Ono Tnio Pi-Kit 1'iirlftVr. All i!rtitir!t. I'r'iwrr'loni) i) . IIihhI &'., Uiwi II, Mu u if nrn ari'imri'lr vri-ull. re nOtKl S I-'lIlS llaiiix ami tiem-acial. m S900 S0LDJNTH1S CITY tn Twelvo Wcoks-Veno's Romeuiea Aro Having tho Biggest Sulo on Record - Thoy Arc tho ComlnR Medicines of tho World. ( FATHER BESSONIES,' Of St. John's Chnreb, IndUnspalli, Iteoa mends Them Fbyilctani in New York City and Chleago Uio Them. four Druggltt Itccfliiimcnili Tlirm llo-t ojunn Muny Huftrrrri In tlili City ' lime lltcn Cureil by Tlisni. In the post twelve WNke worth at tlm Venn Jlemtllv havo. gono Into tho home of. our rttlcena. To tliu poor they am a Ood-candi from tlio (not that they do away vrlth III duo tor tie Willi a auppry of ttio Vciiu Jlemnllra In: ttin hoimu theie lc no lu-cil for a, doctor. Tho ttiatrui-ttqne iiceonipnuy Iiir turh ot tlictr mtne-Hi.- aro iiiain and can' ii- uiuS tu. mlatkke enn purniM)' I... made If they arc flliri1 llo your own doctor, lioii't permit Iti i prijuo,l ilroiMi or ih.'ir Jouihful asKmut lo put up comnoiwds liaiiliHaaril lo tx- ufven to our luiniiy. rnt) veno (m. ui ii ari moat cure- folly i omnounded sftar tl. formidu of air Mor rill Mm K uiic, formerly I'oiiHiitUiK iliralcla,n In Clilif to the Oui-en. They are I tie ariau-t urhlevament of tbe ntneleetitli oentury. A tiUmlnii to W$pWy'H CtfltATIVK BVIlUP la tho beet and only aeienttfle eure. It jwrmu neniiy curae malaria (ehllls and fever), and fberouRhly cure cutnrrli. cointlim Imhi and llvr trouble. It atrvnathua the nervaa, clear the liraln. ItiMRomtea tbe stainnrli and purlflea the blood, Unv ( In arfene. Ttita tnedtslna ling far lut uoay in inmoiia un -uriiwoii water in Croat irertn nMlrarrr alia blood rnirl- iwr. hjhj wiin umu mill .VH.SO'B BI.nCTUie Pf.TJID will ouro the woret and mot deeperata cnwi ot rheumatlmn. imrnlvuli., mlnilou, neural rla and all Iim nnd pain. No borne eliould h wiiiiout tii nielielnM. They are told at M cent prh. twrlv for U. Auk your itrueuUi tn not Vinn' Curative 8yriir nt.1 Venn' JCIn-trlr 1'lnld for you. f'fllAN rim.T. i I ItB iKi.Hlvriy niopB chill In one nlulit At drug ainrea. Ttio Best Waterproof Coat lit tho WORLD I n nitAn Bi-irxrit k wimmM wtt'- Hf rOMilKI, HUi'KtlUi a pifcl rMlBfcult, IM rertrilMtniirvcaaai. iHiinni mHiaiMMii. Itati I Uir a Mt ir ih " I ua Ilnnd ' It not on lu llluitta-J val . tr. a. J. tuwr.K. iw, jwi. WE HAVE wo AGENTS. turner allU lt. ii m an tlm. ir immii. u..i, u-io. hi. rrr liniK cirnil. IM,I . ( ItnlMM. M llr tf inw. iu. WrIM fur iUIim. itiniHT usaucK en. iui xru. to., usutar. 10. i 1 luwiiil.nni C-i"l?A'rAlJL''IilS 111 1 lTV II LAMBS or OKXVI.RMKM W U li I P 1 1 to dlitrlt.ut (amd ev II Mil I LU er..wllere uiu MONKY to bustlers ihmIiiou permaneati sneluis tamp. Hwlas Herb Tea Co., Chisago. Patents, Trade-Marks, CianlMIMfi tad Xiri.. tt i -t,BlA'jlUljr U lattMilva, MuJ w ' la. i.iuri' UvlJt, urUaw iio.1 arMI" tlTiXtt WJAttU, WiSEUtJlUt, t. 0. llllllt'" "i l"iii- iraur at. 0 VOW "UUVIU but 7. auiiiuiit. 0ia. ElJlsJMlllijaI llMt!oB riv.ui tool, rap. Ti loidLf latlnw. WNU DALLAS. I 0.00 When AutwtriUB AdrertltsmeaU Mu lliiu tUI t'apeib Hoods IB-?-HHl SUCKER x-2rT7 W II l-IUTT f. J K3 U4 Ill 'I Hull 1 1 ,4