Newspaper Page Text
QHih (Current VTU If. MUIXAXE, Publlaber. F.nnr, N. M. The X ray mar pre re lb new wo man kM a marble hnnri. The beet eerks came (rnm Algorla. There are IJMfO nam of Kk fflreaia In tkMt mMfltir. A (tor thlrly year of neeroey Kcoly le to have the motor patented. Look out fer vibratory odrIhm. Two thousand bicycle woro do ntroyed In a 1 teuton eettflagrntlon tho other day. Scorcher, Indeed. Tho world didn't eome to nn end and neither dirt the oomet atrlke tin. Thud It le with many calamities thnt peo jile foolishly anticipate. In Mr. Atr ease Lndy Henry Sam rrM't has demonnlrntod thnt ko la "onoMKh to mako n man mnd," whllo proving that ahn will net "drlvo him mad." Mr. John Jacob Alitor ha "awnrn off" paying taxos thin yonr to tho ox tent of a trifle over two million. Thftt' the kind af leap year John Jacob nay It la. With the approach of warm weather It deea erem aa It Mayor Sutre wan rlRbt when he eali) that Collla Hunt ington would not carry away anybody's ved-bot alote. Mlemarek la superstitious, hut we nro not likely to hear that ho In keeping any eitra number of Mark rata In order to Insure tho success of tho young Em peror'a new nnvy. The weather bureau eot Ire coate the fmvernment 900.noo n Of court, tt la a Rood thin, but It aoraetlmea leema na II wo ought tu get better weather for the price. It la perplexing to learn that tho Turkish Government hnn promised nnfety to Anierfrniia. until Mln liter Ter rell return from hla trip to the Untied Hiatea. Why ahoutd the promiae net iimtlnite after that? The Tennemioo rentennlal oxpoaltlon to be held In Nashville next fall, whllo celebrating the 100th annlveraary of tho admission of the mate Into the union, will he national and International In ita character. Kvery atate and foreign country la Invited to tako part, and twery Inducement la offered them for he making of exhlblta and the erection of ipeclal buildings Ilecently a newepaper In Louisville publlahed the picture of several yoilllR tidy rbtk. A wealthy young man waa vi ry iinu-h taken Hh the face of one of them, mid lorn no time (knowing that dlay ore daogoroua) In obtaining an Imrod.iriion. It la now announced by Olograph Mint "(he patent of the inini; ladv linve found thut he will iniiko i di'nlralde hiifili" nit and have (onseiiti'il in i lie mm li " (llrla, get our iluiiri' In the p:pr Sonu' Idea of the terror of a burst lug t ((Initio ni.'iy lie gained from the iin-aunt of the litNt eruption In Hawaii. The riurr of the vol -inu nu filled from Don to I. mm font ilci p with molten l.iva. which finally lotcid Ita way through a i.ubtvrraneait paaaage. It wu furty m I lea from there to the aea, yet thli AMilaitrhe t.f olteu roeka narbi I tin- waters In to than two days, destroying every thing In lt track It ii.ntlnced (lowing for three wch. hinting the aea water twenty ml lea from clime. In 1x91 the leglKfat'iro of Nebnwka panel (I a law forbidding the awnerahln of re. I property In that Mate by any Inn not Incorporated under atate lawa. and ordering all property ao he! I forfeited to the mate. The first auit cm. tho law b:i.-: ti'-en brought agalni the North Platte l.and and Wa ter ru nip any, a corporation whoa atock holder are principally English men, and uhlch baa not a Nebraaka charter. Thla company hold about In), ooo a re of valuable land, and before they gle It up the auprenie court of the I'nlted States will probably be asked to rule on the validity of thli Nebraiku law. A floating mining caaip Is now being fitted up at tsilensburg, Wish., and next aprlas will ply up aad down the Sauke river. The camp will be perfectly a ! totaled in avery way with a fall bat tery of mining apallaacea aad quartern for the miners. It hi being con sirnotod on aa Iranians naibottomed beat as jteelallr built for that purpose. On the boat la a big stationary engine aad 1 Hers, diedger. aad pumps of various K.rea, and all the apallaaees for extract ing ield, end a boarding aad loagiag house that will aeeemaiooat at least 1M miners. The oamp Is aa exaeritaaat by a Chicago syndicate, aad It will be moved up aad down the rlvar. warklNg the banks and bed af the at ream tor told. A wealthy JapaaeM RMtlftfaatl who mnm to this country a few weeks sro to study lis civilisation haa seen eae lyachlug. Hatched a football game, at teaded a meeting of the Chicago city Council, wltnoaaed an afternoon sas i4oh of the Kentucky legislature, and thaa started back to Japan. The ! Caatellaaea have not parted. The (ontroversy between Oenrg Oould tnl Hit- New York tax department over the !!' of the estate haa been explained Mtlsfa torlly. doubtlraa, to Mr (iou'd S Vrtbtij uruihcr la Uw. NEWC0NSULGENIS1UL PITZHUaM L8K OF VIRGINIA, A1' POINTUD AT HAVANA. Vlre lUmmi (I. Wlllbtrui, Who lint llrltt Ilia Omt'HMilp fttrnty-irii VeArii llrliig Apmlntrd In tHIl-TIi lOata llepart tiirnt I'ull u( I'nilto fur lllin. WHatitticjton, April 14. The presi dent yeeterday newt to Uio senate the nomination of lllzhugti I.eo of Vlr Dink to be eonatil general of tho UmHad Mate at Havana. Cuba, viee Itnmon 0. William, resigned. Tho reelgmufoii of Jtanion O. Wll lmms from lit onice aa conotil general of tho UmXed Ktalea at Havana, which waa made jiuhllc UirougJi tho nomina tion of Qmi. IHthtigh na hla suc cessor, caused tw surprise here, for montlm mat rumor hna len busy with Mr. Wllllnma' namo nnd It hoa been etotcd during that time ttmt he had rotlgnet). Tho donlol Umt were obtained from omelnl aoiircoa woro nl ways bo worded oa to carry only tho tttAtemcirt ihnt Mr. William was nt tho time of denial Mill In office uud the oonvletlon obtained, baaed not only on thoao dotnlls, but certain oxnreaelons let fall by Mr. Williams during bis visit to Washington Inst yonr, that hla resBRtmUon haa been at tho of Uio president far some time past. It Is known that Mr. Williams has lieen tleelroim to surrender hut ofllce, having acotimtilateil a private forttinn, being Interested In private btiafnoM ventures tlnU require ttmeh of hla at texstion, and more than all eloe, beitiR tttortHig4ily tlretl of the olllctel dtitlea of Ms imtce. Touchluc the manner lit which he haa dlsalrarged those dttUea the olUclal of the state departtnen are full of praise and Mr. Wtniatna leaves the consular service wHh the reputation of Iwlng the model consular officer of the United States. Ho has been twenty-two years In this service, being appointed In 1874 vice coStattt Metiers I at Havana ami promoted to be conaul gap era! ton years later. He waa born in the Dketrlet of Columbia and was appointed from Now York. Oritur at linen. Waatttogtnn, April 11. The oon nreaMiien ore In n fury over the soetl (ItietUon nnd nmny of thorn are very IndhiiMiiM. It iHWms Untt onoh oon KroMtimn la cmltloil to 3000 packngoa of neod, of 15,000 iiapora of noeil, na there nro flvo papont In onoh iickao. Thu cnntinrJt wtta mado wWi i). I'hlla dolphla firm, by 4rkh tho firm wna to eend out Uio imchnRCM na ordorod by Uio conffrmmon, Uiiih aavlns tho gov ornmont tho oxpenao of pacWofi Uio Mods. The linn aferoed io send thorn out, or to aetid them here to the ngrl otilUiral doiiortmont, but It st1pitlai;od tttat If U Rent thorn out It would seiul them In pHckaRea of (lateen impure each. When the oonnrreomien heard of bMa they went to Ore depavimietst In (It-ores ami oomptained that this wottltl never do, aa Uhey wanl the trackages to contain five papers, aa they would go no much farther In Mils way. Mor ton waa Induced in write to the seed firm and aak Inrsn ro change the con tract. Tho firm agreed fn do ao If It waa paid $6000 morn on the ooatmot, alleging ttuvt .It wouM require tills amount extra to send out be seed In paFkages noantlnlng five pwpere In Metul ot (Hitm. This ww agreed to and now It occurs that many of the rogre inrti imtl already made out the ad"drea)eoa of dteir rontatuciU and aetkt them oa to the teed farm ami made thoea oa the baata toat fifteen jtaoera wars to be seat in each package. , Now they will have ta make out ttjolr Hat for ttlatrlbttUne; aajaiti, and now uhey are bopping mad. The seed Is now being oietrrbttlMl ami If the Texas , farmera want any tfbey bail better apply at otwe to their ootHrruastaaii ' as the ftttupiy la limited, as shown above. (Im nt Them TIiIiiic. New York, April ll.A package ad dressed to Theodore Iloosovelt, police headquartora. Marked "MedlHne," waa brought to the gtoral iKMtoMoe yea terday by aowe otto of the many eoi lent ore of moll from the down-town boxes. It bora no itelage statnpa aad oae of the employes at the poatolllea tore off the wrapper at one of the ends and the tear revealed tho heath ot tar oral matches awl bits of fuse. The package waa turned over to an Hutpeetator. It la about seven Inehea lofcff mm! three inehea In elrcumtarenee ami woiRha five -uncos. Its contents at e not yet known. It will be examlaad at the poilee bureau of oombuatiblai to determme whether or not aa attemirt oa the Mfe of the eoHWikesloner waa contemplated. A lleup nf Miiney. Uacota, Neb.. April 14. Anoliicr myatary baa developed In the oeeouMta ot Maxey Oulllb, late trMMurer ot Uacaater eounty. At the Ural ot hki tlwch ike shortage was plaeetl nt fit), m. An atMttioaal 10,90 lias bean alaeowtf, runaiag the total to 116, Mt, liere the money lata coae to la Die present mystery. Ketituvk Tragrdy. IulartHe. Ky.. April ii.-A apeetal fnim Madktoavilte, Ky.. saya: About 4 o'clock KwUy morning a negro. Han ry IMmuadt, who has mt been living wlb hat wife for asejM time, slipped Into her room, aad after trsatiag her w s terrible manner shot her to death. The woman's tter, who was vlslt- Ine her ran tit her all n.l v,i.....i. " " " HUB ahol ami ilongeroualy woondid her. JCdiinitnl- ma'le hi erape Kjcltc llient U a- bight pitch motig colored pej-lr Movement ol Trnnpa, Havana, April 14. Col. tert. eouth ot ijelena, pro1neo ot IIa-ana, haa been eagagetl with about 2000 Inenr gem under Maaso nnd Onbrlllo. The. onemy left twenty killed and reUreJ with nixty wounded. den. Ivacimmliro, by order ot Oapt, nen. Weyler, will miweod Oon. I.limre In eotnmand of the first division ot the RlMMilah forces In Uio provlneo ot Kan tltiao tic Cuba. Col. fiegura line pur atietl and woe tmgaged wMi the Inaur Renta at IMtairas, provlneo ot BantA Clara. The Canmjttnl nnd Commorrlo aqiiadron oiiargetl nnd dlsporacd the In surgents, who left twotrty-fotir killed and five Mnnstir carblnoa on tho field. The next tiny Col. Orgtiera again over took tho Inmirgenta and In tho ongage mwit which followed flvo more ot the enemy wore killed. Dtirlrvft the follow ing nigtit the lnetirgenta retired with nmny wounded. The troops lied five wounded. Tho body ot Honnto Corbo, tho Inmrgent loader, who wan killed at l'tinta llrava, has boon Identified. Thoro lmvo been sovoral sklrmlshos re contly in the provlneo nf Mntanut. during whloh flvo Ineurgonta wore killed and tho troops had thrco wound od. It Ik stated that the Insurgent Iwwlor, Onrdonns, Is norloualy woundetl. Mnxlmo (lomoz Is now anld to be In tho Bantu Rplrittis (II strict ot the province of Santa Clara. lien, role personally overseas overy detail and iweeed tho whole night yoiterday In watching tho military line aeroaa the province of 1'lrmr del lllo. Hit IllMippearril. Knnaaa OHy,Mo.,Aiar1l 14. A special from Leaven worth, Kan., any: Detec tive lLnrt Rchaeffrr, who ta nllospt-l to liave forced the I .oon bora ehtldrott to oonfeiM to havhig phMatiad tiio mur der of their fanner, II. P. Ientborn, and died Uie or) mo on 'lliortma, Davenpor1. haa tlleappearril. It Is chwhiteu that be haa fll!d hla con I root, the provlt;.:ia of whhh. It I ellcgwl, ware to faau u the murder upon some one. To sorm peotrfe the atatament n! Annee U Mnrborn aa to the manner In which ahe wau forced to write tlte aUlement aeetmlng lmvonfiort of the murder read llko tho tiiero fabrication of her "smart lawyers," but recently the samo girl In the presonen of her accused bit) tit or confronted Alfreil C. Iautbcrn, n ItaJf trothor ot the ac cused ehltdron and donmmlet! to know why ho forced h or to mvonr to a false hood. Alfred ndintttod that tho pt flaw atotomonta In which ho aaid he tildod Schnoffor in olitnlnliifi hor tdgna turo to tho coafoaKon woro oorrrct oxcopt that ho did no: toll licr to wrlto down the nnrie of Davenport. o she nnnwoml: No, wt diil not, but you pormlttoil that doioetlvo to do It and by koopliag aulll t;avo j-our oon-' acot." 4 Annio and ,hariea I .a inborn, and IXivoitport are etlll In Jail. Seneatioaai dove)oimtta are promised when the. oomo to trial. A UiH7nr llinly I'imiiiiI. New York. April ll.-The body of Horace L. Stllaoii, a wealthy lawyer f Iloston, haa been found floating In th Harlem river. Mr. "Olson came hero several days ago and while almloaaly wandering around tho el reel attract ed the attention of the police, he waa taken to the pollen elation, but the of ficer In charge after talking with him decided not to place him under nrreet. 11b waa placed on a street car and the conductor was asked to lnt him Jiim oft nt Uio Aetor house, where Mr. biimk)ii wna wopping. tuis waa uie laat seen ot him until his body waa found In the river. Hla relatives are ot the opinion that he walked Into the river whllo suffering from temporary Insanity. Whether hU death is due to accident, foul pay or self-deetrttc-Hon the ioice are unable to say. Ac cording to advices Mr. Silicon wmeffor-' marly engaged In Cleveland. l aaght Km ,fiii, Denver. Ool., AihI1 14. Aokta. the Japanese who la canuged vrtUi the inur drr of Mrs. Minnie Miller and her tup'iew, Willie Trnsdell, on Homer's i ranch, near Denver, was raptured at Pueblo fttmlay and brought to the city, lie adrttUa havtag killed the woman, but aaya ho did It m Mlf-dafanto. He chsiiiM they quarrel! over his wages and ahe attached him first with a mm and then a knife. He took the weapona from Her and dually stabbed her. He ektlms to have no recollee Uon ot liow Uie boy met his death. The onicers say ao gun waa found at the place. tint Nffo.non. Topeka. ICan., April It -Charles Ha ber and lit other oat 1 1 emeu la Lvov, Chase aatl other counties ot that see tion, who banded tOHother to prose note the Missouri, 1 Cantos aad Texas Hall road company, Hosier Ilrot. ami Ilrogan ft Sons for shipping Texas eattle m the grazing country ami spreading diaeaae among their stock, won their ease here in the supreme court. The case waa tried In the dis trict eeurt ot Lyon county, where the eattlainon obtained a verdict of 1M, 060 ditmnRO IneludlBg Internet. The datendnntt appealetl to the supreme eodrt and Uiat court eustalnad the tie elaion of the lower court Washington. April 14.-The house spent the day transacting bualneea rrl ntlve to the Dletrlot of Columuta. Hov ers I bill wore passed. It waa the In tention ot Mr. Dartleu (Dn.) or New York to call up yeaienlay his bill to authorlsa racing In the District ot Columbia, but he was given ao oppor tunity to do so. It Is expected that he will ask unanimous consent for ths consideration of the Nil to-day. In uttlng or a Ida-t ut Hot-ern e. Colli . thu rock Hew arms. . , HI1. jon. kllllnjr u mini r nt. i itijurlng u number ot other. Murder ami Hiiletita. Mlllfcon. Tex.. April 10. A horrlhlo crime waa onaeted at tho depot yes terday morning as the northbound iu rentier hove up at I o'clock. It beg gar description. Arthur Worrell, n young man, engineer nt the (Ireen and oihe quarry, nnd Miss Mollle llrooks, the only daughter ot eld man llrooks, the powder man nt the quarry, catuo to town just before tho tlmo for the train and purchased tickets for llrysn, whoro thoy (r6ted to be married. Just na Uio young lady reached the car platform she was shot from the opposlto sldo ot tho car, the ball tak ing effect In the right breast, killing her Instantly. Mr. Worrall bad as Misted hor on tho tniln and waa on the step when Uio fatal shot was fired. Tho young lady foil hack In his arms and exclaimed: "Oh, my Cod, Arthur, papn hoa killed me." Worrall stopped on tho platform and whllo laying tho dead girl down wna shot once In tho throat, Infllotlng n dangerous wound. Tho girl novcr epoko after tho first ex clamation and won evidently dead whon sho reached tho platform. Parties from the quarry say that the bid man was very angry when "ho loft with n 44 Colt's wlnohotor, awenrliiB ho would do that which ho did. After tho shooting ho returned to tho quarry, told sumo ot Uio rosldonts ot hla bloody work, thon wont to tho powdor maga zine, got twenty dynamlto partridge, wont 110 yards south ut ths store nnd within fifty yards of hla residence, whore seven of his motherless children were asleep, laid down on tho dynamlto and toiieJiod off the fuso thnt sent his soul to meet that of his only girl whom to In a moment of madness had rubbed ot life. Only o fow pieces of him wero lft. lioth feat, his head, arm nnd a email place of hla spinal column were picked up 300 yard from Uie place ot the ex plosion. HI bat and both pants pock ets were found 1S0 yard away. The ground for at least J00 yards was lit erally covered with piece of his lieih and bona. He waa about B0 years old, came originally from Iowa and haa followed nWltig for years. Arthur Worrall lived nt Quarry Sta tion, near Ilrenham, where ho ha par onta. At present Worrall Is nt Mr. J. Hollitlay's and resting well. Tho dead girl was plokod up by friends and car ried to the residence of Dr. J. V. Iflvana, from which plooo sho will bo burled this evnnlng. I) rook loaves a family of sovon boys, tho youngest 0 years old. Nnvanotn, Tox.. April 10. Worrall enmo hero for medical nUutitlon. Ho Is only slightly hurt. Tho boll wont In one nldo af hla nock nnd enmo out tho other. Ho wnlkod from tho depot to a hotel. Harmony llm Iti lniinl. Waco, Tex., April 10. Yesterday waa the laat of the throe days' seaelnn ot Uie lmptiat nihwrionary atate moot ing. The sessions 1m ve been mailed by fraternal feeling and lrarmony. Tho same solvit ha been shown In Uio hoard meotlnga which have consumed the morning. Bvery subject havlmc the allghtest tinge of unpleasantness haat br n referred to commit t tees to be reported on Uur in order that noth ing may mar the liarmouy of their meeting. This meUiod has mot Uie approval ot all, whether personally Interested or not. 11 j- StmiiKitliillim. Sherman, Tex., April 10. Ilrle' de tails of the death of Mrs. M. A. Mann, an aged lady, have been received from Caddo, I. T. Her daughter, Mrs. Sum merlin, with whom ahe reside, wna horror stricken to find her dead from strangulation nt an early hour yeater day morning. A heavy cord wu fas tened about her neck and fastened to n bedpost. Tho family came to Texas from Georgia a tew months ago nnd lived a little whllo In Denlson. Tho deceased wna 07 years ot age. I Trouble WMU llomK Tyltr, Tex., April 10. Tho board ol aldermen have axneritneed some trou ble In disposing ot the city bends re cently Issued. The bond were awarded to a Kansas City aompany nt par two weeka afo, but for soma reason the company did not take Uiem. It Is now thought that the tale of Uie bond can be affected at par through the same company, aud the city council haa au thorised such, a sale to be made. Ill Hard lMeU, KajiHtte, Tex., April 10. Tuesday James' Justice waa takon frttm the county Jael and married to Mlaa O. Vina Brown. He waa charged wiUt ceduetioa. After marrying Mr. Jim Ilea was taken baek to the Jail, where ho la eoaoned beeauae of a fine ot )M0 aaainat him on a charge ot aggravated assault and battery. Hall ami ilatn, Oookvtfle, Tox.. April 10. Suvero rain ami hallatwhi vitriol this seeUon Wedaawoar night. The Imtl beat oft most fi-nu aad regetaufaM iwtu uio ground. Ths rain waahlnt: away fmem on uptaiide ot every ravine and low awng in farma. Parmer well up with their work. Mruleul AliootaitMU. Port Wor.1i, Tex.. Aiu-H lO.-The twanty-ahjhth annual msatlng ot Uio State Medical Asaootatlw itf Teonm to oonvena here on Tueauay, Avrtl IS, aad remain la stasloa over the Mth. The delrboratloB ot the body will bo held In the court. tlluurtl lluuH. Qatcevllle. Tex . April 10. Chance Packet!, lnd! : d for the murder of Kd t'aah, bas iu ulloaed bond In the lum of J 3t t:u ti: hfcLju corpus pre-' itedisg. MIOM OUASS OSNVANTS. AIMitt lilt a VaMetr Tint tititratit Tit the titter All. If the lawa which n speclsl cemmt hoa appointed fer the purpose In Itn' sla, to regulato the dealing betwect mistresses and dometloe servant h.'.vo Any effect, Itueela, In n short tlmt will bo prevldod with n servant clas. which It will bo Impossible to mulct all the world over. The servant It Hiissln Is at tho samo tlmo a jewel ol rare virtue nnd a troublesome vixen, who doe everything In her power tt mako the life of her master nnd mis troea full ot nnxlcty. Gentlemen ol Ilnimla nro r.ot the pleasantcst innitert In tho world to serve. Night attst flight, for Instance, they will stny mil latodit thnlr clubs or card parlies, nnd, slnco latchkeys nro almost unknown, Uio mnld or cook la expected (o alt up tnd open tho door tho moment It shall plenso them to rottirn. Yet In thi morning elm will bo up as early a any HngllRh girl, an frosh as n daisy, and going about hor dutloa Ringing lustily. If tho cook during tho dny la aet to mind the children sho will throw horsoll heartily into tho dutloa ot nursery maid, will romp nnd dnnco with her charges, will drcia tho doll nnd play sklpplng-ropo na long oa her mlttrosi may dcslro. Tho nurso la nlwayn pro prcd to roast a duck, to clean n room, te, polish liar master's boots, to do any thing, In fncl, to mako horself useful. On tho other hand, It you possess n particularly good box of cigarettes you will find that they will rapidly dl'np pear. Who can bo tnklng them? With out doubt tho cook. Among other priv ilege that they claim may bo men tioned the right to drink as much vod ka ns thoy llko (and corlnlnly more than la goad for thorn) whon outside your house. It somotlmoB thoy forge I where they nro they oxpect yon to put up with any temporary luconvonlencc that their Inability to work may cause. They hold the right, moreover, to cele brate nil birthdays, or name-days (every servant In Ituasla has two or thre such days a ear), with a brilliant ball, and to keep high revel until 4 In the morning. All thla. however, the special commission which has boon appointed will put to rights; tho power ot the musters will bo modern tod; the do mnmls of tho servants will lie kopt In check. Slnco nmong tin In tho west the servant question Is becoming more nnd moro dllllcult, In n uliort tlmo cheer ful, faithful, woll-trnlnod sorvnnto will probably bo n stable export from Rus sia, An Olilleliie Traveler. Iom Hnrpor'B Itound Tnblo: Thore has boon n great deal ot complaint, both In London nnd Now York of tho way a certain class of shopkeepers try to forco tholr wares upon pnsscrs-by. One man, n traveler, has matiaRod to get tho bottor of ouo ot tlir-Ho Bhopmon, n clothing donlor. who had a way of nl. j most dragging pooplo Into his plnco. une nay shortly after his arrival In London the travolor atnppsd for n nyi mont to cxamluo n coitt hanging In front or a clothing oatabllshinont, when the shopman rushed out mid asked, "Wouldn't you try on wine coats? "I don't know but I would," re sponded the traveler, consulting his watch. "I've not some time to spare. Yes." And he went In and began to work. No matter how often he found hla lit, he callod for more coats, ami after he had tried on thirty he- looked at hi watch again, resumed hla own garment, nnd walked off, saying: "1 wdn't charge anything for what Pre done. 1 bellevo In a man who'll oblige another whon ho can do It. It I'm ever this way again, and you'vo get any eoata to try on, I'll do alt I oan to help you!" What the shopkeeper raid we ore not told, but It la not hard to Imagine what he thought. I'ulillo Hcbuoli. Tho public eciiool la the liihwltnueo of tho people, mid within Ita walla no word or practice should bo uttered or performed thnt can wound the rollgtuitd suKoptlbllltloe of any child who at tend It. To act In any other Iplrlt la deceptive, unjust! ttit-Amerlenii nrfd seditious, Inasmuch as It tends to breed aeetailnu strife. Itahbl J. I.. Levy. SOrtAPB OF SCIENCE. At Great Falls. Mont., electric power la eo clump that all public and domee tie work I done with Its aid. , A new and wonderful substitute for common brittle glass Is announced by a Vienna Journal devoted to the gUsi and porcelain trade. The substitute Is aald to have nil the properties ot corn men glass exeopt that It is flexible. It Is made ot oullodlan wool. It I believed that tho shooting stars are small solid bodies, revolving round the sun. As they are traveling in a contrary direction te the earth the velocity with which they enter our at mosphere Is very great on an avernBo about SO miles n second. Tho greatost depth, writes Prof, fieoloy In his "Story ot tho itsrth," at whloh earthquakes are known to origi nate is about thirty mllf-e. It has also been calculated that a heat sufficient to molt granite might occur at about the same depth. It may be ot Interest to l.vm that ot tho 14 new stars discovered within tho Inst 300 years four wore discovered by Mr, l'lcmlng of the Harvard obsorvn tory namely, one in the constellation of Person In 1887; ono In Norma, In 1501, and one each In Carina and Con tatirus, during the present year. M. IMItKblkeft. In describing recent photograph of lightning, name three types of flashband lightning, tube lightning and water-spout lightning. The first two ho found tooccur In all alarms, the third re met with onoe only. i Prom the measured width of the band : lightning on photographs aud the com puted distance he estimate the actual ' widths to be from about IS to M yard. When Trat!lnr Whether on pleasure bent, or buMnesf, take on every trip n bottle ot Hyrup or Flat, as It nets most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, hcadaehea, and other forma of rloknea. For sale In SO cent and it bottles by all leading druggist. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Pig Byrup Company only. A horse thnt 1 oarvd for by n woman looks rnffged but fat. I liave tried Parker tllnger Tonln and tt litre In It," uri a netbf r, arnt to will too at mbiu familiar "lib Itt rtf lttlili roptmrr. A boy lias the best doir In town and a man tho bout watch J nit how It itoea It I not the qnratlon. It li mouth to know ibatliliMtrMrnitakticnit lha itrM.iM a Terr p!ln rrlltf It l. era (Ilia. If a man nsvor trie ho never know what ho cannot do. r 1TB-All nt toft J fr tyr Hr. K lint' Or rt ltMlorr. f. atire tt 0rUaa tw, itarr!uaeur. TMaihM.iiJMfrii illcaMa. bfoUKiilf.CftM.MlAlitilil., P-"iT.I"T iiM!tt-t' When n mnn rivm hla money jhio tilo thinks ho stools iU There arc Dleilonarte and I)letlonrle, tmt tbenoblcit Human ot them all leetni to ttr WcUter. It la itlll eMlly la tbq lead In the great race for opularlty. If n man's family appreciates him lie dooin't miss it If tho world doesn't. The rilcrlm-lianter Number Will bo rernly tho onrly part of April. Kvorythlnir In It will bo new nnd orig inal. It wilt contain nrtlolos by Cant, (lias. Klnfr, U. 8. A., ox-Gov. (loo. W. Pock, of Wisconsin, nnd othor noted writers. An ontortiitiilnpr number, well Illustrated. Send ten (10) cunts to Goo. II. Hodtrortl, jrublUlisr. 116 Old Colony building, CliU'ngo, 111., for a copy. Pray for u sound Ilvnr; you can bo comfortnblo without fiiuuv Proaltlont Ionc IpwIb ot Bublim, Ohio, is highly lfniioctod nil through that soctlon. Ilo lias lived in Cllnlon Co. 76 years, anil lias been president ot (he Sttbliitt Uank 80 yonra. Ilo gladly toatlllw to tho merit ot Hood's Bara parilln, anil what lio nays U worthy intention. All brain worker llutl Ilootl's Snrsattnrilla poctillnrly mlajitotl (o thoir needs. It makes puro, rlcli, red blood, mid from this comes ncrvo, inuiilal, bodily nnd dlgcMlvo strength. "I am 'lad to ray that Hood's Hsriapn rllla I a very good medicine, ctpeclally as a blood purifier. It has dono ma good many time. For tcvcral ycaro I suffered greatly with palus ot Neuralgia fn ono cyo nnd about my temple, re peclslly at night when I had been having n hsrd day o( physical and mcnUl labor. 1 took many rcmcdlca, but ound hclpouly In Hood's Jteriupurllla wblchriircd moot' rhctimatlim, neuralgia and headache. , Hood's gsreapnrllla Im proved Itaclf a true friend. I nlio take Hood's Pills to keep my bowel rtgolar, and llko tho pllla very much." Isaac Lewis, Bablna, Ohio. Sarsapariila Istbe One True IUihmI piirlflrr Al!(lriiill. ft. Prepared only tiyr. I. Ilixxl&t 'ii., Uimt !l. Wan. nM, are prompt, efneietitlmd rlOOU S Fills tiy In efftcU ScenU. ft RftlLROftD MftN Wna ncfldored Bpcechlcta Btrickcn With Parnlyiis Whllo Standing at Ills Post of Duty. Hpealnltnta In Ijiiilnllln and Nnabtllln C'oiilil Not Cuto 1 1 1 it i. VENO'S "REMEDIES Ilrnurflit Duett Ilia tipeerti nnd (,'tirril lllm 'I'lioy Aro tlm t'oiiilni- Itomiillet AbuiI of tlio IVorlit. A. It. Crawford, rnal ncr on tlie 1.. & N. It. It , K.niia Velio tll fol iuwlnu aworn KltlUavIt: HiMti of Indiana, i. t'o, of VaadtirburK, ( ii tlm 2lh day of De- iniHir, imi, t waa .ruii- nun: iruin faaimiie, 1 una strlokru win n Mil ittitpiRitt (r- Mbi pimiyeiai of. my lft lum uud limb, being ii.inie belplMa lastantlr- 1 tia ut tliut tlHW ofltt t.f i im uUvkt nlnra n Kir 1. & N. ft. It. Hioru tliat tlma I ItAVtt li.n nuamaii at llowajl htutlun On TueMAy. Mu 16, ISM. 1 euiti niiii)t ualng Vane'a KUi'irlo Kluld ami Cura titf gyrup. The Arat tr.'utmant gava mt relief. Hi fom I oominanaad I could not hold a knlfa or fork In my hand, and uouLl not lift mr arm. IU.! no of tt wftatevar. Now Ml tun lay arm. can trad myelf and think 111 At within a taw wk 1 will go back to worl: on tli road. I IihI deatereil With all 1 roulJ hear of before Vane'a remediee ur atipllvd. ami liaJ avail gone la illlYarant nllf tba ItMnHO' I had with li o avail Vm a remMlea bate been a gr-e.t lil.Mlug te ma aad 1 now freely atmi una and make aatli to tha abuv aa 4 true atoUweitt. lie 10 lovior enwii an A. II CH.VWI'UlllJ. (HtBoeU.) itrrore.ti M. Cleo Naili a nsturv nub ile, in aferaeaid ouiy and Btatk wr aaaally aama A. II Crawford, and n!a4a oalli to til above statement. Bubsartbuit v'!''r my band arid WUnaJ seal, till lh day ef June, ml ilral.F QBK. r.HAail. Halary rttbllr, VBNO-H CUHATUTI STnUP U III ImmI and ctllv afilaitllAr murm II lurnui tiantly run malaria (elilfU and favar) it iiiorouniiiy pure eaiarrn, eonaimH on and tlver I rouble. It atrnjtthaaa nervea. Near in main, lavtaoraiea rlome -h nn.l tmrinea Ih- hlaad. leav. Ins- t" III irTrrlK ThU me'lMre haa for It iMly the famnna l.iai'ilr'ni'nd walrr. lb arat I'jm ilrotrt v. r and Mood iiurl fler. and vl. n n I lt. VRMO'H Kt.KfTHH Kl.flh will aura the wrrat and ret at draoerale oaeaa f rbeaaMtlain, paralyala. aclatlea. naurnl din and all arhe nnd iln No heime abouM 1e without tlna ttie.'-lna They are aolil at U enl rai'H. twelve for t. ,Ak vour il'tiavt't u ft Vene' ru ra ti Hyrup and Vrno'a Mlectrtc fluid for rjfl&. VtfvrtlVt r-ATAIllHI rt'ltIR rtlievta In !. ii.'...itia. tc. At drur itoraa. Bank Hoods