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LOCAL. r nttttnK veiled itwwPiiiMt Frt- iitty. Mm. Fred IVttnler. of llwwoll, wo llif giient of Mrs. Illtlthg Hits w'Pltk. c. ('. Ferry, the impiilur nherllT of Cham uoituty. was In town thin week. Attorney CumplMjII, of thi' I'. 1. I. Co.. vliltwl Itwiwell Friday, returning sutnrduy. Tin' Arlrotiu strttohood bill wan re ported favorably tiy the bottle enliimlt tci. lust Monday. Mr. lloriiuriltVIUiurk, of Menominee, Midi., cumc In limt Friday mid will I" iiiii' In thi Viidoy. simw w eight feet dwp mi tlio ill mlc between Kenver .tiid Colorado iriiiK lt Nttimliiy. 1'he Indie nl the llwptlnt ehuiuh will m i v- ntrwliwle nml lec uraim Tiien il.i) evening, A,ril SMI. in I ho Orlmrlio l.i.M'k. .lodge A II. Full, nf IrfiH Cruces, inn- in I iti'Mluy In attend court. Mr. I ill Ik ciiipln)ed It)' tin- ilflPIIW ill till) lluli ,ni'v I lie grand Jury lulled t millet Vto tju 'ii Vir. win. I mm fre from all Clllllgen, Will engage III Imnllie III till' i-Miiitry mid M-iiii- ilon ii. ICC. NisIm-i n-tiiriHil s.tlimlny Iniin In- trip In tin- upper valley, whuic lit I'Xiiiit vitj limn) farmer who will HI'M' bwls till' cnUlitlg "lUnoH. Kltler Id iI the IlitjitlHt I'liiiiuli. Im .1 liiglc tuxei mil M ldiiiii letn im op- piiltlllllt) xllp lit Ull III II 00(l wold f t luxation or the nluglc tux. I he locating engine"- for tlif beet uKur factor) .it rived litnt saturduy .in.l Ik lint) making preliminary nr rmminini' mr f It erection of t lie il:lllt lli-tll-l llll -Inrlll i'l lllf KOMnll ..n itrtcil Iuhi Niimdiry. and though llllte IK-M I r. W.lh liollllllls' IIM IHIIIIIMIUd wild tin -t"tiir ii ihrVe vi'iirit ugn Dili fplllig. Slllll Stew li-nll Willi. llllliug till' nCII- -..i ! su:i, u- a icxlileiit of Kilily, i-.itiit- In Miul4) to aimwor to a charge in tin' district court which Iihh been pending for out two yew. Tin- entertainment given liy the iVitk sinter, of tin Frenbyterlun church, wan it grand kiichomm, ipilto a targe audience utlcmlliur hint Saturday night al tlic oKra limine vii are iwt going to burrow your in ighhnr' com i'.lttutur thin year, are nn - When Tracy an- nell- mi; tln-ia nl rock Imtlnni piVen, with ii" . ini i Inn p for Kii'i'lal plitt . Mctf BlIjyiTi'M'iiUng tin Aui MuinifniM ufTtitt To., vTiRrMl Hi- vall- luM week. Mi. Mi l 'nil In Itllily ik-IikIiIi-iI wllli iriikiillnii. Hum licliit; the lli-t In-ever wiw, nml iHi'illi'tx for till illi .i xliiiimiK future. IM. llHariip. who who lilllcil to ko to thi iiumiiiUiIiih tho lint of tint iiioutli, lu ln'i'ii rimlii'tl with duntal work and ilci'idi'd to ntt off lliii trip until iihnnt Mil) Ist.artcr which hi1 will ho alwnut lu l.iiiroln coiuity fur thrcp or four Wli'k- D ! Ilarki ) urrfntud u clmmi'tiT IumI iii.'iii. wliu wiia Mllghtly ili'iui'iiled or hud iiiiIiIIihI too frni'ly. hi IibvIiik taken imMUWuiuii of a Imrhcr nIiiiji hy fonc. and tiled to run II. 1 1 Ik trial will pi nimbly coiiif up to iiiorrow. 1 1. -, stoki'i-. of Mnlttnu, nml V. II. I'.ulillfronl. or llluuk Itiviir, enlletl Tin -day. Mr. I'udillcfortl. though an old i'ow man, Ik euncliifj lnrKcly in Irmi KrowliiK, liuvliitf muiiiu llilrty iuti-h in tri'iM. which ni iIoIiik Hih Mr Vt'.Ues, hh ifMUuwr of tlu VmiiiK luriii' ha- 7ii hoi,' )Jbtuli Je ) iinvJii for in xt winter mnrxul. Clm. It. Murphy, formerly of Huh inn. hut li i tlif pint year a Hwlduut ol McMillan, vtm lu town llii twh, thi Kiii--i of Dr. Itenriii. Mr. Murpli) in i. in- or the Ik-i vonil iiiihiIpIhiw in tin the roiiutr), h uiik H volt' like a link. He i-.iImi adif .inlm and hIuii writer of iinii'l. .iliil.t) Mr Murphy will, h"w vet i.iiM- uuHr lHeis on IiIn farm Mi'MiH ii. thih m-hiioii. W ie. .I.'iii iiw lliH'kj Arroymlntk iiinn. wii- in tMii thi ntH-k. Mr..lone ili em - Hie ( i inn s i t nay hi' forhhU peiij.l. iiiilkliitf hi' ciHH. whtoh are runnuiK U"" - Itiiiim- i-oh mllkiHl are apt ! bee. .mi aceiiKliiiiifil to the place Mi) Hit milked ttlHI l.iler mi III Hi, m '4IMMI. wlnl' dr). In4k lot- tleliln, when tl" "Win i the lleld u llalilc to cli.M.i tl.i iii l"i il'-li")iiiK liU Rmlit. If the cowi are ml iiillknl Ha) do not lie.'.airfi ImiIiI en.. iikIi to irtwpniu. on held. Mt. .1 uine li.xlitirjh, forinfrly uf l:ild.tmi now t uiln.1. Cat.. wrltfH u fiilhtwo: "TimWMlnn . lit t le iiiipnn miiil he h, bid itoaiHi)U for h K'M'd fniltomji.uitil u IiIk ftrutii omp. an very HiBniintKliig. several Imillltr lierv an- ll,'iirliiK on Hiiuur bfid fnuUH-ipx, but I think they will all (Tiul In talk. i 'ooirraliillon on linprovcd MijiirU In Hddy. H hieli I till oxHot. mum day, to im iim- lemt iiiKtowfl r Xfw MpxI. 'rMini oliicersly. J Am, ((IHI Ht ll WAXTBti Snmll rnmlly Ui ki )ipiii and lawnl mdf and wfi'. S I. III. 1. 1 THK DISTIIIOT OOUftT 1li l'rn-Mlliia t llnnrrnl nlrrl Murti llnllif lll,.r.l nf Xiifi UI Tnn, A in II UU tnitn. Court una m iiauiil. I'riHit lion. . II, Hamilton. Jutlcs lliw, (Mttry, olprki.lohn I). Walkpr, slierlff: .Inhn Franklin, dtilrlot attornoy. sliprlfr nppni'd ootirt at 10 n. in.. Moii- day rimtxiurt uppoiitdd Orrlu lllnonten- ogrtiiilior. and M. A. sUtiero Inter prt'ler of Hip court, who appear In open court and are wioh duly sworn to the fulllifiil perforiiiituie of their diitli. Tlic court now uppoluU Muuro Kerr ami .1. T. Cuoppr im Imllllfs for the tmiirt, ami ate each duly MW'orn.ele. The regular venire of Knind Jurom wa then ri'fiirni'd by the nhnrlff u fol lawn: .1. .l..-iultli. I. s. Hsbonie. II. P.. (Nib. N. V. Caiw, .1. I). KuyUmlnll, Juo. O. Mi'Keen, CImih. IliidilUmoii, X. M. CiirNon,,Adtiui II. Fliher, I'miik MeCleiiry. U. II (laiiibleund.l.T. Fan iiliii'. Tlie ooiirt PKeuiwd U . N. Dnruell, s. II, Corn, 1.. J, .ludiHUi. Doutoii, ItobetU mm, T. I'. Hlakeinnre mid W. IC. Tlinyer. A. C. Cmniilicll wimiidmltted to pme tlee annttoruey and eoiinielor before thin court, lie, ulinwlmr by certinwiti from (he mipreniP wiun or Wyoinluu, that he praullceil for mine than ten year IiinI pwid, ami wan a member of the bar Hi Hood xtiiniiiiij,'. The reKUhir venlie of put It Jurom, wan then presented an I'iiIIuwh: .lninen the iMvlal eiire .i pent Jumi wn 'fft i in-ii i i-i iii inn nn i.iii.ini;: .1 - limn. xfi"SI I.. Amler-oii. V. F..Mci:woii. A.Knill. ' . CuiiuliiKlinm, II. I. l.ove, 11 l. I.m- i(kt Icon, A. II. tlreen, II. s. Knyhendlill. ' VJK Terrllory vn. Arthur CrmfPr- ihm' Irled beroie Jury and vrdlPt of not Kiildy returned. ' Territory v. WalktT W. UnU de fi'iulunt wrved with cerlllled oopy "f reKtilnr panel of petit Jurj. Mary hely v. .Ino. shely dlmul' ed at pliilntllT'M mntluu. The cawi of terrllory vn. sninuel Me vciiHon. for drawing deadly weiipmi. wan tried liefore (lie jury, wliluh. after blug out all niglit U'mliiMdny, rvmrt ed before the court thin morning it unable to much n verdict. .Iiulge Fall Innt piMont engaged in an argument hcfnie (ho court iiiiMtioii lug the lesndity of the pietent apeelal term. Almokt Ouu liiNTiitH Institution' ik Nkw. ll. m NEW! NEW! NEW! a 11 Kew Firm, Now MiumtfiMiuMir, inul nlinost tin Entirely Now Stock of (lootla, anil we hope to .niftlctf during this yunr us nuiny new friends as we Imve K'lreitdy old tines, for we onn ussnre the pub lic we have New Prices and Lower Prices than ever before. do to Crazier' ami get high proof ifiimillue. , ''lie I.iH'h 11.11 tin- Mli.i, ' I have wniiiTd lis sei vlcwi of I'rof. j y. V.. Iiimiley, the llmmt' nillnl In the whole ikiiiI Invent. YVealMiliuvolherc' ! dining ami levolrlng chulm, and the' targent bulli tub In the city. (Itntle , iiicn's laiiiiilrying attended to fheu i it left In the nhop, Itoth the county pa-, pent, the Intent dailltn and periodical 1 Hie kIwii) nil our table, 1 .1. M. Smimi.v. Coloied limber. Illtie Front., I II.. I . miU'.iI I'lm lliilnil Dopyt Fail to giive Us a C$1.. U or nothing; more Mum fo Look at our goods it will pay you, We arc a little late but every train from the East brings us New and Sjvylh Jfjy fGoo(Jfi J3tc . . . . ' . ,M ' , "., "7 , " .. llonice Moore, of U tuto. ean.i. lu ' -S nVut i m i V v Li 1 1 Tucdaytoumkelhetwt r the new M V. Ibtrllchl, s. N S bite, t II Ig .1, u , , lt ,,,, , p ::',-A,M? f,,,,.:;,n- S,,',,,!the lepn-Henlutl.,.., inude legardlug M . F. Wllburn ami Oco. Wilcox The follnwllig weie cxctlKcd: FuHielnmn. W. I'.. Mel.emlon, llrogilon lia 'lircHdilatlnus Jiiatle legiinllug . .. the alilllty nl the iiuVclilue li e.MIn ii ....i. i. i.. 'im... .i ... .... .... ., Ionian on', i in' niuii "i icnuiiK llie en , ' ' ' utliu wag .Ui eroot n fmino gtrwiture, i J?!2 . . . . . . . ' . , We have the agency for six dLfl'oreiU jC'tisttnu Tailor hniises, and shov niore than Tw Thou sand samplt's of Clothing, alj work (Siiarauteed, and our jiriccs range from HJ.oO toSHo.OO per suit. 'oW' mid look at our samples . J . ' 1IMMM"K MUllUIIUil 1YIUI UPill 1111 Ill ,. r..' j..., gnfu a henilway wtlnmctorj- to n cm : OS ll.Cornett. . K.Stalciiii. . T. Wll- llninwin. W. s. .lewuip. .Ino. W. Miller. T. -I. Welch. Walter Kinder. W. II. Wll ihui. .1. 'I'. Iloiithett, (!. W. Witt, S. I Kiiywr, '. F Conwiiy, H, F. Carle .1. M. Tedroid..l. A. Fierce, .Ino. Xymeyer, Sun II Hula-. M. I,. Collier, from Jury box Xo. I. county of IMily. The petit Jury wa lllled by the coiut drawing the I'nlluwlug: I.. Aiideiwm, II. s Kuykemlall, (). I. I.uciih, Ikiiju milt 1'inhcr, A.T. lUiy, .lm. Mllilfred, (bear mihhIii, Henry C. I.ove . T. XelHon. Albert Knill. O. W: l.arre moii' Orvcii' K, W. McCnlluni, W. I.. McHwiiii.Oeo. Miller, Tlioii. stoke. .1. s. Hunt. I lllittee of Hie town lioaid befoie the .chemical engine he tinned on. Then, 1 If the engine micceeded In cxtlligiliBli' big tho lire, it wax to be pronounced HiitlMfactor). The Htiiicliiie wan Imlll at the expeune of tlieageut, Mr, Moore, who hud the engine hauled to the place at 0 p. in. )CHtcrday. The coinbimtible iiinleilal iimlde the Hlructure wan net on lire, and after the whole became eu ' velopcd lu il line. Hi a Hlgnal from the' commiuee leprcReuinig tne town, a iKtrcaui wuh turned on fiom Die chtiu W 1- We expect to have tiur jneral Spring opening about Monday, the IJOlli inst., iiud we extend a Cordial Invitation to Kveryonc to' come. We e.xpcctt this season, jo he nble to sjipw a, :morc extensive line 'of till kinds of Millinery thaif' was ever carried in Kddy before 1 ton j. W. Orubb vh. W. C Mann. 'I'him, .Iniii'H v. It. F. segrlnt. A. (iieune, Jr., and Mm. Win. II Oreeiie vh. .ee llobb. The Mivcntl plalntllTti, by their attor. iicyn In the above hmen, wiy they will not fuither proMumte. and move the com t to dUuinw wiiue. w hich mot lout were niiHtulncd Sam II. Cornell n. Aarnn smith. I'IiIk ciiiiw coming up to be heard on ilelemlniitN ploa In ahutoiiicnt to the wilt, utul the plaiutllf having couletw- il the fad iih net up lu wild pica, it is iiiilereil thill the Hiilt be iiiuilied and defendant recover of plallitjff cnsU. The court then appointed .1, 1,, Dow and C. Ferry as (pedal ballllfii for Jill jiroeut term of ihlu court, who up- pwnred lu open couit ami were oauh i..i ......... l 1 1.---.,;.... .-7-..-.r-77:..T.: . . , , . .. rill. '" VIIUIOV illlll llll' IUIIIIIIIK IllllSJt I'ilMIV 'ITrA. e. A. Archey. I( s, t.p w Old. A. l. jlxUllBWmi , uMl llmi, lw ltlU.;, .'II';, .i.ciiiinlnislmui.J. .1. Jliiacoo. u.. . ,. , ,,. ft I -JlCX. ,. ... it... . ... I ll. ll !,... OOlll 111 Ulllll II . 2z CZo New Mexico. box Xo. 1, comiiy The etue of Scoggln ( iiMnentHTiy imiue up npiiellent ortleied to tile bond of MBtm within three days. til t II .. .....1 tail leiriuir) I...H.O. i nenu nun ,. ,..,.,.,,., .... ,..... i.,.,..., lleek ordered by court that m-rvlcin. ... ' .... a. Im granted lu mild etue. .Inn. Itmlnmn vh. Al llanlct. Ileuj. W. (Irubb vh. M.S. Miinn. j to eMiT, w h. :i llu tliciMu wiw tumud on anil Hie,)lre put out, the blak ciniln only Mhowiug whute the at renin of water struck. The uiiglue will no nry mitwivitr. Htii.imouH, ; -I. i.nw.Mii"' a riioi.ic ciii iii ii. Man.) .nut Kcrinun stuuliiyn 10 n. in. .Mum mi wpok diiy. n. let. llmniAN Kumi'KIcii, Cnttor. i:. nn iu u, oi-iii. .Kin. m. .11 it. m. if Immense "beuellt In Hich occurring I PHtfJ 'T!'' ' '. ' '. ' '. ' i ' I hit sitburbH or towji. ami may mive I'rajer iiiwiiiiKiVeibjui'iloyevciiniKV p. m. ! ami the llmt payment of gltfti mnde, the total cm! being I .rWMi and $170 freight, with other Incidental expense, i hiuiiIuj M'limil miiKing iiliuut i?l,MK). The eng lie may 'lem-m ;u i i.. .. i . ... ., i.. . Hnw.iiiin.n iii. i'i iiiinii'iipi' in the anburlm ItK prlc ((,,... II. Ij I... ..I.. ... I...I.I .. .. needed graded street woie than llie!rMPlitiig oiiglue. bewtime llume vn the edge of Voiina Fenpla'n inoWIng town are well liiMtiied itud neldem ex-, yri i t-tlil i i ;i' peci u ure engine io leacu litem in sea .ion to Im of an) benellt. Later The hoard met IhlHafteiniHiu nud votud utmiiliniiitnly to accept the engine. The election lu 1.1 1'in.o, Tuiniliiy, re milted In a victory for tliodimiDcntlH. Illcyclew repnlred at Crwler'n. (HObljefvaijons. rliiirmliiyii.... lino v. u . 10:00 it. in. ..ll:Q0ii. in. . .OStfJ p. in. ..TM p. in. . 7::"i !i. in. ItHiui. 1'imtiir. VV. II.M.M OIUI U. ?upi. x.r. euixiv rmii.VN i in iu u. i Iii I'lreiiieii'H Hull.) Creuehiim Siul innl I'll Siuitlii)n. id II a. in. nml "!i p. in. V.. IIIianti.v, CniUir. uii.w i: i lit in il ii.eiM oe.M.i miimIiu en ii eM at 1 1 a. in. anil i sJIO p. in. TJio Most OP,orxaJLia.x ixx tlxo World. livl'li'i.i'ol lit ilii rm'l llml Hi. ri' irrr mnm ut tlitui xilil In ISM llun Miycllwr iual, tH iir In ei mtinpli' iK'lor.' nir.'hulnR uur "I hI ii'l. Mmtc li IiiiII.iiih lllrji'lu Co.. ln.tliiiu'oll, In.l dill) Hworn to the fall M ill ilUchure r Colorado Spring., their linden. Territory v. 0. II. Finlier. Xow poiuwt the territory by (Unhid attor- uuy ami iiuivee the court that an at tachment bumf for II. II. I'lHher.andit iiplieurlug that the khIiI i. II. I'luhrr duly nerved w.lth f ocem of thin couit touppuHr, A pill l.t, I Si, tomirvc a grafld juror, and fulled to obey wild girder. It In therefore cotinldercil by the court llml I. II. Finlier Ihm been guilty of contempt nf thin com t and it Imnilered thai an altnchiiieiit do itwue fur bin pernaii.returimjjle at next term of eoml, nml tlmt henhow online why he nhoiild not lie puubilii'd for contempt. I'he court then adjourned. A I'll 1 1. II. IMMl, Mr. Kvury Iffl Monday eviuiing for Mr. Ouiuoretd U preparing laud on hi toiHture trnet nmir (Hli; for Migttr beeU. Mewrft. Kwer, SUikiw, .lewuip and Mllilfonl wore xuinmnim fur the Jury, Monday. W. II. Mullalie wan down the valley Monday netting out tieo and vinos mi liU farm mmr (ItU. Mn in , .ii in... i ni nam ii. ta. I ShivIwmii the ilnMil Iiiuimi t Ol on , the l.t ami Hril SinulitvH In Die iiioiilli nt nils p. in. Iti:v. C. T. Tii.m v. Ileclor. nt.miii.vM,. ! ii.V'O.xir l.oiioc. IVhl) Lnilgu No. i.'l, A, I-'. V A. M.,inceU , In reiutnr riiiiitiiiinlwtlflu ijt ;M p. m., Sntardni. on nml niter enifi fall moon. 1 Vl.ltliia firniliren Invltml to attmiil. ; s. I. Iloiumr, W. M. K. K. Mm urn, Sec') ' k.oi p. tainv i.oiioi: no. -I. Mctita uvury TliHMlUy nt 7 o'elook. All vlnit'tw nw wHlvninn. II. I Forrwi.e. e. Momioi: Klillli, K. It. A H. I I ItK lir.l'AKTMII.Nr. III.I..I lloune to rent. Ulliiilre al thin ollluo, ; AmiiUi.i Chicl. . j. F. McMlllna. V, Im .Mor.wnu . . .H H. Klnncv The public to kauw I am here luntuy null to ploaiie note the wtnh prluut, Cflllfornln rnihn. r cctit lie. l!viiK)nilcd friiltn. Oil , per Ki. . . .US'ac Xow Fuglaud ulmiomuiit.purkg,(ISigO. IIIMK CO. no. I, I'MIOIIIIIII ,. !!" vmUJmiiI Ifarnwiaii. . . V, ,JU a: TrwHirtr Frank ftOBry. SwrHnry IH. K. lUwfg. lllWI 111. NO. i Furplimn u. t iireeiie Jr. AwUlfllit Horeiaan MQJ"A njftt guumuleed ; I'reaiairi'r Krnont llminiati Mnluhen, m lu box, per do. i .. ..:,.. Country imwt. some hi tail week. Hh ll.smllh vn. hn. Feni.0in.ey. ow ,, ,mm MHMIIIMIIilll IIV nillllUIIIHMll liriM'I III . . . ....... ...... . f - - - - . iiir nun u t i l iiiiiv . . ..... .......... Ur,..,ii.. .i,.r,...ii .....I iii. i hull,."" I'litniri nut iiuiuii, " l II. T. Kll.l.lll'dll. in...... i...... T-niln m lnillinii. i.i. u. ...... : - ,i'wu 'its; i" Htx oo'iib iiniuuillii llnlnl llitirerinnii. 'Suiuta Z The upeulul venire of grand Jumrni , Money order licg' . ........ i. ...I .... ii... i irr,.n r..i I I v.xli.i' rnimlea uiiel lilnw In II..' fur. I Mull iHllllh llllN(Ml niw niru ivu.rmii iijr mix miunu un mi- , ... , , , s --- . VJ. Mail rrnni Minth nrrlVM at. . . hfllli. Ill Mini from nnrlli nrnvc nt iltM p. in. V. II.MI..M'OliriSI( i'. u Inwn: Ii. F. Ciirlf, (I. W. Will, F.. I,. Iiltuie Ililli. Klctl,.l. A. Flem. sum llughen,, Mhy p,M1de uni not aware ol tlm1 Im. Wnlkor, c. I:. Conway, AilwriirrtptmlMlj.KWt)kKU mil um .lohiwui.M.C. Stewart, Juo. Tedford. ;r lolK H,y, y,,,, lln my tho riMk. llmldlPMon, .1. r. lioitlldit and I lmt tmt ulu ,, r h,ttn, by buying tt . F. stnluup were exoimed fr.un rur j , ,(llk ttWr wjMl Vmt & Mo. Iher nwrviee an grand Jiimw. 1 1....... ium. (rar i Uio kPh! line. O. V. VVUt wit. pMi.U.d rme.nan u,t y,,,, will Ik. oonviucod of the truth ISMlW.rJ W ...... ,.n B. ...... t.f .n.-ii .......n. or tiiiK Mtuuiinmii. -.triH-HoiiK of the eHiit ami icUred. - , Che vml Hieli .ippiiliitell .1. .1. 11.1..- '""'" 1 'r" Kor " an Ualllff. al oretiitiV Florenuu, N. M, at 81 J'errltary v. .Iu. tjunon. 1 r KXI. by wagon Imidt uUo good e- Territory vn. iKniton ItoliertiaMi ap- IhImI corn Keed. nhullcd by hand. A Inn tenmHCf' .nliriKl In A It Fill in 1 ciWe l per 'n nlaek. Nnlliu for I'ulilkntliiii. llimcil Ai No. IG0 laxn (ll'in t: at Hutu six, N. Nuttni l Iwtvlir fivcn tlmt l ie rmimrlli ll Mtth-r III. m DOtlltl or III, IIIIMItlHIl nun Pi 14, 5IMI Mi riuui win in uiaiiv iwimo1 linn.vr wr in UtM IWj'li, N. M, mi nfiliur, l)y ii, im.VlC b9llll..Hli4IHl fur IHUI IV Mlllf U Hylilt. Im tlwlK'. lli(NKt,NHl SV.K, of tlif nfff. &.V.T IIH , lUttk. 'il K. II. imuie. III. fulklH III4I Wl Mmm.. In litfirn lii. wttllmwut r,-wiira uijii awl .iilUvnllou or, mMUiwI. l JiiI.d l lliiti-rtii luiiiK Man. ulnr, uf lt...w.-li. N M J.iiH. IIih,, Kririt IU,f Ol m. ii.ii n ii The Pecos Valley New Mexico Oi THUS iineijitaled advantdgefi to tin- fiirmer. fiull grower, live stock rnlner. dairyman, bee-keeper, and to the liolUKtfekbr tjell erally. The Mill of the Fecon Valley Ik of high average fertility, and under Irrigation produces bountiful croon of iiuwtof the gnien, grnliiK, veuetublen, berrlen and frutta of the temperate nml ftmne of those of the semi-tropical zone. In nttch frultH us the peach, pear, iduin, grabo, prune, apricot, nectarine, cherry, ijulnce, etc.. the Val ley will dbiputo for the pre-eminence with California! while couipe- tent authority pronounreH IU upper port hum In particular the llncst apple country In the world. F.iinriuoiiH yleldn of miuh forage cropn an ulfalfu, Korglitim and Fgyptluu corn make the feeding of cuttle and nhevp and the raising unit fattening of bogn a very prolltnble occupation. The cultivation of cunalgre u tunning material of great value in becoming an important Indmdry In the Fecon Valley, a home mar ket having been afforded for all that can be raised, nt it price yield ing a huudKotne profit. The climate of the Fecon Valley ban no superior in the Fulled slot on, being pre-eminently healthful and health restoring. IiuikU with perpetual water-rlghUi ure for mile ut low price and on cany tenim. The water mipply of the 1'eoon Valley has no eiiunl In all the arid reglmi for ooimtancy and rellublllty; and this, with the superb climate, iiroduutlve noil and the facllitlcn uirnrded by the railway which extends through the Vulley'n entire length, will miiikc ttiefco latidn to enjoy a cnnMaut, and at tlmeH u rapid In crcuKo In value. The recent completion of the Fecon Valley Hallway to Itiwwell will caiMC the more rapid Hcttlomeut and develoiiiiieut of the upper tiortloiiH of the Valley, Including the rich Felit Hectlon. The Umnpuny bun recently purchaned many of the older Improved furmn about Ifobwell, and bus now for nale land to tnecUhc wantn of all raw IniuU, partially Improved lauds, us well tin fartiiH with hnttseu, oruhurdH and llcldnof alfalfa and other crops. In the vicinity of HoHwell ijeverul iilecennf laud have been divided into live and ten acre tractn, hii liable for orohardn and truck fnrnm lu connection with Hiiburlmn hoineH. Certain of thcte tracts ure being planted (o orehurdu, and will be cultivated and cared r by the Company for three yearn, at the cud of which period they will be handed over to the purchaser. Write for pamphlet fully dcucrllilng the tenon and condltloiiH on which these xevernl cluKeK of trartn are cold. AdilroB, I'M IRRIGATION k WWMm CO,, Kdily, X, vr