Newspaper Page Text
(HE ST. Lomsirmuum Lm nDin II u M r n 1 1 1 r AI In Many Star Itmlle ore Thought In It Hid- dn Under th Iehrln-l'rierty ! AVIII AfgrBtTcititr .MIWonntl.aU Work at lUbullillnic Ilrgun. f St. Louts, Mo.. May 29. When dark jicii tempo willy Interrupted tho search (or worm vtettma to-nlg-ht 315 jpegplo were known to bo dead on both iilaes o( tho river, and although tho oompleU) death list will nevar be known, It I hellered that It will np- prorlnvtto 400 In the two letloi. The number of Injured In oven larger, and many u uio iiuumoti oniuiui nurture The properly lose -will reaoh well Into the mlllloni, lnrt Insurance people, firemen and rvolVea alike refuse to k iftuard oven a guees at ooeumte fls- rmres. The uncertainty regarding lots of life and property Is due mainly to the wldo extent of the Imvoo wrought by tho etorm, tho miles of wrecked buildings as yet unexplored and the numerous collapsed factories towards the Investigation of which little pro cross has been made may hldo almost any numbor of bodies, as tho police luavo bcon unable to soouro anything llko an accuraito list of Uio mtslng, In tho factory districts many of tho onloyen on duty at tho Umo the storm broke were without relatlroa In the city and their disappearance would certainly bo noted ovon though they be burled In tho ruins. It Is believed by the police, too, that owing to tho suddonnoss with which tho crash canio many tramps or homeless ouos sought abetter among tho buildings, and that nothing win be Known of tnoir dcaut until, perhaps, wooks honee, when Uieir bodies are found. The list at 0 o'olook of known deacd In St, Louis Is 109, and in BaM St. Ius 148. The olty la In dorknem to-night. All Jrer tho ntrleken dWtrlot Uio de- bris-onokou streets are crowded with ght-aeers and through tho dim gasllt orgiiM. through tho out cud of Uio Ity and morgue at Twelfth street, a nstant stream of people Is urged for ward by aisles of plotca. Hundreds of omos are in ruins, dozons of men and lozens of buslncs houses aro wrecked, IMany steamboats ara gone to Uio bot- am oi uie river nnu outers aro uis nantled. Railroads of all kinds havo ufforcd great loss, and wlro and pole talng companies havo weeks of toll find largo oxpondlturoa of money to l.i. tl.. a.lll I ' In luillulnnln.u hapo again. Tho most furious work of tho storm Van tjjong Hutger atrodt, Lafayette and httt AlfAtilin itut nnntli-iiniiH horoughfarca coat of Jofroraflh ave ue. Tho housi nro in a atrcots rlth Uie roofs underneath, burled by lii. MM.t trH.iu . i. I. i .1. 4iUA UIU I11UIUM. U'UUW 1I1U WIMilV d mortar aro housettold goods of ory,.dwKirlUon ami on lop of all -o upnbtod trees and tangled inasseti wires. There is not a tree or building stand- 1g In LaFVyeMe park. The wreok t ti .!. t..tl1 la on n ,1n.l wu km j uu3iiia, tm nu ftinivuimm wreckago that It Jb barely possible reach it. Uy far the most remark- lo freak of tho storm m at this iny winged house. About two hund- 11 patients wwe scattered through. wards -when tho tornado struok, t alUiough tho entire upper story cut off clean and one wing razed, i one Inmate was killed. The vie wt located in ono of' Uio upi.-.r fries and was killed by a flying ok In tho demolished wing. Tho Ells fell out, Uio roof canto straight fvn upon the foundation, and there, Stlo$ upon Bound bed oastlnsM, oa- led Uio patlots to bo toieued wlth- 1 serious injury. T4io entire build warondeml useless and the tot nx walla will bo torn down and a tftuaturo btsllt. 'any of Uie hansomo residences on u-teenth Btreet nad about I-Fy-park ore ruined, but the most dam was done on Blxtb, Seventh, U and Ninth, south along Chateau, n-g the tenement district. I loom yto be seen in all r.sw of demoH n from Iom of roof to complete ds ptKOOft, In some of them the t waHa had fallen out owl the nts porfonned their lKMishokl du oared forfhel njured ami mourn tholr lead an full rtw at tho ds In the U-eets. Protn dhe doors pany partially wrecked houses Srel Me blae4c lilr of mourning mreftly a house In all Ujh dlstriet did not have soms Injured rela frisad or nniglvhor HiM Hm baetej-ed walki. p path of the a'ornt l about a tuNe -wide aiwl over four miles matins Utrougli Che thlsMy iMtsd muitorwtti port loo o' $( MroM t0 1e9r I. yMlw'me, rm imrw "of the tt Meyers tobaeeo plant which wreoked avtlmatetl tho anttre rty damage at J2S.000.oao. whisk mi, t m, almost a total lost, : to th laek of oj-clone Insurance. otti!HM range from 16.000, f 30J00.0OO. but the nwlorhv i to that mule by Col. Wo tt more VMngtlili llnllrtlnt. lon May J9. Thi'.ndering of te ungllsh newspaper men ore o was illustrated yesterday, in planner not explained the news led here to day an ntwounur Jfli that 'Htifl stsier St. IkiIi -iL.i..u- i .i . ... .nucn u iwai a tnvaaqaa lives toit.V The 8t. Iouis is foored iloiks at New York, but this did ome known until the snaousee- bad ereated eotiildKaUa uelte A Tuaehlng Frsytr, Waahfneton. Mar 29. The bond bill was further discussed In tho senate yesterday. Mr. Daniel's torrent plso. tor Oliver oroVed an etilliulaiiUa demonstration. Mr. I'effer a4so siioko of tho bill. The resolution nuthorlxlna the ecorrtnry of war to loan tents to me torwwo nunerers was passed, al though Mr. Vest, of Missouri, thought Uit tet unneeessary. Tho ohaplaln's prayer made eloquent reta-eiien to Uie hu Liouis caiaatroiilie. Tho t. Loau Is horror was the thorns of ft touohlu ami cloauent prayer by Jtov. Dr. Mllburn, the blind ohapkttn of Uie sonatc. at tho openttkg bf tho esMon yeAtenMy. 'Oh. Ood." ho itrared. "wo shand oglKurt at the awful tokons of thy pow- or and maJoetr. The earth It shaken anad trembles and tho foundations of thto hills aro shaken." Dlvlno mercy was Invokod for tho etrieked olty of 8U Louts, aueeor for the maimed and oioted, strength to uicmo admlnurterlne rawer and pro tootlon from another visit of dlvlno wrath. When tho houio resolution wui- -- eolvod authorizing tho seere.ary of war to loan tents and render aid to tho mayors of fit. Louis and Host Bt, Imls, Mr. Palmor. of Illinois, asked lmmedlato oonslderaUon, Mr. Vont llorposed tho suggwllon Uitat wJillo It might seem ungracious for him to lntorposo objection, yet In viow of late reports showing Uio Usual oxajrgerattom attending tho first hor rors of fho calamity, ho did not con Hldcr this action necessary. To poo plo of St. Louis, ho said, could toko caro ot tbemsolvcs. Although tho reso lution could do no foarm, yet ho dep recated the tondoney to ruah 1mpul slvoly to sources for roller. Mr. Harris (dem.) of Tennestco said he fully sympathized with this view although tho resolution being here It should be acted upon and made Joint Instead of conourrent. Mr. Ctillom, (rep.) sold he felt from tho last report that thorn wtM ncaneoes ally for tho pasmgo of the relief reso lution and that Uie neoplo would bo able to tako caro ot tha wounded. Vol, ns tho houto had acted,, air. Cul lorn urged that the scnato should an on It. Tho rwei&utlon was amended to ho Joint Instead of concurrent, thus re quiring presentation Wthc president, and avas then adopted. In III Home Washington, May 29 In the hmiso yesterday proceedings wero overshad owed by tho 81. Louis horror. A roso lntlon wai passcddlreetln tho secre tary of war to placo at Uio disposal of Uio stricken olty a auflloloat nr-ibor of tents to provide for Uio onr. .ary nocoMltlas ot tho homeless and to render such aid as might be In his power Mr. IJarthold of Bt. Louis, who saw Booretary Lamont ynaterday, sold thero wis olgM or ten boats used In the Mississippi river improvements wliloh might bo nblo to render asatetanee, and Uieso will be ordered to the Beeno of tho dhtaetor If necessary. Senate amondmenia to the sundry olvll bill npproiUng $125,000 for tho public building at St, Paul, and $13,000 at IjUtle Ilook wero adopted. Tho Johnson-Stokes confuted cIm tloti case, from Uio sovenlih South Carolina district, was debated, but not doeldod to-day. Movement of Troiiii. Havana, May 29-Iteport reach here of two more trains being destroyed wVth dynamite bp Inaurgenta, No Uvea wero lout. Col Sionaoada roports that In nn en gagement with tho insurgents yester day tho Jattor lost 30 klllod and bad 120 wounded, and Including tho Insur gent leaders Ooinvo and Agramoato. Col. Albert has been engaged with Uw Kioiirgeata near ongo prorlnao of 8anMao do Cuba. The onomy left dot on klllod and two wounded on the field. Tho troops oonturod and des troyed the Insurgent oomp, burning 100 houses. Col. Albert followed and an ofl.gem4u laatiig two hours re sulted. Itetreatln. the inlurgeou left 30 killed and oairiod away 90 wounded, The troops lost a lieutenant of guer illas, killed, and nine soldiers were wounded. Uunimvrdlitl Truvntnr. GineJnsalJ, o., May 29. With an ta. xneniely large attndaB9e the national convention ot the United Commercial TmveJers opened yesterday, the fore noon being derotBd to addreiie. and reports in the afternoon. MayortCald well weleonied Mia deies, Then ihere wore oddressM by tho presi dent of the ahamber of eoawlerco and otbr repratentatlres, The Mystlo Order of Bapnen It meeting here In connection wii the Order of United Travekra. Th teas iom olose with a parade on .Saturday, SUUIltlM IKtMtfHl. nuluwayo. May 29 A portion el Copt. Napier'a column, in a sharp brush with a force ot 1900 MaUbeles In the Inaza district, routed the natives killing 300 od wounding many oVhen. The troopers had two killed and tares wounded in the engagement. A bill lias been reported favorably to Increase the imy of the mall carriers throughout tin United States. Mlalstor Taylor is about to rctur to bis mt at Madrid THE JOKERS' COItNEK. .wcbklv aniBT pon oun lean nEADuna. A OIm ot Oolil A rnlltlrnl Aranmt nt from lh Tammsnjr Hlnnilpntnl rrmr lUlttil unit tlm .lw Ilorrowtd unit Orffflnal Jokt-i. OLTSAM ot gold her trosflos eattght, That alt their rip p 1 1 n g meshes wrought To fine spun sun shine, soft as sighs. 8 h o murmured, while her dusky oyta Were tender as a twilight Uiecht, Into my saddened heart rke brought The promise afh lore Z seught. Llko sunshlno rifting darkened skies, A gleam ot gld. . And suadpW"roy llfo was fraught With gladnefls, for I dreamed that naught Could win from mo my one sweet prize, Tho mnlden's heart tilt ovor wise, I learned by what her love was bought, A gleam of gold. . Thayer House In To Date. Mlsiiiiy tiiiippifitiuii. From tho Washington Stnr: "Hezo klnr," snld Farmer Stnoklns to his son, whom ho was visiting, "how bo yo goirn- 'long Willi this collcgo eddloa tlon?" "First rnte, father." "Aro yo a good foot-ball player?" "No. I dovoto alt my attontlon to ray studies." "An' yo don't play base ball?" "Never." "Nor row a boat?" "No." "Weil, I s'pose It's all right. Ilut I dtinno how yo'rt) goln' ter let folks know yo'vo bcon tor college when ye git back among tho nolghhors. They'll say they don't sco no reason fur yor comin' an this way Jos' tor set down an rend books." til 7miitrmt. From tho Indlnnanolls Joiirnnl- "Ah um really, you will havo to oxeuso mo," said tho young man to whom tho young womnn was nuout to soli thrco ucKots ror a mush nnd milk supper "I have n pressing cngngomont." And ho passod on. .A tow minutes Inter nnd n tow doors further on sho saw him dive Into n "trousors-crcnscd'Wlillo-you-wnlt" cs tnbllshmont. "A nrcsslni: rnirneompnt?" nhnniiiBmi "I wonder." sho continued, relapsing irom lingiisii into chlmmlcfnddon, wonder It ho was Joshing inc." Ilait llnrom tr.nnlniiniii. From tho Washington Htnr- "Th baso ball season will ho In full blast very soon." romnrkod tho enthusiast "Yes; I Bunnoao so." "YOU don't act OS If VOU were irnlnir to tako your old-tlmo Interest In the loriunes or me Home team." "Well, you sco, horotoforo, I'vo boon Impressed that they woro rushing things too muoh. Wo senrcoly get tnrougu looking after Raster eggs bo foro wo'ro called up to turn our nt tcntlou to gooso oggs." It Wi it tw II Approreil. From tho Indianapolis Journal: Oro gan And fwhat d'lo thine nv the Inn thoy have bon maklu' In Now York mat a eaioon cannot bo wldlu two hun dred fato nv n church! Hocnn Hiiro, an It's n cood thlnir. .f titer tho man comes out nv tho saloon It gives him n two.llllllilrml.fnnl wntk for him to find out ho do ncod nnothor drink bofoor ho goea Into th church. Vallti( n Hrnnon. She Hut I detest Juno weddings, "Why?" "They moan a whole summer wast ed."-Lire. A rutltlral Arsuma Pat (soliloquizing, behind the fence) There's a good Tammany goat tor yezl L'ato 'm alone an' he'll make a Dlmoerat o' that PopulliL Truth tt tipmlit Upon Ulio Wm Yhcia. From the Chleago Post: The blonde has evidently made up her mind. ''As for bltureatM garments M the began. "Yea?" said tks. briwstte, expectant ly. don't think nett of them, as a general rule, but, ej eewse, there are exceptions," "Ot course. "I am not at all ojpei W bKurl oated garaect with a mm In ft." if Th HAn tot th rise. rinton You have called to secure Us position ot porter? Applicant Yes, sir. Duron Wna there not some one fa tho nnteroom as you onmo In?" ppllcant There was, sir. There was a nan with a bill against you, Herr Hnron, but I threw him out, Flicgcndo lllaotter, One Mnr Trlnmphsnt, The barber shop porter was manipu lating (he whisk broom after tho man ner ot his kind, nnd after many flour ishes nnd'axtrnvngant gyrations bowed tho customer out. Thero was n look ot triumph on tho faso ot the latter ns lm said to himself, glancing nt his overcoat, "Ho nover touched me." Judge. A Wtrrn Nhrrlnrk Ilolmrt. Ohlaa'gD Man I gueea New York has n very unncaiuirui eiinmio. i think the people there hare n cold about All the Umo. "Why so?" "Well, When I was thero last summer Uiey pnt a hnmltrehlet by everybody's plate." Skillr. Though Uio west bo vory woolly, there's a woman that I know, Who'd regard that faet ns doubtful, tin- flOnVlnfleu that It wan so, Till shoM drawn a throad 'In secret from Its selvage, warp or woof, And with n match hnd kindled It and nut It to the proof. II V .Ink Writer. FencerA pojiny for your thoughts. Ponser!'!! go you. That's hlghor than tho nvcrnga editor's valuation. A MotIhb Slitter. Mr. Holsodo You'ro a swlndlcrl Jes look at thorn pantsl Shrunk noarly foot! Mr. Lovy Veil, I don't vondorl Dey vos ashamod of doso bootsl To Date. A New Bnnnym. Gumso What do you think ot Cawk or? Fnnglc Cnwkor Is n Maud Mullei sort of a olmp. Cunmo What or earth Is a Maud Mullor sort of a '.inp? , Fsnglo A rako, ' " i ' " In Murilerrr't llutr. Thug I wish doy'd got n movo on on try an' ofc?vlot mo. Slug I)oea yoz want 'n oreak as bad as all dnt? Thug-Croak? Wot's allln' yor link tnnk? W'y, dun mo admirers ud pe tition do guvnor for mo pardon, an' dt hull muss'ud bo over. "I'd hate to llvo In Clilongol" "Well, ir thoy keep on extending their limits, I don't know how you aro going to avoid It." "I might Commit sulslde." "That won't sovo you. Bhcol la one of their suburbs." A Hurt Laugh. First New York Horso What are you laughing at? Soeond Now York Horse I was thinking that on Sundays tho human beings hero aro no better oft than we arc. They havo to drink water, I.umlnou. Mrs. Hopvlne Here Is a long piece In this paper about tho wedding of sir Henry1 Inlt, D. O. L. What does D. a L; mean? Mr. Hopvlne Dog-oatchcr ot Lon don. In the ".Sw ratur. She Your pies don't taste like father's did, They He I don't enrol I wjih I'd never met y She I eould never oat hts at alL I'artly Tol.l. Miss Slereleaf I know that ago Is be ginning to tell en ffle. Miss Caustlquo Yes, dear; but you needn't mind so very muoh. It Isn't telling tor whole truth. Truth. Feirt llaillleil. Lady Teacher James, what Is the favQorlte rood or the Ohlnese? James (deelilvely) Rutsl (Teweher lutahes her skirts nnd leans to the top ot a desk with a sereesh ot terror. Mure la II, Kllduff A seat In the New York stoek exthaiige oomes high, Taddells Yes, It Boats more to buy a seat thero than to endow a chair In a college. Juttlrr. Mr. Pint Fuanyman don't get credit for the Jokes he furnishes the papers. Mr. Needle Ner for say thing els It the people kaow him. A tlooil Hin. Jennings Why do they mlslilv rinllllF say AI ShHlings- Ucause they art Might bard to get CHILDREN'S COMER. INTBnitSTINO 8KHTCHE8 FOH OUR DCY8 AND QIHLS. UlfU nt th Anlmnlt gmH llnj Aliroml .1 (Inoil akcleli mm th Annul Arent A l'rllr Kuraery funs ami tllhor Starlet. LUCIC, CliWCK. olutk," said the lion, " Tie time this lit tle ehlok went In bod, Or you'll live to be n fowl Whlsh In the night will prowl, And be taken for an owl," she said. Then without n single petp Tho ehlak went alt to sleep, sort tusked In Its warm fenthtr bed. "Purr, purr, purr," said the eat, " TIb time this little kit went to bed, Or youll grew to bo a eat Whleh cannot oaten a rat Anil you wouldn't much Ilka that," she said. Than tho kitten In n trloe Blopt, nnd dronmed nt entailing mleo, Wrupped In fur In her basket bed. "Dow-wnw-wow." tnld the dog, "TIs time this little puppy went to bed, For playing In tho dark Will tnko nwny your bnrk, And you'll novcr raako your mark," sho said. Then tho puppy stopped hU play, And went to bed straightway, Curled up on his clean straw bed. "Como, eome, come," sold irammn, " 'TIs Umo this little boy went to bod, To sloop throughout tho night, And with tho morning tight To awaken frosh and bright," sho said Dut that hoy did tease and tonne "Let mo sit up this oneo, please," And nt Inst was enrrlod pouting oft to bed. (till of th Animal. "I have a now gamo for you," snld Aunt Holla to tho children ono rainy day. "You must alt In n row upon your tlttto benches, npd I will ask you quostlons. That does not sound vory amusing, dons It? Hut you will grow Interested after nwhllo, and tho ono who answers tho most quostlons. shall ordor lunoh for tho party. I shall bo gin nt onco and not wnsto time. Polly, havo you anything that the animals gnvo you?" "Yes," said Polly, promptly. "I've got n sewntoh wight on my arm that my pussy gavo mo when I wouldn't let her drink my milk." And sho rolled up tho alcovo o? her apron to show It ! Thoy all Inughcd, and thon Polly arlod Then thoy kissed her, nnd Aunt Uelln snld: "No pno laughed nt tho serateh, Pol ly, and yoi shnll havo another ques tlon. Try to think of something nice, something Hint you llko to havo, that an nnlninl gavo you." "Not a slnglo fwlng." said Polly. "Think, Polly," sold Aunt Holla. "What havo you got on your recti" "Shoes nnd stockings. My yamb's wool stockings and my brown kid shoos," snld Polly, kicking her root. "We!!, Polly, tho llttlp whlto lambs gavo you tho wool off tholr backs for the stockings, nnd tho pretty kids gavo their skins for tho shoos." "Oh I" cried Polly. "I nover rrought or tat! So tey did." Thon sho lnughod, and tho others foil thoy might, too, and Aunt Holla continued: "Now tho rest must answer In tholr turn, only thoy must not toll or tho winio gifts Polly has told of. What havo tho quadrupeds or birds or fish or Insects given you, Tom?" "Well," said Tom, with his hands In his pockets, "tho tailor said my suit wus 'strictly all wool,' so tho cheep must havo given mo that, nnd my hat, too: and oh, nn alligator gavo me my shoes alligator skin, they are; and I've got a knife In my pooket that a shell fish gave mo the handle for It, nt lesst, beamiso It's mother-of-pearl, nnd that Is tho lining of a aholli nnd I guess Hint's nil I romembcr Just now." "Now, Tilly!" said Aunt Uella. "Oh." said Tilly. "I am under ob ligations to tho silkworms far my dress, for It Is mado ot Japauoso silk. And a tortoise gave me my hairpin. And In my posket I bave something a ll.tlo blind mole gave me a moleskin purse. I suppose some animal with horns gave me these utile red buttons, for I think they are bone." "An animal gave them to you," Bald Aunt uella, "but in a very curious way Those buttons are made of bullock's blood. There Is a great factory In some part ot the country where they take all the blood that Is gathered from tho plaees whero they slaughter bett, and turn It Into something like boue, ot which they mako buokles and combs and breast-pins and lots ot things. You may Know tuetn by their red color. Very few people guess what It Is." "Now, Fanny?" "A seal gavo mo my cap and mutt and ollar," said Fanny: "and the feathers In my hat an ostrloh gavo me oh, I nave a lime snaico-skin poeketbookl" "And you, Lilly?" asked Aunt Dells "Ob, a monkey gave me my cane and muff," said Lilly, "and a kid gave me my gloves." "Now, I am going to ask you all to look about the room and see what crea tures nave helped to furnish It." "Of course, sheep have, for there la wool la the earpct," said Fanny "and siiKworas, tor t&e curtains have silk In x&em." "on, and norses." Mid Tos, "far were is a norse-hsir sore." "An elephant JteluisT.' aaff Ttllr 6h, yes. and a camel, net exacttr in turn lining, but as tcr ftHtf t The- porffotfo en th dealt Is trMo ofoanvn'ss skin, and the paper-knife It Itory, and vory Is made from an olopliant'a taakx" Oh " raid Tom. "we've fergotlen tho big hlaek bear who gave ts that rug, though ho Ilea there, head nnd '.daws nnd all; and tho little white Boat that gave us that small rug." "Oh," laughed Fnniiy. "the roosters! What did the rooster give us? 1 know; dees any one else?" "Tho reather duster, or enure," said Tilly; "and n poaootk gave us his tall for that screen." "A deer took oft his head nnd antlers so mat wo could nave mm rmrK tnai holds grandpa's rllle," mid Tom. "For my part, I cannot sea anaUter thing that the birds and boasU and insects and reptiles gave us." "I da." said Aunt Delia. "I see some thing that really and truly belongs to a duck. I do net suppose she Intended to give tt to us. I know she did not, in Met. Hut here It Is." v "A durkl" cried all tho children. looking about "When Is anything a duek gave us?" "Under Polly's ke4.H said Aunt Helta. "That llltlo cushion?" queried Tom. "I thought that was silk?" "There Is older-down Inside of It." sold Aunt Holla. "Whon the older duck makes lior nest, sho linos It with down from her own breast. The down hunters know that, and oomn In tho night nnd atwl It. Tho poor little duek Is very sorry to And It gone, but sho pulls out moro down nnd makes tho feather-bod over again for the dusk bablos who nro to eomo out of her big, green oggs, nnd nnco more tho hunters eomo nnd stoat It. Hut sho wilt havo tho ducklings comfortable and sha pulls all Uo down from her brofist this1 time. Thoy tot her keep Hint, and tho poor llttlo duck, with her breast baro and bleeding, Is still glad that her bablee are warm." 1 "Ob, poor llttlo mamma duek!" said Polly, crying. "Tako back the poor duck's fevvers!" "Don't ory, Polly." said Aunt nelb. "All her fsoUiers grow again, no doubt, nnd sho has mado lots of nests for lots of little ducks slnee then." And then, as they woro all ready for lunch, thoy had It eosoa, and Jam tarts, and tongue sondwlehes, nnd plenty or buns nnd plain omko. ' 'i Small llojt Ahmad. " Wo didn't get Into London until about sovon o'clock Wednesday night, but It was lino traveling coming up rrom Southampton. You'd havo thought tho cars had rubber bicycle tyres un their whcols see that word tyres? that's English for tires I saw It on n sign. They rodo along Just as smooth ly as a bloyclo would on n tar pave ment, nnd go Jerusalem how'they did gol That llttlo toy engine whon onoa she got started Just loapod ovor tho ground. You'd almost think you woro. traveling on a streak ol lightning and' lo n packing box. That's nil tho cars arc, Just llttlo packing boxoa petitioned off Into stalls nnd Uio guard they call brakemon guards over horo tho guard' locks you In and oR you go. U Isn't a bit llko travollng In America, and I don't know as I llko It quite as muoh atho Amorloau cars with alilos down tho mlddlo or 'cm because tho broken mixed candy and bnnona boys can't walk through and sell you thlngsl Havon't scon a broken mlxod oandy and bannna boy ovor horo, and It's all bcoauso tholr cars havon't any aisles. Thoro aren't any comic paper boys clthor but I guess that's a good thing. l'op bougnt n copy or ono of tho Eng lish comic papers and ho nearly ruined tils eyes trying to sco tho Jokes, tholr points wero sn awful fine From Har per's Hound Tabto, loBcnlnat. From the Ananias Argus: There may bo a basis of fact In tho Oriental story or a beetle, with a thread tied U f one or Its logs, crawling to tho top of a castle tower, nnd so becoming (ho means ot a prisoner's escape. The servlco ot tho smaller creatures, by ac cident or strategy. In situations where human hands are helpless, forms an Interesting and not unfrequont Inci dent In common llfo. The well-known power or an eel to find his way through mud has been -utilized to clear out a clogged water pipe, and In a story of a recent case ot a similar kind we find that a tuouso has been cleverly been made use of, In a French town, In which the tele graph wlrea are laid underground, a telegraph line was Interrupted. The workmon pulled out tho wire and re paired It, but then discovered that they, could not pass a wlro through the pipe, by means or whleb they could pull the -telegraph line back Into plaoc. A labl orer. however, bit upon an Ingenious! way ot overcoming the dlflleuUM He caught a mouse and tUsV Its' tall a. very slender wire. ThTjHTput the mouse In the pipe. At first tho mouse refused to submit to what It perhaps regarded as an Indignity: but when a big cat was brought, the mouse ran for dear llfo through the pipe, drag ging along the slender wire, by raeini of which tho workmen pulled the wire through. Why Ram Rl TJ. Fay Mills, the well known eva&gjf - - l llst. recently told how to destroy tjS liquor traffic and why It Is not dons. Ha said: l'l! tell vou what's tha matter. It's eorrucMon of the chureh. It Is thr proressed Christian who gets dowa op nls knees and prays the Lord will close tip the bars and then deliberately goes t the polls and votes to perpetuate tnesa to ttrew them wldcjtpcn." Aa oath on the Hp shorn that tti levll to la Mart