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Gladness Comes With n bettor ttnderstandlnjr of the transient nature of the many phys loot ills, which vanish liofnro pnincr ef forts gentle efforts pliutsnnl efforts--rightly directed. There In comfoi t. In tho hnowhnlfre, thnt m ninny forms of nlohnofcfl nro not duo to ntiv netiuil dis ease, hut shindy to n constipated condi tlon of tho sjstem, whloh tlio ptensttnt fnrally Inxauvo, Kyrupof Flam prompt Jy reiuovos. Thnt I why It is tho only remedy with mtlllonsof (amities, mid Is everywhere esteemed so highly bv nil who vnluo (rood health. It henotlcltil effect nro duo to tho fact, thnt It I tho ono remedy which promoted Intermit oleanllneM without dohllltatluu; tho organs on whloh It nels. It In therefore nil important, In order to get 1U buna llelel elTootn, to note when you pur clmtso, thnt you hnvo tho trouulno arti cle, which i8 manufactured by tho Cull fornla l'ljr Syrup Co. only nnd ohl by oil reputable druggists. If In tho onjcyinont of Rood honlth, nnd the system Ik regular, Inxntlvoa ot other remedies nro then not needed. If uflllcted with nny uctunl dtsonKo. uiu limy 1m commended to tho most shlllful phyftlclnns, but If In need of n lnxntlvo, ono Hhould hnvo tho boat, nnd with tho well-informed overywhuro, Byrup of l'ip stands highest nnd In inou largely UMa nnd gives most general satisfaction. FROM THE PEN OF EMINENT GLERpyAEN Como Itecoirimondatlons of tho Won derful VENO MEDICINES, Crglni; tlio Btelc nml Amlrteil to Obtain tho Only Medicine Hint Cure. Pathsr IlcMonlen, of Bt, John Church, In dianapolis, recommend the Veno Ilemedles. lie wrote a letter to Dr. yo no. Mating llitt I'atrlok jtnrrliintoii, Missouri at.. liutliiiiiiliolU. tiutl been omietrd with rntiitnii Main for eighteen month yp'l disabled from work. Mr. Knirlnitton wai taken on tlio ataco nt Maionla Temple, , In dianapolis, wlicru three iiouicu 01 veno a jsieo trio riulil w?4 rubbed cams upon tin stane In View ot Die audlonce: stamping his (col, jump InK ami running, lit pranoeil Veno' hand ami thanked tit rn for his Immmllatu emancipation from pain and sufuilni;. nov. A. 1. McKutt, Methodlit minister, Jlrodnrr, Wood Conn- , , ... . ty, u., had suntrcd hair III Ufa time with rheumatlmu, dyspep sia, and bronchlul troulilo Kmtnent phy (loloiii fulled to cure lilm. lleiapuid not attend to lila clqrlt-ul duitas. 'lie com menced (o una Velio's medicine In July, Ml, and In two weak lia wa free (rum pain when he returned to hi aharsv. 1U la now completely well. Ilev. J'rUlian, paator M. K. Church, Xenla, o., write December M. ISM: "I take pleueuro and litllqvo It my duty to add my teitlmony to that of other mlii- Sitera concernl"K Vrno'a tnrdlalne. I mow Mr. Klluhtth Klrlt. Mr. Hnmucl lilp and Mr. Nat Wllllama. rhy are meniberi of tha M. Ji, Chtmh. Xenla, of wlileh t am pnator. Durlne tho atay of pr. Veno In Xonlo. they wara treated by him for rlieuinntlum of many nri gtnndlnr. and after tlio flrat treatment by Veno'a likotrlo rluld, they threw owny their cnnci nnd erutchea, and are now on the road to recovery." Veno'a remmtlea nro aold by drucd'tn with Imtruollone for a homo euro o fol- 0VKNnfl ft?nATIVR PTnt'P l the beat and only inlentlflo eure. It permiv nenlly curea malaria (rhllh nnd fever) nnd thoroughly eurea ratnrrh, eonrtliut tlon and llvr trouble. It etrenRthene the nervee. eteara the drain, tnvlnornten the etomarh and purine thn blond, lenvlns no III effeet. Thla medicine line for It body the fnmoun I.landrlndmt water, the (treat aerm deeirover and blood purltler, and when uid wtih VKNO'll HI.Rrrittr rr.t'ID will eure the weret and moat deeperate cnnea of rheumatliim, paralyelH. aelatleo, nnurnl pla and all ai-hea and palna. No bumo ehnuld lie without theen meitlelnaa. They are aald at 10 eenla each, twelve for u. Aeh vour drualet In ret Venn' Cura tive ftyrup and Veno'a Electrte Fluid for 1 r'fltAN PHII.T, rVMK noeltlf-elv atopa "lillt In nne night Mr At dm Moren, OPIUMS HabltL'urcd Cttlatltt. TtunuKU . I toMinl tm MM Ml. rkKaTKitu . ii. iiiHtii, vuiiier, uuik BinderTwinoifis! t ittltra la Ike ""ill RODS 9t tripinr nd toeatier QnM or ailter Ore lot or bMd.n uruuret- M. O. to W I. 11, Uua S3T. BuullilBBieu, Ooao. nDIIIU u WHISKY t.4. t w.i liriUM rata, iir. a. d, noauai, irutTi, si. Watting for Trial. In Jnll nt Junonu. wnltlnp trial on tho charge of murder, la Chief Y Teetleeh, the tyeo of the Hoonnn In diana, t iinnll trlbo of omo 100 mom born, oeoupvlnp; ClilonklkofT lilnnd, nbout 100 .Nile aouthorly from Junonu. The olTenw) with which tho old chief U chnrfted la tho murUor by torturo of lila nephow. whom honcctnted ot wltoli cnift. 'Did chief hod a dlsoaao nlTact Inff bin rlcht lejr. whloh had i;rndunlly oaten tho irout part away. Ha drowned thnt lila iiephow liad bowltohcd htm, and on the Rtreiijrth of thU ho proceed od to inllk't punlKhtnont duo thoorlmo. Tho vletlm' Itnoos woro Ijont clow Imok, nml In thin jioaltlon ho wn bound tightly to n treo. An Iron hand, n qttartor of an Inch thluk. wait then iluL'd nround hl face, sinking' Into tho it ono nnd covering tho oyox, nnd thU was aho mtulo fttnt to tho ttoos, ko that ho una uimblo to inovo hlH hoiul any direction. Ko wit left lit thtu w 1 lion to utiirvo to death. Ho lived (lviidays, H was 'JO yonvn of ngi Vtf nt 1'iirerty. Swoet tiro tho tieoa of ndverHlty,'' but It tnkna n phllOMphtr to nppraclnta tho fttav .lint Hiroi'ty In Ills best frlnnd. Wo nil ndmlt thnt It IS nwjetwlty Unit drlvoti tnnnklnd to Its lieet workAlrit It is n bloaaln we wuut betowtKl on wimo on ol. In n reoont iiingnaliio ui tlcle, Andrew C'tirnvelo wiya: "Wa Hhould 1)0 quite wllQitf to nbohah luxury; but to nhnltah poverty would te to doatroy the only aoll ujion vl 'oh mankind can dopenil to prndnoe the Irluon whloh nlone omii onulilu tho race to reach a still hlylier oirlllm tlon than It uowoae8e," NoUt'tlu Htnndliur this triio view of tlio o.iu, thoro In general iIohIiu to do uwhy with Hivertv. Inrteod, It h to tho lndivldtmf ufTni't Ui abolish poverty that tho world otrea the olorutlun of tho race. Moat of uh iif roe with tlis khro w)io eftid that it may tint be a rtttfrno to lie poor, but It Is xtewl lngly Inconvenient. Olenr t'nt. Itnltatlon ottt e!ui It mado so much like the real now that It takes nn ox ml to tell the illffemtco. Of oottrae, overy -woman claim aho to n oonnola senr who oan tell the genuine from tho fnlse neraiM the block, hut m a mn tor ot fnot It Is very dllllciil(. One woman will tottt It by tryltiK tho otlgra to too If It la Hhnrn. Another will Uitimp It to rso It It Rivet .ml it clear, ronon nm wjuih!. Dealers In fancy plnw toll It hy tho oolor. 'Hie edRM of real cut Rlasti show a urteu color. This ver dant htio Is froquently reflected In tho purahnfer, who i'.ocwi'i hucnv wlit ho Is cettlne. Ono Infdlllblo svny to tell tho fionulno Is by ' tho prloo, Thoro's never any mistaking the price, or tho hollow rliiK one's porno rIvos out attor purohasltiK It. Tho etiU In cut Rhw never extend to tho price. I'oa Did, Not Atni) lluvn u Oleitn Klilrt, To what hnso no uiRy ono como nt last! A laundry man has Rotten poi- bomIou of I'oe's cottage, in Now York, and linn oiftnbliehcd tho l'oe laundry, It Is n little shocking to think ot hanging a'.othos on tho line of a poot; hut to have a 'km miry named tftor ono li. at least, a niee, clean way of por poluntlttK a bard's fame. Tlioro Un't mucli of tlio poetry wrtttei nowaluya that would wasti. Pot's poetry wus Rood, clean etuff, m htglily pollrtied ns the iMWotn of ti draw shirt. It will bo In order for thts wnsJiee man to Ikivo n raven all nhove the door, aad, whan ho Irons off n button, to uiy, as wm said of Ote lost I.enore, "1 shall see thoe nevormoro." A l.ueky fiiruiiT, llcv. Mr. ltliodea, living twelve miles oast ot 'Jlinpeon, Tox.. while plowing his field, tmoarthud 80.000 Moxluau dollals. It seems thnt the monoy was burled In leather nuelioti and tlioy woro almost rotton. Mr. ltluxloH Ixnight the pluou two jcrnri unci. Tor eeveral years theru hits beou dltfKii.' i" tliut community by unknown IKirllott itt night. It l Wronir, A rocont (iermuu writer on duollnc trlet to pnivo thnt It is not forhkldun by tho ChrUtlnn reltginn. It oertntn ly In, nnd always lias been by tha Cath olic (liiiri'li, which rfiiin u duelliil coiiKH-tatiMl burial, oven though lie huvtt rientl. Don't intoiTtipt n man when ho it telllittr you his Iroublas. If you do, h win start ovor again nt tu beg I a Ii4f AtehlMin (llolie. As people grow old, their Ideal woman becomes ono who Is n good tiume. TBNNYSON'8 TWO LKTTEM8. APOSTEASTEU'SAYIFIili lie Could Net tleeld Abnnt Aefptln the Ijtureatethlp, Peel hns not read a syllable of Tenny son. Hut Mllnes showed hint "LOOK sloy Hall" and "Ulysses" nnd the pen sion ot 300 was Immediately granted, sitys Tomplo liar. And now, on tho death of Wndsworth, nnother prlmo . minister has to admit that ho knows nothing Arhntevcr about Tennyson. . Iord John Iliuselt wroto to ItoRtrst i"As you would not wear tho laurel yoursolf I have mentlonod to Uio queen thoio whom I thought most worthy ot tho honor. Hor majesty Is Inclined to upstow It on Mr. Tonnyion, but I rtllltM Mtlaita ImfAfn t Ii m nffne lei ftirtilft I f 1 idiawMsis rf flit irutuiu IIJ UIIVI IN liimiv av know something ot his character, as . woll as of his literary merits. I know I your opinion at tho Inst by your ad-; I Vlnn In Olr tnt tlnol I, lit t Imilli! .ww v iiuudi i, a vvi, uii. m .w bo glad It you could let me know some thing ot his character nnd position." This Is Indeed quaint, but no donht Hoger ' was equal to the situation. More than six months passed, after "Wordsworth's dentil before tho" olllcn was filled up. but tho offer oame to Tennyson nt last. He hns htnuelt ; given a curious account of the way In , wlileh lie reeelved it. Ho told his , friend, Mr. Knowlesi "The night be- torn I was asked to tnke I ho laureate ship, which wns offerod to me through Prince Albert's liking for my 'In Motnorlam,' I dreamed thnt he eamo to live nnd ktmed mo on tlio cheek. I said In my dream: 'Very hind, but very' (n tho morning the lotter nbout tho laureateshlp wai brought to I me nnd laid upon my bed. I thought nbout It through the dny, hut could not make up my mind whether to i tnko It or refuse It, and at Inst I wroto two letters, one aoeopt- Ing and one doellnlng, nnd threw thorn on tha table nnd settled to deeltle -whloh I would send utter my dinner nnd a bottle at port." It Is rather curious that Tennyson In his tlrst ap pearance nt court exactly followed I Wordsworth's precedent. He dressed IjU Hogera' and wore the old poet's vfourt suit Just as Wordsworth had done. I "I well remember," says Sir Henry j Tnylrs, "n dinner In fit. Janus place, i when the question nroto whether Sttmu i el's jlt wns spacious enough tor t .1 I tred." Hut the laureate managed I make It do. Of Tounysoti merely is ; laureato there is fortunately little w nay. Ho did not wrlto much in hu olllefnl capacity. Tho "Ode on the Donth ot tho Ddko of Wellington" would , probably havo beon written oven it l Tonnyson had never hnd anything to , do with tho lord chamberlain. It wai , not booauso he wasa laureato that , Tonnyson was a patriot. Ills other plocos on royal waddings and so forth aro slight nnd unimportant. I - I ' ,M rHa QU1CKBANP' ' A Thrlf.nii T;l at Helena Itepnrted Ifrmu llrerett. Tho Kvorclt correspondent ot tho Botlto Post-lntolllgouoer snys tho fi lowing story is vuuehod tor by dipt. rnlrbalrn of tho steamer Florence llreicy: James Wilson started from thnt steamer to shorn but stuck In tho quicksand of the Snohomish rlvor, with water tip to his armpits nnd tho tlo coming In. All orforts to pull him out proved fruitions and his companions ' saw that in a few minutes the water would be ovor his head. "Llko an In spiration," snyH tho corrospondont. "onnio tho plan of roscuo. A smnll Iron plpo about four foot in longth was brought from )b neat and placed In Wllson'R mouth. Ho rould use his nrms to steady It. Then oakum wna used to covor lila mouth around tho plpo, nnd ovor tho oakum wan placed a covering of whllo lend, making It water tight. Tho man's nostrils and enrs wore plugged up In llko mnnuer with onkuni and whllo lend. It was found that ho could broatho froely through the plpo nnd, thus equipped, Wilson rollovod of fear nnd confidant of his rolenso In n short tlmo calmly awaited the rising ot tho tide, which finally covorod his head to tho depth of six or eight Inches. Ills companions stood by him faithful ly In a small boat nnd It was not tiioro than about three-quarters of an hour, although it seemed an age, when the waters hud receded far enough to let his head out of water ami ho could foel that the orlsln was passed. When the tldo hnd gono out stiltlolantly to un- I covor the lint, willing hands soon did ! tho work of shoveling tho sand away I and nmid general rejoicing Wilson was taken r.nfely aboard the stonmer appar ently none the worse for his thrilling ndvonttiro." K LEEDS WOMAN WHO ASTON ISHED HER FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. Mar to Death bat lleetnred So Cnmpletelf That HUo IUa Ueen Aeceptiyl lljr Life ltuurntica (lumpiiUy ae a flood llltlu w: The hlghoat claim ibr o-'r , tobaecoa i "Just good na Durham." Kvcry old smoker knows there fa none just as good an ULL DURHAM Smoking Foliacco You will find ono coupen Ir.sulo eacji two ounce Uig.and Iwocou- jiuo uisHia cue it lour ounce fS TAlU y ? of this celc- b ijiuicu laiatri'n sr.n raii iim (coron -wUuh give n IUt ' Cu v r Hal hikm WOMEN OP NOTE. The Wllllmantle (Conn.) ohspter ol Daughters at the Iterolutton has a member who it actually a "daughter." Dominican nuns at King William's Town In Cape Oolsny, where they hsra rt farm, do their own outdoor work. The late Protester llnaley' rare and splendid collection of oriental manu scripts has been preaen'.eU by hit widow to tho University Library at Cambridge, Hugland. In literature tho list of the unwed U long. It IneMea Norn Pew, "Olita,', Jean Ingelow, ltosa Car)', lWlth Thom as, Bartth Oino Jewett. Mary Wllklns, draco Dmis Lltohlleld, Hdim Lyall and dozens more. "Tho Dttehess" has Just published hat twonty-elghth novel. It Is celled "A Point ot Conselonce," and deals wltk the same kind ot eharneters which sho has made known In her previous twenty-seven works. Lady O'i lagan, widow ot the late Lord Chansellor ot lulaml, has nevei reascd to be a Homon Catholic and de i lares that ahe does nut even know what are the doctrine- of the Plymouth Uretsren, whom she was tald to bar Joined. In the nlaht I used to be awakened by the most exeruelatlnsr pains In my heart nml aide, nnd won abllited to uso pellets ot powerful medicine that tho doctor gave me for relief In euoh at tack. At 'imt my condition became so grave that I went out only Infrequent ly. We live tipntnlr, you notice, over my huahaud's store, nnd In defending tho stnlrxny I frequently was obliged to eort of fall nnd slide over tho steiiA In order to descend, such was the strain on my system resulting from even this sIlRht exertion. Oocnulonnlly I visited the neighbors, but I was obliged to nit seem thnt I rould live, Mich was my complole phyilrn prostration. "One dsy I saw an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and nltheugh my faith In romedlea wns weak by thrft time, I sent for a box and tried them. That was two years ago. Now I call myself a well woman, Isn't It wonderful? "t haveVt had one of those excruciat ing pains In tha licnrt for u yenr nnd a half. Why, even the flret box ot pllla helped me. I eon walk mile nowi can do my work onslly; hnvo gained In weight constantly, and you would scarcely believe It, but n lit tlo whllo ago I wns examined for endowment life Insurance nnd was neeeptnl unhesi tatingly after a careful examination by the physician. "Do you wonder that I'm shouting Pink Pills' all through our village? I haven't taken any of the remedy for romo months for It haa completely built me up. Imt nt the II rut sign ot troublu 1 know to what refuge to flee. "I.fixt yenr my mint, Mrs. M. A, Pins som. of Dlxfleld, P. O., wns tiero visit lug me. Hhe was suffering from a Inck of vitality and heart trouble, but she was skeptical about my remedy that I wns so enilnmlwslleully advocating. At last, however, she tried It and carried some home with her when the went. A little while ago I received n letter rrom her. and In it wild. 'I urn cured, thanks to Clod nnd Pink Pills.' Hh nlso wrote that her husband had been prostrated but had been restored by the remedy. , One of the persona to whom Mrs.' Pranela reenmuionded Pink Pllla Is Rtn llnli Agept C. II. Knater, of l.fwiln Ceil-In-, nnd the reporter found him patrol ling the platform awaiting tho arrival of the nioriilnit trnln. Mr. Foster, who In nne of the most trustworthy, capable end energetic men In the employ of tho Maine Central railroad, appeared In un usually gnnl health Mini uplrlt und wo iiiiiiIh Inquiry ua to the to iim, "Do you know," replied he. "I think I've mnde'ii dtaoovery, or nt leaat Mrs Krnnrls hxa for me. I have been In poor Health for n lone time with a heart trouble variously complicate!. We have been so fully Interested In Mrs. I'raticI' wonderful recovery thnt 1 at once determined to give the medlrlne recommended a thorough test. Mo, nbout two months ego, I txtught the first box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla. Only two months, please note, yet already I am so much Improved, so much better able to fulfil! my duties, so sanguine that I am on the road to recovery, that I fee like a new man. "I ran now walk without the fatigue I enee experienced, my heart attest la ti appear In tie- lelleved. and I have Joined the link Pllla' Itand In our cum- "iJr. vllllam' Pink mils nontoln nil the elements necessary te give new life and richness to the blood end rsturo shattered nerves. They are for sale b by all drunklsta, or may be had by mull from Dr. Williams' Medicine Cemiwny. Schenectady. N Y for Me r box, or six boxes for t sa It Is n sign ot age tor n woman to rave ft bout the good looks of boy. Soma think a tieh man Is one who can nthml thrtw straw hau. Of Cooree. A law prohibiting the Sutulay opening of bnrbcr shops hns boon de clared unconstitutional In Illinois. From the Journal, Lowlston, Me. A bright llttlo woman, rosy nnd fresh from her household duties, droptcd Into a chair heforo the writer and talked with enthusiasm shining in her snap ping, black eyes. , The people In the pretty village of I.eed rvntre. Me., have watrhed with some Interest tho restoration to com plete health of Mrs. W. I Francis, wife of the postmaster. Ho general were the comments on this Interesting case thnt tho writer who visited Mrs. Frnnels and lenrned from her that tho statements regarding her troubles nnd her subse quent extrication therefrom nre entirely true. All of her neighbors know what Iins been the ngeney thnt hns performed this pure, but that others may be bene fited by her experience. Mrs. Francis has consented to allow her story to Bp Mar In print. "If there Is anything nn earth I dread more than nnother." she said, "It Is to see my nnmo In the papers. Hut In this ease I conquer my repugnance nnd give publicly the wtrne credit to the envlor of my life ns I would to one who had dragged me from n death beneath the waves. In fact, 1 hnve extolled my preserver so enthusiastically and un reservedly, have sought out sufferers nnd recommended the remedy to so many friends and ni'iuHlntnuea tlml already my neighbors Jocularly call me, 'Pink Pill Francis.' Put really, my re covery Is something that t consider wonderful. I know that there are so many teatlmonlnls ot medicine in the pa l her a nowadays that people do not pay as much heed ns formerly, but I do wish folks who are suffering would remem ber that whnt I say oomes right from the heart of n worn mi who feels that site hnd n new lease of happy lite given to her. "Eleven years ago I was afflicted with nervous prostration. My existence until two years ago was one of dragging mis ery. Anyone In the village will tell you of my condition. My blood seemed ex hausted from my veins and month after month 1 grew weaker. I was able to undertake only the lightest household work, and even then I could perform It only by stow and careful movements. During all these sorry montha nnd years I wn. under the core ot thts doc tor and that, but their medicines helped oniy spitsmouieauy, ana men I fell relapses more prostrating than Plays Well. Tho young khedlvo of Kgynt Is enttl to bo n capital munlolan and hns com peted some pleasing plocos. Wo nil oxpeot too mtioh help from Jthors. When the Rummer nreeee Hlowi through the treei, moit of in who cn teti oft for s country Jiunt Fewer croit the Atlantic. Whether It Ii builnoti or rlraiuro colli one from home, llwtVttcr'i 6tmah Hitter U tho but accompaniment of voyage tt an outing. YactiUnirn, tea captains, com meretal travelers snd emigrant coneur In Hill opinion. The Hitters It unrivalled (or biUoos, malarial, dj iiwpite or liter dUordor. Tho world Is funny onougli- without any professional humorists. All About Weilern Kami tamU. Tho "Corn Holt" Is tho name of nn lllufttrntd monthly newapuiier pub lished by the Uhlongo, Htirlliigton & Qulney It. It. It alms to give Informa tion In nn Ititorontlng wny nbout the farm lands of tho wost Send UA oents In postage stamps to tha Corn llelt,?00 Atoms St., Chicago, nml tho paper will bo sent to your nddress for one yunr. Kvery mnn Is mora or lees of a fool nbout some thliifs. "Pretty PilP ' says Pretty Poll SbVs just "poll parroting. " There's no. prcttlticw in pills except on the theory of "pretty is that pretty does." Iu that case she's right. Ayer's Pills do euro btllotu-joss, constipation, and all liver troubles. If you accept n substitute, you must not fuss because its not ns good ns genuine HIRES Rootbcer. WNU DALLAS. 23-0$ When Aui'rliig AilvvrtUeineiit Me tlon Ilil4 I'npcr. UooeebtHTy pie Is good, but the real food ot the god Is current pte. Store Woiiifii Than Jli'ii. A assort! lug to the hut etietM lawn. Uwl orr 70,000 more ine.ii tliuii women. The more luck a man haa tha mim ho diwanda, There is jdenty of work, If com latent wen to do it could lie found. kvery thoroughbred Is able to sake his own salad dressing. gjiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CSS. 1 'l If STOP I You have run up against a Good Thincr. nc RattieAx PLeUC The best reason in tiic world wliv S some things sell so well is because they 5 H are good. That is one reason for the 1 great sales of "BATTLE AX," g But good quality is only half the story. g The other halt is the size of a 5 cent piece, s g It is as big almost as a JO cent piece of s S other and poorer kinds. g s Facts are facts. You can buy and see for g yourself. Five cents isn't much to Invest. f I Popularity docs not come without cause Nothing but the stand ard aualltv that is invariablv t maintained in Columbia Bicycles could secure such indorsement as comes unsought to Cblumbias. j EVERYBODY'S vkuN.wrers Piiniru Mi cad tmn ol iv IWkrUM inljr te Ik lea lf u at a eaMetsj SfMeH, iwr t" Mf Uh Miected CetesiMsi. A&4 tU jeaiatl UttfM Ua CMiMeVUt at $100 teak. TIFFANY'S viTMfVck.twi"MMSr- ninirU elji, je4-l .isweant V.UUl'CU wMi ihtsjri eeet-wtan ol beyrie, thajr el cmiii finl HUtd a rilssitl I vt $100 lor It. TWy ! deastileil edr Uyt itae, kui 04- VTUn Mie Untied Oevtremnil nt4f tried Ut liltiJi lt luiklAUf fit bhfslw. Ii NthfiB in . tWf auUrt6ff(e$0te CHOSEN hy the $ hJwiWiI iioo GOVEliNMFNT OOwhUm, iWr l tm ultOul CetwsblM, i ia tM ebtla CeUwAUt tt nli etiy dabr U tin iU wteJ. If you are able to pay $100 for a Bicycle, will you hi content with any but a Columbia ? POPE MFG. CO. Makers, Hartford, Conn. Btaaeh Starts sn4 AteacUs In abaeit every tlty and town. It Coturablas sr est ptepetly rtpieuBttd la wi vtttalty let us know.