Announcements for county ofllcu
There ! crniparatlve!y.!lHlslckneM ' J ""S & il 0u,iST UlB
in im. .'"'- low rato of 810.00 each. There I no
Work on the boot sugar factory
going ahead rapidly.
In I
tickets, subscription or other contln
gent attached to this rate however nnd
all pay alike.
Tim walla nf tlin lrnl.vrliui etilirnh w" J"' v,Bl,k' ' '""
am tmitrln mmnlMlxn jjcii aiiuju win CIUI1II
.. I Intr (Intvtl from n lonrl nf lint, il.nl l.
There li considerable trawl on tho ns takim to nnJ.i. nMvi ,
P. V. Ky. Just at present. knocked his Winchester off tho wncron or
There was another exciting gamoof ' r anu u wos accidentally ills
base ball Sunday afternoon, enorgsd, the ball breaking his leg In
Candidates, cigars .nnd soda pop Is a "i P'"?s; ""Iorff8.n n J7ncr
" D I tltJt H llHjt.il I... mi... II I ..III
ow-a-dsYs i nunuusu ivg, j-iiutimu win
nave to Do amputated and ho may dlo
thurci wilt bo held In Eddy, July 16th "T. r 1 ' "
to 10th, Inoluslve.
Miss May Young closed her private T ir " "V H0"'. roru,V t
school last Friday. Tho school was a " " ; "u ' p?" "vo 'rnr"
very successful one. ' wi i, T, 5 J . ...
t... !.'. .lnB,l,l f,- IWI, "v'v- 1 V" U,yM
"auiuu vii ..wi.H.ou nlinnaa nr Mm 1 n...1 .1.,,
Texas, lost Thursday ovonlng, whero
ho has accepted a position In a store,
l)o what you can to help tho Fourth
of July celebration along. Tho celo
bratlon will bo a success, but your help
Is needed.
J. F, Hlnkle, of Lincoln county,
were Interred In the liddy cemetery.
Mr. Lyon was In his twenty-seventh
year and was married, his wlfo being
nt tho homo of her purontH in Cleon.
Manistee Co., Mich, Deceased was In-
Inured In the A. O. V. V for 2.000.
which will bo pnld to his wlfo. A
passed through town Sunday, en-routo younger brothor, Kdwurd Lyon, who
homo from u trip to Fort
Kaunas City.
W, 11. Woods had tho mlsfortuno to
un a nltch fork thronah his foot last
week, from tho effects of which ho Is
now very lame.
Dr. licamp has about recovered from
a Bevero attack of rhoutnttlsm, which
ho contracted whllo visiting in tho
mountain country.
fe Tho city marshul commenced shoot
lng dogs early Monday morning unci
will continue tho good worK an long as
he can And a dog without a tag.
Hnso ball players aro getting In trim
for tho blggamo July 4th, and If tho
Itoftwcll boys don't look out tho Eddy
nlno will cnrr off the laurels
As vet no rain has fallen In t ho
Worth and accompanied Mr. Lyon hero, arriving
prll nth, won constantly nt his side
and deserves much credit for his un
tiring dovotlon.
At tho M, K. church, south, Sunday
afternoon Mr. H.'H. Foot, of Dalhts.
Texas, traveling representative o? the
Dallas Coffee and Splco Mills, deliver
en an address to tho members of tho
Epworth League, nnd to christians, in
general About thirty members nf the
League were present beside a large
number of visitors. Mr. Pool's address
was on young ;pooplo's christian socl
t 1 . . . ...
urn, una mo manner in wiueii to or
l(aiilr,t and com! net audi societies.
1Ii?KUV0 un outllno of tho manner In
which soiiio of tho most suscowitul of
thesosocltles i.ro couduoiod. showing
the groat good that has been ncooiu
mountain country and unless Inature pllshcd by theso societies though unit-
gets a gentle move on herself cd and systematic work. Mr. Fool is
the farmars of that district are going a, young man mid hus been conneolod-J
to suffer. with young people's christian snollles
Two men. Inclined to bo handy with boyhood, bolifg nt one time see
M.nl iti.'fnu nnnw. tnirntliiir NtltiilflV I rCUtry 01 1 110 1 . .M. I . A-.. Of HrOfiKIVII.
"evcnlntr on tho corner In front of I N. Y. Ho Is therefore well versed on
. . v . a . . . I il.. ...ill. ...i.r i t
ulackmoro fluruirsioro. u na nitni was i vhv mudjixi whii which ue iienu, nun
short, lasting only two rounds. his address was highly Instructive mid
Tim tinntnr of St. Edwards nnnouh- cnieriainiug.
I Don't Stent CoSrl
Jlut I buy it very low and q
you, for ono week - '
3 lbs. good coffco for .". . ..60
o " fecuon noney 20
8 " corned beef for 90
0 " block eyed peas for KO
1 dor, lemons for 20
If you don't want to nav cash or
dont like theso prices yoji can go and
pay nearly double somewhero nUo,
Sabe? 11. T. Kn.i.omiii.
Opp. Jlotoi Ingorman.
Vt. it. Chllitam ApiijiIju,
Tho contest for tho place f lUunlled
Stntes attorney for New Mexico wis
short, sharp and decisive. It begun on
May Mh and was ended .May Hind by
tho appointment of W. 1), ChUderj
Tho other npplloanU woro J(. ll,Jfa
gUMon and IS. V. Chnvej!. Mr. llurJc-i
hart uiis not an nimliomit. il
W. (I. Hamilton went to
District Attorney Prnnklln vliliod
Itiwwell, Tuesday.
THe blacksmith shop on Main utroot.
will ojioi up to-day.
A llrst-elf.Bt KUrJnor wniita work,
pply ul Lock's.
Tho county bonrd wns in snwlnn this
week as u board of eijimllzatloii.
KnglneorSallch.of tho tlcot Siibip
Co., returned from Chtrntgo, Mhmlny.
W. A. Hawkins Is registered nt Hotel
Windsor. Ho eamo In this morning
from El I'iiho
0. 1'. Hlodaetl unused throturh vos-
terdoy morning en-nuite to Itotwell '
from HI I'uho. i
Dr. Wolhe has eiiKngcd In the pro-1
tlco tif niedletne and oillmw with Ihr
I'eco Valley Pharmacy.
Mr. and Mrs. Low. mil dituxhlr, of I
ntenhnm. Txa, nrrlvwl this tnoriilng
to visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. il. I Ifprr. !
Mrs. Low Is n slstor of Mm. Kerr.
It Is probable that Hildy county will
te roproseiitod nt the turrl(,orisl onn
SI ttKUmmd
.luyns rvwi iv uo. nionow UiirryiiidronttS
Of tlio Liifgost nnd BprJ Assorted stoelrs of
Dry Gortds and StniHo nnd l-'aiiey.Orot'oHeg
thfit is shown in Now Mexico.
In our Dry floods depni'linciit wo nri mnk
iiiK it upocinl hiiIp of nil aonsonublc jfoodn, sucli
ns "NVliito and Colored Lnwn, Indian Dimity,
Wliilo and Fancy Qrarnwlon, Mulls, Pussos
Dross fJropos, TiHno, Birlisto, Silk (ling,
hams, Finn Zojihyr (liiiffhams, Nlmsnok, (Jiinl-
lie, Ki JCin and .J up Silks in nil Hio pvelfcy an
new uPcrsinn"and "DrpHden" lfiffocts. These
arc shown .in in almost undlosa variety, nnd
lhoy nitiHt ho si'on to ho n no roc i a tod.
Weleet And Beat All CompetiiiO
ccs a sermon next Sunday evening at
70 In English for tho benefit of tho
people generally, but there will bo no
English sormon at tho morning service
JHilch takes place nt 0:30.
A UnltHWrililliiif.
Ycsterduy evening itt 8 o'clock, at
the.rcsldenco of Mrs. Davidson, Itov.
T, F. Sessions united iti mnrrlago Mr.
Edgar Wheeler and Miss Llwlo Wil-
Tho name of tho f ampus , hosterly llamnon, both of Koiwell, the wedding
heretofore known .ns Hotel Ilagcrmou being n quiet one. Tho couple arrived
SVns, Juno 1st, changed to Hotel Wind-1 from Kbswell on yesterday's train and
nor, under which cognomen it will I will lenvo to-day for u , editing tour
hencofotth bo known. through Texas, Tho bride is u dough
'Iho Odd Follows expect to orgaulr.0 tor of J , H. Williamson, county treasur
tTlodffo in Eddy next week. Tho r or unims couniy, ami is an uccom
irmnirmastor or denntv of this lurls- pllshed young lady. Mr. Wheeler Is a
diction Is expected und tho order wllf Uahcr, industrious young man and Is at
nrnlinlilv dlnrt nlT with a bout fortv P"'sciu oiiguguo in mo iiioroanuie nu-
Itov. V. ('. Edlngton arrived lost Fri
day and preached In tho M. E. church
Sunday morning nnd evening. The
sncramcnt of the Lord's supper was
administered to some fifty persons lif
ter tho morning services.
Jns, I'aytnii.drug clerk for tho Eddy
Drug Co., will go to Hoswell shortly to
tko a position In the drug store own
ed by llaughmnn & Potter nt that
place. Mr. 1'aytoii will bo succeeded
hero by it brother of Win. McEwan,
Friday evening tho ludles of the
llaptlst church gave an lco cream nnd
strawberry festival in tho Osborne
block, which was a urnnd success, so-
ltj IHIUIIli.UltJ. AIIU IbV VIVIllll
was delicious, as were the berries and
Pke. (
Mr. J. L. Dow announces this week
for sheriff nnd collector. Mr. Dow Is
too well known ns n faithful peuco ofll.
cer and law abiding cltlr.cn to require
special mention. Eddy county would
not only honor and iHinellt Itself, but
would bo extrotnely fortunate to secure
tho services nf such n man as Mr. Dow
for the office.
Saturday night at 7:250 ono Hernan
dez, a Mexican, shot and killed Apolo-
nlo Sandoval, another Mexican, at
lloswell. Tho murderer nnd his vic
tim had trouble and it is said that San
doval had previously drawn a knife on
Hernandez. irruaud ealled Sonde
slness at Ft Sumner, N. M where
they will umko their future home.
The newly married couple have
many friends in Itouwell, whore they
havu resided for the past six yours, all
of whom will be agreeably surprised to
hear of tho wedding.
t'omuilltf e ,iiulnUil.
Chief Miller has appointed the fol'
lowing committees on the Fourth of
July celebration:
Committee on Hose Uncos: Win. II.
Miillane, W. L. McEtvan, duo. Iluiils.
Horse llaces: J. J. Huscou, Wlndinn
nnd (leo. 1). Lucas,
lllcyclo Itaces: T. F. lllackniore. 1.
C. Hanchcz.
Foot Jtnces: Aleck Itogers, II. Oh-
nomtis, M. 1'. Kerr. ,
Printing and Frogram. Wm. Iteed.
Win. H. MiUlone, W. A. Mlllftr. T. F.
Stands: W. L, McEwnu, L. Ander
son, J. J. lliiNroe.
Fire Works: M. 1. Kerr. A. H,
l'roti, AV. L. McEwan.
Jteception: W.A.MIIIort Wm. JI.
Mullane, J. I'. McMillan, C. W. Qreen,
U o. Fullon, A. N. Pratt, C. 11. Mc
Lenutheii, M. P. Korr, J. H. Ollmoro,
Preparations ore going forward with
undlmlshed vigor for tho eolobratiun.
Tho full umnjipt dcomud nmtwwtiry by
thodepartmuilt hus been ntlsedaud the
program eominltteo Is ut work urrang
lng the exercises for the day. Dills
volition by Dr. Klnslnger nlnno, who
will east . o four votes of the ooifntv.
Mr. Wulhtce, the mun froth Fromont,
Neb., with cultivator anil plnnlor coin-
hined for beets, hus received u number
nf tho liiiilouu'ii,t whteh miiy be seen
at Tmey t MeHwnn's.
Mr. nud Mrs.'S. L. Oglo received tho
account of n llro MnyiJ; in Okluhouiai
O. T in which thoir daughter nnd
husbiiud, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M.
Jones, lost their home, nolhjng being
saved except it piano and some other
furniture. The Oklohomon has tho'
The llro was discovered by neighbors'
whn ran to tho bnrnlng limine and
awakened the sleeping Inmates, Mrs.
Jones and threo children. Mr. Jones
was absent from tho city.
Mr. Jones Is n retired civil engineer.
It Is not known If tue cottage was In.
sured, but Mr. Jones' neighbors state
that he wus n thorough' business man
and think that the low Is uovered by
Tho lailhw of the M. 12. Church
South, will give a lllsekborry and lco
Cream fimtirol, In tho Ushonio llloek,
Tuesday evening June PUi. Ice cream
in, blackberries and eronm Ifi; onke
Mr Clms. II. Murphy recently llnlsli
M-oroH d nt hi'r si'iismiii 1 1. .niii l.-w wii..l, ...
hmtHols, Funs, Hniiilkorohicfs, Fiuuy ('.ilhu-s
nnd C!nfTs, Ladios' Nockwoar of All Mindn,
iinofs, FiinbroidorioR,. liibhons, Side Combs,
Hair Oriiitniifs, Kvorythinin tho Milfinory
Dtlpnrtmont, and in fiu'l- ovorylhin!; in thoao
linos aro froing olTiMod now at rodiu-od prioos.
Don't fail lo roo our Ladlo' Shh h Waist stock.
No ono can oiTord to make, ihom whon thoy.oan
6tiy them roady-jnado at tho prfcos wo nro'soll
ililf. Wo aro showing njl tho Tvatost Stylon
in this doparlnunitCrjme ani hoc thorn.
Wo court comparison and Dhpv (!ojtiMfn
tion in ovory dupartmont in our business. Wb '
correct all errors promptly and soli no goods
under a misrepresentation, (live us a call wo
want to bo your friend.
vvlilcli uliuiilil liu asnii in I in linrlnlnlail
Mr. Miirjiliy Is a hard wood llnishor '
uniln sign writer nnd general all,
around iirst easa wurKiiiuu. tiioso
having imlntlng lo do should give him
a trial; his olmrgOK aro very reasonable,
Houso und olllco furniture rc-clcuucd
nud re-pollshed.
Cor llniniiliM lui.
The HarnwL Christian, weekly, no
cents a year, Deuvur, Colorado, Ii
voted to tho iip-bulldlug of llrlghltdu,
it great Industrial training school for
homcluiM and neglected buys. Tliero
nro 10,000 boy trumw In the United
States and UrighUdde Istheonlynohoot
olferiug them u home, edueotlon nnd
manual training. Will you liuffiy
cjrr nnutoTOitr,
sr. uiiw.Miim cATiioi.it' riunuii.
Miitmaiiil sermon Snmlnys. . iismu. in
Mnss on week tlnys.. . In. in.
Sunday School lOn.in.
PioaelilriR Il . .
Kpworth l.ngue a p. in.
cronaldng 7 p.m.
l'm)oriii(wtliiKWafnetiii) vwuig7 p, hi.
P. P. SlttMliitM. l'Mr
n.uriT riii'iini.
siuiilty Soiiodi linoin. m.
-MAW", in.
01) p. in.
.tiro p, in.
TSUI ji. in.
Yoiuitt rOoplo's UiOMllig
Are built in
llio Lagof?!;
ami liest
F1 nippcc!
Factory in
the Wnclrl
M.m. H.iTHrli.. S..I.I I,, llm .,..t 1,,,, Vmir tlmii Anr OH.,.. nr,9 li.l
un Vniir limn An nii,. n
Dpulnrs li dun-1 hem Moat Pojiulurnud Host .Soiling Wheels Mnde.
WK WANT AX AlMCTTV4Wl;lr.,,',' -- wvi
1!. .
ed a painting n bi.ggy for S. T.blln.o.e i'myuieeilng 'l'hudi;
w. II.
St, M i.IITKIt, sunt. s. s.
IMII.-tllVTItlllAX till IK II.
.In Flifcinoji's lliill-i
Inif Uml inn Jill hUUilsi 4. nt II N.
I III. Illlll 7$0 Ji. III. R. llltANTM , I'lHlnr.
"iiIiai r. nii'iirii ini'iwfii'Ai.i
Siuntny vrvlcas nt tl it. in. iiimI ts iliii.
Sitiulny telinoi nt usni it.
Kta oi
anil ill
Siarvittas tit I he school hoiisu nt (Ills n
the 1st ami iinl Stuiiinys in ins ineniii
nils n. ill. I nr. I . T. tiiai v. iiei tn
liltlyl.MlKO No. -I, At I'. A A,
pniinn ni
I., in.,
Will iln lltutHlilllml liuvl . ..i.l. 'I'l.,v.. I
val out of h lent and shot him through K ..I Z "' " '.T' " " "' .
. , ,r . , "Bsinng siunu privilege apply to U.
the heart, and 1 then swiped and has Am,erMJn J j' llw nr Mo.
Mwuii, wjio will reeoive bids for right
to sell wold drinks, etc during the
not beeu eAitgliL -
'Mr. Julian I Williams, of the South
west Illustraiad Miignslue of Albu-
4UC, lM, il...uH. ,,..- A speoial meeting of Hose Co. No. I
lng data for i special beet sugar mini- lm bt!en to SatHrtln7 evenlllJf
ber ofthe magazine, which, will con. Ul0 purpose of the meeting being
" select a running team for July 4th
of the lending features of tho lower , '
YtcoH u'!ey. besides n complete dls
criptiou of the Improvements, history
an4 settlement if thu" valley. a
4The lloswell fire department will
probably send down a running team
July 4th to cifnineto with tho Eddy's.
Unless the home team gets out and
makes some preparation in the shape
of nractlce tho lloswell team will go
victorious. The Hddy fire de-
... a.. ... ... . e. . ..
iiiieov siccus sumo mo in tv mm h
defeet'in the coming rnco would pro
bably stir up something of an interest.
tjauils; erehRrd vlnlltr-t
klndlr ieuI.
U. tillABI'S.
a Dll'.li: Fridry Mar iWtli Malcolm C.
Infant sou of of M r. umLMriM. Phil
lips. The funeral occurred latlird ay
at S p. m. from the family residence.
Lost: A Ludles gold wnteh on rottd
between Seven Elvers and Eddy on
west side of river or In Hddy Flrider
will be liberally rewarded by leaving
same at 1st National Jluuk
u.N'i.v ttia.ou
The Toxns & pHeiriis Itnllway (Jotuttaur
will thli rir liirulili toregulnry orJnltind
.. i . i i i ..i .. it... . . . i . . . ,.a.J(
wpriij mrti, unijr crwuai iHiMiunoroiiH
or otlnu iiulfrly miuagnd In nilnlilerlal
dalUs, unt IhnuMtua mile tlokeU good
on nil porlloui of lluit njiirm.
AppiiMtleni for IIimo tickets hosld
bsuiadsiothstisArMt llsketsgrut ut th
Tmbs & PssllU ilMlfsy, or Hiltfr .
tlt.n'1 1W , Tkt, Aitfiil.
Dulls, Tax an.
Julian 1. Williams, of Alliuunr
tltie, reiireeeutlug tho iwutewest lllus
trotetl MugRxliie Is hero this wee' to
give the Peoos Valley a general rrite
up which will probably appear In the
July issue of his maptsliie. Mr. Will
iatmj is nu able wrtter and will un
dbulKHlly do the valley full Justice in
the article. The Southwest . lllitrat
rated is "one of the bust magatines In
the tyest and is fast gufiilug in the
territory which It covers
ilert Leek returned home Monday
from Nebraske, whero ho uttendod
sohooL In tho evening the young peo
ple gave hint a party In honor gf bis
The 4th or July Is onmlng, projiare
to celebrate.
Deveratiou Day, last Snturiluy, wa
i not observed this year..
In riwuliir (iiiiiiniiiiliiiltlnii tit T
Satnrdsy, mi nnd after unrh full
vuitiiiu lu.iilir.iii lii vllt-.t fu attsmt.
S. I. ItouRftTS. W. M.
B. a. Slorriiii, Hee'y.
It. 01' I. -HIUIV IilHI K Xi. 31.
Meets orsry 'I'tittrstlsy st fl o'clock
All vliiLum sra welpoins.
i ILL- t'jrmijtr C.
rMosnouKu IC. JUfrS.
1'iitii i)i'.f.ttr.ni(Mr.
A. Mlttor
.M V, MsJIItnn.
!'iiliiuiit ffliui .'. .'.".'
TraMurer utmttmt.
Sssrelnry s. K. Kinnnj.
iifNtis tMi. m I,
LoreinaH .,.. Itliniey.
itinnt rurtmtnti.. . . . .. . ji. aimiHiie.
. . rant .utciusrjr.
. .. Jim. P. Ileflii.
IliMlK tft. MU. a.
m- tc
am n
Portmiflii . Menree Kerr
...I. (. Hnsli
mier Iffinut llsnninli
.70hih. ioi
tm p. oi ii
I'UHTOfl It'll lltlllllN
inyr(lr ltMt'r.8iC0n. m.ie
yerdsr Itec'r.(ij0n
Jail north wm .. .
Ititif nmin tuitlli nrriUM nt.
.mhii front tiurlh nrrfva nt
V. II. hi. i our
m p. w.
suji. in.
ii! in!
At n Vur t.otir I'llir.
ThaPumt Wkljr ((Uliiwion or
Dnla) Ii puUlulicil,TuM(ln) iml I'M
lllij. U0ll IWUP (HlUllitt tit lt(ll ptRM.
I here nro upeulal ,UHtliiiuU fur ths for
mm, tho Indie and tbu hojs suit girt
btililM a woria ut gsiitrsl m- wntlcr
lllntrntMl ortllei. market ruinU rie.
10 ft PAPERS (or OHLZ J I
rtatdple Copies AdilreM
A.H. BELO&CoPubJlphcrp
cos Yfllloy
New Mexico
'! I(S IIIIHii un I I'll Hill-mil AfeM In I lit. r. .. .....
live tek ralfer. tlulrw.mn l,..i7A i'Xfl , ' AiAr'
j,.,,,, mi ii'iunm linn H "'
The Mlil (if tint I'iiixi 1'nllnv Im .if
iiiniui irnuiiuun nrotti (ws loiiiitirn ern
iwoi most or tnegnisjiofi,
1 irriuiiii
U!i?T,,,l.t,t,r.l'1,?a,,(, trntyrt ' temperoto nud floiiiB at
"""i wi rini-innnwii iHilie, III SUCH irttiti
plum. untjiB, pruiio, uiirioot, iicotrliie.ohetiy.(i
ey wui (iisptiu. for the pre-eminence with Ciilforiila: Wh lo on
11. J.: . .. " .. "; - aiMvniiv, OIIIIU V
iwii, niiwionty proiiouncw us upjier jtortloiis lit pnrllouhir the flliost
u,jik i-uiiiiuy in vim nunil.
Riiorinoiis ylehl or mielt furaae entjMt tut nlfuifa. sorghiuu nud
pf 'Jtft" w,r" ilS"k1, 1,18 roiMllitK uf entile nud sheep tiuil the rnlsl nu
and Jtot leinttg tf hogM it very pudltwlile .k.viim,oii, rf
The ciiltfrutloit tif ottiittlsre tanning iiialerhil nf great value
beeoiuiiig an lmmrUiil industry in the 'rm V'mII, it home iimr
hel lavlui been afforded fur all llini can lie ralsfd. at n price yield
lng a IniniBoine prtillt. '
The ellnmleof tin Peetw Valley has no superlur In the t'lilletl
Httttes, Iwing ure-einlneiitly liwtlllirul mid health lestiiriiiK.
iiitnt wuii pernetiml walor-r g its are for sate at low urin
n easy terms. The witter siipitly of the Peon Vnlloy
-iiiHt, in mi niv urin rKiim tor ooneiil uov Hiitl reltn t I v: anil Hi
Iln. ... ...... 1. I ...... ... .
i tne luuuititw tiimnitHt
Valley's entire UiIiRth.
iriee uiul
ItllN tn
iiiv niiiT-ru VIHIIHII-, iinniili'ltvr Will HIIU
bv the rail war which exfemlM llimnuli Hih
Will cause tltene IhiiiIn in hhIi.v m ...m'Ttuiii ,.i ii.,,. ., J fi..
eroase In value. " "
.-in"rhH r'1f't W'Uipletloii .f the Pews. Valley ItHllway to It.wtvell
.l!i?M",'U,iy ,,"irBiP'l,l, wttlemeiit and divIoniueiit t.r the upper
portions ..f the Valley, Including thu rich Fellr section. The
i iiuisuy iMw reeenily puiehmietl iiinnj of the older Improved furms
nlrniil IIimiwHI, ttiid fms now for sale land to mel the wante of all
row hunk iwtmtly Inn.roved IkiiiIs. as well hh farms with huiispj.
OTOJMtrtta and Ileitis or ulfolfii ami nther eroiw. In the vicinity ut
Hiwtil several piece of land hate been divided Into live auirtun
luio imum, tiimuie mr iireiuirtu nun truck farms lit oonneet
mi itmirimii uiiiiiet. t eruilii of tliuse tratt ate belli
vivimni,iHU! win nu umitvaieu unit uureti for ny the t'Oinimiiy
fHru.V'rf!'yf4re' Bt al wlilah perlotl they will be haiiilHl W
I eruilu of tliuse tnii'tx aie iMdun plan
llltlvuttul unit iturtwl fin- In- I In IVliiuu
ll.. .rfi'1 .X.f "1 " Ml,, in-, ini ,J , ii. w liuifllini lY
UlO pUTOlMlWrs. Wr lie for tuimtililHt fullv iliMiirltilmr tin. nth
...1,1 ui.i.ini...... .. i -- .- -ii
mm i-.iiiuiM.nw un n it en it est several iwmwi nt tniiita hip wiiit
Ail-Ires, I'KCOS llllllflATlON k If IIOYBSIEXT I'O, Wily. X,