Newspaper Page Text
THE EDID-Sr OXTR,R.E!lSrT. Pecos Valley to tho Frdnit-Crookcrs to tho Roar. V. EDDY NJfiW MEXICO, SA'fOltDAY, JANUARY 9. 107. H NO l). rr. . tVl ... IP ton J fort W1 m Till! HIUVOIlTII.I,KAIlt)IS. A jllitl IMamtlng ami ImtmrtHiit lliul urn RIfit-l Iiik'1IJi1 Tltn ORIeari. I'robablr tlio most InUrcstlnir and Important mcotlnir over hold In tho history of the Hpwortlt LeaRHd In Kdily won hold uttlio AlftliutliMt church Monday evening in tho capacity of a utiflluoM nicotine;. Uwtntr to thr- oold weather only ubont onotourth of tho inoiiiuors woro present, hut those who were present represented the work of tlif Lwikiio, its aim anil object, pro Renting In n forcible tiuiniier (lie ((rout work which 1ms hcon itcaompllilmri by tho orifunizatiali tho jKist month Thouuh nn -Itmrorth League Ims been In existenoe 1n connection with trio Methodist Kplieopnl chnrcli, Month, or Kddy since tho spring of IdtMl, it has ncvor heretofore ueoonipllshi'd whnt wits truly IU ulm and purpose, hicklng as It did In manifest interest amongst IU members, Iloulizitig tho neooaaity of u properly organized Kpwurth Lea gue and tho groat good whjuh could bu accomplished through fftfflh un organi zation, Itcv. T. F. Sessions hits, within tho past yonr, perfected ti ie-orgnnli-tlon of tho Loiguo utid him In every Hciise of the word put It In perfect working order and tho boneUla derived from the ro organization)) In now one of the most iiottible features In con licet Ion with the church. The l.ooguo now Ims u membership of sixty-eight, n mujorlty of the member being per sons who Utke nu oepi'olnl Interest In the work nuil me doing everything they can U Hitvunri' every (leiHirtmenl. in Uiih reaped the members have oer tainly performed their full duty and have extended and widened the Leugiie until notv it In one of power and Inllu- ence, uplifting un it were those to whm Ita touch In applied. The meeting wa opened with l'roel de.nt J.S. l'lokerd in the elmlr, when renortB from the various dopurttuonl were received and acted upon by tho iiuutlng. Tho reports woro for the month ending Monday, .lauuary lth, ,'lB7,mid were very Interesting, giving In detail the work of each department' what hud been done and tho general interest manifested in tho work. The Hint report Wait thnt of the Worttbjp Department; hiOTdud In by II. II.TDuvIh, llrst vice-president, show- lug that tho Sunday afternoon devo tional meetings of tlio League have been licid regularly with loci eased in terest and attoiidauce. Aa ehnwn by the report, these inuolliige have had uu average attendance of thirty-three, wlnle thoe taking part In each meet ing numbered sixteen, an Increaso In every respect. Then came tho report of the Depart ment of Charity and Help, projturod and rend by hceaiid Vlco-l'roaldeiit Miss Tumi Nymoyor, ombniolng iib It did a complete report of that deHU la ment. The report ehnwa this to have been the most active department of the LeuBtie,.lmvlng bon buay visiting the sick and nilllcted and oxtoniilng n heliiing hand to the poor and neatly. Aid. Iliinnoliilly. hud been extondod to many, elothlng given to tho poor, and In every wuy BUli'orlng hud hcon alle viated, un t tlio report tellecU ctedlt to the depai intent under which It Is giv en, to auss Aynieyer is tine me ereu It for the woYk which tho charity and help department has accomplished, fur aa lender of that department, she has taken the lead In everything: active ami untiring alio Im nocuiipllshcd much herself und by the exuinple in duerd othen to inter the work. The Department of Lttorary U'oik was ably represented with a atilwlNU tlul report from Mlsa Corn Nell, third vlco-prosldont, During tho month one literary entertainment wnsgiven meet ing with univertal favor uud npproval. Much literature hud been distributed and twenty-four now sitbaarlbera had been procured for the JCjiworth ltru Tins dewrtineiit has In no wis bean Inactive, having fully aowmpllihml Ita inlaalou under the leadership of MIm Kail. The president then declared the bu siness of electing new ollleera In order, when It v. teutons addressed the meeting, lie urged tiiMin the liieiiibara tho neoeaslty of considering wail Uie- mo iitMWttiiy oi eunsiusriiig wi I i jeledton of owners, saying tlx ture of the League depended i to tw fl0, ,,1B ,,l,lot,r"- 'I'1'" remarka i tlmt the largely of Ilev. Sewlons ware well weighed aud were Inlluentlal. The alecUon reunited un ) folio was A II.....J.t... .1 IP tt..l..u. a i-i ) I'n oiduni. W 11. sluuirhter: Und Vie l'resident, Mrs. . A Nyiueyer; Hrtl VIM- l'realdeut, Mhni oru Nell; Hfere tary, W. 11 Orrj Tre.iuer. J. I'lek ertl; Urgttnlst. Jlr. I). II. tiiii i; Llhrurliin, II. II, Dhy.k; AmuI, Ira Huggett, tiik nkw urriuHtw. The instillation of tlio new oflleers 11 oecur nt ih eliuri !i to inurr w af lii u l Mm. i- n't lneH, when ..II ute mvtt. a l iiof )iiwjt!gc.iie.i.i new oillccrs will bit of Interest: , . l'mwiuiUNT: Mr. C. K. liukcV, tlio president elect, Is u young man nf n highly moral and religious character, n consistent and oonservnMvo chris tian. Ho has been an active worker in the church since he came to Kddy, I and has always been found at his post of duty. Ills churuolor Is without blemish and by Ids olictlon the Hp worth Le-jgtiohns placed at Unbend a stall -dan) bearer who will faithfully per form his duties and relied ctedlt upon the organization and all vnniioctrd with It. Mr. liskty is always found ready to lend a helping hand to every worthy onuse and has the aiipport of every louguer In the resonMlble pml- Hon to which he Im been eleoted. In nueepllng the position of preshJoiiL Mr, Uakcr made n few brief and cheer- lug remarks, commending the leaguers for the zoo! which they had exorcised In the work, and admonished them to ever prove true and faithful to the cause which they represent. The re marka were met with lionrty applause. 1st Viatt-l'iiHHliHlNT: In nit Now Mexico there Is not a man who Is bet . tor known or more respected us n r'lrlstliiu than is tho new'y elected i llrst vice-president, Mr. W. iS. Slaugh ter, He has for tho past few years been ouo of the pillars of the Itddy Jlaptlst church, and having always taken an adlvo Interost In tho welfare of the young people, it Is but natural that they should at the llrst opportuni ty bestow upon him an honored and responsible position in their society. The department of worship, over whioh Mr. .Slaughter preside, now has an experienced and learned chrltlau in olmrge and tho future of that do pat tment can be but full of brlghtueas, with many rare treats spiritually for the organization. Mr. Slaughter Is an every duy christian, one who Uvea his religion and In selecting for this posl tlon the leaguers have done that which will prove fruitful and beneficial. Jnii Viun-l'itiwutKNT: Mrs. H. A. Nymoyor was unanimously chosou by the meeting to III! this responsible position, which phtcun her at the helm of the charity and holp department. Mrs, Nymoyor Is n zealous, true chris tian lady, onewjio duhgjits. in doing Kood mid lnTflTrbUrtiglng tho voting people in their christian work, and un dcr her supervision the department will accomplish much good. Hlnco the organization of the League she bus always been present with It in every thing and by her advice und through her encouragement the younger chris tians have accomplished that , which they could not otherwise huve iicooni-p:.shtd- The election nf Mrs. Nymoy r aa second vice president glvea the Leugue a prostago seldom enjoyed by such nu organization, and Hie inlliluncu for good will bu fell on every side, in every meeting and ovory whore. Uiti VK'U-l'niwinHNT: So faithful and able bus been the adiuiiiistratlaii of Mlaa Com Nell as third vlce-proal-dent Hmt she wus re elected by iinunl mulls vole. Mlaa Nell is it bright, In telligent uud ulmublo joung lady, one wtivliua bean never tiring in her ed oris In behalf of thy Lwiguu. ami the christian ennso, and without tier to preside over tho literary department tho Imiguors would feel that ull was not won. iiy .'.fid through her efforts tho literary departmonl Imt attained u pe-feotlon and standing which places it second to none. Miss Neil Is it de void christian uud in her the League has found u moiuber of whleh any or ganization might welt feel proud. TitKAHi'itim: The retiring presi dent, Mr. .1. .S. l'lokerd, was oIumoii to fill this resjKiiiilblo iiosltlon, and it Is needless to say tho (lnanoes of the League are In reajvonaiblo hands, Mr. l'lokerd has held many positions since his oonneouoii with the organization, He la wwlous and euruiMt In his work and during bin adiiilnhttrntlgij W rr sldent the Leaguo proatioml aa navor before in IU history. As an uble und twrneat ohristlan, hn was never round wanting, being uble to cope wlUt every (lltuoulty. OHiiANitrri lieallslng the fact that Hie miulo or Um devotional meetings la one of the moat uaaenHnl feature, ami deairlug to rUln Umt sUndnrd of excellency aud perfection altaluad in tin respect, Mr. I) II. (Illehrlest was ii -elected a organ Int. Too tVell known is Mrs. (lllohrieat's ability as a mul eittn to n-iiilre comment, ami It h only neeensury to nay tlmt the inusle will if t l e hi jU-etiil Mm. (ii chiiist Is oue uf the f.'tiliiful In the Ij,ttf ue und Is one of the blent iiieinlierM, uo cnmplislii (l iiiupii in the worrt. LiHIi.UllAN; 'that hu.g l lud und li .u- fhllnll III I. Ill ill, II !J. Ii .vIh, hi wh im Hi " Le mui' Inn f n i n tine irk-r, s is i-lt-i-U t t t', ;i i, in i i nf iiurailaii. Air. liavi bliev m ti ling fll every tiudi i liking it im r t ill he u ,11 not inflect lll doty VitMl Ir, U.l(gctt Hi. f'i,i,t-i i . in Miiwurtli Km oi l wii tvurtti Km ui. t win prove a worthy and willing workof. Though young In years, Master Im Is u roiiloun christian and works with pleasure In whatever sphere ho Is placed. tiik iitrrntl.Ha oKi'ioiius. Ho It suld to the credit of the rotlr : lug olllcors that tiny hnvo been zeal' u mm and over faithful In their effort In behalf ol the League and that they hnvo by thalr zealonsnetta llrmly os tabllshod and given root to an organi sation which will last and rolled cred it Ui them throughout tho entile ngos ; of eternity. The work which tlioy . have accomplished seems tiniest liv ; ciedahle, yvt it ftanda a living tnnnu- luetil to their credit and will bo record 1 ed on the mges nf christian ndvuee- inent in Kddy nsono of the bWghlcst uud grandest achievements. Mny the League ever have such faithful ohrls Hans as standard bearers, and If ho, tho organization will bo a credit to the church and to nil Christianity. HJhCE OF HADIT. . i i Rtaiutrtlno's Culm Itrtpnuto to ttio rii4. Ing Voice of iter Slather. Clt Amit 7. Kvnngllno O'Glnry cams homo from tho ball wearied and distrait. Prior to tlio ball sho had been working nil tint In tho tclephono ofllce. Despite (lis fatigna and woarlnosa which crashed hor, however, alio folt it would bo Itn pojwlblo to sleep with tho ruehiory of Archibald Iloouoy's manly Voice ring lug In her oars, She had bootl beautiful that night, sho knew, but Archibald had lit'en oold and distant, ravo for omi word of furmnlgretiugiii his resonant, biitltouo tones, ltcatlessly sho thought It over while tossing sadly upon he? couoli anil gazing through tho damask curtains ont upon the. pallid, gibbon tuoon, "Ho love nnotliorl" sho murmured In nu ecstasy of twin. "Hvcu though I have ever discriminated lit his favor when tiny ono culls tip central for hi number." ClIAIThll it. Wont out with fatlguo aud sorrow and heedless of the fact thnt sho must bent the down town tclephono ezchuugr nt 8 In tl o l it iiilng, Hvaugollnedld tiov fall nileep until the onyx and ovoh) ormulu tioak on tho mantel told th hour or )'. Then Lho cdeptft gtok etiArTKii tit. -' "Ufftrgelluol Kvuutjollnol" It wn her mother's voice calling hot In tho .. ::ilng. " "Myn- elinnl (lot tip! Yon told me to call jo" up at 7, and It's 7:1101" KvniiMilliio turned tincnslly In her slutnboi. Tho spoken number had dimly reached tho luiiermost rucsea of hei lirnln. Her rtpy lips moved. "liuiyuow," alio murmured mue)mu lonlly- 'lOall 'em up again!" Qhlcugt ttreord. ttild amniluril SluricBBM. Thrnu wIhj believe that tlia world Is promts ug under ugoldalnmlanl are In vitel i iwd tlio following dlsiMitoh from ( awn : Orr. . a, ir i. .-Ttw KBiimtl nvrt irf 0,,. Mlu's !-:-in Ji-partuimt fur tlm onr n,l,,i mi, I t lryti, tlwvm n urmt tenum In tlm ! IIW.OTU lu lUILuii InartxiM) uf iinrfttU. (O). 'i I.iih ttarvft nitint tlmt iiBTor In Its lit turr Ium OhhuiUiiii IiiikI ix t ii w l,tavlly inurt jtagotl Blnou Urs Dm lnor. .we In fetal loom, Uui n over Wl T will. M :tlgnge Joiins Increasing "lu.crlu Its history hnS Ciiuailu been to heavily mortgaged." This Jr. v'mt tho gold slumlord means. As the lot of the debtor become harder ho borrows money to pay the interost ami finally gives up bis properly at a los of all of his original investment. How long must this cruel, lucrcllcHi procens go on beforo tho people will nrlto and restore tho gold mid si Ivor coinage of former yenrsf Thus mid thus only can prosperity bo regain 6(1. Omaha World-norald. Tim Hunker I IIom. At the meeting of Uroup No. 7 of the New Yotk State Dnukent' nssoolntiuii, held In Now York oltv the other dsv Ellis Ti. Itoberts, ox-aasistniit United States tronsuter, was tho nrlueipnl sneaker. During his speech jut mads ihis very oamlld statoinsiit "Tho bank ers uf tiie United titntes ought to form u Into the fluanehil iwJioy whloJi shnll govern this country. Owigrertriounl no tlon will proeeed on the lines that the bankers formulate. Why should tlm bankers wait for tho seoretaryot the treasury nud ooiiKresa to nat? OungreM always follows aud seldom Wads. " l3llllnH Hll.l IrfaHwr I'HHH.ItH Mh I. lines Inurr l.'MIIUu f.,r I,,,w , i . ami nl T . in, MiMiilnt' . W.-.lii, ..i , . .n il t'rlijn)' siNt-f 'llli li I I in .. stHlcer rlii t W. U iU i, i uMi l n, N. M mm liny HI mlrmi.i . an hd l, , IIHH with the firf nm.lnjf r,, OBlli. r-ii4firi.-a ( H ,u i,i,.l Tin- ct,-t ; K i )Ulil III liinuilj. ,11. , V 11). I' llll( 1,1' ' i Ut I 1 1 1; . 'It,;. ur 4'.ltl,f I , . j . i II i ii i v . Y 'til tffi'411 IH'cl- .I' ll, I lf.'l- if Jtlllllll II. IV. 4... t S If.., J , U,M !, niMitit i '!!, Ml ll I) r , ' i N. M i iiiir '"ir juii pirn irllb". f j . I w i ?" ' . . "V.fjPIHW (HHl III lolal Ii?4 ,,,".! in r.i1t murteaewl yUJ. HIS .mOO. MMuinrnt with U10,W,ta) hi tw;, n t. .... In tftl of iiwirlr ti.WD.OM. -ornl '. i f ir li rnv tl2t.CUI.G0U. nu tunliwt II orrr pnuwronr. Ittil.tfllOU. ar. iinwAlins catiiomo ciitfiiair. AMnmi sorinon Sumlnys i80, tn hssoii wenkdnys...., ,,7n. in IIHIIMAX IVHMI'KHII, I'SIUir. i. ii. oiiimoit, sfltrrii. aumlny SehmA 10 a. in RiesehiBK u n. in Ifpworth Lenotio at,, m J reashliig 7 p. m. I'rnyor tneciliig W tnliiusitny (ivenuig 7 p. in. V. J.8utio.s, l'nstor. IIAITUT niuncii. Ujundsf HoIimoI Tar Hamtftjr . . . . to n. tn. rrwiunanrMiiirtlnnJ fnurlh ttntiusye.. 11 n. in.nml TiWl p.m. l'iyer moeilng Tharsclay 70 p. in, J. T. VANVAt.KtNliUkO, Hupt. Huiiiiiiy Snhoiil A. J. Hmkron. I'nftor. rilltSIIVTHIIIAN C lll'IICII. (In HI r emeu's llnll.i I'rwiuliliig 'iail anil Ith Hamliiyi, nt 11 i ni. nif.l 7980 p. in. l:. lln.vNTi.Y, Pastor. OitAn i-iuiini (ut'iHttii'Ai.) services nt 11 n, in. ntul 7:130 p.m SiHiilsy sellout nttllOn. m. HftrvIPP III llin inlillill lummi n( IIIU in tlul lit mill Itnl Sundays In dm niolith nt 3BI p. tn. Itiiv. lT. T. THAfv, Iteotor. I'KATIIItNAI,. JIASO.VIC I.OIKIH. KlIllV l.llllt'n Vll. SI. A I.' . A. l inmil. hi reuulnr cninrnunloutlon nt 7UW n. in.. jiHiunnj, un nnu nuur encn inn uiooi visiting brethren Invited to nttcml. .. 8. 1. Itonnnrs, W. M. K. H. ilOTTIIII, Hccfy, il t ..a. . . ... - ' K. IIP I'. 111)11 V l.OllOli NO. 21. Mefts cverv Tlmrsilnv nt 70 o'elnok. All visitors nru welcome. it. I. I'orrtiu.c. u. Mon-iioi: Kkiiii, K. It. ,ta. I. 0. O, I'.-HIIIIV I.OIIOR m 31. Meets overr 1'rlttrty lilalit III Mhool libra- a; vlsltliiu litniliars In uchhI staiiiluittlii- W. W. Ohi.ii, N. O. U.l. lliTciicorflr, Hoey. I'ostoi'IH i: iK.oiiH. Upon from .liVla. in. to 0:00 p. m, Mimilnys Oh p. in. to aim p. tn. jiiiiiiynriiiT iiiik r.nrnon. in. in otvu p. in. Mali south oliise 4dh) n. m. Mnll north elomw itftA j. in. Mnil from south nrrlvos nt 1:01 p. in, Mini (mm north nrrlves nt U:SS p. in. W. 11 NI.t (MITi:U, 1'. M. Pecos Valley Railway Co. SXTttfl P8G03 River Railroad Go. Time Table No, 15. In clfcH Tuesday, Dccomber 1, IBM, nt 12:01 o'clock it, in, Standard Central Time. IVnM lkM IrfWolllr AlHu Rl.aClVH (lM4nflf llIHH SMI I 'm IKJi ll( aspr IM Anniir lltlall OrttnOsM Siwllii Perl !!... II GOOP NeW-SPAPSRS At it Vvrr !.' I'flrc. The VetnlWekly News (Onhwton or Dnllnn) publiilird 'I'uodilHjS noil lrl ilnyo. Hitch Imuu oomlsts of tlKln psKi . .)..,.; re sntolnl donnrtuirtil for tho far ms, li.e liii.'" oj mul B'b ln-nlili'K n wi.rld of Kuiiern. IiIiiaI rnt ml nrtlliifl. limrlihl. utws mntler 101 PAPERS torOKLZ $t Hnmple Uople V'e. AUiIrM A.H. BELOtStCopubJlphcrp IIAI.LAH (III flAI.1i:i.T(IN, TUX. hiilitcrlliliiu tt Milriiiilllmi l'Mir. The coining J tax will be orovrtled nllli biff news ertnl nutl hsppenlDif, lh ditails of vrhloli everyone laturestsil in ..klln..Ml f.l,... 17 I M m .,,.. w.n, nnu niinMH nupiiR w,,, ..... I n nn 0 trad. The bHt Wefurn nswspspsr puu- IImioJ I tlm Mniiil-Weakly ltepnblla of Ht. Loul. It Is onljr 81 n year slid for tlist amount it will if ml two pnr n wesk to any athlroM for one year. The Rspablla Oafly m H a year for six uouili far 1 1. fit) for thren montlig. u.vt.v ttia.oo Tho Texas lMslt3aJlrtlwy Uompsuy will this year furnish iorulrjofdMlnwl atoturuifui ilal; eiedUa-l itiUlonunrlM Or dtfisii s&ttljr eiiusgMl In inlulitrluj ctmlw, one tlmnMUd mils lleksU kooiI uu sll iMiflhjiM uf that tjdinu A i-plle!Ui for ibe llekets sltoald i ii, iiii- in iIim iiMtesi ttaket sant of tho I . li in ftallva;, wr aildreM. Qjjno blmumt. ih' 1, &Tkt.AKent Oalla. Tata. Fruit Trees. I liuiinHlidM nl fruit trM-a Imv bu n il'tnii-il mi inn tli. IVc.i- Vlu i nun ilifJ II. J.'M.MU. uer.vrU. uf Inlit, 1 1 I., ..ii-: 1 1 i 1. 1 u Jl.. i'M-ij in-.. I,,,. , bit ii hiipiHl 1..1.1 ilit miljf frun lb ii.rr'l-. Id, am . uch Iim im Mr Wrll TOll. I I..J. W, - ,ilrr n.falloti m d tn'i ji nnu li in . in ..i, i , nhnr i.r n, hi. j mi. .i l i.ot .'. . nUf ur,lit ui.iil liahnHflr. I . "' . onjfi! wllll llir.w uwmcrlunt iMIin, laxsu JmIUUm jistttts muf Ita Virfii ii U ii m TW7m T3C7T S J ill i m v !S . I" i U . 10 ID m 4 11 w mi 111 inn 1! It lfll Anlix if 5 it 4 ti ail 41 111-1 ( I a oo lrt i it p tn LUABS PICKETS. SASH, fir SB G. F. A, Robertson. All kinds or new work nHprdsUy tunning Implements of nil Jf kltul repAlreil, on ulioit notice. f 1IOIIBB 8HOHINO (IUAIIAN TBBD AT HOOK I10TTOM I'HIOHS. 1 Canon St. On. Ciirront Oilicc. White Font THUIE DOOn.8 SOUTH'OF OITTINO'8 STORE. HOT AND nou BATHS Foun It ST CU A8f ti i i imiuch -ocitM" (SUA i.r""TO.. HAIR UIjI IIM; A SIMMALTY. Nothinrr b,.t first t'lnsH work ttirnod out. and lino artists. Give us (I. pEGOS VALLEY PHARMACY. A PING LIN OP JGWGLRY GTC. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. MBnts, Onnon ta root, -h-SANTA THE SHORT bINE T6 Chicago ti Louis and Kansas City. Vo Mis ta Bl Vm a Mi Worlli, Ask for'Pluiu Onrds aml'Aiapsiif VourNearist (fiul, or wrltu K. COI'Um), .,. Xi NI0HOI.HON, I). V. unil l. A., (jou'j. Vam. AKett, . KJ Vaf Texas. Topeku. Kbiibus. ii- i j i Fn Fa Time Card Effective Hor, lit 1891 Central Tirse, Mtim Prim. Tcv dtiUii at 3. 'AO ft. 111. ttvrlnhtU tit. Ifmiiiitll KT If Lints ItositHill.S. Af. ihtilat.Mi.m.,mdurrllHaat Pirn. TtMM, tU U.-Ofi a. ml. oomirruHi with the t rid ns of Out fouri Vt i lflo rullwtiy or ull jHttht$ Xnrth, South, Itatluitd Wmt, tor Uw mtr , iHfcnmtlm planting th JtKSOVltCKS ot this mUjhHitHreuf LlXDS, or any othtv mutters v Interest t the fiiiOUr, attlif to E. 0. Faulknbii, & K;.Fr?ATT. ror. LUMBER, LATH, MINGLES SB BLACKSMITH J ana Wagon maker, Food and Livory Corral in connection. Accommoda tion und satisfaction, guuran tcod. garber Shop. YAPOK BATIK. Tit Oilr First Clin SHOP nnd Bilk Omi in tho -'mrpft" .1 CITY Clonn towoU. Hlmrri. Ynviwa a' call. A. FltKMBNlll.OOM, Prop. Puro M?j and Standard hid Mlm, Ilouk. 1'lpen, (!lnr. Toilet Artloloo, 1'nuuy Hlntloo vry, I'crfmnuii, Jlrtilii, Kio. PHYSICIAN'S SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. EDDY MARKET. J'KXDLKTON & HOBII. . PROP'S. TIIK CIIOK ust or mi am litl, Sausaeo, 33ctcly, SO. 3VX. FE ROUTED efilii. - mi ..