BaMy Ooonly Bex Ho l Jts it
Pecoo Valley to the Front- rbaftare to th Rar.
VOL, 5
NO 10.
Alaskn la an irldlscent drcatn to
eonio men and many falo notions havo
been entertained in regard to It. "I
would not give ono county In enstorn
Kansas for tho wholo territory of Alan
ko, with all Itit gold, coal, milieu and
mining, shipping Industries, llsh and
forests." Bays I'rof. L. L. Dycho. "Here
wo can llvo with cntlro natisfaotton,
wlillo there, tlio many disadvantage,
Including nionqtiltos. uf what histor
ians havo been pleased to oalt a half
mado country, aro to bo contended
with on every hand." In a rccont lec
ture before a horticultural socloty,
1'rofeMor Dycho discussed birds, ex
hibiting a number of rare specimens,
then nt length travorscd tho wldo Hold
Of horticiilturo In an entertaining
manner. Ho suggostcd, nftor roaohlng
tho Riibjnot of his Into expedition to
Alaska, that people thought ho had
bean freezing himself all niitnmur
when as a matter of fact tho lowwt
temperature recorded by Hpvornmont
observers at Sitka In seven yearn was
two degrees below zero in .Innuarynud
throo below In February. However, In
tho northern part of that country tho
mercury often froozen. Ho says n but
ter form of government is needed In
that country and anticipates that It
will follow the Bottlomunt by whito
peoplo which Is mpldly taking place
At Sitku, heaH, rod raspberries, red
and black currants, crnnborrlofl and
gooseberries grow In groat abundance
with fine flavor. No fruit trees aro to
bo found thoro. All tho pooplo, want,
ho says, aro gold and llsh. Kvory man
who Is Becking tho former Is nlwuyB
rich In his Imagination, while those
who go after llsh find morothan can bo
disposed of. Field und Farm
Olff I'lmU III New Mtxleo Uulri Plaids,
Hoilnn Peak, tho ntw mining camp hi
tlioSnii Atwtrcn mountain), ttilny mile
west uf Tularosa, In nt present nttrnetliin
no llttlo attention, and the repoits of the
flfitllngot irrogold In tho snrfsoo rook I
vermeil by nearly nil who hnvo rcturncil
from tho new camp.
That free gulil docs exist nt Salinas there
Isno longer nuy substantial reason to
doubt and wo nro alio convinced Hint It I
thoro In sttfilclent uuntttltio to Justify con
sldcrnulo development work. Wo linvo
. seen pannlngs of rock which enme from
" tlio surfneo croppltiKS of ledges in tho ihs.
Vtriet glvo rich "strings" of free gold, und
thcro is no mistake nbout Its being guldi
for It stood every lost applied. livery tei
so far mado nud every assay obtained from
tho enmp Is from surfnoo rock or crop
pings of tho ledgos, but all, so fnr ns we
can lonrn, have been satisfactory nud In
most cnics beyond expectation.
Wo enu sny, after n onroful Investigation
that (hero is gold nt Silluas,nlso good cop.
per, silver mid lend prospects. Tlio lends
ftro Inrgo, woll defined nnd exletuled ovur
a district that nt present Is known to bo
two miles wldo by four miles in length.
It is n splendid Held for tho prosptetor nnd
already there nro thirty or forty In tho
now enmp.
Assays mado from tho surfneo cropping
on ouo lend for n distance of 8,500 feet gives
I from JHI.70 to ns high as SW 00 per ton In
gold. The load has 1111 average width of
throo feet on tho surface nnd nuv of the
decomposed matter near It will show eoU
ors of freo gold.
Tho veins nro well defined and run north
and south with a dip to tho cast.
Sanders fc Cooper will scud two tons of
surface nro this week from the Sixteen to
Ono prospect to tho Wood stamp mill nt
Kognl for n lest.
Keyineycr&Illlhot Kddy, nio taking
out ore from ouo claim Hint assays 85(1 per
ton lu gold. Thoy will mate a test ships
went soon.
Salinas Is In Socorro county, B5 mile
west of Tulnrosa nud 80 miles from l.nva
Station on the Santa Fo rond.-Tnlarosa
, Chief.
Thoro nro fow things more Impoi tant
to the poorer membon of tho commu
nity than uprightness and compolenoy
on tho part of the Justices of the
peace. It is in their persons that law
andjustlco aro completely embodtod,
BO far a linntriij cf our humbler cltl
eens are concerned. To seleet them
from among Ignorant or corrupt poli
ticians, is therefore it crying oironso
against decent government and against
public morullty.Optlc.
In nine roonthr of this yoar wo ln.-
V portod nearly bO.000,000 pounds Iom
Vg),l than for tho samo time last year.
still the price Is low. Something
besidos wool Imports roust all us!,
"The great damage done to bur wool
Interest" Is tho same as that dono to
all other InlcresU-o financial system
feat has enormously reduced tho pur
sk ciailng potvor of the people.
V It U the small ilocks and herds well
kept that will supply the future do
mand for first-class products. There is
where the greatest profit comes from,
end there Is more Individual satisfac
tion in doing small things well than In
Jialf doing wonders.
'TkJIltoy Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs
Williams of McMillan reservior. acci
dentally broke his arm while wrestling
last night Jio is stopping wmi Air
11m Territorial Anyltiin.
I1ightythrco imtlontii linvo been
treated nt tho asylum during tho past
twoywrs, of whom nineteen males
and llvo fonmloe hnvo bsan discharged,
says tho Optic. Of those, hovoii ri
oovorod, two Improved, four remained
stationary, two I'sonped, two worn not
Insane, und seven died.
Tho alleged cause of Insanity are thus
stated by Dr. .1. Morran y Alonso, mod
leal stiperlntondent: Orgnulo disease,
heredity, avcr-hontod, religious oxclte
tiient, grief, dlseliwtion, liitemperttuco,
abuse of narootios, senility, opllopey,
Injury to head, nvurwook, innslurba
tlon, prrgnuuoy.
Tho oeeuimtloiM represented ut tho
asylum nro: Laborer, farmer,. Iioiibo
vlfo, dreiwtiiukcr, iHHik, onwltoy, mo
olmiilo, laundryinHii, olerlc, shopherd,
flhoamakor, minor, civil engineer, mil -
road employee, merchant, minister nud
ono patient whoso noeiipatioii Is un
known mther to himself or the iimn
ngeuiont. Among tho Inmnto of tho New Mux
Ico asylum are imtlvoc of Colorado, Il
linois, Loulslann, Alnlno, Mtwourl,
Ohio, South Carolina, Toxns, Virginia
und WIsooiihIii; also of China, Franco,
Ireland, ltuly, Uoruiuuy, Old Mexico.
1'iillsh Itussin, Sweden and Wule.
The dally per capita tax of maintain
ing pntlentii. oniiutlng for food, only,
has been for the Ural year, t)5S7 per
ipnnth, 17 eoula iter day; for the se
cond year, Ifi ounU per day. Includ
ing furnishing, worn out and destroy
ed, and all other expenses Incurred In
tho Institute, first year, OSt.03 per
month; second your, Iti.on.
On Novcmbor I, 181M, there remained
In tho asylum the following number of
patients, from tho several counties of
tho territory: J'ornallllo, 7i Chavez, I;
Colfax, 2; Doha Ami, II; (lrant, !!; Una
dulupo, I: Lincoln, 2; Mora, 4-, Jllo r
rlb:i, 1; Sunlit Fe, fl; San Miguel, 7;
Sierra, 1; Socorro, 8; Valonchi, !!; peni
tentiary, 1; pay putlenle, lit; total, CD.
Thoro nro no patients from Kddy coun
ty nt present.
Send for ontnloguunnd prise Hat, iilno
fruit growor ulili fro of almrKxi I'ro
pared uspenlnllr for mi Irrigated suuntry,
A gcuornl rnrluly of oun Imndird nud
twvuly-llTn thnumiud Itt nt Ihn Uvst
knowq.tautles In itooki Loonlsd tliri'u
nnd oiui Imlt mllm noillitnst of ltownll.
AilJfr. I'mim Vnllev Numerv. Hmwall.
New Mexico.
Patronize the wldo to Hunt, the only
llont In towir
Celery, to bo good; hnTTo bo iKrfoct
ly blnuohod, and tho blnnohlug procosi
Is accomplished genornlly by hooping
tho earth nrotuid thu stalks. For this
reason, nccordlug to Meehnu's Monthly,
tho short buuchy variolic of eolery ars
moro advantageous than tho taller grow
ing kinds, ns requiring lemi lntior In
oartblng up. It is chiefly for thlsrcnsoii
that tho thick dwarf kinds nro lu favor
with American gardeners, ns ramirlng
loss labor to produce. Somo of tluw,
howevor, are not nonrly as toothwnuo as
tho tailor vnrlotlott, and tlio uirorts of
tho improver should bo toward produc
ing sweet nutty flavored vuriotlos of the
dwarfor kinds,
Womrn Do Ouori Work,
floino of tho most outhuslustio work
trs for vlllngo improvement aro found
in tlio woman's clubs of tho south. Tho
money they use to onrry on tholr work
Is nocured by subscription, fees, duos,
nud otitertniutnoutrt. Tho mouoy Is ox
ponded in Improving streets, keeping
them oloau, laying out driveways ami
walks and setting out trocs. In ono or
two iustanoea tho town cemeteries aro
Kirtly kept lu order by tho oIiiIm. In
ono case a club bought nud improved n
town park.
Cliojru.kl After riti' Bolp.
ThoNntloufl) Atlitdtle club of San Frnn
clsoo Iih efTortd a purse of f 10,000 for
inecUug between Fltxs Immons nnd Obcgra
Another lull uf llauilf.
Whether the renewed export of gold Is
due merely to a temporary stringency lu
tho oxuhnngo market or to causes whloh
Aro likely to continue for some time,
none of the Wall street financiers seems
to havo very olear oplnlww about. They
do think that It Is probable Hint within
the uext two or three weeks perhaps ns
much as $10,000,000 of gold will be ex
ported, and there seems to lie an Im
pression that this tuny be the beginning
uf sueli exports ns will ooinpel the treas
ury department again to takn steps to
protect its own supply. In fuet, not a
few of thu flnnnolere are Inellued to tho
opinion that before the end of the year
tlio government will uegutlntu ngalti for
tho sale of bonds for gold. New York
Cor. Philadelphia Pre
Tlia llankrr I Hum.
At the mooting uf Uronp No, 7 of the
New Yotk tltate Ihtukers' association,
bold in New York olty tho other day,
Kills II. Huberts, ex assistant United
States treaturer, was the principal
speaker. During his speeelt lie made
this very oaudid statement: "The bank
ers of tin United Stales ought to form
nlnto the nuniiHal policy which oliall
govern this country Congressional no
tion will proceed on me iiues mat uie
hankera fgnuulnte. Why should tho
bankers wait torM0 secretary of tbo
I troainry nod couflPs to nctt Cungresi
hivtrts ronows ssHseiugm iwsi
WAstiiHemiN. Jsn 8, 1SH,
Andrew J neasew Day mmld net Nut a
lifru mors eHtkaiaeilMlly olxffTd nt
Ilia nnnusl banqaet at tho Jackson l)mo
orntlo AssoelnihiM of WMhitiglon linil Iko
dofent of last Ntrimbtr been n vlninry
Innddllleii to Ik targs of premliiMit
dittnoorlle gtiMl of Hie noelathir nail
liinoratioii wni InttoduittHl Mil year by
n Inviting n woman Mrs. Mary Donald
son WlhMii, dnughter of A. J. DnnnliUon
who wan nrlvnle iMrctnry to 1'rtwltlMit
Jnektnu. ThM Indy fnjeya lite dUllnnl
Ion of linrtNir Iimii the fltct ettIM horn in
the Whltv House, nud rtvldes In WmIiIbc;
I'rMlol Ulmagel Of Nit Is Ilia powor of
tlio pulilla pnp, Tfia Iteptibllenn Hon.
ntor who wert expressing their willing,
ns to linvo A in Brian n blood not tlitdr
own, of eoarse sited, If tHwnrj, to fr
(Jubii from tho tyranny of Spain, vrnn
UotigrMM mljonnml for llio ChrUloia
tfott, onme bnok to their sentu Ihts fk
as nivok ns tanking Ininln. Thry bar
Imnrd from MeKlnley, nnd as far m thny
nrs ooiioirnsd saffentig Culm can keep
on nnfferlng. Henntor Unli, of Fin., not
hnvlng the four of MeKlulny's nugr to
'koop hlui mam, mndo it Kpeeih on bin
rtnoltitlnn, wbielt was niloptwl, omIIIsik
for Hie olllalal Borrespotulntipo In Ilia hk
of Julie SntiKtilllo it newtpaptir iirr
pondaHt nnd n eltlsen of the u. 8 . who
has bseu sriiletietd to prUmi or Ufa by
H)Snlsli aatboilllMi, lu whioli he dht some
vary plain talking about the ntllhule of
this goTornmsttt towuidit Oabii nnd the
Uitlny of the Hsunto in noting upon thu
Unmi-ion ranolutlon.
The home passod tbo lou t bill dsprlr
lag hooks nud mm pin oopl of uowapa
pars of the privilege uf seaetid ohms mull
nnd Is now wreslllug with Ihr l'nsllfe
Itsllrond funding bill, whleh Iha Heat
Ingtou lobby I inorlnu lienvan and rih
to (tot passed, ns tliflr lant clianoit to pre
vent the foreoloslug' of Unolo Hniii'n
uiottgaga uu tha Union I'ocllid tnllrouJ
Senator Ulbson, of Md., Is iutllgiiaut
ovrr the atntvmtnt mndi by the Ihtltt
inora Sun that hn bud prtdlctod the do
frnt of Horthtor Oormnu and tho ootlti
Ud asotudetiay of thu llepobllonns lu
Mnrplnnd. Af tor ohnraotltlug tlio slate
mont ns falsa nnd mnlialoas, Senator (lib
no n anld: ''Iustrad of believing Hint th
republlunn party has control of Maryland
for an Indollnlt time, which gnvo the
tint n splendid ndmlulstrntlou. It recall
ed lo power. Maryland has simply salf.
eted nnaer tho wava Hint tins ovarsprend
Hie country, nnd thoro will coma n time
when the wnvo will reeede. Tlin bolters
f rum tba domocrntlo pnrty lu the stiitu
benf nbnttt the same relation to Ilia en
tire ruuk nud tlio Hint tlio 130,000 i'nluier
democrat bear to the 0,500,000 who volttd
fur Ilrynti,"
Senator Allison, who wns eholrmnu uf
Hid U. S. di-legntlou to llio Ititeriiatiounl
mouxlary ronfutcnoe of 16BL', aald soon
.f tor his return: "Thu sending of aiioth
tr Ainerlonn commission In behalf uf
silver to the old world will bo n farce, un
Im It Is Invited by drool Ilrltnlu. I,
for one. will norer ngnln go ou such n
bootless errniul, no nmtlor whnt IsurKed.'1
tieiintor Allison has tiuvar snld nnytlilug
lo Indlclnto that his mind has undergone
nuy ohnnge.
Hunntor Jontr, of Ark., nnd other pro-
mluent domoornts nre now ooiiftdeud that
the Senate III Hie next Oougrfas wilt ouu
tnlti n mnlwlty of silver meu, notwlth
slntidtug the extraordinary efforte of
Mnrk Ilaiinn to gi.t n gold majority by
the lavish use of mousy and of premises
of patronage under the MsKlnloy edmlu
ittrntlon. Secretary Herbert's Investigation of
Hie oast of insnufaclarlng steel Armor
plates, made by the direction of eungr
to wblali his report wis this week sent,
doetu't show tho Carnegie sad Ilethlvhem
teat eompatiiea in a very oompllmentnry
light. They both refused to give the
secretary Information until nflur thvy
fuutid that he had obtained It from Muro
panii makers ef armor i Iban. neeerdltig
lo Urarelnry Herbert's report, they gave
him mlsleadlMi information. The re.
port says the two establishments have
made n eomblnatlon to foree the govera
uieut to pay fsnay prices for nrmor, sud
shows Hist they esn furnish armor for
one-lhlrJ less Hi' n the government Is
now paying ttiem and theu make In the
neighborhood of 6160 uu eooh ton.
Hearelnry Herbert's report is belug com
mended ou all tides for Its HioruughneM
and fonrlessuess, What effect It will have
upon ouugtess will be seeu wlieu the nav
al appropriallou bill Is takeuup.
It is perhaps fortunate thai this wrk
Is Him last of the taillf hearleva. Iiast
week, these who aptMMreat uefnie Hi"
ways and ihmim onmintMee oedy askd
that tba new tariff restore the Martial)
dell, but this week n uHMbar of thvio
had the eheek to ask that the MeKlnl-j
' rates be raised. After all. It Is a grab
game, and It Is human tu grab as much as
you can
i Horn, to Mr and Mrs, Win Mathe
, ftnlurtlnv .fnti. 10. n. dauahtor.
n--il "0 w - " '
ST. Hilt
Ms and
m Handai
. fllflttftll aifffii
10 n. in.
II a, in.
Upworili ,rg tt,h
:reaniiina.i 7 n. nt
I'tnyer mfetlBn Wetbteeday evettiinr 7 p. m.
i i . r omwininh msior.
Sunday ffcfi
I every Snudny .
. .10 n. m.
I'renahlugfit$l.ihlrdnitd f mirth
SnndavS.jJ 1 n. in. and 70N) u. in
l'royer meeTTSK Tbareday 7 p. in.
.1 J. i . YinVAnHaMitiito,
JrJ Sept. XuHday Sehool
A. J HusitaoH, Patter.
I'lilwiirTKiiiA.v CIIUIIUII.
(fit Plrtnieii's Hall.)
PrenhlmaSatl arid lUi Nandnys, nt II n.
in. ami 73015 m. T3. Iiiianti.v, Pastor.
SuniiH)- iL'hw at 1 1 n, in. and 730 p. m
SumUy at JO it. in
aei cs imute snuoi House nt utls on
theiHi nnd iff d Snudaia In thu nioiith nt
aim i in. itiiv. v. f. TitAt v, lieetnr.
I'll VTIIItNAl,.
lidd) I. ml
i .No. 21. A, P. .VA.M.,meols
in reituiar
iiimunieniion at im p. m.,
SjitnriUy.jfi and after cneh full moon
iSIIIuk bfi
irOn liivlied In ntltind.
r i m. J. ikiiirnts, . i.
K. 8. M
k. oi p. niinv uniriK so. 11.
Morn erfj) Thnredny nt 7 n'cloek.
ah wnvnt nre woieouic
II. 1,. PottII,C. O.
WoNHorjafmiti, K. it. As.
I. O. O, I'. i:tuT l.onoa n. II.
Meets erfry l'rldny night In selmol libra
'. Visiting In 01 here In unott stamluiu lie
led. 1
W. W. O01.H..V. (1.
tl.P. HiTniLt)Oi,Seey.
Ulieii from .7 SSI u. in. to rt:00 n. in.
HlilHlntu SiR) p. m. ii:j:00 p. III.
lom- ortier llt''r.H0n. m. toBiTO p. in.
stall "iith eloscs Irft) p. m.
Mail north ohm I J6 p. m,
Mail IroiiiKon'linrrivcs nt 1:01 p. m,
.Mini Horn north nrrlvea at itiAS p. to.
W. it. Hr.Ai'uii rMit. P. M.
Pecos Valley Railway Co.
Pecos RiVer Railroad Go.
'Timo 'iuIjIo No, 15,
lu oifect Tuned .y, December I, I8W),
ill l:)l ciock u. m.
Standard Central Time.
1 H
i rti
T is
A l
n la
i i
s is
i it
1 1
a us
3 II
a uo
ljke w
Ik Alliia
Arrlrs II
a it v "
At h rr l.inr I'rlro.
The feml-Weekly News ((Inlvetton or
Dallas) Is published J uesilnya nud i rl
days. Knob issue ooutlslt of ellii pages,
thrro nre special dufiitrtmeuls for the fnr
liters, the ladle Hii.i tho bo)H nud girls
bealdsa n world uf tiunerai news matter
Illustrated artiale. mnrket reports etc,
oi papers roroiaz i
Sample Copies Free. Adtlree
A.H, BELO&CoPubJtphcrp
HAM. A 6 Oil (1AI.1 IifcTUN, TUX.
rillti'arlbinc for 3UlrpnlllHii 1'npers.
The coming yenr will be orowdwl with
big news evbuU and happenings, the
details of whloh everyone Interested in
national nud foreign affairs will want to
read. The but Weoleru newspaper pub-
lleneJ Is the Hsml-Weekly Itepablle uf
Kt. IHt. It Is only fl a year aad for
thai auu'Hht It will nd two papers a
ek Ui any nddreea for one year. The
Hepebllo dally It 9l a yi-ir 8ft for els
months for fl.fiO for three months.
ONLY stiff. OO
The Texas i Paoltle Hallway Uomnsny
will this year furnish loregulary ordained
eleruyineui duly orudlle l wlttlouorarlea
or otheis solely enusgiMl lu utiiilitertul
dollt, one thnesnnu mile ttakeU good
eu all portions of that system.
Applications or inti ucneia tnoniu
be made to the nearest tleketsueut of the
leiaa i Pnollle Hallway, or address.
uAtnoN aiMi.irs.
tleu'lPasa. Jt Tkt. Agrut
Uallaa, Tains.
Fruit Trees.
TlMHsaands of fmit Meee have bean
lauttd all orei tit Peeot Valley from
'heJ II. John.oii natsarlta of Dallas,
I pin, ana mt one dtsfad tree ha svr
betn shipped into ihe lley from these
nurni-. Tlx y arr sot'ii irta at are
well osleulaiid ikivu ei.ure sntlsfaalluu
and every mau whu inteuattu plant either
ftw or nitty an .uiuoi place any orders
until be bat first curri!tiiidcJ with Hifte
nurseries at JJaII-j, Iciss
ttts B si ;
ffajllK. If'.
Hsltywe. HI
2 10 am u Vm
&IS ' 01
0 15 107
h in
il sff
a a in
a UUIJlid, dIUUIilJliMiii,,
& riOKCTS, SASH, elc.
G, F. A, Robertpon-
All kinds of new work n Spelalty
rarifliug lejiniemetita or mi
kinds repair
Ired, ou sli
shot I tiotlee.
Onnon St. Op. Onrrent
V tBtjejejejejk
HAIR CUTThVfi A SIMtt'IAlVIT. Nothing but flrafe
cIiirs work turned mit. (florin towoln, Hlmrp rnzors
and lino artists. Give us n call.
(I. A. FitEinisNM,ooM, Prop.
Pure Wines und Liquors for Medical Use.
J?xmTpo ctxxca. G-nrao,
Onuou S3 root, 3I2clclyF 3XT. JVC.
ChicagOi St. Louis
fo Tmnirets from HI
Ask fnr 'line Cards and Maps or
I). V. nnd 1. A.,
HI l'nso, Toxns.
Time Card Effective Hot. lit
Uuufig Poms. Tm dully at 3:40
at lSi45 ihm.amlraUlina. "
hmxm uotuwi, j m. uauy m :m . r, m imf ,u,
Ttkms, at ISM a. nu. cpnmoHnt with the train of the Two & Pa-
olflo railway for all points Jnrth,iioitUi, Jtauana woeu
tor low rates or information reardlnjl the JIKSOUIIOKS of this
valley, the ja loe of MJi'DS. or any other matters of interest to tho
imllle. ajmly to
E. O. Faulknbk,
llccelvcraml QenMr. EDDF JfM
Wagon maker,
Food nnd Livory Corml
in connoptiun. Apcommodn
tion nnd sntisfnction,giinriui
fcood. arber Shop.
Tk Oily
Tint Clin
i HO P
Bug Hun
In the
Piiro Drugs and Standard hid Mlm,
Honk, Pipes, Cigars, Toilet Ailleles, Pnnoy Elation
ory, Perfitmas, llrushrs, Eta.
Mil Pork aid Mull, Sansap,
and Kansas Oity.
I'aso cr fori Worlli.
Yoar Nearest Agent, or write
CJcn'l. I'use. Agent,
Topoku, Kansas.
1893, Central Time
a. m, arrivlnt nt Howell. N M