Newspaper Page Text
I' r BJ- i LOCAL. A sew boiler maker from Ft, Worth pamo In Thursday. The repair shops of tlio railway aro noTrworklncr about a dozen men. SilM Hilton, who was Injured by the runaway still continue to Imurovo, Ii. N. ilonfr wns elected Jtittloe at "Waloga and J I. IJ. Honker constable, J. 1). l'enoon Ih working night, run nlng the pumps tit Dark Canon widls. J". D. Sixes visited Mexico Inst week where his brother. Hood Slkts, It an gaged In mining. Mr. lleubeu Nnutfle has opened Jtfwelry atoro next door to the ooruor of Orceno and Canon street. Thero arc 3(1,000 dontlsta in the Unit' ed States, Including the I'dom Valloy's painful dentist. lit. nmip. Conductor Pollock clMiieeu runs with Wm. aidoiu, Jan. i, una is now running to Jtoswell eaoh day. Oh account of the cleetrlo lights Used In the beet siiasr faetwr, tho Unlit In town are unit dim th-sti Oco. W. Larrniorp was eleotsd Just Ic ( JBoven Hirers mid Uw. . flood ftam constable, with only fourteen votes cast. If tho alfalfa ten tide In th'; ., . rk's Argus la truo, w nuy all hare ta pnr ties, without bolliujr the leaves on r morn than onoe. ITcurV Harber. colored, was Wiwl B.00and cotU Wednesday for dls chaYirlnirn revolver no;ir lintel Wind- t eor, Tuesday night. A nersonal entwinler occur mi on tho street yesterday U-twcen M. I'lill lips and Mr. llradbury. Iloth wen- nr rested by the constubh. Tho Judgea of election In thin pro clnctwcroW. L. McKwsn, L. Col lier and H. C. IloWnann. Clerks, W. L. Hughes and Samufl Fry. Miss Paulino Taylor, head waitress o tho Windsor, left Tuesday for her hemo In Ohio. Miss Kate Holmer, takes her plnco In the hotel. II. L. Potter and It. 15. llaugninan have dissolved partnership, Mr. Potter retaining the Hddy drug sloro and Mr. Baughman the ttoro at Jloswoll Proachlng nt tho lire departmont I . -,... I nnr.lUI Istltl n rii ui ir iiiiii ii uiium. it luiu nj iiivi W- m m II.. I linn r r nn w r nrinni iimism ttitr visum. n r Pnrnnntur (a vnrr III with i v i v - " - - - nnoumonia, having boon taken down last Saturday while at Hope. IIo was brought homo n very sick man, after n serious hemorrhage. Jtev. C, 0. Edington arrived ifondny mfd will preach at tho MeWmdlat ohijrph to-morrow. The sacrament of thtfcord'a supper will Ik ndmlnlsterod after tho morning sermon. Mrs. W. A. Tlndall, who Is III with grip, needs a girl for general hntife work. Mr. Tlndall Is also quite under thffwcather from the effects of grip, as is also his mother, who roslcles with him. 4 On account of tho repairs on tho canal the beet sugar factory has boon compelled to suspend cutting becta for a week and tho hands took n rest until yesterday morning, when work was resumed. U. S. natcmon und I. C. Sandier do pirtcd Monday night for Santa Fe, Mr. iJatomant to take his place among the law makers and Mr. Sanchez to adjust his fences for a position as stenograph er tho legislature, which It Is hoped be will obtain. M, W. t. Hughes desires to Inform the public that he will in the future he found at tho Blitc barber shop or Mtm Frout corner, having severed hie con- hnllnn tvlth tlld WIUIO r TOIll Blini . his new locution, Mr. Hughs in Tom Fletcher, quite well known among the cattlemen, is reported to beea looking at a vacant house Jn Malaga and also taking in tho fur nlture stores of this vicinity. Tom, though single, is said to have forebod ings of somothlng to lppen in Ujo future. Baker Woods, the meat market proprietors, are buiullug an addition to the rear of tho simp. This Aim bo, during the past winter, kept In stock At present everything l kept m sUk possible to ooiam. Mr. Nick Thlllfl nnd wife and Mr. Bmlth. of Humphrey, Neb., departed forelr homes Tuesday. Mr. Tldlle will reJtfTO In February tvlth a oar o! mofa$9 when tho family will make their mwo ou tho fbtty aare tract JOlnHMr Otla on the wmtlietst. Mr. g-t,i of West Virginia, also puroha edyaotnear'oyHnawHl move his faMtifl in September, ri.'Auinm at MfiMlllnn was Uie S . ' l..i..Hf dkA.ll.tM linn. CCCBMOt prOIHIo'ir HnunMBi dayTlV oouplOOf cow boys aro Mid to bare rode into the saloon and emptied Buns in a very oarelese mannor. Sheriff How started WednwHlay night n.rrMtthe mttw who at last ac- WunUweroat Hope, headed for lh toototoiM.- No 0Be wttH iDlnttA Kl tl,e ..JbIbbAlm ImvIuk the saloon they re lalfito have shot Into dwelling heuM in which a famUy wera at tho The I'reclnet illrvilnn, Tho result of the election for prcc.uot otllcers In Rddy preolnct No. I, which occurred Monday resulted as follows: ForJuitlcmof the Peace: 8. J. Huberts HW A. I). (Jreeno m For OoniUlilo: 1). It. Hnrkey Jid King o M. Phillips II Tho result give the prcotnot tho samo ponee odloers for tho next two yotira who have sorved the past two yoam and have given quite general sut lf action. Though their opponents were all good oltlseiw and would make goml oillei'M, the ieoplo Imre dcolded to retain the presont genUotnen and Hie ieopl'i will Is law. lopls who have money on deposit nt lb First National bank or iCddy should prove their clutmi at once. Blanks are fttrnl-hnl at tin bank and nlTadavlt omi be tmtda before any notary. A sugar bwt tuken from the top of a our shipped to the factory TubmUj, wan relghwl on the meat market scales of lVndlcton ft Itobb In order to teat the amount of wast or tare. Its first weight wn forty night none. ftor tho dirt was scraped off ami that part of the top below the leaves was out off Its weight was SO ounces, iDHklinr 3i.8N per cent tare, on a single beot The employees of the factory state they have p.ttlv Instruction; to give the fa.' .tier full :ind acon ite weights in every I list mice, and elMf that the tx ets of Mr. Musey, the nup- erliiteiident f iln factory, were found to contain 41 per cent tare or watte, and that inuny times the factory does not receive the fu weight In beets. tHt'NI'KI - MIIIKINO. Hoard of Town Trustees mot at (Ire department hall Wednesday nt 8:30 p, m , .Ian. 18, 17. Present, .1. K. leaver ty, mayor, and T. lllaekmore, ,lno. Ilradfonl and V. Nyineyer trustees. Tho mlnutM of the meeting of l)so. 0 read and approved. Thoe. lllatucinore was gran lei t fur ther tltno to rojiort on ntiiuielal ittte- msnt of Uwu. Nymuyor was granlwl further time to mko report as slroot commissioner. Blaokmoro was grantoii further time to report on purohnsd of harness for chetiiloal engine. A lottor f i .tin L. Anderson was then read, declining appointment to becomu a member of thu board to fill vacancy onused by appointment of J. II. Iaver ty to mayor, beoauso of olroumslapcos over whloli he had no control. The treasurer's report w is read and turned over to the flounce committee for examination. The following IiIIIh uguinst the town were then read and allowed. S. I. Itoberts, J. P. fees . ... ll It Oluiemiih, iiiukliitf covei' tor chemical iiulne . . Joyce. Print ft r W. F. CocIimii i A. O'QullIU, 3 niiw irr Thos. HiggiiiH, lf T. J. Itttsooe, nr. ou J. J. Jtaaco. .Ir... - IS. W. Met'allum. ttlluiK oro.uir S 60 J. U. Ijavorly, uxlo grease H iv. t . Ainuu, saivcuger ss bu Quo Duiioan, salary. 10 00 jsuuy uurrani w Tlie ( lienucHl ICnglne oompany was then given 'permission to uso tho en gine once u montu for pmoiloo, tlio town ngruelng to pay expenses not to exceed $&50 for charging the tanks and all iiaoeMary loimlrs on engine, also to pay for two jmdloakg to bo used In securing the lnutems to tho liligllie. ruo mamhul was Instructed to post it noticit on the engine house warning tho public not to handle or In any way Interfere Willi the ilie upcaiatits under penalty of prosecution. ltd. ( Itohlnson was eleeted to (111 vaoanoy on the boartl. F. Xyrneyer was appointed a eoin- mitte to ascertain whether It ta the duty of Bddy county or town of Rddy to oare for puupers within ine town of Rddy. Ordinance No. its, i elating to gamb ling, was brought up for dlscassinn by Bradford, who held the ordinance had bean declared illegal Uy the higher ooiirta an i imuj in ihd i.tiuiiid in- is ...ilcd A vote mjh taken on repeal,' Xymeyer and Hrudford voting for and lllaekmore aguliist. Tbe ordinance wm luen ordered reuesHMl by publics tloil. A eoinniUtee ennaiatlMg of Nyineyer and illaokmore was appointed to draft nn onlinaiMB repealing the gambling ordinance and enacting an ordiuanee providing for Hceuee for gamming. A young man aamad James Taylor Who has own naployed t.y J. I). We Kesn lisnlutg goats, died In th Ureene hay and horse barn near town Monday night Taylor was In town all day Monday and Imbibed a rather largo quantity of bad whiskey. Me was taken ill while on Uie md t Me Keen's plaee and waa takn into th. barn and made as oomfortabte a o slble and a phyiteian suiNtuonad, but he dAed of heurt failure despite all ef forts to save him. This l the eeeond ee of tins nature which has MNujrred lately, but H ems no amount or warning will teach tfu yojuig men the harmful ( fft cts of the BWoii, which kills aoouer r later The o.t Irons or Kdily ore thoroughly nroiiRcd to the Importance of exclud ing gambling from the town- The following petition has been signed Uy a lurge majority of the best olllrona: Wo, the undersigned oltlzons and property owners of tlie town of Kdtly, understanding that thero is n move meiit on fool .mil a petition has been presented to the board of trustees to ropottl tho ordlnanee prohibiting gamb ling in this town and to Issue licenses horeafter for Uiat puriose, do respect fully petition the honorable members of the board not to repeal said ordt nance. Wa am npiosod to gambling In all Its forms and are proud of the record of our town as the only town in' tho territory which prohibit gambling. Wo believe that Uie majority of tho ottlsans of this town are opiHwd to gambling and wo respectfully submit to the boartl Hint it Is due to us anil our fellow eUlions that suoli nn inipor lant change of trailer bo not made without dne consideration and an em phatie expression of the wish of tho majority of tho voters of tho town that it shon d be dona, and until suoh ox presslon has reaslied tho honorublo lioard, either by patitlort or by vote, wa pray that no aetion ha takan in a mat- ter calculated in onr opinion to jeopar dise the good name and Urn law and order of our town. Mr. Itauben Xuutle the new Jowulor, has had fifteen years expartenoa ill his tine and is thoroughly reliable. The county board oonraned to day to canvass the rote of the precinct olto- tlon. Frank MeOanlel left Taeaday for Mexico. night Itev. Father Mlgeon, of Lincoln, N M.. the nrlaot with nrolMblr the larg est parish In the United Slates, was In liildy, Tuesday, visiting wiui nia friend. Itev. Kempker of St, Udwards. Itev. Miiroon nreililes onr a territory exteiidlnr almnt lto tnllsa north and south by 100 mi ss east and west. IIo has about S.300 souls to administer to In his parish and travels in u buggy nonrly overy day of tho yoar from placo to nlaoe. II hi i.eonls aro Kenernlly jwxir Mexicans who, ounooount of lack of toucher, are not posted In their faith, though n smnll por cent nro ratr christians. Tho grout numuur, now over, need mlsr mary work far worse thuu tho Chi ese or japanoeo anu Fiither Mlgnou is giving tils life to thorn. Ho rcci wa no salary ami is verr noorlv sui :iorted. Much of tho assistance sent to other lauds might with groat pinprlety be given this worthy priest v. iio wontd undobtedly use it in tesrhli g the people lire best way to live i.nd thereby stimulate prosperity and : aace. Nathuuiel lir uy, of l'oooi, has boon i uple of days. ,i . ha . i -ill kinds for . , . auir . in .-I.U0 to io. Sai. . Two (I 'aaH i'lymonth Book laying h' is; also two roosters. Huqiilr ut thu offloa. Hon. Oeu. Curry, sanntor-eluct from the big southern district, arrived in thu city from Itoswull lint night ao oompanled b Mrs. Curry and tho threu ohildrun. Tliey aro tumporuriiy domiolled ut Uio Kxuhnngo hotel, Mrs. Ourry and tho little om will remain hero throughout tho loglslativo ses sion. Mr. Ourry is at present mirroring from kuvuro iiillummuiiou of the oyos, huvlig taken u ould, und l atIII bo ne cessary for htm to keep his room pret ty closely for tho next few days. New Mexican. Foil 8alk: - A llwroughbrod Jersey but.; will be two years old in June. A, Altcimv. 1 he lire department is emleavof iug to get a hustla under the direction of the euerg tic chief, T. F. Blaakmoro. The membership has ben decreasing for tn. i yotrsaud without lira an be in iixed iH'v Hid department should dlb...ii The tow. t'. I.jt. .iiilUteMluOllt of about Stuuii In lire ap.ratus und if ilt wlluoui lut u I-, tiaiidle It Will be as completely at the mercy of llames as it no apparatus had ever ueau puruhsd. The department requlraf of evry member attendance at all meet .ngs and moral hours time eneli lueiith in drying bose, clsanlng carta, eto., btiUtss practice fix n s. (jHito u number of irowty owners never havo uss.otwl Hie department in any way, hut now will be asked to contribute, thai ihu department m iy lie nuiii up. ii ! i an F. F. Fetus m returned Thursday from u trip to Roswell. Tuke your watch to Naugle and have 11 cleaned. i ucle iK'o. A. White, af Hopa, inada this onw a pleasHMt onll Wedmawluy. Itev. Sessions went to Malaga last night to preach, returning this morning. f .T Morrln. reiiresentltis a Louis pickle factory, Ht I- preparing for Spring..... By soiling nil Winter Goods at sacrifice prices is what we aro doing these cold days Two Months Yet Of Cold Weather, But we aro compelled to sacrifice profits on Winter Stock to make room for Spring Goods. Don't bo ''drags" in the procession. Come early and take advantage of some of tho Bargains we are offering in all kind of Fall and Winter Goods. Joyce, Pruit & Ci Pattos wisliim: ooutraota for tlio growing of beets for the 'oamiiolgn of 1SU7-U3 are requeued to sand in appll oatlons to U' J I tint Sugar Co. not later than Jan. 96. State oxuet ucrcugo wiiutud and give dosorlptlon of laud. Imported sour kraut und pickled pork at U. S. moat markot. Try those fine hams and broakfaBt bacon nt U. S. mout markot. Nut ic in Tm riyrr.. I'.'i U m isxim until before Feb. ). IRMT n huiimIiv will lid oliarulxl. Unit date the lull ntmmnt will bu oolleciod J. I. Dow, croiivctii.r. do and look at tho lino supply of moat ut tho U. S. moat markot. Leave your orders with Bryant for wall paper. A lino lino of Jowulry ou hand at Kauglo's. I'.iclimiE. Tsks Nutlet. A number of exchanges uro coming to Kddy uddreesvd to tho Democrat, ll sending two copies to Currant and Uemoorat aro wasting a copy. lrfKHt Niitlr. T""l IHa-tftxiKT. OMSfleHkr nu ii. juw 4 Ik OSM iitrl'uUlm a tie. 8t registered at Hotel Windsor. Thursday. ISM? I M,m.. i lras aH m Mla im SU ul KIMfl I SMI, I MM SSM SJT s !.. Um. iusImi aOM ' t eib t e ki far mhxt tevBMll. Mm I4 e .u uniii a. . wsinil. tttd . !. I .es l, ilU- !, l.K, mtMrt. ii.iO.ui 4S fiwSwt So. I, ku K.ii.. ukmu a 4 I i.KHarj !-, U. 11 . I IB RIIHI Ul.,li. iwvrl ml r I i ul. 1'Wl w4li Trttn "i it vl M4f uSrl lu -Si-- a . IKtiaill rr:-.,...i ... auaiu mok4 mhs 1. 1 . a - ' La mA Lm ni, lu'rl,..! I (, l MISS - . 3U. ,i ... .kSM-uLIu BSMMlu MSM.ns '"' eresJart Mm. I, litVf Us . k. W. MS, I mLim 3 0- 4 i . U4 SM, I Nll. ut I'Ulilio 9sl. j.. ... nsfi i ill isvi lur ZSin-'f. i-j V-sl-rt tf ui w-fcw .. j i - ... a Ii ... ufiaa -lvla. V l4l-4 klui ' M,J I. I .4kll4 fi f i Wilt. W4 ailM'M. W . .. I Lin. .LlulU M en..k Uhlu. f lulk , III I I.. I UMky l' EoriiKiN" i rit-..a m A. T. WINDHAM City Livery Stable NOBBY RIGS. Cnnon St. Eddy N. Mex, HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR ADVERTISE MENT WOULD LOOK IN THIS SPACE? THINK OF IT! cJ. F. MATHESON, mission Warefj aar And Goiioral Forwiirdiiig Hay, Grain, Soed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal and Icq delivered in the Oity. Hon. W. J. Bryan's Book A LL who arc Interested In furthering the sale of Hoit. W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond lnv mediately with the publishers.!, The work will contain An account of his campaign tour . . . His blofjraphyt written by his wife . . His most Important speeches .... Tho results of tho campaign of (896. A review of tho political situation . . 4e AQKNT8 WANTED Mr. Bryan has announced his Intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering; the cause of bimetallism. There are already Indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. C0NKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 111-331 Daarbera St....CWCA60. time-