OCR Interpretation

The Eddy current. [volume] (Eddy [Carlsbad], N.M.) 189?-1899, March 06, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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The People Am In (treat Need or Anltl.
anee-raetnrlea, lUllrnnilt mill Street
lf I.lnea Are N( it Hlnnilttlll-ltlrer lie
ported falling.
Olnelnnntl. 0., Fob. 27. What aceme
unprecedented In the present Ohio riv
er Hood I IU M)ntlnitM nt twin In
aUfsw. It Iwcanifj stationary at 8
o'olaok yosterdny morning at 01 feet,
2 Inchon nml at ,8 last night was tin
chamred, having remained thirteen
litrurs nt tlmt Plage.
At preaent the condition of the nte
1'lc driven from homo by the flooi! In
pitiable. With tht msn-tiry At 3 and
steadily falling, their suffering In
Outride of the regular rhwlty or
gunliailons and the iwIIob force. thnfe
hM'toan no provision far Uw awlst
anno of ihtwe sufferers exvtt auoh na
U pmiloreil by their Immediate nalgh
Hoglnnlng up tho river (ho vitiligo of
California la Hooded. Ill hoiiess look
llko an many Inland tiring out of tho
From Fort Thomas a grand vlsw of
thlw flood eaii bo had nud It too kit np
. palling In extent with farms, lloodstt
and farm hoi peering above tho
wnt or.
In Covington along the Immediate
river front houses oro Mtibmergod,
while further up town oalkira are filled
with water. Moat of these houses: are
buslnow, wnro or starelrouses or fn
torlea. Tlrtn romlltlon ex lata along tho
whole front of Covington.
Ludlow, Ky nud llromley are In
much worm eomlXlou than thay wwo
t dark Thursday night. "Water cover
the great dam t the lmUow hi noon
and Uie an r face of the lake and thai
of the river are united. How a break
iu t!ie dam ran la prevented when tho
waters subside la ptiztllng Hiom wlm
Imve h large amount of rnpltnl In-
VMt&d In that resort.
All awn tho river front of Clnfln
nail from Mill rrtek to tho IRtle
Miami railroad depot the water
tends In moat plaren to Strcnd stitt
awl In some phicea nrarly to Peavrl
ntreet. while M. floods nearly all I'otrl
ttrwt cellars. This dlntrlc-t Ineliidta
nearly nil Uin oointu lesion hoii.ea, nil
tho conl alrvntora oxrrnt cue and many
Httf tho Rrentcrt lcss done nnd In-
cf.nvrn.lenr In Clnrlniutl wna hi Mill
crook vnlloy from the Ohio river to
Ctimmlnsvllle, n il lata we of six mllaa
Sovrxnl railroads run through this vnl
ley nnd they are Ilnrd with gront fan
tcrlpn. In tho upper part of tho vul
ley are numerous gardens, wIioho totul
dOHtruotlcn haa already been notod. All
the railroads In this valley tv on
grade nlmvo water. Nerertholew a
Hlg Four switch engine yeaturtlny
went ekwr down iut of night on a aide
truck by tho washing away of the fill
ootMcth ttvks. The engineer nud
fireman saved theimrlve by Jimipliig
ami 4iltnmlnK out to the fill In the
ror. Kkftrlc ear cxTOimunlmtlMi la
cut off. hut tranafera are irtmle through
te wmt by liorre mm. At ltf m
pension brltlge In Oiiirtnnatl trwafero
ha.ro to be inmle by horee ram lr, the
aama way.
In CliKdnnat', Covington, N'owiwrt
nml all tho other towtw on fmuicwi
r.illoH of RliiPlnnstl river front oil
nvallahlo boot, launchtNt. aklfTa nnd
yawla aro In uae ovorj hour In tho dny
utnl night In nOmhileterlng rotlof. All
jmnlta above hero rejwrt tho rlw fall
ing fU immediately below Clucln
tmtl It la either rtutlonnry or reeoding
ulowly. At Clni'lnnatl I a at ulr.lit from
8 to 9 o'clock tho rlvor foil one-quar-tor
ot an I noli, malting a beginning of
At tliln hour tho morrury la 21 and
fiblllng, and the aky I per.
YVnrthlp .1l0Tinriil).
Jacksonville. 1'la., Keh. 27. Tlio dyn
nmlte crulner VeeuvliiH, now In title
port, hna been onleretl to Imivo hero at
onto nnd join the rrulner Mnrbluhead,
wlileh left the mdUth of the Ht. Johns
river Tuowlay, and l now at Key Woet.
A dlnpateh roertved nt Washington
by Oapt. I'lllaliury, of the Voauvlua,
aald that a euperlor naval olllcer would
arrive In the rlty yealenlHy, when tho
vessel will proreed aooih with him.
Immediately ukiii receipt or the tele
gram the Veeuvlua began lining her
bunker with coal. (Irorerlea and oth
er iiippllea were a leu taken aboard in
large (luaittlllea. No one aaema to know
what la up. Several cipher meaaagea
have been tent to utul front Wuahlug
ton. Til Smw Hlof.
Bhe Did you jover liwr of the girl
who wrott her Initials In (ho land
He--And the wnvee eanie up r.nd
wanned them away?
81to Nothing of the nortl It waa a
rnan eamo up and niked her to ahnngo
the Inst one.-l'uak.
Alii for Itrmilli Hn(Trir.
8t. 1nikt, Ma. I'eb. ST. J. T. Oolil
wall of OWborne arlih, Ixulelan, i
lu tho elty trying to aeniro aid for the
droutrht-etiickon people ot hU parish.
la Cktlboino rleh. which U tty
liome," he aald, ';thwe are abwrt 12,000
tHliatIUutta. Thej- are nearly all far
mera, Utero being no r4tlea In the pa,
lelt. 01 theae 12.000, a eoneervatlve ea
tlmato would place the number of dwi
tiiiate poreons at about 4000. They are
t tu Mw k aiul wtiiie and have xnte to
ftiia i ndition Uirougti no fault ct
lafilr own."
forhttt unit I'llitlmmnna In Tmtklitf.;
Caraon. Nev.. Feb. 27.-Corbctfa
training miartera at Hhaw'a Hot Springe
nro eo badly crowded that It la nccev
aary for aomo of the athletni to move,
and (Jeorge Oreett, Del Hnwkltu ond
Upldrr Kelly, the Inet two named ariiv
Ing yeatenlay morning, were eompelled
to aeak another hcime. Thoy pleketl
out n plneo at Genoa, a amnll vlllago
about aeven mllea from Caraon.
Tho most Important nrrlvala of yea
tenlay were Manager Win. A. Ilrady
and Charllo White, tho New York
trainer, who will aid Illlloy Delanoy as
much oa poaalble In looking after Cor
belfa Intereata. They reached tha
cba-niplon'a Im ml ball court while tho
latter wna going through tile usual
morning exerrlaen.
Ilrady expressed blmielf na being
woll pleased with Jim's Hiienranco.
One of the mot IntereetlMg lnetd;a ot
the day waa CorbeU'a IkiuI wltR Jef
freya. tho rnllfomla. heavy-weight.
Thoy kept nt It eontlnuoualy for twelve
minutes, and white Jeffreys wna pretty
well pumped out at tho finish, Corltett
oalled for Hilly Woodn to take his turn
nt tho gloves. Jeffreys Is n young giant,
whoae muscular develonmnut, while not
Cfptal to that of Tom Sharkey, Is cer
tainly remarkable. He la by occupation
a, boiler makrr. nnd If he ran acqulro
n little moro speed, Corbott thinks ho
will event jlly become a great lighter.
In his bonis with Woods, who la pro
tected by pneumatic armor. Cor belt dM
not conflno himself to tapping, but
strlkea with nil his might too frequent
ly for Woods' comfort. Tho nrmor does
not nppenr :o he such a gront protec
tion after all. for once or twlco during
yoslsrdny morning's bout Woods wns
almost put to tho floor. Ono blow, n
right hnlf nrm punch, which emiglu
Woods squarely under the chin, nont
tho Denver man reeling to tho wall.
At Fltzslmmons' quartern yesterday
the general routine was gone through
with. About B o'clock the lanky llghtor
started out for a ten-mile spin, return
ing to the ranch feeling comparatively
fresh. After a rub-down Dob sat
around the house nud killed tlmo until
noon. Ye(erday afternoon he gave n
nubile) exhibition In the gymnasium In
oonnectlon with his training. Fltaalm
mous started In by punching tho bag.
giving tho most artistic exhibition in
Hint lino, which waa greatly rollahed by
tile spectalora. This wna followed by
souring with Koober, lllcky and Htolz
ner. lloeber surprised She hlg New
tfenlandcr by Jabbing him In tho month
with his left nud drawing a tittle blond.
At tho eonchiHlon of nluo fast rounds
Fltxslmmnus showed up compiiratlvoly
fresh, whllo the others showed tho of
fsets of tho work through which they
hail passed. Fltzslmmnns Is still suf
fering slightly from tho effects of his
cold, but said yestordny afternoon It
was not of enough Importance to cause
him to lot tp his training.
ie .tlulmnm Olulnii,
Iiitdon. Fob. 27. (1. It. Uuraon. pir
llnmotmtry HttTetary for the fortrign
ofllce. implying In the house of com
mons yesterday to TIioiiibb (IIImou
Howler, who aaked eoveral daya ugo
whetlirr tltere Is uny ptxuiwct of the
United States paying to Oraot llrHulu
the $,000.000 atlll imchiliueil of tlw
AUbaniH award, read the reply, which
the late WIIIImii H. SiiXUi aa 11 rat lord
of the tnaaury made to a atmlUw ques
lion in ISO J. It waa In effect, It lx
contrary to the tonus of the treaty of
Washington for the llrKHh gorern
ment to request the return of tho tin
eMmnl bnlanuc. Mr. Curzon added
lolntlvo to tho prospcot of tho United
States offering to return It ho oould not
spook for tho govornmtnt of tho Unit
ed State.
A Town llirllmL
IXJIIilcn. Fob. 27. A dk-ttatrb fivun
Johnnneaburc mys that oonatarnatlon
una prewlleil thoro rtneo the nad
adoplsd Thunalay a now Ugh court
Isjw by whloli uny Judgmomt of the
high court can be annulled by tho road.
Ilitsluew. it In added. Is demorallzMi.
an no conttaot or concession U regard-
oil as safe. Tho HiieIIsIi nowenatxini
maintain Umt the law Is a breaou ot
article 27 of the convention, nud ovon
Dutch nowapaiteia counsel moderation.
HpiiIim Uoliinilllril
Washington. Fob. 2S.The prescient
has eommulad tu six months actual Int
prltomueiit tho ttlno inunths wMitenea
Imposed on Mitt House. In ttte Indian
Territory, for lareeny, and has reduced
to atx months the one-year Mntonoo
Imposed on Harry Alllerman. in the
Indian Territory, for grand lareeny. A
pardon has been denied to Samuel F.
Williams. aeMtatieail in ti i n.
years for robbery.
I'rrlalit Tr4iiiiiirlril fr for Surrrrrra.
Omaha. Nob., Feb. 2T.-The Unten
I'aclllo haa agreed to transnort (rea f
elmrge too tons of freight designed for
Uie relief of India's starvlnir ninia.
The llurllngton agrees to transport 100
tons utul the Illkhoin also agrees to
Haul relief supplies free. These offers
are to deliver the freight at Ogdefl,
Utah. Krom lliftru Ilia f!niMl UnaiHo
Hgreea to haul 1000 tons to 8an Fran
elsco free.
The president has ooimiiuled to tm
years' ootual Imprisonment lira tfo
sonteneo of Frank Oapel, srvlng In Uis
Arkansas iienlUntiary fer murder.
(leorae Johnson brake Jail at Perry.
0k., recently.
(in llntril Ship,
l'ltklu Hraee up, old boy. 8eosiek
tiese can be thrown off If you only
think so.
ttlmpton Do you see- any one
throwing It off faster than I nuT-
Lfolrolt Free Frsi
Oser the Inrnrrrrntlnn nt Jnllo Huntnllly
nil lb I.on Cnnllnncd Alium unit Ml
trrstmont of AiMctlcauSubJtttt by B(sii
lilt omrlult.
Washington. Feb. 20. Tho oenata
waa In an uproar all day yesterday
ovtr the resolution brought In from the
eammlttee on foreign relations, which
demanded the relenso of Julio Sangull
ly. There were many sonsatlonTl Inel
dwu. Allen and Hals wanted Amer
ican war veesets sent to Cuba.
Tho first rMMltitlon coming over
from Tuesday waa that of Mr. Allen,
asking the president to uao offeottvo
measures to protect American olllzena
In Cuba nml to that end to send
United Qtates warships to Culat porUi.
Mr. Allen said that Amorlmn oltl
rrmi wcro dally being arrested In Cuba
ami thrown Into prison without any
trial, many of them being denied ac
cess to the United States consul fun
eral. It scouted to to tho disposition
of Spain to puttlih every American
clUzen In Culm. It was, he said, a
atory full of barbarity and atrocity.
Itecontly a lady had beon taken by
Spanish otllclnla and hor person esaroti
al under circumstances ot oxtromo
onulty. Little girls had been nutheretl
up In Cuba and sold Into tho wwet
conceivable wlnvory: sold to n life of
ulieme. Spanish soldiers had taken In
fants, held thtm by their hecbi, haoked
thorn to pieces with tho deadly ma
cheto nml killed tho inrants. Such
aotton wna n blot on the civilization of
the nge. Why should congress remain
supine? The time would come when
thin Inaction would mako our eoplo
hang their heads for being American
oittzene. '
Tim following communication from
Bsngtallly's couiuel Is serf explanatory,
ami shews the condition of thing lit
"Hon. John Sherman, chairman of
Uie committee an foreign relations,
etc.: Btr Shall 1 Its permitted In my
capacity of counsel nnd representative
of Mr. Julio Bflngullly, Imprisoned tu
Havana, to request you In tho name or
my client, ami for his boneltt, to pre
vent if itofslhle the resolution dlrrotlng
a it cm ami to be made upon Uie Spanish
Government for tho reloaao cf my client.
"Said release having been already
printed by tho Spanish government
upon no other condition thnn tho ful
fillment of n certain techntcnl require
in cut ot tho Spanish law, n condition to
which I, Siingullly'a lawyer In Havana,
do readily assent, would it not he In
jurious to tho prisoner to afford the
Spanish government a plnuslblo oppor
tunity to withdraw from its en sorts
ment In thte respect T
"Ot oou me I can not hut be grateful
to tho generous spirit shown by the res
olution to which I refer, as 1 ant with
all my heart, and my client is grateful
to the honorable secretary of state for
Iris manly, untiring and benevolent ef
forts In favor of Mr. Sangulllr.
"I can not but see and recognize that
U" movement In tne senate la I nap I rea
In the saute g.-uerous feeling which
from the beginning lies Inspired tho
honorable secretary ot state. Hut I am
afraid that the effect which the reso
lution, it passed, will necessarily pro
duce In the government circles of
Spain ami perhaps among the masses,
will result In the defeat of the efforts or
(tie state and senate.
"I make to you. therefore, nn earnest
&1iul In the name of Mr. Sangullly
to submit this letter If proper to the
consideration of Uie sotiato, which, In
Its wisdom, will no doubt pay attention
to Uie statements therein contained. 1
am. sir. with tho greatest respect, your
obedient servant,
"Counsel for Julio Sangullly."
It Wnnu Wiir.
Washington. Fc-b. 20. Representa
tive 8ulzr of New York Tuesday Intro
duced u bill declaring wttr beLwtwu
Simla nnd hor colonies and tho United
Suttee. Tho bill provides "that war
be declared to exist between the king
dom of Sialn ami her on ton I as and ttte
United States ot America and their
territories and that the praetdent Is
authorized to call on the whole toad
tn navy force of tho United 8UUm to !
put Uie same in effect and Issue to pri
vate vessels of the Urtted States cow
rulreloM or letters of marque and gen
eral reprisal In sueh form as he shall
think proper and under tks seal of the
United Bftatee sgalnet the vessels,
goods and effects of the satd wovtro
mstit ot Spain and tits tuibjeota there
of." AtaiiM llwllrwitt (kiimiilMlon.
Utile Hock. Ark.. Fob. M.-Ttte
house yesterday passed a railroad com
mission bill somewhat similar to tbe
Texas law. It provides tor eke election
by tho legtelatures of three commis
sioners, whose salaries ot itfoo per an
num are to be paid by the railroad cow
patties. Telegram to tn
New York. Fell. 20. The feUowlag
olnptUi was etriiled to Havana yester
day: "New York. Feb. 8. JSOT.-To (lea.
Fttanagh Lee, Havana: The Cuban
league of the United Hiates, reprewn -Ihk
the uaaeilawHM sen 11 meat of the
American peeoie, heanrrly eoiigratuistn
you for your patriotic ataad It t -d
co iii our country to aouie degree (: v.
a 1 :tl f Infamy luip iiwl by xiitte ' . .
I.-ai!ln I'ttti li KTIIAN M.tllN
id' i," fill' jn : "igxtp i.t tin- I i : i5
Urgm Confrrenr
TuslteRte. Ala., Feb. 28. Many dbi.
ttngulihod northern peoplo Interested
h missionary, sclologlcal nnd reforma
try movements were present at tho no
pro conference. Tho following declara
tions wero unanimously adopted as the
Mine of tbo conference:
1. We believe there must lie owner
ship ot tho soil as tho fatmdnlon ot
all prorrw, since fully three-fourths
ot the negro race live by agricultural
2. Wo dlseourago extra vn cone o nnd
advlso nil to live on less than Uicy corn,
nwt thoy may havo homes and mono;
In tho bank.
3. Wo Rdriee preparation to with
stand competition Umt wo may con
tlntio to shn.-e In on Increasing dstrrce
tho common ami skilled labor ot tho
A. Wo urge Utat caoh community
keep Its schools open six months or
moro in the year ami that our veunir
peoplo be kept busy in school or ot
6. We should mako tho Immoral
among tho leaders 1n tho ranks r&eJ tbe
force ot our condemnation.
C Wc recognize the mutual detiend-
enco of tho while and black racos In
the south, and pledge ourselves to do
all In our. power to removo obstacles to
our mutual progress.
perlty, wo note eaott year ateady calm
Wo advise Uio organization of negro
conferenots throughout the boiuJi,
MMm III Mrilrn,
Mexico Olty, Feb. 2C Hankeru here
deny tho assertion matte In tho report
ot the committee of the National Man
ufacturers' association of the United
Rtnics that banks hore do not discount
commercial paper" and rofiwo to deal
on fair terms with Utc resident Ainori-
an buslueM men. Their books si tow
commercial paper dknoouiita of several
million dollars monthly and Include
many American merchants, manufac
turers and contractors.. The nl targe
made by the same committee that res
ident foreign mercttenta will not ltan
lle or discriminate aajalnet American
gols is denied by reatdnnt Muropean
Importing Itouses who carry largo
lines of American goods, nml tariff
'tatlstlcH Jk)w tltat lniKits from tho
United States In the last year were 31
per cent more than the prevloiM year.
Important tariff changes wero an
nounced -to go Into effect on midnight,
Apill 30: Common white printing kv
jier Imported from the United .States,
jOermany and Helgltim Is now dutiable
at 10 cents per kilogram and will bo
reduced to 8 cents, or approximate'.)' I
cents por pound. Hooting Iron dutloa
! aro cut lit two. Pasteboard, glasn and
I watches will nil bo slightly reduced.
Ths editorial oxcurslnn train over tho
Mexican Central arrived last night. Tho
imrty s.oppd at CJuerrw.to.
McKlnlrj li llrtlrr.
i Canton, O., Felt. 20. Tho rust day
of more pleasant weather has loon ben
, eilcinl to I'restdent;oleot MoKlnley nml
he Is nHliiirrg In strength and health.
I He took atlvantnge ot a lltUo sunshine
Just before noon and drove about Uio
I rlty for a short time accompanied by
I Mrs. McKlntey and Mr. and Mrs.
ueorge Morse ot Sun Francisco. Mrs.
Morse I a niece of the late vld Mc
Klnley. Dr. 1'hllllps, the family phy
sician, railed during the morning. He
continue to Insist that his jiatlent
shall see no more visitor nnd all who
eamo asking for a oonforeneo are re
ferred to Private Seoretary Juntos
Hoylo. There were several culler at
tho MeKlnley homo during Uio morn
lug. The physician's Instructions were
In no case violated.
t'nl en flMiilittliini.
Washington, Fob. 2(1, -Tho house
committee on foreign affairs lias d
elded to report a rosolutton calling on
the president for Information concern
Inc tho treatment ot American prison
era In Cuba.
The committee framed a substitute
for various rosotuttons of Inquiry as
Itesolvcd, by the home of niprsen
tatlves, that the president bo requested
to transmit to Hie homo of representa
tive, it not incompatible with tho pub
lic Interests, all correspondence on file
In the state department not hitherto
communicated to congress In regard to
the Imprisonment ot American oUlzens
by Spanish olllclals lu Uie Island of
tiler elmul nml SloKlille.
Waatilnajlon. Feb. 28. Chairman Hell
of the local ootnsnltue visited taie
wMta howe and made arrasjajenteteui
for the usual rttatoeaary rail of ttte
ureaent-eieet upon Ins president. Tile
former will vlsH Mr. Orsreland in the
executive tneuelou at 11 o'clock oa
the morning of March 3, and It Mr.
CleTolaud follows precedence ho will
return the oall aa ttoar later and visit
Major MeKliilsy at the HliUtt luwee.
ItwiigHrnl ball tickets aro 'being rapid
tllapaaed ef-aiwl the reconl altowe (hat
a iargsr number hare been dktposed
of at tills time before the ItMuguraUoa
than ever before on a similar occasion,
Sirevt for OrJ7hr.l.
Chleago, UL, Feb. 20.A atreet ear
with six occupants waa crushed be
tween two trains on the Olilcagj and
Onetern Illinois st Oris Hundred ami
Three street yesterday afternoon. (I so,
O'Malley, motortiun: H. W. Young ami
Poter FiHilplns were InaeanUf kill
ed. OondiiS&f M. Madison was tauily
hurt, and HJtitrt tlliu and Miss Mary
Mi f i hi ll Buialae4 severe internal In
Jurlc Mr Vouftg); - "Tli" tliere Ij no
fi ui i k' an eld fe: "
Ml N- wMMe- "I'.m- f H.lng .r.
I. ri t' d b Mwycu .o i uiu.' liu.li.
Onlilrn Tend "Tlilt 1 H I'Nltlifnl Sjr
IriR Hint' Wnrllij- nf All Al rriltlini,
Tlmt :.lrn UlirUt tMmn thin llm
Wnrlil tunvc Hliiner" -Tluu 1-10.
0-HAV8 iMsen In
etudes A"ts S. I-II:
1T.. Thus -Prnb-nbir
.V. D. JT. Plaee.
Keer IXinssein 1
mile nortneaat of
Jeruealeni. I'nrnllel
nrruunte. - I'miln
own errounts of
lit fcnverslen. Arte
H. -ll: N.. IMS.
IUI. I. U ll
Beul. The flery
vouna lenlot who
11 In the martyntetn of Stephen and the
ttemerultiHi of the jJeruiHlem cakreti. lie
wiw h native of Tsruu. In Aim Minor,
iteecended front pure .lewleh torti. of the
trIW at lletijmnlii. of .1 femlly peseMslns
the privllegr uf llomiin rttttli'hlB. lie
had own trnlneil in ih,. iw under Oatna
Met. the urmlriii mhlii of that "B. slid
m evliletitl h leat!nu ilrtl ertimiB th
ryuiia mm or .linlnfn lniu la one
of the oltlmn i iiii- nf ill.- nrll. It hn
1mii ramoiM ih nil tttin tot the Iwatity
nf tlx Kti.Toiiiiillniiii ii.. n.ii. mi verse It
nml fur II-. M.nllh of trnde nmt
lintnilfmliiH i tin- Wn reneHt-
?illy the i at or Itriierlnl Mwl'
tvn now lie mulai)in U titl
IIIHleil ae betukreii unt. Iuiiiilre.1 umt flftv
iiouenmi ami two nuiKlml tlioueiiiiu. unit
I waa inui li luiavr ami more m)iuIoiu in
'auP ttine. Tho folltiftlnK la lite test nf
lie iMfon. I. And Raul, yet hrenlhlng
out tlirMlenlnv
lighter NMnlnet
Ittw illiM'Iplee tiT the
MII Ulll.l thi
hlrlt prleet. I nml tleelrwl of Itlin lell-re
In naitiaecit te the aynaaugtin, that If
Im found any nf till way. whether Ihev
were men or women, fie tnlaht lirina
them bound unto Jerttaalein. t Anil In
Journey ml. lie rame near PamawuK: anil
Uflttenly there filneil round nlwut him
a light front heaven. 1 Ami he fell to in
earth, ami heard n voire naylng unto him
Haul. Saul, why ptreiitl tlioit pie? f
Anil he eabl. Vbe art thou. Lord? Ami
the Ixinl unlil, I am Jeane whom thoti
ererutet It . hard for lllee to kick
agalnM the prlrka, ( And he trt-mhllna
and aelonlNhral ald, Lord, what wlK tMotl
havt. me il? And the tinr liald unlo
hint. Arlae nml an Into I hi- rUy, ami II
HhHll Im tnld itt.-p what thou tnuel do. 7
And the mm which Join nrm! with him
atooil ii.ii.iIikii. hiitrliie " voln- hut
eelna mi mini And Kaul aroee from
the inrlh; Hint when hie were
nitene.1. he mi no man: hut thi'v let
him li- the immt. and hrouabt htm Into
Dainmii n. And he waa three dara
wllhnut alaht. and neither did eat nor
drink, to And there waa a certain ill,
elple at iMtnaeeua. named Ahanlaa. and
V 'i'V1 saw tne irfini in a viaion. Ananiaa,
And he aald. Heboid, 1 ail) here, lird. 1
.nu hip iiru anai iinio Hint, ati, ami
wii nun i ue aireet wiucij
the attet wlilpli la Uin
nn a
and liniiilr In the Imuae nf Jn.
;'aa for one citlfed Hyul, of Turaita: for
iwhnM. In- iirayeih, If And hath arn In
.i vlalon a man named Ananiaa enmlna In.
and iiuttlii Ida luinii oil him. thai he
mlaht reretvn hla uliilit. 17 And Ananiaa
went hla way nml entered Into the
hnuee: and nuttliiK hla hamta on him aald.
Itrnther Maul, the Iorl. een Jeaua. Hint
apiwared unto thee in the way aa thou
meal, hath aent me, Hint thou inluliteat
rei'elve lliy alKlll. Utnl lie llllaif wlill the
Holy tllnNU. Ih Ann Immediately there
fell from hla evea na It hint lieen wnlee
nml he rwelveil alKht forlhwllh. and
(treae. Hint wna Ihi il eil. 10 And when he
hnd received meHt, hi' waa atreiixlhened.
Then wna Haul certnin diiya with the ilia
elplea which were nt llninnerue. ID And
atraiKlitway he nrenrlteil fhrlal In the
aynugoRtiee. Hint
lie te t
the Hon uf flu I.
naaona iroin inia ix-
ion.- 1. Cllor nua.
I nil
ewl. la ItiA rtiMlurA 1
In wlileh the Holy Hlilrll alietla iihrnml In
in me new tiirtli
tho lieu rt the love of Ood. tnitriea ua hi
iimurwii. ami Hivea ua (tower to ovnrromr
alii and aerve Chrlal. It was n wonder
ful tritnaltloti In SHHl'a run. Iml It a
nunlly real In every ra. It la the he-
KlntllllK uf n new life, n life of fiiilli. of
iiriiyer, in nniy nviiiR, unit limia Ita
uieHUMi ntllMfaa in heaven. Ilnw differ
ent .Haul's life waa from that day! I
Hnura case ibnws ua thai no houetity, or
alncerlty, nr mnrallly, or atleuipla at
oliedlenoe, ran aave ilir anul nr aervc as
substitutes fur (Mirlm aa a Maxl.ir and the
new lilrtll by hla Hplrlt Tlil man or
eplenilli! ami mm learnlna round It urci a
ear In fall at .Irene' feet and miiat
we! And what n Joy he found, Jul ,i i
aiau may we
. . 1 1 1 NTS!
. Iok hrlelly at Haul tin- aluin-r ua h'
la lilmaelf. 'Mhe chief nf allincra ' We
see In dim:- I. A iironounccd. oih-ii ene
my ?f ''hrlat. Verac I. He could not he
like hla learhrr (III ma I Id. hut he muat he
derljteil and unromiiroinlelnK In bin inn
y lot ton;. I. An arthe enemy. Veraoa I,
1 lie fnUBlit the Onapel ami Ita follow era
with nil the newer of hla Wine. 1. A
cruel enemy. Vera 1. lie liouml. he
jfeurseil he innrlanue,l tti,. fnllnwera nf
riirlnl. Heo ts ii 91. ii i a irstitnt
tismy fverac f.i, realatlna Hie conviction
of the Hplrlt am) the arlvliia of III? own
cpnacti'iice. "hirklns agalnat the nrleka.'
Notice alao f at' pa nf Raul aa a aker.
Till c "fralnn. . I.b r. t,n the aurfnie.
was In reality iriaduql. for the Hpirlt had
licn lnim atrtvliiB with him. nnd lie iimi
realalMl aliihlK.rnly, I A Hinlilen aitrreii
ftr. Verei S. S. Thla alniKsle iiKillnat
his htitler nutitre bail Imwii Ioiik, Inn at
the Isat IiIh will litoke down, nnd Hiinl
came u aeexer alter citrtai. Z. All ah-
senile Hulimlmlon
t lion have me to di
sutimlaalon. Vre I. "What wilt
have me to dnT". lie Klves up hla own
will to tne win of ChrKt. uml nmltea Je
ans III i nhaolilte maalnr.
Henceforth he
Ii a aervant nf Chrlal. I. A deen conlrl
tletl. Verao Hn aliarp la hla UKOiiy of
Saul that he en II II u I ent. drink, nr aro.
Ti body feel the hhkuIbIi of the mind.
Till' was not ttrannr, when we roniltter
hla temparnrilflit nml hla foi titer 'ondiict
I. An earneet prayer .Verse II. "He
held, be prnyeth. lie bad prayeil. hut
aa n I'lmrlaee; now he praya aa a penl
tsnt. An American IVnman'a WIJ.
At n Itinelison given the other day
In lmlon foveral well-known iioets
ware telltiiR good stories, and one of
them relateit uhnut the toet Wnnls
worth a tnlo for which Rood authority
wns given. Wordsworth, It seems, was
In the habit nf writing at night and
lu tho early morning and would fre
quently rouse his wife about 1 o'clock
and exclaim: "Maria, get up! I have
tbmiHUt of a good word!" Whereupon
his obedient helpmate would nrlse and
record It upon papsr. About nn hour
later a new Inspiration wight seise Uie
poet, and he wotikl call out: "Maria,
get up! I've thought of a better
wordl" A witty American woman who
was of the party listened to the little
history with attention and remarked,
gently waving the red rose In her hand:
-Well, If he'd been my husband I
should have aald: ' Words worth, get up!
I've thought of a bad word!' "
Hal uf .Milk In IIHrkt.
Froron milk Is very popular just now
In Ilurope. It la sold In hrleka of dif
ferent sites and warranted to lie pure
and sweet. Ilelglum'a government Is
to subsidize the Industry to the tune of
$10,000 a year, while In OopenlHtgen a
company has been formed and ar
rangements have been completed far
the regular export of frozen mill:. The
necesssry plant has lieen erected and
font rails ham I -en made already for
the delivery of loo.otto jmuntla a week
Willi ll Wilt be aent tu lmrtr, ,.r , l0
WOild lu lirhki ur I Im k like I,..
Wart-WoM Nap for Cancer,
Some, remarkable results have been
obtained by M. Dsnisenko. n Russian
physician. In experiments with the sap
of the wart-wort rtieli,tonluin Major,
Linn wlileh In Htissln nnd elsewhere
Is n popular remedy for warts, M
Donlscnko has used this sap in caiet
of cancer growth, where surgical treat
ment scctn to have caused the growths
to disappear or become gmntly re
duccd. A canter growth In the eioph
agus has so much diminished thai
tho patient, who formerly took liquid
food, can now swnllow chopped meat.
bread and hard boiled eggs. Othei
physlolans nre urged to test the remedy
that has produced astonishing effects,
In ordor to verify Us apparent, great
value, and to determine whether the
two deadly alknlolds contained In the
oholldanliim sap are dangerous In lone
oonttnued smnll doses. On account
at Ita poisonous nature the remedy
must nevor bo tried without tho pro
scrlpllon ot a medleal man.
A Standard.
He Is n man ot IrasolbV) Impulses ami
a blindness of speech which wins hlra
many enemies. At the card table he
was greatly annoyed by a lady who
Insisted on paying moro attention to
tbo conversation than aho did to the
gamo. "I seo no reason." sho was say
Ing, "why a woman should not asstimo
Just as much Importance) In nil affairs
as men do." "I see nono mysolf. re
plied tho Irascible man, with unusual
gentleness, "provided ghc t intellect
ally qualified to do so." "And what
would you stigRost as tho test of her
mental Illness?" "As good test as any
would bo hor ability to remember what
nre trumps." Washington Star.
lUaaperatlngly liiilrllultr,
"If that Isn't HKKnivntlng!"
"What's the mattor?"
"I just got n letter from my brother
In which ho says he la going tu marry
a blue grass widow. I don't know
whether he Is engaged to a Kentucky
woman or a freak."- Cincinnati Un
qulrer. lu the Vernacular.
Teacher Will some little buy kludly
give n modern version ot the snylnir
that thoro Is no roso without a thorn?"
Fiddly Doy Is no push wldout a
knocker. Indianapolis Journal.
Never AbiiIii.
"I'll novor ask another woman to
marry mo as long as I live'" "Ho
fused again?" "No; accepted " Tit
1IY AHTItOt.miY" It the till el I'rof O W.
Ounnlniilum Uimi ik on tint aatltnl iclinct,
Wrllirit In .lln, loinrrtlitniha Uniutft. T.'trf
r" ifll wlih vrmt at InfurmnllviL Kftry
nurrellt juii luiilnt mi turlllef knoll
otlhlin;illelMlnr J-iire, iHitliialJ, Uflc, ol
Blld SI. 00, en-urdlnv IMInr,
SeM llaht rhtngpt nw.-iflit,l uilntf Irtt pA
for Ifclt itffrlMtai. I'mt I Hnnln(lim It ttalljr r
reltlair aativrlnir irtilmiinUlt f tilt f tnlut anil mr
veleai eovvt In iArflaif ih UnifHtf ,.f Hit tlfiu ant
ptaiitlt. lilt hroM'..M, life itffttlikgi with rh4rt aro
dally eaatlarinir -..fl or it, r.i an t Vl I ASI.K
fsroaimiot i.. w uj ihi..uii tot ,njiiut
VaewMfv uf mUuI.hu Ua hhm un ri lr m
rjr rtalr tmt lnllut at, J til, lama hat tilanjctl
latu foavlfii UihI.
t'NSar ev (lioumaUn'.t lll iianmt of fn.'riiKin'l'
Mta be uulill.bM kin Ilia fulliialuf ara riirwll fi mi
leeriil Wlm - I raalir.1 my li..i., ux am mu. It
plaaat im It ll la aa arar right la f ... til, la it
makalt" a.. :t.t mllaa am luriiiutd al nt
ramerlit. ta."
I'rur i-HHalnikim m. r"ti m tall r.iiir mllnt
'W 4 aatela tail im.IIh Allxil.l'irl.Y rilRK u
IbaareUrtala l,ua tatiartli paii I.. Im Ilia rird,
ItileJ, Nlaili aaJ To.lfih oi.-iMxt fr..m nun dtr I
Mall. All atfliaaK liir I III'. If IIHHIJ(.) mml rami
aai, iae or Hatlonalllr, plava, jaa., invnlh, iltw.
iHiuraifcl inlHula l lilrlli, A X ur I' II at Haailr aa
ratiUila. AH-lkanlt aHtllla.1 10 TIIKK IU.AUISU
will laaalia Id, m fcjr irtain mall xlih Ilalr II . ula
tftUHda-l laaa I raula i.laia All anllialila Mail
ami II ranla tu par rur thalr tra.llntf tit rata Hit d
pat olii IIIEK itaitlrif. Ihi KiiT PKI.AY, m-iiI al
onf, jouail Jotaia. lo iln at aaiboilf. ami If
Jim do w tuu "III ia.la a aaluatla tail ht a.lral
f lr IIm aiuall aum of II otnli, Thvaa nut know
ln llalr llmaur unit tbuuljtaii4 I itottfur fuithar
UltlSlUoNa. AiMiraa
Dopt. 4, 104 8. Cllntorrot.
Chicago, III.
Tlit fallawlaa at aama ..a.lioft rr thfr aak,
Xltt Jlaila, lfran.1 llapUi. Wla, Areunlln t itttA
farnltnta Ilia alia Canar M.h Ilia ilnan rulai, u
rltlna at mr birth. Ihararnre lha Muon It jour ral
tacrlalartl(alltaalr. Vaaut It r tular
Va art wadltrii t.alBhl. 4umB (litura claar earn,
lltllaii, mailltim laitaik hair and aiat. If ou wt
born a taw lalnulal aarllar Ih aiat ara trrr dark,
l k a matlar iaiUi au4 tharo tliiit. You am
qulla, akaaifal, loiUI. kind tl4 uklliliir t ott tr
tatiiltlll itntm aiH tilatur iIhiui intihlnt. th
an (ktaiaablr In Joat aalara an. Ilk I.. La "n Ika
11 J tMi ara tatj (ihkI ot aatuianitali. .arllaa ilaorwa,
at.. alt art anl arl oik Tea ara rr lalullit
and aalwiaUr know man Iklaat eliboul attr batlatf
iii'usJr' ,h,M- r " ,""mur
MlM H. B, tMlaaa. Kaaaat A-aardlaa? la dau
farallhaj lha ,ln lUfillarlui, mhlrU Jui,ar lalaa.
a; italiif at ur Willi, luaiatvr Jupllar it tour
laUft tlaaH or ilc alRialor. I rem auJ Mtn urr at
Ye ara wadlaw bttf M ar al.ni a runip Stura,
MaSlam clear roetidttlo. iba hair naar a ataMi-t
olorilbaaaoa utadlUKi lu daik. Tu ka a kappa,
akaaifal. paaaioot and tkarlubla dltootllion. aro
airud in Iba ana aril and a later uirtarrikiac "a
eaaWd lib an. aautla. alrr. at, Yuii at alaa
r rmait uf a Itua .l.l.lag kwta Yua al I mtka an
abb) illar m almuat aar m.l lik xkb-fc ton ar
raailliar Xa baaa iba iiwa iiaiimoar at Iht laylr
Ilk Ika alka. laadlag, Ibai la, jun ait larr iHiaitr
lib lb paHtilaaaan
travels occasionally. The
next time you are cottig any
where North or cast from
to Chicago ami the Kait
or to Dos Moines. St. I'aul,
Mlnnrapolls and the North
west, take the favorite , .
yariafivau..aallroan M J,.a,
baa la. .t .! Vi I ia . i 1 ar
I'aaariai niKi Knaalur
y ii oi'srs iu a

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