Newspaper Page Text
r LOCAL. iMlsi Fnrwell ft home from 1U 1'aso, A. a Campbell left Thursday for Santa Fa. took for ad of Miller Si Douglass blacksmiths next weoK. A. J. F. flarey shipped rArin f mm the Holies f three ears nf farm taut week to Ft. Worth. Mr. and Mm. J. 1). Schwimmor have mow! to the Tnnslll cottage on Cumin street fiom Highlands. I. S. Osborne left last Saturday night with a couple of cars of hogs for I-nrt Worth, rcturnlmr Thursday of this week. Job. Shaver and family who spent tkn nmt two voars In Hddv and violin ty. departed Monday for their old homo in Kunsas. Mnrlc llnnderson was elected Mnn (lay night president of the Hpworth LtSigue to nil the vacancy caused by mo (loam or v. v.. uaner. Mr. (leo. Frledonbloom returned from her trip to Canada Monda) morning. Mr. and Mrs. r. now resiui in the ,1, M. Hawkins house KnriiONt llalcom an old North I'lnlte Nob. boy who has beon nero for uvi1 yiwra has gnno to Silver City to reside kiitiiosi win do wen nnywuere. The annual round-up or cattle nn tint nlnlii mi bath sides of the 1'eoi river will miss Kddy ubmit Anrll 10. Work will commence the tiSlh of Murrh Wm Frank, of lllaok river, Is In town to day with n kind of sweet pots too for seed. Srod potatoes oan hi obtained from Mr. Frniik at any time. I.eovo ordors at this olllco. Mr llnttie Church, of Culm, Ills, and MrH Marthu Crulur. of rrlnui'tmvn Intl., arrived Sunday morning to visit for n fuw weeks with their Hlstur, Mrs. Ilnbb. (lonhui Taylor or Oklahoma now oaonples thu plac made viiunnt b (loo. Shaver nt the dunot. Tailor I nn operator utf well iir a good freight rustier. Jtev. stvalona Is now making ar rangement to uonduct u series of inuetlnai nl the ehiiroh. It Is the op inion oT tho reverend gentleman that Kddy folks need moru rollgion. Mrs. .1. Knolst. mother of Mrs. Ken nobuult, arrived yesterday morning from Carroll, lowu. Mrs Miiinebeolc i expwita others of hur friends mid rein liven Irotn iown ns rust as inoy can get business In shape to come. Clou. IMedcnhloom moved his bar her shun Monday to thu livery stabh building on tho south east corner f Canon and Fox streots, n flrst class rniiui Imvlnir been titled tin In tin curlier of the front ot tho livery nam. 1 Judge Freeman Is In Washington -Tvviiere he witnessed the Imimturutlou of McKlnley Thursduy. If thu judge does not come home with the supremo judgeship appointment his friends, whn are legion, among all parties, will be disappointed. .Inu. Franklin received n telegram Wednesday from Councilman Curry, notifying him of his appointment by tho Irglslaturo to tho olllco of district jittomoy for the counties of Lincoln Mind Kddy for tho coming two years. .IiiIiii Is the right person In tho right place. Thu last of tho old row of wooden structures un thu corner of Canon and Fox street wus taken out Monday, the Hilton shoo shop being the Inst to vaeute. This structure) was movod tn Hie Nontii side of Murmod street between tho hotel und tho depot. Utiring the pus ten days tho weather has been unusually fine In tho recos Valley Treoa are budding out and blossoms on peach uud iiilncu now furnish unite u souruu of food for bees. (.outrust this wualhur with seventeen below at Onialm and coldur further north. t. I. Itoburts will no loncsr ohaso the festive plow and extract thu lucteul Huh 1 1 oni the mild muiiiiured bovine, but instead will move into town and live in the Oouiltilca homo recently occupied liy Ilev. liruntloy. Who will ciiinliict the lllunhemthlp pluce is not known nt pieseut. .r. h Mill, .-, tiitmiaycr of Hud Fruz ler. it hi jail in I'riHM awaiting the hulicih i-orpns prceotlins. It is tho opinion of many tlmt Miller will be tiiiiipm d t arvu u term in the pun (imi that bund will be difliuult U mi euro ul present even it the writ of lu'lieus corpus should be grunted. A putty or ten visited thu big (!uu daliiM' civf Thursduy, and report huv Ing hud u pleasant time exploring the great wonder of the west. The iHtrty jvas comprwtrfl of; Meidanina Craig, '?ymeyor, Church uud Itobb; Misws Toiiu Nymeyer, Hertu Loverly and lieiirudi staugh(iii; Messrs. Henry Itolib, 1. 1 N.-iwiiusuiii(len. Milblirue. Ktwcml train eiiivt )Ml thu mi ili ut uirti'ioi uf tin- l'ccoi. Hlver Itull uuy to Fit'":, Turmlay, w ntn an imita tion ! oHU r& Mat. Iieid. The I'woa liivn it), is that portion ot the lint lid ween Kddy and Peons whleh rum through Texas, the lain of Texas in iwn it iiHCfssiiry to Imvo headiniir tor ot i vei railway in the state. I ! M.:lkt-i. who visited 1'tcos, i , l imiHduy hs u wltntts In the t ni ilnnUite of Texts vs. Deutou I: t . rtv.ii uud John Queen, returned 1 1 morning. Mr. allterssys Hob- n n und Oueeii worn Hcwjntttcd of charge ut stealing T, H DoukhI'h .v Tiio cow was ruiinti in noiieri nn'a nrmturp. but thn stntn failed to i r 'vi tli it xhe did mil break in of her ..... I. ...I IB I. riv ii nrror'i, iiimkw me iiwiiikuii. ami it t n (in'l (iimoii hull three good l iv. vei and fought to u lluish. A W. l'. T. U. orltorlciil content was ui.iii ut the Sevrn Hivern -schuol luiix. i I it i'utmday ulgbt. A program uiftwi'Ue iiitorettrHl niiiulers was nfidercd with ploasltig eUect. The coutpktnntx were Ghas. Nulcon, Louts Kuftsin, Walter MoDonald und Mlwefl lloiine HaKl(i. Nancy Corn, and I)nm. Larrimore. theuwi'lven all of whom acquitted i With great credit. Tbe ba.idsiuiii llvi r medal was awarded is j)nr.i i.urrimorc rsoveraiof tlie y.tii: lion ng r i luldrc ti guve pleasing recitn ton inner i,u:fi win ve w-i m H,e near fo re ttnUr J!nlfrllBmnt. On Tuesday afternoon a number of lauies, representatives 91 me (in fcrent churches of Kddy, met ut the home of Mrs. L. Anderson, to decide on tin entertainment to bo given for benefit of the widow and orphans of J. L. Dow It was decided to glvo rt cantata April 11". Kastcr Monday, at the Athenciim (lull Forty or more little boys and girls will take n trt In the entertainment. Owing t the cause for which the entertainment is given it was decided tint tn Issue complimen t iry tickets to any. but tlmt all pay 1111 entrance fee to be decided upon later. Mrs. 1. 1). T. Smith will have the maimgiiinent of the cantata which ab solutely Insures a success. Mrs. Smith will bo assisted by all the good people of Kddy, that a substantial benefit 111 iv tio mvoii. as well as the expression of sympathy, so recently offered to thql Billierern i uiu rnu-iroi, iniiiuvi uvvr known In our midst. The Castiiluln Club buuquot Monday evening wus attended thirty 0110 mombtfrs und ladles. last by Mr. wus rilllCUS IHIIItir un yuillllll hlirhly entertaining und wns long and guueri'imly iippluuded The paper deult with the iiimitliiii in a masterly manner showing up. tho good, woman lias done for the world, how the hunt ened criminal on the gallows uckuow lugded chut he wi uld not have been theru hud he followed his mother's ad viwi how thu greatest men gave their mothers credit fr till they ever were, and many other interesting things about womnu. Mr Fallens paper stirred up considerable dlsctisslou uud lime from eight u eleven wejit very qtilokly. Mr K. Mc (iuoeii Ony will give thu Club a tending from Shakes puare Monday etuuiug. Aaln Itariiiptliiii t.tiiT. llepu, N. M. Feb. !MJ. 1607 Friend Miillnnu: I have noticed scvoriil articles in the recent Issues of your paper nil the subject of exempting certain classes of properly from taxation, also, Mr. Curry's letter In your issue m the with. While the subject Is one of gmvo and Important interest, et tho principles upon which the proiwr solution of the iiuuation depends aru nf easy ascertain ment. Thu first nbtcrvnttnn to bo made, is that thu Territory bus a vested right of taxation In all proporty subject to taxation by existing laws. To exempt any property from luxation after tho right under the statute has once attach ed would in effect strip the people of the territory of a vested right; bestow a ben ellt Ithoiit compensation, (lucre ise the amount of taxable piopeity, and us u necuswiry consequence render thu burden huuvier on the residue uf tax able property, llestiioethotiu objections, it may bu urged, that such 1 courso would have the tendency to icon rage wealthy corporations to h by our legislatures, with thu view 0 obtain ing ejus legislation. If thusngnr beet factory bus u right to require the re lease of its property from taxation it is dilllcull to n o why utiiri- indus tries be refuted the mime pre Huge. In the second (ilaue it Is to I a olwei- ved that the scheme of ex inpting properly from Uxittlun for .1 glvHii time has for its object the ineruusu of the taxable wealth. And w skil fully applied is not a gift, iuad ut the expense of the presnut Uix yer, as niuuy erroneously suppo. mil is always an intliioeiiiriit, opei ing in- xpeuaively to preseul tax-iaurs, uud resulting in large Iwnetlts to all ut iiialiiilty. I luirfgiue tlmt tin failure to distinguish a girt from an Induce ment, u vexied right from one that Is not vested, Is the real ground of the senseless clamor against legli lutlun in ducing capital to enter our borders, l'ursuuul to these views, 1 w mid ex empt no property which is 1 -ibjecl to taxation, lor this would (end to frits train the object of the laws under con slderHtlou. Hut on the other hand laws the must liherul legislation In diiciiig eipltul to filter our territory, by exempting it from the burden uf luxation lor h slated time, when it iiwtuniew the form f constructing mil.- ays. irrigation diielius, reservoirs beet factories, wool ni-oiirlng maohluoa ami other enterprisen nf Ikt) natures, reiiiiriug axNuciuled oupitul. Hy mi doing there are other Important Itici dental advantage tli it would imiuwll nleiy folor. Knterprisliig emlgmiits, s -eiug at u diHtunee IIimw progroaslvw impriiveuiehtii would llistlliutlvoly llock to these favored loculltiM, oo oupy our vacant lrtul, oonsume our surplii'"- pioduetH. lejileiilnbour wasted revonues, and miuuii. lally aid our gcneml ilovalopsuisnt. Within u short time, when the oontraet period oxplr- eil. for such Itgtamtloii ia of Hie na ..'.., m... iuhinri...u.'(!swiiMM tm. The aollM-lliin Is taken IIIU ui u wunnvii, .iiv i .(,. ui .....un would aeuruc. Then tho depltirubte doUolt of which Mr. Curry spoaks, would Imniedlati ly vnih Then, if I mistake nut, our territory would cuter upon u career of progress uud pros perity unwitnessed before in lu hl lory. Should tho plotura be over drawn we shall t.t II h.ive ih- oouKola Umi liuit we have Injured no one In the mauly i ffnrt to hatter our ooiidi tluu. Auo.H Haiiru. tkwJ for (Mli-lopeaaatl prlra IUI, alau Itull uMienff (;iil-! f i id abater. I'm- XarwJ MiMflally for kii Irrigated miaiitty, general vaifaty of one baailfml m.j tweillj-tlvd tlioDiiHhd lra uf the beat known aiitli la stock. ' Loaslad Uirt-e an on hall mltMi uotthaasr lttll. Add ie, Po Valley Nnr-fj. ' . 'he Mtxieo. ; "-.. . , .Mt"l .ii'n 'i . line mi a f,,,, fHSU dUllltltyof bali-dj,,.,., ,r , a ,, ,,,ro uneul nlllfi lieat fi' per bah-, "r" t., (1.,j.r , i .mi., r ul ' A J Mi I mi t i XV I U11jii pa""" n.iy t' r - VI TrutU inrKllng. n The nddy N St. bMrd ot ttuitet met TiiftHlify erciiliiK Msr. 2 wlih the fotHiwrng nieruut'M prcietit: J. B. Lsvrrly mayor KreilNym foil Nl'lllal'iir IJ.1. it'ilillimiu my Irimtees. IJUshinnre J110. Ilmilfurd ttnut(M of incotlnu of I'sby. J p i. 1st rend mil approved. Sa iieii. lit. lit mid quurulil Tfins. iiindnimnj ws Rrniitml nvre tttue in wldah to nmko his remirt In regsrd to imelmslriK Hie ami ImriitMS tor oiiWiiKni engine, It. Itiiuiiisini wns i.mliiti'.l m n cniumll wot uiitiuMau. It Ml,Hiulhwi III re Kuril 10 ilic'-imilidioii" id ihe lot mi wlurh J. t . Uuilur uk puriiiimiluu to niovo his piioiugraili guiisry. Moved uini leMimlud Hint tuo trauurur riuri tur tor tuc timmii rsbruiiry lie us uuiki nail turned ovvrtu Uw nn.intu com uiittee. t'lui Inllinvinir ticcounts were nlfnwed mm warraiiu drown 1111 SHiuei trcuarur tu p) 1 hui. Illaflknmrt) eheinloaU, A N. l'r.itt iiiiubsr, V. y llumi isiiviii(er ,1 J. IUmi Jr. lubiir. (li-o. Uuiimiu reeonlur, .1 .1. Itiineoe uiHrdiAl silnry. S. I. Huberts.). I fuus. 1) It llurkuj- onimtHbltf fiws, Tjiiis ItlCKlii Peb salary, K. Uotiliniu eoiiiuilsdoii. 11 x i 41 The bosnl onlurcl nil uoilsonr rleclliiii (r town onlieiul mill b Mird nt adueathm to tie held A mil 0 1W7. Ilonril of 1 fr lttnt wns as fnlfnwn: Cuiiinstetin VA Itnbinsai A. X. Kllml. tinlitesiif election: A. N. ";nt W. AinicrMii, N CaioiiiiKli'-iir Clerks o elut'ti 'ii: red Itubinfm DUIICHII. W. The hut Issuo of the Itutou Itenorter upiieurcd at this otllcu enlarged to a six aoiuiiin paper wuioii appears inreo tlmos a week. Tor H'tln. I'lvn In-ml of IxiruM' vlri 1 buy liorce 1(1 lunula 8 years first-cilM wmltur. i! nmrw in ImuUii. t tears, on 'J yenr old mule inn1 one Ifi inutilli tunro. Alno ii llrlil rollr. line Imrrow, ntul IIih plowi It. HronuTiN. t'liiTinion N. At. I'iIiiiiii u( Ht in pit I Ii r . At u meeting or thu W. I uud II. M, Society of the M. K. church south huld March 1st 1W7, a committee was up pointed by the president to draft re solutions expressing the sympathy 0! thu society to our dear slstur Mrs. J L. Dow In her untimely borouvemeut. Whereas thu cruel hand of thenssnsH In has caused the death of 11 loving husband ami kind ulfuctlouuto, futhur bu It thoretore resolved: Thai we ex- Ifknil I n mir li.ttnv.tfl ulul.ip tuifl nr I V,.MV.UI,, U..l, I..... Vl' .t.'.l.tJ. 1 our teiulT sympathy nml prayers In in her sore trlul. In sticli uuipeakublo sorrow, as the wifo bereft of her husbiud it seems it ti Intrusion on sacred ground to offer consolation In such overwhelming hi reiivemeut. Hut we hone this ussii unco of sympathy will In some manner inn unite mirgriet. "ThoLord is good to nil but truly good to ull who love him. He doth execute the Judgement of the fatherless and the widow " It Is ordered that thesu resolutions bo entered 11 pon the reoords of the society. 11 copy sunt to Mrs Dow, mid a copy furnished oaoh of thu papers for publication. Mits. II. I). Da via. Committee TMk KX MP 1 OnUivcP-.: The fiillnwliiK prueowlmi id die drWer Iiiiiim) id ilia Nw Mexieoii-Kiol-iiiiruaru eniiiwl f foot in rvHirt 111 hnturdii New MexhjsiiPeb.H FMIDAY Ff RNOON I'Iim hoiiM) imlled liyinler hi i p 111. wlih IIih iih-jkur 111 tllm-ll ITT. A iliionuu Utrniit , ieient ttioleniii prorveili. to IiuIdiiimM. Tlie olmlr iiiuiuiieul Him eniin.-il ub-stltllli-s fur ('. It', No. 'J I mid SU Aeu In ' i-iiwnirsKeil b-ei migHr i.u'i rn tiHiieii ,11111111 mill .iiieiter nun iiiieiu Un- mhn-Ini ' order (or lli.s Nlieriiuini. Tlie ulers siiiIhI 'lent the hill wan ma in nn n.i.iili. Mr. Il.itsiiliin itilnnimil lite imusi- tlmt eoiinell Miti.iiiiihi (or C.ll'-. No. tH mill 'ill wns in lii room Imvliig been referred 10 him m I'liMiriiinn of li'-eniimilite.l on lliMiii'i-. Mr oiih iiiovoil thin ihei'liniriauii id tlie eiiiiinilliue on tlnaneu .dr. 11 item 11 b. ikUIimI to ur inn enuiiell siiiwiliuies nr l!. ir. .o,ji huh au in hum uoiiho nn. lin'ilmiHlj for ilm eoimlileniilini ul tin- mi no. I'Iim ionium a'iim I'ilriliiil. m - - ' .1. o 11. im.viio.ii p.i,-i ...i.i ui iimv-iiiiii i'i Ull IIIIIIMI IH-IIV1T"I WHIIH-II IIU"llll- inr n II'm S'h SI ..nil 11 uilliiiiii rHtuiniiiiiiiiili.. lion ns tlieeoi IIihi had Imil tei iiukiiiik .MrSiiu laoveil 10 un I11H1 ' roiliniln f 1110 wiiuie lor un- 1'oiiaiiinninoii , i- iuin-ii suhsiilHtofiirr. Ill No. ai mil 3U. ur I'lUlliiflii niiivad t aiii'iid the iiiolluii of Mr H.-uiiUy hhivIiik Unit tbe InU tw resd the ilnnl Utile pruimrutnry to ltn pnnsiigu. Hull mill waanrdarnl on tin naaaiiWH of CMItirll nilw'lliitM fori' ll. S - SI nd W 1 1 wiim ill- lo'i'twiiia reeiio: A)eai n.iy. I U. H. It-ltCHII tn Volltiit ll . W !itoUt'l tlx I'll.ilr i.'ili'il III il roup 'i Mill.ti'lll f" ' ll.ii M H uii'l An 4ii in eui-ouia" ! -iitfio l ' inn.. Wmiiiii la in mill'. nn n. i. mi; t- eleietl llw inilirii v-ne of Hi lum . ilwiuirrd Ilia nam- insl. WunilSflllit Mis 'bnre lilll p iaxiMlte eoiiiiBll by a unanimous voi iliaouiy uiMUiber ul (he laKlslulure t fhiht tin HiHituie wa 'h' oil'' Hint frum iiur own itfluvnl town ' IM (f oil 0Hilr the thx'i'i or th'-nuly iu-.-i .uii ir lai'tor) in ihe iorrl'r. Thero ii a llo.inu ehiireli wlwre the oniUrUill loll box Iw i ski d bell etui. Wmm In It whll rlusj inily arbfii n llltrllW IHh Wll 11 Hid Mlrt sitngv hurrbaoert .iri' Uiu eaall) dene-u-d. , IMnu Opiinrtunlly, Lh Itetibon On iiuoount nf III liealth Nuiial" mis of the IJuffalo K. V. ex iiert waloh makers lias unmsto ltddv aud Inu niieiied n jowolry stare nn a a . . . . 1 1 . I a IAhiioii si. ue is tiiorougniy ooinpe tut uud proflelent In his e tiling and will in tlm future turn nut good eon riaullflua work he guarliitaaaall work s itlsfuclory or iimtiey refunded seiilliimra nsat tea. spiom unit llav wlug extnwt at Luverty'a. Your mnn- .u i.!7.i. if tin... imi (..ii... ,1... . " V.1":' "t.." """" " oj UlinriH Ml" IIIUI ! rIX'i.M. ran iale 1 heavy draft taum, 1 wir nf gomt wnrK rmrea auiwioie tor turtn iim several old hnrswii, I k"m1 ex'kinu alore, 1 in- elii-ht I M-t hitiiea--. t i ittt iv I r i v s in .i.,v 12 i,i Preparing for Spring . . , By soiling all Winter Goods at sacrifice prices is what we are doing these cold days f Two Months Yet Of Cold Weather. But we are compelled to sacrifice profits on Winter Stock to make room for Spring Goods. Don't be 'drags" in the procession. Come early and take advantage of some of tho Bargains wo are offering in all kind of Fall and Winter Goods. fruit lrrr$, ra., Iiruti. Frees, all vnrltlcs fruit ami ornu mental vines, bulbs, garden seed, etc e-lajl adapted to this climate, at Muyuard r-r urp's. Experience six ycurs, free to rf .,trciiiiRrs tr stock. Alfid's nrrnl fur iiiiIm nl 4U ei-ids par lb, A. K ni.t, l lori-iiouN. M Kiiinr Hurl l.omt Will lnnti 10 riMpoiMttd' inrlle", nn pin vi Ho ier-ii imih iiiIIk from l'liir"ti(t ilt-lHU. I will ny nier mmel nuil Isxeii uini inni iinri'd inmiliUmp. Tlielnnd i iii nml i(iiiI. Wm. 1'utti.ii, Unnirnl ony. a I , Schlllng's best at Laverty's; your money buck If you don't like them, Don't fall to attend Gro wler's unction. HiituriUy morning ut 10 o'clook In fnmt of his store. Hotisebutd and kitchen fiirnitiire oansiallng of bed room suites, tables, chairs, reTrlgorutore etc., Cull at Laverty's for Schilling's masted oo llee; none better. Nii'li ..f N., In tbw DUVIot Court ol Ilia Httli Juillslsl Dlitrlat of IImi Twllonr ol Sirs- .Msxtoo, within sua for the county nt lUlily. William W. Ogle ) t)nvli I., Kom) and Kdwnrd 8. Lyell. I CoinpotluK ill itrm nl Kemp A-l.yoll J Tie' said delendnnts, Usvtd L. Kemp and lidworii s. Lyell, oumiolng tl nnn oi Kemp & t.yll nr hereby notified tltst n null lanMiimpiU by attnehnwiu tins Iimu , wmwwiawi AaHliwi lliwn In ilWialil Mrl 1 ii ml thin una lor the county uf I V III lUlilv j territory nfonwilil, by the wld plnliltllt William W. k?1i be i to recover tlie Mint ol I,. WSl.tll olalnim! due slid uwlmr on no- 011 Uxi. , count of ilireocvrtnln trvmiprr uiius. one count of IIHIUI IfUWIIIimi ftw, .w, .... wtrr u , of nUltllin. ue muUe licooinboriit. IKIJ, niaOi DuoeiniHir is, ikm, wriivum, i ita iui I. . favor I SJII W. In 'orol A N. Pratt, mm iiy .iiiin I. , .VJ IUI imiialorrt il tn iilalntlf!. unit one in ue rTHi. 13IK. VM. for w. 111 favor ol 4. u. .1 . u. unmvrun 'rntt nml by llireo of Mild i ,- li'm ' dllliDIT liiinterred to A. N. I'i iixtulerrxi to iiiamiirf. nu i iiuum twins K mndo Uy UefomiMtita and Oenr- UK liuereoi hi is twrcciu twrannuui. Ammiotof damaae claimed all. ihrr with lulri anil aol of stiff. f lull your nrujHM-ty luit ln aitaaliBil, vln .ot. iitfmut-rV IT. IQ, II anil 3. Ill Dlook Ii ol n invni ol llioenu, nddy county, New 1 l lie M 1 1 hii.i that Mnleaa you entar your an III naio oatiao on or udtare the tuT oiiurt, boliia tha first Si i oil itny ol ii M mioiiv uuu UK' liar of ! r of Mffy. A. i r-l &:mtut you an r ii lU'iKiii.'iu uy uoiauu invn.- ill Ifwivlh H-111 uo Id h, iii,.iy in- .imi'. , U II- II- lUaatoK U. 11. It. lUltlLToK. J a.. Clerk l)oKJty. ITotmau iduieron. AUomeyn for MalntlH N.illf nl nil. lo tba Ituuiot court of tha, Nltti JudMnl W. A. Kerr j nt talil (lafniliuitii, DrtIiI 1 Kmwii anil uifwanl A. l.ynll. eoniDoilns Uur nrm al RiP 4 bxsli. ara harjftjy noililad tkfl a Mitt In nniiuiiil.t by att&thmwit lina I wan oMtiaeMHWi smiHiu in em n um as trlct court within and for the oounty. lanrjfr I dr. lerrltery aiorveam, ny iaa aan I IT. A' KBIll IUIBTOIW .Ull. j, vvm, ' elalswd to bo duji aud "wins on aacouut o w. A Kerr. , fTo'tTaMid dlm.ui. bhSK tin. and on aceouiit oi u orrum iiromii haI. mailMlhalMh rlav Al JalaUAPV nutiln (hnSWh dav of January. A. n inetisiei main in invor oi inaiuiiti SI M, parable tUty ilaya ntlardatc. Will anpunt (rmu dulv tUerxl until paid. niafwoui innrHinoi i r evut ihm- uaiBiRvciaimrtji lilto-ui. tlial (M town of Pliwulx. in ih Munty oi territory ol New ifi xicn, hii ato lha r.iu',iiua & nuiuoitSsl iw lunuiur.' mu Ii i aao ol oar bureau, in- vaenneu iwriuai I'ouiiSuituf lu 9 kmI eomnletc. : aud certain i ol illaM. T,r vaialniidamlom- Mow nwiMuraul nstUrM. ioiim-iIu of raus, Ubl i-Uatre. ivu inx. aui ud III turf., roDilatfnu ol liar. hi ii III r. im euot. iHmiMf ,nd Iaiuim ns atava, laiup you em i' your Sppra; lli May mus' ill iur aaiii ihum on n im inn Mil. iUv of till. court. Iienjt llw- II r. I Mou llav mid Iih- Old day of M.t. A i IntfT. till) nml the 3td day luifvtiii llt l! d. lnull l IIU-M HI HOI IH I. IIIK'l iilaiii-iii-( you i. nil . ur oi ii,- rt -i.i in ,.nt,il- Hie aun IIMI II 1 II OH "V Jil . ill. f II , II, v I r l la K furuiturwa lauK usr. mim ohaln, tSblei s And nml UHIM V Joyce, Pint C Cassigoli, Of iter In FANCV GROCERIES . . . ESPECIALLY IMPORTED Temperance Drinks, Cigars and Tobaccos, Full line of Fruits, Piincv Candy Fresh Every Week. ctJvJO. jVlllobEl, and !, Shop near cornor of Oreene and Can on streets. I'lniis and spcclllca lions llgiintd mi and estimates muds for all kinds of work. tot ITimiitum Hopuirod At Lowest Kutos. . . . A. T. WINDHAM City Livery Stable. NOBBY J. F. MATHESON, .commission Am Gonornl Hay, Grain, Socd, Food, Blacksmith Coal and Ice delivered in the Oity. I noons, noun. PICKETS, 8ASU, etc, 1 oaoo-n.eO'tkci9c25s'0'5.-kO-ao8'3a.wil G. F. IT , Kobertpon. All kinds of new work n ilprelnHr farming luii4Hiiit (if nil SlH'Ur paired, unihoit oolloe. IK IKS I'. SHOHINU IUARAN 11'. LI) A I IIO'-K lliH l ;JM run KM Canon St. Op. Current Olllco (5 Co. Town Mar.lotl Miuauueetaral, flr ulri)', 1""m.,!",'u f"'elf a csudldsta Mr msrshul at the coinfng town oii-ntmn. Sent Millh. ELECTION PrtOCTAMATION An elrolliin hereby ordured In On t nt the court hounu In thu loan of EdJ the flint Tuesday lu Adrll 1807 It b' the 6ih dny llmro of for (Im dd n "K of iki iiuk n mayor 10 nre obo yenr lvri l-w (tu-tcn lo eerre two yrara one tru tea loaerre an umpired lurm of one ji ar, A town tnArnhiil to eerre tine yrar. A rttoordi-r toserrrone yenr. One uiem'itr of lite board of education to term Ihree 7nr. The following pertotm nre hen by Hiiilnled lo huld .aid elefllloti In nooor dine with Ihu laws governing ti n leoiluu in the Territory or N, u. A. ti Kllloii tv. W, Anilemnn nml N. Cnn nlughsm, judge, Ed. 0. ItoberUon Dunosn, clerks Done by order of tho bonrd of trun'ie of Urn (own of tidily. TIiIn Und dsr ol ttnroh 1817 J. E. Lavj.jitt If von want it L'lioil shave or b iir cut go to tiio bloom's. wintc Front Frlm;. n- (Jitiion St Kddy N. Mm. W, Fonviirdiiig A. N. f KATT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES BLACKSMITH and Wagon maker, Feed and Livery Corral inionncrtiun AeeommodQ tion and HiitiftfnrHoii.gaaratt-