Newspaper Page Text
THE EDDY CURRENT. Pocon Vnlloy to the Front, Cronkors to tho Ronr. vol. y. EDDY, N13W MEXICO), SATUKDAY, MARCH 18, .181)7. 0. 18. w2- m bcw r f MUlljinoiiVn A TMiiimtir n JLLUU IUI1UJ.JVI1 1 lVXJVlillVj TUnKISH MINISTER PEARS HIS LIFE 18 IN DANGER. The lTirnniml lid Formally l'rnlilrl tn III I'airt m Asnlnit the Kipulilun nf Ui (lrk t'oniul from t!rt-Turki lie. puliFilnn Attack by ttlirUtUnt Allien, March 10. There In lntcno nuxlity horo rolnllvo to the action tho power will dodlde to adopt In eho ftww of tho reply of tho Greek government to their deinstall for evacuation of Crate by tho Greek truopit nnd tho withdrawn! of tho Greek fleet from tihe C rot. hi water. Greece being willing to give In m to tho fleet, but holding that her troop Hhould be allowed to lemaln nnd be uiKid ly the wwor to resloro order. In nny ohm, It In nut believed here Hint the proposed bloak ado of tho Greek (tunnta will bfiln be foro tho Cud ot hc week. It Is rajKirtfd that the Turkish minis ter hai naked to be roralled, m ho feaw III lire I 'In danger. Or. Temple, archbishop of Canter bury, lit Muit n dlHpulch to the Ma mrpolltfln of Alitor, In which ho y that the otttatilff lienl church of Knglnml 1 praying oarneetly to Almighty Gal in Rive the CiettUM liberty. Justice ntntl MM. Tli reserve contJtnue to arrive from tlio province nnd the enutew enthu siasm Is displayed. The full text of Hi Greek reply to the powers Is glut ei .illy approved. The limphemerhi, the governmont or gan, nmwrta that order have been Mint to Commodoro Saohtourl to malnlaln tho position of Cho Orcok Host In Cre tin water oven though tho power threaten to uo force, nnd tlmt Prluca (icorga himself ha vltKUd PlaUnla to Instruct Col. Vuc to remain whore he I In tho Interior of the Ithind. Com madoro Bachtourls, on board tho Hy- i'i,'J. has already left Crete. i yTho government hn formally pro- wi tended to tlu power ngalnet the ox- f . I.. ' I . - I . J . . I fwaHb IIIIHIUII Ul III!) imTR CUIIBIII IHMIk a'retf. The Turk I bii gun bran ha tv- ,iM .ulwl an ntlnck upon Ilelmpotro by ,.,..t)uo uni'Utliina. who arcitpicu siratcgio r i ixiinu nrar the town. r.u Tho Greek torpedo tlotllhi, under ' U imniBnd of Prlnco Uwjrce, ban beon if it.. ii.. i unirrvu wi jitiu mu eniinii aiiuiutivui if the Greek flotilla. I ' A I'lilumlng Meridian. MIm., Murcli 10. A pol .ulnR com which promltM to becomn fjmoui hna been brooKht to llitlit In Kemper county. MUm. Dr. W. II. Mparomb. n promlnont tihyatelan. iukI Guy .lark, n wealthy merchant of Scoalia. have been Indicted by the Brand jury for the murder ot C. I. Stuart far the imrpo of olimitiliiR i ho value of liiRurnnee pollckxi on Stu urt'K life. nKxrefsntlnR- 1x8.000. hold by fitiy Jack. A pout mortem examination wait mada and wioiirIi utryclinlne found In stuurt'H atoinsch to kill a herd of cat tr. Dr. l.lMcomb wm placed on trial nt DeKalb, the county neat of Kompor Hiunty, yiBtwday iuiiI a Jury neeured. Tho Inlroduotlon of tentlmony will be ptn this tnornliiR. There havo been moro than n dozen douth itlmllar to that of Httmrt In Kemper county In the last few year, nnd tho authorltle wiy they havo pwltlvo proof ahowlnR that thero have been orpanltod Rang of promlnont men In Kempr county who Imvn grown rltfi by liuurlns the live of poor pooplo nnd then pobtonlng them lor Innurnnco money. Tho Hnultnble, the New York I.tfo nd Mutual llodervo I'uiid l.lfo Inmir tv coiiijianlM of New York and the M-Uual lleneflt Ijlfo Iimunniee oonitm ny of Newark. N. J., havo len mulcted for lnryo miiim by the aliened ranaplr tor ami the InRuraneo rampatilea nro proMcultne the raw with Kret vigor. WnlrMiiff llm I. . MempliU. Tenn., March lO.-Col. Pat rick Henry of llewieo, Ark., aRmt at WaAhlHRtett for nil the lew dtotrlete Iohk tlie MlaatMlrilH liver, aimu tke day In Uie elty and viia olll Iim ly the danscr tn tho lovewi from the IiIrIi snler. Cot. llonry Mid that 1m hal spectl to remain In the eaat for xniie time yet on oiwount of the fuM vr? ot the pillnt to Irii the rtvem i viNv liA. bmi BiiihmAMinnir nil nnnr una iii vnn weiion oi mo cwuinry up mri- tl iot lumto to orajMilM the force Ui tight It. YMtorday he had a couferiMve with Cant- Graham, the United State engine!' In charge ot the lower swtloii of the river, and m n rewilt of that tn United State lioat Titan haa.boou f detailed to pattol the lower port of tho river. Col. 1 1 Miry and tho other por tion tiMt deeply Interested In the tnalnton&nee of the levee will organ lie a force at men to walk the levee tlay and night, and In the event of the vater uliowing a tendency to rut Into It" levee at any place word will be nt to the Titan and ho will proceed ,i MHn to tho wmo with audi' tent ka of Fmi i j prj'i' t any ordinary rrl(ht Mf n .Mr. I. Richmond. V.. March 9. Tho chief oflleara ot the freight tramr department of tho various southern ml Iron (In nrn In secret sseslon at the Jefferson hotel. Tho bualn question under discus Dion nre of vltnl intercwt, nnd tho nt tendance io In connciiucnco litrce. The mectlnK Ih hold ptiMtmnt to a call Ik tied by the executive committee ot the Houthern FrclRht naeoclHtlon. Tho fiolnht iimniiRorH eonvenwl at noon nnd after a dlnooMlon conmimliiK about an hour and n halt behind closed door, an adjournment wan tuken for lunch. They wro In nelon all the afternoon and yctrday evening. They declined to make pubtlr their deliberation, which related to tlio rnUMwar In the Kouth. lr In w(il no aerceinent wa renohed. Tho Deenlon will bo contl ued to-day. Prominent olllelnls of i tho luuthorn roodi prracnt. arc them .Mr. W. W. Plnley, third vleo prcHldent of tho Southern railroad, (lenoral Matiflger Heubeu Fotr ot the York Itlver road; Thomo Heott ot the (ItorRla railroad, Tronic MinuiRor T. M. rtiiierton of tho Cotmt Mno nnd Mr. John .M. lengtin nt tlt CeorRln and Ohio Central. lliirnril In Itrntli. Nw York, March 10. Hire floors of a llrenilory lint 'building nt Auburn Plnce ami Cmiton Hireet, llrooklyii, woro gutteil by fire yestonlay. Ono mnii wa burned to drath and a woman nnd child woro killed. Tho dead are Mr. Annl Duncan nnd Child and Charle Gmldnrd. Tho lire broko out noon after noon. Tho flnmuH tip rami rapidly. Mr. An nie Diincnn. on tho fourth floor, bolncd her S-niontli-old child In her arm and, driven from tho hullwny by tho advancing llamra, nmliml back Into her room nnd Kprang blindly from n win dow. In tho deeccnt tho Infant slipped fiom hor graMp and fell Into tho gutter, being ItiMnntly klllod. The mother Htruck a coping on the flrtit floor und then fell to tho atrcet. Her skull wa fractured and u leg and nrni broken. DoxpltD her tcrrlblo lujurlo hIio nt lomptoil to uo to her child, but foil eK with n scitdni. Hliu wn romnved to a hoflpllal, where he died taut night. Charlei Gnddurd, to yenr old, a con Kiimptlvc, whlU trying to odoupe, wn orcrconut by tho (inoke nnd auffocatcd. 1VooiIiiiii nlllif Wurlil tlllMTVII St. I.oul. Mo., March 10. Tho hoc ond blennlHl convention of tlio sover eign rump, Woodmon ot tho World W4 culled to order yiMtordny with about tlfty delegate proacnt from Hourly ev ery lnto in the union. Joeeph Cnlkm Hoot, sovereign ooiimiI commnnder and founder of rhe order, wii In the chair. There I much important biMluem to canto tutor tho order and it la gener ly. understood tlmt wnm working law will bo changed. The elou are ciet. During tho Mlan It U excctod tlmt much onnlroveroy will develop ovor tho proponed aopartitlon ot the oninpj In the iiurthorn hIiiIom from thoto In the noulli, awing to nn allogdil difforonco of tho dwith rate in tho two foctlou of tho country. ,Muil Ui-Hir. AMlnchleola, Kla., March 10. Tho Cuban who hnvo aincmble lioro loft Monday night on tho temer Griggs for an unknown dtvtlimtlon. It wn reported yetorday evolving that thoy landed at loin. It 1 reported that tho tug Monarch which took llftcen Cuban on board nt St. Joseph on Sunday night, la now at sen on It way to Culm. The Cubans confidently Mort that nn expedition will leave noon. Tho Mar blehead llnlshed coaling nt Ponsacoln and left for an unknown deatlHutlon. A number ot detective nre her. The Montgomery la atllt here and keeping cloet YlgMance. Klllluii'uin Trulllilr. New York, Marah 9. Unlwwi Dan Stuart speedily make new arrongo in wit it I probable the photograph nf each blow In the Corbtt-l'lUwIiii-man flght will not be Uken, a the three machine ot the Klnetoncope comiNHiy which were to have gone to Carson are held 'here to await a losul deoWon. Thla -oHipMy b yH mikI by Gcorfe Gregg and the iMechluett ara In the hands ot the sheriff. I'mnMsn to relMse them without tit customary three day for oxamluaUon of the ee ourlty bond was denied. Illtva )...! I'lglilliif Canea, IhIbuU of Crete, March 10. Tim tlghtlng txtwen the Insurgent and the eonlun of Turkish trooiw drawn around Akrotlrl lia coawd and tho liiHurgenUi nro now removing thir imnip with a view to avoiding naval bombardment. It ho been ascertained by tho foreign consul at Ottndla tlmt the report formerly dented ot tho m& Mere of 400 poreon In village In tho Sltla district Is correct. At St. IMitt the sentence of Joint 8-hmldt, has been roniumiej to twenty. Rve jears in the jvotnteiularv Tho German Safety Vault and Trust r mpany of Loutsvt K mad ' aa ''"Htntnfnt tho other day . DAUGJI DKiliL HANGED HE PAYS THE IJEATH PENALTY AT GADSDEN, ALA. Tr.llne Htilrtiimn W Miirilercii tf llllii ttt(llirUlln.Kr-Th Hisntloa Indilo 111. lull nil UllneinllirTwo Doifii l'rnii Illrmlnghnm, Ala., March 0. Collin ot ono of the best families In Alnhnma, wn hanged nt Gadsden at 1 o'clock yesterday for tho murder ot J. I. Hate of Montgomery, a traveling salesman, which occurred In Gadsden on Dec. SI, lHUi. Dnughdrlll, who had been In Jail hero for tsifv keeping since hi crlmo, wn taken homo to bo hanged Thurs day afternoon, llt'cnuro of a rumor that friend would attempt his rescue t Gadsden Jail Thursday night that plnco wn guttrdod nil night by deputy sheriff nnd nn armed deputation ot tho Traveler' Protective amocIiUIou, ot which Date was n member, and which body prosecuted the prisoner. Tho night pamwd off without trouble. Dnughdrlll slosplng little. He derated most of the night to writing letter to friends. When nkd It lie did not wmit n minister to olTor spiritual con solation he told the counselor "To go to h I wltli his - d d preachers." Yeotmlay morning lie con, nld to allow a minister to call and hold brief services, but he manifested no lnterat In thorn. Datighdrlll' young wlfo and two IxiblfH wre with him In the oell alt tho morning, tho woman weeping movtt of tho time, nnd the children, unconscious of their father's approach ing doom, playing about tho cell. The woman was heart-broken, but Daugh drill, though nervous, displayed llttlo fsollng. Tho oxrcutlon occurred Inside tlio Jnlt and wn wltnemed by Jirnt two dozen persons, mostly deputy sheriffs. All othor woro excluded nt tho request of Dnughdrlll and his relative-, who In sisted that tho pniKtr hud not treated him fairly. On tho giillmvfl IXiughdrllt'H oonl nerve nnd absolute stolomm were with him. Ho mndo no Hpoeoh, only telling n tow friends good-bye. Ills Inst word wcro directed to like young brother, John, the only relative present, whom ho told to mnke a man of hlmrclf. at which tho boy burst Into tear. Th condemned man protested to the last that ho bnd been treated lud. Tho drop broko hi nock and lie died ! In V' n minute. A Slln IH.mlrr Hiia.!ngt:n. Ark., March 1 Mine II of tho Kunsn and Toxus Coal oampiny of till place exploded Thurttdny even ing, burning thlrty-tlve men. all of thorn terlotisly nnd name fatuity. Dead Hud Ilauley. Tho Injured Joo HublKtrd (roioretli, badly burned, will probably tlio; WIN Ham Hanley (colored), Iwdly bunted, will probably tile; 1. V. Krlckor, iMtrn ed on arm, head and fare; T. Stutoner. badly burned, may not recover; An drew J'ox, badly burned; Ktinl Cablo (colored), probably fatally burned; Marshall Hutch, burned fiovcxely on head nnd faco; W. II. 1 1 lie. track-layer, severely burned; John Hnrrl (colored), hands, faco and head burned; Jehu Patterson (colored), badly burnsd, thought to bo Injured Internally; Dor iftiffalter (volorcHl). burnetl on head, shotildoi and arm; J. Hill (oolored), hands and head burned; William Mor rlf, badly burned on face, hoad and nrms; William S. Cnrlem, severely burned and cut on the head. In a se rlou condition; William Maxwell, very badly burned; WII I lean Gartenslilre, binned on face, neck nnd head. Mine 41 Is situated about a quarter of a mile north of the main part of town. It was a atlaft mink six year ago but abandoned for about two year. This summer it slope wo driv en to the old working and It again oomnienoed to produce coal. Over 100 men, halt ot them negro, wore em ployed In the mine. About 1:J0 o'clock a multled roar vtaitlel the people und they turned their heads toward the mine. A col umn ot smoke and debris eliot up high from the ulr shaft at the mine. Over the open ground and net work of rail road track rttehed mott and women. Many of the latter had husband and other members of their famlllw In Uie mlno. In a few minute after lb explosion the men oommeneed to ap pear. Home were not burned at all. while other appeared with their skin hanging upon their faces and hands, or lKtnglng In ribbons. The work of looking for those un able to walk up tho slepe we at once begun, Superintendent Vail of the Kan see and Texas mine directing the work. One by ono the Injured were brought out and taken to their home. A nevero storm vbrited Texirkaau. Ark . a few day ago At 1-eon I T recently, II. A. llsll waa tfavbed tj Jea'U Hum nil Nant Washington, Mnroli 0. The senate wa In ik'sslnn only about two hours yesterday, and the greater part of tho time was spent in executive melon In eonflrmlng Mr. McKlnley's cabinet ap pointment. Whlio In executive session the credential of Mr. Ilnnna. as sona. tor from Ohio to succeed Mr. Sherman wow presented by Mr. I'oraker. and bo was worn In by Vlc.Preldnt Hu bert. Mr. Davis ws also designated acting chairman of the committee on foreign relations to succeed Mr. Sherman, lie yond the usual notifications to the pres ident nothing further was dons. Tho chamber was n botanical gurden when Vice-President Hoban called the senate to order. Seldom has there betn a more gonerou display of roue and beautiful flowers. In most Intaance tho senator who hail been en bounteously rmnbred by their friend were new senators, and the favors were without oxceptlon bestowed upon Republican senator. Mr. Wotroti, of Colorado, who had but JuH returned from Ills mission In the Intfrtr or bimetallism, was in hi eat early hi the cession. The gullerles were crowded to their utmost cniHirlty, and muy people stood on the outside from early morning anx ious to secure admission, Uinugh (Heap pointed In Umu rpm to the end. Tho dlplomatlr (wllnv was the only oxcep tlon. None of the seats In this gallery were occupied. The cabinet nomlnallm were sent In at 12: IK. The senate went Into ex ecutive seiMlon. und after the continua tion adjourned. Washington. Murch (l.-Tho llcpubll csiu of tho house oiitielputlug Hie extra session of congress hnvo nrrnnged to hold a caucus on tho evening ot Satur day, March 13. Tho call wnn Issued yesterday morning by lleprontatlvo Grnsvenor. the chairman of the caucus. Tho speakership will be decided then and probably there will Iw uo opposl tlmi to tho rn.electlan of Iteed. Th method of putting the tariff bill through tho house nnd iiossibly tlm question ot organizing committee nuiy be con, sldorcd. It purl ul th Nturm. Chlttito. III.. March (J. Tho storm which raged throughout tho "ddle went on Thursday night stand unpar alleled not only for the great extent of territory over which It raged, but for tlu amount of wator proclpltnted. At Cincinnati tho rainfall reported by the weather bureiii olllelabt amounted to 8.XS Inches, and flood are reports' from almost every telegraphic station from Pittsburg on the eat to KaneQ City on Hie west, and from tlio laic to the southern boundary at Tenuemec. lu Nome luttnnre Uk wind reached the velocity of a hurricane and much tlamiigt! to dwelling, lxirn. fences, orchards and forci hn betn reported from various point throughout tho district. At Culro, III., several build Intel wcro unroofed nnd one or two dwelllnga were blown down, oatwlng the death ct an Infant inmate. Throughout southern Illinois, Indi ana and Ohio tho damage to railroad property In tho form of wuhout, making trafllc Impossible, ami In the wrecks caured by tho softening of tho roadbeds I Immense. A oonsldorablo loo to tho pooplo a a whole will bo caused by washing away of bridge and roadway, which haro been built upon tho rural dis tricts at a cost of millions ot dollar, and which In many case have been totally destroyed. Owlntt to the demortllaatlon of rail way tntflk', the mall local to tho de luged districts huve been greatly delay d, while the through service over tho trunk line east and west and north and south ho been badly i rippled, t'rulitn TrimliU CiiiiIIiiiim. Atk'M, March The Greek gor ernmeat ha protested against the al ienee of admiral In command of the foreign fleet In tho Cretan water whh teferenee to the dsmand'of the Greek commodore. Hachtourls. that he be allowed to communicate the order of King Oearge to Col. Vaesor, In eom rosRd of tke Greek army of oooupaUon, and requesting that he be allowed to go to the OMUtauoe of tho beeteged Turk at OumUtno. The gavernmsnt has sent a dlMth to K representative abroad, communi cating the abovo fncu to them, ami adding that the Greek oablffet belleret that slnee the admirals and tho con sul have witnessed the failure ot their efforu to rata) the elge, It Is their de sire to pluee every obstacle In the way of the Greek' erfort to do so, ho that tn the event of a maswore they will bf able to throw tho responelblllly upon the shoulder ot tho Greeks. The dis patch eontlntH,;: "We have Instructed our ooniHil at Canea to Inform the Turk who requested his Intervention oi the hindrance treated by the foreign er ' In view of tho oontinuu arrival ot ttte Turkhli troojw on h frontier u I j be'lerel Hat Groero wilt mi out m rem nod r t her remtym. TDK OATTJEMIiN MEET IN ANNUAL CONVENTION AT SAN ANTONIO. All IhoOlil ontrnri Vff lt.trt1 Willi mil 0iii)illlini Niliu.roiM llrinlutloni I'rrtrnlKit anil Ailiiptnl lijr llm Atiorts. Hun An Annuity Vamp San Antonio, Te... Msreh 10, The Cattle Hnlsern' oclntlon ot Textt tunveniHl nt 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing. President Hush nnd all thj oluccr of t lie nnrintloft being present. Dlvlno bm..lng wae InroMd by Itev. A. J. liar rln. Hon. It. I,. Hall, of San Antonio, lu behalf of the city, eloquently wel comed the visitors. President Hush briefly responded on behalf of tho as sociation. A telegram from Hon. Jatues Wilson, tho new secretary ot agricul ture, was read, congratulating the asso ciation upon the progress madn nnd tho good work being done, also expressing regret Hint the rcent resumption by him of hM duties precluded hi attend ance. On motion ot Iko T. Pryor, Chicago, wa tltnukrd for abolishing the I per head charge heretofore made on broken ribbed rattle. Hinging resolutions were adopted In nilvotwy of the iwseage of a stringent game preservation law. On motion of I.. P. Wilson, of Wich ita county, lb" association declared It belief that the stockyard companies of the country could ufford to reduce yard age nnd feed chnrges, tho present rates being considered unreasonable. Kan tan wns thanked for tho passiiEO or the hill fixing ir cents uh the maximum chargo In this lino. t'ol. C. C. Slaughter of Dallas moved n rradlug of Hie by-laws of the associa tion, with n view to tlxlug tho salaries ot Its allloars. Ho spoke strongly In favor of thla, but nn nmoudmeiit offered by Mr. Kle berg of Nticcca county relegating the matter to tho executive commltteo pre vailed by mi overwhelming vote. On motion of Col. I. T. Pryor tho present ranger force, was stronitly com mended for Its excellent work, and tho legislature wn requested lo mako milt able provision for It maintenance up on a decent basis. The resolution of protest to tho Icgls laturo upon the oleoiuargerlne question wa ndoptcd. ProMldent Hush appointed tin follow ing committee to visit Austin lu fur therance of It provisions: It. J. Kle berg. John N. Simpson nnd O, W. Sny der. I'pou quarantine matters the follow ing resolution proposed by the execu tive commlltM' wa adopted; Whereon, our present lire stock sani tary law I defective and Incomplete lu many rotpocbj: and, Whereas, a bill hn been Introduced In ;hn leii ite of the Mtatn of Texas by Senator Tunny, which Iieh lieen c.iro fully examined by our committee on legislation nud found to current all de fects of our present law and to supply the necessary '.cglslutlo'i upon the sub ject; therefore l It Hesohed, by this convention, that a committer be appointed to ttrce the prompt paasnge of the bill. A communloiitlon requeuing tho as tmlatloii to asilst In tho prosecution of tlio slayor ot Sheriff J. I Dowe, of Ihldy. N. M., wn then read und referred to the oxoeutlvo oomwlttc. The next order wn tho slsctlon of otllcer. Pol. Ike T. Pryor In nn eloquent and eulogistic speech, proposed tlio re-el ac tion of Mr. A. P. Hush,, who hail served the noctntlon for nine year. During Mr. I'ryor remark President Hush re .lrd from hi place, calling on Seerc tar living to preside. The noir.lnntloit of Mi. Uush wm seonnded by Col. C. C. HUughter of Da I hi a In an eloquent and emphatic manner. Col. Slaughter of Datlua uld he took great pleasure In seconding the nomlimtloo, particularly so since he had been appointed against Mr. Uush a year ago for the place, and lie now nkd those who fol lowed him Inch lo follow him how Hi voting for Mr. Hush. Tho election ot Mr. Uush wa made unanimous, and uon the announcement of Hie result tho band struck up Dixie, while the audi ence applauded. Mr. Hush responded In feeling terms In till demonstration, and then on mo tion all the old ameer were re-elected follow' It. J. Kleberg of Kettee. first vice president; A. 0. Hole ot Chauiiing. second vice president; It. It. Ilarrohl of Port Worth, treasurer; J. C. tovlug of Port Worth, secretary. The association then adjourned. VltltMl h Wliltrmpt. McKlaney. Tea.. March 10.-W. U Nebwn, ot this city, sent three Negroes to work Mine land ot hi a few mile southeast yt McKlnney Monday. Just a the uegroe were proceeding to work soen white mm railed on them and in formed "ti- i.iuied laborsrs that tli-y would " i" .iiiii.Mii io work i:. that comninniiv iti r riii one tmi p wli;te ).U) .rer ft! ' .Ul uv- mich a'-ge Xt.o n gr j im away TEXAS NEWS ITEMS. At (lollnd, Oollnd county, W. Dunn, ewlty aeseeeor, died the other day from strychnine. Tho 3-year-old girl of T. 11. Scarbor ough, of Calvert, Hobertson county, a short tlmo ago, nto some belladonna tablet and died within a few hour. A son of Wm. Hedrlek. a farmer liv ing several miles south ot Denton. Den ton county, while playing bill recently, had hi left arm broken by falllrg ovor a rook. Near Holland, Hell county, whlio gin ning a remnant of cotton, n few day ago, Thompson' gin caught lire, but wa prompely put out. Damage light, nn Insurance. Granville llobluson, n colored man, aged OK, fell at his house an North Sec ond strcot, Wnoo, the other evening, nnd died In n few minute from hemor rhage of the lungs. in Trinity, Trinity eottnty. several itlghtM ago three highway robbers drew liielr plHtol on Charley Klllott and compelled him to glvo up all the money In tho store. No urrost. About three miles south of Kopperl Ilosquo county, recently, the 7-year-old girl of G. A. Latham wa burned to death, hor clothing ontchlng lire from walking too near a llreplacc. At GulneMvllle. Cooke county. Ira LIkIiI, aged about HO year, wan stabbed wltn n iKirkelkulfe the other day and m not oxperted to live. John Hlickburu, about the same uge, wn nrn'Nted. At Hoovlllo. I lee county, H. K. Tom charged with tho murder ot Hurnell Ilutlor, nf cc flftoeu months' Incarcera tion, Is a tree roan, "Not guilty." was the verdict of the Jury the other morn Iiir. At San Diego, Duval county, the run get nro active. On a telegram from Iletvllle, Heo county, Cnpt. Uoger cnt out a scout and captured about fourteen mile wcHt of San Diego two men chnrgrd with murder. Ofllccr Junto nnd Krceman arrested n man giving hi name a Penile, In Donlson, on tho charge of throwing eggb at the Houston and Texas Central IMtacngcr train us It wns leaving the union depot a few nlghta ago, A medicine tout an Knit I'rankllit street. Illllsboro, Hill county, a short tlm ago was htirglarlced and 110 stolen from the pocket of the manager. J II. and Will riealey and W. T. Kntheree were arrested on charge of the bur' glary. At MrKlniiey. Collin county (' D Hay hit tiled suit for fin,4Q0 ngnins J. M. Ue. J. T. McNulty. Tom W Pt Itlii. It. I., Wlilte nud the Wtntern tn ion Telegraph eonituy. The plaintiff charge defamatory publication In n newspaper and tho Western I ntuit ngent nt Wylle, Collin county, with de lating the delivery of a message Julius A. SteUoner. n prominent ex porter of cotton seed products, wan dis covered In nn uuconsclott condition In hlr room nt the Tremont hotel Galves ton, tho other morning. Dea'h resulted nn hour Inter. An autopsy thawed that death resulted from llrlght dlscann. The Gorman consul ha raided for In structions to relative In Germany Tho Cotton Holt railroad dumped two carload of Ironstone nt Greenville, Hunt county, recently, to be used a au experiment for inuuidnmlxlng on Bast street. If It works all right the Street will be paved with this won from the depot to tho public square Tim Ironstone Is very hard nnd tmiki a flue surface stone fur macadam Mr. Pearl lllxson. wife of W t II. x son. consul nt Poochow, China who left U ngvlow, Gregg county, n it bride when her husband wu appointed twi years ago, returned home the othT day She Is the daughter ot Sheriff J t Howard. Mr, lllxson brings with her an Infant duughlsr, born to them in China. Rhe made the entire ftp utone with her Imby. otlng over a month on the wtiy. In the Concha eettlemsnt. about right mile from Kenedy, Karnes romiiv II i llrMUUUHl WM tlOt HU killed morning ago. Chu of the tragedy nn known. Hrauuiim wn a newcomer t i thrl cotiaty. Ills iHtrent to imi und were notlllcd. The Caroline, on lines t-r i .rt Worth, biirnotl a few night ag It wa.i a tarn two-etory frame Mrueture flu l with boanlsr. all of whom esmprd bu many In thetr nlglK clothe. No tot of lite or Injury to person resulted Tin property destroyed was valunt .u Joouo Near Santo, Palo Pinto county J J lltadfonl, a section hand un the Tcxn nnd Psclllc railway, while Irving t boartl a moving freight train mar Hn depot, recently, loci hi footing and f-1 under the train. The truck of ij.o x too mm over one leg Jti-t bruw the knee, severing It from the IkmIv Hon SHohii of lnl eounty wa ar' reeled by f't. W. J. Mcliona J i inly on the i barge of tbrt r .a"'' H waived exHtiilnlng trial at quatish H. rdemun inty and g.i. . r t f ? h i'p. aMn. . t tn -, i wl j Ciii.rt, u, uo, ncuiu ru e