OCR Interpretation

The Eddy current. [volume] (Eddy [Carlsbad], N.M.) 189?-1899, March 13, 1897, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061674/1897-03-13/ed-1/seq-5/

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Forworn have begun spring work.
A. T. Windham in in ToxttH on bust
trouk Agostlnn will agiiiti cotfugo
Icihn Franklin wni n lloawell vtatUtr
r fiuit wctik.
'Dun LuoAinml family wute In loU-n
m Tin work nt clentilntj up" at the
xaciory In about t-umniutc.
Mf. nnd Mm II. H Davis ontortoln
id Irlomln Thursday evening.
DUtrlct coutt will conrnno In May
uif mat .-ionuuy in .Mitrcti, uiu svin
A. V. Sutton, ti printer vliltor In
JKtmy in mm, tiled recently In Colorado,
Thn v V X rhiiBk woon wot Hi
town yetterday, londliiK with prorla-
Mr Atlrlhur dr Lantulut tletmrtPd
yesterday tor Katitiiolty whora h will
The town board hold ort of
mtit-tlnn thti week trylntf to net a
Thorn It morr bulldlm; ffolnjr on tuw
in Kddy than at any other Hiiih in the
paai inrimyt'iira.
Mra. , II. itullano r Hlowly Im
proving from her lit lllnric un nt
tu"k ( tint iirlp.
T. M. fnrdii" 1-tbolldinr mi nddltlnn
hi rcMlkii(y i-robi-rty tin tin- went
tnit of Main atieel.
U. A Nytneyer I now looking after
nik valuable pohWH-mn, ttw Tunn trtun.
in wmiu Ana nutrity.
lo. llnymu.i tin tvpt k roo-.ed int
t io uiimlintrivKiitiy onoupludu. a hit
ilnrd hall on Canon at.
Henry Ilnbb an i Ueo. Mllluirno left
Wodntiduy for the Mcarallorn Indian
nnoy oil a btwlnowt trip.
Mr. and Mm. .1. . f'rnfler have n
new awt wjio wilt be n ruler twenty
olio yaara from lust Thu: Hay.
Mr. r.nrf Mm. Ileulien Nannie un- the
Jiapiiy n client h i.t it new liu itl
who put in an iipprMrsnrr. M.ircii !.
Mr 'f. ) Sharp p'iK'ral freight nnd
panHfiiaur ojifiit in tin- l'lH-iiH Vnlli'x
rudwny it.oil Dal.'n: u buidncn'i the
pnt wee!t.
Severn! mnr Ihibii-.w. changes mo
pxpeetod within t be next week or t fit
tiny. Looks like e very tiling laehutiK
lujr around.
V. U. Wnoda hv- lenwd the limnk
i ti .Mt plum rifiu town and will run It
the f.iiilinr jour Iln will rtiature
nwn ri'V.s run noraea.
l'rw nrr huddlug nud amn 1 lf
rein 1'iiiaoo win cover tbe mnny
iredt of shade tree, when Kddy
to the lund of bounty."
( hr. Mrrchunt hint ittunlny
i. 'rif,m Aurthurde keiitiiltui
Hi ..u r tine mileli nt"cK cntialttiiiK
' rtr it"'l tuo year old helfoni nrino -
olm L. r.menon In now behind thw
ry tfomiM fountor nf .(nyce, PruH ii
0 He n n nlnasMiit mid iitrrcenhlft
inr; innn nnd woll qimlllled for tho
;l Vi. stokes who farmed tho
:innrir .v rronco mncii Ja- h hh-ii
h ! c t.aanid In mlnlim. Imvlnu dptiart
etl lnN vi-iU for the snllnaB mining
wmr near i uiarom.
Itr member meotlntr for the oruHiilzn
tl'iii iif tho club nt room , Tnimlll
Work, noxt U'ednoHdny evening nt
:M the 17th., i nut ead or Monday, ns
pnv'niHly announced.
M. T.. KelHey and wife of Iloutou
Mini:., arrived Innt wfik Frliluv.
Thi-y tarrlod lo vhll tholr nlore Mrii
N. Cunningham while en-routc from
California, hnin tn Itoaton
Thu Hrallas nt Oil.
The fnrmvra or the I'eoot Valley
met with Ihtj Farmer', l'nitnvi A-
sotiliitloii at the Otin nuhoul In U8f I Hit
Saturday evening to emialder i:u eun
tract lur rHinliig augar heeln, i.eeiitly
uiiureu uy uif ueei Hiigar eniniMiiy
The mveiing wan called to onior by
uii! prtwiHuui. ui inn aaauciaiiw.i, mi.
11.81 .inlm Murclie. Mr1. Si'w.ini nil
lug IiIh aecuHtoini'd plaen un necn iurj.
Tho minute nt previmm ini't-iing weif
(llHpiMinwl with and lira r.irlneni at
ouue goldowu to bUMiuvM, On mntlou
tho quotitlon f raining birt wuh
tukuu up and dmvuMd pro and ixui
fur iilxml un hour by dfleuuten from
.Malaga, Flnrrucf, Frnitrin. IlageruiMii
and tlie membpni or Hie nnsonlmlon itt
OtU. lHlapn whb rt-jirrwiiUMl by C.
II. iJlsliiimn and Mr. Monii. Franem h)
It HoltPrtMiii, Floii-iiw by ('apt. Smitli
4ml Uagvrinan by Mr. ilnwcii. The
t)tl people were im in rrw while
Kddy wan repremmtiMl by K. O. Fniilk'
nur, A.S. liui'tt, A. A. Urmgn, V. (1
Hamilton, and otlnrx. J fu .igilcul
tural aimer iiteudaut If! C. Nlabft wan
Mm In aUeiidriiiof. Atter eonmdara
tde dlwuaslon nn thr Kiibjeet m rawing
heeta and tho (tint met fur IWT the
meeting decided not t ttttviuf the
plant ntjr t bm miller the eonli letn
um imiM'ntMl and thru rul lit un Air.
(hM'tx. Mr. (tiM-tx rt .id tin cnutmcUi
of tho other nix In.! ngir tartorlea nt
hi-Tinted Htutt offf nil in lieu
if the ennr jirnposinl u ebidve from
iny of tin otlieiN. I'liiH 'Hit imwtlnii
retuii'd t o uecept uml mi initioii nt
ItiiKHt. HolnTihou tiuft we do nut ox-
ifpt the ni'W euntraei bud. itmletid the
one of l.trt i;ir' ti'd t-t. Mr
Fiiulittii'i m ide an li.f,kl tlmi the t r
mept und Un- Uei ' i!, ir Co. uet tn
gi-tle r H" with loi.i.wid by Mr. N'in
net nud Mi. Ilnui-n of llautrm.iu both
of whom :,(vitcd tti:tt one kind of a
iroinmtinii Ih'Iwi i ti die hk (oninu't
and the coiiIi:m ( o I t-: yea lie in oc.
On mitio:i ,i (Miiimttti o rrtlm i irli do
trlet w in ,iiioiitit to ',iifei .lr.
(liK-t ni tin- Meet hiitf i tio. 'i ll nr.
mil tee rimi-lHiPdiii M.'. v II Wilhon
()tli( v. F. llowii.. of ll.igeiiii.iii.
( . II. Dilimiin ul flluliit.i, Mi.
Mki. II of r'lori'iuv. Tli'-eOllllilltti r ob
tained r un- KMotix fmiit Ml. (loetr. Ik
agrielnt: to give tin- tniiltr. tt a mt
ton mi boa il e.irii i t 1 1 1 dl!Ti i'til nt.i
lioin fin lii clt. rnd lo i ,iy treiiriit on
Inftd nnd uIho on tare ti the amount
if fifteen per lent, ill- KfiMver In titty
l'relifht oi t ue ii.i i tlhCMi i" r rent.
all tare to l- c.ikiilnled iifii'.:it where
beetM ure lo so .my uiiniber of fur
inei-n ran in.ut oei-ia on -mmo e.ir,
riien If a beet ernp hlmuld require re
lanliticiilli r the f..imcr bad Wanted
irfcordinif to ill ectlonx Mr. twtz air-
refit to ftiriilnh need tree. On motion
tlpit the fnrmi'iH accept Mr. (Joi'tz' of
Tilll PU.NllINtl IlltiU
Snntn Fe M. m, tint oh Bill.
I(mijifeiitl llxtummi'ii titJHe Id I
he, (IT tur lb imr m ii f falidiiig Hii
II ullig Imiilitu lli of euaiilii
bnnrtli of eiui uinn mntiliti Incot
piifioiniM Hint h.Hi ituirtai will wtn
tin liuun till utit-tiii'iiii.
Hw Inn one rn'iilmi tlmi nlur tee
I m (( uf in not It minii ti. tliv Uh'jt ul
tlm liimnl uttHianiy uuiiiminttiiiiioii id n.o
mivcml eiiiiiilli ul Hie ferritin-, mill tif
Itinlionril ul eiliimtlim in nil inuullMlltlii
In t lie To rllury, tlm proj.nr uirtubil nnd
reprent'iitntivrii ul intiiioliiiil nut pdrnllun
ol nil Mud v?lmlicTir nud uf thu luluuil
illrertum ul ttir nnTHrnl 1101111(11 illntiietiin
tile illir rrtil ooiiiiilm In thx T. t tllory, In
M"rKlMtii Mini (tuli'iiiiliiii the 11 111 1 Mint uf
IMiIiOiUmIii otlir tlmn Immlft) Imttibti'lb
lie uf lti VntvrHl cuntle, InMtiU ot
i-lurmion. tanuMlpal uuirMiratluiHi una
oIuhiI illntflntH tlmi inny On (jiwtln
aiinnuuig 11 un uniHiia imfit or
L'mUr tlm preni ntnlim ot tlm llorrego
-not. nt ISitnUt f iHithlng imimlii bat to
imiv (mi Hi 11 .nniHiicti uf Um miutt by
mltitlng 1 lie lutir ihcii wtiiiPlMiii) rglttnr.
1 0iurtiMii uf iiHrtii: iinrilttiintiHl in the
MMtiMtriHiliiii df ex-ktliHtllf Ftnuk Charts
Ml) mini 181H. TI1I1 tragic eronl will
lake I'lae In tit aapltal miy Mnroti Ultni
n- tha xplruMnii ul Uitlilit) tliifriwpte
f rHiilj lir l'r"itlDl UlnTaland unit
(mwtmr Thtttnleii miti In tlm inm
llKie I'rtwhtitlt M'Klnb-y .hull rutnuT-
' iT.riiiir iiiuiuiuii Mini nppiitni h
jovrnur who ihall dflaimuta III Mtitanee
r pitrduu th tatlii.
Tin- bill tiruvliliHg far th ouinntUlinii
ti thu mrriiiirlnl biwr tHtml th lutau
Tn Mbty by h vihh uf IS to ti. 11 thn
viMtma of tha at SltUHKMKi t Miro
, ittaii.it fur ha iHfiiM wlilili ih tax-(m-f
uf th lerfilorr niHt W. Tit e
1 i.u (luntit bat tha. tha law imghi to 1
-iiniiili.il nod iiiiiiiml but ti ilu,t not
' I on that ih tux-iwrero almaM m n
iiiHil fuitaiie u a fair pnllllalniii fur
Im' iiitiuf. 'I lie Mil prmrklea that
iuruur i:i"rniiin 'inm rtuiuat njiii
li.ci-i H. Fait altnll naive n numpuHMljifTu
it tstxio. nirh lur their rervtaajia tfietnlrlt
.it ih muiiMtiiiiii tliH puliltahar l to aet 1
t ni" Inyuut h prnvMad bjr law a law
I- Hr ItS-iitii nre to reetfa M handnnini Mr
.iimiii (or 1 lul r nfrvlaea and thftrlaiti
vrtio'n tut o' uiiwitttvti vturk lii be ruad ,
Imtwin-'i th lluu-. Thn bill U a grnud :
(lent. Dcutig Ifanilllilbl
Preparing , for gpring . . ,
Pqcos Mews.
Tlir follimltig aeiirlrtlatii hav Immui ,
M-rnrul .lru I Urdu rending 9 yanra III
iKtilirutUrv. Chai-. llieler bnrglmy
(inr'lii peul'enilar) Jinnan Yuniitf I licit
t hore. rti )KHf In iwiiit "Hilary. In
. . . ... . - - 1 1 1
and du plant beeta the meeting U,nt.,tii" ty Un 7 for uuiivlailim and
rntetl almutit a tinHUluiloUH. yen. The ,-.... .Mn.n.t 1.. n.. ..r ih.. Si.t. '
im-i-tinir w i: in tinmene ueneii! in-QtHV-e
the rirmrs leurlietl (he dli l( ul-
ib'M uf (be eomr.aiiy atiu the eomi any
blllelalH iMTHinv better Inr -r'.ie.l
Warding the farmer tint bring
ing nil chmer tugether. lli f re ml
Jniirning Die meeting decided to organ
Ire 11 fanner union fur the 1'ecu.s vn -ley
Thia move waa aeeouded by Mr
Ont t who atated he Would Ite pe;neil
By selling all Winter 'Goods at sacrifice
prices is whatwb are doing these cold dafs.
Two Months Yet Of
Cold Weather,
But we are compelled to sacriiice profits
on Winter Stock to make room for Spring
Goods. Don't bo 'drags" in the procession.
Come early and take advantage of some of
the Bargains w are offering in all kind of
Fall and Winter Goods.
Fruit & Co.
Three nttemtiU were made this week
to hold n meeting of the board of trim
lee i. l td w itlinut riiere. It It held
th :i the I uv reqnlrer. n full Imnrd at
l h hint meeting to paan tlinitntninl np
pronrlntl.m bill. The fourth .Attempt,
made Inst night, wna n xttccem,
Dr. A. A. Hear up wna reappointed
Im -t week ts 11 member uf thn exumlii
Vm bojnl of dcntAiniirpeona. Thla ia
the fourth appointment for the doctor
nnd speak well for hla Ability tun
Mr. .1. S. I'lcltcrrt will Irad thn de
itiunul meeting of the UpwoMh
.I.aiiui) nt thn M Ti. ehurrh nt t o'clock
to murruw. SuntlHy. afternoon, A
Tare treat la luntoit lor those who at
tend nnd everybody, trangen nnd all,
mh 11 tiled.
Tin- public Kchnnl building at I'ecVm
t-it) wtA iletdroyetf by lire at last
sitiiinlay afternwin. School will lie
uvilii('tt-d In the Stnith cotttagv, The
llbi tt y to which n nen- f entttry Cyelo
piiu t I'Hd J 11st lieou added wiw burned.
No mi i o ia glypn by the Newa for tlie
c. ( . Rverhttrl, of Hi Lm Vcaa
Hint uitlr
duv. Mr,
lur the directory f Xnw Mextoo,
-Ii idv u Iwiue ftnm the pretwof A.
J. Carrutli, Im Ven. Mr. ft, want
to Itu'well WMltlMday.
l:d Holilneon, the poillo and poptt a-cb-ik
e.r .loyoe. Fruit & Oo'a , lanVM o
tod 'r ttaln lor (IreeprlUe, Toxac,
(!. aeeompanlrtl by hit wtfo
ir daughter, viilted Itddy Tuea
r. F.verliart ia eolloctlng datn
to deal with the renrPaentatlves uf the
ritriuera, but while willing to plume all
It wa ItnposHible toeee.iehliidlr!du il
t 1nlj1t.it grelv.inrea between the eom
puny anil .lite beet grower.
Ur A. .f . Kmeniiitl will nrearli in t
aiiuun ni iiuuerumu. ,
Tho Infant child of Mr. and M -.
Caleb lloldeu died Mondav utter
'Cuff t air on" ur t:i, old tuiu i, v. a:;
Itt town Tue il from Anmrtllo. lie
la looking ul t. ; a n tiin.iii' of ? .
Mr. I'.ttte: utile bur. 1,1.1 n rrnn
III" lioilit nt I lie (III ld:tlll'i'ti "M mile.
Snilli ui'.'i .c in town l ict S.itii:'i!.)
Mr. .1. S. i jiupbell und Mi-s. I : I ! 2;: 1
M.ntiu were illumed Sum!, iv uy A .1,
Kuierauii ihihIoi-of the Hupti t'Chttrrli
Mr. CninplH ll will move to White Oaks
ii-ur which i.l.ice he in etupluyed the
HI CapiUiii C tile Co.
The tumid "l' ) nltentury comiiiK
aioiien In sfh-(oii nt Sant.t l'e. titve
rttcont mentb'd a full and eon,, etc p.ir
don for M. M. Polamn the U ink wreck
or, who ia nerving u term In the pen.
Hev. W. A. tlorett, who ha-i laen In
n'ltirgu of the revival inectln.fK ui L.is
Cruvaa, nturnlng to ma home in Deal
Willwr anii io'i'ii little funs- ye-u- iM
son itt Lin. Criieea wax klri;d in the
fai by 1 home. The I'orelie.id wm
badly cut .itid-everc cneits-i.iti ol the
brilill IC'lllpeil,
Th" C,".lii!' in l 11b ;.k :. i-j : 1 inl
htf Mott'l.iy 1 v. a.iitr by Mr. I". Me-tie.i-'
11 llti'.y. it Cliuenee, who miv,
reH'lirtrr of tlie -Mercliuiit uf Veftct."
Mr 'iruy'fc lendilion m tlie f.inuut ,i!d
pl.ty wan excel!, n;. -H-ially 111 th
J. : rt of Shyloelj, tlie .lew. Hie le-i p
linn.! video being appureully Well mi.t
to tne cittirticier. in range or 1 1 -u
'KHlna( J, II Mtllrr a Ohatla of tanot t'nilt t'n iw. ee.i., Imilx.
mki!. 1.. tin-1 1. nil etmiitf I'tm two- l'rtff.ull varltliHi I'ruit und ornn-,
-h 1,1 mur.ln j-.lut 0rnT Itltfiia I mmttal yltlM. litllba. wnnlen mml i,ln
I wnee tn to B fam wmniy on ohaeg i ull adapted to thla ulliiiiitc.at Mayiiiirii !
! -u'ie, mi l tiw aaae ot tha , !?h:irnTa. I'.ximrlenco alx yottra, fre to
' ntrm 'hi 1 iiii.'ii rtfiien Tnr vft iip j rvpiwe. ' llirujraprni 11 aiu(;K.
. e un1) on change uf vun. I -
Alfalfa mwiI rr al nt 4U nento per lb,
ii"T. v. liumm ii win nrriTn in ,, n yi.j, l' lutelico .. M
wi, iiniiuit tiin r.-im nun wm n renin m ..at.
1. ih..,iit Khuroh Kniumr ikiirutn? nmiir urn i,uu
..11. r n metn-r In tha I.Muniram I 'lll loow to riMliiiuillil . partll'C. ntlV
.fUrniHic The Pallor wilt nrenoh , Prt aera one utile front I'lorene
it, iivinih i miii put wTff reumi iuiu line
aUll prtrllr aureolonilynla, l'llel.11,,1
K H'aiitly preinlwil ih veiy i Uvet Mini 4.HI 1. .Vu. I'liTinM, Central
it'll (J oi'tinell- n' tn llHtllo l.'liy, (Join
,iir.-ii MiimlH). iee mi f tie iimup'
I.I ti
1 him
tii. 1
e II
fhe 11 uoi.t liliiliiy iipp elated
It,, o It iilkfion nihI fninlljr went
. ill fur HutulH) He prenBlnal
iie.i ivti.lng tu UvlUht of all
V. " UtimiKly. one of that oluaa
ol un in at. men ihut any community
d l!gl' h to honor, baa ((Voided to lo
e.iie 1 rni.tuently nt I'ralde. lie waa
long in eled with tlie tlrtn of Uer
iu iu nil Howen uf I'eciat uliil tmUlb
iishi iniiieif notlrmly lii th haurta
of the '.eople here they regret tniiuli to
ulve in up. The New Joliia Ida
mm) ' 1 Hilda In tha wlah that he and
In I, illy iit.tbti ubtindantly uieceaii-
fit! it. lie ir new home.
liH.ler Itiltartlilninniit.
March tho ttinh d ty, tlieu thu protvau
1 lion onii mutter eipeeiall, If it trial is
1 Pure bred S. ('. Ilruwu l.airhnrii
I chicken eggs, only l.ui per totting of
I la. tIKO i .MltYltlt
inai'lo-IW. Otlf, m,M.
V. I,. 1) iliou him a quantity of baled
1 gunia hay for nah m .'U. pur ImiIu, or
MUM ier ton.
N.e let- Ml I.
C ourt of tton lllUi ,
tlie 'lorrllori- ni Nw j axfao.
idnnnd fbrtimocatnty l luidy.
the DUtrk't (
riot oi the lerrllorj'
! William W. Ogle
' lmvtd I., gamp anit'Eilwdril a. LyaU. f
1 1 nmpoiiia tho nun of l!emi .vl.rall J
Tha mild (lahmdauia, IMVlit I..
nawara m. wti.
ird a. Lyeli. cuiuiMtlns ttw firm at
Kemp X Lirell. am uorau' nutldwl tliat a
ult fn aaaliMiiMlt hi- nttnalniisii t liua bean
euttinicnoMl aMlnat ttietn In ttio wild dUliiet
cMiiiiy of
euttinicnoMl afealnat tlietn
court wlililn nmt for tlio
u'tntury ofnimaiii, br tte- lil plaint
wtiiutni w. una. to reooM-r tlie um 01
iaBl.nnulatiuail To Im iluo nnd nuiiuc mi ae
ewuit of tliiMoartatii tiroaiUut,iinteii. 0110
iiumria. i-aa, lor ii. ng, in mror
. one tnada naeainlwr !(, UH, (or
w id A. N. Ifalt, ami bFblm
'LPiajMin, niHi one tnatii
miVln In r.w ot j. o. tui
AaMMiut ot
atEar wl
ifereed tu .
to Dial
tlnn Mr. (IruV tlo -x exeeptioti.tlly well 1 nJi'iitiUtruttun win br ol a vary aonaltl
aa xnown wm n ne wum reafumr
iNtrla of the laiiien, I 'or t hi und Ner
'etia tnnfllnip ..in.lia.l iiviiv n I
rhe readintr o.-eiitdeil uvar ..n I
and wa high I) niiplattded ru tie 1
Mr. Gray wot invliedio etit-t; .01
club at annw future ! :v
IK. I.
I lie
.Nti .iiNi.umi.
It kj . KiUkl Ul. K"l'. '
Tin, Her, Kathar Taenia Uvilug Hlior-1
nt. 1 ..i I'ntliei 11 m H Illegal! lull but
, . .,li 1 lor Ciiiuago afiar a vlmt oi one ,
4. , it 111 Uuur. Tne ravatailll getltla
in-11 ii u. 11 on a mllunr mar of 1
1 ni nt A.-t iiiivlug vttiieu varioaa uiilanot j
iuiu , 'iii nuu nw it eai 1 1. nun. j uin
iu, oliu will ba Ilia netf eanMr
' in fond ot lilt aaelMlmtttMil
I'l.nHfM eiid autivt.oiula with him rti'il
Ir. but lilt doaa not Uinlga any uf Id
1 ) tor ilm fuimo poltojr of liUdepnrt-
1 t ,
I lonllr do not knurr what m) uuala
i.ot-nla tu ilo In rtgard to aay of tba lu
riiHii ,nul iiffalr thai in oonftuut luui
. 1 1 lug upon lit uaw ilfltltt, atil
. oi' t SbarmaH jtrilir. km w Hater
! ... i. eoliiiuii la oar lotier, aiunoagn 1 tnUriWliaalutyoutirt yi.iir i.runerty ola
..lo.iiii.' ui naif h guud tiunuaati. 1 uiaatiaiy inaiiitte. w. m. iimaouu.
rTfoiiuui ai i.aioumu.
niade 111-
at it par oont
ilntia.'alteaao m
ilatonitinu and banr
nt narannunt.
uniiuuni rlatmml. Hit
th Inteiutt and ooat of nult.
W, to.
Lota nurnl
1 town
11 1 May rule da
l ' DuntlKiwil Ui
Oof pniutiriy lia ouen mMclied, vli
n of ivoenla, rwrt iunty, Kaw
ou-ui mil uiuou
paarancain miu ca
you outer
on or
y uf thla court, twine
inc am un ei mr.
ant by ilalault ttierwIB Will
1. i...w, , thai Hi Hiitejr of tlia new
ui uatiire lit rinr-i 111 tuu naoan (aa
1 1 - ana 1 il" n lel atk nuy Jtgotut
r. ii Uuv. li-Kiniy ni no. (in tha qaea
I O ul llnl'tU". IlllWft
t lit." iiuyMilou mid
I 1 itll ell iHi.
Attomey lur Italntin.
N.tlle ur Milt.
Ill the lltrlcl Ctiurt of the Plltb
. I 111 the lllMrtcl
1'" nu i "1""' I Of.trli t ol tha Ttirrlturv ul K
d hVa not for tha , within and lur the County uf Eddy
I'ronarat . v
Mill !.
:rr i:irem-nl b mtr
IQinplaU. all ei in liitcirfi'od i:i the
rgaillMtlou of the elulv are itH0"r.iiMl
to attend the -.n-etieu'. for t nit pur
Itoae, at room Bti, Tumuli Li!el-, ;it 7:Sfi
p. in., Widnwittny. the 17th.
'' brrco, uhere he IiUh Inerattvo
1. oirered. Jtd liore the nruim
-in ti of bfiiiir the tnort popular
1 I'ecr.j i.lley anil Ite w
Fn hla trii'ty frlrntU. Thero
' the 1 fleet that Tla not
f tor the old hntno tlmt IB
tor VA'i drparturt, but in-
lnlr dntnael. Mr, llobln-
tii KddiT.ltlt tlip '-fit withes
..i' Micrew in , .
Iif . : week ha .Ii neatcti many
rr- .n Illume urrnngemPlit.
Kt mr.n Mill iitorr mirroxa the
Mvhilr f'rnyiei vlll uccitnv the
!o v i iiitrtl bv llHvtrtHti. onre or
u lit I.. I'hill:rir!('K(tf)tAbtlnK hri' '
III I .ilv 1 rnrli ilnlL 1 In tnilli1inul 11.. 1 . .
u edriancarpnntorahopneitrUie co, !worj altit able for f
MavnarSimrie the uldeal orchard
it in tbe lower valley and thu moat
; pi-rl-ii(i-d truit grower In Kevt Max
,e ind tl o the tnort aueoeafitl baa
uuiiieiKi d to supply hia neighbors
v lib tn-i ti.
. Kerr
Ktimii aud &dwatii
A. J. Bryant
I rfir4l to tike nrdern for Alfred
Penta now daalgM In wallpaper for one
room or a wbolo hotue. Pint m rlnr
ami hall and dinlntr mom pHitora from
aaven (0 ten ami flftti oeuta and up.
II. Wilton haa again raauinad
Tha laat leaaee
rl torhip of the Ragle Hotel foriuely
l.i ell.
ctnuiMMlna tha ami ul KaHip k Lelt. j
' Uuvld I
lln-MHtii Had I'liltit Kwltt.
I All kind of ilrtMUMkii aHd t '
1 towlttir iibuo iiramntly if? Mr. T.
;.tnhttflii, tMair M. 15. rltiiroh.
the Mauahm Iloiuw.
prosed h failure
t to SI.OU JH
von hal
ni 1 of Orenn and (5un . n-ir tin -
lire ', , .,. MI'iN ( 1 . ' In- i- ! 1,
IT" ' -Itb 'I ' 11
jilt ! i'l IH ' ' ' 11 ..: . ,.
to Ih . 1 1 l4o w ii u , . il' 1.1 1 11 .11
t 1 '
u 1
i-olt if
t .tl
t-'ie 10 1"
( i
I I'l.
11 1 11
0 1
ilium 1
1 it 11
nf gnnd
rm tbv.
mikmJ cooking
et II . lies , I
i l iU Ii! I 1
I mi I 1 1 1 ' 1
III 'CM Im .
iln ! I
M. t
K tfS lltllSI'11118.
Atthouwtlpgof tho town truite 8
taryajar, and the
ofla ware made
for tha Te-
I- oriMdu" pi-etevtlou Man.
' Por atreets. ditohea, lditw.ilka, ditch
; wort-a, etc , l,3t0.
! nr acaviiger
'r nlarn - "f recorder und tn aaiirei
Hilt', or an e tell.
lu L. Kvib
dvard a. Lyall. Miwiiia tlir TO
fauip l-yoJl. are heraby. iiutlrt.Ml tl
auil lu aaabniian UT tltBchnuint haa
aomruaticaa aMIaal UtMa in the Mild iju
Met poort wtfliln and inr the 1 uunty of Kd
dy, territory aramadd. Uy tho aald jilafulTi.
W. A. tierr. to rauoyar the uni of 41W.S.
elaluied tu ba due ana owing un aroount ol
u id. aaraa and rerohHiidle kiIii and do
UT.ml i lb aua daMdanu by tha pTaIii-
ltd and uMaAanuHloi a rertaln unualuurv
rtou- made ImM$ liar , ol , January, A. It
twn. 10 tti4afinoantTtn tavor 0) nututtut
lor tail. sa. nafaUtt aixt) day HltWdAla.
with hiteriMt at taji rata ui ti ir cent pae
Temperance Drinks,
Uigura und Tobacooa,
Kttll llnojtf Pritlta.
Funcv Iximly FrcsJi Kybij Wocli.
nnfrnnfnr nJ II.. " ,nK '""..". "'", go.rn.l,... t.
iilnulinin, jaili;e, 1!J. (' Roioti oii Urn
Dulionn, oletk
Dune by urdor of thn board of ttnuUe
uf the tuwti of Hil.ly
ThU Und Jn ol Mnrch 1817
J. B. Livtiin
If you want a good shave or hair
cu go to tho White Kroht Prleden
Town Mtir.lml iinniiiii-nnrnt,
I In'roljr aiuuijiiico myitdf a dnuilldutc
mr iiiiirnliitl nt the eniiiiiig iiu.11 eiuetinn.
Sr.Tit MtLLa
All uleflllun hirt-li) ord. ro I to lio I1H1I
lit thu court hull? In the town .if j;,t im
the Hiiu ToeMlay In Anil 18117 It brim:
tue on uny tiidrvor f0 the iurpoo of
eleflttign iitNynr tiinnrte one ywnr, two
trii-ii-e. to ni'rv - turn yenr nun truntrt
to aorta an 11 etplr d term iifnnnyr.
A luui. uifirxtiiil tu efw inm yimr. A
It uoitl r toncrtrotiit yenr One mcuibnr
ot tlm I'Oiiril of rilijcnllun to or7.. Ihrm
y. itr. The following puMotm are liombj
iiiiulnted tu I111IU til eieeiliiu In iiroor
Shop nonr oormir or (Iroeiic nnd Onn
ongtriteta. I'liint ami tpealllan
tlona llgttred un and elliimt(ta
made- for nil klnda of work.
Furnihirp Hcnnirofl
At LowoseHatos....
City Livery Stable.
Kddy N.
0ornmission a
And Oononil Forwarding
Bay, Grain, Soed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal
and Ice delivered in the City.
hurt ii.fclu th aa n ry of thn ally
aiitti waa cei 10 i.uu
following e.,
i-iiiitini In ni data twanal uuili ini
rial hum usu.aa.
rii: Lulnu
iv I 1
III I'll,
. oui (Inaerl
il turn.
Im oeeu 1
r iawatty h
uMbah it, la. It a
nolriiawifv. In
un- tr......
A' .i 'innnnwuii
01 ilnaCiiDMI uorhotial IWunartv :
l rted mum luridture. loailttlba 1
ec., .ia it tan in
fy uf
im, iiluiin iHirimu. niie Ik'ri eoaituela.
id una on.' taei nnd eertalu
Tlrf ' ird 'Inn apiu oprlatetl MOO
I'', t Ii.iiiil-ite the it.
an I
1 ,11 1
li -mi
I .:!. . eli
1 .Hilt ll .
, . iiiirr'!
' il l ll"
'.mt little.,
, 'Il -u l I 1
! 'In .
' I , . I , ,
Jtulotilia i-l iIIkIh
.t' , mill mr i"
. , 'ii.I-iIiik ! lj.tr .
' . I. 1 all .,- , ,
DOORS. llOlllilltttK . - $
G. F. A. Robertpon. "
and , '
Wag0" maker.
An l,lu,U of new woikaUpartnK)
j l 'ftalMK Impbuttewb) or nit
ii- aineur-1 klmu trunirei), on hM not lac.
Illl' .t
mi'iHi Mini'iKo I tMltN
1 1 Kl l 1 1 I: 1 K II il 1 ;il
1 ' tit..
1 .,'
1 "
( .limit
r 1
I i 1
Ftfd and Lively Corr!
in mint itiun. AMromModt
tmnai.d h itiBfnHifmfcttn-

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