OCR Interpretation

The Eddy current. [volume] (Eddy [Carlsbad], N.M.) 189?-1899, March 13, 1897, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061674/1897-03-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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EXTRA 0111) K A 11Y N Ifill VOUSN ESS.
IlllniUiiltltiil, CtiiilU Count It very Scum
n CarK!(.
Wliun Witllcliiu; AcfoM
Pnm la reeWal. SHMlm, Je.
Tliero 1b uralwWjr no qne better
known In Scdnltu, esrnolnlty ninoiig- the
member,a( tlia First Huntist Church,
thun Mr. Mollle IC Hoe, tlie wife of
Mr. lloo. tlio mirsoryinnh, ami nothing
U tailor known uniting the lady 's no
quulntat'e. thun thnt for the prist four
yonrs sho has been a phystonl wreck
from locomotor utuxln, In lu severest
.fonu. 'flint he has recontly rwitw
cd her health, Htrent.Mli awl normal In
uomntlon has been matin niKtrent by
Iter 1ml hit neon frenuetitlv on the streets
uih! In church, mm thin fact induced if
representative of the Capital to call on
.Mr. Itoe to enquire into the circuit!
jHtunoos of her remarkable recovery.
Mm. lloo was teen ut her house at the
'corner of Ohio Avenue nml Twenty
fourth Street, ami teemed only too flail
ho irlvo the followlnjr history of her
cute for publication;
"Kor ycrgo," b nM, "f ws attack
rd with a illi whirii the nhraicmna oinir
noted m locomotor ataxia, sett I wen atwedlly
reduced lo intra n reck. 1 bad mi control of
ihi tnuacle. mm nauifl not lift tba lst thlnir.
My tteh dlaappearwl, uiilll my Imam almnat
plrrrHl my kln. TV nie of touch became
to caipilallWcljr n. '.u , that I believe I rnuld
by waiving ever thMftet carint Mlntl folded,
Mure rotated every team. o li mny l linsg
'teed how I frit when trying lo more tujr us
vuelrtilUMe limb.
"Tht meat eminent ptv alclaas were conault
ed. but they cave me uu relief, arid I M with
out hot. am) would have irayl for death
but far lli thought of leaving my little call
dien. All thought of recovery IumI gone, and
It wss only looked upen a a uueatloa of tluie
hr my liualmml and my friend when my
troubles would and In the grove.
"lno day while In tall ewidltlofl, I received
"Aim," exclaimed the King of n
hemey. Imperiously waving hi band,
"you will obiorve that our Amazons
never retreat any more."
The potontute touched his brow slg
nlflcantly. "Oh. yea." he proceeded, "our head
la something lnrger than u peanut. We
knew what we were doing when we hd
our soldier fitted with uniform that
wrinkle In tho back. Te." Detroit
' to own: a coi.o in oni: iav.
TuKo Lainttve llrorno Quinine TnWota, All
DruBiiliin tilniiil the uieuey U II folln loeiro.o
Nenrly ovory matt li oompollo! to
wulk up hill to reach lib tfruvo.
a efwenaper from tome f i ntlt In Drarrr,
wiih a newa nem mameu, anu whiio itiimKii
my eyea fell npom an aemmnt et a rematkaUe
eare of Icfmnetor iiatlo, by ike ate of Dr.
WIIIUhu' link lllli for Pale I'enplr, and the
eaie a (tieertUpd w etertlr MmlUr to niv
own. I at OHee made up my mind to try Urn
remedy, ami btH areotrtln; to direction" i
take tve (411a. The nrat bot had not r e
wkes I ftefieil a marked Impniveim-ni
and ai I ennilnuetl I grew better and brtiei,
until I totallx ciittit. I look about four
bufe Ifl all. and after two ytam of the moit
Utter auHerliuf mm a well ai I ever
Not only my feellnir but my aw a ranee un
derw ent a i-bne 1 iralnnl riew, aed tbutiKh
bow forty tbree eart old, I feel like a yuan?
Kitt. You ran nu that Mr. Itoe owet her re
covery to Dr. tVllllami' link lllla. and thai
tbe knowi that thn U eolhla; In the world
like them.
WfBl Mou.ir. K. tbtr "
Suberltiii and eorn to before me Ihla 'Jtlb
day of Auril. 1
(Ikonok It Dixt, .Vefortf I'liMfr.
iiriti. I I'ettlatV, Mo
Dr. William-' Pink HUh for l'ale
IN-opb nontHlu. In it pomlcniml form, all
tho element nei-oamry to iflvo now life
ami rl-lim to tlm blood nml ntore
ahntt4ml ner . Ilioy urn ulen
Hclllf furtroiibW'aimoiiliHr to frttml",
aiioh n iippr'iialona, lrnf nlnrltloa
ami nil forma of wnnkneaa. In men
thoy nffwt n rndlnnl euro lu nil otteea
nrlalua; from ini'iitiil worry, overwork
or oxi'oaeoft of whntovor nature. Pink
IMlla are aobl In boxen (nover In loow
bulk) nt AO cotita it Imx or mIs l)ooa
for ilf.Ati, nnd may Iw lmil of nil ilniir
irlite. orillrtH-l by infill from Dr. Wil
liam' Medicine t'ouiimny, Kcheiieo
tuily, X. Y.
Wlitro') Mt. tnnntlui Uminclljr?
"Kittle, what nro the women tlutiiK,
now that thilr bible U nnlshoUT"
We've get up u lovely diagram to
prore that Mrs. Shulteepouro wrote the
Heme tJrnMT TIlltlaTi Tlmt Will llepprll
When Hip t'mrk ef lluiini NlnrllM
Nlmirr lieiuvrn Jliircli 40. 1 HUH. mid
Mriilemlier. 10(11 It Will Surrlr Comic.
( Am'tiiim MlmtiUte liver, kklHeyt
boncK Never aleken, weaken or crlpe.
hvcry limn hut u lot of atulT ho uau't
()rr 4(M,WKI cured. Why not let No-To-lUe
rrcutate or riMiioro your dealre for tobaeco.
Kavri iiioiiey, make liraltb and manhood,
t are curuulred, MJcond tt.00, all draubUi.
inun who nttunda parties, hhouhl
half of ill Hilary Imuk to hla oin-
PITH iomI tnnii pMiwefiiltyirrt. Xallii
il1. r nrat tUr KM nf llr. ICIIli' (llful .Nvrtu
Mont funny atorlex are olthet on an
IrlHhmau, or it man Juat uiurrlwl.
Two bottle of llao't Cure for C'uump(lou
l ured me of u laid lull? trouble. - Mr. J
NU'lioU, I'rlneelon, iHd.. iUrrh 110, im.
Tho women do tho dnnnlnjf when
thoy aoi-opt luvltntlone to reoeptlone,
uml )my tho fbldlor when they glvu one.
iSk ctia. Far kantooUM
roollkhnnia la mora roejieotuble now
thuu uvor befora.
tlilillur. Ill Ortstt Im (lrlip ('urn
AiW Fwl IHneMer. IlkeNMaUua. IJtef u4 KI4eer
lur. M llfiitftfUU. IMIloa Alwl (V.IMkCllU, Tf.
If a man In hoiiIiiI, iivohl lilm; he
will flnully Kt you Into trouble.
JAYA BLEND L'olTwi the 1u1Iiik hraiiil.
Iluruiotluully hoalwl. 1,2 uml I pound
lmn,i,omo tin-- AMERICAN COFFEE CO.,
Liulvuaton, ColTeo Company, iHraiwh).
If a man Un kin, It la oqtilvulont to
Jmvlng trouliluH.
Trim Waul You.
Alotn: tltc lbic of tbe &m Aatoato and
AiiH r" IMIway l the puiee to letti
(IwmI and cheau land, lltallh ad cltmati
uiiwrtWHed. For partleutar ddr
K. J. IUhtix, (1. I. A.. Sen AaUmlo, Tean.
A lmby in n bngiry U a oim1 think
but no muii like to puah It along.
Mr. Wliulou ' lioolliliin Hymp
'I'vrrhaii.H mikiae, tntiea.r4 i
u.iIm. uri Etla. yWMUiqU'. " a wU
The trouble wltli the (trl huinnn
liroblemi le. thero 1 wo eolutlon.
I. Ill) I'Olt 14 t'lt.STH.
MIIIIoiih now plunt Bulgwr'a na&i,
but mlllleni more ahould; hence offer.
A Htpetett Invalid Brought Beck to llealtlr
and UttfultiftM,
lb-. Hurt man' froa ti-entinent for
ehranlo mtturrh ban mn tho menu of
restoring n great multltudoor dleoour
hnpoloM peoplu toliualth. Only
few of the nmny lutture roeelveil by
tho ilootor. with n roqneat to publUh
thorn, finui jfratelul pntlonts. i-nn ovor
bo ptibllfthoil. 'niofollowln(,'lanpuuj
meii roeontly twelvud from Mary V.
Ilartholomow, St FrunoUvllIu, 111.
Sho anya: "About twulvo ytmrn iifo 1
wim nllllotetl with fomalo trouble (yn
tumlo I'liturrh. ) I iloi'torotl with mjv
ontl nklllful phynli'luiM, but hunt fel
ting worw until I lioi-amo lwdfiut. I
roinalnotl lu till iomlltloii about two
yearn, under tho uttomluiico of four
pliyili'laiifi. I ao no notwr iiuring
thU tlmo. Flnully. looking ovor Dr.
Ilartmnn'a fomalo bcot, 1 fouml a cato
oxuntly liku mine uml fonolmleil 1
would write Dr. llurtmuii for mlvh-o.
I am not sorry I did so. I owo my
life to Dr. lluitumu uml l'o-rii-na. My
frlenile nml nolithbore nuver oxiieelod
In mo uiu well nifulii. Hut I thank
IiihI and Dr. llurtmuii for my iwovory
I nui now ablo to nwUt with my hnu-
hohl dutlee. 1 did not Improve an rup
Idly tie mine 1 Imve read teatlinonlaU
of, but iiiypu was of auehloiiK eUiml-
lug. nnd, it tlio ilootor fiitiu, vory
mitah eompllfatwl, I oould not exwt
u mphl i-ewvory. I think my recovery
U u eurprle to ovory one wno Know
me. .My upiMilllo wn m) pwir I could
out Mtireoly unythliiKS but I can out
any and everything now without pnln.
I cannot ivcommeml your mmumnee
eumigli. I think If overy ulrlbted one
would tuke them, they would nover
regret It, but would pnilne ro-ru-nu to
ovory one it long a thoy lived."
For Dr. Hiirtniun'n latest liook on
outurrhal dliw. nddroM Tho I'e-ru.
im Drug Maiiufaetnrlng Company.
('oiuinl)Ui. Ohio. Hunt flee for n abort
N the lllble IIoiim.
NVw York city,
tlnTr la prearhlllK
im it man who
niM-iika like an
K n k I lab ma n. and
whuae name la Ilev
iiy o. Kinneflr.
I'be aubject of hla
lulka le the end of
the world anil, un
like moat nlHrm
lata, hla audience conalit of a larRO
number of both the faithful nnd un
faithful of the beet rtaee In the city.
They are at tree! ml to him beenuee nf
hla enruMtnnan and the lonvlncloR
truth of many of hla utternticea. Theae
lire of a Mir I that yon "can't net away
from. 1 tbouRh misted with noma not
nolle rauvlnrliiK. Hie plan la to ho
from one olty to another preaching
without money and without price. He
want iu point out to the people tho
ruflllment of all the propheelee. nt the
rloee of which the Millennium would
nme. I'nllke Moody, he doe not take
ip u collection. After the meetltiK
)r. ICInnear nnawera queattona.
"Do not aay I preach the end of tho
world,' aahl he. "that only inakea peo
ple latifb. I preach the end of the iiro.
After that we ahall be taken off thli
rontliiont nnd trnuiwrtel to another,
If we are bellevera. If uuliellerera, we
tihnll be killed. The time for till
Dow rloee nt hand. I quote a few, a
very few, of many nuthorltlea. Sir
tllchard Proctor aaya: 'In about 1907
I the heat of the aim will be en euor
iiioualy Increaatul by the Imiwrt nt a
comet na to ilea troy life iiuiu thla
parth.' Sir J. W. lawaon wrote: M
mitlrlte the destruction of the pres
ent stale of tbtna on earth by con
llnRrntlun from tho teuohltiHH of
nclauro.' Moody declnrea the chiireh
cold nnd formal. May nod wako ua
up! And I know of no belter wny to
do It tlinn lo Kt tho church to lookhiR
for the return of our l-ortl' Dr. Frank
M. Clow, of Oakland, Cul x-prot-ilont
at tho Tnromn Acndomy of
(lolenco, wrltoe: 'The late eelimlo ills-
turbnucc. whloh extouded over tho mid
tlio and HOiitliern atutiw. wne one of the
preliminary throea of n Rrent cola-
"Tli r no timloubted nuthnrlllofl ahow
that the tlmo Ih near nt hand. We
know that the end of the iirii In within
thin Konorntlon, but whulhur the p rod
ent RQiiomtlnti lit;nn lu 1570 or 1S71
We do not know. Thnt Ih whoro citron
ohiR' la llnblo to err. Hut the time la
near nnd wc miiBt hu watchliiK for It.
"Whnt will become of tho proacnt
United States when the end of the
world romps? It will bo onrrlml over
to KiiKland. McKlnley g to be the last
J'roHliiont nf the United Htntee. Ilefore
the cud nf hla term there will be n ter
rible Ifitirupean war. Nations are
ImlldliiK war ships and afltlnn ready
for It. More hare been built within
tbe past year than lu the world' en
tire previous history. This war occurs
within the next three years; In It
somas the end of tbe K.
"It Is not certain how the end of the
world will come, llo may descend to
earth or lie may lake the faithful up
to heaven. That Is not revealed iih yet.
If I lu desceiidR to ourth llo will millier
the faithful tonsillar and eetnbllah a
kliiKdnm In Jerusalem nnd there rule
Ills iiconlt) 'with n rod of Iron.' as the
scriptures Mr. It Ms decides to take
un till up to henron, lie will do no and
leave the others hero. Hither way It
will be the Mlllcuulum.
"What Is the Millennium? The Mil
Mlllotnlum. Their mission then wllll
bs to follow Christ forever sad far-1
"Now when It comes to totaling the,
dny for this to begin I must beg off a!
little, used le IsMlove In chroNology. .
and all altme say that the world will
cfltrif to an end March 2t. ISM. Hut
11 tnsy be Sewtember. IMI. That la my
pment liellsf. There Is only a little
dltT-rence. One Is surely right. And
the time is very near."
Among the guides to a iierfect Chris
tianity approved by Dr. Klnnear, while
waiting for the Mllleiinliim. are these
simple sttMgmtlpns' "A mire cure for
(Molding anil tattling: Keep your
mouth shut and breathe thniiiRh your
noe." "The devil baa the name of be
lli i: the meanest, but It does seem na
though tome men are trying to break
Ills record." "Yea, you are quite good
louklng, but your conduct spoils your
beauty." "To know all you tell Is bet
ter than to tell all you knew." "Illexied
Is he who enjoys all hla lime pnillt-
ubly and Is silent on subjects that do
iioi concern htm."
1'oiiRlil lijr Her llHlmnil' Hlitn I'litll Un
tVn ltlll.il lllil In a I'mr.
The accntiiimnyliiB imrtralt Is that of
Dolores Monton. a beautiful Cuban
amnion, who baa done brave and ef
fective work with the Insurgent sol
diers In their fight for freolom. Rlie
fought In the Insurgent army with
her husband, who wne an olllrer. lie
wu killed, and she took refuge In n
cave, where food was smuggled to her
by the nntli e. Ily tlcueral Weyler'a.
erdcts. KpiinlHh troop hunted for her
Ih On i a Drcenl.
"Mamma font mo for half n dol
lar's worth of disinfectant." ab I
tho little boy.
"Whnt kluiir nsked the drugglau
I don't know 'xnotlr. Motnelhlng
party itrong. I rusts. "
Wnnt does she wnnt it for?"
Why, It's like tilts Me an' tho
othor boys has besu runnln' n liekltno
vlllogo in one of tho bask room up
stair for moro'n three w&tx., an'
she's Just found It out."
(Iter tlm I'rrrlplrit
bsiSM Uity will nnrrU m dlwr
lloitist Inmlirt latnble lo deatrurtlon lmpl
wetse isey win ereie ne oiw rottoti in tao
llr u eeiiatf, aruiuttn nnu tne (Vauuu
eisitls' eSHkre. ami. sbove all. In the Item
HMtd eatlea Ihar uersUl In ttoatne them-
tslyea in aaee andout of aesaen with dreetlr
sm violeat resMdlM, asi ami mineral
pejMB. fiie bt, the Mtsit, ibe pienasjinwt
Suutiuute far aseb hnnfsl ee-wsedle la
ltMMIr Slotnneh nutep. wtrnt for ia.
anal, raeensue, nyaeemic. servou asn
tee eumMsini.
of yenr .. .
when men .
and woniiMi .
bucomu weak
unctl by ..
tlio weath
er, and run
clown grncr.
ally The
Tint parts that
thu wciuhfr
affects arc the
men for prompt
ly c no kiti!
troubles of the
kidm-xt and rr
ilorini; thcic treat
org.in to lic.il'li
and otrennth mil
that is by theme if
'J liank n man for un tinaxiiei'tod
vor, and than watch.
Catarrh tlaniiut ll t'urfit
with I.OCAI. AI'l'I.JCATIONS, tt
caniiet roaeh th eat of the.dleae.
urr I I a bleed er cotMtltutkwat dlfeair.
am n ordrr to cur It, you must tp Jn
ternnl rmdl. Hall's Catarrh Cut is
inken liilrnlly ami net ilircciiy en
tiiood mul inuoou aurrac. i
Iltswnrck Cncvrabor 1M
Hound OloUe Host Hte
itarllaat Carrot J
Kaiser Wtlhslin Lettuce llo
Karl lest Melon 1
pkg. tllant Yellow Onion IK
pkg. ll-l)ay Hadisli loo
kgs. Ilrlillant Flower Hood
Now all of above 10 packag, in
cludlnr our mammoth plant and seed
catalogue, are mailed you free upon
receipt of only 14 cent' postage,
25 pkgs. Ilarlleat Vegowble 8eed.1.00
il Ilrllllunl Illoomlng Plants 91.09
John A. Salier Seed Co.,. La Crosse,
A deslro for knowledge requltos bttt
lit 1 1 eiioouiugemeut to lieooino a nxau
bnlv rwl Ml
l,l.,8ANT ailUU
i . Mvr mi i aw
Did II Be lb I'oliit r
"You seem to have something on
you, nun 1. Harold "
Well. 1 haven't Do you think my
ulnd la a pair of scales"
-Ok, no, scales are sve
urrh (!ure I not
ua nrMcrlbed by
alclntm lu this eeun
(all's cn-
ot a qunck in Iclno. It
by on of tbe bet phi
eunlry for yar. nnd I
n. II www
a, combined will
ictlriK djreelly ei
t .1.. m i,ivrdint i wiwi era
us tosh woderiul results IB ,Hbb
)irive If,
in l
s rssular pr.;rlUton. It l wtf1 gi
the bMl tonics known, combined with ins
bleed uunner. aciina uitnu; " v. T
u aurfaee. 'rbj iicrfsst amWna-
Aliout all n man gets In this life Is
hi board and clothes. If you have
good board and clothes, you are it sua
lIBVItltl-Y O. KINKHAlt.
Uvery atut needs to m tohl tlio plain
truth OiHHtslonttlly, rogawlless of the
hurt, to save him from being rbllo-
Jaitlralll. hex at (kernels, ndyeitlMr
tie, Ike flseit liter sad bawel rsgnbtter was.
A widower Is Hived front a seanml
luarHuee by his daughter as often uf
the wheat Is wtvoil by the snow.
. PlrWtlrdieii m mi ut v M '.'ATA
After u man Amis (A. he spends wont
of bl tlmo looking fur more.
I'm Ur llarter s iron Tonic Your drvncMI
wilt refund money il net latufactary,
A funeral nt n house altmote pea-
plu who never ko (here Ht any otner (dnoytl, Tile
ittron is
1007 HUH. 1'OT.ITOIIS rittt At!itr iflirnwn
tuu i uciibvo u, iiur uiu mo ouiier 1 . r I
until he saw Salter's uront farm seed i uuc ,B lorceil
catalogtie. I I'm wonderful what an ar- back UDOll the
ray ut iscis ami ugnrea ana w
things and big yields and groat tsstl
munlala It coutalni.
Krnil Thla Niillrf. nml III Crntl Vlllllil't
to John A. Halter Semi Co., Ii rroe,
Wis., for eataloKiin and 13 rare farm
seed samples, worth SIO. to got a start.
Xo man want to be a woman lon. r
than It wouhl take to how hU wi'
that he can Improve un her method.
WllKN blllou or roatWe. ot n t'cm
rnndy ratlwrtlc, rureguaranteed Kh-,
I Aliout half a mnn' tlmo 1 taken up
feigning iM'tltious uml proti't,
lnni:, and dis
ease results
caused bv
weakness of
tht kldncvs.
t o)M t- ltl rf
fftdi 'HI k (Jd
It h-i t-tuo l tln
test of tttneilthas
.ivcd thouiandiof
livea. it has rc tor-
cd miliums oi mf.
ferrrs lo health;
it ha done what
wu never done,
nncr attempted
before: it has nude
men stronger anil
healthier; it his
made .. wotnett
brighter and hap
pier; .. it t.tnd
alone in nil tbco
iu.ihtic. Do sou
not think it Would
be wit for you to
im it nnu mis
avoid the riangrrt
it thi season ' i.i-
t .t" nhaviniriU
i ti it v nr.n,
1 1 .1 1 I
ir.iiitiLitrnuur. i.j-cn.n.
IJ'lJtlHf nnr IIATTI,I . ' ' ;,
AjHurnllt'nilillliiir lur I'ImIi rim nll.
.M uti-r I'riiiil Mii-nlhlnii tnii i .
1 iti i .i in.rh t vi i. Mfiiil '
I.AlUM'IIM.Ci , lj)) ,. 4,
ll A i-h..ia..t I
Wllllt? Tliiifn not tlio T
Tlie tiHtioii In why duu'i you nnu
Jacobs Oil
It Will Ctl
fixed and
ru It; tliat'i
nnLon&s montiio.
fur montliKrhut sho nlmled thorn nml
Is now bark lu the InmirKOut ranks.
Fort Worth, Texas.
l.lltln lllrl ArUra In llrr (lunlii unit
Crisitia Much liirltrmi'iil.
WnHhliigtoii stnto Is experiencing,
many curious religious speotnelus. Ta
coma lias n baptist proncher, the Itnv.
N. II. Iliirrlmitu. who has had a vision
of hudon and refuses to prottoh to his
ion?n)ntltm iinlees tlioy profess total
ftaurtlllcnilon, nnd n Utile girl Iiuk Just
aiiHuii from her colli n after having
been apparently dead for three days
The girl's mime Is Kthnl (lllllnm and
her parents nro devout members of the
Taeouia Methoillst church. Hho had
been sick with fever iiuil wim pro
nounced dead some das ago. on
Thursday evening she came to life and
described a visit to heaven. Although
she had good eyesight before apparent
ly dying, sho was totally blind after
recovering. Hut. although blind. b
ran read readily by Kissing her llng i
over the printed page. She ran nl
describe mlnuotly nil photograph -Vhicwl
lu her liituds. She snys she r-"
ognlsed inuny doad friends while nppa
rently dead herself. Itueh wore n crown
nnd when alio asked for one she was
tohl she had n mlsHlau to perform and
must return to life agttlu.
This case has caused renewed excite
ment among tho Harrlnmn following,
who profess total Mtiotllleatloii. Tlu
beeHtnu hystorlenl and froutled, some
fnlnttng mid others semimlng rollgloiis
pussages and praying. Quo woman'
who fulntod was walked ovor anil
IrnmpkMl upon and only n throat to ar
rest tho ttuuotlllcd ones caused them to
desist mid brenk up tlio meeting.
I bMklrt (rtt. li. KTKtll.IMn ntllttllT til., fhlf.ro. Moatrral. t in. , or it (or.
lsaBSBBn Pa ,i rms -
obssB BTSHTaW"
For the last 20 vcars wc have kcot Plso's Cure for Con
sumption in stock, and would sooner think a groccryman could
get along without sugar In his store than wc could without
Plso's Cure. It Is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists,
Seresco, Michigan, September 2, 1896.
eimluiii Is the reign of the saints of
(led over the nations. Mtteh might bo
written on the joy of perwna who will
live during the Millennium, arising
(rum the Improved physical condition
tit the world. The climate at the earth
Will not be severe, either from excess
ive uold or heat. Violent storms either
on land or sea will be unknown, and
the whole aspect ut creation will be
wore beautiful. The animal world will
po longer have ferocious beasts, or any
mature to harm man or woman.
What will beeome of Wall street?
Tnt I can positively answer. Wall
etSeot, three years from now, will bo
13 Jerusnlem. Hut Its work will lie
over. Its usefulness will have been
tteoompllshed. Wall street Is not n bad
Institution nnd It will bo saved It the
men Individually are all right.
"And our polltlclanaT Now you get
jrlfht down to personalities. I could
'pick out twenty good politicians nnd
twenty bad ones. The bad ones will
.be cast Into outer darkness and tho
said a. rood ones transported to Jerusalem
Klllrd with a I'm Itiilfr.
Joseph Collins, an Omnha mechanic,
was fibbed nnd Instantly killed tbe
other morning by Charles Mullnn, an
ex-ronvlct. The murder took place lu
a saloon and the weapon used was a
little penknife. The murderer surren
tiered at once. To tbe police he said:
"Collins, I think, took one ot my
gloves, and I tohl him so, and then he
reached for me and lauded oue on uiy
Jaw. It made me mad. 1 reached Into
my coat pocket and pulled out my
knife, opening It as I brought It out. 1
stabbed him twlee with It. He reached i
for a stone match nufe which was on
tbe counter, but 1 guess It waa faatened !
down, for he didn't Uirow It. He walk- ;
ed around a billiard table and fell j
dead." The point of the knife scarcely
wads nn abrasion ot the skin, but an
IttvesUgatlon showed that the point
wretched the heart, naming the slight
Jit iwetlble hemorrhage.
I'rnltrnt Thief Itvturu t'nru.
Thomas Hoberts drove to the house
ul A. C. (lllehrlst at (Ireensburg, Ind .
with a stick ot corn, saying that with
another man he stole tho same amount
of eorn twenty years ago, and wlslud
to return It. lloborts declared that
his oonstlenee would not let him rest,
and he asked (lllehrlst's pardon, which
was granted, aeeompantod with a moral
leeture. Huberts has been attending a
religious revival, and has been oou
Uil hatt ulil diioct to Ik
roaiumtr fur Jl ytar. al
Ihtm it altra' ro
nia rnipiiiinncfi
for riaiuiaatuin u.
fort mi. Ktarr-
thlrif wtrranlM.
Ul TiIm uf Iter.
i a lutv
lIIU. iiuiii Dtiim-rdMiiiin. iuaiiwii.- Kna K.f.... r,. nk.....,.. uu.
a.,w4aMH.fwnw. furlart. rrttiuiofut, iIUi,i,humi h 'mmihimia
ELKHART oauuiaou xnu nxuaM uru. co4 vr. it. I'uatt, sta, eutniUT, i.m
Thla ml Mill Hfi'cMr lull uiir till niiuilli.
rl!, i Ire r II
dm. 'japiiiKiixa
m W i'i.i..n. m
a. "sHJa.
ktlMr Sm. ara Wunti.l la fraJaM.
iJabn lu.lJir. ilutii. uii vi. ! nl.hMY
Ilka orl 1 vim U J . I l I u i.t h, Imi'iV
ff(lll.r klf hai!.- 4r,u, .,.u IjuukrlMial
llll jull Wilis ll III .i',r VfBftll, 11,1111.
I1M.M w isia.ra .vj ua uul
itouiiM.AUe' iiiiTii l ou ioe.E
an a(t 1. 1 naw anu iar lairu a iitfUMlnir
abw itarivr lfiaiv. uitn. puiri, i
IVal' h ' 4K HHI " MvlMrullhva, w I
K lllTtl, wrin ! ia a imi i an WM i
B inriuaum vur iai aq ram .7. ur i
L lAfgMI IfOW.ri i.f MM HMIHIO l .
ainaoria a rav rariu
Dr. J. 13. SHE.LMmE(.l;,r;.. ; ; :;r
in .N ci Hi l,w ll'ila ami H. . 1.1 l ... .
1 .
ditaiHi I'ImW un earib n fJRg
nnits mi 1 auMnii a 1-1 iiri
Tiaa Ulau I'luw u 1..
oild H tk f.'ll..l
-T.fi.M. aanlill I Ul.if ull,
.an iu.ui ii hi. air iiianwi u .
-laiaaaiHf iturara mm
uu 1
I ATAUw.l t Hill tUSa ON A fTl I' A' H 1
If )i.u ul lav lll Antl I ,
Aafc uur lHiirr
T liACIIMAN'H jL Tl. WtlllUS
I mar lifr.fi la lani.nuii
iia labrlia Kii.!'!. il"a Wuaii.iHia4
Al l AS rt:x
twaiirai U uik r
Kiamlaatio aa i Adii. a aa I I'al.utablUlT .1 to,
aaallua Ma4 fwr ' laiauicr. oui.ta ur llww .!
l-alaal " o I'AIIHKIX M Wadilaftos, l. 1
MWHi nyi iraiva n . vi I it(
IlM f . IHl Itkk Hl4l fr tle.fcj.il It t
i fuillMaitii 1! li iiuiitr I'll u
1 1
I.t lu
l I 1
i, (Mi, if
r 1 ri. mioi if fer
1 'tti in
1 'iLt
I I HI MftfallMl b"aa Tat ai
It Is hard to do bui'ncss.
business man to day, and compcto ijwhere they ran mix for a thousand
with men who do ni-t nav their bills. " 1 rears In the tierfect reign of Oiirljt, the .
Among disease, produced by floating lmfXxrVi ' a
organlsma are erysipelas, pneumonia omiitiu-r. , h t . msiu u w
tuberculosis, whooping cough and very
likely tho grip or epldsmb Intluenx.i
Vnilow fever and cholera are some
V, rIM hi aaavl uiafi Jaa
riafWH J'lauti u t(n .
Ill Mat t tMilaa Tat ai.4
I nit i,
Ue lUulHir rlVfl luu. ia Ituim.. oj tu
ilmcs conveyed by tho air altbougt
iieually tbrousti drinKii
W N U UAbtAt.
frlrM Aaswisg Autsrt -.: : eu
K. i It AUK
ws taa I
t'bttU. ttaairr llirre'.ia 1
1 lUrtata. Il)dt m an.lai'
!! !lalrR 1.1
I'ai nullum, .
1 i: -

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