Newspaper Page Text
KHy fonnty Bex no 1 dee tt THE! ESIDIDr OXTET Pooog Valley to tho Frdnt--CronkorB to tho Rear. VOL, 5 EDDY NUW MEXICO, SATURDAY. JUJ.Y 8. I07. NO 34. Suicide of niguel Salaxar. Special to tne Atbcrquorquc Demoemt, Vegas, Juno 8Uh. Suspicion that Miguel 8aazar committed sulcldo has iwn confirmed beyond a doubt. K. IJ. uuuunu, n vcgas druggist, says on uio th of Juno Sslazar wanted to buy poi ton but acted auspicious and was refused, ftalazar wont (o Trinidad recently and on Monday evening went to Dr. Harmon, at Aguliar near Trinidad, and told him that ho had run over his llttlo dog and crljijilcd him and did not want to shout him, but wanted soiiC!"'" mat wouw wh mm a painlessly at noinbic. At d o'elook hu retired to his room and. u few minutes after the fall of hli body attracted hli fath cr to hl room, whero Halizar was found lying ou tho bed. Coroner Hlpo was null Ilea and went to Aguliar. An autopsy was held by Dr; Harrison and tho poison round in tho stoisacu. Mo inquest was Iqld, na It was uotthoght necessary by the coroner. Halazar recently returned from Honorn, Mexico, whero ho wti Interested In mln Ins property. 11a had somo money duo him by parties on tbo Aplshapa, and dlssa polntment In not getting It wai undoub tedly ono of tho reasons for trio rash act. .Salazar was a graduato of Wost l'oint nnd 'a man ot oxcellont education, lie hold several high position In Washington. While in Washington ho met ono ot tho leading society ladles of tho capital city and iiiarrlBgo soon followed. For tho past number ot years ho has been n rest dent ot i.fts Vegas, Tho deceased was tho owner ot sorortil of tho patented mlnos In Old Mex ico and beoarao involved In numorous mining properties from which ho could not realize and It la said creditors were pushing hlm.and ho took thcio means to avoid tho troubles that wero to come. Ho leaves ft wlfo and two children at Las Ve gas. Tho body was buried at his summer, boiuo noar Aguliar, Colo. Fighting tho Arbucklcs. Tliero Is a light on botwcoa tho sugar barons and tho Arbucklcs, The sugar won aro preparing for the 'erection of two now buildings tJnllrooklln to bo unod for roasting I and storing of coffoo. Tho now concorn is to be known os tho American collco company. Tho Havcmoyeifl say that tho now eolloo roasting plant can bo put In iuh operation wjimn n yoar, wneross mey soy it, will rcquiro Considerably raoro than that time for tho Arbucklcs to got tho ma chluory for tholr proposed now sugar refinery In oporatlon. Tho 1'ioncor Art Store fn selling paints, oils, turpontlno Just to suit tho times; givo us a trial. For Hulu or Hont: Dwelling house J junqiuro ai uuiuusnt oiiico. Benefiting tho Plock Owners. Omaha World Herald. Tho bureau of nnlmal Industry, by dir ection ot Secretary Wilson, has unilcrta Wrm In tii I nt nritl in tttn silinnn rtlnneian ! . led "scab." Thoobsorvanco ot existing lawsfortho regulation of scab-dlseatod shocp will ovontually rid tho United fits- tcs of this troublcsoiuo and annoying flock ailment. is uteicss 10 attempt me oxtcrmination oisuou aaiscaso in any siato or uistnci of country, with tho hopo ot being per inancntly frco from It, uulcss all trauipor tatloti companloa nnd shippers of shoop bomado a party to tbo violation of tho law. , This ailment readily yields to proper 'dipping treatment, but tho yards, tho stab- MM aud tho pastures may do wo means 01 again at&rttnt: it in the Hock) llkowlio cars shipping yards and placesot confinement ot the diseased flock when tn course of shipment. The department of Agrllcul. ture has mado all inspectors ot tho bar onu of animal industry special detectives In tho of looking up sheep scab. In order to moro fully accomplish tho object of tho abovo mentioned laws tbs following order has been issued. Any railroad cars, boats or other vthl. cles, which have been used In tbo trans vortatatlon of sheep aflocted with said dls ease, shall bo Immediately cleaned and disinfected by tho owners or transporla. tion companies tn whose possession said cars or vehicles may bo at the time the an!- innn nruuuiunupu, u uiik lemmuK litter and manure which they contain, and theu saturating tha woodwork, with a 6 percent solution ot crude carbolio acid lu water Inspeetorsotthe bureau of animal Industry aro directed to seo that this order Is carried into elTect This sheep disease is mainly couflued to the western and southern range country vvtte large bands of skeep aro kept. Tha trim ol snail industry is practically free from the disease. The conditions lor hau ling the sheep of theso flocks permit a close inspection and tmlek work on tbo the slightest ovidence of ailment, and thus the farm (lock may be speedily cured ot all Infectious diseases, It dipped two or three times a year, will only hold In check the disease, loavlng the means of convey Infrlts spread still In force. The co-operation of state and county authorities throughout the entire sheep raising districts would In very short tlrao put this pest ot the flock out of exist sxce. Secretary Wilson deserves special eeiameudatlon for the earnest and busl cesJike eilort he 1 puttlnc fsrLh Ui Ubt t the flock owoars. An Arizona Idyl. m I'ftio citizens will ramombor Miss 0. i.. Mattlu, Tho deaf and dumb wnmnti who was recently In this olty pushing the circulation of a Dalian paper called Yours irniy. Miss Martin wan as activo and energetic as alio was helpless of speceh and hearing, and did quite well here, aim continued westward to fhumlx whero she ion in love with a fellow named White aim thereby hangs n tale. According to the rhuiilx Ilenntiiinmi White and a pardiier named Johuiou con. stltuted nil out lit to enlarge photographs mey collected port payment In advance and never shuwed u. Of course this could r.ot ootitlntie forever, and presently, n iiiiu was arrested. The Itepubliean in chronlcallng this add relative to Miss Martini What follows Is romantic, but equally truthful. A woman named Miss U. 12. Martin, n deaf mute, the manager and edi tor or, lours Truly, a paper published In Dallas, Toxas, was making a tour ot Ariz ona in mo interests of her periodical. She met Whlto somo whero In the southern pan 01 uio territory ami fell in lovo with mm. incywcro to bo married to-day, Miss Martin said, or rather she wrote It ror sno cau't talk. Her vocal convcrsa. iionai powers aro restrained to 'ta ta' which alio says to Whlto when alio Ioiivm his cell. "Ta ta" Is Hyht and Irreverent for farwcll, but Mis Martin doos not use it ngniiy or irroverently. Bbu nooomnnii- les It with a look of tenderness nndji kiss. aiiss Aiartm camo homo with tho iiieriir anu ins prisoner. Miio seems bravn nn.i tiotermincu, ana what Is more to White's purpoioahehas.tbatik account in Daiim. ono loiegrapuou nor banker yostorday for money to bo used in the defense of her sweetheart, for alio wroto on a card yestor- uny, -1 nni seaicu to him." Miss Martin h not n nan looking woman nor n start! iuk ueuuiy or tinny mo. Hither Whlto Is notsonoperuiorhlscaseaa Miss Mnriin or no hicks uio courage, for ho Is ranch do presscd.-El rasoTolegrnpb. Law and Order Sheriff. Helurday night, at I'eralta. Valencia oounty, daring tbo ,progros of n danoo, wis son or BtierifT Jesus If, Bandits nt- tanintail in alinnt Ml,. VI..I.I. ni . - , .... ....... t iiuin utoru 110 imavcj, to wliom he had recently bem IhiuK numinous, ;t u reported that yunng Banehex, who la about !i'J years of age, hud been drinking and that after .uouoing wim jait, ciiaves .hp left the room, unung ma absenoo lfran0i.n I Hotnero entored tho room and took tho vacant seat bt sldo Miss Ohavus, When Haaohex returned ho wn uuatr nt thn ptesenao of Homtro and somo hot words pasted. Hanchex finally slapped his Sweetheart in the fnov. Item ferred aud placed himself between the lady and her gnlleut escort, when Hauohex palled onta gun and attempted to shunt the girl, Ilemaro threw up hW arm and me ballet entored tho oelllag, no attempt Mint ever was made to arrest tbo woold bo tnardoror althoonh It rluusu Mini jtoroero, who provrnteil tho t.titi . . - 1 pmoeu unuor arrest for oar. . u I . . .. I nun. rrnuoiieo uomero Is tho '?naB m wh tr,6d tot mordorlng """""" aramnio, at the 1JDDM uop01 "vdroi years ago, for wul0" be was acquitted. As soon as tho shot was fired br voantr aaoouex lie Untried out of tho room and went to his homo. Ills father j..n. n Hanobex, siionuT of Valenolo oountr. instsad of placing tho boy under arrest, brought him to Albmiuornuo Hiid raised sovsral hundred dollars and sent tho bor to Oiilongo, whero ho will probably be kept nntil the affair Is forgotten, Bheriff Sanohes and his deputy, Francsloo Vigil, ware in the city all day yesterday. Alb uquerque Uemoorat. Hxcurslons for tho Fourth. Account ot celebration of Indojiondanco mMl lh. full purpose and intent of decel ZXV: thlgthewoo!grPow.,. ot the eoantry." - "4 .".w ..... ..... i m ui excursion train leaving Kdtiy nt 8:A. M arriving at lloswcllot 10.10; and returning leave Jtoswon ntmiunight ot samo date. (All railroad tlreej. Tlnketswlll bo sold at es-ooior round trip from liddy. 51.00 from Ilagcrman and ono fair from Inter- modlato stations with maximum rati of 88. oo. rartiea living south of Kddy oaii ob tain tickets at S8.&0 plus one fair to Kddy, and catch tho exourslon train by coming to juuiy on no. i oi mow. For parties wishing to spend the nay at baxe McMillan n rato of 91.00 fur tho I Hound trip will be mado. Hpeetal train will reach that point at UilO. aii uokcis win no koou tor return ou No. Sot Sunday, It parties holding them wish t" remain all night. No pomes will be honored on the special train, aud full faros will be collected from parties who board it without tickets, at stations whore there aro agents. For furtbur Information apply to local agents or to R. 0. FAur.KNKii (Ion. Mrg. KddyN. M nut anu com naina bl iuo I'.nto eiinn at all hours, in the Osborne blook. Pasture for Horse. I will posture horses the oomino summer on the Itogers farm near Otis at one dollar per month each. 8. O Kayseh. WASIIINQTON LI1TTIIR. (From Our llrgnlar Correpoudent.) Washington, I one 25th, 1897. Hon. Win. J. tlryan received consider able attention In tho senate Hils week Henator Allen started it by rMng to a personal explanation and deuyiug In tho most posillvtt terms the ohsrite that Mr, Drrnu' olfer of 81.S00, from the ptoee eds of his book, ws nooampauled by a stipulation that the next pupnllit Nation al oonventlontbnuld tskeon notion agnlust n fusion of tho supports of silver, lie ad ded th .t the draft for the money had been sent lohlm personally, and afler eeuator flutler, Chairman of tho popullut lintlona Committee, declined to accept It he (Allen), at tho soggostlou of tr. Iliynn, InvMted the money to he need In tho in terest of bimetallism, tieuator llutler confirmed tho etatomoul of Uonntor Allen that tho money had boon given without condition, and said that while ho approv' d ur. Uryan's inollro ho felt that the no oeptanooot tho money might be open to mlaoonstroetfou, and had thoroforo deal lued It. Later thnt dved-lu-tho-ront 10 publican, Heuatur Hoar 'd: rhvna good dent of respect for ur. Uryati. Ill, chnraoter has ImprMscd me very favorable and I tuivo never juluod in erltlolsus op on him ', and bonnlor dtewiirt ollnelied thing by remarking: ''It In no oteorlt- lelelug Dryan, m he' going to bu tho next President. Tliero wero no now developments eon nected with eltbsr tho anuozatlou ttenty or tho MoKluley Oubnu pulley this week. The treaty has been protested against by Japan and referred to a sub-committee nt tho Senate Committee ou Foreign lie lotions, and wilt In duo time, probably next wlntor, bo favorably reported, and Henator Morgan has Introdaoed a bill for annexation. Early In tho week Ihuru was talk of an agreement in the Beiiato to hang up tho Tariff bill until Cxar Itoed nllowed tho Home to vote on tho Morgai Cuban resolution, bat it Is not likely ti it any thing will come of It, Hdthliig more amusing than Henntor forakur's forcing of Sonator and hie colleagues of tho republican Meeting oommlttoa to meet tho demands of the wool, growing states In tho wool tohedalo of the tariff bill has oconred during the oonni Jumiinn ,.f tho bill. And It was of tho Smuts In open dono on tho floor session, and not oommittoo room. In tho seorotarr of a Allison seldom loses bis temper, but when Voraksr nocused him of double dealing and trlokery ho did. Henator 1'latt, of Conn., nropub llcau member of tho Finance Committee, attempted to go to tho rescue of Allison butForakor tjulokly disposed of him by telling him that ho had himself at Forakor's diotatlon, written 1 10 very amendment which hp denied evi r having heard of. Thisso crashed I'latt that lib hnmhl iiiioloolaeil. snvlnir ( hn !,.!. 1 4 n have been mlntnkene. Beuntor Vesttnb bed It In on the toimbllonue hr milellnu that tho bill bo proceeded lth, aud Hena- tor Teller expressed his consnrrenoe. Henator ManUo saldi '"If I wore to aearoh through tho wboln domalu uf poetry and prose nothing ooold be fonud that would so fitly characterize the wool soliedole as these familiar words of Uret Harte's Yet tho oards thoy wero stocked In a way that I grieve. And My feelings wern sbooked At tho siato of NiVs sleevep It was stuffed full of noes and bowers, 1 he same with Intent to deolve.' " "I think tho bill", continued Henator Mantle," so far as it relatts to the wool growers Is staffed foil of aees and bowers Lttsr on tbo same day sonator Allison, on be half of the committee mado an oh. Jeot surrender and offered tho amendment demanded, and It was addoptod by a vote of 39 to 20 although tho previous vole, whloh bad so Irritated tbo wool men had boon 05 to II), Mr. Calhoun having demonstrated by by an nwMd4 written report on his visit to Cuba that ho bus the koack of meeting Presidential objections when they are made known to Dim, has been offered the position of Comptroller of tho Treasury, now htld tr Mr. Howler, of Ohio, the gentlemau who gained much notoriety during th early part of lh Ulsvelaud admfuUttatloii by sotting himself up as tho wily Poobash of tho Oovornmsnt. Although Mr. Calhoun hails from IlllnoU. neither Senator Callomn or Henator Mason knew that this position was to be offered him until after it was don. llroker Chapman was In Washlnnton this week to seo th last of the fate kuowu aa th trail ot witnesses for oonlem pi In tho Henstorlsl soaadsl luvestluatlon " V"" . "P'naa didn't say ... ,1 ... H L . ... ,0 b0 B,0I, tbonght ltTrr qr that b aloa sboald have been ooavloted out of lb lot who wer India t- 4 for isfoslng to answer questions. SliCriMflJ) GIUSISLEY, HOW THf Qlt EAT EDITdfl'8 HAND. WfiniNQ 8EnVED A TURN. tts Itleglkllltjr Mb, Tnhrn Adrntn of lif the iHunnirrr of thn Oountr Fair, ana tun Pntpl of Owro I'all, Hun and 1 1 Mini thn Mini of tli liar, ovvwy "mipmitor who tm tmt in tjpo any (,f Ilotuce areeley'a eonr will fiOTttfjr to 1 h, fact tlmt lu" linndwrltliig wna niino-1 nieoiuie. It was tliedssnrtlr or me eoiiposlng room, mm oven ureo- ley lilmarlf eoiiltln't nlwtiya deolphfr Ir. A mnii wim wits niHiiy ywtrs nao tires! dont of tin Oswego County Agrlonlturnl nssoolntlnn wild Hfvnrnl days ugo tlmt ho had good rrasoti on oun oconslon to bo thankful Hint Mr. Qroeloy's wrltlnir wn narii to ncoipiicr. Tins rnot seourod far Him a star nttrnotioti nt tho fnlr Wliloli ho could not huvo obtuiuod other wise. Tho association of which ho president mmlo n groitt offort onch yoar 10 onttio rivot nssoulntlons In IIh fnlr, nnd 0110 of Its renulnr nttrnotlntm wn n distinguished sponkcr who dullvorcd nu nddroM to tho crowd on nuysnbjoct that no iiiigut scipot. "Vhen I wan inndo nrcslilont." nnlil tlio ox-onici r of tho association, "I wim young uiul ambitious. I wanted to give thn best fair that over had been hold nt Oswogo FiiIIh, and I was willing to work linnl to tiooouinl sh sticli it remili. Long befori Imud I stirred up tho fnrni- ors to rnlsii big sauashes niui Dtuntiklns. mid I prepared 11 good sohotltile of liorw rfloefl. I ' nirtxl 11 nmn to mnko it hal. Inaii tuweiulon, nnd nil thiitwiM lucking 111 uiy prflgratuino was tlio spjuker. At mac tinio Mr. ureeluy was tho most consplotious uinn in tha Uultvil Stntos. Wo sf It wnntrd to seo him mid hoar hint spouk. Ho wns it voir busv tunu, however, mid I know that wo had nbout ono clinnco in ten ot socurlug iiiiu. 1 iioicruiiiicu to ntuo that oliuiicc. After murli prolliulnnry thought nnd iiiatiy cousnltittloiis with othon I pro. paml ami soiit to him 11 very ureditublo luvltntioii to ntteiul our fair nnddulivor riu address 011 iiuy subject tlmt ho ohaso. 1 nsstired III in that ho would llml onlv friends in his nndlmicc, nnd I said tlmt wo una io.ig looted for such 1111 omxir- tiinity to hoar him. Two days Inter the vlllngn postmnstor told mo that ho hnd n letter that ho thought wns ttddruwoil to 1110, I hud heard n good tlonl 11 Lou I reeley'd linndwrltliig, mid I hnow nl oucif tlmt this wus my reply from Mr. Oreoloy. When I opened tho oiivrlopc. I found it sheet of paper on which woro Irregular soruwls tlmt I conhln't iln- cipher. With several of my friends I juistskd over it n long ttiii, but I could tint re ml it, 1 rcinemberiHl that tho iil- itor of our Iinpcr bud nt one time Imh fiuulllitr wltli Mr. Umley's hitndwrlt lug, and I took tho l .tr to I1I111. lf wns 11 little out of pruetlm, but ho tie ciphered it after half nil linur'aoxntnl- nation. Mr. Greu cy reun tted that 1m was uiioblo to accept our invitation. That wits n grout dlHiipioiiitiiitit to iui. 1 thought It orer, mid suddenly It tliiwiiod oirmo that there was lust a cunuco tunc 1 niigiit by strategy get Mr. ureeiey to uswcuo mm nftor nil. I sout htm nuothor li tter that must have ntiiBfiorctl lilm. Mr. (Jrcolay wim well nwaro of tho fnet tlmt his writing was iilniost Illegible, nnd ho was uovor intich stirprlswl when his letters woro mlwonatrued. I simply took ndvntitnvu of tlmt. itiid In my second letter I thanked htm for nccentiiia our invita tion. To JiMtvo him no loopholo for wipe. I told him that wo had begun to distribute handbills niiiiottiialug tho fact that ho wns going to deliver tho ndilrcM at (ho fnlr, mid I added that I had ordered tho printers to pi seo his name III big letter 011 our tlnwi sheet porters. I know tlmt wheu hu got my letter he would concluilo that wn had read his letter deoliiilng tho iiivittitloti us 11 letter at uoceptnnoe, nnd 1 hoped when ho learned how far wo had gono with our printing that hu would con clude to coma Wo received no reply from Mr. Qreeioy, but from llino to tlniu wo ssut him our posters and information nbnut tho fair ana tho town. A week before tho day set for tho address wo sent him n time table nnd told him 011 what train wo shontd look for him. I wns uneasy all this tinio, beouuso I knew that it Mr. Ureeloy didn't tarn tin I should bo blamed. When tho day far the great event irrtved, I went to tho Staiiou to Await til train. Sure eiMWuh. Mr. tlreeley wits oil board. I Introduced hit it to him as the man wim had sent him the Invitation and who Jim! r- oeui .l his vary kind hwiUiho Mr. Qr ly looktfl at m elosvly, ami that wan a suspleJou of n smile on his faca. " You had no dinioulty in reading my l"tulrr, he said. Well, it was it little hard to deol plier It nt first,' I replied, 'and Wo were In ilnubt fur it few minutes whither you hud said or "No" to our Invito- tlmi When wo did decipher the letter, wh were vory much pleased to find that you hud agreed to oaiaa ' " 'Ilunspltl suld Mr. Oreoley express Inly. 'You ordered your posters at once, didn't you?' 'Yes,' I replied, 'wo wanted ovory one to know what an attraction wo had to olfer-" "Mr Greeley again looked nt mo I closely, as If he were a bit suspicious. Ho delivered the address, and the largest crowd In the history of the as sociation heard him. Whether be suspected the trick I had plnyed ou I him I tilBwered. flo intfniHted to (iiitf of fly friemts llml he h8 stisiHalsiis, swmI he mail the retMifk that I would make mi excellent poJttl- "'i'.1.'-. 'r,mt WM ,,,, tMy oniiuiisiil. 1 still have Mr. rwIer' Istlor. ami uu one who will uxumliie It will mi how eniily it might Intve been inlstakun for an iicMptntice." .Now York Sun. 1.1 f. to Imwortlivnf ft rnlliuinl Iia. lug, must l always in progression. Wo must, niwnys jmrptwo to do nioro or bot ler than in time past. Jolitnwn, GRANT IN DISGUISE. A Ittconiiuliiniiro nu the Unlet Wlilrli Took thn llnx lif Htiirni. "Ono ilny nt Chattnnoogit," says one 01 too soiitier imy writing Hi tho Chi cago inter uocnti, "it Jot or us wero loading liitrd taok and bacon Into it wagon train that wns to bo sent to half starving inon, and wuro Hlvinc moro nt teiitlon to trndgerlug oaah otlmr than to tiit work in liaiiti, when n Inmo mnii In fntlgun driwi, walking with somo til (11 cuiiy wim iuo nmistnuco 01 n 011110, putHteii along tho high porch of thonunr toriiiiistor's shed mid looked down at the boys for 11 minute or two without n word. Then ho ipoko quietly, saying! "Hint is not tlio way to load boxes, iu 1'ut them in straight mid carefully. Do your work Hue soldiers. "Old lIuiiulbHl. who wns slouching n goon iieni nt ins work, turned with I111 ptuleut bnivndo toward the oflleer nud wns just in tho net of saying that ho did not want nuy iiunrtermiiNtor'ri olcrk to give onlers to him, whon he sturted In surprise, saluted mid, murli to tho as tonishment nt the boy, lifted his hut. Thu look ot impiitkiico went from his nice like 11 Hash, nud ho said, 'All right. general, wo will do it just ns yon want it done.' Then nil tho men recognized in the (pilot mail tho commanding gen eral or tun nrmy. ariuit followed every look nnd word, nud ho probably understood old HiiuiiI bnl butter than that rough old fighter understood himself. Thorn wns n twin kle lu his nyo as ho saldt 'Itoiuouibcr. men, these provisions nro going to half stnrvcu soldiers. You ought to get as many ixixes m tho wagon as poss bk. Whon mules aro so scarce mid ronds so dangerous, tho moro boxes in tlio wagon too moro men y-Mt teed. ' Tho boys got up in tho wagon, straightened out ovury nox una loaded nil carefully ns tho itctt onu mrocicu. this was only tnrco or four dnys beforo tho bittllo of Chattn noogn, nud whlto tho fight wns lu nrou ross old Humilbiil said ho knew that Qrnut'wasu't llinpin round Chattauoog ror notiiin.'" Tlio Mctiirn Hat, Homo tune ngo it noted writer nil- nonuced that salautlflo nhysicinus had utterly condemned tlio largo, rouud hats weighed down with oxoosslvo garni turns, pronouncing thorn "n serious nud uudoulnblo iiiunus of produolug head none, wriukles nud gray hulr." Cue Would suppose this threat of n trio of ter rible nfllictlous would huvo had tho in stuntniieous good effect of banlshltig tho burdsiiNomo cnuso of tliom nil; but not so. Wo can nlmost nlllrm that fashion's Iower is more iiotoitt than health or oven llfo itself. Urny hairs may appear, the "picttiro lint liondaolm" may becoina ohronio nud wrinkles deepen, but whilo tlio (loniHiatliig queen or stylo decrees It wo shall still bohold.tho br.uuful and overpowering picture hat Exchange. A Decided Hint. Mother What In tho world over is nonsuit you to glvo Mr. Bingo a shaving sutl Ditughler Ho never seems to renllxo how tender my fucu is. Detroit Free Cress, The Alnhlp'a iryeterlous ujag9, Tho airship that was launched In NnMivlllo last week has disappeared from sight, but by account of "entire ly reliable observers" It was last seen heading for Canada. Intlniotlous nro thrown out that after taking on nu as sorted cargo of dutiablo goods tho ship will r ecrons tho lino nnd land its cargo in Koruo quiet spot fur from tho roach of custom house oilleers. In regurd to such a cargo, It would bo extremely dlfllcult to apply Secretary Cage's circular of Itistruetlons for the relromillvo section of tlio Dlngloy bill Philadelphia Rec ord. Xawrvnc nnd HI Ham. "Lawreueu Is not interested in wool. but III sheep," the Chicago Tribune (Hen. ) explains. "He nud a sear a more of Ohloaus raise blooded rains, whloh thy hII to the rauehmen to Improve tho breed of their sheep and bettor tho quality of t hair wool. This is n prosaio, tisufnl buslnass, but the country would not lie mined if it were stopped. It is lu order to be nblo to sell more rams that Judge Lnwreneo poses us tho disinterest ed thauiplou ot the sheep raisers." A pessimist Is an invalid who cousld tr happiness a dlseasu. Dallas Nowt IltHevr In Bute Tax. A banker of Conway, Ma, says I "Our little oity would be niuoli benefited by the construction of 80 miles of inao ndaui road at right angles to the rail road, but It Is impossible to build under the present laws as we understand them. There Is no good reason why, If webtdld good roads for futuro generations to ttse, tuat future generations tlioatd not belp pay fo- theat." ROMANCE VERSU8 REALITY, niEU SKNATOIW IfWRl) Itllt A OIIHAT IIIS- TuutvAt. firrriis prjfzrf ?i r riUkib y 1. IWT TIJBV WO.N'T KNOW IT WAS A UOKNTCIElf AMKIIA. Now England Is much cotiocrnodi about frco lildos. Honlo of her biggen industries, especially tlmt of boots nnd shoos, lmvo bt'cn built up during oar quarter of n century of frco hides. Shot new soils boots and shoos in all parts of uio worm. Taxed littles would arlpplo1 this nud other Industries. Her Icadlmf senators pretend to represent her und to! put up a fight for free hides. In reality filer will, If necessary, sacrifloo freol hides to obtain high duties on sug ar with plenty ot margin for trust prof its. Just why this is so should La aj ruattor for senatorial investigation, If such Investigation would only Investi gate. Fortunately for tho Sugar trust, but unfortunately for tho rest of us1 70,000,000 pooplo, tho Sugar trust un derstands woll tho art of making friouds where they will do tho most good. If has. nblo attorneys to mlvlso It how to distribute Its sweots to politicians and, lawmakers and at tho sumo tinio to steer clear of jails. In this way nnd lit this way only can wo account for tho nttltttdo of not n few prominent tariff makers nt Washington. Tho situation is interesting douldcdly so. Frloea of Linens Oo Op. When tbo tariff bll was nbout to bo framed, tho Republican loaders stated that thoy desired to bo moderate and to) avoid anything llko oxcossivo rates. Mr. Aldrioh, whon introducing tho amended luoasuro Into tho senate, olnimed that his rates woro nonorully lowor than thoso of tho houso bill. Tha linen schodulo, howorur, is n notable ono of many uxcoptlous. In It tho souato rates nro higher than those of tho houso nnd ranch higher than anything over beforo known. Under tho MoKinley bill of 1800 llu- ens woro auossod OS per cent, with a few oxcoptious ns high as 00 per cent ad valorem. Under tho rates proposed by tho setiate n largo proportion of tho goods In ovcryduy uso will bo assessed from 00 to 80 per cent and in somo cases over 100 per cent, Tho following tabio shows somo of tho clmnttos In tha cost of medium and low grado linens 1 Prlcvtwr said. Hew duty lrt. New Mr rank eot, bill. Daak Ubloeloth 100 Ctiwli for roller towela UH Colored canra for drva Hn- Inn no 8 tu JO Ctotliliic Unens pa unes for buUhers' aprons. OS 14 zr Tho domestlo manufacturers in whose interests theso changes aro supposed to bo mado bavo stated that they do not deaervo over 00 per cent duty on linen goods, olid ono of tlio prluolpal mann inoturers or linen and cotton hnndker. chiefs In America (of Aohesou, Harden &Oo,, 1'oNuiIo, N. J. ) states that ho does not desire any advance of dutr on his goods. The gross injustice of these duties can bo appreciated when It is remem bered tlmt, owlug to olimntlo ooudi tlotis, good fiber flax cannot bo grown or liiiou manufactured suooessfully In tills country, and wlien tt Is further re membered that tho kino of linen taxed is tha kind that is used by tho poorest classes, whilo a much lower duty is put ou tlio fluer grades. Tho town in Uuglaud best provided with rluoes of worship is tlio aualeut one of Hoohdale, whero thore are 140 thurohes and chapols. Fifty belong to tho church of Huglaud and 00 to the nonconformist. The church of litig latid accommodates 94,440 and thonon. conformists 01,860 persons In sittings. Never does n man portray his own character more vividly than In lilr mail ncr of portrnvlns another Rlobter ill vu '.opajyy