Newspaper Page Text
... LOCAL. Attornoy John Franklin la In booer ro on legal business. 0. II. McLonathon has gono to Ottl kJfornia for a vTslt. jRnrl Patterson or HmwoII onmo down Sunday ovcnltig, W. E. Orr la now employed as fore- jnan or. uiu iicgistcr ai itoswon. C. C. Bdlnnton 1. M. will trool. for a few weeks for tho Methodists. Hov. 0. 0. Kdlngton arrived Wotlttos ,day from tho south looking jnlt well. ' Mrs, Itoubon Nnuglo doimrtod Thu rsday for her former home In Pennsyl vania. A heavy rein Wednesday and Thursday wot tho valley quito goner ally. llarileld and Fo linv lately receiv ed another car load of NVn year old Kentnky Colonel. Tho Woman's (itiihl will Mrrs Iw i.- ... ir.i.l lttiu.t cream nnu coko hi itotwi tviuuwr yard next Wednesday night. Knglneer V. O. MoColliim boasts nf a now engineer, at his homo, who ap plied for u Job last wuok, Tuesday. . Tho latu heavy ruins woro of lm incuse bonedl to llio boet orp, ospso tally that portion wdl advnneed. Only about one tenth of tho bouts havo been damaged by bugs, thoy hav ing worked on the Into planting only. Tho Mexican eompuny of acrobats l..l. ... Tft.f.l.. il. ...... I. jiniyuu iii uuiu iiiuiw iii mm), iiioiign quite worthy of patronago. Mrs. btarkwoathor doimrtetl this, week for Jfoston for n visit leaving Ucogo to Join tho summer widower crow. Honor Ituelas and his company of acrobats who havo boon untartalnliig tho people of Kddy this week, will go . to Itoswell next week. F.ldor Washington, from Abllono, preaches each Sunday to tho colored people of Kddy. During tho week tho ol der assists llarbcr Sututuuy In tho shop. Tho, locomotive No. a recently ro built by Master Mechanic Miller is now making regular lrlw. ltngneur Ar obey took her out last week for tho llrut time. Florence pooplo will entertain thslr frlonds to-day U'lth n barbneuo ai in a grovo near Unit llttlo town, Capt Smith und Prof. Swonwlclc will ml dross tho people A. 0. Campbell tho 1. I. & I. attor ney, departed Tliurtmuy night for a visit with his family In Douvor. Ho will attend tho TransmiftMsulppI con gross in Salt Lako City whllo absent, Win. Stono Devol of Tucson Arls It.inln. r 9 tlm A .t.imti ! Ir.t. 1 1 .. . experiment station cast ills optics on tho finest irrigated vulloy on tho West ern hemisphere, this wuok. Ho was looking over tho beet prospect. John Uyrno, tho sheep mun, who went to St Louis Juno 1st, bus been heatd from by Mr. Mnthoeoii. Mr. II. has underwent one oporallou for hem orrholds and will shortly submit to an other. lio expects to be homo In i month. Mr. K. August Qtigg and Miss Nel Jlo rurwoll were married at the real Alonco or .tho bride's mother Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. (lagg are old jcaldpnts of Hddy ,umong the young people and aro both Intelligent and Jinndsomo. 'Tho Ilagerman will havo a bar whero all kinds of liquors will bo sold, tho liquor oluuso being obvlntcd by obtaining a deed from tho court for the property und no clause having been inserted In the mortgage deed 1111 dor which tho propel ty was sold Father II. Kempker and Mr. John' son and son John departed last week, Wednesday for an extended tumping out trip on the Sacramento Mountains Thoy will bo absent about three weeks and expect to visit Tularosa SalluuB Peak and other places of interest, kThe merchants of White Oaks sell 10 ppunds of sugar for n dollar, while In Kddy only 14 pounds are given White Oaks tnetchauts transport goods 160 miles by wagon whloh probably accounts for their cheapness. Aooord ing to this a railroad and a sugar fuo tory would bo a curse to White Oak people. Tho democrats of the United States have surely found n leader In Win. J liryan. liven the Itoswell Ileeord which at one time oould not berate llryatt severely enough, now says Ury .an has brought the democratic (tarty to his views. Tho democratic party V always held iJryait's views and not 0119 democratic paper In New Mexleo over opposed his views except the Heoord. Mrs. S. W. Cressey has leased tho dining room and kltohen of Hotel Windsor, and will furnish board by rueal, day. week or month at six dol lar! per week and 11.60 per day, $90.00 per months meals DO ota. Mr. Illalr will continue to conduct the ollloe und will receive all applications for board. The rooms are also In oharge of Mr. Illalr, who wit.' furnish accommoda tions at 81000 pk month or 50 cts. per night. Mrs Cro. -4y is well known as a good catererer to ublic tste and will no dott Mr jfjJsiU. sitisfac Hon in coiiMlWliMvPisjHg room of tbeblgho M Mrs. neo. Miller of HAdy, Jt, M, U In Toynh this weok visiting friends, Mrs. Millar Is well oixiimliited and has a groat many friends In Toynh having lived here several years iiflor to their removal to Kddy. Her hus band, Geo, Miller was eight or tan years foreman of tho T. & P, round house hero. Ho Is now Supt, Motive Poworand Itolllng Stock, Pecos Val ley Hallway. Pecos News Mr. and Mrs. Cameron entortnliiod thb Castellans and I-'eeslls to tho num ber of twenty-six Monday evening. The paper of the evonlng was road by Judge A. A. I'reomatu who showed up tho groat projeoted steal of some hun dreds of millions of dollars by tho gang of thieves heeded by Warner Miller, of New York. The plan is to swum gov ernment indorsement of bonds issued by a oomnsny to build the Nicaragua oanal. The guests or the evening be. came highly Interested In the tiapar by the Judge, and much discussion prevailed. The refreshments consis ted of siloed cold turkey, iced tea, lee ortmni, oaktt oto, ole. The meeting' continued until eleven, when Mr. Goetz moved tho thanks of the assem bly to the genial host and his am- lablo spouse, Mr. and Mrs, Otoneron, which was given with a will. The prealdout, Mr. Cameron, then Hinted that tho olub would not moot again until after tho boated torm. Tho Jim Miller Trial. The Jury In the Jim Miller oaso ut Kastlaud Hilled to agree after being out from Tuesday night nt ton o'clock until Saturday afternoon. Tho Jury stood ten for murder In tho first degree eleven fur mtirdor In the seooffd de gree and one for acquittal. In speak ing of the trial the Kastlaud Chronlole has the following: Owing to the well known and In tense interest In this trial all proper precautions to meet any emergency woro tukou by Judgo Connor and Sheriff Whiteside to uvold uuy possi ble collision or disturbance that might arise growing out of thu fooling existing between the factious. Hap pily no uiiplotisautnuaa followed tho comiroaatlon or the largo number at witnesses, irlouds to Frozor and friends to Miller. 'J he Chronicle cannot refrain from complementing tho Pecos-Toynh wit noises for their marked good conduct and considerate for darenoe while In attendance upon our court. True there wus room for apprehension but so far as those witnesses and friends from Peons and Toyuh wore concern ed their deportment hero was that of gentleman and we can truthfully suy that no trial over imssud off mdro quietly members present considered, Statehood for Now Mexico should bo thu watohwurd of all Interested In pros nerllr. The talk of Mexican control Is nil both. TsimiMiiy hull will celeb rats the fourth of July nils Us custom, hut year (ho stiver men were iguuretl In (he Imitations nt out hut this year llr. Ilrynn, Mr. tie wall. Necretary J. K. Jones nail other ilsniueratle free silver champions havo been ftakwl. The cliniisei In the attitude of Tiiuoiiiny Is lnliloniit. The Hi. I'etenberu Novoe Vreufj-n which Is Kuuemlly rtgnnled ns one of the ofllnlnl orgsiis or iiinuliplecM of 1I10 Ilu linn goveriiinutil, Ims come nut with 1 vigorous somewhnt threntenlug pro tost nRQliut tho Unlii'il suites ntiunxinu olthsrllnwiili or Cubit. "Knropo," lays lite Novoo Vremvu. "I1111 every reaiou to ontioie llio strengthening ot the United rntitos in the new wurltl, nnd muit bo rouily to supjtart Hiitlu il she Is threatened with tbeleiiot Otibtt. Loiililsnn will on 011 the 18th ot Jnnunry next hold sn clfolien totlvternilne whelhcr ornottheiteeplotleilreto tiold a aoiutl tutionateanventlou sou to elect tlelegaios to inolt tt tMHivontloa, mid It the people vote to the slllnnatlve suth a oonvontl'in will anettible on llio tenth ol February following. Tlte elilef objuetoi Ilia tlemn crntli IcgUlntiireol lltatitate In provltllng for such a step leemi to have been to so in ihim the tlefraliBliUeiuent of oolered eltl mmii. Roswcil Items. lTom tb itevliter. Itoy Nnrnmit, of the Mneoln News, Ims bsett MjeurHiag ih ihtsweil trying to re oaiwrala. lie Is SHferiMK wlUttfcst dread tlliesse euiiHiioitilfiii, wJtleh fallowed the wiitrtteiieii of a lareia Mid leuia two years sw- We hat mnhi to shrett lots his eoavalesetiee. ( Uam Qlever HiIhxi of building wn nqusr iHHi and staeklHi It wHh well these Qer tusti trouU Prof. K. o Orelglilau now oeeuttles his owu Itemeiteatl on Rentusky avenue anil bMks in the slistle of his own vine mid fig tree. Sherman Mil or eotieiuiled the other dav that wood was leo hard it ml preeeetled to uut the taM eir one ut his feet. He li on ehrutehoi ni a result lo myi he euu itstul the tere foetsll right, but ii terribly tired Hiuwerlng questioui sbsut It. Ilev. SeMloni, MIm Winnie Uowitn, mid ereral olberi hare goae to the moun tains where Ihey will preeeetl to peur but salvation ituil late the ranks of the ilimeri ot that tnmihtl region. T. II. Calrun u-A ftt)lui. If ilia ptMldent woaU iflm au Mr to hi in a the tnatur of Joillnlal apinilatniiati It would ttidti'J prove dUmtrou to Hw MXtfl. SOCIAL IIAPPONlNOS. The Week' Doing Among Well Known people. BantA n Mev Maxls au Hon. 0. W. Dsifuw itna wU were fM- tins to Oerrllhn dtttlng lliw wek Jslin 8. OlnrV, piomlnmil ellUftiHl leading Itopnlillsan of In Vegfif, regUtett nt thf Pntiic Meitn, Uhirtartl OuIhiiisii nyd Ailfmf rim 11 are nn thu upper Vtoa tlvor CMS' lllhlllg HiptKllllotl, Hen. 1). Uvllgmna and wife are eipeSl Ml to return lieme (tout Phlirttlaphls flar ing the earning weik. JuUga 11. U Waldo, the fMpMiMI IUtor of thf A., T Jt 8. V. illrot II In Las Vgi arriving there but nigbl A, t. llahridg, rprntltig far left. Davis A Uo , miniftutlnn nlicmUt rf Dntrai, Mlsh., Is rigbttrtd at lite I'sIimo. Unptnin C. S. Nordotrotn, 0. H. liitllsa agint, vltltfcd Hi pttohloi of I it mm btntfis tteileg-the preeelit week en ai ehd busiiiMi aovorimr l'rlniMilefl tltU morning ver tb Usnvir k Hlo (Iramle for Diuivar and ratarut nest wink lo Santa Fa with Met I'rlnce mid ion Willi. Ifofi. llnfth N. Pilie of Hosorre ooattiy who tvai In Hi rscs for npnolntmont ae xorernor of New Mvxleo. Il eipeeted lb arrive hero In n few days from Writhing ton City, Mx-Diltgnte T. IMJatron leftlait night for tlm City of Mexico lo look nflor seme land matters hu U ItilerMted In, (he IMcr rapnhllai tmwtll bo nbiftit a oonele of weak. Mn.C. J, Bruit the handeoncs ami IMtpslar wlf nf Mr. C. J. Hrnvat, gUMta at iht) intillnrlani, who lift bteu larhiuilv 111, Ii now oout alfreeent nad on the high road to reeovary. un, A. I.. HflrrUan nnd mIm MSIrtle worrlion oxncot lo leave next TaeiUny for 1'rwootl, Arls,, 011 n two monthi vlnit to itMr, II. E. and J. R, uorrleou. 10111 of Mr Morilion nnd piomlueiit at- loriioy nt Pteeoolt. Uhiii thu nrrlvnl of Hcorctury WnlUce, Oovoriinr Otero expect to go to Witib' Itiutott for n ooapla of wotk. On id re tarn Mri. Oturo nud 1011 will noeoinpany him und lako 110 thalr reildvnoo In the capital elty. Mr. nnd Mm. Frank W. Clary df At bofiutirquo.expeot to tnko n trip to the upper Pecoi Ihl coming weok to remain In Mint dellghtf ol icollon for n few week, camping nnd ilihlng. Hon. U, m. Hhnnuon lmi itartod from New York. for Now Mexico and U expeot' ei! to reaah hero darlug the coming week "mm. Uhnuiieu will likely spend the sum mm hero. Hlie Is cow n unelt nt llio Palaao hotel. Mrs. Hughe nud mIh Hughe, mother And alitor of too Mturi. HughM of thu Ity, lenvo their homo at Uloumlugtuu lud , next uuuday for California, und ou retaru next September will vult fur eomo week In thl city. Hon. It. li. Twltahell, ex-iunyor of Hnntn I'i nnd very popular lu thl alty U n gneat nt the Palaia regUterlng froji La Vkh. He U hero on lignl buiiu eoiiuiated with lm promtlon ni militant ntturnoy of I he Bnnth Pa lollroad. Mr, T. 1, Helm returntd from the loutheru part of the territory tin morn Iuk. Its roporti tho rauuea better than for your pant, and cattto lu epleadtd condition. The weather Ii very warm and Mr. Helm I mors than ovor of tho opinion that Santa Fo elbnnte can out bt excelled. Hon, Oyroi Leland, ion and dnoghteri Mr. Norman nnd mIm Leland, who have boon vliltlng In Albuquerque, arrived 111 Santa Fa lilt eveulng. un. Norman and mIm. Leland have lakin rooms at Mr Built'a and will spend the sommer a the city. Mr. Lelnud oxpeoli to return lo hi homn lu Troy lu n dayot two. Mr. L. V, Parker, Jr., formerly eou ueeted with the court of prlvata land ftlnlmi lu tliU olty graduated from the St. Loan law lehool Thatiday evening with high honor, taking elxih plaoe lu a eliM of noo and hnvlng aampleted a two yeara eear In one year. lie I a very bright young man nnd lmi n very promli lug fnturo before lilia. The committee on nrrnsgemeati, Mr. 0, Hegle, Mrs. M. 1. Moore, MIm Rhopia Ktiapp, nud MI11 Itibessa Uold, nri bail I; engaged lu preparing for Ilia ball to be glvau by Myrtle ttobkati lodge No, U, I. O. O. FH next Mouday eveulnir. Tin armory hall it to be handiomily dec orated for the oveultig, goad intula hai been engatied, and on experience will be pared to make the eVeuluft one of enjoy went and pleaiare. Major John P. linker, ptivmailer U. H A., bu bein relieved nt San Auluulo, Tax., by uajor John h. Dullli, who hu he a lu WmlilliKton elnce hli depnetare from Hauls fa. Major linker' n:w ita tleii Ii St. Loud, mo., While San Antoulu. belag mil Ilullli hutne, will be ioand s very Agreeable elation and reildeaee for the nest few years by Major llullli aui) ... . , fawllj. iir many warm irnnui m ally are grntlSad At the fast, that a pUai nut illation Imm filleii to their lot Furnished bed rooms to It; apply tu Mrs ,I"W, 1st liouso south of the house. J ul I Territorial Personals. From th ftanwi t Saw .Mhx'mn lr. L. tt. Klttrelt at H -urro.ngoml rattlilonM, a vmw eatatl eltls n and potTfi- lar, I- Mb! in b n itrohg opndldata for the i(Uoa if iHWtmMter nt Hoeorro. 4 Mft. g, II. tfliiii nnd Crilatilau M, Forikf, RpitlhMUta for tho Otllee of U.S. marahkl lor New Mexleo, are both til Waalilrifclon lovklHg niter their elmueet far HppolHlment, 10 ay n Wmhliigtou leiler. P. K. MeKlnley of Albsqeenjae, Who ti uAtidldata for nppelatlBelit R collector fir taierHRl rereeue fer New Mexico, I Still In Wkihtftgtori and ts writing to New Mexipo rotJUbllsatw fer imltmwaenti. It I- ttiMHtrad abotil the atty that Dla ttlet Mtoniey J. 11. Crlit of IhooosniJn of Snnte Vt, Tnet, llio Arriba ami Bnu imh, ngnttoplalee resigning at an early tale l order lo leek Htetaeiaeely after bl vlosblaeeal tetarsets In Ht Arriba ijry Tht npiinltilmant of a surveyer ganernl far N'w Mexiee hna been dsttitmlaed on fcy th pnutti that be la Washington autl thoappntntNt wttl not b a raelilt-nl of Santa Fa nor of tiortltem New Moxleoj ha will noma from the OHtlieui part of tht tarritory nu Ik mutter I vlnaed. If n vnontmy should oconr In theolllce of dlittlol nttortioy fer llio countlu of Colfnx and Union, word coiiim from Raton, that Hon, Jorry Leahy, n good lawyer nd good rant, would bs nscopt nlite to the lawyer nud the people of thwetwo eoutttlM, lu thittomsa, It I- reported that the mlsln nf Hon. M. 8. otero, who wa in the olty Monday from Albunanrtiat1, waa to hava Mr, ivugenu A. Flike nppointad tollsltor geu oral of he territory. It Ii ntso nuder- itooil that Mr. Otero hnd n lengthy Inter view with the guvernur upon thu propoif- lion. What the outcome will be, dtelod later on. Th following mo the trnitie of tho Now uexloo aohoolot mine rttHooorio; J. 1. iteUorly, IJanilug, term expires BepUmberS, 1U00 John V. Iluwltl, Whllo Oak, term rxplr-M September lODlt J una Joiollaoi, Soourro, term oxplrea September 'i, IflifJi J. U. Filch. Socorro, term ixplrea September 'J, 1890) V. h. llrnwuo ,Soeorro, term oxplroa Ueplember 9, 18UH. Collector of Internnl Ilavenuo U. m. HhniiTion hut Juit returned from tho eaat. Tho talk concerning tho tender of hi reilgnalion I partly current nnd partly iiotao. Tho rMlunatlon M in Wnihliigton luthehandi ot n friend to he oflklnlly llled In tho trenmry department, ihould tho filing thereof do tho cauie of Colonel lllehard Hudioii any good. Otherwlia Mr. nitaiinou tiiitiKe no win iiiok to me ollUe durltig the pleaiitro of nr. mbKiu ley. In thin connt-otlou It la but right to say, that last week two apeolal ngenti of the troaiury department liiipoctid Uolleotor Htiniiiioil' naeouuU nml found them nluolutetv correct and the ollleo In very good ihiipe. To Trade ! Homo und lot In town for goats or oattlo. olllcc. iiuquiro nt this Puro brud S. C. llrown Louhnru ohtckoii eggs, only 91.00 per sottljig of 10. . UKU. A. .MHVIIlt, umrl0-13t. Oils, N,M Oo to tho Pioneer Art Store for Lith ograph paint for hay covers verychotips will take hay for part payment. llnng your Job printing to tho Cult hunt ollleo. I'lno tiiirliniii ttiill, I have u One young Durham bull at M. Pllil.l.ll's. Lako Ynn is a New iost-olllo this sldo of Hoawoll. lice Supplies, lltto hlvwi for saltt. be keepers sup plltwi prlcbs on npplloutlpn. MtutYi'iBku A Itvuutmh Peiinabttker-Joyse Hlirg. Notice of Shcrllfs Sale. (IrltMQf a writ yendltluni utKHMnM IlIU) qi.irict court ul (he nttU el wlililn a rut lor t tie bouuly Itnrv f Hr Uiil, ,, dial r aiMirii, aairu the I JUIUf. A u. mm, in that twrtala laintTOa in MiTrr & tr ai . ibfUttU. n the XKtt day nt May. I. In ao ni,,ii tu Aaauinjialt by ail . nuiiilx-nxi mi tlir iftx'if.t aif. lor JH)V.W four liumtivd ami nily-vlsiif anil il-IW 1IIH.M) dollar-, aim eutlaot aull U it all At IHtrty-une an.l OS-Ufl ISSI.OSl (tnllara, Um abwumI lntarvt on an lil miri Irum hh Sllti day pi May. A t. 117, until the ilnte ol ale narafnaftar uamnt at tha rata ol twrive i par buiiuii) auiuuiiiitur to tur um aihi a'-uti m. m uoiiani I naw tsritolora AttarliMl And now being liekl S. Iltuatml and ImiIiiu lit I lip eountr ol Dtl tne loilowlnxlaarrilHul mal i iii 0! y. tarntory i ixew Maaion, and net on. ami neitar daea: and M, In block rtgi is rttmi m 101 i7. i. ai. IS i.ewn ui I'twiilx. M is nareby Riven iwt on Monday, Ih day of July. a. I. ihbt. Mtwattu tlx ui nine o ciock n. AIIU Mill IIOWII Ol anil to t llAHuaiUvidad oH-hali,thr3i. to and tha elalHia ol Itin lilaliilfil. rnilail liv Ih ll,.afrtlUMl tittfinMPt aald fuaaaauant aud attainment, to iiujbaat Arid but lildd.r, lor .aah. At imb auction. alil ali will ImhIu at tlw nlac and on lue Jat,- dralMtiui. d abovn at tha hour of AiMtut cl trii n't , it a ni mikikoii Iiiiuo until ttu- pi,, ib rt i. ii Mild or oriureii i tor la. lHila.1 lltlaod day of Jiiik , A I U)T. a)ltrirt l.ddy miiiii. Nw Mt'Xlr ly K li m iH-inuni. lrmty XDlUIHI-il muni oi in lie o ciock a. iii. aiiu nun down Ol as mi way in iroiil or iu eoutb (rofll Uinir ot tba aoUly court Ihnwh ol iiw aouaty q of.lba rjAJlt. lltto and Intarrat of lit aatO Rllwam H. I.vll ,,ni,l ih .lafaiulaiita In i alii. oe8s)-a-fl-aroO'ooO'fS'8ea LOOK HARD TIMES Mnkos in nuoossnry for pooplo to save their money by purchasing as ohcap as possible nnd nt tho sumo tinio got aooo goods. Konlizihg this, 1 havo put everything in my store nt prices Avithin tho ronoh'of all. Onll nnd inspect my stock nnd compare the LOW PRICES With those of nny oWw etoJ'Qjn town and, see where tho difference is. I nm soiling Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoos, Hats, IStc, nt from one-third to one-half cheaper than you enn buy elsowhero. JOSEPH HAYMAN.. 0VOVO".0'.0''0(5'e0vf3'f3C8,0ya'fceave fREEMAN & OAMERON, KDDY, N HWMUXIOO '11IA11MW si. wiiioitint, M 11 Oflit Hum; KBor, N 2Un,l ii Tr.ii.lll lllk Oftlr llMit, 0 to 10 a ni, aitJS 14 i rn, C Oassigoli, Iiealcr In FAKGT GROCERIES . . . ESPECIALLY IMPORTED Tom pertitico Jlrlhk ami Tolmccofli , Pull lino of Prttlta, Fan Candy Frosh Every Week. WINDHAM & ANGELL City Livery Stable. NOBBY RIGS. c). F. MATHESON, .OorWissior. Wnr& Qf AjuI Qonoml Forwarding Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Biacksniith 6oal and Ice delivered in the City. ffiBtaoaoooooooooQa-aot t uujiiumi. uiiiu.ouniuijflo I PICKETS, SASH, etc, "mm G. F. A, Robertpon- All klnili of new works Hpeolalty W Farming lmiiliiueuti of al R klaiti repaired, ou ihoit iiotlci. Ill r HOItaK HIIOBINO UUAIIAN i TKBU AT HOOK IIOTTOM I l'ltioua. fJ Mllnnn Hf nn tniimit f C u on Ht. Op. Cun out UIItt0, HSR61 JOHN FRANKLIN ANOBHEY AY LAW. 1CDDY, NKW MUX Proprietors or TJ. S. Meat Market, Will occupy this space noxi week. Cnnou St fij Eddy N. Hex. BLACKSMITH 1 UJlU y i Waqon makesr Vy W lii..l T! 1 I'oou and Livery Oorrl uifoniiootion, Accommoda- tion and gatisf action, gunran- toad.