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rue curereeKT. WM. . MULLANB Official aper ol Eddy County, OfficWOffcin et Tonn ot Eddy. .1 KddrHtwMfl iti n ladiim nam Ptibllihee ef err "alufdsr KatnaJla WMJrN. Mi bATOMUt, O0tOB' a8' 'j"7 SOHHCmiTlOH HATH. WHRKLY Ojr mall per atiaam Ut tnHU1!' """"" 11.00. II. CO. . I.ihI -I... Tin. lurm of U strict courv ..I win an ilown to hUtory n tlm (lmt effort of the law nlildltiif section of thu community to put down lawlessuoss and puiitah crime Tlm work ot our i.nielals, ono mid ull, lo been well done; especially cun tliU t'O ld of Sherilt Stewntt, lils deputy, Mile T. Stone, mid tlio district attorney, John Franklin. No mlstukes wcro tnado on the Bide of Ue torrltory. Judgo Horn lltun'M rullriK und eifo'ts to conduct tho biiHlmw of thu court with dispatch liavo ini-ii ot untold benefit to the county. In low ubldtiiH sections ot tho Unitftl StutH a crltiiltiul proven to be such is not looked upon its n cltlron with rlKhU cquul to thoso of other people who never commit crime The luw ubidlnif cltlren U respected nnd honored, while tho law breaker nbso lutely proven bucIi Is orlraclied mid not allowed to have rights ot a Kood oltlxen until, by years of honest life, he dhows a desire to reform. Jt Is this ploeuiK the conlldenco In tho oath of disreputable outlaws thut makes con- victloiiHtlllllcult. Then sympathy for persons convicted Is wrong, tor unless the law Is ullowed to take Its courso the turmoil will not end without a general war the same as occurred in Wyoming a few years ago, when hun dreds "f stockmen went out mid shot down nil who were suspected of com plicity In cuttle theft. If war of this kind Is to be averted the men who are called upon to servo us Jurors Bhould do so willingly. The prosecuting at torny and other nuicliiU uro powerless without the uld of all good citizens. And this Is what the people of Kddy county are to bo especially commend ed for during the term of court Just closed. lliisluess men mid farmers huve willingly nerved as grund and petit JurorH, uud the result Is thut a larger iimuUr ot convictions have resulted. The uctlon of tho Judge In lillowliig u change of venue In the cuso of the Territory ugalnst Kemp uud Koniion was wise, for n Jury would huve been almost Impossible to obtain In Kddy county. That the dcrcnduntB muy have a fair uud Impartial trial Is the sentiment of ull good people, mid in Chaves county this result may more easily bo obtained tlianln Kddy. W. C. T. U. Till following report of tlm meeting held nt Seven Illvers, Thursday even ing of last week, for the purpose of organizing a W. 0. T. U, was handed in for publication: The meeting opeued by tinging a temperance song, by the children, which wus very good and showed that they have had somelrulniiiguloug that line. Scrlptuie reading by Miss Uutlerj song by congregation. Address on temperance by Iter. Kelt, which wus good uud to the point and wus Interesting to nil present, after which Miss lluttler reud the rules mid regulations of the Woman Christian Temperance Union. Then twu young ladies went through the congregation with the pledge cards mid tho result win. that a Union wus organized with a membership of ten ladles und eight gentlemen, it membership much lurgcr than was anticipated. The following olllccrs wcro elected; Mrs. Hassln, president; Miss Champion, vice-president; Miss Hassln, secretary; Mrs. McDonald, treasurer. Tno White Oaks Road. rmni Hi LI I'mo ll.ralJ J. L, Campbell, chief engineer ot tho While Uukfl railroad, arrived In thu city Saturday evening uud was seen this morning by u Herald reporter. He said the preliminary surveying corps were now out ubout llfty tulles uud wcro working back this way uud would reach Fort Bliss ubout Novem ber 1. Work on permanent location would be bcirun us soon us thu survey iuir corns returned uud contracts for grading would he let Just us soon us Uiu engineering work was fur enough udviiced hu thut bids could be made. The company had not decided yet Just how much of thu old ten miles of White (Juks road which Is already built would be used uud this mutter would be decided later. Thu old road bed beyond l'oit Minn has been budly washed, but still Is good und will bo mcd. Thu grade for the Urol hundred miles will be cotnpratlvely light, but when the mountains were reached heavy work would begin. The distan ce between Kl l'uso uud White (Juks Is one hundred and llfty six miles. Mr. Campbell Is figuring on the culvert uud bridge work und lib other necessary accessories In building u railroad m.d everything urouud the ullL'e Indicated thut thu promoters iibiuit ready to begin work on roud. Mr. Kddy was seen this noon, said he hud nothing ut present to beyond the fuel that both he mid brother were both very, very busy, 'the surveyors were lliilshlug up thu preliminary work, und shortly thu lo cution stakes will be driven As to the contracts for thu construction material Mr. Kddy was not ready to give out fuels yet, for business reasons, ure the but say his Notice of Sale. Nollre li hereby Klveu that a certain will uf vitwiitloti, laiueil nut nf tlio diitrlct court of the nftli Judicial illatrlcl of tlm Territory uf New MHIICO Itiln ulihlu and. fur Ilia L-ouiitv nf r..l.i nrjitii Hint tho Kdilr. by vlrtiieofeilecreo wintered on tlioVlh 1 ho foreign UlspUlCUCH buuo mat uiu itt'0f i.pxeuln, a. u mi. In thai ceiuin tue Pennine hi mm ruuri wiicrcin nuiv.- ll.itiilnlrlM mttA TIim Ifea.ia YaIImV Trillt I 11111. iianrttiernmtilalnaiitB forvcloied certain devil orirtul innlti liy The I'cwi V alter Tow 'nr mill icctired Jmli-iiiiint agalnit tor In laror nf the lata The I'et-oi Voile own Com- the ML oiler Triiit for a detk-lencr remaining after. Ilia ii Coinmnr aalu uf Ilia niorliraa'uii tireinlaoa iW i.u The I cvm V alloy I own oiu l r. i lie ituiwoii i.bmii aim III which Water uniuiAiir. Tho uniimiiy anu which Vriticu of Wales Is "very devoted to Lilly I.ungtry mid wus the first person to congratulate her on winning thu Czun wltcli stakes and a fortune In liels." And with all Bitch Bcundalnus uctlon by a murrlcd man In high posi tion, some of our Kugllsh friends here I aiW.:tlK in kililv cautitv liave tliu Iinrulliunu to la wiitnf mummim ilillirirrnt ami l ill uiatutaln thut Albert Kdwurd would jf-'jIi.U ,uak.; a good king, and thet were Kn- Bti tofand n republic lis honorable, simple iii0 i-Coui Vniioy Tni.t i;omi4tiy. immely. .. ..i..... .i ... ....i. . 'IIMM IliUiitntii'i, ultli liiterettiti the mm nf iuik ymhiiu uuui. mu iiiuBiut wi "- -j,oiauj in,,!- the aotlnley or July. . i- IH'A character as I.lly I.ungtry presiiieut. Thut thu I'rlncu of Units Is unlit to . mingle In thu common herd Is ennceed ed by most sensible people. Ho is a coutemptublu wurt on humanity uud bin actions und example do more to to corrupt young men than his mother Is uble to counterbalance by a life of piety mid virtue, How can the pain pered uud puld-for-belng born aris tocracy of thu foreign nations bo other wise than corrupt)1 Their lives are fcpeut mnld luxurious surroundings; they Know nothing of tho wants of the poor mid have no sympathies in com mon with the great people over which they rule. It (would seem that the Anarchists of Kurope havo consider able reason for their principles utter nil. Thu death ot duo. M. Pullman It Is believed will have thuciloot of delaying the reorganization of I he Denver & (Julf Ity. Mr. I'lillman having been a prom inent member nf the reorganization committee and a heavy holder of Den ver Adult paper of ull kinds. Full man was also n subscriber to 1150,000 worth of stock In thu extension ot the 1'evos volley Hy. or the F. V. & North eastern the proposed lino to Washburn from ltoswell Ills death, however will out but llttlo llgiiro In the matter nf the extension for the amount of his subscription was small compared with thu total sum required to build tho road It being about two millions. Adolph I.uelgert, the inun who made sausage of his wife uud who stood trll for Minf, will now go free on u fifteen thousand dollar bond, the Jury liuvlug failed to agree. Nine Jurors were for Uiu death penalty, but IIolu bird, llarber and Hurley, three others held out for uoitilttq, The Jury law should bo changed, so nine 'could con vict or acquit. The ucqulttal of Tranqullllno F.spe jo for the murder ot Ithodea li a sur prise Many wero of the opinion that it was murder In the second degree on account of the tight between the mex leans and whites that night. until inlil. at ilia rt of ten tier centum txr milium mul with tulurett uu tliuium oriiuitl from Hie aunt dy of J u y. A I). I WO, until paid at thu like mtu of ton r centum vt Milium, Mid V0 X (0t of iult Kim tl e coati of eyyiiiit "Id execution.- Im lueu lovlul ou nil the tlKht title euil Inteieil uf the l l, The -vkv Valley Town oiniuny. In end hi the hert-ln nhut iltiorineri prutiuriy 4y mo tho tin itenlRinxl ilivtln of the iMd loiliily of Kddy, uud iHilh-v l heiuhy mIvvii that uu the llrtt day of November, a i) lV7, at the hour of two u't'tock In the afternoon at the outli front door of the court liouiu nf taldeounlyof Kddy In the limn of kddy. county of Kddy ami Ter ritory of New Mexico, under and or rlrtuo of aid exreiitloil 1, thu undorilgncd kheilrr. will vximiio for (ale at tmhllo vendue and tell to the hlKhett bidder lor caih In hand, all the rUiil. title anil luterot of the aal.l, The rcon Valley 'I own t'nmpany, In and to the follow Itiar nl ealata lyliiic )! being hi the enmity HI r.iliiy aim lurruorjroi new muiicu, ami uci etUnci folluwi. Tie Thu a. u ol thoa.o.'t nt icctloitSlS.a.w. nla. w. uolRPUtUn 33, all III tuwimhlii :l oulliolriiikfi3i;. i tlio a. w. u of avctlon SI towiuhlualauutli ol rnnson K. i the ', ol the a. e. u ol lootloii 10 tuwiuhlp St aoutli olranttuimK i n s ol n v. ulMctiouii towimliip si aoutli ot ntUKe n C , the n. e. ' , of tho li n. ol aectlmi 31 townahlii aoutli nl rallliO K. 1 lot II block. H. lota 21. 1. blook 1U. IS, lot o liloeK 13 Iota II and 13 block 11. lot li block loin ii mm it iiiocn la, iota 1, 1, V, mul 13 block II. lot II block U. lota IS on J It block 16, total, V, 13. IS mul II blocb If, lotal P. S, IS nml II block IS, loiS nnd II block IV, ami lot S block 32, nil the above lot 8 block 3d, lot 0 block 30, lot II block 34, jot II block W, lota I and 0 block 30, lots in IS and 11 block SI, lota 1, 0. IS anil II blockSS Iult 1, 6, H, 9, 3. 10. IS MllU ll block 53. Iota I, 13, S, I. M, n, IB, ii nun II uiockm. an Auaiiiou i" iu iowii ui Kwri ami it iiiimjk . ion i. a. 7. i hiMk SC. lota nml 11 block St. lola 1, 6, H, 9 ? I. . 13, S. In Bterrru .' iota S, 0, 12 1 IS and 11 Ull o In block W. lute 1. IS and II block Ml. lola 1, 3. 1, . 6. IS and II block Si Iota 1. 1. I. V. if. 1. 1, n, 10, IS and tl block 0l. lota l. i. i, f.9. li. is, s. i, c, s, 10, is mul li bloek . lota i. 1 '.Si S. 3, 1,1,6, T. B, . 10, It. 13.13 mid II block SB, iota Q, li anil li Dioea ui. iuia i, s. i, , o, is. lid ll uieekoa, iota i, 3. i nnu diock on. t e uioea in, inia i, i, u. o, im ii nuu ii ijiuck lola I, 3, i, v, z, e. a. iv, ii nnu n iiiook lota 1. S. 3. I. i. 6. 7. H. 0. 10. IS mill 11 III block 10, lota 1. 3. , 1. 0. II, 13. Z. I. . H, 10, 13 mul II bloek Tl. lot. , j. 3, 1, i, fi. i. 6. . In, 11, 13. U and II block fs, lute o, li and II blK.-k 13. lola I, 3. I. Jiihd 6 block I. 3. 1. II bliM'k 1A. loun. is mid II block . luu i, I, a. is mm it uiihix n. una i, 3, i !. i, u, ii), is nml It block Til. Iota 1. 3. . 9, ! I. B. . 10. 11 and II block 19. lota V ll. 13. I. C. ft. 10. IS and ll lilock l lot I. i. 3. I. S. fi. 1. . V. In. II. IS. 13 anil II. bloek bl, loU 1, 3. 1. 6, II, 13. t, I, 4. H, 10, is ion i, a, j, v, I, i, e, "1 . 8. I S. 10. bloek hi. Iota I, S, 3. II bloek 13, lota I. 3, R ll Hi la Va b Va n IUi It. anil II block H. Iota I, i, 3. 1, . 0. 1, b f, 10, ll, ll, uanu ii uioeKBi. I, 6. 1, S. 9, 10. IS ( j. i, y. ii. i. I. s. i !i ft i Ui. a. NT. Illl 1. Ita I, S, i W, lota to, IS and 11 bloek M.lota io, it, 13, uanu ii uiock H. lu, U a ml II block I S J at C in (.!. II lil.w.t 't ! m l "t IVa MllU IIIIIVIl i i. li. i. I. t. s. IO. is and ll bloek 60. all III lTe'a Aclfllllon to the town it Eddy In (! whffeof I hue lierettnlo let my haud ou Ihli the Ilk day uf Uvtuber. 1 ll IM7 M I' Miawar, HhtrMTof Kddy .uuly. New Mexico lly tt, II Aimilroui. deputy Notlcoot 5ult. la thu dletrlot com., county ot Eddy TTie TerrllorrolNew Moxieii, , IBIIIIII, The IlnMnnnn IrrlKatlon and Land Comuanr. deleudanr. .Notice la hereby given that the said plain tiff, Tho Territory ol New Mexico, hn luttl tuttd a iult aiiainit the n il delendnnt, The HaKerman Irrlitatloii ana Land pompauy. lu thediitrlct court of tlm nttli judicial dlf trial of the territory ot New MnrlM. wlthla and lor too county ot Eddy i That the oblccti of the id iult ,l th rp; cover of a ludipniui In lavor ut the Hid Siainiiii. tno ii-rritory oi wow. Nfic. Mlmtthe eald defendant, The llflKcimail Tleatloii and Land con.pony, for the lum of one hundred anil eighty nnu ll-IOJihiUol- lara tosethrr with lnli.mat nn llie mill of iiliioty rud W'ltotba doiiura thereof from tho! January, a n IKU, until paiui with Intereit on tho unt ol.iiliitily and lJ-IW tin Uoilara thereof (runt the tint day o July A O Mil, Until poldi nil eald interuM being payable nt Hie into of Xo per cuiiium lwr annuniiall ol which aal.l auin anaimcreiifi I ant'KN uy ine niniuiin le uuo io ll l;y rrniou of taxea lawfully levied durlne the rear. A. p ima, on crrinlu r-nl property altuatcd In Inilio laid county of Kddy mid hikiiwIii tlio property ol the aald defendant during I lie aald your a. n IHoa , Haldnialntin, Tho Territory ot New Mex ico, cliilmn a Hen and nika to have the lame UeclnruU In ilii favor In aald ault agalnat tno tollowliiK deacrlbed real catato la and for iho taxea levied ngalnit tho miiio In llie amounia, wjih intereataa natcd lu the com Plaint tiled in tho aald euti. vln ii tb lull ui ii w qurtr, 'tii quarter ef i w qwarur, mt a w quaritr ur n qaarur, na n w luaruruf a ium Itr aii'l a w quarUr aul Ilia I ,uB.ivr vi p (fuf ur l avciiun inj ma k hmoiwi. w quarlirof aertloa Ith Ilia nw iuirlr, Uf a half ui u a auailai. Ilia u w uuarut ufi a uuarlir. Ibaa halfef a w iiuarlar uf afttlun HI. Ilia a a iiuarur at a e quartar uiaatluu Jl, Uaauuth half t n w qnar lar, Ilia writ hair of a iiiiarur, Ilia hurlii balf ef 1 w ijuatur, IU a w quarur vf a w iuar1ir ef ikIIuu S3 lu luauihlp S3 auulti uf rD VU K , Ilia a w quartar, tli writ half et a aiuanr. Hi u w quartar ef I e aartr, Ilia aurlli balf uf a w quarlrr, lbiwqur lar uf a w quartar uf arrllva II the wt Ulf of n w qaartrr, tba liurlll balf ufa qiiarttr ami u qnarUr vfattiluuO In lomiililp M tuuihuf raa(aS9K. Ilia aaat l.aif uf li a uiiailar uj n uuarlir ull iiuartar acllua IS In Inwuililp S3 louth uf rau( M K. Ana uia piainun uia w ana uia ri iiiai iom le lallir any lltu atlabllibd In nil lull aaalMl lam AoittbMil difmilanl. Tli Haiaraiin Irrliatlen and UdiI Uuiuiiam. la b.rtbr nuilflnl U anlr III afpaaraaca la aaM .ull on ur Urr tba OlU ij tl lwiubr. a. v. IBV), ur tr llaull will b raadrd ajaluit It, lb M dihailaat la lalil lull Tin idalalllTi altorua; In aalil iult la John frank lin and lb latUr'l Mt ulllo rikJ builuii aUdrri ll xiajr, naw jiauro In wIibmi wliuf. 1. Iha dark of Ilia aborailrlaJ tall. ! tirrxinlu mr lianJ amlaitlinl Ihaaial vfaalJ cearl Ibl tba 30lk ilajr of hr (uiUr,.a. U7, Y M, IPIIICIIIL, lrk ofulil dlilrlft fouil. llr U. II, llauilll.ii Jr. , 0.J.UI Notice ot Suit. In the illitrlct court, couuty of Kddy. 'luu Territory ut .New Mexico, Planum. 1 vs. V tiouth Wojh liivestiuvut Com puny. UuIutHtuni. J Notice li Iiurcbi- irlven that the ssid plfiliiiiir. Ttiu Territory uf New Mexieu. una luitituted u ami ualnt the suld do leiidsui, youth West iuveatniciit Cuinpauy in tun tiutrivi court ui ine iittii juiiivmi tni trlcinl tliulcnitory ui ftuw Jlt-xico. with. lu uud fur ltiu county ut iiddy. Tlmt tho ublucta uf tho nam suit ll tbe recovery ut a judgment in lavur uf thu aald plulniill, luu lurritory of Hew Muxicu. nvmiiat thu aald UulfiiUnnl fur llie auiu ol live buudruil uud ilxty-nx nndliMUU Uul l.tis, toitetlier wi:h interest uu the sum uf tlvi) hundred audiixiy-ilx and l'J-100 Uol Inri thuruul Irum ttiu lint day ol July, A, 1). I8'J7, until paid; nil laid Ink-real buliiK pnyauie at tho ratu uf '6 per centum per auiiuiu; all ui which said auin and inter fit it U ulloKed by tho pUliitilt U duu tu It by rettsou ul lutes lawfully levied dariuu the year A. I). 1KU. ou curtain personal and real property nuuiited lu thu laid county uf lduy and umcjit-l si the prup. erl) ot thu ulu defeuo.iut uuiluu the year A. I). WW. .. . Hitiii piiiiiiiui, tho Territory in new Mexico, uluitui u lieu unit aiks to have the imuu declared lit IU favor in said suit aunlnit Uiu fulluwlnu duicribed real ettate Hi nml tor the tnxei levied Hfpiltul the mine In tlio miniums wuft Interuit ai stat ed tu the euiuplBiut illua in the laid suit, vui . Uu the HW'i uf tho S V i, nnd the HEk ui tlieaUMi. llie NE!i ul thu HWU, the SKMut thu Sh, ih' Wh "1 tnu UK quaiiur, tnonKiuurier i uiu k ijuurter, ltiu NK nuiirtur ul thucii'. uuurter. lite tilt uf tlit Nh iptarlur, ui .. nun 31, lu Uitvti inmsi, auuiii, in ruiiKU r.j una uii me Wliuif of thuhW iiuuitti, of auetluii num uer a, in tuwuiuip tii, a i ratine si r: and the litiiiruveiiicuta tlineon ulualed thu turn 013178.81. Uu thuiNW iiunrtcrnf nu U uunrter. ol kociiiiii U0. in tuwuihii 11 fi, ot raiiKo iiiiiuber '1 H, thu sum ui 8IU Sd. Un the N W ipttirluruf lueUiY quarter, ul leetlmi nix, In inwuililp ft h, ul runuu 27 i.' .i,uu ( fin r.n ..v vm... ... vtiviwr, Uii the V. half uf ihoSW aunrter. u( ice tiuu It, lu the mid mil iiuuicd towniliip and rmiKe, the iuiu of 311.68. Uu the NW nuiirtcrnf uiu sW quarter, nf seultuii 7, In isnl Init nniiied lutvuihlp und ruiiKe, tho auin ul 98 W. Uu ihu e. hull uf the s. w . quarter, uf tee tlou Nu. US. Intowiulilpil uf rniik-u 'M e,;thu s e. quarter nt the u. o. quarter, tue i. w. qunrierui inun, u. quanur, ine . e. quarter mid the n. w. quitier uf tho s. w. quarter of said lait uniiied section, tuvr ii imp aud rnuite; aud un Ihu , e. quarter uf tue n.e-quMiit-r, miuiiia u, u. quartar ui tho s. c. quarter, of lectiuu St), lu tuwnitiln '11 ., uf ruiiKe Ho, 'M u.t ihu iuiu uf rjVS,7. uu itits uurnuereu is una ii lit Diuck numbered Vol the nriRiiuil towuaiiu uf tlm town of Kddy, the turn of 35 00, uu iuu numbered i. a uu o. in mock numbered VI ut tho urlKlnat tuwnilto to tho town ul Kddy unit iho improvements ihercuu iltuated, thu turn ot til 'a. Uu lota iiumbored IS) und Uf. in block No. 8, in thuuriKUiHl tuwmite tu the tuwu ot Kddy. the iuui of 97 60, Un lots numbered '1. i and 6, lu btoek number H, ul the towiulto to the town ol hddy and Uiiiliinruveineuti there uu situated, tlio sum of 'Jiui. uu lot uiimuer i in uiock io in tno origi nat tuwmllu utthetuvitiuf Kddy and the Improvement! Uierouu iltuated. tho sum ot 39.15. Uu lull humbercd 3, 4, 1,6, 7, 8, 0. 10, 11 and 12 In block numbered 8, in La lluerta suburban addlliuii to the tuwu of Kddyi ami uu tho south part ul hits numbered 1 auu i in oiook iiumuerea o in iiioi.k uuer- ta luuurbau addilluu to thu town of Kdd and the luipruvementi Uierouu situai tneiumoi 8i-t. ddy ted, Un lut Lumbered 7 in bloek numbered 8 ut the I. lluerta suburban additlun tu tbe town ut Kdiiy; un lui uuinbeied l III block 12, and uu lot a In bluck IV, tit the La lluerta luburbun addition to the town of Kddy. the iuiu ol si I. VS. Un lots numbered D, 7, 0, 11, In block numbered I; on Ion uumbtitml 1, 3, 8, 4, 8, 0, 7, 8, V, 10 mid U ol bi k numbered 2; uu luta 10 nml 12 ill blm-K ; mid uu lut ll, blook 10, lu the J,n llueria kuburbaii atldl- tlllll ! lllU I'MWI n Ki) Ull) iuui ul Un ml ol blocka Imlored A, II mid C: ou block leiienil I), ex.-ept lot iiumbetiii 111 uu lull uumbxr 1, !i, 3, 1, 5, o, 7, H, V, 10, 18 and II In bluck IHivmi K; ami on lots . 8, li mul It lu blook f, hi the ltiu Vnta sur' burban addition to the tuwu of Kddy, the iuiu uf 811 S3. Uu tllvers andkunilry pli-rvi anil pnneli of peoioiisi property theiuiu of 30.78: all ol aald properly b.-iuu uu ttiu lit day ut Msroh, A. l. I8H1I, thu property of said tieleiidaui, Ami laid plaltUlff eihi to have said real fMtaie sold t- satlify uny lieu esubllilied In laid suit sitalnit nine And the said defendant ".,uih West In- vttttment Company, la h.nby uiitltUt io enter it npiuiraiieeiii aaid aultni or be 1 fure the Bth day ul lieu tuber, A. l- 1W, nr Judgment by delimit will ha rendered alllal)uu. the luld defelidaut, lu Hid suit. The Plaintiffs nttiiriiry in luld iult Ii John KrNiiklin und the lattcr's poit i.fllco andbuiliie.aud.lru.aiaKUd). Naw Mhx loo. ' In wllncas whertiif I, thu clerk nt the NbiiVK aiynil inn, huve liereiinln let my liiiml m n(Umi ih,r tunl i mid court this IboSWtlida) ulSepiiniuer. A, 1). ISfl. Wh. IfHISCULL., Ulfrk of siild diitrlct court Uy H. II. Hamilton, jr,. deuly. Notice pf Suit. la h 4liUtt reurt. toiiiily ef W.lj in tarriiorr ui .-iw mii, ylalalin U. J. I llifiiniaa, IftfefadAlll N. r hrby ilM iliat Ihf aM l lalallfl, 1h Trtlli4 it Naw Mailt). faa I ml (ml. 4 a lull atalatl lb alil ikfiailaiil J J. IUruiaU, I lb diitrlct cvurt ef lb Dlili JoJIdal diiirkl ul lb T.r rllury ulHiw Mulcu, wiibjuaad fur tb rvual; of Mlri Tail tit utjMli of Ih (aid ault U lb iituftr; falaJ(UMal In f?r t.f lb aald plalbliR, Tba Tfirllarr ofNw llailou, aialml Ih aald dfod aut, J. I, liaf f mum lt lb iuai uf bui.Jr.d ami tblrta and W-Uihi dollar! loll.r wlb In liraat en Ih lum uf ill liatidrrd and tlx aud W llUlb itullara lbrof fruw lb flnl da uf Jauu ear, a. n. IW7, ubill iid, wltb Inun ll on the anal of alx fcoudrad and ill and W luoiba dullari lhruf frera tb flnl dat of July, t, P. 1KV1, iibIII Midi alt laid innml Wlug HlU al tba rata uf IS rr rintuw r annum; all ef w aoif IuIiimI n la alll tr Ilia tilali II by laaaua of lai.i lawfully lafitd dmlm tb of wblih laid lum ba t'lalollltl. dua In un luiitNi ll an.i v I l, l. uun of lai.a law Tiar a. Ii. l&'Jd. iib t.iUlu raal tirekirtr tliuatad lu Iha laid cuaolf uf fMf aud uHilnl al lb lirorarty uf thiialJ d.ftadant duilug lb nld Jr 1. u lkHI Fald r-falnllft", Tbi Tarrllury of N.w IIiiIm, lalnil a lun aud aiki to bail tb aant dxlarrd la It't rir le laid ault aialMl tba Mluwlo du. trlld ailata luanit fur Ih UIM IiiM laln.l ba aania In Iha ainueati, wllb IuUimI aa utad lu Ih eBinl Bird la laid lull, t, Un t of clun 1, lb w quarlir uf a quatl.r atluB S, tk n w quail.r uf a w quail. r of llou 1, lb n quarlir of a W quartar uf t Ilea S, tb n quaitrr of w quartir of Irttlon I, Ihi a w uuail.r uf n w quail., lul 1, lb a w quulif ol u a qaartiri lul I, lut 4 uf aetloa i. tb wilt or I w uurtir, lui I, tin isutu half of quarter, Ut b, lul t, tb a u "'' uf n w quarttr, Ih raal half uf a w aaarlar or aaallun 0. Iha north balf ef n quartar, Iha u quartar of a w quart. r, Ih ut half of n w quarlir, Im 1, 3 and I, Ih- i w qutrl.r of e quartar. tha at balf of t quartar uf aerllun 7l Iha li w quartar f n w qaail.r. th a w qaarur ur tb n w quarlir of iifllen 8; lut S aud I uf taction IS lu towtujhln tl aouiu of ran( li K; Ih nurth kail of a qiutl.r of a.tllon IV: lb quartrr uf a a quartar. Iha aorlli balf uf i w quail.r of i.tilou 11) iha u quartar. Iha a w quartar uf aactlu Si In ttwoiblu IfU auulu of rang SM K.i lb a w quarter of a w quartar of awllou 1 Iha n w qaatl.r, tha w quartar, Ih n w quartrr uf i quarlir. th uulb balf of a quartar of aatllon IS la Uwruhlp 11 uth of raoi J7 K i th i w quartar of wloii 4 lul 2, lul 4, tba amilli half or n w quartrr, tha a w quartar. tba tail balf or i quarlir, th I w quart. r nf a quarlir uf inllun 3, tba Mil half of n quarlir tb aat half of nuarltr of a.elum S. Ih n a quart.r of n quartar of imIIoo 7, Iha north half of n w quartar, Iha nuitli half of Ilia u a qiiarl.r uf anion , tua nurm nan in n w uiianar oi aacuoa V oflowuihlu Stawutliof mate V K, Lull A, II. C, li, M, N u, V, It. H, S. T, of HI', rihle rarmi SakarUn Addition tu Ih tuwn uf &Mr. Ull t, 1. 11. 11 and 11 ur black 67. lot H of Mack ti, lul 4 of bbxk AS, lola ll and 4 af blvk M, lul 11 or block AS. lull Sand tOorbhxk 71. lula S and 10 of Mock 70. Mil. 4, ft, 11 and 13 of Muck 77. loll II and II of U "li fa, lula It aid 13 of Muck 83 all ur huwa'a Addilluu 1 Ih loan uf Kddr. Tk amuunl ufiuldtaira lar which a la claim, ad on Mid ral aalal Uln 11 Ufi HI with a Haled la Iha aumilalul nlmlln aald ault. And aald plalatltt aaki to bat laid raal Mtal audi to aalialy any Urn mtabllilml In laid lull agalnil una. And tb (aid ilfradal, J. J. Ilaz.fnian, la liara by nullflad bi ratal bla iranci in laid mil on or Ufora Ilia Olli day uf Itmbrr, a. U. 1V7; or Jud(niiiit tor dafault will U raudarad ialnil hliu lb aald dahndaul IB laid lull. Tba blalnllB'a alturaay In aald iult It Jolm Frank lie and Iha lallar'a twl uf3f and Lujla.ia addrall ll Eddy, Naw M.llf. In witniii wbitauf, I, tha clirk ol Ih att itylid ault, bat hiriunt i.t m hand aad afflxal tb iiol f aald kanrt Hill tb SOU day ef Saplia Ur a it, IHV7. Wn, Oaiieoii., cl k of laid diitrlct court, lly If, II. Hamilton, dayuly. fREEUAN & CAMERON, tiOVY, NKWMKXIOU JOHN FRANKLIN amm at uw. UDDV, . . NKW MEX C IIAllbKil It. WnOIIKIl. ll I) Ii.ur, ti U URIr Itoomi, tlaud IJTaualll lllwk Omc lluun, 8 le 10 a ui, audi lu 4 p an, A. W. MKr-IIAN. AI.IJC. UOOtU. Meehan 8c Roger, House, Slcrn and Carriage Painters, OrnlnltiR, (lluzlutr, Culcltnlniiip; and l'aper llunlng. Picture and Room Alouldlng. KDDY, NKW MKXICO. 4rC4 7 SI 3 OK AMP ATIM OOT. It J THE GREAT T A P. "Sim Umsk I a I FINEST TRAINS IN THE WORLD WILL BUN SKMI-WEEKLY EACH WAV TO J LOS ANGELES 0 SAN FRANCISCO, jjj ALSO TO 3 St. Louis Chicago S g VIA g TEXAS & PACIFIC RY. nmii oauat and wt. Weim. uj THE FASTEST" EVER MADE. JJ A Palnoo on Wheels. Jj S B aiircit iltktt ainl tor furtnir S g liaruculara. g E. P. TURNER, O. Pa A T, A., g fa DALLAS. Mt THE SUGAR BOWL M THE SOUTHWEST Is the Pecos'Yilley of H$w Mexico, Homes are Chea T"K SEVKiSTJ! IJcet ytgar fnotorjr ) tlio Unltod States ma ereotetl at Kddy, New Mexico, In IStX), and made its )rst "campaign" hPBlnnllig November lOtli, ItiSO.nnd closln February ICtlt, 18U7, TIip pontent of "Sugnr In the bee," of the prop (frown In tfip Eddy nnd Hoswcll sections of tlio Vollor has prpvon to ho more uniformly high than any other part or tho Unltpil States. Furtuiiately tho lam Is blessed with just tho fertility to produce high grado beets, and tuoro forttinatolh tho 1'ecos Irrigation nnd Improvement Co. and tlio ltoswell I,nnd and Water Co. have nn Irrigation system of great magtjltudo, covering n vast body of the best sugar beet lands on earth. The water Is applied to tho crop when noedod. Tho sun shines moro hours In tho day nnd moro days In tho year III ifddy und (Jhnvos counties, Mow Uoco, tfiun. In uny other section of the Wmt. 124 separate analysts, chtetly carload lots, showed an avcrago nf 17.01 per cent sugar In beeli HU ppr cent purity, Tills rrimrf.8blo result was acpompllshcd by rnty farmers, unacquainted with tlio culture of boet root, on now land and under very trying clrcum stanood, as tho factory wus not assurod until May, and n majority of the acreage was planted between Juno 1st and August 10th. Tho only thing loft to bo desired that tho l'ocoa Valley lias not on hand in abundanco Is people, Wo mad COO thrifty furmers, o fairer terms or conditions nf sale or beet und fruit lands wero ever made. Write for particulars. Pecos Irrigation and Improve ment Company, Eddy, - New Mexico. uL. Xj. XJOTJO-XiASS, Blacksm ith h ee ! wrl ght and Practical Hoiseshoer. First Cl'ws Work at Lowest Prtim. Manufacturing lleet Cultivators and l'luws and ltopairln Sumo n Speclalty.3 VnTl" I lltaWn anilifraaal CaaI mm a.Aaa tl V till. I. ...l.i a at. .- a a .a . . aiwari MHiiiariitJii'ii ti a lti iu i i iiii I a . iinrii. ftrsiii I lilt filial r niiiitniiiw n liiirMJiannilfilf . fill ntrttm nun uilll miwa lam.i ..i. ....... a a . Shop Two Doors South of Current Office. LOWENBRUCK 8c STONE, B 1J B AUUU .S. a ay mm m m mm m Fresh Meats, Sausage, Game. Etc.. Etc. BAKER, MJLLS & GO. r resit jjcci, 1'onc, iMutton, Veal. All kinds of SiuiHiifje, Dried Beef, Etc., will be kepf constantly on hand. Everything that is kep in a first-chiHs meat mnrkc. Wo ro sneofnlly solicit .A Share of Your Patronage A. KERR, mm km IFarLcy" Qroceries WINDHAM &ANGELL City Livery Stable NOBBY illGS.I jhlfTrTrrBT BilEddy N. Mex. J. F. MATHESON, And Genontl Forwarding Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Cloal and Ice delivered m the City. G. F. A, Robertpor.- BLACKSMITH All kinds of new work iiBptelslty 1 Fsrralnir ItnpUments o' ( IT ed, on iholt notice, vf MIA 1 f y UUUII JllUSUJ' ( ? Ftfed and Livery Corral n,. ol r n l y in connection. Accoramoda Citnon St. Op. Current J tion nnd 8Urj8fadon, guaran teed. klnrtt repaired, ou shol t notice. HOllSK SHOEING OUARAN TKUD AT HOOK BOTTOM Oilice.