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N I illt tlf t. Ill llitl i. i I ' Ml, I I H.r lerrb I . i w M I i iv.t,. i .'ii in Mtiv M M nil, Itlti ..,in l fit-rel y guru t , a t ttt II. I lir Tern ..I) ., S, Or i Mann, in ilir ititiiut tl dlctiirl f I Ihr Icnlloi . within and for tli- Ctl.. i) . I 111 itlC III JtCIt I I I llf ll I i .il judgment in i.n' .".I pltln , hat in- .LLC.!..., ! I!m ti, ' M- I. III' I, - I lllr hi ,i-i i ,.i. Mm' It'll I f i un-lOo dot ' I inn ' i , A. h! im il .11 n i 'ii'! 'i i-lOO i .l i . utterctt l"iii' ii'nm i H ia i H. in llirill 'I lie Tfirl Mf fl Ntw Miu., i'l -Illii iM rtclenilani. Maty N. Mtnn, loi the mini . I line huntlii'1 ,inl Um and II lixi ! I in. t.'erlbw Willi iitrl tin the inn of eiglii)-Hx mil $4-lui ,lolii. 11,,-irof '"'I i. in Hi. hi hi ilny hi Januaty, A II. I9tt, an ill in. ( with inliirtl i n ll. turn til eighty m ami 54-iciu l.,lltit Ihcitnl from the hrai ' J jIj , A. I). ifcoA, wnu; ii. wi'b If. in, t oniric -um laty-ltlne and 11-foD t" ibtin I In in ilu-ftir liny ul January, A I) 1897. in. ul paid; Hli intertti tin the vinii ,.( ii) t,i,,. i,. 1 1 -loo dotlara lltetaMfl Ii. 111 the lii.i liny i.l July, A I). IH07, anil I ...i.'; 4ll .,,,1 iiiukiI being pylile ai Ihe i.r i i J 1 1 1 11 inn prr annum; all nf which 1 "nil i.imI iiiinvM it l tllt-yed iy the pi. nun, i ,t,.r 1. 11 ,y tettonof late- lawfully ion. I ituiing il.. iur A. I). 189$ anil A. IJ, 1 ,),, ,,it m 1 mi ettonal ami nal pf"tty in, ..ili ,1 in 11 unl coimly of I'.ilily and at i . il . 1)1. 1 ii.pciiy "I ih 1-'i'l defendant 1. u ihr ul Venn A. I. I95 ami A 11, . mil plaintiff. I be Territory of New Mei- , l.Mii . Ii. 11 ar.ii ki In li.iti.' tli tm 1. , Uin, in i' in mnl uii Agnlnal tlx t. 11 untl 1 ill 1 .1 retl ttlair In .mil for taa 1 i.-in , Kf mnl tin- Minn1 in ill amount! mi 1. mil it . ik -nini 111 tlu 1 omplaint tiled 11. 1I.1 . ,. -ul' i: n (iiiiiiii t n w qHiitf, ln 1 . ..., hip ji , "l mi. 17 mi, ami int- ... 1111 nit 1' ;i n xiiiah .1; I J, i mill 1, i'l, 1 V 11: " No. 1 1 and is 1 1, 1 k js. ii 11 " '' "" '" "I 11 v l I, III, l. ul unil Ii. !).!. 11 r . I Uu, ntHh nh intm.t ., 'if Si hnjKff rl ,h nhiftrrn Ihtreol ft, 11, ide f,, , j l. ttnill ,,i,. w,ih in . i einki bwniln ,1 n, 1 nin. u ! 'Han their "I li. n. the limi . j I. Mttlil imn 1 r mi I liayaLkt M the ri, .1 it . 1 nwni alio' lu, I, Ml.) ..n . I iti.,,,,1 1 Ugeil liy 1I1. , ,,, nil 1. ,, , ,, ,, 1 ll lK I. I ) , , P. ill,, 1 y (,. , j ' "51 rtimit i rtoiiiil ,i,., . ii, ., , t'x -aid fi.uniy .,1 IMy ami n-v-.l 1 M'tiy of ihr ml ,lcnilani ilun g il,. I it't A It. iRufi. ' Anil the aaiil ilrfrn.lanl. I hm I'.. ... " ', '... Truat Ctimpany, I. lientliy n line ! i,. ,i,ier lt i'rll .llli - ,11 ,,,1,1 toft 1 l-..r it.. Iny of ,N,,, A. I 10?. ..1 i iflif. '""" "I "'I' l'l IC Icnilcn.l i:ill,i! 11, lllr ,l. itfr, ir,t) M,( ,,, Tin' ilainliil. miiitnay in alil tult it Ji,n lift 'in ami Hi,, Utiet j v,t uPic 4 bn. nr. u.lilieui Kdrfy, Ntw Mmr In wiinrM whetfuf I, tha cleik of th alMe myici Mt, ,irt hrrnt wt my hand and ahWl the teal ,,f tu r.inn llita tha totli lay of mbtr, A. I 1 Ky. VM. 1'Nfinltn 1 'ti w o( .till duuici rourl. Ity II. n. Hamilton, ji .. viT. 1 . I '. lion h, r 1 tin n it in town- inaitrr ol 21 alnp J a, 01 mi'ii n naarter, o t.rn..n tS, in ti.hnliii t l of tUM 7 mid c I, nil -nf. n 11 qiikiien, ami ,.(, f iiuattw, of eclltm 7; In. inHn lit. li , i. i,: ay r ; ml 5, ft, ,tl( , orijinal ! f I. mil MTt I". -I. in lilotk 17, of, ttginal lotvoailt tif Iuah of lvdd ,01 t, l,Hk ji. IH j, (ft block S. I..I S. lo tiHwk ii, in n.e Svfn addition to i.-n of r..M 1 k.i 7. ' loch tto, In. lift Low aililni n t,. llir I- wn ol Kilifv. I ha nil.., nt ol ihr t.uea fot wljWi n lien It nl j rialmed afatuo tanl ioi mUle HUM $5S.J7 m. 11 mi. rttm. m 1. n m in eonmHi 111 tliit cant lm hltd j And nalil jiItlnillT akt in liav Mh) rial e I 1 In aaittfy any llfn WMtdtilitd in , atM tull againal am I A1.1I Hie .1,1 1 ilefen.ln', II, A. N)"mtye - nrrruy noun., I In, 11K r till nmHHininct III "l Jllit otl off l,a.l,.l-dl 1 m Kill IIjSm at V... vawlwr, A. U. Ihifj, 01 ju.lamaflt by default will lie itnilcitil ngainti him, Ihe laid ii fendani, in taid tali. 1 he liUinitfh attoinee In aald tutl It Inhn Prantlin r,,l i,m lttm, m,i T)U f.. . , - " o 1 11 w u in, irusi 1 ne.t aildrea la Eddy. New M !. 1. .. ...a . . , . , . I nnncw wnereiu 1, in BietK tjl llieabo.r 'rlart mil, have hrrrunto Ml nty Iwml ant I affiled 1 he of miiI low I Ihu, (Itu J9.1, y in rniiuiniiei, a. 1J. ISOT, Wm. Dm.ooi.i ClrtK of whl dlllilet conn. ny II. II, Hamilton, jr , ilnily. a I . I I .:. 1 I ' In, 1 I ! !. 1 1. .'. 1 iiuin.d low mi'" oliown nil mi n'v nitiilt I lit ei, 11 Mtuaivil. 1 - .1 1 lam t 1 1 wiin n n iten Mt.ittniri.iair Inin $,oK. 79 1.1,1 'I 111 tllv , oin,l.iini Mnl -III, I K'ftl ' Mil, 111,1 , 1 Mir. 1 I I I ), I III It .1. 1 1 . ml. ,, .,,,1 ,1 t - . ,1 I , ' 1 .,1 . llll l I III, lim l.) mini . 1 Mill I, II ol Ii' 1"7 . I txinirr I (; .1.-, , , . 11I , 1 , 1 i'li.'lll ) 1 .1 111 inn I 1I1 .... 1 ,lu 1 I .tin h I, .,111 1 t, 11, U nil tmi'l'aiikt In liM ii-u iA Inn 1 ,1111'. , , u ml n 1, M i) s M i 11 1, In 1 1 tin 1 l,i 1 n 1 i 'I. i'i r in iiiil 1 1 In. I y -l.i) "I N' vtnilict, hk'IIiiiiii Ii) 1I1 Unit will lie I,i, llit Ml 1 1.1 1. 1,' "i.l, III NOTICH 01 SUIT. In th dlalticl rinnt, . uiinty of Kildy. I he 1 errttoiy of Nc Mmm, 1 Litnllff. I , Vk- Nollcc or Suit. defendant. I ,n ,ll,,r'" nm,i cmm,y of ,W,y Nolle, It herel r olern thm tho ul,l nl.ln. J N Mealeai, 1 lifT. I he ItrrilotT of New Me, In. ha. 111. I platnlllT. klllUtifl KHlt au,,!..! il.a. ..I.l .l-f I.... I VI, rn; ;:t,. z .1 : : Th.i,.w.r i-ec... i..mi co, lillh in.lkial ili.iii, 1,.. i,r,,.. .w N ! l,nBT defawdiMit .lt,co, mt, tor ihr rounty of l'...y Nolle I herrliy givm that III aald plain- I Iihi the olitci of in aatd uit it the re- j ,,ff' 1 h Tciritoiy ol Nw Melo, Im in rovrry f a jatlgmeni m laior of the uOJ "'"""I a Mil gaiuM ihe aalil iltfcniUnl, 1 1n- plaintiff, Ihe tcitiloiy ol Niw Meniio, '-"er I'.eoa Laml 1 oinpony, In e dltlhct ihe aaid df. mUi.l, t'hailrt H. I.u.l- j cor' "f ,,,e nfth J" ltt'tl ditlricl of the leiri -lam, for th um of ihr. c hundiui and ihr. I ""7 "f ,New ' wiililn and Inr the conn ami .ij-ioo d'tiiara, i..Kcilici nlih imwrei on I V KddJI . . Hi.-mmi ol nlflctyiw.i and 8110a dollai ! I hat Ihe olijert. of U)e hl lull Ii the rr int'iroi fiom Hit Aral il.iy of Januaiy, A. 1 1. I 7 of a Jtnumnu In favor of Ihe ial.1 iXi, until ptld with ipurtti on ih mm of ' l'l"mu, lliy of New Mmitco, mifiytwu and Kl-iao il..ln thereoi Irmii 1 "a"'"' fnlanl, ITtc Lower IV tlr lnl lv ol Inly. a. Ii. iMikj. until BriMt cu l-and L omiiany, lor the mm ol two -no 1 11 1 mi inu Mmi ,,1 inifi"ibt an. I OCl-lrl ll.lllMlal It, Mr. , I, II.. ..t , 1 1 , 1 11 1 ' - ..'.. ....... ii, m. Mar to I.ll.ll II ) v If. !,. II ill, 1 i.i-y tn an i.l tun n John I ,ll.l' Mill, ' lll't I'llHl- 1I1I5. New AI, , " ii ... I. iln. ci ,k I the ..Ii' ve 1, I 1 1,1.1 ... itl n ) . nl ,)ivl . ,, r,o.l , ui 1 till- in' ("III il.iy A, 1 1 tfc.y Wit lKI-lll. I Ivlk ol AI I 1IIMII1 I I olirt. oitlion, jr., il. .ui . a 1 1 . A Nollt'f of HllH. in iln- iiUtmt toint, loumy t'f 1'ilily. il.i- I'fiilioiy ol .Siw !. , 1 l.tli it. 1 va f illlnm A. Ilawklns I lU'ltrndi nl. f .. it i l.ei.l.y "Urn llifii ihe taid plaill- i miii, i) 1 1 lNc'v . itico, 11 an mm 11, 1 ,ij;.,ii.' thw ilm ovlinilniii, d, in the ilitli'.l li in I ofibw I 1 lnul ill.hi. I ol die l illol) of Aew l.. , y 1 1 till, i,, 1,1 Hie ion iy ol hilily. ', ' , ..1 1. , ,, ij u.w mm tJii it the ie- ( v , I V .1 L fill ll.l III II f.Hl'l j.Ijii I l.u 1 ml' iy . I Niw 1 , . 11 1 . 1 1 .'in . . 1 1 1,., 1 . . , 1 . .1 mnl rt' 1 ,,.ii 1 1 iih I' ... . ', ICO 1. .) .1 J.iiiimi) , ,1 ... 1 ,,n 11 I ,' 1 I III! 1 1 1 ,0, nun, j 1 111) Mini ( ,,.' ,1.1) of j.l mo,, inlvnnl 1 1 ilaix tlictcof mini 1 .. . .1 il,-? 1 ., . il ol wlnrli ,1 i,v me 1 inn . . lawlully 1 MI) l.llil A. inopei r, mol liliaan ni..!, ,lallau. .. . ............ n... . M'IVW iitliHinii 10" geiliei with interctt on tint turn of one liuml- i;'. A. II. iBOi , imiil t,il,l with Inter-1 " ni "'I0O itOtWtl Ihereof I ! 00 Uk mm oi nfiy-i inin ,,i rrtoo doi-, rn" " day of J uiiiaiy, A, U. 1897, un lm lliritof It. 111 Ihr limi il.iy nl July, A. I. , l''"d ! on the Mm of one IM17, mini j nil mi, I mi, ,.,1 jCiu .y- hnnditf.1 i.d even ami Si-loo tlullarii lliereol , al.. 1 t 1 lie miv ol 35 1 inn. m ptr annum; fn die lnt ly ol July, A. Ur IS97, until all . I wl.nb mii.l imn nml i,m It it nllrvcl I'"'"! all taid intiei l.eing Jiayalile at the l,t I,.. .1 . . . . . rata ail MnHim luta at at mm . II .-f J -j I'liiiimu iiiiuc in 11 i) 1 1 11 Hot) Ol 10 ken "jl I'" iewi..w". j'wi Hiiiiniti nil u j , iMwiiii,) tiVKii 'hulni; Ihe n.n i . U, 1 ih mum mm imcrci n ) niKAwl Ity .mnl A. I. iSih, m im tm miU kmI iHc pliintUT U rlu to it ,y rmon 'tiT imxrt ' ... i-.. . . . 1 1 I ul.. J .a...... .1 , t .1. 1 iiij i iiy kiiuniril in Ihr inil 1 ,,mi v nl Ktlilv , "wtutty icticu iiuiioc me yeir , il, IN)!), ami ntti.tril imih. pu ptii) mi ihu alil "n rrrmln real t.H-iiy tliimled In the laid Itn.l 11,1 .iiiiinj; ihe )i.n a. It. ityt and A. c,,un,y ' I'ddy and nnvcunril ihe property 1. 189I1. 1 cf the laid dfndanl during the ijd year A. Xtnl nl ilinilf, Ihe 1 t-iritoiy ..f Nw M-! ,!t96' . ko. t'lntnik a lit n and tk to lme the lame' Said pltlnUH, Hie Tcnitorv of New Mm-dtclan-il in id Uvor in n.vnl uit tgiiinot iitc ,cn -lalma a IWm an.l atka lo We llie ume loll., winK ral r-ute in and ,.r Uk , ""c1"'"' in III lavor in nanl lull ngftlniil the lam. Until agatnai ihu mmr m ihe amountt , f"H"lnB daacrilKtl real ettate In and fur the wilh Intcttti at it tied in the complaint hi,., , taxrt levied agalnit the tame in lha aniaunti l -mil null, vtr: 1 with liflereat at Haled in the oompl.lnt hied .1 uu' w hall ol ihe t v, outlier, of itciinn ,n 'Mitt iuii, Mil , y &1H Hrt, tn, HiKik't II,.' ' "lllplHlllt, Ami kmIii ptalHUfT htka to Imvfi Mi l nml t-. ni" toll lo -mWfy Hoy lien,i ill -HI I "lfrngNl-Hr)r. Ami thri aula iMhiiInih. W 0. Mm,n, . 1 illllell m.Milr hit appr-itrnnee In .tit tull iiriitr Umu,u in. 1,1m ,1,,. , Nuri inr-M, A. 1). ($01, lit Jiidrfalitmit l. u. r ait. wtli bu rwiil.retl Ntlii.t ItllH, tli nt 1 .itfttudrtot, m tnlil tiui. in pHitntilfa alttirtiity 10 unld tmt 1, .10 .1 rr ilium ami tlm Ihllei a piHt ninoe . ,1.1 i.nainw nrtiin li Sm Mix I no. """ WRPMKif 1, (In. .tittle tlf lha ' a'lian , Iiktk htttmino tit my ...u nm mm mi ihh m or aiJ l mrt ihi-ili80lfi day of rJeptemtmr, A. a invr. .. .. tHafk 'f aalil iii.iriBHioarl. I H. H. rininlliiiii. Jr., itHpHit. at ihown In citnnlalnt file.1 In ul.l 1..I1 And M d iilnlnllfr t.L m In.. ul,t ,.l. lata aohl In salhly any lien Mtalilhlitd inulil Mil IJMlnit Ml llIC, And the Mid defendant, A. T. Vounc, Il llMlalaV MMllRauJ I ... LI. .. . " .,...., .,. , tm ni nppea ranee tn mim mii on or ueiote the 15U1 iUy of Noem w, Aii. IH1J7, or JtHlntirftil liy default will w in uetni ten I nit hint, the aald defvwlint n tani ran I 'i I t 1 '' 1 in.t . ; win , , j-iii I). A. tlu 1 . 111 Iln 1. 11 I, pal, ; ,.1 70 1 , . ll), A. I 1, .inK 1 v . I . I ..!' II. .. l... ., III l.i 11. A. I'. 1 -1 filial ol iliv laid , ntci.nain.l llawUlit, rl.iuiM il in)-,. no anu .. .! 1 1, the I., la alhclCof A 1 1. ihoO, 11 of nCVCIl ,111 llir htii ,,1; tilt lu ll ....ll.iii. 4iy, A. I). , ihe um ot 'mm tli tin 1 nit all Mtnt , ..f '5 pr .nl uin nml III It (IUV lu VKit llunr.j; ii. i8v, oil ,. Mluautl 111 art! ai Ihe In- tain tin lite nan ul t quatier, or lection 1, in towmhip 15 1, of range 17 r the it hall of n e ipiitter, th 1 w quatter of n c quarter, the t e quarter, of tectmn 13, In lownthip 35 , 01 rniig 17 r in 11 c quirier, IMC i e ijuar lr of 11. w notrter, of ncctloh (JI Ihe 1 half of tectum 34, in towmiup 35 1, ol range 37 tie e iinu 01 1 w quatter, 1 w quartet or 1 w j iiuiticr of lecttoft 71 all of lection fc' nllif ito- uun yi in w nan at n e quail er, the n w 1 quarUr, the 11 hall ul m quarter, ihe 1 w quarter of ie quarter, lection 1 51 tilt iw quarter nine quatter, the 1 hall ol 11 w quitr I ter, and the 1 w nutiler of icotlon 1 7: .the r I w quarter and 1 e quarter of Mellon tSj the w quarter ol Miction 191 the n w quatler. tn .inti taid real eMail- lulim ij6 10 i ' ''' w lttr, Ihe 1 e quailer of ih.i a-titled in ihe roiool.ini li.,i t ttcilon lei the half ol ne ftuitlir. ,a I 1..1. .1 .. ... - . 1 . 1. .. . . . I . .. nnii ! 11 o iihhiici, nml me t mill 01 twfien 21 1 the 1 liallof 1 w quatlir, ol 311 ami t - iitttrter of t w nuaricr. ol tecti .n jj, all in lownthip 11 1, of rang 17 cai lite h half ol the aw quarlu, of aj, in lownthip ai a, of raniivi aK rattt th n o quarlw of th 11 w ouanrr. of tvrnon .1. in tounihlp 34 t, of range 38 eat'. 1.0. r 01 rami .uliurhan prnpei- ty adltrt'llt lu lb lOWn of Lililr. in lerllo.. a. tf lownthip 31 1, of range 37 eatl. I.0I1 1 a and tl. in lilotk U. t I -... iA. in the town of Kdilyi .u 13 and l., ol l l"ck 74, of ihe laowt' uihliiion to the town of J My. 1 he n e ouarler of the n e murto nl ue. I tii n 1, n, i.iwntfiin ai a, of lai.uc 21 eetl. I I,., tint of ihe lai foi which a lien it I ... 1,. Mil In. 1 i.iitt ol l-.' .mil , ii , 1 the " I 'It iim'iAiit iluiii'g . 1,. lh'i i,'! a Ii. I Bob. i '.Limuf". II" I uiiloiy o' New Men- , ,-'.s,'ii . a li.n ak to htve ihe mmi u 1, 1 hi nt ! 1 in uniil "nl i :.inl in mm t; .1. ni ' .I i' ittnie in mnl lor the u ii. .1 i; 1 -i -inc In tin' tinounn 11 m.t in i' i in 'In com, laliil Ideil I , -.11, 1 .1111. Ml will, mi III l'l Ami s ml plaintiff atk to have taid real II tatv 'LI to tuilnly any litticttahlitltcd in taid nil n,'iuui mime. A:i 1 tS. mi, I ilefcmfanl, Clinrlt 8. I,ud lam, i hneliy imiiKed to enter hi appearance) in tani miii i n or lforthe 15th day of No vewl.-r, A l. 1897, or judgment by defatill wlll he iendrcd glM hlnt the U defend ant, In uhl . ull, 'I lm plainllfli altomaf In told tult It latin Franklin and lit latter' pott oIKc and butt nemiadiireM t Ktidy, Mew Me.leo, tn w lineal whe icaf J, the clerk of the above alyltil tun, hae hermiutn mi my hand and anW-il Hi al ol laid toon this the jmIi rlajr of hcptewUa, A. U. H07. Daiinot.., (Ittlk til aald ditiriet oowt, liy II. II. Hamilton, r riapuly. a 1. 1 t t Utitti, of net lion ol range 37 cji; on ,, s, o . I 1,1, 1 1. JO, ol 1, , 1 Il.i to , ilir low 11 ol I il.iy, and On- improve 11 il.nn mi 1.1U il til, the W ( uit' 1 14, in townthq 23 , ' ' t. unl . Mil .l th i- 1 1 t.nei i'r wiin n a urn .1 11 p. ny Ikiih: ,!n mm ol 'rltll ft tlalill Hi I lie l"lli- ' .1 1 pl,l I I 'ft' '.ii.-t tali,, 1 n !) 1 I Mil I,. I xlrli 1 ' mi 1 mlilo. 11. 1 it 1 1 I UK ft ' ,1 . 1,1-- 1 . Mai, V ,.U ,. ,4l ,1 I I,) III 11 I -Ijl lltlll' 1 1 i, I ir III Mill aection 331 the n w quarter of tcctton 371 III n quatter oftecilonX the e half of nw quatter, of icctlon 391 die n half of MCtlon jo, all In lownthip 15 1, or range 18 e. And wid plaintiff aiki lo have talil ical ettate tola to aatltfy any llin cilabll.licd In lain lull aeaimt lam. Ami the laid defendant, The Ixmer Peeot imt 1 umpany 11 itcituy nntitiMt to enter IU ppearane In laid anil on or before the 6lh day of December, A. I), 1897, or judgment by il."!l will be rrndiml aoalntt It, the Mid Uclendam, In laid suit. 'I he plaintiff attorney in laid mil ii John rranmin and the laliti'i ml orilcc and bull' neii addrcatli Iidily, New Mexico. In wiineu whereof I, the clerk of the al'ove alylcd lull, have licreunlo mi my hand and affixed th al of lattl court thli the 301I1 uay ut nrjiiemucr, A. u. 1997. WMi IJmicoi.l.. 'Cletk of ilil ditlricl ounrl, liy II. II. IlKiiillton, jr., deputy. a 1 , li.. 1 1 li ml., .1.1 1 1 . I li 17. ' -I.'"1 t, A. Haw 1 nter In nppraranti In- Mil ,U) 1, 1 No- jin'iinni l) ilrlaull t Ion ; lb' unjdicnil- ttioinc) in taid uit ii John lllrl' poet 0H.1 r ami tmti- I) , New Mein.i 1, ,, I, 1 he 1 urk .I iln- aUitc i 1, i.l" - 1 tliy I' "i'l aii'l I ...I cull I hit tin 4ih .1,1) , i.v7, M. I'' i" "IL. 1 Ink it nttl 1 i.inti u)urt. 1 y II I . Ilanuii. I . "iuy. Norici: or sun . tl r 'lUli'CI l..l. 1 mi i) ol I NOTICE 01' SUIT. In iho ditlricl court, eouuly of Kddy, Th 1 niiuiry of New Meileo, ' planum. VI. II. A. Nymtycr, lUftnilant. Nome it heiiliy iflven thai the taid plain lift, Ihe Jen limy of New M.tioo, hat in-tutuit-ii .1 ull Djiutt the Miiii .irlt-n.Unl, II. A. N)m- yrr, in ihe dlaltlrl roai-t of ihe fifth ilimnri iif the terrlt 'ty of New Mca ico. will, in nml fur the ruiini) ol Kdtt); I h ii ihr , ol the nalil tuU ii the ie- ro, ' ,' , j ingin, nl in fnvor of lli Mid I '-" ''. 1 1"' ii ui'.'iy of New Mexico, tiiji," -i ihe Ail .t' k'i.ilani, i. A. Nymeycr, lm n, tumoff.iir hnndr ,1 .unl aeven and 7-u xitn In. I with niii'ieol Uin tin i i. tii.iii ihe tut il IH9,. 1 nttl ptiil; with inln, ,1 one I. 11 tot ut.. lout ana do t 1 . ! in, 1 .lay ,,r Jeomiry, I . ,7 , 1. 1, hi p.u : i:li mii ir.l oil Ihe .K , , i, 101 111, 1 , ur an. I l-liiloll.irt lher. '..I itua (tut .1.. ..1 l.o.. 1 t. ten ! . ... 1 .,,7 . t. j'-. ,7 V. - ouo .... ! 1 t 1 . iiMiT. Ull ' lllilll tlalill f nil aAl.l aaluate I. k. 1 1- Notice ut Suit. Injlhb tlUtilut court, cuuiityof lKhly, Tim l'errlinry.uf Nnw ilexltij.l plnllllilf. 1 va. f . fj. il.uui, dfndnut. J Nolle i litreliy glvnu that the tnltl lilnlitinr. Tha Trritiiry of New Mniioot oip ini i.hivu 11 mi nuninat inn aaiu 110 lemiHoi, W, ('. Mann, in the diilrict eoott of lb tilth JoUlcmt dlalrlat of th tern tnry or Nnw ilnlmj, within and for the awunty of Jiddy. 'I'llMl ItM .it.laaafttal .if tl.U I . l... I II... , .. . " I . . 1. , .1 . . ? '"'J 'ry of a JuilRWeut lu favor of ihe 1 nine wight .1..IU1. ill, in.l fr.n th ! aalil platntilf, 1 h Territory of N.w Mox. i.l I llillJIt, A. P. IhiMi. until lialdl i lm. niitn.l Hi. aoii.l ,lfu. .... .1.. n Ihe Mim 1 I inneiy-eicht do!- auto of una Immlrul mnl ... ...I ) 01 uly, A. ). 71 IIKIdulmit. loitvther with lui,.t on " the turn of th an hi of lity-twu nnd 8-IOM dollar j-io.1 dollai j tlii0i fri th flratdav of January. A. A. 1). U I4M, anttl paiui wlHt Inieiwt .,n the wm 01 anm 01 amy two nna w-iut JolUr. iimrt. Notice of Suit. In the illmlei court, eooniy ef Kihly. Tn Ttirtmy of New Meileo, ) platntlfT. j va. J. The I 'tarn lirigated 1'itnn UBntjMRV, deftndani. J Notfie fi Irtfthy given that (he mIJ thUln tiff, Ilia leitliwy of New Mexico, hai '""W". H tgainat tha tahl defemtanl, I he rami Itrlgaitd I'annt Conrttany, In the dttiilat eoutt 0'' ihe fifth Judicial rlimlct of ihe terrltoty of New Meaioo, within and for the eotinty of Itddy. 'I'lwt the ohfectl nf the Mill mil li the re covery of a jutigmciil In favor ol the tahl plalniirr, 1 tic rejiltury ol New Meileo, aeaimt tha mid plaluiallT for tiie mm of Imttletn hunrtred ami nlnelyievtn and 5a.loo dollari, toHhf with Inieieit on the mm of iwo hundred end lwemt'-two nn.l Jlh loo dollart thereof from Ih Artt day of latiuary, A. I). iSoc.uinii t,a( Hitii lnie.i on Ihe imn of l wo bundled nnd nlncly-ieven and 53100 dullart Ihereof from the lint day .1... ..t I.. I.. A .. . .. . . ,1 . ... . 01 iuii, v. 11, 1005, until ikiiu! w i t in tercai on the mm ol one hiindied and etghly two anil 51100 dollar Uiereol (Torn Ihe fint pay 01 January, A. U. 1896, until paid) with tnieretton Hi Hint of one hundred and eigh ty-two nnd ti-ioo tlollaia lliereol from the hut day ol July, A. U. loo, until paiHf witli in mi 00 me tniii 01 inree numireil ant lyihiM and 8c.oo tlollaia thereoi frtnn tli Mill day nl lanuaiv. A. 1. 1S07 until paid nml with intent! on th mm ol three humnetl ami forty-three and 85-100 dollar lliereol iroin the tint day of July, A. I), 1K97, until palu; all taid i.. tercet hdng iiayable at th rate ol 3 ( tier iriilum tier nnnuini all of whicll law turn and intcreil u ii alleged by in piaiHiiri 11 uue 10 it ity reaton of tatea law.uuy Kwetiduiing the yean A, !) i8t;, . u, toy) Htm n, 11, moo, on cerutin ii una, .uu it 1 inopcti) utumrii 111 me talil ounly of Ivddy and ateHd ai Ihe pmirty ui on.' Mm uciruimm nuiiag in yeata t, I), 1 091, a. u. IB90, andi. n. tboo. Mid pUlntill, the Icrritoiy ol New Mex ico, ciauni a uen anu aiki to Have Hi? nine declared In II favor in taid null agalntt the fullowing detained real ciiaie In and for Ihe laiei levied ngaimt the Mm In the nmoiinti wiin tnierettai itatetl In the complaint filed in Ihe tniii tult, li. On the 11 ball ol n e qvarler, w half of n w quarier, n e quarter 01 11 w quatter, 1 tv-quar mi, imn 01 a c tjuaiicr, oi tecuoti I0 ne quarier ol 11 c quailer, t e quatter of 11 e quii .i, c iiiiHiivr 01 1 w quarter, 11 w ituirlcr 1 c quailer, w quailer ol h c quarter, of lection 111 11 c quarter 01 n e quailer, n w quatler ol ii c ijuniicr, aw quaiicroi n e quailer, ie quAitir 01 11 e quarter, n w quarttr, 11 e quar ivi tn t t tHBiir, n w quarter 01 1 w quarter, uilrl ul 1 iv iiutllt. t a imatlsr. uf . lion 151 n w quartir of itctlon 141 n w qmr 'i ipwiier, a c quanir 01 11 w quarter, r. Unuci ut 0 u qeaner, n c quarter 01 ! Mi-i, n w qtMner 01 1 w qoaiiir a w tjar lr ol 1 w iiu.iur, oftecllon II. in townthlii 3J 1, ol itiig 37 can; m th e quailer tf wtivii if, in lunniuip J I, ol IKBgc ab I he Idalllllffi allornev In taid mil It t.J.n tP I.l.- - . .1.. ... a' "". J ..imiin una ine mien iwti oinee and mn nM atWiett It ldldc New Mii. In wfiiUM wlitrtul I, the clh ol Ihe above, bava hereunto mi my luml ami allied the teal of Hit! oeuit ihlt 30th day ol piiiiwfii n. tr tivy. Wit. Diiiicot.t t'letk of Mid ditttlel eoorl Hamilton Jr., dypuiy. a NoUco of Suit. In the dlitrlci eottit, emtnty of Kdtly. I lit 1 efrltwy ol New Metlrw, ' iMntlQ-. w. It. J. IMIei, defendant. , NoUee li hereby i.iven Uiat the laid plain nil, in urtllory ol ..New. AIako. ha in MimttM a Mil ayatnit the taid daiendant, It J . lloli. In h ilimict court of the fifth jtMKiai unmet 01 llic letntoty ol New Mex ico, Hiiiiin anu lor in county or ICdtlyi 1 liat Ihe oil rot i or Hie mM lull la the re covery 01 a judgment in favor ol the taid piainim, in mmory ol N.w Mleo, ngttntt the twin ilofemlani, H. j. Ilolln, for ihe turn of iu Imniltetl and ctevenand i.-loo uoitart, wgwner wnn on th mm ol line liurKiictj ami live nml 61-100 ilollan inereot 110111 the nril day of January, A. 1). I&07, until nnidi w 1 1 inUrstt on Ui mm nf ttiiee nundteti and five anil 01-ioe dollar ineieot Hum the lint day of July. A. 1J. iSov. umil paidf all taid intcreil being payable al the rate 01 35 per centum per annum) all of which taid turn and Interval it 11 nliMtxt i.v the plalutilT li due lo it by reaion of taxm lawiuiiy levied duting the year A, I). 1S06, on certain Htrional nnd real piopwiy illunwl In the aald county of Itddy and OMttaed ai ihe property ol the aald UefwHlant durini! the crni ... t. toy. Silil plahitiir, The Territory of New Mex so, ciauni a uen ami aiai to nave in Htm iiecurcii in 111 uvor in taid tult agaimt th iniiowing (irtcnlMNi real ettai In and lor the taxei levied aifaintt the Mine and in the amount, wlilt Interett nt Hated In the com plaint filed In taid Milt, vlti ua in 11 nail 01 tn n e quarter, of tectlon 30. in lownthip 11 1, of ranv 37 cam all ol tecilon a, in lownthip 13 1, of range 37 eatq th 11 hall ol teciion ao, m lowniltlp 3 j 1, ot rang all eatq th a w quarier of icctlon 30, In tottiithlp aj i, of range s8 rad. The amount of taic for whleli a lin i. elalmwtl auaiml laid real ttttaie liclm. $47601, with inure! ns lUltd In wmidalui IIIbiI in thit caut. And Mid tilatntllTatki lo have tahl r..l ettate told to satlily any hen ettabllikeil In lilt! iul agalnil Mtc., Ami the tan1 dfuilant. It. I. Ilallu. I hereby noilfied to enter hli appearance In taid mil on or before the 1 5U1 day ol Nuvem btr, A. I). 1S97, or judgment by dclault will be rendered acaltut iilnt. ihe tuld tin. fcmlaiit, in mIii luit. 1 lie piaiutirr attorney In laid lull Ii lohn Franklin and Ihe latter'i poll olBcc and bull new addreti ii liildy. Ncv Mexico. In wnneii whereof I. the clerk of ihe nbov Hylwl mlt, have hereunto ict my h.-.nd and alTixed lite ical of taid oolirl thit the loth dav of September, A. I). 1897. WM. DRIKOLt., Clitk of tani dfittiet murl liy II. II. Mnmllinn. Jr.. depuly. rt Tlie Territory of Kew Meileo, v. plilnllff. vn The I'eeo Irrigation- and Im provement Com.HMiy, defendant. ..N.?.lleeJ., Bven ,,,e "I'l Pliln Itfr, Ihel.rilinry of New Mexico, hai I11-. Mliuied a lull agalmt Ihe aald iltfendant, Tito I-ecoi Irrlgatbm and Imtirovement Company, in Ihe dlitrlct bowl of the fifth Judicial dli (rlciofihelertliory of New Meileo, within and lor the county ol Itddyt Thai the object! of the aald lull ii the re envery of a Judgment In favor of the mid pkinlllT, Th lettllmy of New Mexbo, agalmt the Mid defcmlant, The Peeoi Irrlca tlon and Improvement Company, for the mm of dghteert .mmlred and one ami 43-100 dol laii, together wilh inierctl on Ihe turn of nine huiidretl ami 71-looTlnllin ihemof frcim l In ten day of January, A. I). 1897, unlit paidi with Intereit on tile turn of nine huntlted and 71100 dollin thereoi from the fint tltv of July, A. D. 1887. until ald all Mid lmereit belBg (Myabl at the rate of 35 per centum pit arttutmi all ol which mid turn and Intereit Il II alleged by the plaintiff Ii due to it by reaton of tax lawlully levied during the year A. U. 1896, on certain pertonal and real property tltuitrd in th Mid county of Eddy and aitettdl ni ilic propHt of the Mid da fendant durini. the Mid year A. I). 1806. Said plalnuff, The Territory ol New Aim. ten, claim a lien and atka to have Ilia uiiMt declared in it favor In laid tail egalnil the fnllowlnir ileKfilied reel eilatc in and for ih taxe levied agalmt the Mine In the amounta wiin inieru ai Hated in the complaint tiled. In llie laid mil, vlti On the 1 half ol the ri w nuarter. n e mmr. ter of 1 w quarter, Ihe half of the n e quar ter, then ball of 1 c quiiter, of icellon 71 the n hlll'uf aw imarler. the n half or e. ttiinriee. of tecilon S, In low nthh aa , of range a7 eait the t w quarter of icilon 10, In ion ihlp 33 1, of tang 37 inii the n w quarter, the 1 w qparttr, the a e quarier, of lection 15 the n e quarter, Ihe 11 w quarier, the n half of w quarier, 1 e quarter of 1 w quaiter, the n w quarier ol 1 e quarter, of teetinn 361 ihe n c nuarier of a e quailer of icctlon 271 the t half of 11 w quanw, th n half of t w quarter,, th n w otiailer of n e miarttr. of inln 11. In lownthip 31 1, of tange 37 ean n hall of lot 6, and hall ol lot 7 of icctlon 0, In. lowmhtp aa t, of range aS rani the n w juaiter or 1 e quarter, th n e quarter of a w luarter, of tecilon 3, in towtithln 21 . 0 range 37 eatli 'he I e nuarter of n nuarter. and 1 w quarter of e qunrt'il, ol tecilon 0, in towmhip 33 t, of range 38 eaiq 1 half of the 11 w quarter, the t e quaiter of n c quar ter, the 1 c quutrter of 1 w quaiter, of lec tion 8, In Inwnihln at . of ranse 38 et.:i a half of 1 e quarter, of icctlon 17, In towmhiu. 33 1, of large a8 tail) the n half of the n c uaiier, itie t c quarter or n w quatter, of icc on 181 the n hall of 1 w ouarler. the n w quarter of e quatter, of wctlon aij jhc 1 w quatter oft e quailer, of tectlon 371 the ne . quarter, the a e quaiter of 11 w quaiter, the 0 ' half of w quatler, ihe a half of a e quarier, Notice of Suit. In I In dlitrlet court,, count) of IMdy. rim Imrllory.nt New Muxtco, . pieintlir. eail Main amount ut Mid taxei for which a Hen li claimed on Mid real ettate being the turn 01 1, 430.07, uttii imeroti ai itated in the com pi 1 m men tn Mill tult. Anu Mid plaintiff atki to have Mid real ettate told to MtHfy any lien ettablltlied in Mia tun agaimt tame. Ami the Mid defetvdint. The Poeni Ir.l gated i'atmi Company, Ii hereby ivotiried to enier 111 appvreitr in Mill tun on or uelore the I'th day ol Novimlrijr. A'. I jmijiintni vy iiei.uti wm ue renuerni ai-ainil hln. .1.. . I . . . . . I.. . , . ,. nnii, ins ucimuitu, ill Mill lull. 'Hi plaintiff! attorney in laid tult Ii John ..1,11.. ....I ..... 1... .... .. . n. a f .unniiii mni in Mitei oii oince aim uuit n BiHirett ti f.iniy, new ilexlet). in wttntii wherco f I. the eletk of ihe aoovc it) led auit, have hucunto ci nry hand and affiled ihe teal of Mid eoun ihl ii mill or ui vHiiiimi i. u, IQQy. WM. URIICOLI.. Clark of miiI olMiiri nuiirt Jiy 11. 11. Hamilton, jr., deputy, a o h Id p.n.i; . rat 1 ; ' uM 'in . pltllll.lf Is lull) on,, I 1I1111111; Iln' M-is t A. I It I''. . ( 1 t.rit ! ,i,l inirie.l Ii, ma lutyablc al lln :' ' '" 1111 ii annum! all of which eimi it 1. alle'. .1 Uy Iho lur l.i II l,v n-t.on o .c. 1 1 189$ and nal and real J 1,. Iciiii.mJ' oi Sew M. uni, j pi IlillH. 1 i l,.. l'etot all) Tiutt t'wn- 1 j any, 'teitnd .nt ' Nome It htrel ) Uin tlmt lliv.M,, plan, i 1 1 lie I emit i) 'I N-w Mrtno, tuU m mi , ii I toll 1. m.i ide ileieodaM, 1 1.. I'not 'altr lm ' mi ' ), 111 ih du ll ,t 1 it l ihr I, nli 1 In ul .iKiilct ol llie term. uy ol New Mean , within ji.,1 for the C unty 1 I t lily; 'II, . I iln ol.jt I 11.1 i I "ii' i the ir 1 iik ol null ' n lo,,i "I the 111,1 IU' lot l...iiy ul AtM Mix, Co, rjai, ,' tl ii,i 5' I' ' II. I'll ) p,.. niy UK .l..l 111 .li,- si,,, ,i,,ij 0 k,,y mid aM.'t at the pi. ntj ol the ttlil .lo fmidHnl rturing ihe )ai A, I). lh,jj n,l A. 1 1. iHtyo. Hani pli 'niitl, I In- Ictiltoi) ! NPW Mel. iro, cl.'iitM lien ami ,ikt 10 ht.r ihe mm ilirlatt'l in itt t.tvnr in 4i,l tull . gaintt the toiliittiiig .ltHttl.fil tnl tittle in a, id Ik ihe ut UmhI 4-1. ,i the ..uu m ihe amounta irlctwUol, Thf Ptcua Valley I quaitu 1 it th - turn of one ihoutuoil J loantl.ii with lnirci a iliit.l in i. ,- in the tani mil, hi: On th, i w ipj.ii , 1,1 ii, tecilon 1 , 1 1 l iwn 1, ,. j ills n ,.i ,1 in , I i.r 11 . 1 pit! I' 1 1.1, 1 I 37 ta-' 1 5. Ill ! , lull 1 ' pi 4i let, s' 1U lllll 1 irnpltini , It. I n r fiwtttr, ol I tange 1; n.i, ,umtvi, ihr , w Ilir of II r iU4i JI t. Ml Irillj and t w lion a. iii .1 M etui) llic n v tptnt- ai in rnir or m r eeiuiim per autiunu all of whleh aatd tuni nud luterntt It It alleged ty lh plali'iitf U due U by ratvou til IAM lawlully levlad dutluK thv , year a. i. mi. uu riain per.oi.iti nnd rel prorl) rpintted in Hit, rni eogmj. oi nyuj awsi miitti u- I no oo,,i 11) y tn Mid dafeudHHt during the ei. )ar A. II. ivi. 1 Mill J plnlntlir, Th Territory of Kt Meileo Manilla lien nnd ink to have Iln taut dMlar! lu IWt Invnr 111 ttnl tul agalmt lb flrllovTtltg deaeribtd real tMiKie in anu lor iuk l x lutlwl againtt Uii tame In Ihe auiHiNU with InteiMt, at .luted in tn Hnplalut lllwl In ti. aTa , tttlt, VII t.u lm lo In Uook 'i uf ih original towmlu ol the U.u ul Itddy and Hi lijl. tta.u... .Ita....-.f. . . . It lHT..pi,r. wmmiwwn rtinnim, 00 lot Ji i, a, a, of oioak 91, of lh hie. na iidilfi go 'ion 10 in uiwh ur OdUy and tim luitiiove 1 Menu thereon lUtiatud. The amoitnt of taid tnxw for whlah a ' lieu rUlrrrtd agalntt 11 1 r. tl male Kutico of Suit. In In dlittUt aouri, aoutiiy of Itddy 1 uu 1 nitury or Now Mexico. pwlrtHIT. v. A. T. Young, dfendanl. ISOUce II hereby elvan thai Ihauld. l,tn lar ti. ! i.... 7 " . i"""'- ii, in. iniiwtT ui iw jiaau-t. lUltr In. i.uil a Mlt agalntt the Mid defendant, A. t. uiiE, 01 me utrllrCl COUII 01 III tillll uuiciai Hitirici 01 in IMtllorr of New M... Ico, within and for the couniy of Itddyt I nal the object! of the Mid tult it th. . wt.., wi B jinqinnni in uvor 01 Ihe taid plaintiff, 'Ihe territory of Ktw againtt im mio uiiendani, A. T, Young, for in turn 01 iwo nunanu and llfiy-tlx ami 34'loo dollar, toithr with i nltrtwtl on llie ium ol lity-lj,bi and 94-100 dollar thereof iroHiine mtioayoijuly, a. I. tioO, until IMidi wilh In ti Ml on lb turn at uliuiv.ihr and 70100 dollai ihrof from in firti day v, .;, n. ... Iy7 unit) M wilh in ineti on in twnt 01 unety-lhtee and 70-IOO iwhwi imii'ii imiii ie him uay 01 July, A, P. 1K97, until paidi all Mid miirett Mm payalde at ihe laic ol aj tier centum tier m immhi an ot which Mhl turn and inlirett It It atlcg-Ml I.) Uu piatiiUli it due lu it ly reaton lux. t lawfully levied during the year a. I. IMS and . 11.1896. on certain perianal and teal piopeiiy aliuom In Km Mid cuemt; of "J ' iu piopii) oiwe Mill uuung in Mid lr! A. 0, IM' and a. u. 1846. Said plaintiff, I he Ttnlimy ol New Mm- vi vhhhu a mrn ami akt 10 luvr tim ume (leslared in It fitw In Mid Mlt ugtlntt ihe ttttowing daw.i j.d real cttalo In and for the axt levied againtt ike um In the antouutt Willi Inlei aw Mated hi Ihe osmpUlm fllirt til the taid tult, vtrt 1 U n hair, n half of t quarter, n ffron iNWrter. of teuljti in n w nuttitrii w Attailar.of mc ' MB M t half oi t w quarier, 1 w nmiit! $$ Mum, of wet ion x 1 outlet 91 f e imnm, oi teatftm j, in tuwntliln $, ef ntiera8tt. ' Hie amount lm H, a llan li claimed UJien the above ilc.s 1 ilie I -Jeililell?MJ)o 3. 0. Cntneron, defendant. Nollcu In hernliV if Ivetl lli'it Ilir anld lilaltillir. 'IheTeirllory of New Mtilco, una inaitiuttHi 11 Mint ngntutt the tnl . do fuiiiliiin, .1. U. UHiiieroii. in Iho f i .lei court of the tlf tli judlelnl dlitrlet rf the ttirritntynf New .Moxloo, within nhd for ttiti ooiiiity or iWtly. ii.. . ..: ... .. .. ... iiiuuiijttiiiui ine sum tun it t ie re covery ot n Jnilirmaiit in furor of the nld plnlntlir, Tim Tun liory of Nw Mi ilao, ugiilnit tile mid dbfelidnnt, ,1. U. uiiinuroii, lor ilm aunt of out) hundred nnd five nil . 14 lim dollar, togethor with Inluriot tin the imiii nf tlfty two do liirt nnii ny-mu Uollius iliernof from the tlrat day nl Jnnunry, A. 1. IHU7, until paid) with InlorMt on Iho anm of flfiy-lwj nnd of-llXJ itollnra thereof from the flrtt day ... ...... . . . ...a . . . . ouiii), i. u, inut.uuiit pntdi nit anld in Ureat belnu phynldu nt the rnto uf 'in ner centum per iititiuini nil of which anld mm unit intereit 11 it alleged liy Iho plaintiff uuuv iu 11 ny iiiumiii or litii.t nwfu v luvlud dutli,g the A. 0. 18d!), 011 oiir talu purtouni nnd renl property i!uld In the anld county of Kdtly nud nut-nod lit inu iironuriv or tlto null dofeitdnnt during tho tnld )enr A. 1) 181M. bald piaiutlir, Tho liirrllury of New Mttilco, claim n lieu nml H.kt it, liHrn tltn inttia dtclarod in lu favor In anld tult ngaluit lh folloln detorlliiMt renl lata in nnd for Ihe Inxet levitsl nualmt .1 1 .. ..... : 1110 aiiniu 111 ine nuioniii wil l iniorMt in, tliitwl lu the aowplnint tiled In the anld ault, via: Ou the 11 w quarter of leotlon I, In towmhip f a, or ranga n eatt) lot 21). in bloak t, of lb lownilte ur town of IMiiyi lot lo, In hlu'k SS, of the Lowe ntldtllon to lb towu of K.lilvi lot tW, In Idook II. of tliHurlirlnnl towLtlto tit town iif Uddy. lot 7, lu Idoek SI, of the I'lrit nddltluii to th town ut J'.dJll lut 0. in bloak 118, uf the Htevein nddlllnn to the town of IWilyi lot S, ot bloek 211, ot the l'lrtt nddllion to thw town of lt-ldrt lot R: ol block II. or tltn l,a tluertq nddltion lo town of Hddy. The nmouut of the tnsoa ffir whh n lien lanlalinml agnttiat aald real evtnte be in it 79.-11). Willi IlitaitMt a tlnlril In (ha ooitiplHlnl 4 li. thlt saute. Aud laid plaintiff atka to have laid real p in in toU to Mttify any lien Mlauttiliad In taid tult aeHtntt mw. And th laid delanJani, J; 0. (Vimeriin, i nnei y. itounttu i niter hl nppbHriiiui III abl tult on or before the lAiti day of November, r. I). I07. or Judgment by default will be retained agaltnl hlui, the said ilrfriiilaiit, 111 aald tuU. The plalnlllt ntlurney in ifilJ stilt I John I'rankllti, nud the latter pott itfflce nud bu.lutHM addreaa U IWOr, New Mei leo, In wllnei whereof I, the clerk ot the above atyled ault, have hareunju tat iny hand and nMtrd the awd of mill court thlt IhhlliMh day of Heptember, A. I). t07. VfV, l)llHtHII,t.. Clerk nf talil dtttrlai pjllitl. 7 H II. Hamlllon, jr.. dgputy. J "Notice oThuiT. " I In ibe dim ict court, county ol Kddy. ine 1 c quarter 01 e quaiter, nf i.ctlon 38, lu lownihip 31 1, of runce aS entu ihe n n quaitrr of tettlnn 39; ihe c half cdn w quar ter, of icctlon 301 the 11 c quarter of icctlon 331 the 1 w quarter of n w quartet, c quar ter ol h w quarter, t.riecilon 341 the n half of 11 w (iuatt r. ol leciion itt Ho, n w .i.r oft equal ter, of lectlun 341 the 1 hall of w quaiter, of tecilon 1 4, In lown-hlp 33 1, of range 38 ceil: the c quailer of 1 w quarter, oftecitenij thnn half of n w quarier of no quarier, ofieillon lot Ihe halt of n c quar ter, the 1 half of 11 w quarter, the w half of t w quarier, tho n w quartnr of t c quatler, of lection I0 Ihenw quarter of rrc quarter, Ihe 1 half of 1 e quarter of n w quatler, the 0 qu llir of w quarter, ol tectlon III then e quatler, and e quarter of 11 w quatter, the n o quarier of 1 c quarter, of lectlnn 131 the ball of n w quarter, the a w quartet, and the c quarter of taction 1. Yallul towmhip 3.1 i of range aS eailf I li a e quaner or n w quarter, the n half, and 1 e quartir of ihe 11 w quarier uf n w quaner, the Iwlf, and n e quatter of w quarter of 11 w quarter, of Helton 3B1 the 1 e iiuaiuit of n e quarter, or teetinn 3 j, In lown thip aa 1. of range 2j eai'i ,,,lM E J. K. K nd S, of the KlretiMle I'trtn tubutlran liroperiy adjacent to the town ol fold) j On Ion 34, 36 end aS, In blcok 71 on lot 18, block 91 anil tul 13, In block 18, of tha original lowoalie to lh town of Hddw Uu ia and 14, in hlodc at) and lot a, hi block 33, of the Flrtt aildlilon lo thu town of lidd) 1 ,," h 3; S."f block 431 and lot 0, of hlocl. 40, ofihe hievuii ndrtiilon in -the town of Kddy, and luiHovemenli thereon iiltitlcl. I he nmocnt of laxat for ivl,ii. . n. 1. dalmed on Mid real evtnte being iho mm of $1,017.08, w ih Intereit ni itnetl In Iho ouniphtlnt hied in aald lull. And Mid plainim aakmo have laid real eitHte told to Mtiify any IU11 emthUihed u aid ault agalmt ume. And the Mid defendant, The Pccoi Irrnir tl nt and (mprotimcot Conijiany, 11 hneliy netlfied to unler iu appearance In ial. tult on orlieloro the 6th day of Drc.nlwr, A. I). lV7 or iuilcment by default will lit rotttifit-eul tgalnit It, the laid defendant, In Mid tub. . c p.aini.M, auorney in Mid lull It Jolm I'ranklin and the liltri't ikm! ,,tn. n,i T....1. nM adilreMii Rddy, New Mexico. In witneM whereof I. ihe eltrtr r.rit...iu, ityletl tull, have hereunto aei my hand and affUeil the Mai of Mid couit Dili, iho 30th day of September, A. I), 1897. J'"y Wm. J)Ritcof., nf ..1.1 .I....I-. . tli ir tl if.tta -""" mi. ... ... .mrtiiuotl. jr., neputy. 6 Notice for Publication. Und Ofllce at lloawell. N I ktuvbv ulvm Uaniod wttior lMt rlied tuu 10 man i I. Octobur 1, noiipo l unreby ulveu thai llie lAiUZi u WM I1IIM UOI1 uimi tirooi 111 auniMirt of be inaile .ioi,. wiis-t. ti, ou. im I II w: t aai.I nru..r .itTfT . ..Y: .' " s.. .. I . : T" ueiw w- iu cHiuiTuuaui. e.i.i.-f .".rrrrrr .rw"i" tlou or.WtJTiria: vtaT" """" "U,,,TB UaiJeo. ut Oho. I . nl mi tn YOVrfO, Cjgassigoli, nKiN FANCY GROOERIES , . . . ESPEOIACLV IBPORTfEI Toiiijierflimo Drlnk Uixarl atrial '1'nbuyoXH, 1'ullJiiB'of ruJ Fanoy GaiitJv Fresh liraj' Week. i I