Newspaper Page Text
5T OXJ"R.I;S.ElS Pecos Vallov to tho Front Croaker to the Rear. KDDY NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER fi, l97. NO 52. SOCIALISTIC PALLACIUS. A. aaaa Tattler JMnlono Addrciuo A (Ircat Audience at Denver. Uenrcr, Cain. October St. Th Tabor opera, home r crowded to the door till evening with pnopU in listen to tli eloquent olerifriimti, Ksv. T. II. Mnlnne, deflver innsh-dlaiussed leaturei "tjoo tnlistlo l'nllncle." So ureal WB t,in do iniuiil for admission Hint huiiilreJ were timed nwsjr nnd fur the benefit of those who wets nnnule to hr Fniher Mnlone lonljrht h consented to deliver lili leoture njjnln next Hunilojr ti Ilii. JL'nthrr Mnluue'sorlllolsm of thtnumor Oa theories nt present ndvauotd for tho beitorineut of mankind wore well nud fn Tonhly reoeived. Father ,MIij in pat t Midi "Tho wild in lid tor.setes attAok which tho deiwi dioguo ninkr upon onpltnl and lefjltlmnte corpornlion In uetinlf uf fho Inborliii; mrtu Mrs to be deeply deplurel by honest Uw hbllng ollUen. It l nnforttinnle for Indor Hint Irresponsible blatherskites Are pllvwfd tv lnjeat theinsolros into labor difTloultlf(i nud to inUiurMcnt tho posl Hon of Inmost Inbor towards capital. The dtningvuuo would irnks It appear Hint clnni in nnlurally hoatilo to cluss) Hint arioh nud Ilia poor nru Intended by tmture l- live At war with 0110 Another, llutli Hie TlHi nud tlm poor matt be made to nnder alnnd that cnpltnl onn not do without lA bor nor lAbor without onpltnl. I nin op iHneJ to soanllstn, Ural, beoauso III o tar 1 ohli flr cuhho thtinselve In 1111 Jusf, eenseltHt iilUok on eorporutu wenlth find, louond, beamier It In nutetinblo from reJKioui plilliisophlontnnd eeonnmlo point of mew, Intelligent ollUens should firmly oppose a tom thAl would destroy the established institutions merely for tht pnrpoatf nrrnniiliiK n more Kenernl die iritiiifHif wenlth. Hnlerlntuliigtheso convictions. I ntn not uuuilndful thnt Rrent corporation, representing ntthey do lull Ion nnd sometimes nuudred of million of dollar, mar ue the power thU cnpl tnl Rive them to tho Injury of partlcalnr olAfioD Of prlvnt Indlvldunl or n.ntillor corporations! bat this, I did sntlslled, I the exception rind not the rule. Whu torporntlone linvo been nlveu unjust prlr lieges, then these privilege should be out tnlled. It It bicnus the 11 riMri of the poo plo fnll to dlitliiuliih between prit liege thnt nro Just and those thnt are unjust that corporation In genernl U confounded with trust and monopolies nud mndo the objeot of demagogues' ritnt lugs. A loiig'n Vrbiiipttlllou I free, It U nasontliil to mil t corporAte wealth n nt Indivldunl en deavor. CorporAtlouowe their exUteuon io tfio Inwi It H()nrtiii them, They lire 11 nmennblo to ei Idling Inw nn nuy )uill Tldunl In tho land. To iiMume thnt thoio wh" exeoute tho Uwe nre dUhoneat unit A tlmt tlm itiiVHrliiilAtil' n.rvnnl. im.ia Hi goTeruinent tins naauinqd control of pri vate induntry.'would be dUhonet) In tho ndmlnliitmtlon of the iTeriiment' bnil tie, li n prepoterouii ninumptlou. Tonr gno thnt Inw enn nut be enforoed nnliiiii corporntloun. I to nruo thnt the jtwU deprnT(.d,nndHdmlt thnt there 1 no hope foreMHrntluu. If ltbelmpolbleto eleot lionett reprcfviitatlTe nnd JaJfn, would it not be tho hltflit of Jolly to plnee the Tftit Interrtt In voire J In onrporntlons nt tho'meroy of men who nro inld to belr realnlmAbly aorruptf Hut It I argued thnt wenlthy ludlrldunU nnd powerful oorpor Atlon corrupt our !rjjjuturD nnd debauch 4he prople'a repreeentnllre', Thle, Indeed In a m')it eerloue ahnre i'hlok of li. 6ur inmily pure Juetlce, pure nnd epotleti ropresentatUet men whote , InteKiilty and himenty are Iminnoulnto nx n virgin nud dead the neute of oorpnrd 'tli)u, beoouie furKotful of tho people' in teieoU nnd nre wiIIIiik to barter the in own; tor n fw paltry piece of direr! jttallj I don't know what punlibment should be meted out to Ike corporation and men of wenlth who noil the pare nud jiotle dote who com pone our ooun !W1indour nrerne btnte lKl'lature. It mutt bo Awf)l. howerer thnt thee men, rata who Iiavo nerer tarried In the prlui 0u pAth of dnlllenee ehould etiddenly forget their Hundny ohool teaalilnu and for n bit of lilinni old betray lhmet. vtf, their tititn and their country. Hut what Are the fuel In the oniof The facte are that, generally, thn eorporatlBtie are forced In eelf Mmm to keep within ibelr proper lluiltt and defeat the cherue of unwrupuloui hthbyUla nud Hire puller, wloe inn 1 11 ol.Jeet U to fleree Imih the puhllo and the extrpur th irk. If eorimratloiu hare their nneul to urd ulf Ifllnllon In IliHr Affaire, f&At iiitKht be productive of eerloui too tfUeneie but It mutt not be fogotteo that H ifUIiurM hare their mjeut nud go-between who eerve the purpuie of currying the boodle to their Ininb-llkr mid puilvM ureature whom we ire told cap ful debauchee nud oorruuti. Brery e aou of tho average State lexUlnture wit- ueueiee the Intruductlou of a purely 'hold up" ohwrnoter blllt thnt ttto in-trc-tiaeed eoielr to terrorise cnpltl. oarjKJreilou nud prlrnte ludlflduni, to thnt they will giro up uy u oou elderntlon of eald hill belnc killed or mothered by lhoe hATlng them In cliArge, Illllt are Intrnduoed to reduce the price of the telrgrnph, telephone, pA enger And other charge, the lighting of our citlre, the coil of tilling on ntrcet rAllwnye, to fnareAie exnUe taxation, to limit the hoar daring which liquor may be told, to hnmper drnggltt, and in a thoiitnmi different way to Interfere with prlrnte lndutry. Theo hnre their origin In the mind of tho legUlntur And and Are Introduced for the putpoio of forcing the pnrtle In Intereit to dlegor ge money thnt the bllU may be killed, In eelf defenie, nnd to preroot thn utter rulnj of their buelneeo, ludlrldunU n well ni cnrporntlone yield to unctupaloui leglnlnfare. mid theit the oty got forth thnt wenlth nud onpllnl' nre ynonyinou wllh brlbnry And corruption . When houett.tnen Arc eUct.d to uRlso And Jat la erjAotcd there will be uo "And-bag glng" of onpilAl, nor will corporation be given ntijuil privilege but all will bo found comfortable a well ni amendable to the Iaw, There I dnuger in the undue luterferone of the State In prlrnt nlTnlr. It I believed the lime Im come when honot men should npenk oat n their ooutoieuce dlreot lu referonc to present eoonnmla condltluu. Tito mod ern ngllntor who acek to nrrny the rune io of the people ngtltut wenlth ihould bo mnds to nnderttnud thnt there I evil wenlth nnd thnt the good more thnu coun terbalance the evil, It in ml be under (load fj nil that Irgithnute combination of cnpltnl nre n nouetjdty of Individual developement. It It In the hand of tho ueoplo to 111I11 inlxe the danger whenever wetiltlt line been corruptly no(iilred or ued to orunh competlUou. nnd they hnro It in their hnnd nlio to inorenne the benellt that flow frura oorpornte wenlth, Whatever danger then may come will be eolvud In the beat liilereel of the country. To hold otherwise would be to 0111 ploy n doubt of tho capacity of the people for olf government. rliir for 1 1 11 ii. I will pastiini liorHCH tho coimnir Btiiiitiiur 011 thu Hogura furm nuur Otlti at oiiu dollar pur month inicli. S. (I. Kayhkk. WANTUP Truitwnrtliy and nctivo iron tlcinuii nnd Inilliw to travel lor respoiulliio, ojlnbllelieil liouio lu Nuw lluxlco. Monthly WS.Wnml uxpeiuo, I'oaltUm (tondy. llei i.tuiico. iioliio eolfnililroail etnniHid unvulopo. Tho Uomlnlon Coinpnny, Dept. w. enioimu. SOOP NeWSPAPGRS At it Wry Lour 1'rlio, - The Feml-Weekly New (dnlveeton t linlln) U published Tueilii)U nnd 1' I dnyn, Knoll Imuo cutuUt of eight pngiit. there nro apeolnl dopiirtmentH tor the t ir mere, the ladle and thu boy nnd gul hexltle n world of genernl new inntler llluntrnteil nrilclr. 'ninrket report elu, 10 1 PAPERS rorONLZ 51 Hnmple t'ople I'ree. Addre A.H. BELO&CoPubJlphcrs DAI.l.Ari (lit (lAIll'.HTON, TUX. Notice of Suit. II MV UIBIIIWk VWtll I. WW III U, iKII, , Itie Territory of New Muxu-w, i illinium, vs. The l'eoofi Vnlley Town Com I lHiuj, ueieiiiiHiii. i .Nuticti U Hereby tjlven thnt the Mid plain tilt, The Turrlioi' oi New Mexiuo, lin iiu.i tuleU li eiilt iinnliul tho Mlu ileleiulaiil, Tub Pboim Vnlley Towii.toiiipnny, in tho tlr.n judlelnl Ulilrlct 01 the territory of h Mexico, within nnd lor the county o IWili Tlmt lliuoujocuuf the euiil iill I tho i -covery ol 11 JiKlKiiiient In lovor of tho eu.d iilniiiiin. llic lui-rl lory o( Nuw Moxlc.i. tiWNliiet lliuwilil ilurenduilt, I'ho 1'eco Vui- iey town voiupuny, lor ine euiu or twomy two iiuiuirtiil mill titty three nud W-lOuin (lullnra luHulhui- with Interutt on thu euiu of four iiundretl nud ninety live unit W-luutiu ilollnr llieroot from tho imt uny of Jnnuu y A, li. 1SJ0. until iiuiU t with lutvreet ciu tun Uiu ol four humiriHl nnd ninety iivo nud i lUUIlis iioiinrn (liereot irulii thu Hint Uny of July, a. li, two. until paid i wall luiuroit m tliukiim ol nIx liuuUrvo nnd thirty one nrtil 3-IOuili Uuiinr lliurwol Iruui tiiu ftret Uny ol JilllJliiy, a li- l!Alt. until paid i with lutoiuel on the um ol six hundred una thirty one unit 3-IWiln dollar ihrrvol Irum tlm flmt day of July, a. i., IWI, until luUulLeiild lntereet U-iug iynblut ihe raee-v Slier oeiitum iir annum; nil ' which nld jm audiutervei u ihmiIkwI iiy iim pluintin Is due to li by ruatou 01 inxe lilwlully levied during tho year a. li. IsW. und a. i. IKJti, nil cerinui uenHiuni nnu nun paiperiy u- uuiea in I ue miiu cuuiuy 01 iwiuy una ojmhmhi imi us i lie in aurillK the haul liliiliillll propuriy ul tlie Mild UV(enaniit unLysHir a. n. lew and a. i. tW, iiiurrfiM) teiritury of New Sex- leo, claim u livii nud nsk Vf Imve I hi' miiic decinlndiu lie favor In Mlu eu it auMiust lite koiiuwiim uuevriwiu itw vihiu iii aim fur trie tnxee lev iim) against tlie Mine in Hie amounts, wllh luierwit us stntetl in the eom liUtlul nlvtt In tue entd suit, viz: H. uf tun urtulnu Ull lit I, . S, I, V, 11 HUH l, Ul IIIUVK li lownsiie oi 1110 town 01 IMioyi ine se '4 oi wiee wi section hi s w i ul i Mi ni smiIhii it. all lu township i tMiutli. at rauye i) east i tlm w h of mw- . ol the s u oi eeotlon 1U, township U s, M ranir m eostt n i, ut n e of mwiioii il. lowuulp M s. of iugu aa easli the u e H ol tbe n ',, of mh'IIou 31, township a , of rant XI ettsli lt II, biixk ei iota u. SO. , Wovk if i loU it anil U, biuvk in lot U. bloek ill lute, bloek iff lot TS end li, block 13; lolsl. 1, inuo Uiu block id lot tint block ill lute it and it In block li lolsl, li, ij. il aud li ut block in lot i. v. t. it il in block tti Ms laud II In block ivi nud lot 1 III biuoa St. nil tne ubote lots bulnu in tlie vrlgiiMl tuMiiiun tu iimi town ai lio.iyi lute i anus ut uiovk lots u uiiu n in niovkaui lot it lu block sit lots i, a. ii mm n m nioak Ml lot III blots III lot 3 III block Ul lot III UIM. Ml lot lu block 34f Ul It ill Olovk 341 lot li in bluuK mi Iota i nud A lu filiAiu m: Ii.i 111 blurt Ml to.s It, II. 13, 33. If. J-oau in Wuti ti luu .., I. .13 and ll In Uock lit tot i, , iJ. s, u nnd II in block toi lot ., i, 3. , UUU il U btuvk JN. lule i, a, , , I ttou U U iiua it iu ii . mi. I. u. st.iiii it iu uiock ni luisi. a, u, 1, i. ut, ii IS uiwl il lu Uuva jI, ail iu mua ntiiliilofi jo iin. town oi told y i luisi, , ,7l. In blok , i, , i, . is. a, w. I toi ei line i, j, i, v.o, iiuhu u ill i.sjkm , HUM , UIWI l , IVI H HI UHA (M IU I. jlanu liiuoluckeei lot. i. 3.173,4, IJ and li b oak Ul lute I. 3. 1. U, f I. . & , Slid Hill block en i, 3, 1 1. JL I, 4, i. 13 nnd i ju oiuvk mii iota Li, 1.3. kf, block G7i lot J, 1,6,8.10,13 tld II l Mo. i jot I. , i,nn 5, im, t mm li 111 11 aK Ml pi 1,3. 3, !,&,, t. H, V. 10 It 1. 11.II inn olbekTOi lot !.,. 1, 0,11 11,11. (i 1 io. 14 nnd HlnblftekJli loii 3. .8, l.S.n : , iK , 11, lannu 11 in iiiochtii 101 n, 11 ni 11 in block 19i lots i.a 1 nauiiein blMk .1, iota 1. n. 1, it in onion 71 mi o, uniiii 11 111 nuwK 7, u. i I o 6. to 13 nnd it In btooic m it li il'. J,1,l. li, 13. 2. fqti 1,2,3,0 iloekHiilnl jiTniitockriBi iiiiiblookSr I, I, V, I IO, A. , O, C tf. nun I i III IMW'I Ml UI9 a a. w. i.o, v, iv, it if, i nnu u itMkMlinlaii3.1 .,! I3.?." aiv II IllOCk HI 101 I. 3 3 . B, Q, 7. 9, 10. 1 1 3 4. ft, 0. 1. H. . in. jj, tii jot 1,11 4. it ,e mi lot t a, , i. u. if It 13 nnh II In block iu isnun it in uiock rui Ill lien I clxlliied on thn nlxivn la. crlbed real estnte being the sum of H.ixi.3 With Interest ns stntod In the complnlut And eald plnllitlfl nik to linve mild renl estate sold tosntlsly any lien eatibdslied in sflhl aultngnluttMino. And tbeanld delendnpt, The Tecos Valley Town Coinpnny. Is hereby nollniil to enter ltnpiearnnceinaldulton or beforr tiir 33nd day or Novomlxr, a. d Iwl, or Judg ment Or default will Im rundeiucl naalntt It. 'tlisnld(labindnnt In ald suit, 'i no pininiiirnniinrney lasniu suit is joun Frnnklin nnd tho latter' pott ortloe nnd buslnee nddre I IMdv, Kow Mexico. In witness whnof f. Ihn olorle il tlm boovo styien sun, nnve norounto Hit i linndnndnntxedttiosenlof said court t nave norounto est my i seal of said court this tne win uny oiHcpicnocr. a. p.. l.w. WM. IIIIIMMl.t- Clerk of said district court nyii, ii. iinmiiiou. jr., deputy Notice of Suit. In tho district court, county of Kddy. Tlio territory of .Now Mexico, i plntiitilt. V. V South Wont luvostincnt Com piiuy. uvfuiidmit. j .Noiico lit hoK'liy given thin the said pluliiiiir, Tho Tcriltury of Now Muxleo, mis iiistiiuivii suit iiKiHiisv IIIU Sillll llu K'UUant, South 01 liivvsliuuiit Coinpnny In thu disirli'l cotut ol iheilnli Judiciui ui. irlutol tiiotvrniury oi Mow Jloxico, wlin in mill lor tliu uouiuy ut Kdihv 'ltmllhuolijeuuuf tho HiKil cult II tho recovery ut n judgment in luvur or tliu eniu pliilutilf, 1'he lermory of .Nmw jkxico, uiliiiiist iliusaid uelL'tuiiiiii lor tho sum ul live iiuuilrt-ii mid ixt)-ix mid 13-lUu uoi- iuri, uiguinur iiiiiiuerei on hid eniu of tlvu iiuudrod mid sixi) .six uud 12-luu doi luts tliereot Iroin tliu nreuluy uf July, A. 1). 1M)7. tiutll phiiI: nil inid inlurusl ueluu iiiiiuuiu ut tliu riituol nur uuiiluin bur uiiiium; ull ot whivli suld auni mid inter est it i alleged by thu pliiltiuiri duo to u uy ruasiin oi tuxes luwtuuy levied uuritig iliu jnr A. I lbV). on eeriuin latsoiiai uud nsil iitopurty iltuuteil in (fia nald vouiity of lMily uud unsossetl us tliu pioji. erij ol this said defendant timing A. 1). IbVU h.uii piiiliitirr, Thu Terrllury of .Nuw Mexico, (ilium it lien and usj to Imvu the miiiiii ileulnrvd in IU luvur in suul sun ugiiiuslihu following desorlbed vstiuu in mid for thu tuxes levied ugiiiiisi ihu siiuiu in thu iiiiiouiiis Willi ititetesl us stiti eii lu Hie eoiiipluiiit llled in tliu .ilu sun, vit; Uii thu XW'U of tlm SWJi, uud thu Hl'Ai nl tMiMVl,4iiu Nh)4 ol tliu tliu bhhot iliu SWU, ihu V,4' "I u.o &K iiuituer, Itlublitjuuriurof tliu rfii iiuurter, luu NK iiuutier ut llieftli quurier,' ttto s of Iliu Nft iiuurier, of section 111, in town- snip -ii eouiu, in ruiigu -a r.i uuu on tnu W iinif ot Iliu sV ipiurter, ot section uuui her 11, lu township 'il, a ul ruugu li? li und the improvement thereon eiiuuteu thu sum ol 178.81. tin ihu NW ijunrtr- it ihu SV uuatlurr ol section 1W. iu towiiklup til , iii rmigo iitiiuber 'SI I., ihu sum ot Siu uo. Uu thu .N quintet ol.tiiuh.V quurler, uf seeiluii six, lu township vi b, ot ruugu Ut IV, IIIUSUIII Ol JW.U.'. Uu the Y. Unit ol tliu bV iiiinrier. ul ecu- ttOll 11. Ill tllU Sillll lUSl lllllllL'll lotVllSllli, uud ruugu, thosumotSll.HS. Un tho W qu.trter nt iliu bY quarter, ot vcctioii 7, lu said lust limned towiulilp Mini riitigu, tliu sum of 03 uu. un mo e. unit oi tue s. w. ijuurter, oi ec lion .No. 30. iiilowinhipl'l ., of rmiuc 2d a ; tliu t u. quarter ul the u. u. quiirtur, tliu . w. quuiluroi tliu ti. v. quiiitur, ihu . u. qiiiuicr .Hid thu ii. w. qumtur oi the s. w, quarter oi suul Inst iiiuiieil seeuon, town snip iimi riiiige; nud uu Iliu s. u. quarter of tliuii.u'iiuniier. itiidlUu n. o. iiuurier uf tliu h. u. quarter, of scutum is), in luwusliiii '.'I ., ul iiiiiku o. u., tliu sum ut 6V0.74. uu iota iiumuvreu is ttiiti it in uiuck numbered U hi thuorlgiunl towtisitu of thu town of Kddy, the sum ni $3.00. Uu lots numbered I, II uud 0, lu bluck numbered 12 ot tliu ongn nl tuwiisliu to tliu town ol Kddy uud iliu improvements thereon sltuuted, tliu suul of till 'Ji. Un lot iiumboied lid unit V. in bluck .No. t), lu thu original iowntoto thu town ul I'.i.i.. il, .m... ,.l 7 Ul l.illlJ, IMU llllll ul VI vv, i n,,l A I,. t.lnHl. Vll IUIB IIUIIIUl'IVM t ,l,l. W, ,11 UIUUK number H, of thu towiisltu to thu town ol Kddv ami tlinliaprovviiiuiils there on (Hunted, tliu emu ot at.ti.UI. uu lot iiumuer I in u-uuk id in tnu origi nul lowiisllo-uf Ihu town of Kddy and luu improvement ".hereon situated, tho turn otstf.15. . Un lot numbered ss, i, P.u, 7, H, V. 10, 11 aud IU In block numbered o, m Lit lluerta suburban midiiluu to thu town uf Kddy; und on thu south nnrt of lot numbered i und IS III block numbered 5 iu ihu La llunr- tu suuurbmi uwliiiuif to tliu town ut i.iiiiy Ptid thu Improvumeiili theruoii nmivii, tnu sum ni ore vs. Un lot numbered 7 in block nutuburml 8 ot thul.ii liuurtit luburbitu uddliioii to thu town m Kddy; uu lot iiumbered 1 In block IK, uild un lot a In bluck It), in thu I.a lluuria suburban nddliluii Io thu town ul Bddy, thu sum ol ajll.00. Uu Ioih numbered fi, 7, 0, 11, In bluak iitiuiborttl 1; on Ion iitiinbiimt 1, 2, It, t, S, 0, 7. 8, 9, 10 nud It ot bluak numberud X; uu loin to uud lit iii block 8; and on lot II, bluek 10. In thu i.a lluurlu suburban nihil Uuu tu ihu tuwu oi Kddy Ihu turn of 81D.U5. uu ull of block lettered a, II anil C; on Olook lettered O, except lot uuuiuatvd 11; on lota tiutnbur 1, a, 8, i, 8, o, 7,,, 10, 18 mid It ill block lettered U; uud nil lul 0. 8, 13 ami li In block F, In Ihelllo Vista slir burbati nilditiuu tu the town ot Kduy, the sum of 611 M. . un divci und sundry placeaand parseli of puosuum propurty the sum o e)Ho.78: ml ul suld nroner iv bulnu' on litis lk may of Marsh, A. 1). IM, ihu properly orsmd iieliilldiint And ssld plaintiff hxs tu luvo said real estulu sold to sallsly uny Hull uatsbllStleHl lusiiid suit UKuihii suniu. And thueuld ilefemliiiit, bytilli Wwt III Hsiiiiuiitfoiiiiwiiy, Is hereby uiitinetl to iniiur lis npiour.uim in uld tiituii or ue iiiriilhufltliday of IleeeililHii, A.I). 117, or juilginmu by ileluuit will Ug fwidetnl agmiut jiiu. the lultl Ueiuoiiuiil, In said fiiH tilnltilllh atuirnoy lu aahl full It Juht f raiikllii am! the littler iHMt nltl-B mid business odiiriwi In Itildy, Nuw M-x-leo, 111 wIIiium wliwiMt J, Uii) -lurk Un- iioovH tiriwi suir, nnvg nurtwutft m My imnu pui ipixeu ine stsui uj i Jdu(llt Ull ,a m, i nnu ii. uioqc rui tout i, 3. s. I a, 1, 8, 0, l, IX, nnd It 111 block lota 7. U J.iS. H.I0. Iinnil liln bloek Mi lot), it. 13.3.4,6,3. 10. 13 nmi li III Hook Mil lots I. 7. v. li 3, 4. 0, 9io. and II In block tJ, all ifle' ndddltfon to tho town oi fitldy. Tti0 nmotitil nl haIiI InrAS fnp wiitM. timltOtliilny olNftiieiiilHir. A I). I HOT. Wit. HlllMlll l., i ii-rknf Mililimtrlot ofliirt Hy U. II. Ilniiniiuii, jr deputy. Notice of Stilt. . In the dlotrlst Hwrl, owiuty of ISudj. The Tcrtlltiry uf New Mexiuo, .1... ..ii . imilliill V. The Ul'pcr i'co f,nud Cum pntipj defeildnnt. Killlee I hetebv olTWi Uutt tlm salil tilnlhUif, I'he Tvrrliiity uf New Mexico, fin Inn'lluted n unit agniurt thu nnld de feildnllt,Tiu Upper l'tco Imnd t'om tinliy. lu the disiriet court of the fifth judicial district ot tho territory of hew Mexico, wlthiij and for the eouuly of Kddy. Thnt the object of the snld suit Is the recovery of n judgment in favor of tho snld plnlutltf, Itie Terrjtoiy of New Mex leo, nunlns the snld defendant.-The Ui per P'oo I.nriil t'ouipnny, for the um of one hundred nn ' nine und 1)0 lim dullnre, lagrther with fatrrest on lh eim nf fifty, four and 88-100 dollnrn thereof from the first ilny of Jnuunry, A. U. 1807, until pnldt wllh IntvrMi on the sum of fifty ioornndHR 100 dollar thereof from tho first Jny of July. A. 1). 1807, until pnld) all snld ltitcret blng pnynblo nt Iho nilo of Sti pCr centum per niiiinmi nil of which snld sum nud Intereat It Is nlleged by the plaintiff I due to It uy rensun of luxe Inwfoliy letlu duilng ilmtrnr A. 1). IHUd, on nerlnlu real jiroparty situated lu tlm snld county of Kddy nud ned ns the properly of tlie snld defeildnnt during the nldyenr A. I). lMM. Bnld plniiitllf, The Territory of New Mexico, claims n Hep nud nski to Itnvo the seme declared In its fnvnr In nald suit ngnlntt the followttiu desorlbed real c tnte In and for the tnxea levied ngnlnt the snme In the nniouut will, luteeest n stnted In tho complnlut filed lu Iho nid suit, vr; On then w of the n !j end , of n w U, the w If nud the u ) of e ), the w Jy of the t ti I4 . nnd the 11 of n tt if or tne n e si seeuon 1, in iiiwiismp 'n , of rnnge 27 eat the u J( of the 0 ,'.1, the w i( of iliu s e 14, section 3. township 3!i of range 37 t-nt the h u ( of o. lion 11, the 11 e K of section tl, In town ship i!2s, of raiigy7 tHist) the 11 of (he " w ( ihe w of thu 11 w , Iho i,( of section 13, In towimhlp S3 e, of rnnge ti eeni inn r w i nuu lit, towimhlp 33 . Of-rsngi ti e l( ot section lv, low rnnge 37 ensi u 1 j of 11 vj eet the i w '.j. nuu w ft, of eeotlon nge -'7 ent tlie tvuship '.'3 , of 1 If of w l.t. the 10 of w , the U of 11 w W ot inn n w iliu n S or w j or w "4, or section II, township 32s, of rituge 38 east) th" w 14 of ttiit 11 w W. nnd thn w !.( of seotlnu 1ft, In 'ownshlp 'J'2 . of rnunn 38 east! the w V of the 11 e )-, the w of 0 if, of scollop lu township S3 , of rnnue '.'Senslf the e U ot the na ij.of section 10, the 11 w eeollou ll, the w U iif n w J4, aealion 23, tho w of s w jVj. fealluu 2ft. nil lu towiishlp.'.M , of ruugu 28 ent Iho , (a of n n , of sectluii 20, township 23 , of rnnge 28 east. And sulci plaintiff nsk to hnvosnld renl etnto suld to inilsfy nny lien estnbllslied lu snld suit ngnlusl snme. Ami the )il defendant, Tho Upper I'ecos I. and Coinpnny, I hereby nolltled to enter II nppciiriuioo In snld still 011 or lii'fote tlie (HP day of December, A. II. 18117, or joditmeut by defnult will lie reii- deied Ngiilust it, thu snld defendant, In SMldsuli. Tho plnlntlff ntlorney 111 snld suit Is John f raokllu nud the latter' post ollloe nud buslres nddrvM I Kddy, New Mex ico. Ill wllnes whereof I, the clerk of tho nbovo styled suit, have hereunto set my hnnd mid Hfllied the seal of snld court tills the Utllh dity of Hoptomlier, A. I) 1807. WM, IlllKOtlLt, Clerk of snld (llstrlut conn. Uy II. II. Hamilton. Jr., deputy. Notluo of Suit. In the illitrlat court, nimitr of KilJv. I.IW IVIIIWIf U ,1C1T flUAIWl risiiinit. TS The Middle I'ecos Land ui. ttdtl. flarellilAllt noiiee 11 iiqreiur Eiren tiiai tne iiniiiini, inn TerrlPirrof new Maxlen, has liistlluteilasiilt avsliiit the snld delemisiik. The Ml. Pile l'ei l.anii 1 oniiiiy, 111 tne uisirwi court 01 tue nun iiiiiqisi .ii.iiici or ihu i srriuirr ut New Jicxioo vlllilu sin! tor tho 0011 lit rnf Kilily; That the objects of salil sull li the reoorery of a liiilgini'iit In Isrnrnf Ihesull plftlullir. The Terrllury or New Mexico, against thefsjiiuo femtaiit The Mliiitle I'eeai l.nml uiiiiatiy for tho sum if two hundred nml so venty-tour nud J&. HHl .Pillars, biffuthur wtlhlntareit on Iho sum of one hundred and tliti Ir-sereu and IMU0 dul- iar llirrt'ni iroin 1110 nrstiiity 01 jnuuarr, a n. irar, uuui psiu, wi 11 iiuervsi nil me sum 01 UI19 hundred and thirty -seven and I MM ilnlur thereof front Ilia first day of Julr, a n. iml un til paid; all of laid Interest being payablo at tho rale of i iwreeniiun ier annum: all m which Mid sum nnd Interest It i silgl iy iliu plain. tiir Is doo Ui It by reason uf taxes lawfullr lerled itiirlng ihs rear letw, 011 eeruin real prortr sllusuiil lu the ssld auuntr nf Kililr aiulnsistiaiT m the pretrty bf the ssld itefeiidsui during the sain rear iw. . , aid plstutllt the rerrlkiry of New Jleilen, olsilili a 1111 Slid aaksln have the sums ileeUr cl In lis frur in said stilt iwatiiil tbe follow Imr deKrlbl real utit In and fur the inxe Urtetl against the sama la Uw nHuuiil, with Wittiest ai stated in the oemplslul filed In the sld suit, vis; On all "flection 31 and west half ofiHNBllanJS s liali r ictoii U In lawtuhlf Htm rauxeMe s half of ne UMstler e auarfernf 11 wqiwrwr n e nusrinr of 1 qua uertrs half of s w iirlf dadun si lu lowntHln Si of lid e iittr ofMeiluu w lu towiul fangs .. tr iisiroiseeumii, s wqiHiitrai imi- lion, aiioiseeiwHO, nsu oi 11 e insrtr, 11 w nuarter. half of 0 quarter. w ndarler of 0 ijusrter sll ef seeUen lu iu townihlp X I, ranto tr rl . . . . . 3 ibesu.ili bM Hi quarter and s half "fa w nuartariif eetleilTi, t half uf e quarter and lids half ! iurtririetied 13, hair ur e quarter ami halfvf w quarter ol swllon It. half of Q qusrisr ut ne nusrier, 11 iisii 01 11 e n't'" e uaiiw suutHft qusrier or norm west it e half of a naif f 1 w iiuarwr aud a e .Hi seetlou l'' u Jisjf of 11 e quarter, 11 w utMt w nsirui u e qnsiitr or s w 4111 ler uf s w qijsrter, w half of a Ul u e nt I w quar 11 half 1 ilsiter uf s w iiuarter s a uttir- rier. w uair mm toarier lec- ler, 11 a iurter of 11 w quarter ef aeolluii M. JJ hslf.if settlou M iu luwuililp 31 sof raage ts ftan w. r ef 1 eat ion 31 u half oT n e nur lUtk t a nil sal I pl UIIIT aiks to lir ild leal Ut soli'. I" aallify tiy lien eiRblMned In said suit aslai iaHie. aim! tue said dfHaMl. thu Millie Mh Land iitiany Jl.tiajeby itoUaVt Io eii'er iu aiipntrauce in mUiili un isr MM r tne Ms day llUHUlMtt. Srlsl by reeuV t il uw said iuleolfiul III MM sell 111 I'lSJiitift f IWrwr in si 1 ami JHIill Ksekliu sad llu fXier's (hssi uiitu ami bail- HUM wMi new eiieo 1. the uLuk n. Die abate In wile w leUHIusettHi iiaud amlnlU- cotut inn ins mtu nay or tepiesseaf. A. B. Vm Iii. I 1.. ti II H III stUia jr :uuT7 CLOSING OUT Wo nro going out of business and offer pur fine stock of Shoes, Hats Mens Fur nishing, Etc., at less than wholesale cost We mean business and Can Save You 50 to 60 Per Cent On All Purchases made at our store while this sale last, Do not miss it. Colberts Bros. Lumber Yard. A..N. PJIATT, l'rop'r. Luinbor, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mould iiigs, Pickets, Sas i, ICtu. Ox larr.lh l.ft ear. FF D n "'ll. lhr warkigrtiutlHi - u' left, mpalHl iiiklaiMI HkTiI I C In tailiHn marki anil ear lusik, meter. I l- the lert. l-"Hj) twiiirw fitk il.sjftfi, O O Q! l6a,i1 'i' i.ft' Aiiiift'in: I..C. BELL, Mldlnnil, Tpxiih. n.rny Notice. Nntfcu 1 fiumliv ilvnn flint. I Imvu tnkon up nuu licit bltton frniy innro Wdlirlll. ItlliillL (100 lion iilwnit II viifirn hoiulit fnjirtet'ti IniiiilM, Ruutlu, near nu Inslilo of rlitlit foro font, no tirunil. Un Wlilttl(80ViilnL'o4Uiiillnn sniilliinnt of Kilily. W. r. UAfOIIHUTY. w folate Time Card Effective Nov. Fn vs Leave$ Veoos, Ttw., daily at 3:40 a. m, arriving at liuswoll, N.M at 12:45 vv. renlral time. Leaves Jloswell, .Y. M. dally at 19 ,'iO )). vu, ami arrives at P, 2'e.xws, at JU:05'.a, vu, apnnoetint with the trains o the TMasfc Pa olflo railway for all points North, South, Jlatt and West. l0r low mM av Infttrmittaiureftirdint Uis JUSSOUHCHS of this vnUeuilUi)i'lii8of InilNDS, or uny other mutters of Interest to the jmblm apply Iv B. O. l?AULKtfEIt, licartverund QinMjtr, HDDF KM SANTA FE ROUTE THE SHORT bINE TO ChicagOj t. Louis and Kansas Oity. Vo Transfers from El l'uso (r M Worth. Akkf or Time 0rd nnd Jlor uf Your Kruf Actnli oi1 mile V. II. lIOUtlll t'QN, ' J. W. illiAOK, li. V. unU T. A aen'l, Tom. Aijciit, HI 1'aio, 'JVxu. '"'oiiekn, Knntr SALE Eddy - Bakery, ll Cummins, Prop'r, Broad, Pius. Calces, Biseuits, Fronoh Loaves, And all baked goods con stantly on hand at reasonable , prices. TRaDst Msekl. OB8IGM PATENTS. . wr mull I o, 010.1 rot inrnnnatuin ana rrra nsnnuooic win to oft HJfil liurrau fur sertirls tistrnu In Anif rica. Irsrj iwiifru Ukeniiul Iiy ui l drousht itclon Jie tiufillo Lr a uullot ulven tree tit clisrce In Lbai A tt)., Ml UailMiWAT, UK VOBX 1 the IrsMt elieiilsllnn of any s'lr ntlAe psprr In the wuriu. DiMviiuimr iiiuitrattfil. fto lulrllla I Un I man arnnu., iki wiinous 11. ivei raari SIJOililniinUiL AililmL ,tnia l-vsusiisasaaui llnioilwy,Mawl I'orkCltr. ' 1X1.. AS once said by an ohservtr to be the' Rramlttt slzht In the world. "A nobler sight than that," rcplleil a I r lend to him. "iii father siut son walking arm-in- arm at II they were reallv comrades." If both be dressed In rkI taitc the charm ol the picture Is Intentiflrd. Many turn ol WM msik it viv a'w svesif ititi ml and townsnow (let SuitaandOrrrcoatslrum S M. BORN & CO., ar Tftn fir.,.. r"llrnin Mrllitn. TfltlnrN. 2 Bon aud I'nttirrs ire runlly sure to Ik "a pleased. No poor work. Vo iiiitllts. Nolnfe J rlor Koodi, Xo cxorbitsut pints. Ho die. Ja Mllll.llll'l.l lCvcrrlmilvftillvRntlsfleil. FIT ant! FINISH QUARANTilOD. C uyoruuti t noiro s'utirnie toi'lll Vour Order iroin. NI ON Joicit, PltUlT & Co. lit 1885. Central Time, im - m 'aM ssV tr- eiBailnl.