Newspaper Page Text
mmmf mm mmm wl iiiing Pccog Vallov to tho FrontCroakoi's to tho Roar. JiDDY NKW MEXICO, SATURDAY. NOVKMBKW 13, lh07. NO. 1. VHBBBiBHBBBIBnRl BBMBM BBnOTir asa r Ht) PIONEER PAPER. IPRY OF THE FIRST NEWSPAPER 18. 6gED IN CALIFORNIA. f Otrt nillft.lelnl.Ln Wm tits Matnsprlng iu irir Mfo-itieninu Up it riant tn.ier (treat limenltle-A Member nl th Orlalnal M.rT lnnn,.j I- , . iwIvm aH VIWIIIVICJI TIlO Olllr llvlnrr itinrnW nt t,n .ll. f'lfl bf tllfl flint tinurenanav mm Ihtrd it ('alifnrnln rrwMea nimnr. nvn f 'ft from tho city of Montorar. in tha nmicl 'alley. Hi immn In Swan, nud 'f iv oho oalU him "Pioneer ' Bwnn, trt y to plonno liltn nml pnrtly becauso I drstrvos tlio tltlo. Few men nro In "-I'liff at 80, but "I'lotiMr" In Rtlll flri'it nml rUnr In his memory nml not lilt wmione nmultioti. If you nsk vII toll yon, with evident rel. 'omo highly Interesting inter t In repnrtorinl dnys, i ' till beirtmilnmi nf flit flmt tn Th lows . " III CnlllViilit nro nalto curl- us n v Intod by Bwnn. Tim original ' rr sa wis Imported from Spnln by Joso , 'Ignron, tho sixth govoruorof Cull for-1 Sa under Mnxlonu ruin. PlRueroa. : i . (m.... . . t ... un -'. win TirOfw VT1III mo intention 01 , rint i t bin ufllolnl ronort. Ills nubcr- I nt enroer, liowovor, wm brief nml , tor olid bo never found tlino (o col-1 epi.f , m tho muchluo wns rnuslirnpd o n snorcrooni In tho old cuurtel. which vna 1 1 . f i. w I n n i .I.IIi.m.I 1HM.M1.M I our - f Thrro it Inv. trarwllior with lt ? i f In);, covered with rnbblnh mill a..l ...l. A ....All tf.irt m il- Mlin , stuav 'Ihisvns tho year when Col ton be- n.uu iiniiiuu. iiiiii mill wiu unnruBiiT- stlo American restlessness commenced i) ttlr thine up In tho sleepy old town. liio iirsv tiling tuai no tun wns io oonr- fno nn V"tigntlon of nil tho gov- rnmcnl MaP"Tty. Among thin nronor y wrurthn cuattel. nml hero bo found 'litn nlfl tirraa. rtidiifv n fiimi rt lltnrnrtf ntitrii nml noma oxptrlnnop, lie declilwl t nt rt n norHpnior nml ntlllzo his uln- fi v rr Firr. lin dnlnnloil n nnrennr. F b U Sample, mid then bctrnn n Honroli frt tho rcqulsito material)). Tloro woro Ink nml proM, but tho iiigauult.r of tho puir was tnxed to rcntoro .tho iuIch nmt ion wnieu linn uccomoeeprtrntod rrom ho, proa nud lot during itri years of Idleness. In Colton'n dlnry tliero ii n dewrip-. tlou of tho pnper. Under tho date of Vug. 10, 181(1, ho writes: 'iToday tho rut. nnwiinnniiF nvrrjnTililfKliiul.JiftifjMlli.L.. mill mnuo iuf nniwnriiiiucu. jiiiu nun- or. in huoii it mny w, or writing tuo proRTectus falls to mo, It Istolio issued overy Saturday nml is publlxhod by Sempio & Col ton. I.UOi did I think whon I roliu qu.fclaJ tho edittiithip of Tho Kortli A rirmi, in Philadelphia, thnt my r ' V at In this lino Would Lo 01? hero m ( nllfornln. Mv partner, Bemplo, Is nn emigrant fro"i Kentucky, who stntids 0 feet 8 iiir i i in his stookliigc ilo wmrM n IikIi i. in rip, n foxftklu cup, is truo v i tin rldo, ready with his pen nnd qui nt tlu typo onno. e created tho materials of our oftlco r uf f f n chaos of n small ooueoru whioh Joso Flgueroa intended to usa in print ing rifflcial reports. "Tim pros Is old onougli to bo pro served as n curiosity. Tho mlco had burrowed in tho balls, thoro woro jio rules .nor lends, nnd tho typos worn rusty nml nil in pi. Itwns only by coaming thnt tho letters could bo mndu to thow their faces. With n jnokknlfo W" cut n nlocoof tin into loads and rules. Luckily wo found with tho press pari of n keg of ink, nud now enmo tho main scrntcn fcr paper. Kouo could bo found, except what is used tu envelop tho touncco used by tho natives. A . Aster which wns lying in tho bay hnd n lj nil amount on iwinnl, wnioit wo pro n rt d. Tho sheets wero u trillo larger Umii foolscnp, A crowd was wnltlug vth n tho llrst shoot wns thrown from tiv moss, Thoro wns a good deal of ox ca niMit Novor was a bank run upon harder, iot. however, by people with nnncr lo tot sneolo, but just tho revutm Tha minor wiut llrst printed half in PnuliWi mid half in Spanish to nooom tnoilnto tho Monterey publla Another dlfhnlttho orlplunl proprietors lind to ovcrcom'l In setting tho type for tho Fogllsh 'portion of tho pnper wns tho luck of ho letter "W." ns thu BiwinUh tyiie did not oontaln it. A wwi constructed by using two "Vs." In Mnr ih47. the mmv wns moved to San Tfrnti' oo. where it wns published for ,""" I... l. ... rp, All.. ninny y1. uuuu ..... u. . ,.v f.ihf i Ilia. ul. Hiding uu ntwspnptr onreer nror" Hwnu Iihs neon n rnnonsr in .nil wnv in Cnrmel valley. Ilo has viHilors, nlthongh bis loontimi Is hat rnmotr), nnd ho is vary ilefif. quarterly visits, to Monteroy ha iTi.iriabiy mo rwiiioiu in HiniutBni- ble nt tf n tlou, nml Ids rusty old hat, vtth imstnrlng luserlptlonof "Pioneer, jmtf. ' makes blm known to onsteruers i at for this, would wo nothing In him mcept n In-nltliy looking old man. Hun Franotkoo unii. ISmbsmtilitf, Tims nro mnnr little wnbnrrassments eiicuuntored by tlid prbrosslonnl strollor S 1 mi, for which tliero seems no no mw, ei tut r of compensation or( melioration, r. ir initancoi take tho meeting of tho fcHine person Over nnd over Again on nn tU'.. moon's trovols. First, time you nro Overjoyed at the wioonrffer ami find plenty (o talk nbotit, Flftocil InlnUto Inter yon meet tignltit nml the IuUttIctV Ir n triflo 1am nplay. Still Inter yoil Krntp IinmlR for the third tlmb nml don't know what In "Sam Hill" totnlknbout. Tho noxt tlmo you moot yon bow coldly nml put on, but tho Inst time of nil you diuh down n ilda ktreot m though trying to otmlo Uio band of Proflilmico. Chicago JJernlil. In China tho rolling of tea loaves ii dono by hand, but in Indirt nnd Ceylon Iluropenn plnnton profer to employ ran ohinet7 for tho pa i pose. CHARAOTEfl IN THE INSANE. A Deeply1 JnUrMtlnjc Heart Though at Time AU4I With l4iie. If It Ir deeply Interesting to etudy character among tho inuuio, it ii nlio At timed loth saddening nnd humiliating. Wa often look with lndnlgcnco npon Avlmt.wo Coll harm lew vanity or n tint urnl Ioto of ndtnlrniion itinrnthcr friV olous girl but look nt tho narno girl whon by noma accident or mUfortnno tho mental balnuco laoTorthrown. Now tho boliuves nnd does not heftltatfl to sny that nlio Ir perfectly boautlful, bai nn MipiIp.Uo figure, U in every vray charm ing nnd nttrnotivo nnd that overy mnn who nee her immedlntolyfnllevlolontly In lovo with her. It It" only nil absurdly oxnggerntcd eonno of self importnnoo that produces tho very common dolu ion that tho pationt is n king or a queen, oven a dolty. Agnln n natural humility nnd a tend ency to Hclf depreointion nro frequent ly oxnggerntod by disonso into tho do luHoti tbnt tho patient is nn object of dltdlko nnd contompt to overy one, tbnt be lias committed coma drirae. nnd that consequently ho Is beyond redemption nml is regarded with horror by nil nrouml him. If h6 f of n religious turn of mind, he bolloves iilraself to bo eter nally I6nt nnd sinks Into nutate of chron to mclmioholy nud apathy. On tho other linnd, n nniural self rollanco, no longer controlled by common senso, ozpauds Into n belief thnt tho patient hnn dono nnd cnu do fenU beyond tho power of any mortal man. Iloxpltnl CnurUlilp fit Ilnrinn, Mr. Mortimer Menpcs, In trnvoliug in tbo cast in search of subjects, camo upon n curious form or courwiiln. Qlf i.lnliiH rm nun ln It lll.vtiifl Itn tin. t,CC(1 nmn n ,m,J d,.tnMC0 off B,nrlni ono day in Uurran, ho fiercely straight abend of him nt somo object ho could not seo from hts ffti tlou. Tho nmn sat with tho sniuo fixed clnro tho wholo of tho nftci.ioou nnd was nt it ngntii the noxt monilng-.- Mr. Moiincs hnd thu curtosltr to nsic nn Knu HhIi visitor whnt it meant. Tlio ro ply was. "Oh, ho is in love." Audit was oxnlalnod thnt this was their moth odof courtship. Tho object of tho man's attentive glnro wns n girl liinueigiiDor- liia unzaar. wneii n mr.u inns in tore, ho has to sont htmsolf nt n cortntu dls- tnnco from his ndored ono nnd waits for her to do tho rest. If sho looks in his direction onco or twico on tho 11 rot or Recoiid dny. hn Is wildly encouraged, nnd If on tho third dny sho nods nt him nnd smiles it is tlmo togotothopnreuts with refcreuofl to tho luuiiwo sottlO' ineiits. Ilrimcllt llrr Itr.nrtro Along;, Just ns tho door of tho city olork's nftlct) wns due to bo closed lor tho day two young Indies called nud stntod that tlioy wero looxlim for n mnrrmge iicoiise. "This is not tho plow," oxplalnwl tho rober fnoeil olork. "Thoolurkof the court Issues them nt thooourthonse, but yon nro too Into to "jot down thoro bo fore ho rook home. ' "Isn't tlmt provoking?" remarked one of tho innldeiis, with n pont equally provn'.lng. "They told us that this was iho plnuo to tiut 11 urn i "." "it is dog llconiOH, " tho facetious nlerk misvortI. "Th" Hcenso is for me, not yon, sir," ntiswi'rod thu girl, urnl n deep hush fell over tho city kouI. .Minium polls Jour mil. , A Ianiaii Wlilow. Oiia of tho mnt fmiiotm widows of Antiquity wns Agrlpplnn, Hie widow of UnnnHiiioiis. During tiio lifetime of her husband rho nttumlwl him in nil his cnmpnlgns nml shared hlsilangors. Bus Domini: thnt her hDsbnml linil been pot sanod, sho hnd his presumed murderer OHftttialnnted nnd wns lieriuir soon nttrr trMAted with iitoh indignity by Tlberluc thnt sIih was Jrlven to despair umlstnrv cd hersolf to rlooth. Th Null? lUwsilsn. Tho tintivo Hawallnu Is n gentleman of leisure. Llfo to him is n perpetual holiday, nnd. as n nntlvo ot paradiM, why should he fret about the dull cares of this worldr Nnturo uns sprenu bouutwus feast for him. nud, lllto Ad Bin uf old. he hss only to pluck tha fruit which grows without toll, out nud brent be The untlonal food tof thu nntlvo Is pot. tlth and pork Pol lu tuado trout tnro root, n witter plant, boiled and. bMitcu to n pulp ot tho consistency of (truel nnd nllowed to slightly ferment, when it Is very nutritious. Thenntivo's' table Is a mat spread upon tbo floor of ground, on which lies pol. Itoatt pig and fish are placed in separate calabash- os. Bqnntted or sitting oroesleggod about tills sumptuous feast, tho Kanakas proceed to regnlo thomselves, soorulng the um of knlvM and forks. Their des sert is tbo papayn, oranges, bananas, breadfruit, strawberries and other trait ot the tropica. tVxiey's Mugailne. Mow Bpliter Wrh. Mr. It II. Dixon has been studying tho locomotion of I moots nud spiders by meann of liistantnncous photographs. Ilo finds thnt the limb move together In diagonal. In Insects tho first nnd third lees on ono sldo move with the second on iho Other, tho nnteiinro mov ing with tho first leg on the snmo side. In tho easo of spiders, whlehhnve eight legs, tho first nud third on ono sldo more with tho second nml fourth on tbo other. 'NntUr'u. lilptomiwy, Wiggles Whoso picture Is It on Ilia 910 sliver certificate? (litrflold, isn't itJ Waggles Not JienttrlOKs. Wiggles I'm pretty snro it's Gar field. Waggles It's Hcndrloks, I toll you, nnd I've got n bill right hero lu my pocket thnt will prove it Do you too that? (Shows bill.) Wlanles That settles it. I don't know how I camo to bo so sure that it wnsUarfleld. J Fifteen minutes Inter.) Oy the way, old man, lend mo 010, will your Boston Courier. Nottco of Suit. In tub dlitrlot court, eouuiy of Ihldv. Tho Terrliuiy ol Muw Aloxiwi, l IU1UUII. I vs. tioutu West luvostmvnt Com i pnuy. ilttlouuatii. J Noticu is hereby nlven that the nhui iiluiiiinr. ilio leriflury of Nov Aiexn-.., mu insiituied n suit mnt thu sum Uu leuusul, bouiu wesi kivimiiiiuih t-oiiiiiun in tuu disiriel couit ot ttaetlitu Juiltunit uu uiciui iiieivrniury ul tfuw Muxico, wiin iu nmt tor tuo county oi Kuily. Hit l itie ulijeeu ol Uie stud suit Is tho recovery ut n judgment m fsvor ol the saul liuililill. inu iwrniory ui nutr iuxiuo, uuumti ti.c sutd dtitruUtttit fur tho mm m itvu tiuiulriu slid ixi-six nud lt-lw iiui mrs, luguitrer Willi uuuruni on ihu mini oi iivj iiuutUcd undsixilx nud 1S1UU uoi Urs ttivrcot Irum lite ursiduy ol Juiy, A. D. lbV7i until puid: uli smd mierett uvlug unyauiuiitlliorHlootM ier eiiuum iui uiiiiuin: hiioi wiuuii Haul sum una imr- est it is uiivxud by iho i iwluiill utiuu iu ii uy russuti ui tuxes luwiany lutrieu uiirniK ihu j cir A. 1) IbVt), uu mum mr.wni slid real properly illumed iu inu ssiu ciuuty of uuuy unit tuo itu crt oi tiiu sum defemlHUiuurtng tliujeur A. U. 1BVHJ Hkhi pi, ii ii u ir, i no Teriuory ui iow iluxico. i luiiii a lien aud uK lo liuvu liiu suiiim Ucvlitml in its luror in smd tun ugHinct iiioiulluttlug douribuii rt iioitiiu in sod for Uio tsxis luvicil ugiiuui Uio ssiiiA iu Uio iiuiuuiiler wiitt iiiterv .is stai wt iu lli6compluiut tiled in Uio .'! sun, vie: uu tiwawtfoi tiioawtt, Anu ll0 ul 11.11 KlV 11. inu NKVf 01 llni 8l i. m Kir ui liiu ,i i J.' illu ItH wt t.tu a liiu iM-ri.T. tiiuHHiiuarttrof uiu rti; iniurlvr, liiu nit iiusiit-r u uidod nivi uf tho M i: quurter, ut necium Ul, 111 tutvu ship ai,ouin, ul taiiKo '1 1'.; iiiiii uu tliu nun ui moon ((uunii) in whum limn tier , in township 'Jlt a ul ruugo !i K unit the luiprovciiieiiu tlrvreon kiiunua tliu umoi 8li.BI. , , ,, Uu iliu U uunrtcr uf iho M W n inner, ut eicliun 1W. 111 uiwiulilp il i u. riiligo iiuinUt-r Ul Ki tho sum ui iu UU. Uu tliu N tt illiitlul ol.tlioatV qutilir, ut suoiioii Mi, lu inliip ffl a, ui rmiKU 87 K,tliouiuof8B0.6y. Uu liiu K uf Uio SH quarter, l sou tiuii 11, lu Iho said lust imiuvd U... .mliip nmlrniiKu, thusuuiuiDll.M. Un tnu ipurtur m uio av ipmrtur, of vetiiKHi 7, luJid lust liulmid lonulllp and Mime, tuu sum ui sb.m. Ull Ihu o. half ol thus. t. ijuurtlT, ut sec lluli No. intnwiishlliSl ., ul nu.u 90 0. : iliu s o- iimriei ui ihu 11. o. quuri. 1 , Die . w, quuriur ut ihu 11. u. quuitur, th . 0. uunrier .md thu 11. w. quuiivr ut thu s. w. uuiirtvr of ssid lust unwed sectiun, mtvii snip unit miigei mid uu the s. 0. quui tur ul inu u.u-quuiier, unit liiu 11. u. quiiiicr ul Ihu s. u. tiuutlur, ul section 'M, lu iuh iisliti lit s.ut ruiiiiu u. We., tlio sum ut tvO 71. till lots UUIIIUVU'U ia aim it hi iiiovh nuiiibuiedUui iliuuriKinul luwuntu ut tho town ut Kdd) , the uui ut tt(W. tin lot uuiubeml 1,U mm S, In block numbered 1'-ul ihu townnio iu thu tuttii ut J'.uuy mill mu itiiiiruvuuiuuis thureuu ltuuii.ii, thu sum uf (14 ft). Uu lots iiiimuetuii su uuu sz, 111 uiuok .mi. , In ihnuriKiusi U'tviuuu to thu lun ul Kilii) , tuo sum ul 37 W, On lots iiuuiUurcil 1 nnd U, In block number H, ut the uiikiimI towmlto tu liiu town uf Kddy uml thitliiliruvcments tlieto 011 sttuuted; Ihu sum ot s.Ul, nul tutviisllu ut Ihotutvii uf Kddy nud tuo un lot nun our 1 111 uiuuk 10 in tuu iiuki- Improvements 'hereon situated, thu sum otitJ.lo. . Ull IOIS IIUIIIUCICU 01 , l.u, ,, u, e, iv, and 12 In blocK iiumbiel 6, 111 L4 lluurtit stiburbsii ntidiiion to tiio mwn uf Mud); uml uu thu south nutt ut lots uurnbereil I ami 8 In biuck numbered flf iu thu l..t llui-r- tn mimirliun nilillllOU to tllO tOWII III KdilY and Iho imtiruvemviits thurouii stluutud, tne sum 01 87S re. . , , , , , tin tut i.uiiui.iri'il 7 in b ock numbered nt thu Ls liuutlit subuibJtl addlliuu tu thu town ut Kihiyi uu lui uumbered 1 in blucn z. 111111 1111 1111 a ill diuok iv. 111 tuu i.u llueriatuuuruun buiiiiiuii 10 inu tuwn ui BrIdy.thosuiiiulsill.W. On lots numbeteu t, 1, 0, ii. In blnek 1 tiuinbefed 1; uu lots numbered 1, 2, 8, 1, B, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 nd 11 ol block numbered S!; uu lou 10 nud 12 111 block 8; and un lut 11, bluck 10, In inu i.s iiuuriH suuuruuu auui lion tu ihu town ul Kudy thu sum ui 8IU.65. Un sll of blocks lettered A, II and C; on bloek lettervd U, ttxoept lot numiwriNl 11: uu lut number 1, 2, 0, ,B, 6, 7, , V, 10, is mid It III bluek lettered El sua un luU 6, 8, IS uml II lu bloek P , lu tliq,JU Vutu sur burbuu uddiliau to thu town oi Htldy, the sum uf $118. ... . Uu dlturs nml sundry piece and psrsuls uf PKUsunui property Ihesutu l 30.78: nil ui iiiiii urutivriv belua oil tho 1st ituy u Msreli. A. U. IBM, tho properlv uf said ""il'i'.l'il.'lrt nltlntlff sskS to Ms 0 sslil renl estittu sold tu sstltly ally I fun erlUblnlieU lu said suit aHainstssrae. Amithesa d defeudant, 8mlh West In vetliiteutCuuiisiiy,ls hereby notillod lo i nter its Appesrsiieu In said suit on or be fore the Btu day of December. A. U.18V7, or Judgment by default will ba leudwed RliiiiinT ou. thu mid deteudtut, la said unit. i ne pisinnus muiuior 111 iaiu uu is John Franklin ami the Iatter's post ofUco suit UUIIUWS suuresi is &iuiy, new mux ii lu witness wberonf 1, the clerk of Iho SboVO llVHMl sun, uavo iibicuuiu bbi in, band and afllxed the seal uf said court th tiieJOtBdayolSeiitrmtnT. A. 1). isjrf. Wm limsmi.1. Itsrk nf hhIiI itMirli-i ex ir llr II U. Ilntiilltlii. Jr.. otlse of Suit. In Ike dlilfiaf wwri. .iiinlr of Udilr. The Tetflltlr iff Mexloit, lsiHllfr, The Upptr l"fcfi I, nml Com sAp, tlnfeniUlit. Nittles Is hereby given tlmt the saIiI plsliitlg. Til Trrli)ty of New Mexico, (is Ini'ltaled n suit nunluet the said de feiidiiit,Ttti Upper Pecim Lsud Cmn- (mny. In tli'e dfitriot court of Ihu llfth Bdlslsl dliitlat uf His territory nf N lexieo, within una fur the county of Kddy. Tlmt the objects of the ssld suit Is the recovery of a jneRinent Iu of tliti nlil plfiliitltfi Tfic 'l irrltoiy of New Moi leu, sgnlnst tile ssld ilefviidnni, Thn Up per lwhi IisndiCmrpntiy, fur iho sain of oim liuiidrnlisriS nine nml t0 ltxi dollars, lugillisr tllh flfteriMt tin the sum uf llfly four nud Bfi-UOi!ilHr thcriol from the firm ilny uf tniienry. A. 11.1807, until pnidi wllh Intefeoi un tli sum uf lllti iour nml flfl-10(i dullnrs thereof troin the llret Jsy uf July. A. 1. 1MI7, mull pnlil) nil ssld liilerM.1ilng pnynldu at the rnle of lift per CMitoni per mmum t nil uf which said sum nnd Interest l I- sliegd liv ttm ulnlnilff U daabi It iiy tendon of Use fnwfullr liM ij'tirlnir the tesr A. 1). lHUil, uu certain n-nl Properly situated In th snld ouuiity of uddy nnd hmim() no tlm proputtj nt tliiijiHliI detmidnut during ill snhl tesr A. X jHH. I'eiu iiti. l(Ti Tim Territory uf New Mciiuii, elriliiis a lieu nml inks lu hnvo th esitln declared It) IIk fnvur lu ssld milt nuSlnst tlm r 1 1 1 1 f i w 1 1 1 u ileMrliiinl rrnl en intnliintid for I he Uses levied ngnlunt tlin e a in la the amount win, interest ns etnled In the ootit plaint Aled lu thu said suit, vis: On then w U at the n w U snd s i$ of n w V, theMiw Ifnud th n M nf so , the s w of the s tf At- A"" " H M of thb n if. siitlmi I. lu towtirliln Ti H. uf rsnge'.'7 east) Ike tt H of the s e ),(, th M uf Hie s e Jij. seoiiun 3, tuwusmp Utfe. uf rnnce37 iU he e M of so 'J 7 est lit P'vsVlif nnd s w tit soot Inn 13, township tjo. or mnuo 27 ensli tho 11 'J uf suction It, tuwnslsln U3 s, of ratirfb 27 ensl 11 li uf 11 n ut the s e U uf ew )., Hie e ' uf 11 Si M.uf th s w u tliu 0 1 uf n M uf w -totl in II, tuwuhli '12 . uf rnngo 23 i l Hi w H uf Hit 11 w U, nml the s w u nr seotlun IB, lu township 22 s, of rnmie 28 iihsIi Hi w 'i of the 11 u U, Hi w H of li. uf seolldt' In tuwimlilt22 e. uf ratme 28nsfflhee M uf th n n A(.of seollon 10, the n.w x, ut siouon 11, in w W UfJt.waieelton 3ft. iho t 15 ot W U, ai'OtlUlT as. .11 I,. IiiwikIiIii 2,1 k, lf rHiiir 2ri enti the smoisii ij, ot seuilon 2U, luwiishlp 2U s, uf lunge 28 Mist. Anil sniil t t tn 1 1 ir nssa tu unvosniii rem eslntu eolil tu satisfy any lieu estubllshetl Iti said suit niritliiKt same. Ami th eslil dt'fenJiiul, Tho Upper Peons l.nnil t ompniV, Is hnreliy nutllleil iu enter II npiienrniib lu snld suit un or liefure Ihu Dili day uf December, A, I). 1807. nr luiliment liv defnult will bo run- ilerea I', the snld dofeudnut, In HMtll ellll. The iilnliiilfT Hltorney in ssld suit Is John 1'rni'Mlu nml the latter' post ollloe mnl titmliMS uddr Is lvldy, New Mux Ion In wltflWM Mhsreof I, thu oIrk uf th uIimv. l vlu.l aiill. IinvM Ixretiiitu nut mr hrttid nui) eflUed the siwlol nld eunrt Mils the Uli day uf riuptemlier, A. I) 1807. WU. I'MPOOI,!,, Clerk uf ssld (lUtrlul ouuri Ity II. II. llnmillun. Jr deputy. Notice of .Stilt. In the dlitrlrt court, ronnljr of Ktlily. Tho Territory ol New JteslSM. 1 I'la mum TlioMI'Mlo I'wni t.snA torn vs . .....w .iiiruii.iA.ii Notleels hereby slvsn thst Uis plaintiff, The Turrtuiry of New tlexlen, hss tnstilutaiis suit Kulntl the ssll iieieniisiit. rn siiuiu imus JihiIbIsI liUulul of tlieTsrrluirr of Now Ht wllUtuuml or Iho oniuiiriif Kddr. Thst Hi uiijwiis of iil mil Is the reeoiei s Juditniuiit In fsvnrof thoinlJ plslullrr, ijinu romitiir. in uio uiRiiiotintiii.ut uv Tcrrliuryor wew wexieo, sksiii ml em Thu Ml'ld a l'uciit l.sml i.pmniir lo llm mm nf mil liuiiilred nl uveilllr-lillir sm 3t-teo iloilKK. tosether Hlihliiurrti on Hie sum of on hiiiiilrml sail tlilrtr-eovnii stul l'MGOdol. isrs lhrorinmi mo nri njr oi jaiiuarT. u. IWT. iitilil iMtld, wl h Interviton the sum of nn n iiikraiirrmm ilia nrit nit nr Jam hlllldle.1 Mini tliltljf terrii and I'i-ieo dullsrs llicreu Paid: all of euld lulorual Iwins parable at llio rwi rrtmi inu n rat i day of July. A ii.lhVT.ii- til paid nits of IS per rvotum per annum: ull r wiimn IjI atitti mikI lniuitf.1 ii la all. j. A tv tbo tilaln. ssld sum ud iitlurval it Is slls d tr tbo plain- tliris du Ui It lT rwatuil of ts larully lerlvd flfiHnif iti. imi IMUS. rut n.rL.ln liiiaiarl In the ii7l asiiiitir uf iMilr rMi uroiHirtr y and niiiel as tli iiroiony ul III ssld defsmisut during the .Ill Ml !sw. said plainiin viioiertiwry or naw msimo, olalmsa llsiiaud askslo hv th same deelsr tl In Us favur lo sahl suit assttitl lit follow In a UMtrlUd real lll In ami lurth laSMlnvlnt agatuttllio aaiu lu 111 amount., Willi Interest ss tlsUKl In in ootHistnl fltd In lb said suit, vie un all nf action 11 and wast half of Section it M half or Stulull M in UWltUIIl w half nf ii a uuarlar a nuarlar a ii3Jsl srul ii ol iasH M w quorwr ii quarwruf s w quarter s hslf ul s w nusrter snd s u qusrwr isrtaruf saelbin lain towiMhlpll s of r.turmau. w ill iuhi i. all uf senium S. s hslf w w USII(HSillwns, B w quarwivi an Quarter, ii tialf ofs e quartar. a w quarter of a quatMr. all f svodoti U lu township M s of raucaei . nuaiLrruf irt'tluH It. s half h soutn iimi r 'Urwran a aau una s half uf s w quatef ul iwtUrti I I, 11 Ul a iiuaiwt nnu lallBfli quarier of n ilustttr, n half of n Husrw, o hall uf half ef 1 w qnaiMr sud s e quarter ef aeatMMI 1. nU Ul II u quarwr, u n iwiwi w hsirm li 'iHtrter ui s w quarier, a tii ii r uf s w quarter, w half ol s w q arter sssl' iuhi jo. ii iialf uf teeilou II n half uf n qar tur, n a qu'rirr of n w ipurUir uf svetkHi J. tt hair uf uuu lu towxaliln il a ul raus H st. L ,J tats sold i sadify auy lltn sttabllihid In said And tu sMd dsfsndanl. The Middle l-eeM Und conipsuy Is bvnby notlflsd Ui sniw fi apprAiHM In ssld sull on or hefure it till diy Uuumbcr. a. i. W7. or iudetnsnt by dfamt wiTt rsnderod agafuit it, th ssld ilefvodaht aiK pfalutltre Attorney lu sail suit Is Jritin Frsiiif n 4 tbo latur pott oolM and bull. cms Aldrs Is IWdy, Now Mexleo . In w tatis wbersori, Qie oloik o the toro SUM u t, nsveneuuntotoiBiy naua aimaai. amIiIio ! of said court Ibis lseth day of VMo.b.r.A.n..W7. w.,)IUM5eM. Jilerkofssld iHHiieteetiit tiy if li Hsmilwujr. iwpuir Hull II, III II tt it ui neciiou 11, 111 iuwii. elilp 'it . uf raifkH i7 est Hie 11 H of ht 11 w , the rM of the n w , Iho uf eemlun la. lit liiwnliln 2U . of lituiln C Oassigdli, Iteittrtii FAHOY 0R0GER1BS ESPECIALLY IMPORTED Toinportinco Drinks, . Uigurs wild 'i'obHeooi, Fancy Candy Frosli Every Week, A. K. PltAlT, l'ropT. Lumbor, Lutli, Doors, Mouldings, Piolcots, bush, IGfo. ox ilmn,tlt,trt fr. FED C rM!! I E In ttllsttt itmki ihl er nwrtc, tiisler Tm iu. L ' sih! iwkllaw ferk Hi left, OOO Wo.ltfilsr U)s Ufl. Address! I. C. BELL, Midland, Toxns. Ilstrny Notice. Notlco Is hereby given thnt I hnvo taken up ono llou bitten gray tmiro wttlght about 000 ugu about li years hoight foiirtvun hands, goutlo, scar on liiHfde uf rluht foro foot, nn brnud. On Whlttluacy pluco-i' miles ;Houlhciistof j.uuy. P. lAuoitr.rtTV. GOOP K6WSPAP6RS At n Verv l.utr I'rlre, . The V emi-neusiy .News (Unlvoslon. or Dulls) I published TuestlsiN nml ! r I dnys, Knoll Issue consists of eight phRes. there nre pedal depHrtmeuls fur the far mers, the Indie and thu buys nud girls besides n wurld of gonernl news matter llluntrnteil arlloles. market reports etc. in I PAPERS rorONLZ s Hnmpto C.vplen Free, Address A.H. BELO&Co Publisher? 1IAI.LAN till (I.W.I IINTON, TI'.X. Lumber Yard M EETING WITH DESTINY. 1 I No mill can Ull when It will cetn along. Often It stsrts up be foro us In unexpected Units and places. Uven an afternoon stroll with a filcnd andn (banc Introduction insy shape sit th eetirs of one's sfler life. To t always at your best sud not aahamed of your dcalluy you must Urc IIUo n true urnllriiinii. This can b doue by ordering your Calls ss4 Ottrcsslt of M. BORN t GO.. The Orent Clilco Merchant Tailors AVho are iiurltnlle il Jlnaterof llio Tailoring Art. 300 NttW l'sttcrui.l'liicit Material Terfect I'll. MewBlixk. Tttit ftjrtcs. llett Work nisnshlp. Thrifty Prlfis. A Ohery Ounranteo With All. Call Belt -aj. II I ITVjt J tl " " Time Card EHectWs Nor. Lmvot Vteos, Tox.. dally at 3:40 at 1$:A6 ) t. central lima- LeavM JlosuMl, Jr. M. dully at Ttkwis. at 10:0li'a. nu, oonmotint olfloruilway for all points North, Far low rates or Infornudlon valley Uie nrlo of LdJfDS, or fniblto, apply to SANTA FE ROUTE- THE SHORT bINETO OhicagOj St. Louis and Kansas Giiy Vo Transfers from KI l'aso (r ?ort Wortli, Askjfdr Tlui tisrds sod Maps ot Vour Nssriil, ABnt, or writs p, ii, fipUoiiTON ' j. vr. ulaOk, 1). P. and 1. A., Uen'i, I'd is. Agent. ARLINGTON HOTEL. IMHwtM, New Mtilto. Ncoiitrnlly Loantcd, Hvcrythlllg NtjW, ..llomo-Iilko, Popular Hatbs. C. 7. eohnscn, proprietor. Eddy -Bakery. H. Gammlns, Prop'r. Brand, Pios, Uukus, Biscuits, i Frnncli Lonvos, And 'ull baked goody con- scmiciy on niiim uc r ous o n n 1) 1 o . prii'os. 0B8IQN fATCNTS) OOPVRIQltTO. otoJ ror inrormsimn na rreo utruiiiwiK nriu lo MUN.S A LO.. Ml llnatuwir. Ksw Von. OI.Imi Iniremi (or earurui intrnuin Alnenes. V.rttr Mtenttsken.i'l l,y uil liromlit before Uie tiuUlo lij a noiwd ulna In oicliux lu In I'S'tiirn for lluiie-. - will piiHtiiru hnisuM tho coining intnur nn tlm Kogorn farm iiuur Otis at ono dollar pur mouth (muh. S. (1. K.VYHItlt. v A M'g 1 1 Tpi s t wo r t h y nnd nollvo onil tlcmsuniul iiiiilHstu trnvul'Inr rtwpmislblo, nstiibllshml Iiiiiimi lu Nuw MuxJeo, .Monthly MB. 00 nml hxihiim xneiiM. i-uiiiinn sieniiy, llel mii'iuw K)'ii-nildrei stsmped ersnci- nnveliiii. Tlm liomltiluu c'umpAuy, W. ( lifoaRo unpt. tlOIOM, PllUITtfc C " JS AUIjli lit 1893. Central Time, a. m, arriving at Jioswellt Jf.M li SO p. m-, and arrive at PJ4ps, with tho trains of the Tcvae Pa- South, Jtast and West regarding the RESOURCES of this any other nutttera of interest to tha E. O. J? AULKNERj Inre elreuullnn of enr e'lenttne tsper In th vrorM. hi'Ivnai.tlf llliulrntci, Ki luulllnt rain thouM m without it, Weeklr. B.UO a Jean SIJKl'Umnnth. Aililmt. itt)Kr A W.. 'VUiutH,nUl llrtw4wiM,tw VutH CUT, n tt n Jr. 'i i i in iii3iiiiiii iiiiii. ReaaLveraml Pen -Mgr. KDDV Ul Paio, Tesai. 'opeka, Ksneai.