Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL . llollrund rumors ore numerous. I, W. Holrd, of El I'aso, was in .own Friday.' J'eots.for.tho factor oro, coming In' Tcryildw. ILMarx tho 1 Worth drummor jrros In to wn Monday. Mrs. 0. W. J'grtrldgo Uhlcogo was attho Windsor ftueidoy. . ' V. O. McCoIlum has been appointed master mechanic" of tho 1. V. Ry. '' Miss Georgia Loach u( Wavorly Mo registered at tli'd Windsor Sunday. Assessor Cochran wont to Itoswcll Friday to spond a couple of weeks. 1 A well attended dance was given at .tho Union Club rooms last evening. Oeo. W.SIgnorof thoT. & V. y was In town u Windsor guest Sunday. Vt 0.(llllett,of Chicago, wroto -Ills namo on tho register at Hotel Windsor Tuesday. ' " itev. Kmorson went to Ilagcrman -and will preach for tho peoplo thore to morrow. Mr. S. It. llnllard, chief engineer of iho 1 V. ity.', Jieparlod Wednesday for .Chicago, C. 11. Wjlllngham and J. A. Simp son, of Itoswcll, Spent a few day in town this week. (lop. C. IJryon, of Itaton, and W. K. Haralson, of Austin, Tite., wdro al tho 'Windsor, Friday. A union Thanksgiving service of tho churches will bo conducted In tho M. E. church on Thanksgiving ' Tho dsual services will bo held nt tho Presbyterian cliijrch tomorrow, and .every body will llnd'a hearty welcome. Dr. Whlcher In now snugly located in rooms 4 and C, Hotel Windsor, whuro ho will bo found during ofllco hours. Ilov. Lnllanco will enbortaln.bhi peo ple of .the Methodist elmrch to-morrow at ll a. tn. and 7:30 p. tn; btruiigern aro welcomed. J lid no Freeman departed Thursday tVonlng for Socorro, whuro ho will put In tho coming month In his law bus! ness at that point I. B. Osborno returned from his Michigan trip Wednesday morning and at ohCo commenced toeing tho prulset or l'ecos vulloy ciimaio, Wm Alberts, tho popular conduc tor. met with uu accident lust week, umashlng his Jiand, from tho eflecU of which ho will 'bo laid' up for a(couplo of weeks, '.Next Monday tho big canal will bo dry and will remain bo for a period of forty (lvo days to nlvo tlio company up - . I... A- I . I- .....I opppriiiuiiy to ciunii, rojmv mm iuu wlso Im'proyo It for another season. Tho ladles of tho Presbyterian -church will glvo a Now England sup per In tho Tanslll block next Wednos day ovonlnir. Nov. 17, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Trice 35cts. The Castoljan Club meeting of Mon day night did not maleralUo on ac count of no quorum, ,onlyt flvo ,mom hers being present. Next' Monduy a full attendance will undoubtedly bo on hund to hear tjm paper. ' (U. W., sheriff of Chaves nty, and Fred Illgglim pwsaed through Friday returning from Santa jPe. to.wjilch point thby conducted tho Mexican ho'rso thieves .who pjead guilty at tho recent court term. Monday evening wus tho drat advent of snow In tho streets of Lincoln, vtlinugb snow had fullon In tho nioiin ,ialn8 three weeks previous. The mountains, surrounding town, nro woll coated with tho "beautiful." News. A. K.VroU and II. T. Klllotigh start id Thursday morning of this week for d gonerul hunt, going about 100 miles ,to tho northeast. They will undoubt edly bring homo several antelope, Mr. Klllough being ono of tho best shots in tho county. (Jeo. II. Van Tuyle, Albert Van jraiyle ufid ndjew MaJUennolt, Jr., js&ma in Friday froin .CllntqtJ, Mich. Thoy coroo from very near tho old home of Mr. Osborne nnd wero direct ed hero by W. S. WhUtelsoy, who was formerly In business In Hddy. Tho gentlemen will remain .for some time or health purposes. Tho literary department of thoEp Ctvorth League will give a social at the rxircBSKa on next Friday evening when an Interesting program will be oarrled out. Among other things will be ude - bate, "Jlwolved that Whltelleld wasn greater preacher than Wesley. Tho programs for these literary socials uro prepared with oure und are always in struutlvo us will as entertaining. .Mr Hlley llruwn.if Weed, wusfutul dy hurt by n ruuauuy team Suuduy jnoniliig last. He wus in Kddy itur ,duy und hud driven up the road whuro Jiu camped for tho iilglit with his I lit la boy near nope. Anijr uionirig .up Sunday morning and before getting oil the wagon.thu teatp started to run und while irylng to stop them he stumbled and fell under tho wheels of tho wagon, two of which passed over his body. The peoplo ut Hope cared for htm and sent for Dr. Whlcher, who arrived before Mr. llrown died, but ho could nt be "lived. lie died Monday flight WBDDHD. Wednesday night at eight b'olock. occurred the mairlogo of Mr. Frede rick F.dward llrynnt nnd Minnie Adello Parker at Uraco church, IteV. U.T. Tracy performing the corcrnony which bound tho portico for llfo to each other. Tho wedding party nr. rived at precisely eight ut which' hour tho little church had been oomfortably filled "with guesta wh,o carao to pay their respects to tho chaining brldo and (trbahd though gonial groom. Tlio church was decora led with evergreen boughs and ah excellent representation f two hearts In ono hung over tlio altar. Tho bridal party consisting of Mrs. Ausmiis, of Clayton, Ills., Airs. It. S Motter, slstord of tho brldo, find K. 8 1'nrkcr. brother of tho brldoi Mrs. Uoo, HuestU, of Clayton, Ills., nnd Mr.' and Mrs. It. W. Tanslll entered tho church with tho brldo-to bdj who was escorted by Mr. 1J. 8. Motter, who guvd her away. During tho walk down tlio aisio tno organ, under tho fiklllfql nanus or Mrs. J. 0. Cameron, 'sounded forth tlio Strains of tho Lohengrin wedding march, ' i'ho brldo wus attired in beautiful whlto satin, trimmed with laco and whtto chfysarithcmumr, as was also tho bridesmaid, Miss lllodgctt. Tho happy groom awaited at tile altar with his host man, Mr. Chas. Taylor. Whon the party arrived at tho door tho wholo congregation arose and remained standlug difrlng tho ceremony, which consisted of tho full "Episcopal mar rlago rltuul and was very Impressive While leaving tho church n Shower of rlco descended upon tho hanpy pair. Mr. nnd Mrs. n. w. Tunsni, air. nnu Mrs. W. (1. Hamilton, E. S. Parker, Mrs. Huostls, Mrs. AnsmuB and Mrs, Motter occupied the seats of honor In front. After the ceremony tho guosts re paired, to lljo homo of Mr. und Mrs Motter In La JIudrta whero a recep tion Iiub hold. Tho cosy cottngo was handsomely decora tad throughout each room In different colorB. Tho wedding supper being served und tho many presents viewed tho guests returned to their homes, after wishing tho young couple all kinds of good luck, Mr. llryant is ono of Eddy county's moBtpnergoUe business men, having a lino arm near Otis aud also being tiranrlctor of a luriro tract In La Huor ta. Tho brldo la a sister of Mrs. E. S. Motter and has resided hero" n couple of years, being generally liked by all with whom sho bus become uciiualiitcjl. Hallway uuws, though Muirco this weekrU still In tho ulr. It Is rumored now thut Mr llallard wont to Chlcugo to tako his plans for tho new road and explain sume. " 5-r A supper at tho" Windsor wub given Master Mechanic (too. F. MlltEr, Tueu day night, by the rnllway employees In lionor of his departure for KI ruso, whither ho uoes to accept u similar jjlluittioii with tho Santa Fc. Mr. Mil ler in Urn nldimt cmniovoi) of tho rail wav here, coinlnir In on tlio llrnt train aim having olmrgo or uie macuiiiu shops and motive power di-purtmeut of the railway slnco I HSU. lie cumo . t . . . . . . t.. hore from tho T. A P., for which taty ho hud worked since it was built lu 1870, at Illg Springs and Murnhall. Mr Miller Is an experienced and ublo mechlncst and bus conducted thg worl In his department with economy nnd ability seldom been In railway mutters- A serious wreck occurcd on tho T. & P. near lienbrook to a train of beef cuttle bound for St. Louis, In stable cars lust Tuesday morning In cousu quenco of which all tho trains on tho fi P, huvo beop lato nearly nil weeK making tho P. V.lato ulso. Tho head brakeiuuu Duvo England on tho wreck ed train was badly chrtuhed ubotlt tho legs, and Perkins tho fireman was bruised about tho head. ii m m i, Spcctlcles fitted at Eddy Drug Co. lint mill nolil Imtlm nt the Ellto shop ut all hours, In Iliopubic, block. (let voor watohes.rcpairod at Eddy Drug Co. a To Trade House and lot lu town for gouts Euuutro ut Oils olltee A SCRAP WITH APJVCHUS Ul Hnro Prospectors llavo allot Plght With Renegades. Last SeptePiher a rty was nrganlted in this elty fox .the purimso of pruipstltig the gold plner lelds of the Yaqut country In Mexteo. ',1'lus imrty enuiUted of W A. MltaUeil, gritiilinron, uui Kiino anu dim llorden, wth Lew uaivratid Hurry Ship ley. Lew.O inner nnd Harry Shipley re mained lu KI Paso, and had rAywl, ctr and on, several letter from yia ijrospeo tow, trim were moving mi slowly hut sur ely Mi III YniUl emintry. Tho lait letter reeeivwt us the Urtl id UU week, ilnted Ustolwr ), IU which the parly said they wero 150 miles southwest of uases uranues. tuis wua mv imuiishu Irom tho prospectors until after iheCorral). tes train arrived IrOtnUosairandeslail Saturday night which brought biok (lus une of tho prnspecters, who wns shot through tho right arm and wss sent bass by the party ior medical treatment. To ajlerald.reiwter Kline gave the fol lowing nueouut pi a light with reu;gade Apache- Indians and Iwu while men: 'When our party wero out about mio hundred miles from l anes (Irnndi-s we met tip with an thr pipe'Miig iiutlllt wmu- ting of f txttt Foy, at Ft. Vi.r:h "lrxs nnd Chris Lone, ol llnlril Toxbi: Uus Jones of UniiM Oramlm. mid n Mexioan tinmed Juan HsreU. This outfit jollied our party ntnt wo nil (.ron-edod tognllicr and had eroiimt thocroit of tho bcrrla Madra tnnuiitnlm nml wrro morliig uown tho Yaqdl Country. Wo met several par- lint wliii hml Inriii-il lini-v tmt-uliifi wnfiird us not to proceed to the point wo lutf nilrfl going to as no one was nllmTed to enter as It Is hold by a gang of ihinporato nhilo moil and rencgauo Apaches. ThUilM tint tWt (eror lontdurfonil wo nroevcilcd on our way. Ai'nvon our party took dinner at ihS mouth of a en ti yon and after dlnaer wo liaoked tip hint started on nnr way. 1 In the lead lulrotitof the burrOi. Mo'of which wrre (oflowinu inn rlmrlv. "THa traok was very narrdw and wo wero obilgl ed to proed Indian fllu ami in Urn wnf wo proceeded don ttioonnyon when mm of tho patty calle l my attention to soma trncksiln the path, but we.iiroeecdod, Indian lllo. Ihadjuit turned an angle lit Ilia path, well np on tho aldo of tho mountain when all nt n sudden I heard tho re. port or sovcral guns aud was troatcd to a ihoiVcr of lead. I dropped down behind n rock and ail did sol saw the burro wbtah wasfollowmg tno slugger nml fall Into (ha ennvon below.' Thoonnoiito nlo of tho canyon about two hundred yards nway Is whero tho ihoU camo from and where parties wero conceded behind tho rooki and nlno trees. Asldronpoil behind fir In'g with my Winchester on tho foe, who wore keeping well conecnled hut who showed thcmielvcs occasionally Jumping to rocks qud trees to places at mtvnntaco, (Kir burro wero turned back nml cuarded in tho rear and our party then sought rocks mid n cejieral flRht opened acrom tho canyon. In rill about 800 shotr wero llrcd. I flrod fourteen shots from my Win Chester, but lust as I fired the fourteenth shot Holt a burning pain in my rluht nrm and saw tho blood inurt out. I said to Mitchell, "Who was next to mo behind tho rock, that thoy had got mo. I then got my pistol with my left hand ahd snw nn Anacho Indian trying to opt from ono tree to another. 1 took doad nlm mid fir ed. I saw hltn throw up his right hniul nnd stasuer nnd I am certain that I hit hint.' There wnJ a tall white man with tholudlniisniid .1 look tlifeo deliberate shots nt him, but tho balls did not socin to altect him, and I am auro I hit film. was aiming nt his head when I reclvcd wound In my arm. After tho flht had lasted nbout three runrtorsof nu hour, our party got together nml decided to chnrgo tho enemy, I co'jld not Join In Iho charge, but saw our party scatter out nnd go after tno Indian They somi put Ihcm to ronr, nnd followed them for two hours down tho canyon My party returned and lonked over the uround and Ihoy found three dif reront pools of blood which Hiomcu that tho renegades ns well as our selves had been hit nml In ono placo It ohowod whero something had been dragKcd away nnd wo nil thought It must una bech a dead lu dlan. " " vhon the party roturncd from ehannir tho rencKadcs down Iho can j on wo fcl1 buck to u uoiid point nnd camped for tho nlgliU Tlio next day Mitchell, Jim llord en nml inysolt started bnck an 1 could re ceive medical nttcnliDii, tho others remain inulncamp. I was brouaut back thirty miles and Mitchell and ljordcn returned to camp, I walked on further about twenty miles nml enmo to a Mormon settlement nnd wus brought Into OasiMdrnudos from there In n wngon, whero J remained ono ululit and then ciimn Into KI Paso on Iho Irulu arriving here Just ten days niter wna shot. "When t left tho party they said they wero goluir abend to tho gold fields If they had to light every step of the wny. '-One year neon couple of Hermans en luicil Uio pIhiio where our parly now U luakliiu for audlhey never returned mid tlio luptioslllnii In that thoy wero munlercit (hereby the Indians nnd re'negiidM Una of iho (Icrumus had been In Ihero before and hml came out with lots of gold und reported that country fabulously rich, but until n prospector had to keep continually on tho ilodKe to keep out of tho way of iho Apaches nnd white men with them. I liitnml oniiia hank to Hint oolllltrv liiiit noonii aalani ablo. 1 ntn satolled there Is plenty of gold tlicro nndlf 1 nilulit nn well get some ns any ouuelse, iilihouitu ttimo ln ureal risk to bo tnkeii in tno en tcrprlse. AiuinuolUuuJn Arrlnt. "All nf llin uiitlvo Tlirandii soldlors. J notice, had woll filled cartridge Ms 'round their waists. In my Innocence, as I thought of nil tho thuiulors of the general not of tho UrussoU couforenco njid All the prdlpnucej, onaotmetits nnd roKnlntiohs which hnd been published thereafter by different powers having immiwiwIous on tho African, I won dered how, in tho very confer of Africa, fnete iieoiijii waro enabled (o keep tlmlr bolts so well replenished with oartrldges of diirereut and of the most modern patterns. "I hnd not been a month lit the coun fry beforo I Iwirud thnr, for tliow who hnd the wherewithal to trade, guns, powder, lend and nil tho Instrument xf dwttmotlon .therennta nnpertAluiug could Ihi as oonlly pnrahawd In Uganda ns in Pall MulL ""Tlw JJrttlsli M slouJu. Uganda, lSOS'wmsU ltol.l Thlrly IIU Injlia Knith. Hot. X)inoi)d Flshor, In a very rll nble work entitled "PhrsiM of tho Harfh'aCrtut." wyn lhat "the wt'-of luereniw lu tvmpcrtUure an tho dlstxueo bfliientu tho surfaou is nugmeuiwi is, on tho whole, nu Hiunblo ono and may bo tnkou to average nbout a degree for each fit feet," 1'JnuriiiK OU this stnte- inent as the most roilnbje, wo Und Hint ?t u depth of 80 milM IkiIow the ur neo all known metals mid rooks are in a stnto of whlto Jiot fusion. Therj nro about 64 national llau III the world, besides tho flags of various ouloiilus nnd parts of oinpln, stwli at the flags of Caundit aud of Irelaml, iho Hmk of Primsln und of the free eltles nf Ihv Uiltw4 fvplra. : Tho 5 COMPETITION DEFIED Price List. following aro a ow of many Bargains wo aro olforing to all, Biiuitiful louthoi button Kockors. .$4.00 Wicker Chnira 5.50 Coppor bottom ColTuo Pots 25 Hcitutiful Lawn (VSrs .0Q ChildslIiKhClinii J .52 " Kookm 1-00 Bonuiful Bnby Buios 7.00 u Wtisto Baskets fron 40 to 50 Arch Top Mirors, from 25 to lW Gents fine Silk Hunflkoreliit'fs. . . . 50 Ladies fine Silk Jliindkerohiofs. ... 20 Wicker Sof iv 8.00 Gents Writing Desk ,8.00 Liidios Sewim Tables 1.25. Spring Wire Cots 2.25 All cotton satine finish MattrcsB. . . 4.00 Excelsior top Mattress 2.50 Bedsteads 50 Wire Woven Bea Springs 2.50 Childs Beds 3.00 Ladies Night Gowns 75 Mens fine-black Hats 1.25 41 horse hide palm Gloves 50 " goat skin Gloves -.... Lnneli Baskot8, all sifces, ... .15 to 25 Uenuino Swansdown, ppr box .... 10 Glass Lamps, f roni . . . K 20 to 35 Mens Jumpers $0 Machine Thread, 2 Xor '5 Teothor PUlows.. 60 Carpet Ta6ks, per box 1 Bridle Bits , JO Stoql Chairs, per sol.. 3.00 Fine Dining llooin Chairs, per sot, 8.00 Fine Sidoboords 15.00 0 feet Table 8.00 Window Shades 25 Silk pufT bosom Shirts 100 Oak Wardrobes .0.00 Dark colored Wardrobes 5.00 We Have Many Other Bargains to Offer the Public. MEEHAN A CO. IS tho