Newspaper Page Text
C - " "rr r- ;ne cukrskt. WM. H. M U hh A N K Official Paper ot Edr)? County. OScUlOr&tn ct im ot Eddy. 1HHWi Mr HtJr . Md Kw Hts. Kalirl Ih W4; K. M. l" "r BiTOBDAT. MAaoa 19, I8V8. BUnMUHHTIUH KA.TE8. WStKLY III taallpat hub JtM. Uf mfttriUmnlti H uuir.Ti i.i. Announcement. I herabr announw imyiHf a candidate i tor the Sfljjtt et Coutitr Trwuurer ami IUOm elo OfeflMilor. tuttlaet to the ilwl.lon ul rlCbar iha ilwniKrrnll t nnvt-Mtlan or tvnm- TIioukIi many of our citizen note with pleasure tho coming of St. Pat rick's day, but fow uro awuro of tlio fact tlmltlio noted sumt wits not Irlili and tlmttho day wo coli'ltruU', us of nil tho wilnls of tho old oliuroh, Is of his death and not lila birthday. And re. Krdlfir tho trefoil or shamrock, tho little sprig of green worn by Irishmen, tho following may bo now to somoi Whou St. Patrick, u Frenchman, nut Hti Irishman, wus sent over from Kruricotoeviiniri'llr.o tho Irish, ho was nuked by the king of Tarn to exp nln the mooning of tho trinity. Picking up a shamrock, the fvungelisl used that us an 1 lustration or tlio "three In one." The Kronen preacher's effort was a happy ono and succeeded; and over since then tho Rhutnrork bus hud n spealitl iind valuable slgnlllcatlor with the Mali TUB 5BMI-WUBKLY NOWS and Tim CUKHHNT J.t t Voir XOxxr xxloo The Beml-Werair News (uaiveaton or uai This talk lu the pro dlnmtohos and la the editorials of loud In if papers ubout blood belnc thicker than water and other silly stuff, Is all notisonso when reforence to Knglund is mtule. England Is a groat oountry tu' 1U pec plo are generally good citizens of any government tinder which their lot Is cast, but the United Stutes is not En glish or oven one-eighteenth Kng'lsh. The peoplo or the United Stales havs butu very small percentage or Kn gllsh blood In thel' veins. prolHibly live to seven par cent. The (leriiian blond predominate next to tlio Irish in tho people of ttits country. Thou tho Soindnavlnn element conion next. Ati tilllutice with Kugland Hlmply because both nations use tho same language is sentiinentuily absurd; almost idiotic. 'I'litd A tif.lrt.lrmtilituttt utinlllit Im mlllmt down and the correspondents, writers, , editors and people tulklng It up should be Irfformed as to who uml what Kn-1 land is. Though Knglund to-day hus good laws in most of ita domlnlotiB, it Is starving people to duuth in India uml Ireland by robbing through taxation i Through the unjust tax lawn Imposed on Ireland hundreds are dying this Winter of atwrviitiiin. V Idle the whole crop or a pour farmer is taken to pay I the rent and hliiisuif and family are evicted; thrown out on the road to die, tho Kitgllsh press audaciously remarks that .Spain Is a blood-thirsty nation and should lose Culm, During the Boasou of Witt, just 100 yours ago, u revolution occurred in Ireland. It was , a revolution against tho most hideous injustice and oppression ever known . among civilized people. What did England do? Knglund neiit her hired1 nssassius and murderers to slaughter the poor people In their homes just to strike terror in the popular mind. Kn--gland butchered and sturved more peo-1 pie moo nun uiu spuin;in mo tuu eurn Culm You oar bike your choice of two contracts with tho beet sugar company row: Ono of a Ilat rato of P400 per ton for ul1 beets testing over 12 per cent and the other of 84.00 for beets or ll per cent wlthUfi onU per ton more for enoh per osnt up to 17 per cent, thus mvlng tho furnw an opportunity to obuiln 94.?r. for his beets. As it Is not ilkely bt will tost less than 14 per cent It would seem tho sliding seal Is best. Tho growing of sugar beets may be made prollUblo by manuring the land, raising forage crops and planting in Juno. Any earlier or later will provo dlmisterous. livery person In the val ley who Is nblo should plunt n few becUi and thus assist In sustaining tho greatost Industry over brought to the valley, Tho management of tho beet Diiirar factory has secured tho services or Mr. J. K. Itarey, who hus hud fully as much experience as any In the urnwiiiB or beeU hero and Is also a farmer who understands his business He can and will assist many in tho worK but people should not expect him to do all. but counsel with him und do the best posalblo. (invemnr Otero 1ms Issued n re quisition on the irovornnr or Oklahoma says the New Mexican, for the arrest uml delivery to an uuoiit of the I errl turv ot New Mexico of one Walter C. Allen, under Indictment in Chaves county for embezzlement and now said to bo In Oklahoma. - Optic LOCAI.S iy Jin. ' of rule i ly given nbutoher f'faiiitinui Dr. llcarup likes ro-lnforccmonts. O. K. A. Robertson says tho man who was killed Is dead W. K. hns been taking waste measurements this week. Kurnost Hickman looks Had. A Spul.i'hus continual- girl funl no doubt, p Its possessions rather than people, while Knglund has i to add to her domain by 'rnumerl .rf, starving und ooiiuorlng by money, Her whole hiHli.,-y In Afrlou nod Asia has been one or blood shed. Ai 1 this Is the nation that wants to decoy the United States Into an iilllunt'i by sort ta k. May tho all kind Providence dufund and save us iroin our ; lends If Kugland Is counted one. The morel or Ureal ilrllluu's anxiety t" orm un alliance with the United Stuts may bo round In tho fol lowing pi dispatch to the New York Journal: 1 London March IB Sir Kills AhIi iiuiail Hun sit, uu Amerloau citizen who tun -vitro his country und the mutt militant conservative In the llrlt-: lih house of commons, is distributing in pnrlimcJtt u pamphlet written by himself, which hus canned n profound sensation. Its interest to the United States lies lu tho evidence showing thut (treat llrltltui Is absolutely help It In Km pe unless uu alliance with America cuu no ettected Sir Kl Is, In describing Kugland'H foreign relutlons during the last live years says: "There huvo been troubles with Krunce, with Russia, with Turkey, with (lermany, diillcultloH and mlsfor tunes In thH Truusvual, Slum, Africa, upper Nile. In Madugascar, Tunis, Ve rjeiula. northern and southern China and India; now an allluiue Is absolute ly necessary lor Knglaud's Kulvatlnn It must bo with America. The splen did isolation upon which some have Gungrntu-ated Knglund Is epigramma tic roily, whose emptiness and error Is fully demonstrated by the events or the past twelve months. The Isolation ol Kuglaml has been the only Incitement to ether great powers to combine sgalrifit Knglund. "furiinment Is greatly stirred up by tlw publication to day," nays James Orwmn In a cnlie to tlio New York J nu rtia I this afternoon rf Kugland will free Iroland and gtve to India the same government she iIkm t tnada than she may leek for nymiwthy In tho United Statea, but until t Hon Uiere are about two-thirds of the voter uf tut oountry who would ruther fight Ktigland than uny elliee mdlon on earth. Hugland will yet Ih forowl to do Juitloe to the Irish pimple and the United States Is tho oMRry to force her. and there Is Otwiiali Irteh here to wield the balance at pi .vor whloh will bring about the dMirud anil lust settlement of that tonu delayed Irish quwtlon. Iai l imlillnliMl TiiMKlayj and Krldars. Bash Ihu cuoimtf ol elnlit pukm. Tii re am rinl dspartnionti lor tho farmenu tii ladle nd the tvoyii nnit Rlrla, .bwiqw a world ot eeuerM newa itinUor, mutrtd articlci, Ho. we onr Tho Mflml-WwKjjr now ana tne cuhnent tar i.i manin lur mo owelui)bliiKiirieoon3.73c(nii inn rivc rou three iner a week or 15A paporta year era rlrtlculoiulr low price. Maud In your ubicripilon atonco. Ulcctlon Proclamation. An election u hereby ordered to he held at tho court hoiiie In tho town or VMy on tho nrtt Tueday In April. W8, It bcins the 8ih lay thereot. lr tho pui-ptfie ol electing a mayor to erve one year, two truiteea to ervc two ynani, one tnulee tu aenre alt un expired term at one year. A toVn niarual IO lerc one ywir. a revwrunr id injrvu im rear, une memurroi mo uwira m cuun Ion to ervn threa yearn. Tho tollowlnc eront are hereby appointed to hold ald leetten Inpieeordinca with tlio law sdv ii penqnt are tierehy appointed to tu invn 0 mi Now MaxISO! 8. I. Itohorta,. W, 11. Afie In tho torrltury ot a, w. 11. Arisen, W. It. Owen, A. J. Murray, ludaea. I'guinn, oiorsi. .... . Done uy onur ol the board ol trutesp! hS townoltWdy, till the 1th day ol Marah, U. B. IUVMA. Mayor pro tern. Notice. I'tOOS iHhIOXTIOS A luraoviiiiRNT Co. I Ktioy. ?lew Mok.. Mnr. I. lm . All matter portalnlna to tho nolo, mM, dlitrlbullnn, dellvfiry, murrmflnt, Ue BOU OOlliroi oi wnicr ir irriKnuji nuu uu incntlc uuriKM-'t, and the malateiianco nlld repair ol tho mam canal and lataralt are uuuar the direction oi una oiiisp. Ttie r-jlMi and raaulattona ko Ulitrlbullot. and uno nl waterier the owner and router ot land under tho cntml ytem lor 1!M hava Ixtea lued to the mnlero and a oopy o the mum may, bo aaan at this offle. JA8. T. TAVLOH, lOArS-ii liiuei MiiKiuevr, flnsters Sale. Notion I horeby kIvmii that the undrrnlijn I. niinnlnlml tor tiint nurnoM Uy 1.11 oruui nl nnurt inniln nlld ronderiHl on I in IVIli liny ol fVbnnry, A. Ii. tsw, by the Ulitrlot court 91 the nith judicial tiimnoi oi iuo lomiury ol New Muxlco, altlliiR within and lor tti luniiii v nl Itilil v lii that Piirtfitn eaUKU neiid' lift in miiu cujri wiiereui rreucnv vuiiiiun-f uml The I'eco Vnlloy Trail .Company "re the coiiiDlalnaut. and Charles W. Urceuo nnil llriliu h. ilmnno uru I III' UulaUdUllln. UI1 dernutliurliy "t aaid lnl monlloliell urUur and nl thut i-urialu decree nnd order ot 00 made nnu ruiuierea in wnu euu ut oi;i court on the Stmt day ol July A. II. law, will expoiie lor Mle at puollc iiuulluii ami tell IO IIIO iiiKiiminuu uvii uiuubi lur on tho lourtli in nay oi Apni, a. i. iim iiuiwiii ine nour ui iuii u i' usk In the inornlnR nud eleven o'ologlc in th mormiiR, at the nouth lrmt door ot the court hnute ut the i-ounty ol Kddy, lu tho town nod county ol IWdy. territory o New Mexico, the lollovli.if detortbed real eatate lying and beiiiB In the aid county ot hdtly nud territory ot Now Mexico, and more particularly di-acrlbed a: Allot that cor nun alrlti uf fund which I nftunuxl In him uiiiiihuihi niiuriHrin inu miuiiiihiii nunc luflan I. .if .1. II IHl till) ROUlUWelt ouartur ot tho Houthenut uuarter ( w m ot h o ui. ol nictlnii lunui'or uno III, In town Hliln number twenty-two ) a,- pi raniie number ti-nty-ix on.nnd wbioii u ue I Ann I'mnronn unit I. IV Siinehey. burn been hanging around Hlack river this week. Tho Dutch "0. K." blacksmith firm Is ndvanclng the price of real ostate by puUing up a feed yard, Only one sa'o of walnuts is reported for this week. Papa Fred Nymeycr bought n big natch from Geo. Duncan. Hyan Is getting to bo rjulto a bicy clist and is thinking of running Phil Klrcher for tho chumplonshlp or tho Pecos Valloy, Unless there Is a marriage, death or a scrap or no me kind or n hair pulling or somebody commits suicide, tho "Jim Ononis' will have to shut down. Mr. WeeniB, formerly driver of J, P. & Co'h. delivery wagon, returned this week for the beneilt of his health. Ho Is another of those boys who finds tho attraction In Kddy as drawing iih a hot muBturd plaster in a July sun. Elliott Hendricks Is heels over head lu the life und aculdent Insurance bus! nous and is worse stuck on it than ho is on his best ulrl. Then ho must bo pretty badly gone on It. Another young man Is looking sad( ufter having learned, a lowon or two in "llrotherly love." She got married, so report says, and Km lie Poox refuses to be comforted and will not take a trip to White Oaks this mimmer for his health, or his heart's good, either. J. S. Cro7.ler Is buying up nil tho old five and soveu shooteers In the valley and oiling and otherwise repair Ing them. With thtwo ho will arm Kddy Light Hrlgado No. 00, Col. J. T. Ilennett In oommaud. Col. Dennett, when Interviewed, wild he expected to march "through Texas to tho tea," win his men uoros to Cuba, attack Havana on the loft light Hank, and blow the Spatiards and their gun boats to utoms ami establish the star und stripes en the island. In the meantime Col. Dennett und men uro imtroltng the l'eoos river, expeetlng to see u Spuulah man of-war sweep rauud Loving's bund to bombard Kddy. All I oould Und. Jilt. WinHUara k Mpll City Livery Stables. Nobby llips on Shoyt Notice BB I THB Lumber Yard A. N. PIIATT, Prop'r. Lumber, Lath, iShinglos, Doors, Mouldings, Pickets, Sash, Etc. 67 sts Ii U ok atd Arrxc oot. io i J THE GREAT T. & P. I "Sunset Limited," ON8 OV TUB FINEST TRAINS IN THE WORLD WILL RUN 8BMI-WBBKLY EACH WAY TO LOS ANGELES 0 SA.Nt FRANCISCO, ALSO TO St. Louis Chicngo VIA TEXAS & PACIFIC FY. Thrttif a Dtllu as Ft- TTcttk. SDQAR BOWL OF Ti SODTHWBST Is Lh9 Pecos Yilley or M Mexico. Homes are Cheap, THE SKVENTHUcot Sugar factory In tho United States was erected at Eddy, New Mexico, in 1800, and made its first "campaign" beginning November JGtb, 1880, and closing February IDth, 1897, The content of "Sugar In tho beet" of the crop grown In the Eddy and Itoswell sections of the Volley has proven to 'jo moro uniformly high than any other part of tho United States. Fortunatoly tho land lo bloascd with Just tho fertility to produce high grade beets, and more forUmitclh tho Pecos Irrigation and Improvement Co. and tho Itoswell Land and W'ter Co. havo an Irrigation system of great magnitude, covering a rnst body of tho boat sugar beet lands on earth. Tee water is eppllcd to tho crop when needed. The oun BUlnss more hours In tho day and more days in the year in Eddy and Chaves counties, Now Mexico, than in uny other section of the West. IS! soparato analysis, chlolly carload lots, showed nn average of 17.0) per cent sugar in beet; 81.1 por cent purity. This romarkablo result was accomplished by raw farmers, unacquainted with the culture of beet root, on now land and under very trying circum stances, as the factory was not assured until May, und a majority ot the acrcnge was planted between Juno 1st and Angina 10th. The only thing loft to bo doslrcd that the Peons Valley has not on hand in abuudunco Is people. Wo need 600 thrifty formers No fairer terms or conditions of sale of beet und fruit lands wcro over made, Writo for particulars, Pecos Irrigation and Improve ment Company, Eddy, Now Mexico A' THE FASTEST TIME EVER MADE. A Pnlnoo on Who-ls. 3 3 8m atirest tl.ktt atanl particulars. fcr Cantor E. P.TURNER, Q. P. DALLAS. AT. A., 2 J7TD. WAUKETT twwm Hip Kiuilifrn Ixniiiuary lino oi uij atreot ni It cro aaul above rtoKrllwa lorty ncr ol iniiU, inllwl lortloj." una the Koutbcrn boundary Una ol nal(l rtim number otu ill. toKxincr witu nil nuuu lnu, improvi-iiieiiia nittl niipurtciiaiiin llif.ri.nn. .suiti doenw unilrr whloh Raid mlo la to he Imil It u Ucono ol toreelonuro ot a UceU l iriml. i. tim-ill ml. mailu atlU OcllvtllKl by Hid until ileliiiiliuiU. i imrlca W. tirwjiio nnU orllluH. urei'iii), In tavor el t to Mia coiniilaiiiunt in aiU suit, JrcUcrlc lininini co. uh truiiri' lor tlw alil compiaiiiant, Tin. ir.n. vniii.v Trult Cainiianvi nicolul ouo trum, to .ouro the payment ol a cer tain note ol liana mndu und dcllvcrrd by tint Willi (Itiluililunt, Cliurlofi M. Ureciio, 111 laviir ol tlio nia eomulniunni, Tlie, Veto Valloy Truot Conipiiuy. lor tho principal .urn ol tliruv tbouiuilid dollars (W.UUJ.W). whloh nolo Uiro luteroal at iho rato iot twuivn iMir cuiuuni iir ntiiiuin. Mid Inter est IwIiik paynblo acinl-annually ai per two couiuin intruit notoit lor tint principal turn ol one hundred and olwhty dollar III9U.UU) OUCH UllUVIIutl IO Willi liuii' Wliliunui on which naid principal . note. Iiltonwt ooUkjii notM and dood ot trum there It now uupuiu aim uuo uj iu ant, Charloa W. OnKiiiB. to the Kild com- plulnaut, I UB rewa vnuey iruii nany. im nilluilKi'd ami decreed by m Id do- one. the turn ol Uilrty-two hundred and oll t-lx duilunt and lorty Timu coma (W.S Hi, tuKotlirr with liitert'M at the rate oi iwoive per cenium per mium i u the mini o tuirty-omi hundre! and ulKlily dollara (W.ttf.OUt throl Irom the utut day Ol uoiouer. A. II. lll. lllllll yaiu, mi Intereatai the said lnt mentioned rato on the uin at one hundrwl mid li dollars fhesruhiW FOUSAMi:-Onetofivo car loads the ooauol said ujt. .,,,.., i of ttiibroke, smooth 3 to 8 years old, w.... ... s-JiV;TiTSiV.r ranffe L'eht nir horses for sa o. dollvei- ' . ed on ours In Kddy at 810.00 rnr head Also one to uiicen cars oi unoroKc mareu at 812 00. Alt about same stock as geldings. 3lacksmiths, Wheelviiighis and Practical Hoiseshoeis. First Class Work at Lowest Prices. Manufacturing TJeet Cultivators and Plows and Itepalrin Same a Spccialty.jKS ......General Repair Work Shop Two Doors South of Current Office Proprietors of LOWENBRUOK & STONE, D. S. MEAT MARKET. Fresh Meats, Sausage, Game. Etc. Etc. Froo Xol"rKy to cisay xixt of Oitry. A. KERR, Stock Gommission Merchant, ft General HaniG. Fancy G-roceries xsl. opoaaixy. Q II Alt I. US l. WIIIOIIDII, II om. itwiui, kiii, M st I and S Hotel Windier m lluun, U lu 10 M, toil 9 U 4 i in, II, WIIKIIIT, M. II. I'lltilfUN K fHii c. eitlM ihI II..M.M., Hfmtt ndiT.illl MecV Call. tlMtttnl lnilllr day er nltt, pi E EM AN & QAMERON, ATTORHEYI At LAW. The newspaper war still goes merrily n between Spain and the United Suite, but u his niN Mark Hauna rtyti Uero will bo no war it Is not Ube) y Unit jloKiaiey will iluro to uko any rush Wep, for Hunnii is running the oiiUHtry just now. 'i'be purehasing nf war muUirluk hi u good wtiy to blow io U mutiny upproprUUKi; by ouit Kitrmli from a IctUr from Vt. Ma (Ilriin, to lit Nuvr York Huiniay JouriKil, Uo. 3arl: I, bktUvhig in the PriiriJenoa of Oik' do balliva thai i'rovldao gnva to the iiarllealar gl(U of Mr. (luirio a groat and apeolal mltiloii, and learning to ful fil thai uiulou. I do tmlUva that not lnftQ0nilr thorr it ulsm nn iimnira llan tu iun Iki uuxlltahlr aaak to know and twaaati tlio tralb that are for ilia hMtllmc of thv imiiuiia, am) that iluitr tlePtK tad thin iMpirailou Ih nn mM inMaoia' A eww) (Htitof tHi. arlil MS alrady laarHNi Ui Uk riHluualr Uh tiHirlnu il Itfiiatlim uf HrHi tfimts i itwi 11 1"-' A'.-!- tmtf KDDY, NKWMliXIQU JOHN FRANKLIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, lil)l)Y, . NHW MK A. W Jl KMIIAN. A MIX. UOflSK, Meehan & Roger, House Slew and Carriage Palntero. (Irutnlng, (lluiiug, (jHlcimiuliig and Paper llutiging. Plot uro ami Room AlouldJttg. HI MIT, . NHW MKXICO. Pecos Valley Railway Co. J. F. MATHESON,. cvxxcX Pecos River Railroad Co, Time Table No, 18. Jn effect Wednesday, December 1st, IuU7, at n o'clock a. m. Standard Central Time. mission VV And Gonoral Forwarding Xatti ftl I filll M- , f.j.l fun- 8 B r jy'-' sit . 1 ll . R 03 10 U ii io 19 M 48 S 10 03 M k 1" hi H 1 40 94 i 19 107 a to ni l4 F s w im ill m STATIONS Airli. l'.x AlTTT Urant Luc.ra. AB Klt.ltaa (l.tJAlip. .ai sut. Ua. ll.j lijtlB I'l.r.M. rraani Oil. TMf Ut. Vl.w M.ill4. r.ttK. Mllltf. Uk. Arlksr lltl.inti aruan.H fault, flnrint Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal and Ice delivered in the City. IB airfield. &c Gantrell, Wines, Liquors. Cigars. Noxt door to Hotel Windsor, EDDY, NiW MUX. JJrown & Robertson BLACKSMITHS IS !4 S25 00 Per Acre Old Cultivated Land. 80 norus. till funuod and small hoiiSQ. water ritrht. one-fourth mile from station $800 00 onsh, balanuu mortgage for three with interest at 0 por cent, paid onus: years Ul klnda of nrw woikaBpfoliltr FnrmliiB Implemrnla of al kioilirapalitd, onahoit nolle. HOFISK SHOEING OUAIIAHJ TKuD A r KUQIv HOTTUU PltlOUB. Canon St. Op. Current and VAaaon makerp, Food and Livory Corral in connection. Accommoda tion and sntiBfacion, guaranteed. Opp. Hotel NVlnder. McLtinotheh & Tracy, Real EgEafec and Jrisurahcfe, -fSANTA FE ROUTED THE SHORT lalNE TO Ohioago, St. Louis and Kansas Oity 'o Tmlte fiim ill I'M fr .'t Witili. Ak frit TItt to t J aud Mtr ( V. tr Mtttl At'tul. or villi P. B. UOUyjUOK 3. W. BUAtlK, BiTft nnrt l. A., Hfiu'i- l'"M. Agirit, t.i 'P.-Wt " riMln. Kinsns;