Newspaper Page Text
4, LOCAL . Hiv.J.L.Kell wlllvUlt I'ecoi to-foor row. A Horns To Mr. find Mn. Stanley Whit it Eddy. March 83 a ion. . Uorot To Mr. nd Mri. Jno. Mlblfrcd ot Otfi, on Monday MarcU 21, a J. M. Hess shot n bis panthor last week near bit homo In tbo Uuadalupcs, Henry A. Dandion, of I'ecoi, and Mm Maud Duok wore married Sunday at the bono otTho. Iligglni. C'ardiaro out announcing the coming taUDtlala of 1'hllliP Krcd Klrchcr to Ulii Mary Ohnetnm, April 18th. Tbo Union Club will giro an Aeolian concert with real music and recitations to night April 2nd at elgh Pi m. Attorney A. 0. Campbell wont to JlriYwoil Tuesday. W may expoct onTotblntr deflnate shortly In Com pahy matters. Tllo members of tho Union Club will InduiKO Inn pool touruaujent tho best flayers being handicapped according to ability to punch the bulls x 1t Territorial Democratic Central commltbuo will meet In Alberquerquo .Anr. IL ut.ll a. m. Tho member from thU county Is J. 0. Cameron. . Street., commissioner Pratt of the ,tOwp Mwrd ot trustees has been muk- ,lng so mo very mucii neeuea improve ,iiii-iiLm Jatety by repairing tho bud pii;uf Ju tJie streets , Kloyem wagons with emigrants paB thrnugh Monday, cnrotito to the I'ecos Valley near Eddy, and will embark (In rulsJoir sugar .beets. Success to tliiiiV-,MJdland He porter Fred loes from Covington Ky nr rived Wednesday and will mako his t homo In Eddy county, Mr. Goes Is seeking u favorable clltnato for his wifo i who is troubled with cuturrhal and bronchial eductions, f Gto. Pendleton says that Kd Hubs gnt stuck ou tho town while attending c urt at Hon well this week and bought a hotel. Mr. Pass will conduct the hotel, while his family will still reside on Pluck river. I, W. Itogers tho bank receiver will novo ins family to the I'ccoi valley from effi.Wo. Mr. KuReritUM leaied the Kl 'llceplaco in I.a lluerln onn of tho finest 'residences In that beautiful suburb. Ho exoecti hli family to arrive this month Mr. Itouen has been here sines November XUOfl and now docidei to take up Mi home with ui. The Caitlllaii Club dlicuiicd a paper on jibe iintlth Couitltutlon Wcdueiday night by Dr. Kuemon and elected tbo following ofllcuri fur tho ouiulng three months: E. M. Sheet preildent, F. Foex vlcepicildent J.K. KellScey. The nest meeting will bo it tbo home of Mr. and Mri Oooli. and Prof. Foex will preitiitnpnperoutherela tlon of gcogrophy to hutory. 1,1. C. Phillips, the Sinta Fe Uy. civil engineer, piiMOd through Tucntay going to Itoiwell from Uhieieo and returned Wednesday, muvlug all ttio cugltiecr oOlce cngits to Amnrlllo, Mr. rhllllppi again roturned from tho loutli yeiterday, going to Itoiwell. It Is laid tho headquarters of floo of the railway will be In Amnrlllo, alio repair ihopi, but that tbo present sbopi will remain hero. Tho body ot A. 11. Allen paticd through from Duncan Ariz, to lloiwcil Thursday in charge of Mrs. Allen. Mr. Allen who wai a well known stock man of Chavei county wai murdered in Duncan Arli Tuesday Mar. 29, by a saloon man who shot Mr. Allen In tho back while Allcu wni engaged In a fight with revolvers with a brother of thu murderer. Mr. Allen was in chargu of tho Ward , Courtney ranch when killed. j. W. Grace, the agent fur the Mex ican government, has beon chasing nrqnnd this week with John Huffman looking for horses suitable for Mext can Mtvalty use, He wants solid cojora at least ID hands high, and wants them for 816 u head. Ho was unable to find any at that, price tu this neck of tho woods and Is supposed to have obtained a few about Coleman He wants at least .100 or 400 head. Baa Angelo Press. Mr. Grace Is at present In Kddy and has purchased 00 head of horses from Mr. Ilesu He will go from hero to Oregon. The silver medal contest given In the Methodist church Thursu'uy evening under thu auspices of tho W. C. T. U. was well attended uutl highly pleusiug to ull. Tho singing wus an excellent feuturo, while thu speaking was grand The contestants, Misses Lura Kayser, Fin tilo lllgger, Ktta Plakuley, Mabel Gray, Tens Nymayer, Alma Woods and Anna Hutchinson, were well train I d and hare much ability mid ft was not without dllllculty that tho Judaea, Miss Hilton, J no. Emerson and Dr. YVhlohor, rendered their decision. Tho selections were very appropriate and hlglny upplutidcd Miss Mabel Gray wus awurded the silver medui, while Miss Tenii Nymoyer cutuu second and will receive a year'ii subscription to the Woman's Home Magazine. All were well pleased with the decision of the judges, especially the contestants. Theuhhrus slugtng was grand, while thu solo -by Miss Joule Knowlos su. passed anything ever heard In Kddy- For Salu: Fine 4-roora house und lot on upper Main street. Small rush payment and terms to suit purchaser. enquire at mis uuice. Hot and cold baths at at an nours. VBnDICT OF HOT GUILTY KGMP PH0VII5 SULP DBPBNSD, AND KENNON NOT IAt PUCATlU). Tho Famous Murder Trial at an Und and Kemp a Free Han -Case Hotly Contested on flotlt Side and Hv l denco Very Stronp - Jury Out Three Hour. The most celebrated trial for murder ever to huru taken place Hi this valley Is at an end und D. L. Kemp, thu lic ensed, is clear, having been found not guilty by a Jury of good citizens of Chuvcs county. Tho evidenco on both sides wus very voluminous, thirty wit nesses having been subpoenaed by tho territory and twelvo by the detente. Tho trial cal ed many of our peoplo to Itosweli for week and Its cost to tho county is estimated by it. P. Arm strong, the collector's deputy, at about ei.OOO, whllo the defense gives it out thut $1X00 Is about the amount It Is out 1 he case wus conducted for the territory by John Franklin, tho nblo district attorney, assisted by I. II. Pur hey of tho stock association of Texas. Tho defense hud a line array of talent, consisting of Judgo W. W. Gatowood, of Miirfu. Texas, Geo. Kstos. of Pecos. Judge A. A. Freeman, ex-associate justice of the New Mexico supremo court, and J. O Cumeron, of Kddy. During tne examination or mo wit nesses every point was hotly contest ed. thu piosecutlon endeavoring to de monstrate n case of murder, whllo tho defense through numerable witnesses proved thut Dow hud at divers times m ti du life very uncomfortable for Kemp and that Dow had threatened Kemp's life and oven went ho far us to hold u Winchester on Kemn whllo ho abused him. This testimony, together with the fact that Dow wus proved by many reputable persons to have been overbearing at times, seems to have been enough to lntlutnco the jury to acquit Kemp. The prosecution closed Saturday evening und Sunday night the judge Issued un order to the Chuvcs county sheriff to take Kemn lu custndr and conllno h :n in jail. Kemp's at torneys went to tho judge and mado a evening of tho NlKKftlng of Dow, Feb' 18, lHlli, he happened ulnng near I ho Argus ofllco und noticing Kemp mid Kmiuou standing In the, mcove he stop, ped to engage in conversation with them; that while there Dow outue along Inini tin- pout cilice und untitling Kemp turned uroiind and stooped over (Kemp was win allcu uuwn) saying, "i that you Kemn. voiib of a I) . ant; attempted to draw his gnu, which hung In his elollu-R oroutitthi In some war kii lu- w is i ..mi. Huconds In getting It out. In the iiicun time Kemp pulii' his gun n ml fired, the bullet liin Dow. who staggered and 1m k tlu street Tlit next tniM' K un t . compelled to . luvnlvo the a) Under of ins uiiii Willi iiib iiiiKi rn. icuii noui uguln, but Dow had gotten several steps away, an the second millet mlxsptl iiiin. Kemp nntl Kotiuon tesllllcd exactly as did Smith. Geo. bhlilcy testified thut ho met Smith the sutne evening and that Smith tola mm ubout tno snooting auout tho same us Smith testified, Tho work of sustaining tho dofenso 10 the trial just closed was entrusted to Judge Onto wood by D. L. Kemp who, It seems, mudu no mistake when ho emyloyed his lawyer. Gutowood defended the t'umstock train robbers und cleared them, Ho prosecuted J. 11 MiJer und got a hung jury, there being eleven for conviction und ouo for acauittal. Ho also defend A Pur vey Jtiggs, who wus acquitted for kill ing Duuson and Krhart. In tho Kemp case it is said thu attorneys for tho de fense led tho opposition to beitove theru would be an uttemut to nrove an alibi and malpractice, but insteud, by keeping their hands covered they threw off considerable attention from the mum defense, which was to show self defense und thu relation existing be tween Dow und Kemp und the ten dency of Dow to terrorlzo Kemp, Gulewood ulso kept his main witnesses in thu back ground until tho lUBt und by showing that Dow wus wulkiug with his right sido to tho door in which Kemp was standing uud tb ot In the left side, brought tho circumstances to corrobulu Smlth'H testimony. Judgo Freeman ulso rendered vuluublo ussis tntico In thu defense, btiug so well ac quainted with thu parties, witnesses uud the country: ho wus also fumldar with the nructico in this turrltorv. ull VUI II V 3 a r VII V IrW VIIU JIIUHU UIIII ItlKUU , - tit" i ll ! strong complaint or vigorous kick, of-1 ? wu,h mudo Ills services invaluable. UBUIU JHVCP) HIU JBUmi UU(, IUDU ciillng attorney ot Peeves county, as Bls ed In arranging tho evidence und working up thu case, having hud somu ten year's experleucu in such mutters. Too much credit cannot be given John Frrnklln who, with ull tho uviduuca of thu dofensu uud thu ublo urruy of talent showed thut he spared no effort In pro parutlon of his side ot tho case. His evidenco and as thu different witnesses fpei'Cli wus a masterly effort. Mr. Pur- wore oxotnlned It developed thero were nv wiiu nun uoieus ui cases on imnus, two sides to the story and thut Kemp could not be oxpected to assist as t-iuch had a very strong defense. Tho fol-i"" his tlmu was given to a greuter lowing Is tho ylst of tho imuortant 1 ?tont to this cuse, but ho mudu a good testimony: pica tor conviction, .nr. uumeroua Alex W alton testified to havo pos-'cluted bv thu dofetiHs. all nartios con. I 1 EXTENSIfON ferlng nny nmnttnt of bond up to 8IIX.MUU. rue Jttugo consenteu to n low Kemp to remain free on a irond 810000 bond, holding that tio bond mado In Kddy county was proved to bo very Insuillclent. Kemp at onco rnude tho new bond, giving Davo Howell uud Dick Purnett as sureties. and he remained at liberty. Monday the defense commenced to put In its sed tho Argus oillcu ut somu few mom ents previous to mo snooting and ru cogufzud Kemp and Kennou sitting down in mo uicovu or tnu An us oillcu, 0. W. Moore an emnloveot.. tho Ar it im testllled to havo sturtcd !r homo ubout twenty minutes previous to tho shooting of Dow und as he patted out tho door noticed two men After going toward homo us far us Umi street near tho bank Monro returned to tho otllce huvltig forgotten to perform some little work In cieannlg up which occupied but ten minutes and then uguln started for homo und; tin tlmu noticeu inreo men two sitting in tno, tains. Hamilton is tho iudtre who presided ut the trial of tho Porregos door wuy und ono on tho otiUldc of Motntt had tho sidewalk standitiR up. proceeded about 1W feet wli. the shot was fired. Ho n'ton two tni u run around the eorm-r of the til lev hut could not rpcngnhu' llu-m It, hull too 1 uaric. W. 0. Hamilton tostlllctl when Dow wim Dlured in the store ho stutcd to Humlltoti tl. was was waylaid In u cowardly ncr Hitoi jiku uuog. None of thu witnesses were the nutstlon whether or not Dow stut ed who shot him. Dr. Wuldahmidl was tho only Phy- sltlau placed upon thu stand but no attempt was muue to snow maiprac tlcu In the treatment of Dow after ho was shot. Tom Plackraora testified to h ring ceedlug thut his assistance wus Im portuut, being one of tho clearest iieuded young luwyors lu the territory, So fur as lawyero weru concerned thu trlul was ono of exceeding decorum; Tho Jodge'e rullngg were excepted to by the defense lu many instancos, but they held their chagrin in a remark ublo manner. Tho judge is a strong ativocato or mw aim oruer anu, uh tiHiiul, seemed disposed to see to it thut crlmu wus punished If thu law und evidenco would justify punlshmont. He is certainly as strong nn advocate of luw and order as the territory con- who wero hung tu Santa Fo and If tho jury hud found for conviction no doubt Kemp would uiivo suffered to the full est extent of tho law. W. A. Kcnipnf Man Ancelo Tex, fnttm that i of D. 1,. Kemp spent tho winik t ihu mm Irug nt Itnrll, -uininK tHti nn tin- train Thursday, he U new at Diio' ranch near Floicnco. Tho attorneys for tho dcfcnsuicemed to bo uncertain about Dr. Waldihmldth'i kuuwledge of anatomy 61 man but they were very certnln after flvu hours ot tech nlcrtl examination which was promp ted by Dr. Giles of I'ccoi. It li mid they commenced at the big too and com pelled thu doctor tu toll tlio namei of all (hit lit 1 1 inUa luihMS VAina ntiit ntfna r 525. !'f .S "fi"r. ,;"a8,.ri!.i,l!.L:ii I the top of the head.' The doctor Hood tbo K hu mau- .tsked all of tho chambers or which were oaded excent one which had no car tridge shelf being In condition Usually curried. M. Phillips was Introduced by the Territory und testified that Kemp came to tils house tho evening of tho shooting and stated that hu had shot Dow tu seit tietence saying thai as lie wus standing near thu Argus oillcu in ordeal well, only getting warm in the faca a couple ot timet. D. I,. Kemp's friend, of which the county icmm to contain a largo number just now, are highly elated over the rciul ot tho trial at Itoiwell. Lost; Thursday, a bunch of keys on a trl-angte key ring; lost between company witn somu pontes inoi mow . tho factory and post officii: return to KltlilV MlUtl IIIV BIUWII Ml HIIU IIUIIIiVU him saying, "Is that you Kemp d-n you" and attempted to draw his gun. A. A. Drlggs. Kemp pulled and fired his gun the first shot striking Dow. Tho pistol would not work and ho was compelled to turn the cylinder by hand but mado out to shoot uguln. He then run away not wismng to uo taken while the reel ing was at Its heated onndltlnn. Kemn asked Phillips to uo to town add luurn how bud Dow was hurt, (hoped thatrauny families from ull the Camp Meeting. The Pvuasco Cump meeting wilt bo held at Weed, beginning ou Friday before tho third Sunday In August, (Aug. 1(1) 1BV8. This meeting wilt be under thu management of tho Lin cola paptist Associations nd will pro bably continue tor two weeks. It is h . A . . . Ill It A th$2lltaon Unite a number of other wltnmkM wero Introduced but all clrctiuittandrs were shown as dlsorlbed by More and Walton they being thu mrtfl Impor tant for the territory. The evidenco of W. M. Mh At Seven Rivers, was to the tilftyr that hi 1803. while Kemp was sheriff !, ,,,,' ed through Seven Plvera oo tinnubntik und that Dow, who wan ui it li ill til the old hu oon. mil ed ti and threw a cartridge In t ho barrel saying. "I am golng'to " of uli - iiow.-liutMhoo 1 ,i i.! d tho mm down bu ..... derourHhorlfi." '""' u" Gen. Larrlmnra ...... 111... I In I Olid ...I.I,.. ir. IUBHU-14 1.1,4V III IO nWiinii'Jh 0M tt vl,t 10 Seven PIVttrH ttntl Wh' l llnw r,.l,ti.,l llmri.. eft his Winchester in store und that while It that Kemn ithelnbnldt'r is IvJZ Jw picked It up und forced -'to0 Into the 8-1 chamber of. hemps KlI1 t,mt 1)ow tH,,i tittn about .for if i.. . (..iin..i , I. ...... ....... i'liiliiiui loriiuru ui iiuiu bv.uii rl i nut the ourtrldgo In the winches-1 wuiie uemp was ausem now surrounding country will attend and remuin utirttigtne enttru time, u is to bu strictly a camp meeting. The, people of Weed and vicinity aro not expected to entertain those who attend, t tuko your tents unu uu prepared to i camp out and board yourselves, i There will bu plenty ot wood, water and grass free for ull t piovlslons will bo for salo In thu stores ut reason able rules. "While preaching will be thu main feature of thu meeting, there wilt utso be lectures, biblu study, In structions In Sunday school work, sing ing, etc. In addition to our homo ministers, several preacht ra front the stutes will attend und ustist In the or It. Kvery body Is Invited. Comu one, unnte all. Thu locution is wull up in thu Sucre meuto mountains uud this intuiting will ulford a good opportunity for a pleusuntuttd proiitaulu summer outing A. GuutsN. A..I. ILmkiWon P. P. tfom Dees for Sale. 1 bavo llU) colonies of line Italian ' .atwl to Futintntr that lie wlis afraid bees for Riiu at verv low. fluitrent nil urmiH nnu tvmitil iltnni t,lm III t lift tmnlf i I,Il,,1 In llm luo.1 llini t,lt,Aft Wuj. Stulth tettlOfil that rn th'.. H.h.l w. Hps hooomo ns assured fact and in tho noar future the people of Eddy and tho Pecos Valloy will buy goods ohoapor than evor, while the products of the valley will find sale in other markets now unknown. To this groat good fortune Eddy will share to no uncertain degree. Al ready has tho great Boo Hivo Storo felt its impetus. While tho prices of town lots and lands aro steadily rising, tho goods of tho Bee Hive arc still fooling tho irrosistahlo forco of cash purchases and goods go like hot cakes. Tho prestage of honor and power of truth aro invincible and otcrnal and tho facts and figures quoted here are tho annihilatorfl that will smash clear out of existence competition, to say nothing of the swindler who sells his soul for gold and whose stolen wealth and dis honest gains will bo scattered like chaff before the storms of cash for goods and goods for cash. . Friendship is a clovor card of tho old 'regular aild though it has no place in business and only lasts until the timo is up, it has lured legions to want and misory. When time is called and promises come instead of payment, tho attorney handles the victim. Every season big mer chants combine to realize high prices for stock on hand. Having long winded patrons many of whom they carry year in and year out tho final paymont must como, then friendship ceases. It is to this class that the following prices talk with words louder than the boom of canon or thunder's crash: Mens heavy wool socks,2 pr Tacks, per dozon boxes, Mens heavy cotton pants, Ladies ready mado aprons, Childrcns " " dresses, " corsot waists, Mens cotton socks, 4 pair Lunch baskets, " buckets, Jhit rucks, large, ('null, ,i 'n i sih,, 1 1 : 'Tni hull tree, V. ash stands, Curtain poles and fixtures, Floor oil cloth, per sq. yrd, Razor straps, Bridle bits. Brass pad locks, Largo curry combs, horse brushes, carving sets, screw drivers, scissors, harness hooks, Household paints, per can, Halters, Whins, Shaving brushes, Lamps, complete, Hair brushes, Shaving soap, Spring bulanocs, Tin cups, Carpenter squares, Steel hatchets, Hammers, Bit braces, Carpenter saw8 Galvanizod clothos lino, Blacksmith punches, Egg boaters, it a a a a ?, 25 10 75 20 25 BO 25 15 20 25 15 1,00 5.00 5.00 1.50 50 B74 J5 10 2' ft 20 85 10 5 25 80 20 10 80 15 15 i 50 45 GO 50 10 80 10 .15 25 10 20 to 25 20 1.00 85 15 Monkey wrenches, Glass dippers, Scrub brushes, Clothes M Bath Large Hour sifters, Snider frvintrimiis. , 2fi Heavy wool underwear pi- ui. 1.00 n i..i.!..f...ii i 1 ' ruouui mimic noous, Ladiotf cassimer gloves, " kid gloves, Lace window curtains, Bath towels nor pair, Mens overalls, Ladies belts, Coild erofhft booties, Mens silk Windsor ties, 11 silkolino tics, " cotton ties, " arm bands, Fine combs, Tooth brushes, Combs from 10 to Largo hamper clothes basket 1.50 rti re olive cast, soap, Blacking outfits, Double zinc wash boards, 1 gah granite coffee pots, Granite coffee pots, 8 qts., " tea kutfcluR No. 7 & ft. " 2 gal. preserve kettle, " if cal. " O K lanterns, Beautiful glass table sets, Beautiful glass butter disher, Glass pitchers, h gallon, Large glass tumblers par set, w hotel goblets, par set, Cups and saucers, " " Platos, per sot, Nanpios, Milk pitchers, Mcehctn & Qo, I xjLJO H1VB i 20 BBE m .'VMItti m )