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mur ocnnir 110 l4,,M THE EDDY CURRENT. Pocos Vnlloy to tho Front, Oroakors to tho Roar. VOL. VI. JilDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 181)8. NO. 83, ARE PKEPAB1HG FOR A LANDING Gen, Shufter and His Forces Expect to Be on the Soil of Cuba in a Short Time-Gen. Blanco Seiuiinn Troops. Ilrad? In l.nml. Washington, Juno 22. Gen. Htintler nnd Admiral Sampson nro In tele graphic) touch with tho president and military operation at Santiago an a result run proceed an oxpedltlously n uio iorni circumstances warrant, nnt exports bollevo mat threo or (our dnyit will elapse before anything significant lit a military way can bo accomplished Tho work of disembarking tha troops will consume, twenty-four hours, and possibly forty-clgh. Tho pontoon bridge must first ho built after a do- rlston has been reached as to tho prop or place to land. Military experts do not believe- that any largo body wilt bo sent nshoro In nmnll boats. They think It probable, however, that roconnoltor Inn parties may bo dispatched In this way for tho purpose of testing the pro posed landing place as to 'the proxlm Ity of Spanish troops and tho facilities' for camping. The war department. It Is understood, has given (Jen. Shatter every posslhlo latitude by telling him to use bin own discretion In the matter, as to tlmo and tho placo of disembarking tho troops He was urged to uio all reasonable ex pedition nnd to promptly state his wants to tho department in case ho has any. flcn. Shatter, It Is said, roported to tho department that after consultu tlnn will, A .1 I i I a.Mi..nn l. I... I ...... iiuiiniHi tjaiMt'ouii nq nun ru1 HfwtPd a spot favorable for lauding uhont eight miles from Santiago. Ho reported that preliminary to moving the transports closo Inshore for the piirptno of beginning tho construction of tho pontoon bridge tho chore would be thoroughly shelled to n dlstanco of several miles Into tho Interior by tho American warships. It Is understood that tha landing U to bo made noar Daqulcul, live or six mile east of Santiago, whore an Iron pier offers a convenient facility for tho debarkation of the troops. Shufter re porli that tho surf along tho shore Is very flerco, and that It will ho Impossl hie to land at any placo which faces tin Hea. For that reason an Inlet must bo Utilized. Sampson's fleet fired a satute. Nalilltr. I'nl.anail, Jacksonville. Kla., Juno 22. From twenty to thirty members of company K First Wisconsin regiment, wero ta ken seriously 111 lust night. Thoro Is every Indication that tho mon are suf fering from tho effects of poisoning, ruimed by eating unwholesome food nt dinner or supper. Lnto In tho after noon several complained of being III with cramps in tho stomach, but noth ing serious was thought of tho matter. Lata at night thoy began to vomit In cossantly. Major Kvans, surgeon of the regiment, was called. Ho pre scribed for tho slok mon nnd partly rolloved their suffering. Tho food Is the only causo to which tho Illness can bo attributed. Tho mon uto can beans, bread and potatoes. An analysis will bo mado to determine if tho food was affected. I'nrrad to I.aar. New York. Juno 22. A spoolul cablo from Hong Kong says: Tho American supply ship Zatllru, which was sent horo from Manila by Admiral Dewoy to procure provisions nnd other necessaries far tho fleet, nnd which anchored n fow miles in Chinese waters, has boon compelled to leave by tho Chlneso government au thorities. The Chlneso notified Unl ted Statos Consul Wildman nt Hong Kong, to tako tho Zafllro, out of tho Ju rlsdlrtlon of tho emperor of China at onre. nnd refused to allow her ovon the customary 24 hours stay or a pound of coal or provisions, fiho ac cordingly has baen moved and now is in Drltlsh waters at Hong Kong. Tho Chlneso order Is bollovod to be due to representations or Spain. ' Mliy Callactloa., Washington, Juno 22. Tito monthly statement of tho collection of Internal rovenuo shows that the May collec tions amounted to $14,098,117, nu In 1 rrcafco over May last year 3,281,226. Tho receipts from tho several source of revenuo and the Inoroaso as com pared with Mny, 1S9T. are given as fol lows Spirits, $7,090,400, Increase, $1,- 988 057: tobaooo, $3,754,002. Increase. $1 018.759: fermentod liquors, $8,181, COS Increase $647,857; oleomargarine, $88 014. Increase, $20,712; miscellane ous. $28,074, Insrease, $1,981 The net increase In the reaalpta dur ing the last eleven months was $19,-938,031. TurrlbU Affair, London, Juno 21 During the launch ing of tho new flrnt-elawi battleship Albion of 12,050 tons, nt lltnokwell yesterday of tho Duchess of York, n ceremony at whluh tho United Suites uinlinsndor. Col. John liny, anil Mrs. Hay nnd Lieut. Colwell, th United Mutes nnvn! attache, assisted, tho dis placement of water caused an Immense mass of wntor to rlso on nil sides, com pletely submerging ouu of the lower HtJge of tho ynrd and Immersing hun dreds of people. It Is os'tlmntfd that fifty persons wero drowned. Tho Duchess of Yk nnd Col. and Mrs. John Huy and tho remnludor of the distinguished clients, did not sen tho accident, which occurred at the mo ment when Ihreo cheers wero called for tho successful launching, nnd the cries nnd screams "of tho victims wero drowned by the outbursts of hurrahs. At Inst reports thirty bodies had beon recovered. Tho victims wero mostly woritlng people on a hollduy. who had trespassed tho shipbuilding ynrd, where the launohlng took place. They crowded upon n staging, from which they had been warned off, but tho forco of police on tho spot wan In adequate to control tho Immonse crowd. About 200 persons wero thrown Into the wnter whon the staging wns demol ished by tho back wush of tho hugo battleship whon sho plunged Into tho water. Most of theso woro rescued by menns of tho numerous row boats In tho vicinity, but mnny wero swopt away by tho lloodtlde, which was run ning, nnd sank before assistance could roach them . About sixty of the specfatora wero Injured and had to receive citirglcat treatment. Two Month1 lUtulti. Washington, June 22. Two months ago yesterday war broke out between tho Culled Statos and Spain, according to the proclamation of the president and tho declaration of congress. Tho end of that period finds nearly 10,000 United States troops off Santiago pro paring to land; It finds cable communi cation established botween tho govnrn nirnt nt Washington and tho ndvunco guard of tho expedition in Cuba; and It flnds Cuban torrltory In tho possession of United Statos marines, hacked bv u squadron and nearly all of the commer cial ports of Cuba blockaded. This Is all apart from Dewey's great vlotory nt Manila, and from the snleii- did results achieved In organizing sev eral armies now In tho camps. There roro tho otTloors or tho administration reel that they havo a richt to look bank with pride over what has beon accom plished In tho short spuco of two months, working In n large part with raw material in bath tho army and tho navy. I'lrU Kl.rtlan. Ardmoro. I. T.. Juno 20. Tho first municipal election held in tho Chlokn- saw nation occurred nt Mannsvlllo, and resulted In a victory for tho followlnc candidates: Mayor. H. M. Holllngs. worm; recorder. C. U. Thomas; alder men. II. T. Johnson, Z. Harper, A. U. Hardlson. K. O. Udelen and J. H. Ma. nard. Tho olectlon passod off quietly. ' Wage United, Beginning July 1 tho IajuIsvIIIo nnd Nasbvlllo Hallway company will restore io us employes one-hair or tho out mado In thoir salaries on Au. l. 1R9.1. This announcement will bring joy to mo Hearts or tho many thousand worn. en and men who draw money ror serv ices from the l.oulsvllle and Nashvlllo system. CUtaland Hpolt. Princeton, N. J June 22. drover Cleveland delivered tho annual Found. crs' day address of tho Lawrencevllle sohool hero yestorday. His address was entitled "Clood Citizenship," and in the courso of his remarks ho declared him soir opposed to acquiring territory by conquest. Itlvlilcniti tlartarfd. Washington, Juno 22. Tho comn. troller of tho currency has dealared. dividends In ravor of the creditors of Insolvent notional banks as follows! Five per ornt. tho First National bank of Newport, Ky.j 11 per oent. tho No braika National bank, of lieatrlce. Neb. The Fedemiiin f Wmaaa stubs met at Doiitw. To Advanra Hub. as. Washington, Juno 21. Lieut. Hob fcon, tho hero of the Morrlraac, will bo transferred from the construction corps to tho lino of the navy and raised to tho grado of lieutenant commander, probably this week. This action wa-t definitely dcoldod by the administra tion, and legislation empowering this action will be pressed In both houses. and Its execution will almost Immedi ately follow the affixing of tho exeoii livo npprovnl of tho measure. It has been proposed to await Hob sou's personnl expression as to his choice botween tho transfer to tho lino or promotion within tho corps, wbero futuro advancement Is limited. I'm in llanar. Washington, Juno 21. Secretary Kong received a call yesterday from Dr. Klndluberger. assistant surgeon of tho Olymplu flagship of Admiral Dewey's vquadron. and aunner Uvnns of tho cruiser Hoston, both of whom participated in tho buttle of Manila. Thoy arc the first to arrlvo hero to give tho officials personal Information of that ruinous engagement. Dr. Kin ctloberger Is on leave, and incidentally on his way through took a brldo to Sail Francisco. Gunner Kvnns' tlmo expired early In April, but knowing that the battle woo Impending, ho asked Admiral Dowcy for permission to remain nt his post through tho engagement, nnd this wns teadlly granted, ns Evans In n veteran ut the guns, such ns Dowoy needed. Tho two men look bronzed rrora ox rosuro to tho troplcnl suns, and their slurdlncMs gives assuranco Mat Dewoy's men arc not suffering nt Ma nlln, a fact of which thoy gaVo Secre tary Long vorbnl assurances, IfRunllitu Trnila, New York. Juno 21. Tho Hawaiian Uluuds. their enmmorro. flnnnrn nm. Auction and population form the sub- jeet or a series or tubles which will ap pear in tho next "Finance nnd Com merco Report," Issued by tho bureau or statistics. From theso It appears thai tho United States, slnco tho reciprocity treaty or 1876, has had a largo sharo or Die commerce or these Islands. Prior to 1870 tho annual sales of tht United States to tho Hawaiian Islands has never, savo In two exceptional cases, reached $1,000,000. With 1877, how ivcr, the $t ,000,000 lino was perma nently passed, and since that dalo American oxports to tho Islands havo steadily grown, passing tho $2,000,000 line In 1879, exceeding $3,000,000 la 1983, $4,000,000 In 1890. nasalne tha $(,000,000 line In 1891 and promising to reach nearly $0,000,000 this year. Itanioiu Muggaatad. Kingston. Juno 21 Mr. F. W. Hams don, tho llrltlsh consul at Snntlago'do Cuba, who Is acting for tho United Htat,oH In tho negotiations with tho Hpnnlurds lor tho oxchango of Lieut. Hobsou nnd his comrades of tho Mor rlnmr expedition, bus suggested to tho officials ut Washington that oven a ransom might bo paid to seouro tho prompt rolcnuo of tmi American pris oners. Tho Idea was undoubtedly ex pressed In the cnblo dispatch which pascd through tho colonial authorities here, but In what form Is not clear. Nu Information. I long Kong. Juno si. United States Consul Wildman has received no In formation from his government with regard to tho futuro of tho Philippine. Ocn. Agulnaldo desires that tho Islands becomo an Amorlcnu colony. Ho de clares that If he ran not bo connected with tho I'nttod Statos ho will Insist upon n republic being formed. If any other country than the United Statos wishes to securo control of tho Philip pines that country will havo' to fight foi It. Tho Insurgents havo 10,500 rltlos and eight field pieces. I. Knlranchlng. A spcelal dated "Outskirts or San tiago, Juns 18," says: Gen Linares is energetically en tieuchlnr, outpostlng nnd trying to oo cupy tho holghta commanding tho best landing places for tho Americans. Ho has nt ansueh t Minna In aaaunmtui. alt this. """" An attempt was made on Illannn'a life. The criminal will be shot. Llout. A. N. Meyer has been (Ivan command of tho Uucoaneer. A.tor I.lglu tlattary. Son Francisco. Juno 21. Tho Astor light battory. numbering 101 men, in cluding threo officers, arrived at San Franolsco Monday. Tho men huro are thoroughly equipped, their optflt being tho regulation United States light ar tillery equipment. They carry tlx Hotohklss rnpld-llro ennnon throwing 12-pound shells. Shortly after tho As tor battery nasted ihrmiaii Ida on thoir way to Presidio, 161 mon from me wiynrai iow regiment, who ar rlml hero Monday, took up thoir march to Camp Merritt. High rrlea. In Havana, Key West, Fla.. Juno 21. Cuban r riving hers report that lard Is selling nt SO conOi, rice at 20 cents, beam at 25 cents and moat at 75 cents per pound In Havana, and all nro senrcs, and they miy that all horsos of private families, stores and livery stables hnve been couflsimtcd by order of Gen. Arolns, tha military governor of Havana, for tho'tiso of the troops. There Is hard ly any traflle In tho streets of Havana, bud groups or more than two persona nro not nllowed to loiter on stn-et rnr- nors. Tho street railway company, whoso oars are drawn by horses, aro Obliged to run a oar every hour Inatuml or ovory tlvo minutes as heretofore, ns tne norscs Havo been taken br thu government. Tho Spanish vessels In harbor aro tho Condo do Venndlto, Nuovlta, Ks pnno. Vicenlo Ynnes, Plnzon nnd Al fonso XII. tho last named bolnr itsmt as a hospital ship. No other gunboats or converted tugs aro In port. The troops from Gununabacoa, Paula, Vlvora and Manacim to Pntita. d in Chcrra, thickly studded with forts and round nouses, protect tho approachci to Havana, Tho now batteries which havo been built Just east of Morro castlo aro known as No, 1 and No. 4, tho latter bolng closest to Morro. No. 4 has three Ordonoz 11-Inch cuns mmintM and No. 1 has one gun mounted and two guns ready to bo pluced In position or tho same caliber. Two other new batteries havo been constructed on either sldo or tho mouth or tho Atmcndaroz river, west or Santa Clara, nnd the Itelna batteries aro also provided with heavy ordnanco. I'uwilar tliio.un. Cincinnati, Juno 21. Tho finishing department of tho King Powder cora puny, located nt Kings Mills, Warron county, wnu destroyed Inst night In a manner leading to the belief that It wan tho work of enomloa of the gov ernment. Tho building In which waB stored n quantity of smokeless powdc. had ovldontly been fired by two men neijr midnight, one of whom was badly burned nud had been apparently drag ged from tho burning building by his companion, who then ran away In tho direction 6r South Lotmnon. Tho smokoless powder in this deportment does not explodo llko ordinary powder with a flash; but breaks Into a bright light nnd burns somo time. A great light attracted tho citizens nnd some ot them met n stranger goln to South Lebanon. Tho Injured mnn wns taken Into ustody. Ho la rorelgner, but Is ha budly Injured ho can scnrcoly tnlk. Tho powder burned was not ror tho government, and tho money loss Is In considerable. Tho compnny has a contract to sup ply to government and this was thoutht to bo tho reason or tho de struction attempted. HiciL Uiparlatlon., Washington, Juno 21. Although tho amount or subscriptions or tho now 3 per cent loan nro not mudo public, It Is officially stated that it exceeds alt ex pectations. This Is particularly truo of tho larger amounts. Tho number of subscriptions received from sums of $500 nnd loss Is large, but tho depart ment wishes It thoroughly understood by tho public that ovon should tho wholo loan bo subscribed Us several times over In largo amounta, that ov ory subscription of $500 or less, will ho arcoptcd over tho large ones. A subscription of $20,900,000 has been received from a prominent llfo Insur ance company or Now York, enclosing certified check ror $100,000 na requir ed by tho regulations governing tho loun. Hhaflar OR Santiago. Now York, Juno 2l.-8hurter'8 troops havo nrrlved off Santiago do Cuba nnd tho orawa of tho warships m-etCHl them enthuslustleullv. Qon. Shorter and Admiral Sampson had eoufersnco relative to a landing plase. Through llrlllih, In a letter Dlanao says that alter ma turo deliberation ho has deolded to consider no proposals for tho oxchango or Hobsoli and that tho matter must bo arranged through tho llriilih em bassy at Madrid. Orrliant. llulnatl. Mlddleport, N. Y., Juno 21. A tcr rlllo wind storm struok Niagara and Orleans counties Sunday. Tho storm travoltMl In a belt threo miles wide nnd 70 miles long. In Orleans county hundreds of c. chard are entirely de stroyed, j'ho damage will reach many thousands of dollars. A woman living noar Gnluon Is taJi to havo reeelvod fatal Injuries fror t falling building, MauV lariB barni wltrn linairnvnjt mill tha wrtcBage carried Upui 60 to i09 1 feat. Satarlag vm4. San Francisco, Cal., June 19. The government has taken a Arm stand with regard to securing transports to carry tho troops to Manila, and from this time forward Impressment will bo tho rule until enougV vesssla have been secured to carry tba army to tho Philippines. The Pacific malt steatntr Newport has been Impressed. This makes tho Hxth vessel owned by the Pacific Mall company which Is In the service or the government Tho Pru Is duo from tho orient on Juno 24 and tht City ot Uio de Janeiro follows htr on July 6. loth steamers will probably bo taken by tho government. Tho Ahmeda is duo from Australia ml Honolulu on June 28, and tho gov ernment agent, will swoop down on her. Tho Pacific Steam Whaling com pany's steamer Valenela has lwn chartarod. Tho City of Para Is being prepared ror occupation by tho troops. Tho Nero is taking coat aa rnptdly as possible, day and night fighting Again. Cettlnje, Montenegro, Juno 20 Thero was fighting all day long on Friday noar Uerane, on the left bank ot tha river Llm. It tasted until a late hour at night. Tho number ot killed la as yet unknown. There were fepeated at tacks by tho Albanians on tho monas tery or aiurjoy Btuvofl.. Tho exodus ot women and children from tho disturbed district Into Mon tenrgran territory continues, Saturday the Servians pursued tho Albanians aa far ns Uorono. where a Turkish battery In tho fortress fired upon tbo pursuers, killing and wound Ing mnny. . The threo battalions from Uskub and one from Dlakova hava beet sent to Uorano, bringing tho gnrlson thoro up to alx natations. Said Kddln Pusha has been sent to restore order nnd rebuild tho burned vlllni'cs. Ilitllrnad Aceldant. Hoanoko, Va., Juo 20. Norfolk nnd Wcitcrn posengor train No. 4 waa wrecked at 12:45 p. m. ycatezday, two miles west of Shawsvllte, Three men woro killed and sovcral wounded. Injured: Malt Clerk A. V. GUI, Lynchburg, seriously; two excresn raesiongers, names not known; several pnssongers, names not known. En gineer Horner was burled beneath his engine and Flrema'n Sadlor was so badly scalded that ha died two hours lator. The train was running down grade at tho usual rata and Just at tho entrance of a cut tha flange of tho outsldo rati broke, derailing tbo en gine. Tha mall couch Jumped nn em bankment, bolng overturned and com pletely demolished. Mall Clork Clark had hli neck brokon. . 1'lonlo Parly's Mlthap. 8t. Louis, Mo.. Juno 20. A nlcnte party returning from llcnton pork in a wagon coiiidod with a atroot car oa tho Southern Klectrlc road. Tho following woro probably fatally Injured: Ooorgo Hellonscn, partially para lyzed; JullUS Ilador. irnunila In tin,t. m. Holden, hurt Internally. Tho irigntoned horses Immediately began to run, dragging tho wreck of tho wag on with them nnd throwing out all tho occupants, a number of whom sus talned minor injuries. Tho ambulance wns summoned and tbo three badly Injured men woro removed to tho city hospital. Narrtlary Klllad, Jacksonville, Fla., Juno 20. When about to go In bathing nt Pablo beach yesteiday evening, James T. Onto wood, private stenographer to Gen. Fltzhugh Lee, was struck by lightning nnd Instantly killed. Otto wood was from lllchmond. Va. Tho lightning camo from a clear sky. hitting Gate wood at tho base of tho brain and passing down tho splnnl ooluran. NarUl of Stealing.. Oatesvllle, Tex.. Juno 30. A series ot gospel meetings commenced yesterday at the tabernaelo tent under tho aus plcos of the Presbyterian church. Ilov. W. H. Clagett Is doing tho preaching. In a fight nt Forest City. Ark., two mon woro killed. I'roaarlng William. Ilelrut, Juno 20. In vlsw ot tha visit of Hmporor William to Palestine, an aid do camp of the sultan la having re pairs made upon all roads In Syria nnd Palostlno nnd all tho troops havo oeen presenceo wan now uniforms. HlghlaU (111 (Jujia Oa"la. OlbrnlUr. Juno 20. Tho captain of a Drltlsh steamer whld arrived hen yesterday reports that he sighted the iMMtah squadron off Cape Data, a promo lory at Spain on the east of Oranaada, forwlug Hie eastern limit of tho Quir ut Aluierla. mil Not rUnhaaga tlafc.aa, Kay West, Fla.. Juno 20-den. Ulancai says that Hobion and his mon will not bo exchanged. A gunboat from Ha vana took Ulaneo'a communication to tho commander ot tha American loat Maple, tha communication stating tha Spanish government refused to rnuko the exchange. American vessels woro also warned not to approach within six miles ot Havana or thay would bo fired upon. To Hold Tham Ittipuailbla. Washington, Juno 20. Admiral Sampson and Gon. Shatter will be in structed to hold Admiral Cervera and Gen. Pando, In command at Bantlago, personally responsible ror tho safety ot Lieut. Hobsou and his men. It Mioy aro maltreated or killed by tho Spanish, thon Corvora nnd Pando nre to bo hanged whon thoy fall Into our bands, as ovontually they must. President McKtuley and Scoretary Long nro very much Irritated ovor tha refusal to oxchango nnd thoy havo de termined on drastic measures to sava tho heroes ot tho Morrlmac. It Is probablo that Corvora and Pan do will bo notified by flag ot truco bo fore the battle begins that they aro to bo held porsonully responsible for tha prisoners In thoir .chnrgo. Orders to this effect woro sent, aa the administration Is thoroughly aroused over tha suspicious actions ot the Spaniards. Contradictory reports aro afloat la rogard to the exohango ot the Merrl mas prisoners. It la asserted that Capt. Oan. Ulanro has beon authorlsod to oxerclso his discretion in tho mat tor, but at the same time tho govorn mont has called bU attention to tho fact that any movements for tho pur pose of effecting the exchange at Santi ago might enlighten the enemy as to the state of tho defensoa. Vlgoroui Mfcoaurat, London, June 20. A Madrid corre spondent says: Lieut Gen. Correa, minister or war, thinks Capt General Augustl would iave roslgned and ho Intended to or gnnizo roslstnnco elsewhere, porhnps at Ilerto. Tho government wishes It clearly understood that tho fall of Manila does not Indlcato that Spanish rule in tho rest or tho other Ulands has been surrendered. Vigorous tnoas urea will bo taken to vindicate tbi rights ot Spain ngalnst Invasion with tho assistance ot nntlvo contlugonti who nro atlll loyal In tho Vlzcuyaa. Mlndano and Marlanoc groups. Old r.anilinarh flona, 8avannah, Oa., Juns 20. Tho old Habersham rlca mills, a block ot tho oldest buildings In Savannah, one of them having been built In 1828, wcr destroyed by fire yesterday evening. Tho firo waa started by a lightning bolt, which struck the weatorn aldo of lljo building, near a cjff, bin. Tlw flro waa aTfl oxieedlngiy 'hot one. Iffd the heavy rain that was falling had Tittle offset on it. Tho buildings wero among tho most historic In Savannah, Ona of them was fitted up at ono time for tho purpose ot tendering a ball to Henry Clay, but ho waa not elected president and tho ball was never given. The property was Insured for about $23,000. About $6000 worth ot rlco was destroyed, but was fully covered by In- Cuban fought trail. Key West. Fla., Juno 20. A United States supply ship arrived horo yes terday morning from niianlonaiuo, which left thero on Thursday last From intqrvlewa with aorao of thoso on board tho vessel it was learned thnt 100 Cubans who had Joined tho United Slates marines when a landing was ef fected fought gallantly and rendered great assistance to tho Amorloans, thoir aid being especially valuablo In tho work of throwing up entrenoh raents. On tho way here the supply ahjp passed tho fleet ot transports having on board tbo army ot Qon, Sbaf'tar with tho convoy of warships. Tho res ists wero In excellent order and thi lines were well closed up. Cbargad With Tliafl. Outhrle ,Ok., June JO.-Mllton How ot Gushing was Jailed at Stillwater yes terday on a warrant charging him with stealing $110 trom his grandmother. At Uarlliafana, London, June 20. A Gibraltar cor respondent says: Admiral Camera's squadron arrived at Carthagena Saturday evening with Capt. Aunoii, minister of marine, wliu Inspected the LepanK. Tho dejUna tlon ot the float is not known, VUt It is believed Admiral Camara wilt keep in touch with home ports aud that tin squadron wti! b used To deceit tht AmarteaN. Tkra rargooa or supplta have beea smuggled tat' Havana.