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TIIK NOTED TROUIIAS. PICTUHSSQUft PBNCItt MANY STRANDS. OP ! Hat t hMer nnrrlnnt The Kiwi f HwiWli Onteee Slew I mHm MWV tlHr Will Meet While Wpeilng (Hli, fi S(wla. MM - J. (Special Latter.) 1 Ut haa been prio'cd shoot thH iriMBAi Vast Wey ler bad cdSatrtict- ! arrciM Cub fro north to aaulb They were dividing IIhm" iui ItMkod form Idabie an tMtwr.but aa (lameK proved, illiln'l "illviiU A Inn !iu u form of trmrh and mound, wlih barbed wire uning an pott along li. Ai hort distance ere small log lioute. occupied by from IBM to six or mure Hpsnlsh soldier tt was Ihi laii!ili to rroM the linn without cam lug within rlllMhot distune oT at lean m df these house Arr.intpsuylng picture reproduced from n photograph. Kls .1 veiy dear Idea of the kind of tiling Weviar'a trorhn In While It may liars Iwftn nn embarrassment to bush- bat her it wilt be at im seen Hint li I Imply n fence ami lnh. and can not t coniililrroil :m any impediment to lurtif hodle of trained troop In deed, rliii the natural dlftVulMes of Cu ban Jungle present i greater obflla cIh. than due the trixh. that HIhhiJ ii.j i. not much Inferior to a parade Held fui I ho 1'nlted StKM iroup The mhcr picture represent n Span lab mounted rout, and a young Span Nh officer nnd eoldler. They "speak f')l themselves " MltWlHlly lhn of tutlcer und soldier, and auflw Mat while these men tuny ht rttlliint they have neither the training or tliB equipment that It U necessary to linfe in ordsr to ane eMfully Unclt Soiii'h boys. onc.fpurirr any around. like a screw wnicu motion locks It In place nnd leave th signal burning In ease It li desired to use It an n standing slKnnl for an order In the secret naval code. Thus the keyboard ran be used to lnlr grapk ordinary Instructions by Hit tisti al letters. t wnd a rlphur dlipatch or afaclal codf ortlora. NolwIthnlnndlriK all thla npfvirrnl eompllratlon. the koy. hard U cowpnrl nnd lla miwhanlum mi lmpl that It ennnot tin rradlly die tnrbed or jtoittn out of onltr. ;TS(UKNTIFI0 TOPICS. OUHNBNT NOTDS OF DltvflOV- BRY AND INVENTION. rii IHacnt Human lUrr llultt Tudnt A rut Hit l.y fUii A Nw lllfln for Vte liitrntlnnt. ... In tint Ntr-Vrloiii i CAU8K OF flALDNBSS. ror NHm yanra tliwr w beon n growing oplNhiii that tmltlnow It enua l by lb lUfuedntloti of liaellll. Thla aUietnsnt htw ben rldlenlwl aln and main. bm. like many other clenllllr fflrta. It haa held Ita ponl Hon. nnd now nomwi forwnrd with ex cllaRi around on whleh to auMitlu llMlf. iHStHttit. hnwrvnr nf rinvniirliiir j thn bnlr folllrlwi thr Indimtrlttim llltlr rrmtiirr thut i-rentta baldneiM tnktw a norel tnk In hi work. I In twrrtea H moat artlro toxlr milxtnnre, which in trRtM the ouiw root I ng of the hair and nilra ihroiiRb thr Inner pnrlloii, ntlrly mbblnie the hair ef It rluilty. Tht apromplUliwI, the hnlr fnlla out for tkr aamr rtMMii tlmt n tri blawa orar bMwtiw ltd root hare no hold and tlitrr la nothltiR to keep It lit place. The latMt dltoovitrtM In thla Una arc of a character mort dhtheurtonliiR to tlioae who Imrti lioptil tlmt noma liire mlKbt lie found for thla dlcaae or aotne niwna employed to Hup the rnv MM of a malady which la probably quite aa tinwalcnm m nnythlnc which mankind baa to encounter. Il la a moat mrluua fact that wo men ramly Itrcome uulil. A reniion far the prevalence of (midline amonK mon U auttgeeteri by tlielr freqntntliiR the barber altop. It In fluppototf ihtt tlta Iwrlllua la dlatrlbtiled liy the eomUi and brtiahee and other appllnnaM iifrd Iff To Hate Teflh I.Ik IVarlo. The rccklamt manner In whlrti miHt poepla abune their teeth la enough to mnke their worst enemy remona'rate with thorn. The rare of the teeth ahoiild be begun In babyhood, n wtft toothbruah helnn unhI twice n day by whoever haa care of the Infant. Aa noon aa the drat teeth looeen the child Rhoiild be taken to n dentin! to romuvc them, no the new teeth will have room. After Oil periodical virile ahoiild be made to the dentist. A child nhould never be allowed to bite bread or crack ntita with hlH teelh. for II la likely to chip the enamel. The teeth, to bo kept in proper order and to look white and ktmHctilnte. nhnuld tint only be brush ed night and morning, but after every men) in the day. The toothbruah muat be rather hard and you muat provide yoitrre.lf with two or three of vnrloua ahnpoa, o aa to keep the teeth In prop er condition. n you cannot properly elean every loath utiles yon have a liniHh that la eepeclnlly ronatrurtcd to roach the back com era In vottr mouth. A toothbruah ahotild he wef! wnahml In clean (mh wnttr and rli&er Nonp or ammonia imed nnw and then to clean It with. It muat bo rcntombered that to take too tint drlnke or oat too hot food la vary bad. indeed, for the teeth. The rnpld tratiHltlnn from heat to cold la the worat poMlblc thing Hint could happen to fliem and often cnuice crnukH nnd dUeniie of the teeth. If vIii?rhi la taken with nno'a food or niwllcliii in which U nny kind of Imn. ateel or nny ncld, the teoth not only uliould he well bruihetl nftorwnnl, but the medldnp taken thronKh a Rlnea tube. I'loittlnR !(. In very rly daya thlw of any. aire wore docked by xmiintlltig thorn nl IiIrIi wtr and thn waltlns for the tide to rceedo. work belne nrnctcded with runtll the tide brhIh nwr. Thla method wna Improvmi upon by hnllowliiK out n berth or Htnnlt bnaln, and then, when the water wiim diiwu. a temporary dam would he made no rone thn entrance to llio haeln where the ahlp lay, an hint wnrk ootild go on uninterrupted by the rlalttK tide. Title wuh the origin nf tho Kmvltig diH-k, Hie oaaenllal factor nf which wa the cxlatenronf Hie rlae and fall of the tide, and It la due to the ubftonce of tide that wo owe the origi nal Moating dock. The nlmmit tldoleaa ahoroa of thla rountry make It tho nut-aery of the Hooting dock, but It wuh In the Hnltlr mh Hint tho find flouting dork waa trhd. In the time of l'tdnr thn (Ireat Hid rnplnlu of n 1 1 r It -IhIi Hlilp, II n ill n k that Ida voaael In rrotiHtiult harbor wiih In want of dock- lug. )nd thai, owing to the nlwanne nf tide, tho then orthodox method wn Impracticable, olittilneil a hulk called the Camel, nnd, completely removing her deck and internal work, rut off one oud nnd fitted It with a gat, lie thon beached 1Mb nhlp Inalde the hol low hull of tho Camel, elwiod thn gate. und pumped the water front Ita lute rlor. FORT AWNd THOCMIA. who h.ivu all they want, and of the beat Hi uimt advanced mllltiry Hclence haa deviaad. TBLBt'HOTOS IN N A VAUBSnVICE Our WitrtltllUlpeil with Xt Ht itt HllJfWU. The pruMRt war btwM thla cqbh tr and Snnln l rredlted with hasten ing the wiulpmanl nf l.'ntt-' .?t.iea na tal taajwl with k uw oicnalitig y tent Tin- itpparaluo f th TelefthotoA iouiiwii) of Itutfalo. haa ' u pitrovml by the l ulled Mtatex navy l-jiar went, Mini iM-tK are lini m'de tor A nit-hi wtimhlp Tli- iiMiipli'itiio U innalder-d tli-mon' rapi-l m i"' fn! an I i-nttf nigh un t' 'n t't Intfn'r t It i 'inula' if I ereuf fo'ir dou'ilf Unterti 1 1 ! liy power f'i! gro ipH f tni-ande ini Uipi t!i four iI'miIiIh lanti-rn hlng n ma ver-n.-ally on itrntig wire ralit 't. ui uppei nil tt whli-ti ' "40 lie run ip I in4t "i ar'lin. while the Ihht -m.1 U lu tended In ti faileaed to Hi'- Ini k of the v-l The upMt half ' h Uaip t white and hu ithin It arxip if three lamp turnninileil by powrtnl UMnt fvltig 1-nMMi The lower lulf It red. nnd ha four lump. In rdr ii make th red bnm the traaajr. which are aurriMiadnl b heavy red latiaaa TIm OHrefttlly laaulated "aidit 'itnne- t the tamp and pmimm fr.MU ih low 10 the deck or bride wh-re . keyboard tcuablM the operator to tpwll oat tho rode etgaaU about u mntdly a 4 type writer la ManlfMlHtttd. and vrr much in the aama muiiner The key board la nrrancd on a alnndarJ and iickMwd tike a blHttacU. the iMmtor xtandlnK lu front of It while wanlpul Ulng 'be key liy u almpk nutoHWtti irrnngw tuant eoali key. na deprwrnd, light 4 corabltwtlon of lb four ral ami tin four while tight, making h letter or a number, aeoordlng u Hie code of nig Ml All of the 01 rttinH lire into matlc and ti cowhlnntkin I made by one touch of the Stay A not her tenure of the kfhord Is that whan m Mter 11 doN nn taw Uiar keys nra lekd m (hat anaUtar otnua fi aatdNUIly hM dawn and MgttHt tte atgHala, Any key jtwaami ilwwn ohm U turned by the harbor In the purwmtico of hi buxIniMM. If thla Idoa coukm to be an eatnhllahed fast, lmrber ahnpe wilt bo put under Hie tnoit rigid nHplonngu, or their proprietor will hn obliged to go nut of bUHlnae altogether. It Ih notrd na an lutertttttng point In thla connec tion Hint fartnera and men who live In Ui bark country ami raroly visit the barber nlmp nro law likely to ho affect ed than ally dwollara, who mnko thla place one of their regular reaorta. llaldnuaa wa for many yenra nttrlh nted to Indoor Ufa and brain work, but H la very evident from recent tle velopmeuu tluit there la a tiny organ tan that haa bwa dsdri; moat excellent work In denuding the cranium of men of all cuuee. WHKRB BURNS MAD It MBRRY. Here t the houae which tlurua tttad Immortal through"Tbe Jolly Iktggara " li waa aa Inn In Mauoktliw, kept Uf Oeorge Olbaon and hla family, whlak aeema 10 have been a particularly die reputable one. ill wit had bean ex communicated and bla daughter "Rm-ar Jeaa." left no repute Hon lor "aweataaa and lirht," behind her. Here m "Ponai Maaale'a," aa the aoatelr waa re I ted, the beaujnra aad pauper uaed to gather and hold high revel Here. Iluraa. to aludy them uaed to tola them And here "The Jolly Bag gam." waa conceived. The houae U vary little r bunged alnce Unrna day Tha mom where the tlgbt-hartad paH' THE JOILY IIIWOAIia" WAH CON CH1VMI) IIHHK. twra aarettaad remaina almatt anatlf wjut it na than when the pat ti dll hti iyi there. Fur lite In nmp l1r. The KnglUh electrlenl impera tire dr- asrlbtne the dry-cnp lamp ahown In the llluitrutlnn. which la Hpcelully reeom- .tnended fur line in damp pi nro or out - Ida lighting. Tho Inmp are apeclnlly milUd for mine, pier lighting or damp collar, wluiro It haa been found that the pliutur of pari aoftoni nfter the lamp have been In uee for a little time. Tho rap l attached by means of u brasH dlak nnd I fuatenrd to the pA bulb by specially prepared cement, which It thoroughly damp- proof, und tho leodlng-ln wire nro per fcotly free, en tat the lamp haa an air Insulation In the Interior of the enp. it la Important to nnte that nltliough there Is an air Inmilatlon. by using the thin layer of cement between tho hrnea and tka ajwan II aota m a nan candtwtdr anil etJtiawiuanUy there in very much laaa haet vanducled than there wtwld ha It the brsaa ami Kls wore net Intercepts. The Hrlli' Ulituit-llelt, A writer In Knowledgu tnskea n viv id picture of the great bait af clouds, some 390 mllee In breadth, whleh sur rounds the earth a little north of the equator. Within this belt rains almost Incessantly falls, sometimes In sheets, and the wind seldom atlra. Ilofore the Invention of steamships, vessels be calmed In the "cloud-belt" sometlmea drifted belplfrM for weeks. Kven now the crowing of this belt, where every thing Is surcharged with moisture, I a disagreeable experience fr voyagers going from the north In the setitb At lantic cen. or viae verts. Tk bait can be traeed aerest 'q tutorial Afrlaa and ncroa the American Isthmua. and Hie great rivers. Ainaxon. Orinoco. Ni ger. Nile and Congo, arise In thee rnln soaked regions, which tire like exhaust, lees reservoirs. The cause ef the equn torlnl cloud-belt la connected with tho trade-winds, and In the course of a year It oeelllnte north nnd south over a distance equal to about three tlmea Its own breadth. A TENDER WAIt SONG. THE VACANT CHAIR" IB POPU LAR AGAIN. IHgEMt Cnmrra Kter llulll. At the photographic exhibition at the Crystal palace, tendon, there waa shown what Is undoubtedly the largest cam era pvor made. The camera was over six feet high; It takea plate six feet by tire feet, but this slie can only be utilized for Hue work and ordinary copying, na the Levy screen, necessary for tho hnlf-totio process, can only be obtained up to nbout forty by thirty Inrhes. It Is Intended that the back part should bo built Into tho partition wall of the dark mam. so thst the lat ter would really form Hie dark alio., otherwise a holder of sufllolont dimen sions would bo extremely henvy and cttmlwrsome Ily Inclosing the rear of the camera as a dark room, the plate would be placed directly Into the back part of the enmcro. being held In po sition by ndjustabte bars, which lain any slie from whole plate up to tho full rapacity of the camera. The rail extension of the camera wn twelve feet, an that when urtng a lens of about sixty Inches principal focus, It Is pos sible to copy same also ns tho origlnnl. To provide for the use of louses of shorter foci the middle body of tho camera Is provided with a plate tiotdor and by means of a door In Hie aide the operator ran enter. This part of the camera form n little room about scroti feel by three feet, in which at Isast two peruns can stand i.d watch PMllielle t'lrniinliire Atlrndliij the Writing nf Till lle.irl-Hllrrtng Ur lUllml HUlel. nf Henry H. VTH.Iiljnrn, the Auilmr, shall meet bnt wc shit II mis him; There will be nne (fM If vacant chair: IiWlll en reus him, if noil nc ,n cm im1 our evening prayer." On the 3th day nf July, I8IS, there wn born In the beautiful colonial homo of his tmrniits In Worcester, Mass., John Wltlsm Orout. n boy whoso short life endeared him to all srho knew him, and whose death In the de fenso of his rountry gave rise to one- of the tendereat nnd most beautiful of till the melodies of wnr. Young Grout grew to manhood's years In the city trf Worcester, nnd from the very begin ning of the wnr he was eager to volun teer, but was kept from doing so at flcu by tho pleadings of hla parents, who folt that ho wns too yonng to begin such service, nnd who felt tlmt tho wnr would bo brief, Ilut ns the call for troops became more urgent they gave their vonsont, nnd when tho Mussa rhusctts Fifteenth roglmonc wns organ liod young Orout hern mo a momhor of It and received the commission of sec ond lleutannnt of company D, a rare honor for 0110 so young to hear. Ilut he was well versod In military tactics und cnpnhlo of filling tho position bet tor than many far older men could Iiavo filled It, and lie was one of the youngest. If not tho youngest, onmmls- giving day, J wrote as ir he had been my bey, anrf bceaute I eotild not help II. Musing upon the matter In u r tired walk, a snort distance frota my residence, I Jotted down the words na thay came to me, ntul copying tlwm nr. they now stand, with hardly a mbat alteration. I gave the vones id the Warewter Spy, bearing only my lu tluls. 'II. 8. W.' I had no thought of the poem attaining tho popularity It haa enjoyed." The poem came to tho twtlco of tho late Oeorge P. Root, who set It to mu Ir. and rery soon It was being sung by many enmp fires nnd In thousands of home. It would be Impossible to estimate the number of copies of It that have beon sold. but. as has bitn the rase with some other Immensely popu lar songs, this very large sale brought no pecuniary pro (It to the author of "Tho Vacant Chair" because of his failure to copyright It. Indeed ho did not receive even Hie eredll due trim for writing Ih song since II wns pub lished aver the Initials of his nanm only nnd when set In music by Mr. Itoot It appeared without Mr. Wash burn's name, so that In many homes In whleh the song wns sung and loved the real name of the author Is not known. Indeed, In some Instance. Sir. Root has recjlved credit for both the miiilc nnd thn wonts. Mr. Washburn, now In his Mtb year. I a resident of tho beautiful Ilrotikllne district of Boston. Tho picture given of him wns taken on Hie sixtieth anni versary of his marriage. In November hist, Mr. Washburn nnd his wife sitting for their photographs on that day. It wns not until three or four yenrs ago tlmt Mr. Washburn publish! his poems In book form. PRESIDENT OF SOROSIS. Mrs. Mary Dame Hall, president of Kornsls. has Innocently created 11 truly terrible sensation among the momftar of the fumoiiH woman's club. Horosli. the operation of focusing the Imnge Ntul exposure. The lens fitted to this camera Is of tho symmetrical typo, ape dully matin for copying purposos. It works at Ml nud ha nn equivalent focus of sixty IncheK. Tho prince of Wales Inspected this remarkable cam era with much Intarosl. UltM'trlo Suit IfefWery. In Oetinvn a uuvol system for dellv-1 silns letters In high apartment houses Is to be tried. On thu ground floor Is arranged n ciihlnu'. having ns many compartments and boxes ns there aro Hoots In the house. When n letter 11 deposited In nny box. It mnUoa a con (net which rings n belt on tho corre sponding Moor. The belt enn only ho stopped by the ronuirnl of Hie letter. The same current that rings the bell opens a valve connected with n water lank In the top of tho house. Hero nre located cylinders at Inched by cords nud pulley to the lotter boxos and so ar ranged that rhen they nro filled with water they will serve to haul up tho letter box nnd Its content to the prop er door. When the box arrives, tho lot ter Is uutomntlrnlly dumped Into n sta tionary reroptarln and ut tho nnma time the cylluder Is discharged of Its wnlor. Tho letter box then descends to the low er Door, the bell stops ringing nnd It remains In position waiting for tho next visit of the postmnn. MrrgcM'Hrlirnetlrr It I lie. flere Is a toy for the navy one whleh some of the navy's mon would enjoy playing with In the neighborhood of the Hpunlsh flotilla. It Is n Dreggos- RnhrocdiT six-pound rifle. It can fro thirty-three Hhota a minute and lis pro Jontllii can pierce three Inches of steel nt a distance of three miles. It Is a new gun which has just been plnred on the revenue cutter Ornshnm. It will be In charge of (Iiinnor I'liui, who has been on tho old cutter An drew Jackson nnd on tho (Ireshnm for twonty-elx years. The (iroshnm has only one slx-paundur rifle, but she could easily Inereaae her nrmameiit by four or Ave more. Rita bits a speed of twoBty-one iiiIIm an hour. Ilut her chief weapon of c'Vuae Is hor torpedo HUM. HurillliR Steel, Sine Mr. r. It. Trlpler of New York haa perfected hla apparatua for llqitl lying air. scientists hare bean able to make curious experiments, na the liquid air can lie secured In large quantities says the Scientific American.. When a dishful of the liquid air Is dipped from the ran It bolls so violently that droits of It are projected ronte distance. The liquid Is blue lu color, and a burn from It takea about six mouths to heal. The picture shows how steel may be ignited In the liquid oxygen. It I nnly nec essary to slick the point of a steel pen Into u match, light it. and thrust the whole into the liquid air. 10 furnUh tHftlelent beat to eommutilrale the Ore to the steel. The Villi' llayt. It Is estimated, says Heienre Sittings, that the earth reseivca not mere than cue thousand-millionth part of the to tal radiation of the sun's rays. If any considerable proportion of this heat were concentrated upon the earth It would not only baeome uninhabitable, but become speedily consumed. If the great accumulation of Ice at the north pale were placed ut a point on which thin tremendous beat could be focused It would melt at the rate of 300,000,000 oublg mile of solid lee per seeoud; and the Heat Is estimated, aa mechanical en erg, at the rate of about 18,000 horse power to every square foot ef surface. HRNIIY 9. WAS! I III' UN. sinned officer lu tho Union army, not yet having reached his nineteenth year. Hoan after its organization young (trout's regiment was ordered to I'ootsvlllo. Mil., and on the 21st of October, 1801. he last his life- at the conflict of Hull's Illtiff. alter display ing tho most rejnnrkablo calmness and courage Ic seeking to ropulse the ene my. Ono writer has said In his ac count of tho coulllct: "The coolnoss, solf-pnssossloti nnd courage of Lieut. (Iront were noticed by his comrade, with astonishment, and grcntl) stimu lated tho courage of others. When the day wns lost, 11 nil they were forced to retreat to the river, he seemed to he utterly roganllesa of himself In his de sire to have the wounded .obeyed to the apposite shore. 'IV hie honor let It ever be rememliered tlmt he WHwed Hip stream In sfcfety with u Iwatload of sufferers, and seeing them aafely land ed, returneu to render like assists nee to others, and continued la do so un til be was obliged to plunge into the stream to aavr hia own lite. He bad reached the middle nf the river when he exclaimed la a comrade ai hla aide: "Tell (ompaay I) I could have reached the shore, but I am shot and mutt sink," and he disappeared from tight. Several weeks later hla hasty waa re covered and placed In Rural cemetery, Worcester, and a splendid monument erected over It. Young (trout was a frequent and ever-welcome visitor at the home of Henry S. Waehburn, of Worcester, and Hie young soldier and Mr. Washburn's sou were Intimate friends and companions. When the news of the young lieutenant's death reached Worcester It created great sor row In many homes and caused Mr. Washburn to write "The Vacant Chair." Rpoaklng of the song. Mr. Washburn soys: "My writing of The Vacant Chair' was entirely unpremed itated. It grew out of the Interest 1 took In Orout ns a promising young otneer. tho Intimate companion of my son. Deploring deeply his death at tho very threshold of a military career, and knowing that he would h missed so tenderly at the fireside and table nf his family, on the approaching Thanks- If made into marble, would lie- lery tko Nlobe. Mrs. Ilnll has nervous prostration and Sorosls Is In despair. It was n wily, mean mukor ot mJioos that Is the ccuso ot It nil. A man Just a common cobbling man Is nt the bottom ot Sorosls' woes. This verita ble genius of n shoemaker sent, sumo months ngo. several pairs of shoos 10 Mrf. Halt. Thut ludy accopted thorn. Titty were u good lit. woll tmidn, nud In ivory rospect desirable. Thou. loo. the foxy shoomuker told Mrs. Hall that since sho liked the shoes he would iiaino the make Sorosls. She wrote lu lepty thut she was glad, sinew the sho? were to bear the Sorosls name, they were like their usmeaake, broad, good and solid. Soon afterward there ap peared on a great, vulgar page of aome phlllailnlan dully paper an advertise ment of "the Sorosls shoe," together MARY DA.MK 1IAI.I.. with a fae-slmlle of Mary Dame Hall's note! Thla advertisement spread ev erywhere and was blatoned in shop windows In colors. Sorosls held n meetings several meetings in fart and found that It could not stir or top tho tradesman In his enterprise. He apologised, but refused to withdraw the advertisement. Sorosls must con tinue to suffer or drop Its beloved and hitherto untarnished name. A TepllU old lady of 00 has com mitted sultlde by holding her brad dawn In a tub at water benuie she did sot want to lire to be 100 yesrs eld.