Newspaper Page Text
im Coonijr Dex no l die ei fHE EDDY CURRENT Pocos Vnlloy to tho Front, Cronkora to tho Ronr. VOL. VI. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 0, 181)8. NO. 0, UEMOHiATiS CON VJBNIS. STATE CONVENTION IN SESSION AT OAL.VESTON. ffmi. II, Wall nf Uamaruti Temporary flmlriiinn Mill nu.ln.i. Daiirllm rouiuilllm nn I'armanitnt OrgniilmlliHi Nmiiim lltnkn rrninnnt (ilinlrmnii. Oalvcstou, Tex., Aug. 3. It was con Idciably after 11 o'clock whea the convention bad been called to order yestordoy. (balrmnn lllnko rapped for ordor and then Introduced lto. W. I), llrndriold, nas'or of 8t. John's Methodist ohureh, who Invohod dlvlno bloMlng. Chairman Illlike than Introduced jaunty Judgo Morgan M. Mann of Unl vcton county, to make the addrew ot wolcomo. Chairman Wake said ho fully npprc dated tho hospitality of tho city of Ualvoston, but foellng unable to appro prlntoly ospoi:d to tho splendid nd ilrnss of Unlvoston county's young Judge, ho would Introduuo tho Hon. H. M Hall of tho Panhandle, that blK part of Toxns, Tho band played "Tho Star-Hpangled vllanncr." Chairman lllnko then addressed tho convention at some longth. At tho conclusion of hi nddreea Chairman Illako had Secrotary Ken nedy read tho report of the oxcctttlvo commute, recommending the follow ing temporary oflloors of tho conven tion Chairman, lion. Jim. II. Wotls of ('"moron county; secretary, Hon. A 1 rlggnnce of Orlmim county; as nlstafit secretaries, Mr. C. W. Ohlldos . . . ......1.. t t Ill I..... j i luiiuuL lumiiy, .nr. i.nt uimiciieuo " , f .. . . . . t . . . ui juuurnuii luuiiiy, .nr. lom ftupiur oi Wood county ntul Mr. Jnmos Hays Charles of McLennan county. Hon. Jag. K. 1. (Illlosplo of Harrison r.ounty, moved tho adoption of tho ro Jinrt, nnd tho motion provallod without dissent Chairman Ulnko uppolntod an a com mittee to oscort Mr. Wells to the plat form Hon. It. M. Stnftord, Judgo 15u Kono William nnd Congressman d. W. 'V I-anham. Introduced by Congressman linham thrro wus a burnt of applatiio. Mr. Wells npoko for nbout ulKhtoon min ute. Ho called to tho attention of tho convention the dutlos they w -ro about to entrr upon nnd Impressed ipon the lclri;atf9 the Importance of their act. The t'milliilttv'. WorU. With 13. B. Chosshlre uh lt otm Ir anian, tho committee on permanent or ganization and order of business- met at 4 o'clock p. in. In the Clayton build ing A resolution providing that the permanent olIlcerH of the convention Twonty-olghth V. A. Connellao of ltostland. Twenty-ninth D. M. linker of Hemphill. Thirtieth J. W. Bwnyne of Tarrant. Thirty-first Alvln C. Owsley of Denton. In the position nf chief secretary, Jamoe Hay QunrlM at Waoo wm reo emmended. who named m hi assist nntn the following: It. It. I Saner, Dallas, dale Tallin" of Wise, It. It. Dodoeon of Navarro, 0. I 1.0 gnu of Johnson and 0. D. linker of Uvalde. Tho oommlttco rocommendwl for chief wrReaiit-at-aniiH J. 8. McCon licit of Homl and for bU neolitant V. J. L. Hulllvnn of Panola, V. 1'. Pace of Dalian, John McTleruan of Nuoce. Jerome Whontloy of IMtter. J. It. til llton of Oaldwell, Wlloy M. Imlwdtn of Cherokee. W. F. Ross of IVtH. John W. linker of Mcl.ennnii, A. C. Murray or liurloNou nnd P. It. KutM of Kauf man. On Mr. Andrewi' motion Mr. Illako wai recommended tinunlmouily by the vommlttoo In Its report to the conven tion for pormnnont chairman of Hint body. Tho three committee Htood iih fol lows: Platform nnd rMolutloni I'lrnt dis trict II. v. O'Nell of Cam: neroml dl- trlel, Jams Clark of Itml Ittver: third dlilrlct. J. I Curpentor of Pnunln; fourth dlitrlct. J. W. I1nllty of Cooko; fifth dlatrlet, J. It. Couch of Colllln; Uth (llntrlct, IWwMnl (I ray: wveiith district, II. Chilton; eighth dhitrlct, 11, T. Mllnor of lliuk; tenth dUtrlet. M. M. Crano; olevonth dUtrlct, T. 8 Hen demon of Mllamni twelfth dlitrlet, A. J. Harper of Mmoatono; thlrtemith dis trict, T. M. Cnmpbol! of AnderHon; fourteenth dlntrlct, 8. II. Cooper of Ty lor; fifteenth dlntrlrt, M. S. i.'ooptr; Hlxtoonth dUtrlct, It. P. Hamblen of Houston; neventeonth dlHtrlet, O. 0. Davis and N. M. VoKeUniiK; oluhlconth dlHtrlet, Jonathan I.ano of Pnyetta; nineteenth dlhtrlct, H. H. Oarwood f f Haatrop; twentieth district. T. W. Orocory of Travln; twonty-llrst din trlot, A. H. Btory of Caldwell; twenty Kocond dlstrlet, It. A. I'leiuan(s of Do Witt; twonty-third district, J. n. Wells of Cameron; twenty-fourth dlHtrlet, J. P. Onion of llexnr; twiuty-llfth dls trlet, W. W (latowood; twonty-slxth dlstrlet. 0. W. (loodwln of Drown; twonty-sevcnlh district, A Mnthls of Corysll; twenty-elHhth dUtrlct. T. II. Connor of Ifnstland; twenty-ninth dls trlet, II. II. Wallace or Potter; thir tieth Jlstrlct. W. P. or Tar rant; thlrty-llrst dlstrlet, P. P. Hill or Denton. Credentials committee Plrst dlstrlet, 8. It. Robertson or Mor ris; second district, H. II. Pounders or Titus; third district. T. W. Carlouk or lamnr: fourth district. J. I n ahould consist or a chalrmnn. ono Cooho; llfth district. T. C. Thornton or vice president from each of tho nna'Unt: blxth district. T. 11. HldKell of Itoekwnll; soventh district. T. It. Dur ham; olKhth dlstrlet. II. 1). Pitts of Harrison; ninth district. C. V. Croft of Nnvarni; tenth district. P. W. I,ow; eleventh district. Sam Prsomnn of Mllnm; twelfth dUtrlct. C. A. Adams of Drnzorln; thlrtMinth district. J. K. Downs; foiirlenlh district. (Icn. W. O'llrlon or JefTerson: llfteonth district, A. K. Ilrlmmee; sixteenth dlstrlet, CharltM iJiiiflmmmer; sevtntesnth dls trlet. Ouy Mitchell of Wharton and Wharton Unto of Drnxorla; eighteenth district, Leo C. Ayws of Colorado; nineteenth district. J. P. Iluehaiian; twentieth district. Iko D. Whits; twen-ty-flrst dlstrlet. W. M. Ply or aousnlen; twenty-second district, N. It. Wnllase or AtaseoMi; twenty-third dlstrlot, Charles If. (Ilazbrook; twenty-fourth district, Chas. Sehrclnnr of Ksff; twen- ty-urth dlstrlet, J. a. Murphy; twenty-sixth dlstrlet, John J. Cox ot Mills) twenty-seventh dlstrlet, John I Rpur lln ot Hamilton; twenty-eighth dis trict, Albert Ktevensen or Palo Plntoi twenty-ninth dlstrlet. It. It HHffHf of Wlahlta: thirtieth dlstrlet. A. It. Cul well of Parker; thirty-first dlstrlet, U It. MeOoiiald of Montague. Permanent organization Pint dli UM, I). It. Powell or Morris; seeond dlstrlet, James Patterson or Delta: third dlstrlet. W. It Utlmore or La mar; fourth dlstrlet, P. II. Dullard of of Qrayson; fifth dlstrlot. J. T. Crad- dook of Hunt; sixth district. l,ee II. Hughes; seventh dlstrlet, J. M. Uug rord; eighth dlstrlet. M. II. Ilrown of Shelby; ninth dlstrlet. Cunningham or Kaufman; tenth dUtrlct. Tom Hell ot Hill; eleventh dlstrlet, 0. L. Strib- blliiR of MeUnuan; twelfth dlstrlet, Jhn Mitchell; thirteenth dlstrlet. J. 11 8hw)k; fourteenth dlstrlet, John T. Hart; fllfteenth dlstrlet, J .0. Smith; sixteenth dlstrlet, A. U. Llpeeuib sevenlenth dlstrlet, W. 8. Dreeks and W. M llrajibn nJirhtnalllt. Hl.lrlal ... www " .MV-M. M . I I William Illckely or Uvacn; nlnotecnth district, It. J. Alexander; twentieth district, D. 8. Chcssher; twenty-first district. P. C. Wrlnct of (luadnlupoi twenty-second district. I. P. Klbbo of Calhoun; twenty-third district, L. II. Olios; twmtty-rourth dlstrlot, Albert Pnlton or Olllesple; twonty-IUth dls trlit, J. N. Oarner; twenty-sixth dls trlet. I). J. While or Colemon; twenty soventh district. W. It. Sedberry or lloue; twenty-nlghth district, H. C. Crane of Fisher; twenty-ninth dls trlet. W. II. Plenums of Potter; thir tieth (tlMtrlet. C. It. Ilowlln nf Tarrant; thirty-first dletrlet. T. It. Allen or Wise. To prevent undue consumption of time the committee resolved to recom mend to tho convention that It limit nominating speeches tn ten mlnuteH and nil secnndiiiR speeches to live min utes. In relation tn Hint pnrt or the order or business reRanllng nominating siteekhaa. the cnminltico recommended that the lie made In the foliowliiK or der: 1. Governor. S. Lieutenant miv ornor. 3. Attorney Kcncrnl. I. lind oommlsslouor. C. Treasurer. (I. Comr- trollcr. J. Superintendent of public In struction. 8. Hallway commlsslousr U. AsNoelate justice nf the supreme court. 10. Associate Justice or the criminal court. 11. Chairman or the state executive committee. 12. Mom here or the state executive eommlltw from the dirfnront senatorial dlstrlctn torlnl districts, ouu secretary and live assistants, nnd ono abler sorgeanl-at- urms nnd ten assistants was adopted Too committee then agreed to rec ommend tho name or Prank Andrews n , llnt.1. nl. .. - mi liunin iur IIIUIIUIll L'llUirillUli, and tho following vlco-prosldents front tho various senatorial districts: First district II. C. Hynson ot Ilowle Second II. 8. Crosby of Hopkins. Third Travis Henderson of Ijimar. fourth H. It. Smith o (lrayson. Fifth It. M. Chnpmnn of Hunt. Blxth-W. M. C. Hill of Dallas. Hovcnth Oallatln Kearby of Van Kandt Klghth f. II. Drown . NInth-Charloa P. Kotehum of Kaufman. -Tenth W. C. Ware of Hill. Kloventh J. D. Sanford of MoLen- nan Twelfth-Seott Field or Ilobertson. Thirteenth -James P. OIIwm ef Cherokee. Fourteenth John T. Hart . Fifteenth it. I). wy of Madison. Sixteenth It. P. Hamblen of Harris. 8evcnteentb Jnlin it tui... hlghteenth leo. MeCormlek of Col- orado. Nineteenth Harry Ilsynes of Wash- Twentieth It. It. Ilrooka or Wll- lamson D. Pauit ot Twenty-first J oseoh mini i weniy-seconu it. w. lludneu ot Fir a Twcnty-thlrd-Amador Snnehsz of Webb. rwenty-fourth Ifdgar Sahram ot Tllcxar Twenty-fifth Charles BohrelHir Kerr '1 wenty-slxth Hygne Moore Smith. Twenty-seventh W. U. Sedberry, of ot INiIIoii IUII Triitn. lhilr lliillm. Dallas. Tex., Aug. 1 The Urst ias sengor train to enter this city via the Cotton llelt railway arrived yesterday morning at B: 15 o'clock. It brought n numbor or imascugers and a steeper for Calveston. which was turned ovor to tho Santa Pe. The second wns nn oxcurslon train from Texnrkana and nil Intormudlnto points. It conslstMl of fifteen coaches loaded with oxottrsloulstH and arrived ut 10-13 o'clock. This train was met nt the Santa Pe-Cottou Holt terminal station by seventy-five members of tho Dallas Commercial club with budget on. Accompanied by tho Dallas Union band of sixteen pieces. A tho train pullid In the band played "There'll be a Hot Tlmo In the Old Town To Night." About 1800 cltlzetib were nlso ut tho station. After a general handshaking sevcrcl of the visitors. Cotton llelt olllclals end employes nnd the Commercial ctub members marched to the club building, wh"ro an elegant luncheon was servtwl A feast of oratory followed, during which the light lutnil of fellowship nnd n cordial welcome was extended the visitors and the Cotton llelt road. At the conclusion ot the speech .mak ing the gnthnrlnc resolved Itself Into on informal affair, during which tho bonds of friendship were strongly ce moutod and u mint onjoynble time had by nil. London, Aug. A CMbrnltnr eorr spondent. telegraphing Monday night. says: The censorship Is dully heonmttiK more severe, and little is known be yond the fact that peace Is aaatirml. It Is understood that the not from America neks only nc.rt of the Philip pines, and that Henitr ga&Mta, bavins refilled that the terms will be aeerHel, hostilities are consequently suspended. A commission will b appointed to determine tho basis ot peace. The chief dlnieulty, It Is understood In oniclal circles, Is as to the date and manner of the evacuation of the Spanish ihm sessions. There is also the question of the dis posal or the war material In Cuba. Honor Bagasta. ir he has a elm nee. will probably represent a restitution or the material as a diplomatic vletory. It has Just been asserted here that the premier has sueeended Ih obtain ing slightly improved terms. The treaty will not Im signed before September. Trni. I'urwiirtleil. tendon, Aug. 3, A Madrid corres pondent telegraphing Tuesday, eaye: "Thn government's reply to the Amer lenn terms was forwnrdwl through M. Cninbon, and there Is a strong ptwel blllty tliat peace will be coneluded. "It Is not to be supposed that the United States government will object to representations being made on the Philippine question nnd upon some pe cuniary claims which were mooted by the United State In the West Indies. "On all the remaining main umiihs Spain shews a dlayoeMlon to uaaent to the Aniertean dewamta," The steamer WMterutund immchI through a maw ot tloatlug tDftHea near Sable Island. N Inluriiinittiii. Tiashlnftloii. Aug. 3. Shortly lietore midnight last night Secretary Alger, ns lie lft the whlir hnns, sfter n confer ence with the president, said I he ad ministration bad received tin nillojat Information that tho Madrid ovem ment hnd accepted the terms of iace tiropoeed by the I'niiml Htntea. UwoclBlly the presldont had lieen Informed that .he MianUh ministry had acceded to the terras of this conn try for a ressatlnn of the war. The uttnmeUl advices have reached the prOfllflent in the form not only of press dlanatckes. mil private dispatches from conwl-ntlal agi-nt of the Pnlted States government. While this government has strong reasons for bcli,.vhm that Its terms of peace hare been agreed to by the Mad rid government, the president la tnk liiK nothing (or grsntd. Arrniigemeuts ror preeelug the wsr to a aiiewwsful coiioImsIoii err going forward precise ly an If no nep. .latlonjfnr ponce wer In progreH. At n confrrrnce iwrtlvtimted In try prosinent. Hetretsry Aker and the Anjt. uen. Corliln ut the oxecutlvo mansion last isi t night a final decision wns reached as to the constitution of tho provisional government for Porto Illen, to be commanded by den, Wndn. Tlfe regiments whleh are to comprise tho Corps weri- decided upon, and will be dodgnnted In a general order. Sec retory Alger ssys that tho eoriw might Ho on route to Porto Itleo within a woak. Notwithstanding these wnrllke nroD nrntlona. the belief In ollleinl circle amounts almost to n conviction that aotlve hostPJtles have been concluded Nnhl .ri'il. Now Ytirk. Aug. f. A special from Madrid says: Bpnln accepts tho principal condl tlona of pence as set forth by the American government, nnd only tho penro detail are needed to cutuo all hostilities to rcase at once. A ponoo delegation will bo chosen nt onou to confer with tho reprosoutu lives or the UuUltrd "tales. Tho peace conditions as set rorth by Prosldent MrKlnley wcro dismissed nt length yostcrday by Minister Bagnstn and nt tho conclusion It was given out orilolally that the terms or tho United StntON would bo ncceptod. There are one or two amendments In tho proposition that tho Spanish will ask to be made, and It this Is dune peace will be declared at once, "llrllllmit" Vlilurr, Mndild, Aug. 3. An olllrlnl dispatch from HavHBU inys 100 insurgenta re- ooutly attacked a Spanish detachment numbering twenty men and command ed by n sergeant, near llunucs, In the western pnrt of the province or Plnar dol Itlo. After n fearful Unlit, the dls- patoh adds, tho Insurgents lied, having Hilled ten of the Spaniards and wounded n number of others. The silrvlrore. It npponrs. are to be dsoorn ted nnd reeaiitpeiiael. HoImou wns taudercd a reception nt Atlanta, (1a. MlllH O.illllllliint .tcclnl. iahhoii, Aug. . a Jiaiirid corre- spondent says: THe aovernmant hna nrcetitetl the prinrleal of the American conditions, but the acceptance will not be madi public until liidiilrles to WHshtugton In matters or detail have been settled, thus eoundltif? nnielal preliminary basis. WliHt llin llnirlU Shti, llerlln. Aug. J. The seml-onielal North German (tnsette publlshea a statement on the subject or n Herman policy at Manila, based on olllolal re- ports, explaining: that this Is doue "with the view or correcting mlsrepre senlaiKjRs In forolgn newspapers." It says that for the purpose of affording the Oerman colony Immediate shelter. In east of Heed, mmis chartered steam era wsre anchored near the Herman warship Irene, In the river, under the protection of the armed boats. Ourltcll l'u, Miuicy. New Vork. Aug. 3. James J. Cor- bett soated IiSOq nt the otlleo or a morning paper ror a match with Mob PltzslMtnons or Jim Jeffries. In sis letter Corbett says: "If I defeat McCoy nt llutfalo I shall expect PltxslmrnBHs to show a dispo sition to make a match. It he Is un willing to do so the I IMS goes to Jet fries, biih if I detant JWTrlea I do not sec bow .Pits nan decline to aieet me." Itur Itltky was gnred U death by a bull war Ledbetter, Tux, AitTSSllit aUallug C'lotml, Fort Worlh, Tox.. Aug. 1. Tho an nual conference nnd camp meeting ot tbe Bovcnth Dny Adveutlsts came to a close last night, after being In session for ten days, Tho attendance nt the meeting Just closod was better than that of any previous occasion. It Is ostlmntcd that thero has been a rogu- lar nttendance ot about 12C0. Those members ot tho Seventh Day Advent 1st doctrine came from almost every section ot Texas. Iloproscntatlven of the faith were present from Now York, Mlehlgnn, Nebraska, nrwas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Klder C. McTloynolds or Kcene, the prosldent of tho conference, stated thnt ho was very much pleased with tho re sults ot thn conference Just olosed. lie fools that tho denomination Is now In n stronger nnd better condition than It ever has boon before. It is esti mated that there nro nt present In the state twenty-ono churches, with a membership ot so mo thing ovor 1000. At thn conference, this year several now churches wero admitted, with a healthy membership. During tho moetlng Just closed among thoso who hnvo bocn prcsont rrom abroad wore: Ulders J. W. West phal or Kansas, J. A. Unison or Ne braska, A. F. Dallenger or New York, K. T. Kussnll or Oklahoma and S. 0, Osborno ot Missouri. Those elders bavo filled tho pulpit from day to day boforo congregations numbering trotn COO to COO people. Ullil anil niroril, flalroston, Ter., Aug. 1. The one captain to call upon his man to return thanks to Almighty (lod for tho victory ot July 3 was Capt. John Philip of the battleship Toxns. In appreciation of tho reverent Chris tlan spirit that actuated tho command er of the Texan, tn honor ot tho gal lant ship that bears the name ot the Loue Star state, and to commemorate tho noblo victory at Santiago, a citizen ot aalveston sugecsts that tho Sunday school scholars ot tho whole stato of Texas bo asked to contr."ute, on suoh Sunday ns tho pastors ot the various churches elect, n nickel aploco toward buying a Illblo and a sword, to bo pre sented to Capt. Philip In tho namo ot tho young Christians of tho stato. Much irii.nt. Fort Worth, Tox., Aug. t Union depot officials stato that several trains of now crop wheat havo already passed through Fort Worth. Tho larger part ot tho shipment! onmo from tho Den ver country, nnd woro destined for Oal vnston and Now Orloans. Duslnesa Is getting active again, nnd ns tho wheat shipments Increase In volume the union dopot will again assume tho ap pearance it hnd last spring during the great cattlo and ornngo rush. Dull ness has been slack for rfomo woeka past, but from nppearanco or tho yards tho dull season Is nbout over. Miami dump Abanvsntd. Austin, Tex., July 30. Yesterday morning Gov. Culberson sent tho fol lowing tslsgram to Secrotary ot War Alger: Austin, Tex., July 20 Secretary of war. Washington, D. C: Ofllelal raport to me shows that yesterday 781 men were sick In tho Texns roglmonts nt Miami. Some eases are serious. Tho people hero are nnxlous nnd will np preelnto prompt notion. a A. OULIIHIISON. Oovcrnor, Tho following reply wns received! Wnshlngton, July 31. (lov. 0, A. Culberson. Austin: The nlwndonment of Mlnral ban been ordered. it. a. a i.o mi, Secretary of Wnr. replied: Austin. Tox., .Inly 29. Secretary ot war. Washington: Tho peoplo of Toxns will feci deeply grntoful for your prompt notion, and will bo plaeod un der renewed obligations If tho need of clothing be Immediately met. C. A. CULllliltSON. Coventor. Hrhtilnitlr Cuniut. ustln, Tox., July .10. Tho depart ment nf education has been exceed ingly busy during the last few weekn. thn taking of the scholastic censua under tho now law haa caused thin ac tivity. This law was enaotod by the last legislature and Its purpose was Lo prevent the padding of tho scholastic census. The scholastic census ror tho yenr ending In 180(5 was 718,040; thn scho lastic census tor thn yenr ending In U07 was 7S2.041: thn scholastic census for tho year ending In 1898 wna 770, 807. For tho year ending In 1X90 thn gain wan 34 per cent: ror tho year ending In 1S07 tho gain was 1.0 per cent: ror tho year ending In 1898 tho gain wan 3.3 per cant, making nn nvorngo gain or 3.8 per cent ror the threo yonrs. Ks tlmstlnc thnt the gain would have continued at tho same rato tindor tho old law the scholastic census tor tho year ending In 1899, Ir taken under that law, would have bocn 805,388, Tho scholastic census or 173 coun ties, which tins already boon received, Indicates n loss or nbout r.0,000 balow tho census for tho oamo counties last year. lllnbnall VToa. Fort Worth. Tox.. Aus. 1. Tho con. tost for tho silver trophy for best In dividual shot In tho Fort Worth dun Club association closod Baturday af ternoon nnd tho prlxo was nwnrded to Jesso W. Illoknoll of the Hotel Worth. Nnt H. Oramrnor came In a close soc ond. Tho club agreed on 200 targets, bluerocks being used, nnd each mem ber was to have twenty target! and tho contest was to take ptaro each Satur day. Mr. ItlckniU's scoro was 724 par cent and ho wm presented tilth tho beautiful trophy Saturday afternoon by prosldent B. It. Howe ot the club. A aao.oco suit. Dallas, Tax.. Aug 1 rtor. S. A. Hay- dan, editor of the Texas Uaptlst and Herald, baa fiisd suit In tho fourteenth district court against the Qlobe Print ing company, ot St Louis, publishers ot tho Qlobe-Dsmocrat, for 150,000 damages for alleged libel. Tho suit Is based on a special telegram from Dal las In the Olobe-Demoorat In rofaraaoe to Iter. Dr. Hayden's reoant Arraign ment In Judgo a ray's court for alloged contempt ot said court. Ua m rarlough. Itasta, Tox., Aug. 1. Arthur Hants- ter, one of tho volunteer boys from this plsoe, has arrived on a furlough from Miami, Fla., having been blown out ot a pit by aooldent, Injuring one of his eyes. Ho seams to ba In fine health and reports having boon treated royally by tho war department and teems to be well satisfied with Uncle Barn's way ot doing business and will return Just as soon as hto wound will permit fliiMUr Hurt. Oreonvlllo, Tex., July 30. Capt Cook's recruiting party has securod threo mon, who will ho sent to Fort CInrk. Part of tho recruiting detail Is In Sulphur SprlugH. Private MoKlnnoy, Just discharged from company O. second Texns regit mcnt, whllo on IiIh way home, being tlrod nf wnlklng, laid down on some grass near tho Sherman, Bhraveport and Southern track, Just east of here, and whllo sleeping, probably got his hoad on the rail. Ho awoko to And his head bathed In blood nnd tho train crew standing ovor him. Ho wan brought Into town and nttended to by the railroad surgeon, nnd Is not seri ously Injured. Ho wns on his wny homo to Van Alslyno. lrlnii Itiinnvrnr. ' nalesvlllo, Tor... July 30. About noon yesterday two little sons of J. S, Wlnflold, whllo selling melons In tho resident portion of town, tho horso became frightened and rah awny. Ono of tho lioya toll from tha wagon on the el - a and la severely cut In tho head. Tho other ono held to the wagon for nearly half a tnlla when he wns thrown out nnd wna ploked up unconscious. Ono side of ilU skull Is broken In badly and very llttls hopo of bis recovery Is ontertalned. Train Wreck. Texarknna, Tex., July 30. A wreSk occurred Thursday nftsrnoon on tho nnsss City, Pittsburg and Oulf rail road about thirty miles north ot this plaee. Several oars and the eaboose ot n freight train wer thrown from the traek and traffic entirely suspended on neeount ot the eondltlou ot tho track, No one was Injured. Uy the overturning of an engine oa the Southern Pacific the fireman was klllad. Iloustit Multi, Waxnhaehle, Tex., July 30. ifr J. A. Moss ot Uoubam was here yesterday and bought u carload ot big mules for tho government Naw on IUII, Taylor, Tex., July 30. Mr. F, W. Maddon of Uruaevlllo was hero Thurs. day to select and lay off a alto for a large cotton oil mill which his com pany Is arranging to locate at this plaee. He has entered Into a contract with the International and Great Northern Itallroadkmipany tor the She "It requires moBey to gat Into society nowaday." He-"Yes; and It raaulras brains to keep out ot U."