Newspaper Page Text
r X I 4 Smnrn i i 6( in a cona According to what rlfralers in furni ture mx, mahogany ha the first place Id popular esteem, with dark oak sr end. In this way It li found that far a diHwInivroom of lofty proportion! Louli XV.. with Id broad, tweeplng rococo details, la desirable. The amall reception room la generally done In IxjuIi XVI. In tho dining-room. If n cheerful, moderate ilxrd apartment, tho old Dutch or colonial styles aro found to bo moat popular. If the dining room be a grand talon with high ceil ing and much wainscoting. Henry I. or Knncls I . In the uiual dark oak, are preferable. New York 8un. Mr Whcn It comes ts revcrga a woman ran excel a man. i8slvs& mm unsT STOCK.... SADDLES The. Olitesl Vulnnleer. A Now York State doetor, aged 10V, volunteered lit oervlww to the I'rml dent recently ntt tin iiriny tnrgunn. At hi iitlviititHl year ho unti rottil without jfln, niul walk 10 mile a day. The oltlost standard tntdlolne Is 1 Ins totter' Stomach H'Mors, whloh htm no ofttinl for Indigestion, (l)'ieplii mid consti pation. One bollledooi iniiuli rocxI. Rome people flatter In order to have llko fcrvlf rendered them. Dr. MorTetre TlltnifA (Teething; Pow ders) lit the tirrpsratlan tit has gained to muen reputation in mi our urre cine in In the World. We eenil Iheoi . II. li Willi the prlr liege of In e nesting nc1JlfVtirjlnit lurm Penil (or free enUVfltf. The J. H. Wilson Siddtery Co, Denver, Colo. BAYLOR FEMALE COLLEGE. i pprm Ppi f.'H 1b oim. I.rf..i, w.iw. lln ltio,ulti llllf wtmari.haftlthrulrliMiat.1 i tofMuivgai. Wm.A. vviiion, ffti., Ositsn, tsus. ! bo fair need watching, sating the llte ot nothing fblMrtn Bd idmrmi ineir ir.irimiif ana lid fill If! UKI tllMl If KRfl lloi eerrn ilie life f herlltuemi- f r mi l ha Alas nlinlBMhmi tliHr rr.itiallti shmtia ml in use then if she rm mi Mother lroa in pre- lilirMtlon. HmuliiM the lluwcli and makes teething esy. fho ploddlnR imth In tho road to plenty of hnnl work. Her n perfect oonitilcxlon and a clear. Lfftltliy skin, uia COSMO lIUTTKUMU.k MOAT. Bold ererywbsrn. A man who 1 alwaya asking you to Pr A Beautiful 6S6!lt Ff 66 For a few months to all ultra of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, FUt Iron Drand). To Induce you to try thli trand ol starch, to that you may (Ind out lor yourself that all cUtmi for id tuperi' crily and economy are true, the maker have had prepared, at great expense, a scries ol lfrCT 111 f e MtiMuiNotMwuC' 1 Hnratl ant couts us ant rm ut ate Hf24eB 1 . a ISi ratsmi av . fttflB I M rSVHt ST TVS HUM Will M ai,kkwkk4aiua KfjfSi ifiitiriAaot itjflll 1 j(Miinh . h9DB Game Plaques exact reproduclloni of the 510,000 originate by Muvllle, which will be Civenyeu ABSOLUTELY FREE by yourerocer oncondlllon named below. Theie Plaqueeare 40 inchei in circumference, are free of any itigEcitlon of advertising whatever, and will ornament the mott elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable pretend to it customer. They are not for tale at any price, and can U obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects arei AMERICAN WILD DUCKS, AMERICAN PHEASANT, ENGLISH QUAIL, ENGLISH SNIPE. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life, Each Plaque Is bordered with a band o( gold. HOW TO GET THEM: All purchasers of tlirro 10 root or tlx 5-rcnt pioltaze of r.lakllc Starch (flat Iron llrand' urn rnlttlcxl to receive from thrlr u roe or one of th"o lif mill'iil (Isma Plaques froe. Tba olnqurn will not be tent lij tnnll. ttiejr can be utta'.nMl only from your irrorrr Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. Do not delay, till offer l :or a bhort Uiiip inlv. Elastic Starch has been the standard lor 25 years. TWENTYTWO MILLION pack age of this brand were told last year. That' how good it is. Ask Your Dealer to show ycu the Plaque and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. Tlie ITIne rnlth In Belenri. An old tory. and yet on int-reatlnr, one. hat Ju.i been rolotd by Mr M. Grant Duff. When the prlneo ot Wnle waa ttudylnc under Sir Lyon I'layfalr In VJdlnhurgh. that gentleman, after tnklnsr tho precaution to make him wah hi hand with nmmonla, to get rid of any grease that might be on them. ald: "Now, air, If you have faith In science, you will plunge your right hand Into that cauldron of boil ing lead, and ladle It out Into the cold water which I (landing, by." "Aro you serious r asked the pupil. "Per fectly." waa the reply. "If you tll mo to do It. I will." said tho prince. "I do toll you." rejoined Plnyfalr. and the prince Immediately lodlod out the burning liquid with perftet Impunity. Important tu Mnttirrs. The munufsemrfrii nf Caatnrla have been rmnpellfdlo wnl imndrrds of tbuusamls o! ilnlUiM w fimllUr le ie public with tho sic nature ef Out II. ritedr. This has been ticefHHklMled by reawm ef pirate counterfeit lax Ikn Cetlnria Irmrte mark. Tills cmmlcr fflllnc I erltnr not only slnit tlio preprte tor of Ctiterla, but ntnlnst the nrowlnc senrrntlen. All person should beearrfulto see that Cantoris bear the alBnatitre of Chaa. II fir trlier. If tber trouM aaant the health of tl.elr rhlldren. I'arents bud mnthera, In rr u.ular, ouiht to earefally eiamlnn the ( ailoria ndrerilaemeata which haro been ! pearlnxln thl MPr. atiil to remember that the wrapinr ef etenr bottle ef renulHej&aterla hear the far aitnile alrnatur of rha. II. rirtcher. under rhae aupei vision It baa been manufactured cvnilnaousty tor oter thirty years. Why un't the nolo that rlnga In vour ear aiMtarrlng? I Miall recniiimend I'leo'e Cure for Cttfl "iiiipliiin far nnl klo. - Mrs. Mullh.'an, I'lumMeaO. Kent. KnelanU, Nor. 8, ISO. To Klocp well ono ahouhl bo on tho niah from morn till iiliiht. A hath wUb" txiailO HUlTHHMIliK HOAV, exqulsitelr eeutnd, la oolulng iiud beuetloliiL Hold ererywliero. A cunning minority often honta nn over-confident majority. Wlivut 40 C'eut H rintliel. Hnw to grow wheat with tilir profit at ii) renU nnil aiiuiple of HuUer'n Hed Urow (60 lluahrlaperncrei Winter Wlient, Hye, Onta, C'lo era. etc. . with I'tirm Hecvl Cntnlocun for 4 rents twatair, JUlIN A. BAI.ZEIl HKKI) CO., Ha Crowe. Wis. w.n.u. Wire fnrmera initko lmy while gold brlcka glitter for other. Unit' Cittarrli Cure I taken Internally, l'rlqe, 75a MD1RT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. Opportunity ilona a grout deal Unit I nullity kih the credit lor. Heat Warm Wentlier Heat anil Comfort. Thnro I a powder to be shaken Into tho shoo railed Allon'a Foot-Kaso, In- vented by Allen H. oiimtrd, Lo Hoy, N. ! Y which driiXKlatti nnd shoe doalcra ay la tho beat thing they over cold to I euro awollon, burning, aoro nnd louder or aching feet. Homo donlera clulm that It make tight or now ahoo feel easy. It certainly will euro corns nnd bunions and relievo Instantly inventing, hot or amartlng foot. Allen' Foot Kuio coitt only n quarter, nnd tho In , ventnr will send a sumplo free tu any aaurots. Thvro nre aoine rot that certainly pOMOH tho roliirnriinted voloca of tor tured Infanta, judging by wnlllng. Mrs. Vlniiow'tSooiiiins; Nvrup. rerrblld-ra leetblac. larteai Ibe uaiai. rrJocei lo 8tmifiallia,alUrila.iiraiwlBdeelle. lit abolUa. Ono half I Iim world make n good living working the other hnlf. Citen Katattis Tho speeini eerreapontieat of the Saturday Review at llelgrasle baa fal len In love with queen Natalie, lie aw her with the King of 8ervla and tho I'rlnee of Montenegro at tho cathe dral at llelgrnde when there wan a re quiem for thoio who died at Kosaavo 07 yoara ago. If, he says, the king' appearand had aurprleil me. that of hi mother almost overwhelmed me. I had expected great beauty, hut not atirh transeendent beauty a this. It la a beauty which no pencil has been able lo reproduce, and which no pen could ever hope to describe. As he stood there In the eathdral, dreered In deep mourning for the requiem, the woro a pathetic expression for which men lay down their live; In the afternoon, on the Imloony of the palace. In a blouse of light-blue silk. ehnttln( to her son and guest, alio wna all vivacity and sparkle, nnd I could not wonder at the dense crowd who atood gaping their admiration, lint It wa at the theater. In a low, cream satin dress, that alio appeared most atattieaqtiely divine: the first part of the story ot King I'rant'U and the glove was no longer a legend to me, far who would nut risk everything to gratify her slightest whim? aimnleil Amen to the 1'rearlier. In a certain Methodist church In this city n minister's sermon was almost spoiled yesterday morning In an unex pected manner. One of tho members of tho church has n bright young son, who I opposed to lung eermotis and Isn't afraid lo say ho. Mo wondered why the elders sometimes said "amen" In chinch, and asked It's pa to onllguten him. Tho father explained t'.int to "amen" anything was to approve t to ho In favor ot It. After rradlng his text yesterday morning this particular Methodist preacher said: "I am not, going to prrnch to you very long this morning." "Amen!" shouted the 1 childish but loud treble from a pew woll up in fiont. livery head was turned In the direction of the boy. and a titter ran through the congregation. ' The hoy's father smothered him. but the damage had been done. Even the minister smiled, but he waa badly rat tled by i hat "amen," and did not preach with his usual fervor nnd earn cstness. A good sermon had boen spoiled by the precocious youngster. St. Louis Globo-Dcmocrat. Tho best way to tlcstroy an enemy u to make a frlond nf him. CAUSE FOR ALARM. How baldness begins. How to prevent it. Ttvery person, male or If male, shrinks tram Sildero. It aditt Is the apjiratanre nf ( and I a rleiu dlxsmforl The tun ati rare when the fslllnf mil ol the hair may nut be stopped, and a aw and health? tath af the lialr piemeltil The hair gfrwa In the naif Ilk a plant In the sell. If a plant flourttnrt. It rauit have esmilant Mention. It mart be watered reinlarly an.l find Its food In the soil where It U rooted, tl'a in with the hair. Ntilttt It usually thr brftnnlnc e bald nrt. Dandruff It allowed lo thicken vn the teelp The hair begin le looien The ealn lam Its vitality The hair. Isml Aelentiv nourished, begins t fade and to fall. The Instant neet in aucb a case It some practical nrepaiallon which, sup plying the are-ded nouMilimcnt to the eaip, win i tea ine nair gire 11 mriogin m Ba.l - ttaAumM A.tMaM to A , I , li . hair, and elves an anundsnt sad tt7 rrnwlh. These who ste Ihtralrnrd wit approaching baldaesa wilt be lntsret4 In the fnllawlog volualsry ftsterurat, mads by Aldettnaa J. Otein,ef Saenerr, Iowa, lie wrlleai "About four months ago, ir hair coos, intaced fatllns out so rspldly tbsl I beesrae slarraed. and being tieemmradtd Pr Ayer a llalr vigor by a druggist, t resolved lo try this pteparallen. I bate been now using It far three woaths, am tauch grallfied to tlftd thai My fcstr hsa ceaied falling onl and alio that hslr wb)ti hid been lurnlng gray far the past 4r vests hst been lettered to Its tllt ; color, dark browa it glees me Maeki , plesiute to rreornmend Oils dressing." J Casan. Aldcrmaa, Spencer, Iowa. anu to piMHec a iwni nwrnimj . , growth. All ihls is dene by !r Ayrr'a I Those who ate interested In pretenrlnc llair Vigor, the most practical and value. and beautifying the hair w II do well to iuiii lam rjinr iHnq tni, i - pages is sent free, on requeat, by the J. C Ayer te . Ltwell, Msts, te preparation for the hair that csn be obtained. It tones up the scalp doetawav with ilsndtuO, step the hair fieni falling restores the orlglnsl color lo gray ot faded It la n wlao woman who Micks to what becomes her. No ttenson Is so brief na tome wom en's love, unlet It Is some men's. c6hmo liurnutMiLK toilkt hoap mnkM this aklu soft, white utid benltby Hold everywbere. Do not quit work because you have spring fover. FAULTLESS STARCH, THE BEST FOR Shirt Wnlsts, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Cuffs sad Delicate Clothes. Americana eonsumo more Iced bov orngc than nny other nntlnuitllty. Ono ily in tho morning ran bent an niitrm rincK immy YELLOW FEVER V. Hammmmmmab. HelrgsgsgsgsgsHl DC JBk p! ngSgagfiggMt , it- XI. GrUlVEB Rend our Uooklcts, Laugh and Lcartu PATENTS net rtalanral, i . n II eoptttauii It. M Ik A. II, I.ACr.T, ti hi - riri Vulitrut.h a lau, .Utti. -nan, I .pinion II. n iDtin sr ' ji, tip. PREVENTED "Our Native Herbs" 1 HU OIIEAT Blood Purifier, Kidney and LWer Regulator. 300 DAYS' TREATMENT, Bl. 00. Containing a lleglslered (Itisritnteo. Ily mill), prwiaire walil. IB-liaua llwik and Tesllmonlals fill;!'., hold only by Ageiita for THE ALOHZO 0. BLISS CO., Washlnelon.O.C. WASTi:I a "f bid hea'tb that II II' A N will n it l'S'Si Krud ' i-ruti I" chuulral I .. Vow York. fur l aaruflee and t uj ttr.iitualal. lLi?:,T"J lTnorcpson'8 Eye Waler gjki.fii.jJiiei.isaillsti frX.'.v.r i .. . mi mi au iui iir. .... ra t? Wben Aoswctma Advertisements Kindly , Mention This Caper. wT"n. U. DALLAS. NO. 32 IUOO TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AS GOOD FOn ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE OOcttt. Groue's Tasteless Chill Tonic nas, will rare th. n Ferrr cr snr form of Malaria. It It fane it. get yi.ur HH lut. That Is an tb li lo II. Ixta f iniilstiiiri. but OllOVrS Is th oaioisat aadnsir. At sndmigliu. CURE YOUKSELFI Ui nil J for anutlanri dlrrhtlgrl. InSanaiatloa. IrrllslUos or aliortttnaj f ni ucoas meeilAeoaa. P&IuUm. aad not aotlta .INllltttCNtSISUCa. f ol r rulreneaa. old by uragcnrSS, or wat In sJaln warroe, , eirms. rale. tot II m. or MlflM. It.fS. Clrcala aanl an ree.iac& nDODQV DISCOVERY: sf UriVru T quick raUafanSroreswioii .r. Krinl fi r i,k i.r texiiauolsli aal to dorr I rea t incut Prro. ir. H. H.tatsi-a tots, iswi, REMEMBER if you are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality of the chewing tobacco you are using 4 PLUG aVIJI'laVUi 10 and you 'U get your money's worth. The 10-cent piece of Battle Ax is larger than the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high quality, and is the largest piece of really good chewing tobacco that is sold for 10 cents. nemember the name when you buy again