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The Eddy current. [volume] (Eddy [Carlsbad], N.M.) 189?-1899, October 08, 1898, Image 1

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R"l f.'nnir n.t no i (aH
1 rUrL
Pocos Valloy to tho Front, Oronkors to tho Ronr.
NO. '18.
Gen. Morritt Before the Americans-JMio
President's Mcssaflo Read and an
Answer Sent to Same.
I'.iirn (TnUtmlMlmi.
rnrl, Oet eWfhe morning wns cold
ami disagreeable, favoriig Indoor work
of which each commlefiioli Jin plenty j
on Imnd. The' Amerlmn cotnmlslson
era determined to devote yCcfllay
esslons to n conference with MnJ, Oen.
Mcrrltt. The session or tha Amsriaan
nmmlsslnn ' began nt 10 o'eloelt and
1 as tod unttl 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
Uon. Mcrrltt detailed to yid. comniii
slon his personal views and those of
Hcnr Admlrnl Dowoy regarding tho
physical, geographical, moral nnd po
lltlcal condltlom prevailing In the
Phlllppluo Islands.
Gen. Merrill's exposition of liln por
aonal vtowH und Judgment of tho Phll
Ipplno Islands was not finished.
President Itlos of the Spanish coin
minion nnd hi dottoaguos wore busy
with telegraphic nnd other correspond
cure. Tlio Spanish commissioners wero ro
rolvcd yesterday uttornoon at 1 o'clock
by Prosldont Fauro at tho lllyaco pal
nro. Tho members of tho Spanish com
mission wcro Introduced by tho Spnn
Vjh ambassador. Sonar Leon y CohIUIu,
A wvnor ItlCM oxpdoseed tho gratlfl
tMilon of tlm comtnlMlon ut mooting
tho prosldont of France.
At 4:45 p. in., Immediately following
tho reception of tho Spaniards, tho
m-minors of thn Amorlcan penco com
mission woro rocolvcd by President
Fauro nt tho Klysco pnlnco. Ocn. Por
ter met tho comtnlsslonorH on tho stops
of tho court of honor nnd tboy proceed
od to tho Krnnd salon. Prosldont Fauro
surrounded by a row mombora of his
oltlrlal household, received Ocn. I'ortor,
who prosanted Judgo Day nnd the otli
or tnemhem of tlm rmnmlmtlnn In turn.
.after which Judgo Day prosontod Pros
Ident Fauro n cablo moesago from
Tresldent McKlnloy. It wok dated
Sept. 27 and addressed to Ills oxeol
leney M. Fauro, prosldont or tho ro
public, and was signed "William Mo
Klnley, prosldont or the United Status."
It read iih follows:
' On this oocuMon, whon the commis
sions or tho United States and Spain
uro about to assemble nt the capital or
Franco to ncgotluto peace, nnd whsn
tho rcprosontatlvos or this government
uro rccelvliiR tho hospitality and good
will or your republic, I beg to louder
you my most friendly personal greet
ing and tho assurance or my gratorul
npproclntlonh or your kind courtesies
to tho American commissioners."
President Fauro. In reply, oxprossed
Ills admiration or tho cordial senti
ments uttored and lioartlly recipro
cated them.
President Fnuro said that everything
possible would be dono for the oomfort
of tho commissioner, nnd ooualudod
with saying: "As tho nnmo of Lntay
tlto Is held dear In tho Uultod Suites,
so 1 Washington revered Iti Franc."
Tho president then added that ho
would I in mud lately transmit directly
to President McKlnley his reply to the
lattor'u cordial message. The follow
ing Is tho text of the cablegram to
3'rosldent MoKlnley:
"I liavo had great pleasure In re
solving tho American plenipotentiaries
to tho high Spanish-American pease
commission. During the course or an
audience Mr. Day read the telegram
which you so graciously tent me. I uin
very much touched by the smIImvhU
'which your excellency has been kind
enough to express, and I heartily thank
you for them. I hope th A in er loan
t omnvlsstaner will have kind reeolleo
t'ons of their sojourn In Pro nee, wlileh
ii mall try to render agreeable to thorn,
and I slneercly hope for n happy ter
mination of the paellle work of the
.Ml. llllt'. VUtli.
Baltimore) Md., Get C-fA.
from Mehmond, Va., s;:
Mies Lucy 11111, daughter 6f dsn. A.
P. 1IIII, whoso nomination at th new
"Daughter of tho Confederate" stirred
up n tumult throughout the south upon
life ground that there could totVW be
I fueeetHsor to that tltlo, hog wUUati
letter to it friend hero, In which sbo
"It ban given mo much pleasure to
know how mnny friends I lmyo In this
mnttor of tho succession to tho title of
'tho Daughter of tho Confederacy.' II
Is an honor unsought by me nnd, with
(Ion. Gordon, I say the title should die
with tho original possessor Winnie
1uIk. Them can not always bo
Uaughlor or the Confederacy, tor I nm
tho last ono ot a general's daughter to
bo born at thnt time and with mo It
would ond. I am content as I am, n
Confederate soldier's daughter. You
oan uudorstnnd how I feol in regard to
this mattor. The notoriety of It has
worried mo greatly. If 1 eould only
write you ns I reel you would see how
koenly this affair or the Uaughtor or
tho Confederacy has distressed mo,
npprcelato tho fnot' that my frlonds
sought thus to honor my fathor
through me, but il wns a mistaken
klndnoss. I want you nnd through you
tho 11. 15. I.co camp to know thnt tho
whoto affair has distressed mo Immeas
ur&bly, nnd to that henrtbroken mother
I extend my rugrct that tho oontro
vorsy should have arisen."
M.llwill.t Cnnfer.iH'e,
Grand Ilnplds, Mloh., Oct. B. The
convention ot tho Methodist church
wan called to order hero yesterday
morning. About 200 delegate aro
bore Including missionaries from
Chlnn, Turkey, South Africa nnd the
Pacific islands.
Tho treasury committee approved
tho work ot tho treasurer and tho ad
ministration of tho fliinncos of tho
board. They believed that a siilllclont
ndvunce could bo made to clear the
board ot dobt and reinforce nil ot tho
twenty missions distributed through
out tho world.
Mr. Dnnlols of tho commltteo point
cd out thnt tho means for carrying on
tho work In tho past year had boen to
tally Inndequato nnd that tho nntlvo
agencies had boen reduced from -15 to
BO per cent.
Tho salaries or tho missionaries had
been reduced 10 por cent. Tho re
ceipts ror tho yoar rrom nil sources,
omitting sums received for debt, have
been $061,907. n Hflln over Inst year ot
HS.Ott. Tha totnl obligations rostliiR
upon the board Aug. 31, 1308, wore
Iltnrtltug T.Mmony,
Washington, Oct. 4. Tho report of
the medical commission nppblnted to
examine Into the condition ot affairs
nt Camp Thomas, has startled tho war
department. Tho Investigating commlt
teo will havo this report before tho ond
of this week, along with tho testimony
on whleh the findings wcro made.
Tho testimony of Col. Illlas Chandler
ot tho first Arkansas volunteers Is most
Important. Ho states that he made
;lally visits to tl)e second division hos-
' - 1 . . . I !.,. . t ,.... .1 MM..
liiuii ui inu inirii tmrps. no iuuiiii uu
nfMi Private 81ms, slek with pneu
monia and In great pain, who had re
ceived no medicine tram 11 o'clock one
night till 1 o'clock the next afternoon.
It had been raining nnd the wntw ran
through the tent, thoroughly wetting
tho ground, nnd soaking the bedding on
which the tick man lay.
"I asked permission," further testi
fied Col. Chandler, "to put up a habit
able tent and did so. Twenty-four
hours later he was moved to It and
twclvo hours after ho died. The ox
cusa given for not moving him sooner
was because tho ground was too wot.
"I repeatedly found men who declared
to mo thnt' tltoy had been twunty-four
hours without attention from n physi
cian. I lmo been In tho measles ward
when thoy had 130 patients nnd found
not more than three nurses and the
jmrtents complained that they could
not get water or food."
The testimony ot Lieut. Power ot
the second Kansas Is or a similar char
acter. "1 round men lying on litters
on tho ground betweou tho cots. Pa
tients wsro required to go to tho sinks
without assistance. I found thnt the
water provided for the day usually gave
out nliout 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
Frequently I happened In whan order-
lloa were distributing meals. Thoy
would stop at tho head of tho tents nnd
call out, 'Who wuntu heavy diet and
who wants light?' Tho hoavy diet con
sisted or broad, beef, beans und coffee;
tho light of bread, oatmcul and milk.
I never saw any medicine administered
to the men. It was sickening nnd tho
condition ot the floors and men foul."
Chaplain Wyntts ot tho second Ken
tucky testifies; "Men w J the mumpi
wero torccd to go out Into tho rain.
Nursos brought bread In their nrms as
thoy would carry Htovowood and throw
it on tho patients' beds, Tho tood given
tho patients was unclean." '
Major U. A. finllh ot tho hospital
told the board; "I was assigned to duty
as a ward physician on July ID, Tha
inadequato facilities compelled mo to
work to groat disadvantage. When I
took oharga sick men wero In tents
without floors, somo on cots nnd somo
on tho ground. The medlclues on hand
woro ontlroly Inadequate. Tho condi
tions I mo described wore serious
enough, but nothing in comparison
with tho lack ot Ico water and proper
nourishment. No drinking watw was
to bo had save that piped from Chleka
mnugu. crock. It was so tilled with or
ganic mnttor that tho lllleisra clogged
and nothing could be obtained to boll
it In.
"It took from Aug. 4 to SO to get n
requisition for twclvo water barrels
honored. Up to Aug, 1 thsro woie live
ward surgeons to oara for 400 patients."
I'lr. Stapp.il,
Donvor, Colo., Oet, 4. Reports re.
eolved from various points In tho re
gion whoro the forest fires havo been
spreading for n week or two past are
to tho effect that tho fires havo boen
checked In ptaeees by rein nnd snow,
lu the vicinity ot l! leu wood Springs
tho lire aro almost entirely extlugulsh
ed. Idaho Springs reports that the tiros
on the west slope ot the Ulvldo are
pretty nearly under control nnd there
Is nut much danger ot their reaching
the oast slope. However, the 11 res will
smoulder for months, and another dry
spall followed by winds might revive
the flames. Hundreds ot miles ot fine
timber have been laid waste in the
range of mountains west ot Mltiuie
park and some ranches have been de-
A Imdvlllo dlapatah says: A light
snow-fall uppeant to hav somewhat
checked tho forest fires thnt were
threatening somo ot the mining sec
tions. The snow was ontlroly too light
to oxtlugulsh tho llnmos, and unless an.
other storm comos within tho noxt tor
ty-elght hours It Is feared that muoh
dnmngn will be dono In take park and
St. Kevin sections.
It. A. Julian, superintendent ot tha
United atates fish hstchory nt lnd
vllle. says that criminal onrelettsnees
and Inexcusable negligence on the part
ot the campers Is responsible for nine-
tenths of the present forest tires,
Vrmrm Oiimmlxliin,
Paris, Oat. 4. Major (Jon. Mcrrltt,
who commanded the American troops
at Manila, arrived here from Marseilles,
Ho repaired to tho (imnd Hotel
d' Atheneo, and deollncd to bo Inter
viewed, ns ha was suffering from fa
tlguo. Tha general did not sco tho
United States penco commissioners be-
foro the opening ot tho Joint sosslou
Tho American vommlssloncra hold i
session yostordny morning at thel
own olllces, preparatory to tho second
meeting with tho Spanish commission
era. which liogan at tho commission's
rooms In tho foreign olllco Immediately
aftor their assembling thcro nt 2 p. m
Yostorday's session lasted until
o'clnok, at which hour tho commission
ors adjourned to mete at 2 o'clock noxt
Friday afternoon, such Intorval being
desirable and ueoessary to allow sep-
arato consideration by each commis
sion ot matters requiring such course
beforo the Joint commission. Tho In
torval will be thus filled with work by
each commission, the ultimate result
being so facilitated.
fir. N.w t)na,
Jar 1 son, Miss., Oet 6.- Yesterday's
record ot new cases ot yellow fever tor
Jarkson Is five, with one death, Mm.
Kavanaugh Two ot the new oases are
colored people In the originally Infect
ed quarter, one case In tha Assyrlun
colony on Pearl street, West Jackson,
nnd two whites, one each In tho famil
ies of Cox and Hendriekt, where oth
ers are slek. Tha quarantine Hues Mir
rounding the original Infeoled district
have been widely extended and now In
clude practically the entire northwest
portion ot the olty, whleh is Inhabited
principally by colored peopW.
IVmit. Army I'nlil t'lr.l.
Manila, Oet. 8. The national assem
bly at Malatos. nt a recent sitting,
voted Agulnnldo it civil list or $7t,000,
but Agulnnldo declined to recelvo any
thing until the army had boen juld.
An nttompt was made by Palerno, tho
siHMker or the house, to havo Inserted
n olause, granting him an allowance
beeauso or his ottleo, but the proposal
was rejected. The assembly Is now on
gaged In discussing the constitution.
Tho Spanish oommunlty Is tele
graphing to Madrid In nn endeavor to
secure the enforeeM.Rt ot the rcleasa
or prisoner. Personal Investigations
made In the provinces emphasise the
determination of the Insurgents to
obtain a specific guarantee of favorable
treatment before releasing the prison
ers in their hands, und It Is eertaln
that they will never cheaply relinquish
their dearly bought conquests.
(llRitutln Vrsuii.,
New York. Out. 6. Mayor Van Wyek
made a statement to the effect that tho
commissioners or aeeounts had discov
ered gigantic frauds In the asphalt
paving contrasts. The mayor turned
over the papers In the ease to District
Attorney Gardiner, who will proseouto
tho men eharged with jmrtlalpatlug in
tho frauds.
George J. Oould, by & decision ot the
court of apepals ot New York, will be
compelled to pa to thnt stato SIMJSI
as a tax on a f 8,000,000 bequest left nln
by bis father, the Into Jay Uould.
Uhrckett by Itnln.
Madison, Wis., Oet. 4. Adj. dsn.
Uoardman and Col. (llnty, who were
sent north to report upon the forest
fires, havo returned. Hen. lloardman
eays that whllo tho recent rains
checked the flames, another dry week
would probably see them again at
work. Ho estimates tlm number at
people burned out at 1000, most ot
whom are farmers, but says they are
not discouraged, nnd will return to
their lands, with what asetstanee they
oan get In the way of food, seed, ete.
den. lloardman heard of only two
deaths reported one at Darren and
another at Alameda.
Irlsnit.d Willi 1'lr.l T.int,
Jacksonville, Flo., Oct. 4. Col. Dry
nil's regiment ot Nebraska volunteer
has been brigaded with the first Tax as,
and will take the place cmtupled by the
sooond Texas.
TrUtl to It.rapn.
London, Oct. 4. A Pekln correspond.
mt telegraphing on Sept. 89, a)s that
tho emperor tried to eseape from lutsTeufe
the palace, but was arrested by the
dowager's people.
The correspondent also says that
Chan Buohao, vise president ot the
board of punishment, has been appoint
ed to suoceed Chang Yu Huan as direc
tor ot tho board ot mines and, railways.
Corhctt wilt not fight,
lag weiU
McCoy Is go-
TUIl.il hr Cjtlor...
Bnvnnnnh, (la,, Oct 3. For olghtoen
hours, from 3 o'clock yesterday until 0
Inst night, Savannah has been In the
grasp ot a West Indian cyclone. Dur
ing thnt tlmo the wind blew stendlly
from RO to 75 mites nn hour. While
tho city ehcapod with comparatively
little dnmago, the tons of property
among tho sea Islands oft the (leorgtn
nnd South Carolina coasts, Is believed
to havo boen heavy. For miles In ev
ery direction around Savannah tha
lowlands along tho rivers are submerg
ed, Ouly ono fatality has so far been
reported, tho drowning of a colored
man while trying to reach the main
Und from n small Island near Thun
derbolt; but heavy lose ot life Is feared
on the South Carolina sea Islands,
where such fearful Ion ot life oeourred
during tlio great tidal storm ot 1801.
The conditions now ore similar to
thoso during that storm. Owing to tho
submerged country nnd tho Isolation
nt the Islands, no news can bo had
from them until tho water subsides.
For eight mites north ot Savannah tho
country Is n lnko, with only the ham
mocks visible. At noon the wntor was S
feet abova the highest tide. Drlvon on
shoro by tho northeast storm, It filled
up on tho islands, swopt over banks
and dams, carrying away tho remnant
ot tho rice crop that was left by the
August storm nnd had not been gath
ered, and wiping out farm crops. Tho
loss to rlco-growers alono will bo from
$10,000 to $71,000, tho entire rice orop
nloug the Savannah river.
Tlio dnmago to shipping Is consldor
nblo. Tho schoonor (lovornor Amos,
which was on her way to sen with a
cargo ot l.BOO.OOO feet of lumbor, wont
adrift in thn harbor, but was soon red
UniLr Arr.il.
Omnhn, Neb., not. llenjnmln Hay.
wood of Harrlsburg, Pa., oashler for
tho stato treasurer ot Pensylvanla, Is
under arrest nt tho Paxton hotel In this
olty. In dlscusslug tho mattor Mr.
Haywood said:
"I had no olllclat conectlou with tho
People's liauk ot Philadelphia, ut tho
time of Its failure or previous. 1 was
state treasurer at the tlmo of the fail
ure, Inst February, and had $108,000 of
state funds on deposit there. My term
oxplred this spring nnd I'nm now oash
ler far the present treasurer. Slnvo
tho failure of tho bank the full amount
ot my deposit has been paid by tha
bank receiver to the state. Ninety iter
cent of It was paid before I started on
my vneatluu a month ago. The batunco
has been paid since I left home. I
never speculated In the funds ot tho
stftto, as eharged. As to tho losses or
the cause of the bank's failure I know
II. hi., tli .i.i.rtlon,
Ilerlln, Oet I A seml-offlrial state
ment Isftied by the Oologuo (lazetto
denies the iusrtlon made in French
newspaper that the German minister
ot foreign nlfulrn, llaron Von Iluslow,
lta been eommanded by Ilmperer Wil
liam to furnish the French government
with friendly explanations as to the
role of Col. Sehwnrzkappen In the
Dreyfus affair. The Uoxette adds:
"Now that the revision has been en
tered upon, Germany Ima lea ground
than ever to depart from her attitude
of reserve,"
Till. Dl.il Willi II. r.
Reynolds, Co., Oet 3. Ocn. John D.
Cordon, oommandor-ln-chlef ot tho
United Confederate Veteran, la at hi
plantation near hero resting nnd nt In
tervals pursuing his literary work. Tho
general was shown Uto report from
Chicago In which Miss I.uey I.eo Hill
claims to havo had tho title, "Daughter
ot the Confederacy," conferral upon
her by her southern friend s4no tho
death ot Mies Winnie Davis. Tho gen
eral was asked It tho title could be thus
transferred and replied with great
"Nmplmtleally no. Mian Wttinlo Da
vis was the wily daughter of Prrtlu t
Davis barn In tho Confederate 'whtto
Iioimw' during tho life ot the Confed
eracy. A Jefferson Davis wm the ouly
president of tha Confederate govern
ment, no daughter of any other olllcinl
could truly represent the Confeder
acy." Kill.. I Mutli.r anil H.lf.
Pittsburg, Pa., Ovt 3. Uortha Dell
sleln killed hor mother yostordny, and
Inter put four bulltU into hor own
body, from the offset of whleh she can
not recover,
Tho ouly explanation the girl han
given ror her terrible deed wero theso '
words: "I was tired or lire. It held
no pleasure for mo. I wanted to dlo
and did not want my mother to llvti
and fret ovor my death. For that rea
son I killed hor."
Frederick Ilcllsteln, tho fathor ot th
family, was one ot tho bast-known res
idents ot Allegheny, Ho died suddenly
In decembcr last from npoploxy and
slnoo then llertha, who was 30 yearn
old, Is said to havo lost all hor youth
ful beauty. From a light-hearted, hap-
Tho wharves ut tho quarantine py girl she booame a quiet, depressed,
station, nt tho entrance to tho rlvnr i despondent woman. Honco tho frlonda
hero, woro partially carried away. Tho , of tho family think sho was tcmporar-
Traek.it la flat.
Nashville. Tenn., Oet 4. A speelat
from Murfreesboro says a telephone
eouuty, glv
v"6ouury; Cannon
the Information that
John Holllngsworth, who on Saturday
at a public sale shot Into a crowd, kill
ing and wounding five men, has bleu
traeked by the sheriff to a save, and
seventy-five armed reinforcement
have arrived from Woodbury. It 1
believed oewape is impossible, One
woro of tho wounded Is dead.
quarantine ofllccr and bis family und
servants woro rescued oarly In tho day
by a tug. Four vossols, which woro at
anchor at tho station, wcro torn from
their moorings and drlvon Into tho
tnnrshrs. Three ot these wero tho
llrltlsh schoonor Byannra bound for
St Johns, N. I).; tho Amorlcan schoon
er Mlllevlllo, for Mlllovillo, N. J.; tho
Fannlo Litchfield, for lloston, nil lumber-laden,
and the Italian bark Frank
lin. J low badly these vossols aro dam
aged Is unknown. No nows has boon
received from Tybeo since early lu tho
morning ,nnd nothing Is known of tho
damngo thcro,
At Thundorbolt nnd Islo ot Hope,
suburbs of Savannah, nil tho boat
houses on tho banks and hundreds of
small boats woro carried away,
T. nn. TrKK.ily,
Chttanoogn, Tenn. Oct 3. A spe
cial from Murfrcosboro says:
An awful tragedy occurred In tho
northorn portion ot Cannon county,
about thirty mile oast ot this city, In
which five men aro reported to havo
boon savngoly assassinated. John Hol
llngsworth, It will bo romomborod,
killed n man by tho nnmo of Hlgglns
In that county something ovor a year
ago, A suit was brought aganlst Hol
llngsworth fdr a Judgment tnkon
against him by the members of Hlg
glns family for $8000. Saturday thoro
was to bo an auction solo ot his prop
erty to satisfy tho Judgmout, und Hol
llngsworth, It Is stated, knowing that
that was tho day for tho sale, con
cealed himself and several ot his
frlonds in a largo born on tho placo
whero tho sale was to bo. Whon tno
party ot men oamo to carry out the
proceedings and had gathered In tho
bam, Holllngsworth and his friends
fired Into them with doubleborreled
shotguns, killing three nun and
wounding two more so badly that they
will hardly rceover: Itev. A. O. Webb
and sen. both killed Instantly; a man
by the name ot Vlneent who will prob
nbly recover. Another was killed, but
hi name oould net be aseertolned.
Ily Insana whon sho commuted tho aw
ful crlmo.
. , ,
Wlicamlu l'ur.it 1'lr.l.
Cumberland, Wis., Oct. 3. News ot
nnothci death from forest fire corao.n
from tha town of Clinton In thin
county. A boy was fonud dead on tha
bank of tho Yellow river with his feet
In the water. HI feot wore badly
burned nud tho appearanco Indicated
that ho had sought tho rlvo r tor
den. lloardman and party from Mad
ison, representing tho stato relict so
ciety, arrlvod hero and, aftor taking
a census of tho flrq district, drovo to
Hlce I.ako. Ho listed sovonty-thrco
destttuto families In Turtlo Lake, fifty
two families In Cumberland, forty
families In Stamford nnd Illco Lake,
and thirty In Clinton and Darron; also
nlnotoen ftuullloa In Cumborliind, all
of whloh nuod Immodiato assistance.
Two deaths from yellow fever at
New Orleans on tlio 30th ult.; six now
Uxelttracut at Piano, Tex., over the
killing of a 9-year old boy.
flarliia VMtsil.
Jacksonville, Flo., Oet. J-Tho en.
tire coat coast ot Florida from Jupiter
to Fcrnandlna was visited at an early
hour yosterday morning by a West In
dian hurrleaue. Tho average maxi
mum volooly ot the wind was reported
In this city at 11 a. in. sixty miles aa
hour biL thero were occasional gusts
of greater veloolty. A number ot
house were unroofed, tree prostrated
and seven tents ot the soldiers', sev
enth army corps, blown away, but
there was no loss ot lite.
I'or Mulco.
Ardmore, I. T., Oct 3. Tho now
comes from tho Delawnro country In
the Indian Territory that the Data
wares wilt mlgrato to Mosloo as soon
as thoy sattlo with tho Federal govern
ment nnd tho Cherokeee. Is qutto
piobablu that a largo body of full
blooded Cherokee will omlgrato to tho
laud ot tho Artec, a negotiations to
this ond are now going on. Tho Del
aware, through their authorlxed
ngonta, have already bargained for
StO.000 acres of land on tho Yaqul river,
state ot Sonera, whloh lie southeast
of Lower California. Itoprosuntatlvw
of tho Delaware aro now on this tract
nnd it Is said thnt the innln body of
the trlbo will go as soon as their land
In tho Cherokee nation oan bo segre
gated and sold.
Mm. Ilujl ll.ail,
New York, Oet. 3. Caroline Mlskel
Hoyt, wife ot Chas. Hoyt, tho play
wright, died at her home In this elty
yesterday of llrighl's disease, resulting
In poisoning and convulsion, Mrs.
Hoyt has been 111 for but two or three
days. Her condition showed a marked
change for the worse yesterday morn.
Ing. She boeame u neon set ou and
died within nn hour. Her husband,
mother and sl&ter were with her when
she died.
A row was held In Purl on the 2d
over the Dreyfus affair.
Colorado Klr.i Slopped.
Danver, Col., Oet. 3. Bnew and rain
have ohecked tha progress ot the forest
fire of the main range In Colorado
and It Is thought new that further de
struction of timber I prevented. At
least all danger to tho threatened
town Is over. The temperature hero
has fallen perceptibly and dispatches
from the mountain town ladlleio a
simitar fortunate Kbango.
Ten new yellow fever case at Jack
son, Mlis.

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