Newspaper Page Text
GOOd BKM'd! Your heart beau over one htm dred thouisnd timet, etch dsy. One hundred thouund lupplleaof good or bid blood to your brain. Which It It? If bid, Impuro blood, then your hrsln sches. You are troubled with drowilneti vet cinnotileen. You are as tired In the morning as at night. You hao no nerve power. Your food doea you but IIIIIO ROOU. Stimulant., tonics, headache powaers, cannot euro you; out TBXANBTTES, I 4 S in It makes tha liver. VMntva. sin and bowels perform their proper won. it removas an im purities from the blood. And It makea the blood rich In Its life giving properties. To Haiti nn Reoovony rou will be moro rapidly cured If VOU will tike a liKiilva dosa of AvAr'n nllla irh nlahl Th.u arouse the sluggish liver and thus euro Diuouiness. Wrfta to ewp Doctor. w .hits tht iitluilti Itrtttit nroa f thitiMt ii in uaiitd jtifttOiliti ri (bi iitluilti itrtttit ft nut tislaiBl phtilciani In Sum, VTrllt fflr ill Ua I oarMi, uiitt: vh. j. c. ATxn. Some persons sccra to rnnko promisee Just to bo nsrecable. to conn a cor.if in o'nk oatt J Ska relative llromo Quinine. TsMota. All ragflita refund Ilia manor It falls locurc. fee. Tho cenulne has I )l l, git eaoh tablet. Few fortuno tellcro mako n fortune for themselves, Jlrnlth fur Ten Cents. Csrcarets mnke bonds and fcldnsy net naturally, destroy microbes, euro lisadacbe, tilllloutnsss and constipation. All druggists. Nono of us nro fond of walking on eleoty sidewalks. Hi W tfMn.sM ) jy -i v " -rs. ...... ISEASES THAT KILL f on turn fit 'ion it ea- I tarrh of the lungs. it rlain romfitua- lions make coitsumft Most enson of death from con ! mimptlon aro tho direct result of neglected catarrh. Pe-ru-na works harmoniously with nature to eject tho tubercles from ths lungs, and ' s so successfully thai If thcro Is 1 . euro for consumption i'e-ru-na Is tho remedy, Head this letter from Mrs. II. A. Tjncr, of Four Oaks, N. C, about her daughter, Mrs. L. Kccno. Bho says: yv.r-i Mediant Co., Columbus, 0. llKAn Sins: "My daughter lisd overy Symptom of consumption suppression of menses, night swrats and great ema ciation. 6ho was so low that nono of our neighbors thought alio could live. In May Mr. C. It. Adams, of this place, who had taken Pe-ru-na, told mo if anything would help her Po-ru-na would. I got a bottle of it and somo rock candy and began giving it to her. During tho first few days who was so weak she could only tnko a half tea spoonful at a time, but I gave it to ber as often as alio could bear It In less than a week sho could walk two hundred yards and back without rest ing! alio kept getting stronger, and in twelvo months alio seemed to be as well assheeverwaslnherllfe. I feel, and no does every one that know about her sickness, that l'o ru na saved her life. My daughter's name is Mrs. L. Kccne." IS'lBf ! Mr U (ilrtr IRHrr. if IBM lb. aoM4 MillfallaB vlriM n lal.rUt iMdl alaa. a.rla thm ixliiail mi i ihm itfl Md la v Ba Tliibttl It iim-i ini ttiMptil, rsy i irISi nun ( SEEDS slain tl star ii lb. fit par wptr i-t. KhJ A b Baft I tt DALLAS FIRMS. I .4m z ifZ X IMI,'I Ak roar mrrrtuinu fnrtho"llo.."lrn MS , vCi rsaM.OvsralU.BIilrta L rJ$7, suailrswer Tb af workmsbtlitti U war s raairu, bihiiiiupj lbjb ,r i.rutsi-tlwrwl!! rwniv rur QMivr n aihuriiVI to sir y m uwllutf Oaruion I ui ntofaaag 'Union Mado." eenno 2rt.""vf'vb,B:,l,.1M-i r U LLU U HIWtllltbrtll II. H MIIII Work has commenced on the Tltot Folnt waterworks. McKlnnsy Presbyterlnns are to havo ft new church building, J. A. Clark was badly used tip by a bull at Urn, Cooko rautity. Tho work of extending Rhormatt'a atrcct lighting system tins comment). A, lmlgo of United Frlomls of 'fain perance hns been orgnnlted nt Hills boro lloh Chnmhoni wns alvan nvo ysjtrn at Waxnhaehto m a elmrsa of tntm swearing. lltirclars stolo n Wntorbury watch from n Wneo rsslilonee nud hung It on tho front door knob. II. 1. MolCevltl, n Port Worth com positor, has been appointed to a po sition In tho government printing of fice. Texas pensions: Original Itlelmrd Dolln, Island, fG; Adam Zorlt, Day ! City, $3. UcImuc Alfred N'lohols, Unl las, 12. In tho habeas corpus hearing of Thomas Flaherty, charged with tho killing of Jnok Conroy, defendant vwis discharged. ' Henry Kramer, ft llrcnhnm glnncr, was run ovnr and killed hy a train nt thnt place. ; Is thought he wns nslccp on tho track, Near Caldwell Frank Cowan shot and killed his brother-in-law. Andrew Casey, with ft repeating Wlnahostcr, putting four bullets in deceased. Tho son of H. C. Mills died at Mc Gregor several days ago of cerebro spinal incnlngctls nnd shortly after tho mother died of the snmo mulady. Will Ilrure, on trial at Wnxahachlo on tho ohnrgo of killing Tom Hone, on n public road near that city, was sen tenced to tho penitentiary for two years. John Hstes, one of the host known newspaper cotnosltors In the south west, whoso homo was nt Toxurhunn. whero he had wealthy rolatlvvs, illod at Muscogee, I. T. J. II. Cook, ox-postmnstcr nt Quill lan, Hunt county, wns convicted In t tin federal court at Dallas of cmhoizlc mcnt nnd sentenced to two ycnis' Im prisonment nt Leavenworth, Kan., nnd to pay n fine of J.IOLM.GI. At Bhermnn, Ado Rhlpton. ytvirs eld, fell through a skylight upon whlrh flho had stepped, and went n distance of seventeen feet. Tho little girl was only slightly hurt and In n short tlmr was playing as though notthlng, linil happened. Mr. Dootcy, recently with the Knty at lllllsboro, hns gone to (Ireonvillc to tnko tho city ticket olllon of tho Col ton licit, vlco John M. Adams, trans ferrcd to Fort Worth. Agent Failey of tho Cotton llelt has nlso rstublUhiHl an uptown freight oltlco In rouiioitlon with tho passenger ollleo. Sheriff Btownrt of Johnson county received n letter from an ollleer at bait Lake, Utnh. saying ho had John II. Shaw, tho murderer of Tom Crnln. lo cated In that city nnd asking Mr. Htuw nrt to wlro him Instructions. Sheriff Stewart wroto him tho particulars of the capture and excoutlon of Shaw Kd Marshall, a Texarkana young man, was taken slok and died while nt tending tho funeral of a nlcro at that city. Senntor-clect Culberson received from the Hibernian society of Ilouxton ft copy of neatly engrossed resolutions recently adopted by that orguiilxatiou thmklng him for his address nt thnlr banquet somo months since and ex tending hearty congratulations on his election ns United States senator. A stranger wns hilled two miles south of Rddy. In Falls county, by tho Missouri, Kansns and Texas railroad's through freight. Tho man was walking on tho track going south und the train coming north. It seems the mun was not nwaro of tho train conilim ittul remained on the truck until he waa struck by the train. Qcorgo ilnrbco was convicted of as; gravat'd assault at Dullas unit ilii.l $1000 and $10 costs. To work this jwn- alty out it would require 2100 days, as only 60 cents per day Is allowed in county cases for the working out of nnes. A serious accident oeeiirred at Mrs nurker's mill near Plantenvllle. aaa of the rocks in the grist mill bunt. Mr. T. W. Smith, the miller, was se riously hurt. Two colored boy about 15 years of age were very badly hurt also. Hurglnrs entercil the rear door of J. II. nulledge's dry goods and elothlng house nt Piano with tho aid of a crow bar and stolo between SM0 and 1400 worth of clothing, hats, shoes, silk handkerchiefs, jewelry and whole bolts of silk velvet. MILITARY AND NAVAL NOTES. .Hit Wiitid J.VRRUR.t.HrH.V i wat. c..AaiMac.iiiaiais.U4iUi. Hospital Steward David A. F.berly has been transferred from Washington to Fort Clark, Tox. Senor Melllin hnil been elected pres ident of tho Vlsaynn states hy tho In surgent nt Hollo for n period of two yonre, nnd hns acknowledged his alle gtatifo to Agulnnldo. The Alnssltilnn chief, Has Mngnsela. governor of tho province of Tlgre. who has for some time maintained a rebel lions nttlttttto inward King Menelllt. hns nareed to ask tho king's pardon. The stonmor Chntenu la Fltte, from Cleufitegos, Jnn. 0, arrived at llarcelo nn, ftimlii, with 1M repatriated Span ish soldiers, M0 of whom aro serious ly III. Fifty-six died on tho voyage. It is stntod that evory surviving of fleer nnd sailor of Admiral Ccrvcrn'a squadron will bo cited to testify nt his trial hy cnurtmartlat, whlrh, It Is be lieved, will result In sensational devel opments. Arrangements for the cruise of bmti son's squadron of evolution have pro grossed so far that tho navy depart ment wns nhle to announce thnt tho squadron would sail from Havana about Feb. 21. Hen. (Jomex expresses his entire sjm pathy with all Cubans who nro dispos ed to work Independently lit agricul ture or any other Industrlnl pursuit, but ho says he Is greatly disgusted with oineo seekers. A illspntch from Cairn says that tho column which was sent In pursuit of Khnllfn Abdullah Into Knrdofnn, whoro he has been making wnr upon tho tribesmen, hns abandoned the attempt to overtake him. A number of mon belonging to tho quartermaster's department at Santia go discovered a large quantity am munition nnd sovorul hundred guns, conrenled on nu unfrequented trail about Bcvcn tulles north of that rlly. Careful Inquiry nt tho war depart ment discloses the fact that tho prosl dent has taken no action toward sup planting (Ion. llrooko hy den. Wood ns governor general of Cuba, nnd there In nlo ground for tho slnlomcnt that ho has no such Intention. Fccretny Alger has concluded ar rangements with Mr. It. A. C. Smith, representing n Spanish transportation company, for tho trnnsportntlon of nlntit 2000 RpnnUh soldiers from tho Philippines to porta In Spain. The control of tho Sngua railroad In Culm has pnsscd'into thu hnndn of cap Itallsts who somo tlmo ago bought tho Havana street railway system. Somo new parties nre In tho present syndi cate, which now Includes Now York, Hugllsh nnd French capitalists. A Madrid correspondent snys that. owing to tho recont development of tho uarllst aglintlou. tho government has decided to retain the stnto of hIoko nnd the Hiisponshm of tho constitutional guarantees for somo tlmo longer. Tho movement to erect n monument nt Hennessey, O. K for Itoy V. Cash Ion, tho only Oklahoma volunteer to dlo In tho Spanish wnr. Is racotlng with success. Nearly 11000 Is already assured by prlvato subscription, and the legislature will probably nnproml- ate a second $1000. Ocn. M. C. Ilutlor wns beforo the son- ato committee on military affairs. Ho expressed tho opinion that Ocn. Urooke's order forbidding tho Cubans taking part In the evacuation coremn- nles was necrssasy. Ho gavo a detail ed account of tho affair. Tho cities of Cuba are now well sun- piled with American foot troops, nnd tno need in tho Island Is for mounted men In tho country districts, who can cover nnd preserve tho peace In much territory. The ships, therefore, are carrying cavalry. At Iukn, Miss., n special train hear ing the tenth invulry en routo to Cuba had Its ammunition car set on II ro by somo unknown person. Several men were Injured. The car was destroyed. mm mo resi oi um train iiati a narrow escape. Forty colored soldiers of the ninth cavalry tHuaod through III Paso on the way to their homes In the southern states. They wero discharged from servleo a few days ago At Fort QranL The men wero all with the regiment at Hantlago. Morro castle. Havana, ami Calmnai have been almost looted within tho last few weeka hy souvenir hunts.. When the Spaniards turned over both places there were tons of Junk feft bo- hind, nnd so many old uniforms that tin attempt wns made to count them. The Alabama legislature has nasae! a resolution recommending to the pres ident the appointment of Ocn. Joe heeler to the position of major gen ernl in the regular army as soon as a va -anry occurs, "in recognition of his gallant sarvle and able generalship.- tie Sltteth, Waltlnf and Watchlnr. with WkM- ST. JACOBS OIL tsaMHi Rheumatism. It Cures Surely cure (our The Ledger Monthly For February "THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK." BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE SAPOLIO A rnrr ninrnn(" of iihrmf iheihot wah iii'.iiaEmimiiid lYiT.rsiu i n LUfab Ull'l IIUL, manton "ho will utompiif Mlf i Nun Jnmi H MILL, IUIUIlLtHmr.TO fflffwl Vsekd rt KM l.tmlti. NnlnHl wbiI .loinl illa.n.r., Wrf N-. I'M Hilt. Ilhtiirni- "' THE L, C, mCLAIN MEDIUM. AND SURGICAL INSHTUIt, 51, LOUIS.MO. llim and tort al ratnit. Addrrtt, Thri'lla run. ann llllhitl ndorntntnli from rofrhhlt. ranker and I lit bmlneii nubile. Illfh trali an1 wldi rn- JIHKHi. t'atullr Until ifluih olcnirtfo, MflhiKj' niarilral an.l nii-lo-dilt. Irtril illrndtna iof.l intiti, IIW In iota ilttn awar Oraifuaitiln nliht'l iKitillont Ad II. II. Ilil.l.. rrtildtnl Wim.Tal fTsrnnitBlliOard.lifllrn,iTn,n.IIH I nrit iIm m at t'r. Kim. a lit,. i .S.rt. il.iurtr. ("t r KIIKI. atf.OO UUl l.olll. .Kit lif.tii. . IL II. Ku.i, U.I ,JI Ann tU I'Llttd.lrbi, Kep your secrets and your troubl u entirely to yourself. Ost f 4 l-a Indira r.onc. Tho oi marvsl-whnt will K.. Mich lonit hrnds per aer wtlnhT IS.M4 .oi. HQ Ilmhriat Huch a yleM ps- but Cut this nollqe out ami svml 10 qrnt" COMPANY, I.A C'HOHBB. WIU . nml set Uitlr Krent ritatocua and 10 farm Bred HamHM free; Including Ilrnmua Inermti, !."! fsis on earth. 1'otaio-a a Ubl. lw.n l , Start In to compare your troubles with somo elso's nnd rou will not think you have any. UIIKSGKNT IKITr.U KtMtr.ltA Hl'lUNdS. AltrCANSAS, Open. February 98rd, In theOtark Moun tain. Dollirhtfiil rtliiisle. Ilrsutlfut seen ery. t'nrqunlril me illelnsl waters. Cheap exfiirftlou rsles. Through sleepers vis Hrluro Line. Ailrrti J. O. l'Unk. Man sgrr, Itnom It, Aremln, Century llutldlng, or Krlaro Tlrkrl ORIee, No 1W N. Ilroad way, Ht. liOUls, Koine old t. Ids are thus of their own accord. WILL MAIL SAMPLE BOTTLE OH REOEIPT OF 25o. DIFFERED from RHEUMATISM FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY NOW CURED. Unsollollid TtttlmtnlaU and Sworn Affidavit. Offered to Prove Every Assertion "5 DROPS'' Soores Marvelous Triumph! Breaks Its Own Record. What I, M. Dnke, Imon, Mlta., tiat to m; tont "(I till Off)." .. fiwAMoM HtiroMATio I'cna Ca, Cnirano IirarSIra t will ay to ton and the rest of i ..JUL'1,1 ""J1.".'1. '"T"..1?.??!1 rlnco I hits Hn ntilc to do a itay'a worl( until Ihlt iprlnr. I remmrnecd taklna liiinrff-'in I)-emterlt. snd 1 now icel llko a new wan. I bat o had the Jlbeumatliai ever since 1 nsa 6 years old. 1 am now eo mid jreara old and cured. t...- Yours Brrtctulljr, I. l. WKB. Jun,IW9. Imsn, Miss, Core by S Ultora-' Af tsr Physlrlanc anil all Mtdlrlnes Tall. SwANspNltllKOMaTloCoiiRCo..9iiUAno:,aenttnin(n-Tblalaloeerll(ylbat"ai)IIUIS' i5 JiR?.wJ?0f ATtr't""e,S ".? ' '"'matlin. I had ul various llafments and patent Eli-'-".WS hd "if b.t Pslelaps In Wrat Tnsa onlirr raae. all with no crTrct. Hho urew ."h!1 Ltno i'msn0 n hadto be turned Inbcdi bad no use or hersfK and onn aldo,'J.,''riVi,.,.i'2,lrfl V ,!'?UF1 I never would bo re.ortit , Thin look pretty ' ibln. but :.i SS . il i ..T.-. T. " hibui nnnmc, iiiriuBinKBCii-Biiiirratni aiamica ft SE?.i,.n'J Jj'm vtoro iu Urstefully, JOHN Ol.tVKIt, JunoII.IBW. llucksbay, Tois. rprrtlr. I'rrpii ujiantrtilf (inilu rf tit n.Hrli ui,!,u, yspepaia, llarfcarlir, Aillniin. Uay.ratrr, tatarrii, HlMplrfiira, Hrrtou.iiMt, Ncrtnua anil ftrumlKln HrailHrlira, Vi ?Ar.f ilrJ.S,,rT' Toaelip. Kararhe, I'rouii. Ij Trli, Malaria, treeplnif Nuiiibne-a, llronclittls and kindred dftciu. "R DRtDPA" l!t"nmiiD.Ito IjirailK)ttl(nooilor.) i.n.. . . Loo.rrepaMl.ymallurtiprtMi tlirtwlx.tilr, ' samiij aso Sold only liyui and cur tKtni. AirnU ippolalcd In si, TiiAot-xina gsTiso-y. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., U70M&ir, PilL! AS K everybody you know to save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J.T.," Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this lltt that they would like to have and ran have FKKF.l Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can Ret to ui -mentioning the number of the present you want. Any nwortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted si follows i 1 Mtuti It, qiaifll dttlfii, twrttU fram Jtpin 3 Knil, ant Midf, cuo.1 iim ;oa1 mI 4 CUJ! S, Kn!f, fork and 8pon I Sill snd I'tpptr, mi tick, rtiuj. . runlt pUta ea Vihllt imuI Int. W 51 51 33 S RiM,haii S Sfulth.lLiii StMp iVtT.tinltat tSutr gliWhl, ftot pJIUlh IP I'. ie,MiiquiK)y IV MM, "K.rn KHilir.' 11 lla4ckf KM,, K.a KuHif." I Utiu . t...... sUtkUiJ. 11 ShM,, Kin KitUrr," S-Uch, IS N-ISC u Ntfl Fs, .i LCiM.iraitdS l'Mkt,tilrr tr, tlttmc tSttr. smtlhril Lit. A. inch II TwMh. Itw.h, titttUf nJ", am Ihttl Mt, l4Mh M umw. MtHks Ifcry m. 1-iMh it iM8ia,"AutUii," b.,ifni. IS W.uh, M,m aia4 sad Ml, piiM. tttd fd (ha Utftt . It Alitm CImV, akltl, k.iiaaltd . SOO 30 C.r,t,( lHMkhni lumV, tied hmI . . jof 31 Sit Kiftri' Ttipon,( Um null 314 33 Kaltti ind rwVi, tt tub, Mtsk- lwin IimH at) 33 Clack, S-di, CiUrsr.Hinnwia. tier, IliitniMtr .... 400 34 Slotr, WCtia llMltr, tilt Na 0 sr Na. 10 ... 100 31 TmI Sfl, rvM 4lMti, M imI laah (jo 14 TaiWi Si, fecofiwd rrctl.U, y hlaiUmar son 37 Wsicfc. H&i ifi Ml iiW 10ro 31 Stk( Mai Mm, SjM cttH, aUk ill illnkufcM . . o Um. utta itu . , , ?ono 31 Outur Wa44wn), rwod, i. teti itrtili iB4aw44kseayf ytfji) M INeytlt, mikvUhJ auit' hltW tr limfK-M tltalM MhtiUai-wSi a Ut itart at. ISlifi tak. Tkla nlli mI U.u. L.. fin loan ini wiisi vapuaa nutaiuuei IB39, AddrcM all your Tagi and the correspondence about thstn to DRUMMOND BRANOH, St. Louis, Mo. ion M to U lor Diit ai dais. Ksptil aeruaaunti In farulir of -id. uikm iin ., tuwilw MS bifuis atnd.m tes4S)Us.-A-t.f UKV lT)bSKl'1rTiTll AN AMERICAN BEAUTY Tht abovt fti, lurt it rtfirvductd injtvt telors en tht tovtr ej tht FRIiRl'AHV Li.dokk Monthly. Site tox 13 Ins. Tilt. rKIUtUAItV lasuo of ths I.rdtrsr .llunihly- It tlm "Amrlrsn llrsiity" ininilier. It contains reproductions of tho portraits of the most bfstitlfql rromsn recently Mhlbitril st ths 1'ortrsll Hhow at tho Arnileiny of Drtlgii lu Ntv York. Ths portrait 011 the covrr of ths rotirusry Issue, a suBBSsilnti of whloh Is rItcu hImit. Is hy Hint crlebtstrd fsatilou ntilri portrntt nslntrr, Csrln J. Illrnurr, anil It Is rf produced In flrs colors. Disking a nli'turo worthy of frnmtns;. To all lorsrs of tlm beautiful, this cover la worth tnsny nines 1 110 prico oi ma insgsiinc. Now is the Time to Subscribe. To utary atnallas flfiy rrnl no far st year's iutiterlMloa ne rtlll srnil VltRR lb January nnrobrr, sinii wo trill also trad taa !,ir .lUalhly aaill Match, 1000. Your Pottmatttr will tokt yeur tut nrtpthn. Ths Doston Olobo's Opinion of that Lodjr Monthly. . For thn iniinoy (50 r(s. n yesrl, iirisiiior prrinilii-nl tlinn tun l.rilir rtlnufblv la nrliitril III Entllili. Tlila wUle-awnko publication I certainly worthy of rlsMlOestlou with tho month llssntuisnr times Mie prlcn. Ona has to rub one's eyes nnd look twlcn to ses "Fifty ('ml a Year!" Thn .otttjor .llonttity la brimful of siiRgsstlons for nvorr member, yniuin or olil, of ths ricsi public's grootor family. Dotton OMt. no Van ran at all yaaratlf if Ida sOr Lktta fcy italag aaly any crali la ROBERT DONNER'S SONS, Publlibera. No. IM Uittt Dslldtof, Ntw York, FOR 14 CENTS ! UwUhloilaifctiirS0ffX is m ILL ss YHrvVIa- i Bw, auii t 1 !' 11 III. fl.ifl.h. rk. If.,). Illpt Vlbi(S, r.ii iirq usfi " xin(l.lhia'(l.'uc(nibt " F.rlr lilnp.r l Toraltu, M I 22! r Union. laa.rli.ula. Is. I tr.ria i.oo, r.-...(, Tttti Ai.ottupist. woriB ai-oo. win inll in It., loi.lh.r with car I 8,. a. f-iani apii ofa taitiospi pnnrtctivtatlliltnallra Mo o.U.. YainTiliratrttt4ttad knait xhin tuo uati If J Halttr'i 3 riilarnuairn.t.r sal 4inlanNirii(IHr,iri -pi!b!.fern:KH?! ioiit i, sauib actn to., it itoui, ais. e064aS64tMMMaS4H CURE faiiRSBlF? Nl', lll( U far uauslsrtl Ucbsisx. laBtniBiallvBt. irlUlluaa tr ult.l.llasi if W MtiUS ,U)B)tlttM. P.lul... .1, a, .al,lk iTHlEllslCHISICUCa. f 'at ur poltoaoBt. Ha 14 by Drantsta. ft saat In tlila wrstMr. I t lr.M, artptld UI II (TV nrlLolfl.. M , tlrcaUr -at aa rasaiU .y syi f 'CBUKSX I lal-t.,rt. s.Kj RELIEF " FOR WOMEN DR. M ARTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS raHUoJen aad ftl- Ron ll In Blala ttatst liar uaiiau S-aaa. rREWeHDRU0COlBU3l3rMilSI..XtaTsr. . H1IIQ Ula i:k'lk lor imsubs "'I" Ocrt ad SlUtr Or. Il U 7,r niaata irrMurta. urcuiari aaa isiu " monltls (rrt 1'. AUKHCT, S.I tt, Psteirt. ra, Rl!l I HlttMi Hf4 fltJ. Start. UWlaLCS AIM car Btlftr ttlttl It tiff ''m'tfAs. law. niTBUTO a. rt. I.AOBT. UJ I 111 I IS hut ltbfliil.TaiUirtoi.t( I w KimlosiloasadiplaoB tarntiUMUif taU4 pttk rstt Hyrs. tit. OPIUM anil UIIIHKKY llatilla rarad at liomn wllliout palo. Ilools uf narllrulara frta. It, fl. V.xU.Ir. M. D.AlUaU.Oa. nPnPQV DISCOVERY! U Ry O I quIikrtllftaadmrriatiMl rrt. II...K of iMiiirmaUi. sad lOriayt' trrat nitutrrre. Sr. M.i.sais'ssiis,Bis,U4.u,it. WASTKU t4.ia or iM hflllb Ihtl II I f A H S alllB-.tbtatei Stsd t rtali la lllptsi I btuKal ta-Ksw iirt.fur 10 MWKIH aid JXU IsillBMfilsls. D ATFUT srrurt4oraMinnltf4 Prtrckfrta, iHILni t mitaitrtto tt 9 tU,TsB.I.U FORT WORTH FIRMS. MANSION NntllSv! v. ww yvi n HDa, iirtutni B1ISII ttpll. 505 Main St.. Ft, WoiIMh. pa,V:&, Drs, Gray & Therapson,"-;'; r . il Ma n if . Wv,ihr iti Ut ItlliTtfut r'-0anlers S!odlo,r.sV,; sn4 t.riBi.i wipi mtsu.i talsrsiBi fisaittttiritla Texas Impli. & Mach. Co. Sr.!;M,Utt.Vl,.,; ItaBlsrs A t Biiltatws IBSI dtlht ei. WHU as. W. N. U. PALLAS. NO. O IBOO U'tea AsiKcrlsg AJvertlstmcots Hlstly mmios Tttls riper. diakiKiiiikiniiiiifiiiHMMniKii-u W rfuftJ to Men. Prte, CO sent. 8etj by AH Dtve&tto. IF IT FAILS Go to jour raer chant and gtt raifR MONEY in VAN VLEET-MANIFIEUi DRUG CO, MEMPHIS, TENfe,