BEST OLD LINE FIRE INSURANCE Baker Bros. Agency Clovis, New Mexico. VOL. 8. NO. 32 NEW TRAIN SERVICE WILL BE BOOST FOR CLOVIS Four heavy triiins before the Clovis depot Sunday morning gave rotice the new train ehe du!e was in fcrce over the big Santa Fe system It whs a drastic change in time and re quired much preparation by ev ery department to carry the schedule into effect without in convenience to the traveling public. The new order of things had to be acquired over night, so to speak. There was no delay or excite ment. Everybody seemed to know just what to do. The mail clerks, tha bairgage men, the express messengers, had heaps of mail and bulky trunks and chickens and what not to transfer. It all moved without hitch or accident. The passengers ftreamed out across the platform to the Har vey House for breakfast. Mana ger John 0. Pritchard was ready for them with plentv of good things to eat and the ser vice in the big dining room and lunch counter was fully up to the mark. This is one of t lie best hotels on the system and Clovis is proud of it. The Pecos Valley train arrived first atGiMonihe !ot. The Missionary Irom Chicigo came last just a bit late. The Pullmans were soon in place on the outgoing trains and they f re ready for speedy runs to the Gulf coast, San Francisco and Chicago. Th" passengers found their way to their trains nfter breakfast without trouble though many attendants were there to assist. Officials big and little, repre senting the various department" that go to make up the conve niences of modern travel, were at hand, each attending to his particular line. Superinten dent F. J. Evans, trainmaster. J. I!. Briscoe, general baggage agent, Charles Walsh, of Aniar lie; tr.iv.ilm: puni'tr aj.;.i:, T. A. Galluher, Amarill"; sta tton agent L R. Conarty with assistants, sun rintendent of eating houses, B. F. Manger, of Newton, and his assistants. C. 15. McCoy of Amanllo. Pullman Inspector E G. Lane, of Chicago, master mechanic Shafer and others were on duty. It is a credit with them that everything moved with precision. OR All All Cash MANDELL The new trains are fine ones. The Missionary comes out of Chicago for San Francisco with t wist and Pullmans, a ten coach train. This is number 21. Its counter part U number 22, the Chicago Flyer from Califor nia to Chicago. At Clovis the Missionary sets out a Pullman from Knnsa3 City to Carlrbad and takes on Pullman from Roa- well to Albuquerque and anoth er from New Orleans via Hous ton to S in Francisco. The Chi cago Flyer easibound sets out Pullman from Albuquerqie to Koswell and Pullman from San Francisco to New Orleans and j Houston and takes on Pullman I from Carlsbad to Kansas City. I he t alifornia special num ber 921 brings the Pullman from New Orleans and Houston for San Francisco and picks up at Sweetwater Pullman from Ft. Worth which at Slaten turns t Amarillo, Texas. Number !22 picks up at Clovis Pullman from San Francisco to New Or leans and at Slaton Pullman for Fort Worth over T. & P. from Sweetwater. The Pecos Valley train picks up Pullman from Kansas City to Carlsbad and another from Albrquerque to Rosweli. This schedule places Clovis on a transcontinental line from Chicago, New Orleans and Gal veston to the Pacific coast. The trains run on fast time over heavy steel and rock ballast. Much of the way oil burning engines are used. It means clean and safe travel. The time between Albuquer que and Santa Fe is reduced and the Pullman service to Al buquerque is an improvement. It is no possible to make the Pecos Valley conveniently in a day and Pullman may be occu pied at Carlsbad or iloswell for a night run back to Clovis. This service brings the Pec:)3 V-iliey near enough for closer business relations. Just as important is the direct fast line to Galveston and other gulf ports. Fc. Worth, th great, stock center in the South west, is reached at 7:30 a. m. the next morning, the time be ing about 25 hours from Clovis. This means much to this section where stock and wheat are staple. This service is the best thing that has come the Clovis way for many a day. TWO MONDAY and TUESDAY, Suits from $20.00 to $27.50 for $15.00 Suits up to $20.00 for - $12.50 only! No alterations. - - These are Pay Day Specials! Now is Your Chance! CLOVIS. CURRY COUNTY. NEW MEXICO. FEBRUARY 12, REGULAR TERM Murder Cases of Lem Cheshire and Herschel Taylor Will Probably Be Tried. Oldham Makes Application for Change of Venue. Jones Free. District Court for Curry Coun ty convened Monday with Hon. John T. McClure presiding and district attorney, K. K. Scott, court stenographer, McGee and district attorney stenographer, Miss C. M. Wood, in attendance. The docket this term is an un usually heavy one and the court has signified a desire to clean it up1 before adjournment. It is predicted that court will last nt Kast three weeks and possibly a month. After preliminary mo tions and ex-parte matters Mon day and Tuesday, the first jury case called for trial was that of Lena Singer, et al, vs W. F. Swartz. I n this action the plaintiff seeks damages as a re sult of an injury sustained in an accident while she was employed as a servant in the defendant's laundry by getting her hand mashed in a mangle. At this w riting the case is on trial. The next case called fur tomorrow is that of the Ftr.-.t National Bank of Amarrillo vs W. B. Mersfel der a replevin case. Friday has been set as the date for the trial of R. D. Elder and Ben Craw- ford. county commissioners cases who have brought suit against this paper for an article publish ed May 8, 1913, which they allege injured their reputation, standing, etc in the community. They only ask $10,000 damages, Among the important criminal cases to be tried at this term is that of the Slate of New Mexico vs Lem Cheshire and also Her- shel Taylor. These are both murder cases, the killings hav ing recently occurreJ at Texic, the reports of which were pre viously given in the NEWS. Cheshire is defended by Attor neys S. G. Bratten, of Farwell, and W. A. Gillemvater and Harry Patten, of Clovis. Taylor is defended by O. 0. Askren, a noteJ young criminal lawyer, of Rosweli. Application for Change of Venue has been made in the B. D. Oldham cases on grounds of alleged prejudice against the defendent and it is possible that the change will be granted to Roosevelt o r Chaves county. The state of New Mexico vs Roy D. Elder, charged with criminal CLOTHING DISTRICT COURT IS IN SESSION libel may also cjma up at this term. The grand jury has found three true bi lis and a number of no bills. One of the latter was that of Vernon Jones who killed his father, Cyclone Jones and he was ordered released by the court. Thos McDonald who was confined in the county jail and who was charged with tak ing ahorse and buggy belonging to Miss Ella Grant was also .or dered released. Cheshire and Taylor when ar ranged both plead not guilty. Would Build Park. The matter of leabing ground for a public park was discuss ed at the Clovis Chamber of Commerce meeting Friday night. A committee composed of John Barry, Alex Shipley and W. H. Duckworth were named to ro-operate with the" : County Fair Association in an endeavor to select and lease a park site. It is also the plan to co-operate with the base ball associa tion which has a couple hun dred dollars on hand and to build a grand stand and ball ground and . encU se it with a board fence. It is also propos ed to make other improvements and to adopt the location for j permanent Fair grounds. Trey O Hearts. Have you been reading story, "Trey O'Hearts in Clovis News and seeing pictures at the Lyceum? you have neglected to do the the the If so, you have missed a real treat. . Read the story in this issue, for town and county readers and then go and see the movies. It cost $15,000 to buy this story from the author and $lf0,000 to put it in film, You can get both for practi cally nothing. The new train schedule will be a big help to Clovis and this section of the state. The Albu querque Journal now reaches here at 7:10 on the morning of the day it is dated. Just like a home daily. DAY FEBRUARY 15th and 16th 1915 NEW $18,000.00 HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING PROPOSED Chamber of Commerce Meets. The Clovis Chamber of Commerce met at the Elk's Club Rooms last Friday night and what it lacked in attend ance, it made up in enthusi asm. Tne Secretary announced that he had received twenty letters addressed to the Club since the last meetinor two weeks before. Some were in the nature of orders for Sudan grass and inquiries concerning it but the majority were with reference to the country and the business opportunities in Clovis. Several committees re ported and many matters of vi tal interest to the people of Clovis were discussed. Elevator for Clovis Mr. Burdick of the firm of Burdick and Stone, of Wichita, Kansas, was in the city Wednes day and in a meeting with the Clovis business men at the office of the Union Mortgage Company practically promised to erect a grain elevator in Clovis within a short time. Several Clovis business men have offered to take stock in the enterprise to the extent of about $1,500 00 and Mr. Burdick will put more than a like amount in the proposition. This company is well known in Kansas where they operate several large ele vators. The erection of an ele vator in Clovis will mean that our farmers will always find a ready market for their grain. This is something that Clovis has long needed but the real ne cessity of it was not fully real ized until ihis year. Score an other one for Clovis. Them Salaries It now appears that those of ficers who had dreams of re ceiving such large salaries as are provided in the proposed bill for officers of the counties of the second and third class, will have their dreams shattered. It is now almost certain that under the new classification Curry County will be relegated to the fourth class with salaries for the principal officers of about $2,000. 00. An agreement has not yet been reached on the salary bill and the New Mexico legislature so far has accomplished (?) ONLY! COMPANY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE t Clovis Title & Abstract Company C. C. BAKER. Mgr. Clovis, Mew Mexico. $1.00 PER YEAR The board of education of Clovis have decided that the time has arrived when we must have another school building' to relieve the congestion in the Clovis schools which is daily growing to be more of a vexa tious question, by reason of the rapidly increasing enrollment and will ask the mayor to call an election on the first Monday in April to vote bonds for the erection o f an $18,000 high school building. Th's is the regular date set for the election of trustees, so that the will be no extra expense in ca liny; an election. , The board is unanimous in its desire to call the election and .he mayor has signified his will ingness to do 80. It is announced that there will be 200 children ready for the high school next year, without tmple provision being made to accomodate them unless the pro posed high school is bui t. We are advised by Prof. W. E. Carroon that a small levy will be sufficient and that a bond payment of $700.00 to $800.00 a year will provide ample funds. Ordinarily the News is not in favor of any raise in the tax rate, but in case of absolute necessity and for such a worthy cause we feel inclined to favor the proposition. It is recognized by all who are familiar with the facts that something must be done and there seems no other way of do ing it. The News would invite com ment by others on this su'ijact. Whiting Will Move A. J. Whiting, who has been compelled to vacate his present building, by reason of its pur chase by the Kendall Dry Goods Company, has leased the Croft build ii g occupied by the Central Meat Company. Just where the Central Meat Company will move has not yet been decided but they will probably take the building recently vacated by the Pure Food Bakery or Stewart building which is to be remodel ed with a brick front. Attorney H. D. Terrell who now resides at Silver City is in the city employed as counsel in the Singer Swartz case.