OCR Interpretation

The Clovis news. [volume] (Clovis, N.M.) 1907-1929, March 01, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061777/1917-03-01/ed-1/seq-7/

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WO. fia 11N.6WWOON0011,01 OMOWM.EB
Wp have just reeelvf our new o Mold
thP lotest .moroved th0 inulrbet.
- clew, t Corrtforts.
Chrpets end Rues. Why hvp yoors
atun wrpo th( pan thor, ughly
el 'not-(1 ty reRsoffliht, pricer.?
Phone 47
----I! rourtit. 'rh, inflow', or th, talplint 1111'1' l'''!' :'': !-- !''!'"!'!
',Iotii lir Ow .;11,1 1,,Ilt,,i't.! i..11 ' litill lq ! II' " ""' . " .'' ''' .",.! ,I.':'.:: .'.' . ,
lit'lltil';'N fil.' IN('(iiii'91:Vi'l()N (IF ,,,ii t A 1 1.11 ,111111 hi shot., and 'him. ', f Ili. filill,It'1 Tirri Wel D'11!IN. :111,I ii.:':i.:';',,,',', . , :, ! ; ,,i', li,i,.. 't ,.'!, , .1; !,!
s4,1.0,11s AN!1 71 11 tix ( (ij,l,Fi A ,.; t.11,,!' ijiiiiipz l',tioit,y. th, ',pi,. oil"' LI' 10.11-.1-4.-.:,".to. 1
',i1-1 " '1
Nti iNt; (1)11'liNa ''''I''''' 'ill' l'"'"I''", ''r II' 111'111'1 rirth, TItt, manlier of 1111 ,Itart. of ,
l', 11, lt,.I,111-..IL
I. il . no, a.,11 1, at Chtvi:, NPV; Mt. I- Ill, ,,,rtille it 1,1Ch "r tii,..,.id .,,rpora- '1
f!-. 1.0! 1., ,. 1.!..!oot ,01.,,,,, ,i, 11,,i.,! lw li,,,, luitl htt To' '111,11-1101 or the lor! i, ,,,,: .. ,.,i, 1..!,,,,,, 1;
know ,,t, ,,,.ol,. ilio . 1, ,!!!!- r1.1,0 ,,,-,.,-0 1,,,,,,, f.tr 11t, Irtiltmitlitt11 .:1111.. or Too 11 Olar, 1'1,11 -harp, at1.1
..... il.. .111.1,1.-1..tit .I. -A ,.1.,,-.,, or ,.1 ,I. hi, ,,,. l'iwy hi, 4'.1:001 11"1 III !I., 0111.011,1 'I' ''"P;I'11 '1"vi WW1 Villi'll ' I tð '
11," I 1'"'" '1"1'.' "1. 's '''''''. I t.' hi a.c. p a., :a Illy VtAtt.11 t,k111.,-. awl 111 ,i.1 t,011,,raitto, ,-1111I lattill 101,111I''' !, N(01( r, riii: Itt l'iltA'rit)N
I" II2- 11'1I"II"I''' '' IIII'l 1".'" " '"' a t.1,1 lip at ..11,111 !-4.1 viz , or tw. -t- , tt,th ht. ,r,. Tit,,t, 01..1 11,11I;i1,. 11;00- ' s.;,,,, i,;,: 1..lo',1.i.
1:11111111i',"1 1,,z110 r I.,01 ill,. plii ,,,,,,, I. im,1 i, ,,,, A t;i1h.t,,,,h,t., , h : ,,1 im 1.,,, ititiohi,ti ,1,1.,,,
1 It .1..,:,1a-kt t f 1,1L.!',i'. r. -. 1.;111d
l'""' "r r"n"1" 1 '"ri' 't 111"'l 11'''1". ri rt. -pi,. at t'1,..1-... curry c..11111y, Ytt.. S1,111. TIrt 111'1111.m Id' this eta pat- !I 1;li., ttt 1 ,,I, :,ittlihry N I. .1.111. II.
tit, ta.., "r thr ,I:ito .i Ni, NI,..1.'". 1 1i,..
owl l'I flint ilutip,o .141 .1twhiri a41 I II' i"11 ,I11111 ht :My yotar,. V.,17,
111.111.. I, 11111.1y; 1:1.,t: that Ed.. it,
fttlittw,: . Titirtl 'Hat ttlijt,i, awl ptirpit.tt, l'Itt . Sp.IttalL Tit, laqtr.1 ttf tilre,Ittit, Itt
. 1 kcio 4 .1!Ho. :,..1.. u! o !,:, !!,
Pirl 'Flint Ilat haw.. of Oat s.nt i .1 i I i 1
- -a. I data ,11.. ittorp..rat hat 1- tattactil ar, H.: t ht. ,..tit.t t..trp.trai it'll shall Ito tlimot, Imo i ... , . , . , . , . ,. ,. ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,
67 11 EU) (ATTLE.
is 1 p.nr told. rive 1
elm ,
1:0.1 red Mlitt. NO.
1111 WO hi. l
IA good imps. about half
siror4 hulk
Itivklyrpil horn 111111. 3 yours
I 1.1111v roe'. yultr. 0.1 gonti "111.
12 1101SES.
2 blavhol any anreq, ft wilt 7 yvtirs
tn,.,,,....,n.,.,.... moo
Motel, Moore 7 years !oh!.
nith real.
I : 11,0: ottateliell black !nor, 4 ton!!
5 pqors oill. veight 1200 poonols,
guarantee!! litly here.
'2 rooming 21ear!!!!! lontNes, good 011014.
:Iyearilloi horse.
hid two
I soorrel mitre, a fancy driver.
'2 hay tuare4, s :war4 !old.
2 Coining mu-year-el!! fillips.
I Cowing twooyearooll! lonrse.
two-horse wag1,11
Free Delivery
follows: 11111, manes anti posloillm litlitrossiN of 'provenirnis that exist lin 111t Innti. Ilit
ft itequiti by 1.:11.1. grant. inn, 'I tilt. ðirlytors 411' ill'. said corporal Ion tor i No. 11711. Ail or sees. 1, 2, 3. :1, nli 1111,,r
vintsp, (lunation and 41:11t,rwkt. rights. 11N1 inonlh4 shall lbe ns s, I" N IViltie.,s my 1
rranithisvs, :-t1:111 hind
i :4E1,8E1 See. '13. :111 l,r Skys. 11, 1:1
111.1111s: I:111;k. v;11 littin's I,. Znimvult, N1111110ninnir, New 1 .1:111tiao, A.
vr novs--inry Air Itn, olwrat Ion at Mt. 1,11. 1:
1111. 17, ::0, 21. 22. 23, 21. 20
Its 1111,111e,;s n miffing ,,r1,,.!011011. vim Ni4w ,-:(4 27, sviisi.,,tri sty, 1'0111:n1,1w:1.r
1111,1 nil tollur ttinc1111wry :tin! :.111. 1:111inmnicr. 11,n1,, Nvw Mt.!, 3ti. 1:. ,,,, Now
protivrty dint Inny In ;1;141 rA 1:
prop,'r 1rwl,nr- Thy ,.1 ,, 1 Ni),1,1(,E
111111 leu,14p,s nity 1):nq. Itt wrilwrs !nth' , , ,,
,,1 , Nun r.,:11
1Itittql :;1:11iN Antorle.1, 1:11;1 ror 111p porn111.11, 1110 111;4.111.'1;11"r, 1111';'1"0
Iturti,Ke prow.' earr:.111:r ton thoir , Illt, 1111111
- ; 1;! Dep:111111:41i
N11011,11 ffir 1,1,r 1,r tin, ',harps enell , 1 wi 1
Iwo,- ;try :mil Incidental Ilivrinn, 1111:11,4 r.,111;w,:
11,1 To liny, 1111. tonso., V. t link, New
I I upg1:0, I illikra IV. Dili IIVP. volðr,11, rent. t :II ,Ilitivs,
1 vt,11,-Irtiel 1111(1 11111ilitilill atilt I.Y 11113' I Join" I- Z1111,,All, MIllitAilwir.
illwrið ilit,:111,, neiliðip, iiwil and itkpilso Niqv Nipi,... 711 ,11,1r,..
of itolle miliiii4 allins pligilwm, nut- I viii. A. 4;11,,,1131,4 cl"i,. Ni,
tthilwry. hind,. V:1141 Vall'r 1.10114 liv4,1 b,,I,.,, CAI .:11:t11.
4,-silli's nil' thi v:irryiti!..1 on a :I minim: hi yin, v11:1,r ol, -:Ii.1 11:11Iii,1
WO Illitit, rwinutiiiii 1111,ilivs,,, privill,!:,.. 11:1,1101111,11,,,1 il,,ir ',1.1!,,L :1111 ,-.11,
1 frao,.10-1-4 mid ,vottritip,4 1:0,,,,sltry and thi, Ow Pith .1,0 or l',,, gory. p,,17.
Iitividtmlill io Ow ;liming told re,h1,111,11 1,AII N to. ii, ,!, ,1,r.
!Mid ,.ilwili114 a ',Tiler Rio ,,Ilwr now 1:-TA1.1 k :',1111i,.
4111IS ;mil thoir hy itrollovi,, lout for Ow I SEAL; .1:,,,,. I,. '''.1i;o1 ;tit
1)11:11,,,,, or vrivtiov ;mil illitiotAiniRL, .41,11, or ',', Al,,,,,,.
1 , ...Anil:or, anti rtNillotion 'limit,.
Como, ,1 i 1,:r, ,
1 lel '1',, 1,11y. st,IL own. 1101,101, 1111,1 ion 110.. ii.,,. iotl, I:ty ilf l'clirilar,
' 11Y11,.11:ciqtiv. lit :Illy litvrill iloilloor. IN; 1,,,,,,, hi, 1, -..:111, ,,,,o,,,, ! ,
,,toclo, 1,,,lids solid oilier ,1411ritie, or -1 ,.I- .1,,;,,- I- ..,,1,,,1 1 :11'; -1.
i any ottlyr corpurat ion. .1. ,,i,,,,,,v.:,. io !no ..,1,v,, ,,, ',I ,,,,
II WI '1',, soil or litortg:tai any of ille !,r-,- ,- . ' ' , h :1,1, i.., ",..."1 '
ri';11 1"Thile. ollitli, or ollivr porsonal ; ti, r....,;.ii ! i : , 1, ,,,, 1 ,,,,
liroporty or t1,1- vorporatioil. !,,!,,,.1 ,i, o 11,,: , -,,,..1 111, ,,,,w 0.
I have leased my p!ace and have to move and will sell at
public auction. to the best bidder, without reserve or by
bid, the following described property at my farm located
11 5 miles north and 5 miles west of Clovis
Monday, March 5th
Beginning at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
t110 nunwrous tto
Free Lunch at Noon
1)11'1,EMENTS. offer tit
der nt
1 litiggY
April 1;111,
1 two-rim planter
Comity 'if
I turn lint plow. tett, in fri.et
I Sulky plow, the ftilltimitig
set leather tinniest;
swe Nol.
2 m.1,4 extra eel
I: ':; .
tars and lines.
ii;,.. .
set double litiggY t e.,
"high' i 17
2 saddles
head of
Plenty iir geed feed, bundles ntill !wart. ;
Alt Ilmtwit;;Iii will (niter :MIMI I tit , '
Mehl ion, i '4911. ,
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under cash. Over $10 a credit
of 12 months will be given with approved security at 10 per cent interest, or
5 per cent discount for cash.
V. TATE, Auctioneer. DENNIS BROS., Clerks
Li' so-0,. :,..: :".' ::, .',.-o. '.... '1 N 1: I ------
E',:Itt 11. TIW 11:11114.. III I fie sin,- ..;10.,... ,..,10 ,, ,,,,4 IN:61 II a..1,.. 1 ht.!
NIVI10E i'llii i't1;1,1('VrifWV.
wrilwes oor Iloto soI,,i'k il Ow sotiol tor- o
1 1. , 1 o',, ,,, Noon roonl 0,012 It. ,1".!:..,1
loorollioolt, filo lionollo.ordi,,IN thool,,,,,,
111,,11. poo,1,1;iiro, ,,,I,I o ,, omit ilot, 1111111 ' '
.- ; ,,,, :!,,i r,!t ,.:, twpolitiloil a 111- iiiii11,,r. rtlitoil
1,, - ,
INT 1,1' ilw ',hares stihscrillot lis i'llell , . ,, .,,, ,., , , ,, ,, :II" ;,;,,,0 i,, ,4t;ite, 1.,twi 1 ill,,, ,I H. sillitlwr N
N().11(1., ViiiC l'1,1(1:11tYN .
1,11.:1!..1:1 1,0.! 1.;111d
;t1 .! Amt. 1 ,
, 117
N C11(1 !
,. . : 1!
1 are 11
.111loco, 1.;, Co,
sd; ", .;1;, T. N..
it. i;p1 in...., !,,,
a Ism,
Snic No. Ail or sof.. 111. T. :iN..
containititr itvres. The tin
prOVP1111111.; di... gir w4.11
SOO NO. 070. All Or SOC. lit. T. 5N
It. 3:1E., mooning OW acres. The im
provenimos lin this law ronsist of (mir
ing mid plowing. valur $1790,
Si 110 NO. 671. Ail IA' spe. 36. T. r,N.,
rt. Mr contstining mires. Tinirr
no linproviiminits on this land.
NO bilk On the atiovii ileserihril trios
of lanil will lir neiniptril for irss than $10
prr nen which is the apprnised value
thiirrof Anil addition thereto the
sueeessful hiiiiiiir must pny for the itn
71. 111:14II
111.111I'III.III NI'. 1,0076 s. v.
1,, 4,1;110.1,11 lliv ilkivo
lwr.lro NV. .1. Curren. S.
;it t'liwk,
N. M.. on the 71It day or April. 19It
el:legato :I., I;
Jiday,. W.- an Moller It. Chap- .1
tinvi. all or 're , N
A. .1. EVANS,
311111'4 lte-0,ter
- - - -
t)F NEW 11,,X1(1)
NoTItE von 1,11;1.1c.vri()N
rill lc IANi) sALE.
(linty (1)1
thrwp 44 the coultills,.iowl pith.
lie Latick Ft New lexleo, Jan
uary Notivib is hereby giveti that pursuant
to the prowisiens lir an net of t'ungits,s
approved Jitee 19111, the laws er the
State or New Me leo. mei the riðt'S and
regulations of the tquit 1,titt,1 I
tor,rlibile Limits will
offer at tilldie sq'tie the
der at iti iielArrir.
April 1;111. 1917, in tie. town or Clovis,
emildy lir Curry. l'41:tte or New Mex
Let', 111 front or eiiiirt limed. therein,
the fulloming 'If land.
Nil. MI. All '0 :.(1 T. 2,N
,:,, ,
1,, , 1
11,' ; , ;.
1., 1 1,, 1 iit. tin
t' ti
a'r .amovtattio
, N ,
I ;., i
;0.1 i :1 t.
. i t.,1' I
1110' 111111VP ilesTil.ell inlets im given
oil ur licr"re m, I 1917.
IVilile:4s my immi seal of
the Lend thiN 'lily of
i; EuviEN,
,r 1,111ek, State
:4. 1.: w N '1 i ktuatancrszcmwaaduromatzsmazian
Svel I.!' 1 S. 1::ilwo ;VT
N. M. WI iiiiii;1. 110.4 P.11,1 1.1i, all FARM LOANS
t., :,, yv:Ir proa Ao
The Southwestern Drug Company
A 1
erh,1 rv, ie Telephone 58.
A -0., g ,- wioA
W. DuckwonTil. Owner.
We deliver by Parcel l'ost, anything ordered from us in our line, and we pay the peitage.
I 1.1
111'0 .1:11111.4 M.
1N 1111 t 11 1.0.
.. 11,1112.
11 pds..! loridt!
Lir Ow
o I
I. rive,
A ', mt. , i 11.
t.. (.1,1v. ;ill oof
.khy itt 4 nuclionor, 1
.k ' I
!Ito ,:110
;11.;1 ttir
, ,', Ai
' 1!1,il lir
A 111. Clovis. N. M
No delay in gettinft money. No inspection fees.
No red tape. Lowest rate. Best terms for re
paying before matvity. Don't borrow UT over
fivP years, as money will be cheaper. Ask your
neighbors if tkey repomtnend
Yours for fair treatment,
The Union Mortgage Co.
. . . ---).(-- Ft:-,
of ,
. '.$;.,---.7--"s:::...'"-41"...77:-1)
, r ,-
l' "--:...----'-': '.','-'..1-;.-CMj147?-..
.::,r, '.1i.,,' :,.... 1 ,
tt ,., 'f-:. 'I , --- - ,- --..
,0,0,. 4'. , .o.....,11,,,m4!,i01411INIMI,IrZflpu l'''
.,,: ,I.,'O'f: .,: y; , .,:4,.,..L.Cnii t( , 11A, ' '4 ;-.-
, .6.: . .!'. ' 2,1,...i! ...,::: ,.,
i ::F!!,,:;.:!:t.g.:::,4tTiiicrtv,urr.71.6"1 l' -5.1-- '''''''
;4',' 4pt', it,; 117, !r-r1,11L-1;::. 04 1.,;:, 8., -e,i
ti , 0 ,,,1;,,,,v,!',,Nt .!.; 91:17, R
Fr ,:, . 2,...t ::;,., :1.; ;,:.t. , p,'...t. 1 ,I ILL1 .,
T.; t,', t ',:,, .. , 4...lit tiii....:. it I 1:i y: 1. ' ,74.'::1
, , ..,..........., , -.- . N.:
-. - .o'frnti It--r. 1 i 11 r : .. ,
:,, ..,v,' ' :!.2; ili,.7.;: , g , -,' 1 i '', ' -
ii:, ,':i!i';4.:,Y,,:l: 1 ''';',F;4
',.:,',,',4,' ;i"".9,. ,,:r.;;;,.1
!1',',,,,,bi.e...;,s1,-;-,; 4q:.::71 . 4-
çt,'..'rv..1;?4,1't )(,;41;,..(:::fl
!,.M--.z'Si.1.i .4'4.14,,L1
- 4' , fr
When you put up a house or any
other kind of structure you want
material that will give entire satis
faction. The stock of millwork
which we sell is guaranteed to give
the best of service because it is
i made right.
I 1
When You Buy From Us
you are assured of high quality at a
fair price. Tell us your building plans
and we'll tell you how to secure the
most for your money and avoid waste.
Our Business Methods Make
New Friends Every Day
Lone Star Lumber Co.
Telephone 2.1 Clovis. New Mexico
1 imoloomm immmon
dmimm ilimmom,
, ..,,. r,ey: ,, -,;, ,..,;,.,..i..ltr111 if- ,. AFA' -44 r', :... ILIkill ---..,.., yi,, 0- , ,
! ...g.,,...:.,'..,,!:$4.:-:,,r,-,,,,f,t.,"---- ,.. ,:.:,,I , , ....,,... ,,,,,
i ,1..--. ,,,-,1-, ,wv, !ii..i 2 .-e,k JIK1, rg 1-ii1,- prt:.01
;,,,,.;li,:o,,t,;;1:,!7;T:.:,,,,, f :''',,..': l'::;:. 1 77, !e'j'....7 it'll . 91EA !I .L-11 eile.,4411..:11',:;:'; ..
t ,! ..''!?,.,'.:.1.;,!!t.'.1.2 ;!, .7.-'--..',..... ... 11 :IL.4---1': -1 -:.'!.;:. ':1-7)-''',.,''''1....:L41. .:.....4.---.-0. '. I ' '4' 4:i.'i 1 i 'ini-i4?
s,4 ! ,,... ,.;.1! ;fr .
1, r,4,,., 13
' 'i,t''. , ti ....lit 4111',.... li I ;H: ,1:)., ,-.;,.......,.., 4:14 ..4,11'1, ,;14,,,i
krrt?k4,11I1-,:,.. 1 1... 1 :).:;:. . .:7).', -..I. lir- ., '. .F,Lkoaâr- 1
m ',i.,,4,1 P.: :I . k , ': I I 7 . .--Tr.----..iz!!--2-
i'''''-ono.41.110111101i. .-rlir ',440t14--.7 ..,,,,,,srla .... .....,.....
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(..M.'M V,I,'-,. 4,',.'..ti;:,.:;,,:.,, 1 petA
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,! ,IL;-1's.:";. er.--:1-z. ,, ::4-',..1.''.i r!-214. e.,,,4:14
; ' ' l'''. -- í "' '.-...7 - - ---- !,t,;,t,N,N41,, ,Iye
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