OCR Interpretation

American Baptist. (Louisville, Ky.) 1879-19??, June 12, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93062854/1903-06-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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t i > j 0 J AERICAN J J B AP1Ti1l c 3 h73 r r i
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II Ti GOOD Tt Iff B v
Til good to live 1 If but to feel
The wind of summer softly blow
tread the grass now gay with flowrs
i tew warm beneath spread of mow
11 > S to live If but to dream
at even ia tbe city street
bove the highest buildings top
cods answer and my prayer will meet
ood to live I If but to learn
ough Im weak my friend Is strong
any a minor tone It takes
ell the chords for one grand song
good to live t If but to love
ill brave true women tender men
o know a doubter may find faith
Through some pure heaven of eyes
Ds good to live I If but to bear
A tuneful voloe homesick for heaven
Or react a glowing prophecy
The poet to the world has given
If bt t tb see amid the crowd
Two fjomradts meet and greeting give
A face the lorelight glorifies
A laughing cbhdus good to JIve 1
On the morning of May 22nd we left
South Union for Bursellvill thence to1
Pembroke to attend Filet District ti S
Conttntlou was pleastd 10 join Bro W
H Stmwaid who was alto In route to
Pembroke Rtaobiug this point we
found aev L C Majors Chairman of
the Recetlon ummittee awaiting us otI I
accompanied us to the Mt WaenhiKton
BaptUi oburoh where the convention
was In session We wen introduced to
this bony of Christian workers by the
president Rev Wm Foster On mo
tion we were given Saturday evening to
present the claims of the Baptist No
mtnfi Educational Convention accord
ingly at 8 p m a large crowd assembled
to her r us Alter devotional exercises a
lltorar ogramme was rendered AR 9
p m w > iuroduotid by the presi
dent nnr an appeal for our work
t colic Owas trkcn and 81
charta sold amounting to 810 total col
looted 810
We are specially grateful to Misses
Arletta Vaughn and Mamie Aliens worth
tor thttlr friendly assistance During our
stay at Pembroke we Were entertained at
IIIthe home of Deacon Smith and wife
FindUa that no appointment had been
made for us at neither Allensvllle Elkton
nor Trenton we decided to go to tlopkins
yule and attend commencement exercises
of M F College Revs Tyler Dennis
and Majors pastors of the aboved named
churches respectively promised to send
us a collection from their churches We
4hope to be able to report the same in our
f next communication The time should
wasi i
most pleasantly and profitably spent at
M F allege where our friends
President P T Prater and loveable
wife hale made us welcome to their hue
I pitality We attended seek of the exer
olaes and have been highly gratified with
all that we have seen and heard such
men sent out from State University as
Prcf Frazer will do more to more thor
oughly establish tbe true worth of our
grand old school than all that may be
aid we believe we have made many
new ft lends to our work by stating the
fact that he ia one of the proud sons of
Old State11
On Saturday morning May the 80th
we were off for Cadiz reaching this
point ia a drenching rain we were met
by Mr Firna Barnes and taken to the
comfortable and inviting home of Dr W
r H MoIUdley we were met at the door
and extended the warm band of welcome
+ by dear sister MoRldley and her lovable
mother dear sitter Crump Owensboro
who u vlsitleg her We were soon made
comfortable especially after partaking
of the hearty meal awaiting us On Sun
day morning we attended Sundayschool
where we found the usual interest mani
Tested We were Introduced by Superin
tendent King and made a short talk
asfclag for a contribution LQ5
was given We attended U oclock services
vice Dr MoRldley was at his best and
we an left church feeling to have been
greatly benefltted by his timely sermon
At S p so we reassembled ReY S
1esvcll preached an instructive sermon
after whisk Dr McRidley gave us an
fetir to lay the claims of the Baptist
Waauai Educational Convention be
tare the congregation at the ooaclmsion
Which ftcUoUoM WM takes amount
lag tt 2987 At i p l m we again assem
bled aid listened to a aeuHnsplring
lltraelt tiy Ute ve trable Dr After usu
aI eellidi we were agate saacb to oar
e talkr
a tstata pe were preeetttat tkat sir
TiM ° wlllap cetiM an M freseit at tkf af
ttneesi ffealUigte khlsmvisiiu for a
tt tiff we reWiM ftlsi t s14 ser
ii iiaer7eWts f > MI eellaetedat
+ f
CadiiJISOO the following gave 25 each
Mrs W H MoBidley Mrs M Leavell
Mrs Bornella Wharton Mrs Henrietta
Roach Mrs Bettie Boyd Mrs M A
Bryant Mrs Susan Wharton Mrs Jessie
Durrett Mrs Mary Radf ord sister atb
ezioe Thompson Misses Emma Grooms
L A Roach E L White Brethren
G W King Flrna Barnes Moses Gaun
Janes Bronston J W Roach A VI
Millea J E Diokerson 50 cents Dr Mo
Ridly 100 Never shall we forget this
glorious Sabbath spent at Cadiz it is to
be remembered that this church led the I
state last year in in oonribntion to the
Missionary work and has so far eclipsed
ail previous collection taken this year It
has never been our pleasure to visit a
better disciplined Baptist church in this
I or any other state long live Dr Wm H
MoRldley to keep the Baptist flag un
furled to tbe breeze that the world may
continue to read the inscription thereon
Oue Lord One Faith and One Bap
On Monday In company with sister
McRidlay we spent a most pleasant day
at the home of brother and sister Roach
we enjoyed a sumptions dinner and were
offon time for Hopkinsville We were
unable to fill appointment at night ow
ing to tbe final commencement exercises
at Tabernacle which were well attended
and enjoyed greatly On Tuesday eve
nlng however we were on time at Vir
ginia Street church where a small crowd
awaited us Dr Williams conducted
devotional I exeroists after which In a
most Impressive manner introduced us
We made a abort talk and hope we were
successful in making come friends to our
work as well as strengthening the love
and confidence of our old friends A
collection was given ua amounting to
115 the following gave 25 cents each
Brother Lewis Burry and Prof Jf T
Frazer pledges to the amount of 825
was taken On Wednesday night wn
tilled our appointment at Main tieet
church small audience awaited us de
votional services were conducted by Bro
James Alleusworthj Jr we wero after
wards introduced by him succeeded in
collecting 225 sold three charts the
following gave 25 cents each Brethren
James Allenworth Branch Bush retb11nI I I
Jeter WA Thomas George Baokner
also pledges to the amount of 600
On Thursday night we were off on time
through mud we climbed tn or around
the city of dopkinsville a mile from ou
stopping place finally we reached the
beautiful little church of Gainsville ot
which Rev J E Ladd is pastor he was
absent but Prof W C Davls iendejed
kind assistance and proved to be of great
help in this particular meeting we made
a plea for our work oolected 92 01 The
following persons gave 26 cents each
Prof W O pay Bros James Lee A
W Withers E J Tandy also pledges to
the amount of 800 payable at our next
meeting In Franklin Oct lit We are
glad to announce Dear Sisters that we
are meeting with the greatest success in
a financial way than ever before in tbe
history of our werk We have just fin
ished one months service aud have ac
complished more without any special
effort than ever before in the same
length of time so we feel encouraged
We ask not for rest but for strength to
labor on
Mrs IiM Jackson will fill the fol
lowing appointments in the interest of
the Baptist Womens educational Con
Hodkinsvilie June 15
Princetonu 7tU
Paducahu 811
Mayfield llth
CorydonIt 12th
Henderson 1816
Basket 16th
Sebree II 17th
Madisonville It 1819
Providence 21th
EarliDgton U 22nd
Greenville 23rd
Bevier 24th
Leltoh1leldtJ 25th
Hartford 26thl
Contra City 87th
South Carrolton u 26th
LivermoreI n 89th
Bethlehem BOth
Pastors and Presidents of University
Societies are requested to make suits
ble announcements of these appoint
ments and meet our representative on
her arrival and make provision for her
entertainment By order of the Board
of Managers
LISZIB C C > s1rT noN
Recreation Is aol le highest kind of
enjoyxitntbati < t its tune and place it
is quite as proper as f ray 6rf Prltae
I I 1
I i r wt r
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i ji 0t a
JULY 1st 2nd and 3rd 1903
To the members of the National
AfroAmerrloan Council Delegates from
Local Councils and affiliated organiza
tions such as Chur hes Colleges Be
nevolent Societies News papers and
other Race Organization
Greeting The Sixth annual Session of the Na
tional AfroAmerIcan Connll will be
held at Louisville Ky July 1st 2nd
and trd 1908
The unceasing energy of those bent
upon the creation of a public senti
ment adverse to AfroAmerican the
open advocacy of the repeal of our
constitutional right to the elective
franchise by prominent men and lead i
ing gazettes formerly classed among
our friends and advocates the timid
and tremnluos stand of those thatessay
to befriend us and the bold and defiant
assaults of those satisfied with nothing
short of our absolute undoing certain
ly necessitate the meeting in this advi
sory way of our strong men and wo
men to devise a line of conduct In de
fense of our rights as freemen
It is our earnest desire that every
Church College and Benevolent Socie
ty and other Race Organization send
representative accompanied by the
annual tax of S to this great National
gathering We have every reason to
believe that the Louisville meeting J
will be the largest ever held in the
history of the organization
Section I The AfroAmerican Council
shall be composed of members as fol
1st All persons who hold life mem
2nd Council Delegates represent
ing duly accredited Local Councils
3rd Affiliated Delegates represent
ing organizations of similar plans and
purpose cooperating with Afro Amer
loan Council
Q IitfroAmer can
Council shall be entitled to represen
tation in the National Council by del
egates elected on the basis of one del
agate to every fifty 5y members said
delegates to qualify upon presentation
of credentials and payment of 10 cents
for each member so represented Pro
vided however that any Local Coun
oil having less than fifty fOO members
shall be entitled to one vote upon pre
sentation of credentiaa and payment
of the annual tax of 500
Sac 8 RiligiouB and secular or
ganizations which have for their aim
and work the mental and moral eieva
tion of the race and which desire to
cooperate with tho National Council
may be represented by affiliated dele
gates not more than two delegates to
each organization Said uelgates shall
have the right to vote upon payment
of 600 for each delegate
SEC 4 Editors of AfroAmerican
newspapers and Principals Academic
Schools and Colleges may be admitted
to membership In the National Coun
oil and be entitled to a vote upon pre
sentation of credentials and payment
of the annual tax of 600
Prom the above it will be seen that
the National AfroAmerican Council is
a representative body The mere pay
ment of 500 does not entitle one to
membership Ever y delegate must
bring written oidentials certifying that
he is the represntative of a Local
Council or affiliated organization the
editor of an AfroAmerican newspaper
or tbe principal of an academic school
or college
While many other questions relative
to rights of the race will be considered
the Executive Committee havedejtded
that disfranchisement is to be the
paramount topic for discussion This
question is of such greart importance at
this time will be considered from ev
ery view point by some of the greatest
thinkers of the race
By action of the National AjEroAiner
loan Council each speaker is limited to
twenty minutes and in view of the fact
that a portion of the Cauoasin press of
the oouatoy it ever ready to misrepre
sent the words of AfroAmerio apt u
speeches must be In manuscript In or
der that there may be absolute proof
of just what each speaker said
It seeMst certain that our beloved
president ThoiMta Z > ert Di 99 >
will have rsUmed fro ia w saisslea te
j e eroigQrIlAt Iii tits IaI of blu
If f tiej t
f r i
> s
and will preside to toe gratification of
his friends all over tqe country
A raie of one fare and onethird for
the round trip on the certificate plan
had been secured for those attending
the meeting of the National Afro
American Council Louisville Ky Ju
ly 18 J903 The following directions
are snbmif tied for your guidance
1 Tickets at full fare for the going
journey may be secured within three
days exclusive of Sunday prior to
and during the first two das of the
meeting The advertised dates of the
mooting are July let lad and 8rd con
sequently you can obtain your ticket
not earlier than June 27th nor latter
than l ttly 2nd Be cure that when pur
ohaainn your ticket you request a cer
tificate Do not make the mistake ot
asking for a receipt
I 2 Present yourself at the railroad
station for ticket and certificate at
least 80 minutes before departure of i
Iileast30 Ii
8 Certificates are not kept at all
stations If you inquire at your alta
i lion you will find out whether certifi
cates and through tickets can be ob
tained to place of meeting If not
agent will inform you at what eta ion
they can be obtained You can pur
chase a local ticket thence and there
take up a cartificaae through ticket
4 On your arrival at the meeting
present your certificate to Cyrus Field
Adam l Secretary of the National Af
roAmerican Conuoil
5 It has been arranged that the
special agent of the Trunk Line Associ
ation Will be in attendance to validate
certificates on July 3rd You are ad
yised of this because If you arrive at
the meeting and leave for home again
prior to special agents arrival yon
cannpt have the benefit of the reduc
tion on the home journey
6 So as to prevent disappointment t
must be understood that the reduction
on return journey Is not guaranteed
but is contingent on an attendance of
not less than 100 per +
Bona holding certificates obtained from
uok DentatstarUn pointeJh w
ing payinent of full tintclass fare of
not less than 75 cents In going jour
ney provided however that if the
o < tigafes presented fall short of the
required minimum and it shall appear
that roundtrip tickets are held in lien
of cerifiates they shall be reckoned In
arriving at the minimun
7 If the necessary minimum is in
attendance and your certficate is duly
validaned you will be entitled up to
July 7th to a continuous passage tlpk
et to your designation by the route
over which you make the going jour
ney at onethird the limited fare
The reduced rates are applicable to
the territory of the Central Passengr
Association The following passenger
associations have been advised of
probable attendance from their respec
tive territories and may cooperate t
New England Passenegor Association
Trunk Line Jasseoger Association
Western Passenger Association South
western Passenger Association South
eastern Passenger Association Trans
continental Passenger Association
Let all the organizations above nam
ed elect their delegates as soon as pos
sible and send their names to Cyrus
Field Adams Secretary No 984 South
Street N W Washington D C
The Jitizena of Louisville are pre
paring to entertain the Council in first
class style and the trip promises to be
a delightful one
Crass FIELD ADAMS Genl Seoy
A Paqier Read bjr Bev CCBte
Beire Ike aeuisvllleM D
M M dayl Jaae lat 1003
It we are disciples of Jesus out
heartsastire and prayer to God Is for
the conversion of souls If this pan be
accomplished evil will be overcome
and good will take its piece Convert
the world and hell will be conquered
and Jesus will reign victorious Then
will His kingdom come His willjte
done on earth w it lain heaven but to
do this lane childs play It ia work
real carnestwork For this purpose
our SAT ior came into the world and he
called it work 1 must do the work
of fete that seat lee while it IB day
the night eometn It cost Him dearly
all that He hVd 3 piOn labor blood
life all wr endMrcd and HerifiiNc fee >
dais twrk The hearts of JEW
s r trur etbyZbriliea4lasWldeit
eeMai wiljl > iatpreg > 1tt TIie U
I a Qip na1aI bpeaatwetkii saai
DArER i 4 JSv
1ST llDir t
AI r
BsjtistffBttriateafeat f cab Et11e 1 cat t
lastfstTeaeker r lea Zattnasslate > ptrcofyi
pereotylperyuuitrl WaUUT J cr fatal 1
BlUlclSaclssfcrolderschoIirs ftCtan I 2U cab paxt I I
NEW Bomthly 7 Cttts each perSotol
per furttrl 25 cab each per Bills Isist Zictans 75 eettS A
7 cart peryiurttrl i
State 4ellis
AivaacM ga b1aJer KMM > Wtawat Qwr +
i5w3tAl Urly cab
tartaisatMaty latenutl te 2 M I r
btIIar7 a M QmirterlT aeeats
Per eoftl per gutter I frreefylptrfurUrl
ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ptrvurttrl pays
Tsmmrrwilo weekly 13u Sean I
MceatsBtjsaatfiirls iti
2SorUtt1e a
Tsvarlstftr semimonthly 3 14 A
14TnJI I d
Tie Aovtprlut trt fUftr else oJ fat or more
Beet Work moat ly 15 csmts nJl In clubs of ten or more If Mats
lIGataJlnJUrI II
American Baptist Publication Society I r m
WESTERN HOUSE 1497 Olive Street St Lads Xe
These must ba stormed and taken
And then when the heart is reached
we find it unwilling to receive the gos
pel We findit hardened in sin chilled
by prejudice charmed by worldly
pleasures and in ita very nature ope
pos d to accepting the blessing that
re bring As the mother who fights
her way through difficulties and dan
gers to ecover her lost chi d find
when she reaches the loved object of
her search that her child is indifferent
to her entreaties and refuses to own
her as a mother or return with her to
her home so Jesus when he came into I
this world came to his own and his
own reo3ivdhim no J > and so it is
oftentimes with us when we offer Him
tfhothax Ant ibtt enemy mist be
overcome the lortlfiojittons taken
prejudices broken down the affections
and desires changed the heart won
to Christ
SO1l must be converted and this
I repeat is work and work is to done
in two ways namely General Work
or that which includes tbe preaching
of the gospel from the pulpit the writ
ing of books or the publication of re
ligions literature lit general Special
or Personal work or that wuich is done
by personal contract with men Mr
first point will be The Necessity of
Personal Work and then proceed to
to tbe more practical part of my sub
ject how todo It The necessity arises
out of the very nature of men There
is a power in personal contract with
men Sheet lightning can do no harm
ills the bolt that strikes
If a circular letter Is sent around
headed To the Public it is I read by
few and attended to by less but If
you go into a mans door and call him
out and talk to him on the same sub
ject mentioned in the letter which he
has thrown into the waste Basket the
effect is very different
A man who captued seven soldiers
during the war was asked how he did
it I surrounded them he replied
So it is here we can surround a man
and capture him for our king Experi
ence sustains this view Show me the
church that does not depend solely on
its pastor but has menfcand women
engaged in mission work and 1 will
s ow you a prosperous church
Many of ton were brought to Christ
by this means and Many more will
come after you in the same way But
why need we multiply arguments when
one will settle all it Is the Lords
plan He thought this whole subject
through surveyed the whole field and
then laid the plan of personal work
He II the Good Shepherd ind repre
souls Himself w bringing home the
sheep not in flocks but one at the
time ind rejoicing in His work How
He preaches to KioodemVs tad how
He pleads with the Woman of Minalaj
call Matthew at He goes alost and
pa8ses before Bartiaaus to bestow His
blesslBg Bvtlet i s enter iBto tie 41
tall of our tai TM e wotiis crisis i
aadatllcaU W + u Mark eat tkse a I
plan may the place tie vety best 1
plan by raleli wr work yy 1 with 1
oeesfaL I1teitol aU we a tt k to = M 1
Holy Ghqat WltfcWt kirn wt an O j
nothing Wt AAU M Uke iiBt >
af emmA tiM oaadlc witk at klasrj > t
With ki like ttw Hebrew e4iHUii
t 4 I ranee
UINe YK US rte yt tws
s4 i < aiaii4tIrMI
sfl aast 1M tIMt
wr h I CM Iw
jrt alt w bees jite ii4lf air
CiY <
asides we shall need the spirit in our
conflct with sin and satan both of
which > tand betwen us and every un
converted soul Second we must be
men of prayer Our Father gives the
Holy Spirit to every oqe
Him We must have communion wltti J l
God Prayer brings tie nether th
throne near the warm heart of Jesus <
it warms our hearts and makes live
men Third we must know the Bible a
If we are going to fight with the sword a
of the spirit 1st us be familiar wJt1l1t t
uses It Is sh sr > °
be handled carelessly but use aright
It Is quick and powerful Be atho
with this blade of the Lord and yog
will do the work and do it well Wlt
of the spirit the ower of prayer a4
a practical knowledge of the 80rJpi1
you will not have to have tokuora over
empty nets and fruitless fields but go
up to God rejoicing bearing your
sheaves with yon Fourth emu DB t
cautious in approaching men Maay f
circumstances whelp you best of all
the spirit will guide you Fifth Viis
your conversation be seasened link
love Let Jour fellow mortal see that
you lore film lore your soul 7
Sixth tilt on common > ground with
the one weose soul you seen j
Seventh toll him his conditloa pig r
lyloTJ tSpeak the truth IB Jojre
Eighth you preach unto him Jaw i
I need not tell you how tim sapuli lis >
done Your own heart will toll ti our
that The spirit of God will guide
Infidelity 10 called philoeo sky
fates science depraved nature aneYilM
devil all combine to suggest clovbi
and difficulties to the soul Do not
loose your patience Remember how s
patient your Lord has beea with yon
In conclusion our work mast dear +
It is hard but we have kelp fo 1 arias
with yon even unto 11ena of UM
world11 It pleasaat ror what more
joyful task thaa warming souls for Je
sus When land shall hear the UMtirI 1 VL p
Ray Wen doze aced that will be
worth all our sorrows toils and Darer
When this spirit baa bwn Arowed t i
when the church Is as fire fat the WT
lug of souls wMeSp those arks are eeM S
varied are willing to lelmto th > kifk
wa sand hedges then the einrei willf
be ready for estmett praett I ast 4
persistent mlsstoa work nok M will J t t
aroUse and bring the iMAtfd Imto
touch with ttte ywer of the geaysU
The meefta are suuiy ia this city t4
tile tine haa folly stuns for aitc + fiMix
Ised efioft to liaprtTt Ute terrible 1rs
diUoHswhlehareeafrylBg Ikeiiaaisj It I
oi the dow > Wvsi real taeig M 4 ie
Ito work tker piy u rt ti
that k be wite shaU nine M H > e WitWr
a et the 1raaaentaad 1
at t l ea x to iigkIassIM Mtk f
s4ifar eyilrt u IHr d
U witk ye k a 7 lrtl
Om Ov1iR
MiloW e n
Lrirrliastis wl
with + aete
Brew 1 eta aid b but
i t
euiaYlFilM iw G
+ fv f

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