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Your Food and Your Health DR. ALFRED McCANN, one of America's foremost food specialists, is authority for the statement, based upon his experience, that a cage of white mice, fed solely on white rice (polished) almost starved to death, because of the lack of the vital elements of the food. A cage of similar mice, fed on unpolished rice, were still in a healthy condition, when some of their friends in the first cage were dying. Later, the mice were fed the polish which had been removed from the polished rice at the mill, and some of them recovered. So the mice were starved because the vi tal food elements had been removed. This same condition must apply to you, friend, in a more, or less degree. The profit - taking world MUST make a profit. People's tastçs are perverted by the scheme of making rice and flour and other foods LOOK NICE AND WHITE. A WAY OUT LLANO can offer you a few of its own en tirely PURE food products which have not been devitalized, and if you value your health, and the condition of your children, you will use Llano products, especially when they cost no more than the inferior article. Read about the products in the following pages and see if you can benefit yourself and us by using— LLANO PURE FOODS With an assortment of Llano Pure Food Products and the addition of greea. vegeta bles and fruits, you can live a sane, healthy life. Llano Colony is blazing the trail of a new saner, healthier method of living. Adultera ted food is the result of the profit-making system. Llano is abolishing this system in the colony, and so pure foods for their nu tritive and health-giving qualities are a re sult. These PURE FOODS are offered to YOU at almost the same prices that you may get the inferior artjcles 'at the big mail-order houses. Why, then, should you continue to put poison and trash into your stomach? We know that transportation is high, but your saving in sickness, your improved vitality and the pleasure of knowing that you are eating pure food, made and shipped to you by YOUR COMRADES is ample compensation. Get busy now*with your friends, and club together for a shipment regularly of LLANO PURE FOODS. It will benefit you and will help us, too. Send all orders, with remittances, to: PURE FOODS DEPT., LLANO COLONY „ LEESVILLE, LA. LLANO PRODUCTS ARE PURE LLANO SUGAR CANE SYRUP— Acres and acres of Llano Sugar Cane are each year harvested and made into syrup. The process is Jo run the cane stalks through the crusher, which separates the juice from the pulp, the juice running direttly to the cooking pans where steam pipes boil out the water, leaving the thick light brown syrup. It is the essence of tH£ cane, contains all the mineral elements of the juice, nothing being added and nothing taken away except what gees off in steam. Absolutely pure carre juioe just as nature intended us to eat sweet stuff. Apply it on Llano Peanuts and you have at once a well balanced ration. Added to food in cooking it replaces the devitalized white sugar, and is much cheaper. Sold in gallon cans at $1.00 per gallon; or in larger kegs. Express or postage extra. Weight about 10 lbs. per gallon. LLANO SWEET POTATOES— The value of the Louisiana Yam is not yet appreciated in the Northern states. Louis iana can grow splendid sweet potatoes, and they are exceedingly healthful. Ever had candied Yams? Try roasting Llano sweet potatoes and pouring Llano Sugar Cane Sy rup over them in the oven; or they can be sliced and fried in a few minutes. Some folks boil them, but they are best when freshly roasted. Make excellent filler for pies, and can be used in numerous ways by the resourceful cook. Sold by the crate dehydrated, at $1.50 per crate. Weight about 61 lbs. LLANO PEANUT BUTTER— The Llano Peanut Butter is different from most other butters in that it is ABSOLUTELY PURE. The selected Spanish nuts are roast ed lightly, and ground in our mill. Nothing is added but a little salt to flavor, and no thing is taken away. The natural peanut oil is rich in flavor and in mineral elements. Many butter-factories remove this oil and substitute an inferior mineral oil. Llano pea nut butter is PURE. Packed in cans for mailing at 30c for cne pound, $1.00 for four pounds. Post extra. LLANO PEANUT CANDY— A most appetising, delicious, nutritious sweet. Made entirely from Llano .syrup and Roasted peanuts. 20c lb., postage extra. UN-polished Rice is Llano's Best Food Offer Only 5c lb. LLANO UN-POLISHED RICE— Rice is becoming known as one of the best of cereal foods. Why people should eat polished rice is not clear. The experiment with mice revealed the fact that the best of the rice is removed in the polishing pro cess. Polished rice lacks vital elements. Llano has its own rice farms and is having a large quantity of this rice milled UN-pol ished for its own .use. We will have several tons for sale. It is being offered at five cents a pound at the colony and at this price it is cheaper than the polished rice, and cheaper than most other cereals. You can eats lots of rice when it is UN-polished. Look up your cookery book on recipes for making dainty rice dishes. Boiled rice with Llano syrup is a good ration for breakfast or dessert, \or flavored with Llano peanut butter it is very appetising. 5c a lb. at Llano, any quantity. TRY A SAMPLE CRATE ipQ lb. Sample Crate, $5.65 ORDER THIS SAMPLE LLANO CRATE— Last year Llano offered a sample crate of LÎano goods produced by the co-operators, and we are offering a similar crate again. Here is a substantial sample of Llano s PURE FOOD products, put up in one ship ment at prices below the mail order houses: 56 lbs. Llano Sweet Potatoes $1.25 20 lbs. Llano UN-polished Rice.... 1.00 4 lbs. Llano Peanut Butter 1.00 2 gallons Llano Sugar Cane Syrup 2.00 2 lbs, Llano Peanut Candy.. 40 Total $5.65 Weight about 100 pounds when crated. ORDER A CRATE BY EXPRESS OR BY FREIGHT Llano Pure Food Dept., Newllano, Leesville; La. Practical Example Supplies the Most Impressive*Lesson. "I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day, I'd rather cne should walk with me than merely show the way. The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the eajr, Fine counsel is confusing, but ex ample's always clear; And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds. For to see good put in action is what everybody needs." The greatest difficulty that every earnest truthseeker has to contend with consists in throwing off the pre conceptions which have been indoc trinated into his mind from early in fancy, and in bringing an open, hon est, unbiased, impartial intention to the study of any subject requiring his attention. One of the greatest time worn illusions that has deluded man persistently has been the belief that if certain teachings have been memorized verbatim one thereby has gained pos session of knowledge. But a little re flection will show that this is a very much mistaken idea. You, for instance may have believed that a certain friend of yours had died, because .such a re port has come to your ears and yotj believed it. A later communication, however contradicted the previous sta tement and a few days later your friend turns up sound in life and limb, informing you that the report of his demise was entirely too much exagger ated. You were simply misinformed, and you accepted a false report for straight goods and were accordingly misled. And you can thus be misin formed and be misled on any and every subject that is beyond your ca pacity and opportunity to verify in any way at present known to you. Conse quently the wise thing to do is to sus pend acceptance of any information that is of no practical utility here and now and cannot be verified by you thru actual test. A human being learns by observa tion and experience and as it grows, and develops it perfects its senses and instruments of knowledge. It is always rational and from its earliest awaken ing of consciousness always reasons or infers correctly according to the character cf the information gained in keeping with the extent of know ledge previously acquired. The intel ligent pryiciple within requires only to be put into proper relation with the world around it, to develop its capacity for knowledge and happiness. Present facts serve to instruct and if fully and thoroughly perceived in de tail, analyzed and understood, will be come an eternal possession. Rational discernment from facts, natural phe nomena, are not? mere airy surmisçs, superficial speculations, but solid truth; and every expectation, fairly founded on experience is consistent with universal reason, according to which all events come to pass. Hence the propriety and imperative necessity of investigation, and consequent fore seeing sagacity which real scientific truthful investigation and experimenta tion always confers. Any single truth, conscientiously followed up in all of its relations, con nects with all other truths. The ver ities of nature being united in one grand related system of facts, can nev er lead reason astray. Reason is so constituted that it can justly weigh evi dence, compare the new phenomena with the knowledge already attained, and it will not accept incompatible notions. Acuteness of faculty is de veloped to the degree that undivided continuous attention is maintained. When dealing with material substan ces the consciousness in perceiving, thinking and willing must co-ordinate its purposes with physical modes of functioning and procedure. Any kind of a prejudice which disqualifies a per m so far, a disorder of the intellect. The will has become self-fettered and refuses to listen to further testimony. The faculty or power of discrimination has been inhibited and made inopera tive. , son from considering new evidence, is The life in mart is always engaged j about its business, the mind is always, | f i • • . : - «vi pferceiving, comparing, choosing, pursuing. We sleep and lose sight or consciousness of the material envir onment; we wake and dreams fade, away, because the attention is attrac ted by and fixed upon external internal activities. But whether sleeping or waking the principle of in telligence is equally intent and enga ged 'ill the affairs of life. Circumstan ces do not change its nature, but only modify its operations. Even seeming unconsciousness does not prove its sus pension. Let the same circumstances return, and the mind manifests itself in the sçime manner; for neither physical elements nor spiritual dynamics can al ter the affinities of the ego, or liberate it from the necessity of choice and ac tion, in accordance with the character in which it was created. Its freedom of choice is limited in its sphere by eternal laws, and any contrariety in its action brings it into a clash with some obstacle, so that persistence in erroneous inclinations leads only to in creased suffering. A man is rendered incapable of his natural delight when on the wrong track. A s a rational be ing he can find his proper liberty and right course of action only by return ing to honest and upright intelligence} which is expressed in interest in the well-being of his fellow men; of cour tesy and due regard for the equitable suppply of all natural necessaries and social amenities for all. All friction and altereation in hu man affairs can be obviated if people will simply make honest use of the knowledge discovered and demonstrat ed. At Llano Colony we have a defin ite program, in accordance with scien tific knowledge. . It is one of inte gral co-operation. What it is and how it works, out is published far and wide every week. No one need deceive him self. There is no disposition to impose co-operation on anyone on the outside. Our work is strictly constructive and within the laws of the land. We be lieve in individual right living, and in the practical application of the Golden Rule in all our dealings with one an other and with society in general. Oth er people are perfectly free to take a different view of things without con demnation from the colonists. We do not seek nor care to engage in contro versy with anyone. Controversial op position can neither serve nor hinder the advancement of truth. To the ex tent that men sense moral relations, they become conscious of responsibili ty. They realize that on the direction of their voluntary energies depend ei ther their weal or their woe. Possess ing the ability of making a choice in accordance with their knowledge, they can fix their attention cri definite ob jects and attain them. When this point is reached, man is no longer the hapless football of fate, but the mas ter of his destiny To get this truth home to' everyone who cares to know, is the aim in the psychology meetings, mental science classes and man-power classes. Noth ing happens by chance. Every un pleasant experience is due to want of knowledge and faulty self-discipline. As man thinketh in his heart (the ideas he has that impel his motives) ,so is he. HAND-MADE-TO MEASURE SHOE FROM LLANO By G. H. Cox In a recenf number of the Colonist, one writer said that people have lost their gaiety. When I was a boy, 50 and 60 years ago, people of all kinds, with few exceptions, went about singing, whist ling, and laughing, so that the very air vibrated with happiness. At that time all our footwear was made by hand and a careful measure of the feet enabled a shoe to be made that was easy, and none had to suffer with feet paining. Footwear being made for comfort and wear, shes often lasted three or four years. Then came the machines, trying to imitate hand work at a lesser price. Mostly by cheapness, they drove handwork out, except where a few rich men in large cities still have their shoes made from measure and have them properly fitted. Now, when a shoe is made with a machine, there is no way of knowing who will wear it or how it will fit. The more quickly it wears out, the sooner another pair is needed; and, should it hurt so badly that it has to b e thrown awap, it would also call for another pair. Rags apd old paper are just as good to sell as first-class leather, if they on ly take thè finish, and they are better for profit. %You know, people can't sing, whis t] Ci orlaughwiththeir feet hurting bad ]y. And is it not possible, that this t . . l I painful loss of gaiety is caused by feet ? ' There are some things that make a shoe comfortable and durable—such as sidelining, which can be done only by hand. Most nations have held on to handwork longer than our country, where many people contend the ma chine beats hand or brain; and that may be, because their feet hurt so bad Iv that they can't think with anything else. Iqr making shoes for profit, the more cutting and sewing that can be done on them, the more the price and pro fit and the less the durability and the comfort". Hand work, which is the best of all, for is becoming a lost art. Llano Colony's shoe shop can and mail a hand-sewed shoe with one piece of leather in the whole per, up to and including No 10 $7.50 and postage. Shoes larger than No. !0, or crippled feet, would cost enough to pay for extra trouble. The same shoe made with nails costs $5.00 and postage. Only a limited number can be made at present; but if you will set your foot down firmly enough, without standing on it, mark around it with a pencil, giving shape of the foot, then, with a common measure tape measure around the ankle for top of shoe, and then the instep, ball, and heel, giving measurements down to 1-8 inch, we shall be very certain to fit yau, and vou will have a shoe in which you can be gay. FASCIST! ATTACK CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT The Italian' co-operative movement has suffered heavily from the attacks of/the Fascisti, the "black shirt" revo lutionists of Italy, says a statement just received from the Italian Co-oper ative League by the Àll-American Co operative Commission. "Co-operative Societies have been violently suppress ed," the statement reads, "while hun dreds more have been paralyzed owing to the fact that their managers are ex pressly forbidden to Jive in the same places in which the societies ODerate. Again, hundreds of societies, under the nace of destruction, have beeiSHRDL menace of destruction, have been obliged to pass into the hands of the Fascisti." Persistent attacks, acts of violence, massacre of hundreds of the leading co-operators of the country, burning of property, devastation and pillase, have been experienced in near ly all of the Italian provinces and are the marks of destruction which the Black Shirts have left behind them in in their seizure of the government by force. Boost Universal Co-operation by getting subscribers for The Llano Cot onist. If Nature Will Not Right Selection and Use of Food WILL For the solution of all health prob ems and many general life problems, procure as soon as possible a copy of: RIGHT EATING by Viola Mizell Kimmel, B. Sc., B. A. A manuscript of sixty large, closely but-clearly-typed, mimeographed pages, neatly and strongly bound. This treatise has been strongly en dorsed by practitioners of every sohool and by many orivate patrons. Send Two Dollars To-day to— THE LLANO PUBLICATIONS Newllano, Leesville, La. /our money cheerfully refunded if you are not fully satisfied. JOHN DAVIS $iubli0i ;pr, 13 Paternoster Row, , London, England If you want books on Social, Literary, Edu cational or general questions send your o^der to the above, who is one of your friends. NEW AND SECONDHAND BOOKS SECURED Send cash with order. American money ac cepted. No order too small and none tot* large for— DAVIS The Er et Stock-Raising Colony OF ERET, STATE LINE, MISS." IS A CO-OPERATIVE ORGANIZATION Preparing for Agriculture, Horticul ture, Manufacturing, Stock-Raising, Merchandising, operation of restaur ants, hotels, libraries and places of amusement. And on Loans of $1.00 or more, we will pay 8 per cent per annum. Interest payable semi-annu ally. Object: For securing live-stock and machinery for the employment of Labor. All transactions between mern mers conducted by the L^abor Exchani Check system. 235p EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FREE EARTH—The Abolition Privilege through Workers' Monev.. No otite paper goes (so thoroughly into this subject ai doe. THE EQUIT1ST. •Says the secretary ^of The Llano Publica tions: We like your paper very nmch; we s heartily in sympathy with its policy, and ■ wish there were more like it." Published weekly; $1.00 a year; outside the United Watts, Los