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MIDDLEBURY REGISTER, APRIL 2, 1897 I 2 Vol. LXII. THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. JAPAN'8 MONETARY 8TANDAMD. Washington, Mtireh 25. ConcernltiR tlie action of .Jnpan lnladoptiti?; the golil Btaudard, Senntor Wolcott, who rcccntly rcttirned froni nbroad, aftor Intervlews rcliitlng to tlio proposcd Intcrnatloiial nionetary coufcrcncc ou belmlf o tlils govcrunient, ttils iiftcrnooii sald: "Tlic nionetary sltuatlon In Japaii ls not only luturcstlng but niost far icacli lng, and pcrhnps not gencrally under Btond. "The rc?ult which Japan soeks 1s to mafco pcruiancnt thn dcpreciallon of sll Yer lti relatlon to gold and to prcserye tlicrcby tlio advnntago wlilcli this depre clatloti naturally glvus to .Tnpaucsc agrl culturc and Japancso lndustrles, and lt is not in any sensc an attcnipt to cqual Ize valnes. "Theru wus a tlnic ln tlic lilstory of the Unitcd States when wc mlglit liave tnkcn a step Idcntlcal wlth that whleh Japan now proposes. If, durlng tlic ycars of our elvll war, whcn our nioney was worth but BO pcr cent of the gold dollar, we had by law declared that lienceforth our dollar should be of the value of 00 ccnts only, ln gold, our leg islatlon would have bcen parallel wlth that whleh Japan evldently Intends. AVe chosc to follow a dlfl'erent path. "The aetlon " of Japan necords ln a measure wlth that of Austria a few ycars slnce, aud wlth the actlon pro jected in Kussia, wlth this diil'erenei': "Austria forced the pcnnaiR'iit de nreeiation of Its luoucy, nicasured in gold, to the extent of somc 10 pcr cent; Uussia wlll establlsh a rcductiou of about ll.'i per cent in the value of a rotible, whlle Japan proposes to per-' nianently deprcolnte its exehange, rela tive to gold, so as to lowcr tlie value of the yen to about IS cents on the dollar. j "The action of Japan niust not be con strued as an nttcmpt to cstablish and inaintalii a gold stamlard; lt is simply an attempt to prcerve tiie economic ad v.uitngos whleh she at prescnt enjoys because of the gold prem'uni whleh cx its ln Japan. and this at the expense of the great cominereial eonntries of the world, whleh have herctofore innln talned the stability of their eolnage fs well as their linnnelal intcgiity. i 'Of course, at the present prlee of sil vcr nicasured by gold, the result of the action of Japan would be to drivc all its silver out of that country. It is preina ture, however, to attempt to forecast the f ull elU'ct of her action In this respect. "Thc course of Japan niust, In my opluion. only serve to hasteu some agrcement betwcen tiie leading cotnnier- ciai nations of the world lookiug to a settlement of this questlon uponauin-' temational basis."' j The Japancse legation at Washington has reccived a cablcgrani froni its gov ernment coiitradlctlng tlie report that Japan has adoptcd the gold standard. Tlie only basis for the report, say the inenibers of the legation, was the intro ductlon of a gold standard measure into tlie Japanese diet. This blll niay, of course, beconie law, but tlie annouiice nient that lt has tiecoine so is premature. The Japanese coinmissioii, whoe report upon tiie nionetary sltuatlon was recent y publlslicu in the Xuw Yoil; Journal of Comniprce, says: "Irf exauiinlng the rise and i'all of the prices of enni uioditles, we sce that they have fallcn conslderably in gold countries durlng tlie pastquartfr of a century. while they have not changed very niuch in silver countries, exeept as regards some ten dency to rise during the last two or three ycars." Steady or rising pnces are bellevcd by the commission to have produetd thc following good clU'efs: Japanese rxports have heen increascd, the burdens of Japanese dcbtors and tixnayers have bcen lightentd. Japanese agnculture, coniineree and industry liave becn prospetous, aiut Japaiiese labor has bcen fully employcd. Over agaiust these advantagrs the eonuuisslon sets the following dlsadvantages : Japanese eredltnrs have sull'ered a niuch as dcbtors have gained ; rising prices have producud a teudcney to over-speeulntlon. and persons with I'txed wages have suf fcred froni the lessened purchasing powcr of those wages. The industrial deprcsslon in Europe the comniission attributes to the fall in prices under the gold standard. On this point its coni incut Is as follows: "When prices de cllne day by daj-, nicrchants hesitato to purcliase and mauufacturers to inake, and then gcneral depresslon follows." Novertheless, the commission was strongly inipresscd with tlio deslrablllty of possesslng the satne standard as the other grcal comuierclal nations, and slx of lts flfteeu inpnibcrs reported In favor of changliig to the gold staudard. Japan's ircsent standard, it is perhaps neediess to recall, Is noinlnally bl nietailie, hut tlie gold coln circulates at its nmrkot value, and not at lts lfgal value. The Outlook. Swisrs ( v;i its have como to tho con clusion innn' hann is dono than preveiit(.d by roping eliinbers ou gla ciers. Tonrists suved froni n crovasso nro oftou futally iujured by tlio ropo cutting into tho body. It is now propos ed to obviato this by meaus of spccially constructod broad bolte. Jt is surprising what a "wee bit of a thlng" can accompllsh. Slck licadache, constlpatlon, dyspepsla, sour stomach, dlzzlness, aro qulckly banlshcd by De WItt'8 IJtlle Karlv lllsers. Small plll. Safo plll. Uest plll. Isaao Stkhns, Middlebury. Clayton X. Xoryh, Shoreham. B. F. Haskki.1., West Cornwall. D. II. liK.NNr.TT, Bridport. THE FOOL"S PRAYER. The roynl fenBt was clonc. Tlie klng Bought Home new sport to linnlali cnr And to lila Jotcr crled, "Hlr fool, Kneel now iiiid mnko for us n prayor." The Jestor doffed lils cnp and bells And Rtr.od tliL' mocklni; court before. They could not seu tlio bltter smllo Behlnd the pnlntud grln ho wore. llo tiowrd lils nnd bcait liis lcnoe Upon tlio monnrcli's silknn stool. llla jileadliiK volco, "O I.ord, Do murclful to mo, a fooll " 'Tls not by RUllt nnd onwnrd swccp Of truth nnd rlglit, O Lord, w Htayl 'Tis by our folllei that no long Wo hold tlia enrtli f rom hunvcn nwny. "Thcao clunmy feot, stlll In tlio mlro, Oo crushlnn blo?onis wlthout ond. Theso luird, wcll lnciinini; hniuls wo thrust Aniong tlio henrt strliiRa of n frlcnd. "Th 111 tlmed truth wo mlRht linvo kcpt Who knowa liow shnrp lt plorced nnd stunn. Tho word wo huvo not eeiife to eay? Who knowa how grandly it had rmiKf "Our faulti no tendornesa should asli. Tho chiistenliiR strlpea must cloanso them all. But for our blundors, oh, in shame Iluforo tho uyca of heavon Wo fall. "Earth beara no bnlsam for mUtakoa. Mvn crown tho knavo nnd scourRa tho tool That dld tliclr will. But thou, O Lord, Bu niorclful to me, a feoll" Tho room wna hushod. In sllonco ro'e Tbo klng nnd sought liis eardcna cool And walkud apart and murniured low, "Bo niurciful to mc, n fooll" Edward Itowland Sill ln Now York Tlmea. CAPTAIiN1 IIALLEE. They mado nnythlng bnt n warliko np pcaranrc, these fotir old "llno ofllccrs" who snt nt n llttlotnblo in the snug corner of n cafe near the Arniy bulldlnK ln Whito hall Rtrcct, conifortably plpplng tliclr tod dy, smokinB and tnlklng over the old tlnies, but overy ono of them had fiinelled powdor and heard thc scrcain of sliells, and they wero llving over ngnin tho days of their servlco ln tlio fleld throtigh the tnlcs that eiicli ono told. "You will nnd," FaldCnptaln Havelock, a white luilred vcteran, who had scrvcd thrnugh the war of tlio rebcllion nnd nearly a scoreof the Indlan eampalgns fol lowing lt. "one entry nniong tlioe ln the largo nrmy rcplster which runs as follows: " 'Ilaller, Gcorge. Born ln l'russin, np pointed frnm anny second lientenant Fif ticntli lnfantry, 23d Decomher, 1S04; flrst lientenant, aad Doccmbur, 18IH. Irnns fcrred to Twent.v-foiirth lnfantry 121st Sep- ! tcmbcr, lhOG; captain, lllth .Tnly, 1S03. j Transferml to Kleventli lnfantry 2oth Aprll, 18HI1. IMed 8tli Juno, !!).' j "It Is like many annther entry in that replstcr, whleh cinlir.tces tlie naincs of all olllerrs who have over hcld rcgular coin iiilsiuns. And you niay wonder how it ls that I reniombcr it all so distinctly. I will tell you." Ilero the old soldlcr paused, hlew ncloud of sinoko froni his eigar toward the eeil ing, looked around the tahlo at tho other old veterans who had just ll.stened to n story froni Lleutennnt of tho kill- lngof "Ulaek Uill" Blckerstoth, a Texan dcspcrndo, and then wcnt on. "'Died 8th .Tune, 1S09,' so the rcgistcr says, but this niay or niay not be correct. No ono so far as I know is nllvo now to tell just whero Georgo Hallcr dld tlio. I myself llxcd tho dato ln the register froni tlie hest cvidence I could collect, but that ls all. Ido know this, however, that after serving a 'gallant nnd nierltorious' four ycars, rising froni tho ranks toa raptaincy, Georgo ilaller, ,ne of tlie bravc-it, trtiest luen that uver fought under the ilag, was dragged to death nt tho heels of horses hy flends in hunian guiso. The niystery of his deatli w:a never wholly lald bare, but jiarts of it weredlscloed, and hi whitcned bones weru brought to my quarter.s in n punny sack. But, Lord hless nie, I nni )iilling the trigger aliead of time. I have never told the story before, and tho cir ounistunce.s aro known to few busidcs my sulf. "Liko Ijieutcnant , I was ono of tho unfortunate devlls exlled to Texas shortly after tho close of the war and waa sont wlth juy oompnny I was a captain, then, just promoted to the enpital, Aus tin. Wo wero camped ln tents on u bluH outsido the town, overlooklng tho Colo rado river, and had u largc post that is, our forco consist(d of half n do.en ti-oops of cavalry and e!ghtcoiiiianlcsof lnfantry, the ldea heing that in caso of troublo in tho surroundlng country wo could sond out dftachments sultlclently lnrge to put a stop to it. There was trouble cnough, the I.ord kuows hnrse ptcallng, cattlo ftampeding, iiluiiderings, murders and what not. Po that wo had our haiids full niost of the timc. "About a inonth after wo had cstab lished our garrison that is, about tlio middlo of May, lhil'.l, ono day there llmpcd into eamp a dl-tresed looking negro, with blistered fcet nnd a haunted oxpre.sslon of face that was pltiahle. " ' Fo' de gond Lo'd's sake,' ho jileadrd wlth our connnnmlcr, 'scii ev'ry Union man yo' alls got hyar up to Camer'n. Gus l.ightfoot an his'n is dono murder'd uv'y nigser in Milain cminty.' "Not to trouhle you with the vnrlrd de tills of the darky's story told ln the po cullar dlalect of tlio raeo nnd plentifully lntersper.sed with prayers and oaths im partlally dlstr.lbuted, we learned from hiin that Gus Lightfoot, a daring youiig dus perndo, who lind for some tlnie terrorized Milam county just ns the licutcnant's , frlend Blckerstcth dld McCleiiinan, had only tho Hunday prevlousperpetrnted a po cullarly ntroclous crlmo und had oonduct ed n wholesalo butchcry of defonselesa no- 1 groes nt Caineron aided by a dozen cholco Eplrits, whleh ho had gathcred about hlm. "This butchcry, nccording to our sablo frlcnd, had takun plnco whilo tho little ' Mcthodistchurch ln thovillagowascrowd etl with blacks who had gathercd to attcnd the funcral of onoof their iiunibor. Llght- t foot liad arranged his plans systemntlcally, ' for whlle the servlces wero in progress ono of his gang had fastened tho church door to prcvent eilt, nnd tho others had taken , up positions nt thc wlndows, thus com liinndlng tlio interlor. I "On a sigual tho entlro liand hegnn emptylng their rovolvcrs into the tcrror Btrleken mourners, causing nn indoscrib nble seenc. h'ome SO, tho oourier sald, had bcen filiot to death, men and womeu, nnd ' ns mniiy moro woundod. lle hlmself had 1 cscnped froni the ehuroh, loavlng his wife's ' dend body lylng thero, whero it inlght 1 yct for all he knew. Ho had wallced day I nnd night uutil ho had rcachcd Austin, whero he had hcard thero wero soldlers, and that was 11 except that he assurcd ua that all tho blacks in tho country would need hurying lf wo dld not hurry men to tho sceno. "Whllo tho Btory lmpressed us wo could hardly credlt tho facts wo wero new to Texas then. So lt was not deonied nocos sary to sond a forco of men to Canieron, whleh lay bop'o 60 mllgs northoast of us, untll moro was lcarued. Somo wero foi sendlng pari of a compuny or a small do tachnipnt to Mnvestlgato.' It was at this point that Georgo llallcr stoppcd forwnrd. " 'It strlkes ino,' said ho, -thnt thcrc la no need of hurrylng off a lot of mon on whnt mny bo n mnttcr of no Importance. Thoro may be, after all, very llttlo ln tiils feltow's story. Ho has prohably bcen frlghtcncd, nnd his lmngination has run nway wlth hlm. Kow wo can flnd out niuch moro cnslly whnt truth thoro ls to thc cnso. I uscd todo a little solltary work durlng tho ivar, and I would rathcr cnjoy trylng my hand nt lt ngalu. I wlll go up to this place, and If lt is advlsablo to send troops, why I will bo bnck to lot you know before tho cnd of tho wcek.' "Thero wero n numbcr of us who ndvo cated Goorgo Hallcr'n golng, nnd, God help me, I wns ono of them. He dld go, nnd nono of us ngnln snw hlm nllvo." Tho white hntrcd cnptnin's volco dlcd nwny, nnd ho wns ellcnt. Tlicn n Rltght shivcr jmssed over hlm, nnd ho shook hlm solf togcthcr. "Hnller refuscd to tnko evcn nn ordcrly wlth hlm. Ho thought he could lnvestl- gato moro enslly by hlmsolf and wlthout crentlng nny susplclon. Ho set out from the post thc ncxt niornlnrj, Thursdny, hav lng galucd thc consent of the 'old liinn' I mean our commnndcr of course drcsscd in his fatlguc unlform nnd rldlng n blnck devll of n horso that I lent hlm. I tnsisted on his taking tho nnlmal, for I knew thnt lf he hnppened nt nny tlnie to need spccd that horso could outstrlp nnythlng that fcd on tho pralrles. The darky courlcr posltlvely efuscd to go bnck. "At tho clid of sovcn days, whcn Hnller fnlled to citber rcturn or send us nny word, wo begnn to grow nnxlous, nnd whcn two weeks had passed nwny wo nll fclt that lt had hccn a great mistnke to nl low hlm to go nlono. Somchow I had felt uncasy from tho stnrt nnd had cursod jny solf roundly over nnd over ngain for tny dhare ln the soheme. I knew Georgo Hnller wns ns brave a mon as evcr wore two bars, nnd ns nblo, but I folt that the whole thlng lind bcen n pieco of foolhardlncss. Finally when another weok had gono by I became so rustloss that I could not stand lt nny longer. I theroforc madenipllcation for permlsslon to go ln seareh of Hnller. " 'I do not wish, captain,' sald the 'old mnn,' 'to lose my ofllccrs one by one, but lf you caro to go up to this place and tako your company with you, you may do so. I wlll alo lot you havo n troop of cavalry. It won't do you any harjn to gut out of cnmp, nnd will glvo the men soniething to do besldes pollshlng tliclr buttons. ' "I caught at tho suggcMion. nnd tho very ncxt day we started. It took us threo days to make tho mnrch, and wc renchcd Canieron on tho mornlng of tho 4th. I found that the ncgro's tory had nnt bocn cxaggerated. The pUee wa in a ferinent stlll over thc nffnir. Of llallcr I could learn ncitlilng. Nohody would ncknowl cdge liavlng scon him. "I niadc uj) my mind, however, that ev ery one was lylng on this point, nnd I waited as pntletitly as I could. I felt posl tlvc that he had renchcd the place nnd felt equally stire that he was dend. I mnde qulet investigatlons, but they rcsultcd ln nothing, and for n tlnie lt scenicd that wo would never learn anythlng. "One day, however, some three weeks after our arrival one of my men camo to me with an nnonymous communication wrlttcn ln pcncil on n piece of common wrapping p)cr. Ho had found It, he said, in frontof lils tent, whero it lind bcen dropped prcsuninbly byone of tlio visltors who oftcn camo into camp to look nt tho Yankee soldlers. The note ran ns follows: " 'I nm n Union iiiiui, but dnro not dls close myself. It would cost me my llfo to be known ns frlcndly to you. There wns one otllciT who camo hcrc slx weeks ngo. He let pcnplc ltnow who hewas. This was suro death. Lightfoot found hiin out, nnd his gnng murdored hlm. 1 don't know whero or how, hut he wcnt out on the Waco road with Lightfoot alono two days after ho eame. Wc dld not sce him ngain. Lightfoot camo Into town at nlght rldlng tho soldier's horso, u blnck, and leading his own. If I cnu learn more, will send you word. ' "This new? dld not surprio mo ln tho lenst. I put the note cnrefully nway and cautioncd tho mnn who found lt to say nothing. In a few days n second note cnmc. It had hccn dropped in tho samo place as its prcdecessorj but this tlnie lt was wrapped about a couple of weather stnincd lnfantry coat buttons. " 'Thero nro hugian bones lylng in tho niesqulto bush nbout three mllcs north,' the noto sald, 'close to the north fork of tho Loon, and nbout 100 yards below tho ford. You can know the spot by n rotten pccan trce. I found these buttons thero.' "At this point tho noto stoppcd nbrupt ly. I rcad it over ngain cnrefully nnd markcd down thedirections. Tlien I callcd ln one of my ollicers nnd told hlm to tnko n dotaehnientnnd scnrch tho pot desijribed thornughly, bringing in whatevcr mlght be found. It was just after guard mount whcn thc pnrty set out, and It returned lato in the aftcrnoon. Lientenant , who was in command of it, Mild ho had found the place, and had thcrc dlscovcrcd n (uantlty of bones scattcrcd about, in cludlng n skull. There wero shnrp prlnts ln the honen indieatiiig that they had hccn : strlppinl of their llesh by coyotes. A num bcr of lnfantry est buttons had also bcen found nnd coat buttons. Thero was noth lng elso except a few shreds of dark bluo , clolh and a romnnnt of what had onco parently bcen an undershirt, the latter colored and glucd togcthcr wlth dri blood. i "I ordcrcd theso thlngs taken to my quarters and lald out on a tnhle. Wo vfcro unnhle to galn nny iuformntiou from the Bkelcton itsclf, but on soaklng tho rem uant of tho undershirt ln hot water I found lt to contaln an insido pocket, in whleh thore wns n qunntlty of paper money. When wnshcd clean, I found thc lnltials G. H.' I "I nover Buccecdcd ln capturlng Light foot, but later on I dld get hold of ono of bls gang, whom I 'persuadcd' to confoss. I "Haller, lt Bcomed, had mado no secrut ct his uilsslon, nnd under an nssumed liamo Lightfoot rendlly gnlned hts conll dcnce. Ho wcnt so fnr as to tell Ifaller that ho could show hlm tho placo whero tl.o desperado ho sought had mado his hcadyuarters. Tho latter, he declared, had llcd wlth his gang after the massacro of tho blacks. Tho two then rodo out to tho Waco road togcthcr, and coming to n placo whero there wero Bevcral of Lightfoot's gang concealcd tho poor, unsuspcctlng fellow was shot down wlthout warnlng. "This much I lenrned from tho mcmbcr of tho gnng '7ho fell into my hands. Ho mudo no attompt to smooth over tho rough parts of his confeshion, und his last words Kcro: I "'WoleftthoYankoc in tho mosqultc. Ircckou thoooyotos uttendeil to tlio rest of ' lt. Kow you all cuu go uhead with your hangln.' "And that," pald tho captain ns ho rc ' llghtcd his clgnr, "Is tho roason I remciii- hcr that one entry ln tho rcglstor so dls- tlnctly. Bo you wonder nt itf" L. It. Cntllu ln New Y'ork Commorclal Adver- tlter. A NEW WOMAN IDEA. Novcl Ilullilliig l'ropoii'd For the Tarla Kxpufiltlon. A bulldlng constructed in tho shapo of tho head of a hoatitlful womnn is ono of tho novcl suggcstlons mado totho comniis sion of tho unlverRalexposltlon whleh ls to bo hcld ln 1'arls in 1000. This strango strtlcturo ls deslgncd to bo uscd ns n woin nu's bulldlng, nnd tho nrchltcct intends IDEA FOll WOMAN'S ntJILDINO. to tnko for his modcl n composlto photo graph of tho most beautlful women of all countries. It ls lntended to mnko not somcthlng that wlll look liko n wooden bulldlng ln strango form, but nn nccurnto repreenta tion of the licad of n llvlng, breathlng woiiion somcthlng which wlll nppcnr sc llfcliko ns to bo startllng nnd nnt so gro tesquo ns to '-0 unslglitly. Tlie Krench, in Bhort, are gnlng to "sre ' our Cotuy Island elcphant, now dufunct, und go us'ono bct tcr. To glvo n prnj cr flrsh ti'it to tho stntut bulldlng lt ls piiiposi d t li.ive tlie outei covcrlng mudc of n thin layer of wond bcaring an nn istlcnlly i lid on romploxlon. Bencatli thi.nro to gl iw many liclits, sc that by nlght this pP.ti.niio bcmity will shinc liko n .mi Tlie cycs aro to be ;ar ticularly strlking, tho puplls to conslst ol n l alr of t.-nverful nrc liglits. Tho hall will 1)0 mado of Htrands of Rmnll ropo nr rnngcd ln u nnturnl nnd lifclike fnsliinn. Crownlng this wlll be u wrcnth, such us our Gnddcss nf Liln ity vcar. The hend itilf will be about as high as n four story bullding. Thc cntranccwill be throiiBh n door in the bae nf tlie neck. The Interlor nf thc hend will be dlvidcd up into iloors, nnd these turn into rooms, which wili be dcvoted no tho wants nnd comforts of womcn visltors to tlie exposl tion. In the second story will bo n lnrgc lccture hall, in which thc mcctlngs ol womcn's soeloties mny ho ln'ld. On the fourth story wlll bo n restaurant, and from this tho vlsitor cnu climb up to tlie rool garden which thowreuth wlll inclose. Tlie nrchltcct says that wlndows of pccullat shape nnd constructlon will be nrrangcd so thnt tho grncoful outlines of tho fnce will not bo mnrrcd. This is only ono ol ninny uniquo structurcs thnt havo becn proposed for tho coming cxposltlon, which promiscs to bo ono of tho most intercstina cver hcld. ORIGINAL BLOOMER GIRL. Ehe Rodo the Orlslntil Snfpty Illcycle Tblr ty Vears Ao. Tho blooracr glrl ls not so new ns many pcoplc lmaginc. As oarly as 1S09 n young womnn mado n sensation by rldlng nboul tho streets of Chlcago on n crudo snfcty hlcyclo. Sho wns nttircd in sliort sklrt nnf bloomers, and ulthough slio was n hlghl respeetable young lady of modest manner. shc wns looked upon as n good deul nd vnnced ln her ldeas. And so sho was, foi lt was not until two or three ycars ogt that tho bloomer glrl becamo familiar t( us. This orlginnl bloomer glrl was Mis. Jcnnle Burkce, nnd tho machino on whlcl Bho rode was tho orlglnal safety blcyclo nn lnvcntion of her father, Georgo B. Dur kce, an inventor who has applled lils mo chanical gcnlus to tho maklng of mnn) qucer doviccs nnd who is stlll busy. Hi mndo n safety blcyclo ns oarly ns 1808. A that time tho high whecled ordlnnry wa, an unusual slght and was slowly g-.ilnlng publio favor. It was regarded ns n dnnger ous machino, und lt wns in somo cases Mr. Durkco's whed removcd this objco tion. His modcl was mado of wood, MISS JENNIK Dl'Kkl.K, THE OIUGINAL DLOOM Klt CilHL. but later ho constructed ono wlth n frnme mndo of common gas plpc. Tho front whcel was 30 lnchcs ln dlumctcr and tho rcar ono 80. It was such n wheel that Mlss Durkce lenrned to rlde. Tho drop framo hnd not bcen thought of then, nnd bloonier.s wcre n ncccslty, so sho dovlsed u sultublo cos tume which she little dreamcd would ba to gencrally ndopted a quartcrof u contury I.iter. Slio liecanie nn oxpert wheclwomnn, nnd her rldlng was such a novclty that for somo time slio gavo oxhiliitions of her skill nt county falrs. She also lenrned to rldo her wheel aeross n tlglit ropo and pcr formed this daring feat beforo largo crowds. Miss Durkco dletl several yenrs ngo, but her fnther ls stlll nllvo and is coustantly bringing out new lnvcntions. His latcst prnject ho cnlls n "contrlfugnl blcyclo cours.e, " by mctvns of which n rldor ran rldo over tho insido of u vertlenl clrcle wlthout falling. He proposes to coustruct n rollcr coastcr shoot on tho samo prlnci plo und glvo persons looking for novclttcs tho most Bcusntlcmal rldo tiioy could wish for. It ltnlni In I.ondon, Vou ICnovr. Londoncrs npcnd nbout $10,000,000 on nually for uwbrcllug. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Bt. Louis, New York, Boston, Phlladelphia. Chlcago, DENINING ALLE , WILL BE KEPT AT THE i BREAD LOAF STOCK THE COJMLTlSrGr &3ZlJ!SOJSr. TERiMS-$25 With This Horse is recognized lion of. the World, ha'ing taken which he has been exhibited, Chicago, and the National Horse Show at New York. Apply to PATRIGK McMAHOH, Ueult in l v:.-. .- , , . .t,,a,tri 1 A:. M1 j-,: IM.Ci.Ci . m .. FOR SAIiE BY W. H. SHELDON, MIDDLEBURY, VT. fPoison Out tf the BLOOD AthIophoros Remoe5 the Causa ot Rheumatism AND Neuralgia. It invigorates the action of .thc musclej nnd limbers the stiffncss of the joints. Writa for our TRE&TISE on Rheumatism. $J per Bottle. All Druggists. The ATHLOPHOROS COMPANY, New Haven, Conn. Forsnlc by W. II. Slieldo , Middlebury, Vt. Chautauqua Desks nndotliervalnnM prcliiiuins have gone to tliouand? of Youiig Lndies and Youths l-'ree, lor retailiiiK lo their owu iieiuh bors the cnnteiits of i Cotnbiuauou llox of Tlie Larkin Soaps, ctc (Mki'ids to choo-.e Jtotii hotne h i t- old io or mon l.oxf ohtaiu ul ' one prcminm nftt r .inotlur. To posi ss. wlthout cot a really haud o'ut piece of fur niture thnt will l.i -t a lifetime is n pi ivilene nnd a I plrasnre not to be imssed. The nt- tractions of thousands of liome? have bten euhanced by the Larkin Iden ' In n day or two any one can carn a valua- ble preininm I-'KI-ti. Try it 1 The quahtv I of our goods is widely known, nnd you caii i refer new custotners to many of vour owu I towtisjieople who are our patrons. i'uUmfor- , lnatioa by inail. Nanie this paper. t THE LARKIN S0AP MFG. C0., Bulfalo, N. Y. Mott's Nerverine Pills; The great ; remedy for nervous pros-' tration and diseascs of the generative or- UhioiiL and AKTTic gans 0f either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis sions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, cx cessive use of Tobaeco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 pcr box by mail: 6 boxes for $5.00. FtlOn'S CHEMICAL CO., Props. Ctevetand, Ohlo. Kor sulo by W. II. Slioldoii. Middlebury, Vt. IJstate of I.oren W. Wooster. A'ntlcu nf Sttllemiiil. ST.VTK OF VKUMOXT, ( Tlie I'ro DISTIUCT ok AliDlto.N, i-s. i but,' C'our( lor tlio dUtrlct ot Addlnou : To nll puro!is lntiirostoil ln tho cstnto ot I. ui cn iV. Woostur, Intu ol Short'huni, ln sald dli-triet, ilocoiisod, Uhkktinu . II V tho iiutliority of tlio Stato ot Vermont, you nro hmiiby notlfloil to upponr betoic the sald rrobiitn Court, ut tho rrobntc olllee ln Middlebury ln sild dlstrlet, on thu lith dny ol Aprll, A. I). ISfii, nt 10 o'clock, n. in., to uliow ciiuso. lt nny j ou lmve, wby tlio necount ot A.J. Kluld, ndmliit&trntor ot tlio emtuof Biilit decensud, ohoulil not bo nllowed, nnd nUo whv tlio roslduu ot fuitd esmie should not bo dlstrlbuted to tbo pnrtlcs ontltlod Ihereto. Dnted ut Mtildleburv, ln mld DUtrlct, tlils 2Jd dny ol Mnroli, A. I). 1S97. ny ordur ot Court. Attost : 13 JAMES M. SLADE, Judgo. Insist on the Genuine The best Washing Powder made. Best for all clean ing, does the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. Largest package gVeatest economy. PARM, RIPTON, V! Privilege of Return as the Champion Morgan Stall First Prize at every fair including the World's Fair a BREAD LOAF, VERMOH" RESTORE LOST YIGOR RUTLAND RAILROAD. TIME TABLE CORRECTED TO JAN. 10, I80l Trains leare Middlebury dmo. es vpt Simtlii uniess omermse noiea COIXO SOfTII ASO KAST. 9:11A.M. Kxpress ninll lrom S. AlbnJ .1110 liurnnitton lor itutlanil, i! I iow9 rans nnn ll'H'.on. 1 :01 P. M: (ireen Mountnln tlvnr from Mr trenl, st. Aloain nnu IlurlliiRt. iur liiuiniHi, uoston ana M l OIK. 3 :."S I. M. Mi.fd lrnm nurllngton for ponilerncii and lMitlan t 0:511'. M. Kxpru from t Alonns aj ISur HiL'ton or Hutlaml. 11 :(ti I'. M. NlKbt exprcss, dally from Mcl treal, S' . Albnns nnd Uurliii)i'J tor niithmd, New Voik nnd ifil ton. OOINO NOKTII. I Cil.'A. M. Kinrt" from Uutlnnd nnd , conueioga lor But'lngton and : Alliuiw. 3-10 1'. M. Jlnll tiom I!oton, UbIIows I'nl aim iiutlaiul lor Burlington, Albnns nnd Montrenl. 5:12 P.M. Green Mountnin tlyer lrom "N, Vmk, ISostou nnd Rutland ll Burlington, st. Albnns, Montril nnd the West. I 11.43 P.M. Mlxeil lioin Ilutland for Burllil ton. 3 21 A. M. Nlght express, dally lrom Ilostfl New York nnd Rutland lor Bil llngton, frt. Albans nnd Mcl ireai. inrouaii tickets tor polnts. j. nrntiKTT, e. . aldricii. fltueral Stipt. Cltn. I'atsenger Agenti 11. A. llULILif., Tra'hr Mttnageti 2r. 3" Hodgej MANITFAOTPRER OF BU L T1MBEK, CLAPBOltl S, SH1 OLES and all klnds of C'OARSE LU.UBEK. custom sawina ilone. JJlghest caah prl niiiior cini oonra jiuits. RIPTON. VT HENS Ta rtrrlnnn nrro-q nhlltulfltltl V dlirTnJ kirn fall and winter. or wheu coulinei kux Emall yarus. : . . i MUST havo fccd and caro adaptod to thc Jeondltlons. Hens aro suro to LAY kabundantly whcn Prolific Poultpy pood fls mtxcd with oft food for thcil lovery moniing. i Sold pvfnii horo. 1 lb. IV , ! 1 lb. fiOci raios.yi.uu. ii you itniL.' i nf iri. io nio ior no . kj. y c ) n ssj rip.imj L B. tORO, Prop, Bur'-. ,' U S A. Korsaleby W. W. Chnpman, M' ldlebul WANTED-AN IDEASS.a tlitnc tn nntint? pMitect vouritlens , theviil brinp you wealth. Wrlto JOHN WKDDll JlUlirS iV t J. I UlL'Ul JlVlOt UfJ8, 11 USUiUU U. O., for tamr 5ifw pnze ouer WE HAVE no acenI nsumer u ttiuu' e.c:atitiat in Lfore 'I u ti, Tvnr)-nfi movi -r Cniiin J HOM,!t 11,11 nr..J sn'f- Kltlliiir Saddl Wrne fi i i me I F.LKHART I CarriJgeiHarntnMlg 'V ii phatt Sec ciknari. inu. j