OCR Interpretation

The Daytona daily news. [volume] (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926, January 07, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93063916/1905-01-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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aeWA aeWAa
1 1See
See WILKINSON tLKINsOr the Real R al Estate Man ManTHE t tr
Viol 1 N U I Iiou loeii IherwhereanUuch erywherean4nachuAlCI L Day 1tytuim tOlin 1lulidn Hnhmlny Januury 7 UK 190h > IkatAdlesaalnRalnlluminna lr IA ellnJr lrUun InU > lun lonaanJvicinity n vicinity Ilnll 1 lice llc8 3 Cents CB11tSp CentsINGMfI
p ww wwg1NGl1
g1NGl1 INGMfI r1i TIIOPSON TI IOI IPSON A H HandsomeRid d t lrR dg ewood t Reaidencerar5 ido si ie RtL R Esrrf l I E I tN I 1 INSURfNCE i CE
Daytona Novelt Novelty Works Planing Mill Wood Yard YardGreeting Yardgreeting
Greeting GreetingTo
To our Friends and Customers CustomersA customersA
Thanking you for past favors we ask a continuanco 01 the same sameCommencing sameCommencing
Commencing this date we will operate operateOllr
Lesses LessesE
E Dillingham Owner OwnerPhone OwnerPhone
Phone 70
AN the Uullt > tIII4rlloOiI It ItA ItA
A IIIII purty ut hUlltll1I III tho wilds of ofNOIh ofAur
Aur NOIh h Cnrollllllr wishing 10 cross the theInku thehlku
Inku 11101 tho LIlIII1I ot hlch theywere they theyIC
were IC 11111111111011 mule tllII uoesnry uoesnryprcpnrotluns 1Ij 1Ij11I1llIrnllulIlI
11I1llIrnllulIlI JIIIII tlllr nHlalt the thetUllll thegald0
tUllll IC ho could ran ranRoe IU IUIto
Ito ho fIUlI11I1 III II IIHWI nol nolNo RoINo
No J rokn 1I0t ItIcJ Rrekn II I 110111 trIed trIedIt
UIIIr tliese eireu clCUIIIHtlillceH nstnuces the party IlIIrtmnde partymndo
mnde IIrrnngollleutll is to 110 the 10111111 10111111thetnllehCI ronhlgthemselves
themselves and were consequently nH nHtoulahed natonlslned
toulahed whllI the guilt slopping Into Intotile Intothe
tile boat BIIIICll hllusllt nl the oars onrlanlillreplIloo oarsand
anlillreplIloo and prepared to he the IlIolIo power IlOwerWily powerVhy
Wily exclllllllld d one at the party partyI
1 thought you ou HuIII you 01 cuulIIIIt 1010 1010rhe rawr rawrThe
The guide was pIliIII 11I17zllt aid III1Llcould aidcould
could LI heard to repeat Iu hhllllclt HO HOerlll sev several
erlll lime i Ito to toI
I rccull you all meant 10 like a alion alion
lion I cant do that hut pull nil 0 0hr owhy
why hr Ivo done that nil 111 my lito I Iaborcly Ishorely
aborcly cab pull nn oLoulsvllle oLoulsvllleCourlIJourllql oLouisvilleCourler
CourlIJourllql Courler Jounial
The Moon Jllulon Jllulonfloruo luliulonSome
Some IlnlUHIIIIII at 611nl causes ha have havelumghwd VI VI1I1111llIcll
1I1111llIcll tllllt the moon IUB given to tothe tothe
the earth to afford It light cJurlllll the thoIIlght thenight
night but 111 this caso IInllIO would wuuldhave wouldI
I not have attanlod the cUlt proposed IIIoIIOHlI1I
I 8111 since C 10 arc ottel1 deprived at the tho11II1110 theNt1111O
11II1110 tlille ot tho light lit both HUll and 1111111II00n andmoon
moon 10 have C1II111I8ho1 IIc thlli end elldIt endIt
It would have been Hulllcllut to hllo hlloIIlncett havoplaced
placed the moon lit first III OllllllRltlolI OllllllRltlolIto
to the SUII and II 11 the IIIIIIIU ot the thoelliptic theelliptic
elliptic at n clllltlillCO from the conk conkequal lIrlbqunl
equal to the one l1uultr hundredth th part ot the thodlstallro thedlatanro
dlstallro ot the earth trolll the sun nod 11111to nodto
to have IlIIprl1RSCll on the earth IIIHI IIIHImooll
mooll parallel velocities proportional to totlllh totheir
tlllh dlstanlls from the 8UII III tills thlljnse tillscase
case the moon being IOlllltlllltl III Oil o1position Oilposltloll
position to the eon would ollitl have III III8rrJb described
8rrJb scribed < 1 round It an ellipse Hllllllnr to tothnt tothat
that at tho earth Tb Theso o two bodies LOltlHwould bodieswould
would then COIIMttllltly 811CCIcd lIch eachother lIchother
other and liB lit lids distance the moon mooncould
could lot ho eclipsed Its light would woultlalways wouldalwnys
always replace that ot the 8unIII sunLnplace
Mason Wall Company CompanyHave
Have the Largest Stock of ofCrockery ofCrockery
Crockery Glass Enameled Eoameledand 1
and Tinware TinwareIN
Prices Cant Be Ceat
Ih 11111 Ni 1IIp s I is inhIIIslmd IIIel IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIh dollag dollagliln
Ih liln tllllINI l NIfhrll I IIIII prl 1I11li Ivn1lidlivrgrd
dlivrgrd 111
Engaged EngagedxatIlrn Enga cd cdENOMJIP
xatIlrn wIIn h wllt I + t Ir w r himthinght him 111011lIIIhl o
11 liIl iii 111 Lin sc f fI
I nand 11100 wI I mild lIh ir haw hawIt lnteburn
burn a It ItAnc I I IAnd
And hen Its 1 Ill kiiw I a ahl 11 III 11I07 11I07Anl ate ateAn
An Anl ri hol 111 t I I I III 1 III r 1 t11 nO
Aod 1111 call WillII tu III di tlil 1 II Ursa Ursalb
11 uU1 I 1 ti 11 Per 1 1111 Iwo7 1 11 tititl tititlIm
111I Nur lIt l1al I dldlt ItL rl rlLeal 1 1IIIHI
IIIHI nllhl tvh 11 + I he I J i ti i 11 mflint
flint Ihlll ten ill III I + I aun l1I I tr rtnr rtnrThough tll tllThulllh
Thulllh ho II was ilK lutud 111111 tI tli t1a II ill ile ileoil
111111111 111111111An1 oil tun tunAnd
And WI hlllliol hurl lit if r filII tin lilt ttltt III hnt IIalll IIalllAni annumAnd
And 10 think Ihnt Inn1tn ei I KIIIIct KIIIIctI KIIIIctAllol
rd rdAnd I
And ant III 111 HI III I It Iii lIuIIN nudrrrsTo lIuIINTo
To w h l I IImn r that I fllll h1t tn 1t
Im KII Sure Iha I d 1Idl 5113 Ij yrN yrNTwas K KTa
Ta 111011 In il IIII uidat 1I1t 1 of Ih Irllllirr wrntturIii
11 III II I t II flllllli rt I it iti 1 1I
I Wlf Klrcl J JI + l wr I Iwe 111 thine Iii tOJc1h tOJc1hIr
or orAod Ir IrAI11
AI11 prat r l sums one II I hr would JIIIIII1puar JIIIIII1puarAnl appear appearAnd
And frst hang I hnv 11 II tlhe n I 1111111
1 tti1N II thI III Ida 1I1II1H aIling IPHKI IPHKIAnl ksHhAni
Anl hI tern all hlllllllt 11111 grhulf grhulflnt tlllll
111 Hr t r that I 11111 r n eI rM ti tiIts
Its n 11uil II rr9Tlnr 111110 111110An truntnAnd
An And art 1 with Klldl 1 exqut < IIIIHIt + ttn IIIRlol IIIRlolJ
J 6111111 I xnpentis ruI II III lily duty dutyIi
111 Need K IIII nod ttill tllill n It In haHt
1 can cant I give II tipIts 1111 wnrlh h dllul diuhlaThu dllulThQ
ThQ ielsn IIII teurn 11111 hp I tIrru and 11111 JKH JKHAwl Jr JrAnd
Awl 1 null 1 r11 hen lip I InllK hurt troll trollIJle troulMe
IJle IJleDullm MeDot
Dullm Dot Im Hurt Ihlllllwr Ihnt I nova Nnl4 n yeti CR
CRPuck Puck PuckOh
1111 Jnyl Jo
WhntfI the bbibook JIg Ilook youle got lot1HfI gotIts
Its II dootorli husk I 01llIlt how howI ov
1 colt fillll II wholl lot ot nets 10 dJRcnHc dJRcnHctor lisennesfor
for III uty dally tll haveSew hllc cw York YorkEellln YorkFveulnh
Eellln TollllI1l
Now IJclnl Built or Soon to bl Can Canstructed Conestructod
structed for the ConvenIence of oftho ofthe
the Auto Drivers DriversIII
III nn interview with a I lilUta IinwwsUIiiuu lilUtalJuioll
lJuioll lol101lcl Senator A S lnlUl MahnNIItlt lnlUl81I
81I NIItlt NIItltl
11111I l nm glad to HIl till CIIU county II I tout 0111111111 0111111111HluIW1I huN huNNIuhIorN
HluIW1I ready relcI tu take up thl joUlIIuull joUlIIuullork good ruud ruudwork
work ork when the goerllment road build bulltlIIIH buildbig
IIIH train 1I11IIelj next w wcak tJk At the theBunn
811111 than 1 want tu tell you 011 and the the110pk
110pk 1 lIpl IIf Jolmllln Ihut lint I Is gulag lIl III IIIOtlltII1I1111I Iiiother
OtlltII1I1111I other parts IIf the state 1I1I11elllctu statethcru
lllctu due nut scelll tu b be II udlull ul
1111 11113 IIlIlIultllll O that III not today CUll CUll14111rlll cuusldorlug
14111rlll sldorlug 1111 1II1I1tdltw hlllruVt1lllellt III IIItho Inthe
the condition 01 their hlghYII It IIj IIjnfo kante
ante to IIII say that such polntHtl1tlInluU pnlntsnslallahtueee
1411 Ihll 11 vi Oak Inke Clt City and lhutpu tIIII1I1oIUO tIIII1I1oIUO11111111I111111 tun tundelellltlnnll
11111111I111111 out to lie left t hlhhul hut buthave
have Icnliy Ilnll Juhllll the plClcelitilulI plClcelitilulIIIILlllIllI tie tieaaLidhIg
IIILlllIllI aaLidhIg 1 a IIItllH knllI kuuwledgt dll 1111 tu Iluw IluwII 101 101n
n rand should 110 built nllll the kind IIf
nutleritd beet tu bo used MnD Many other otllorHIltllllIs othertethu
HIltllllIs tethu Lie tltO hllllllrlillt how thlll hiforlllll luforuuttint hiforllllltllIlI
tint 11I11 may ho IIrllcII prueuled ICII lho fllllollIK fllllollIKluUIH folios lug lugIottor
luUIH flllill eUlt Johllll Juhu Ii 1lIrkllison 01 0111Itllllll ofOaytnaa
11Itllllll 11I1 may ho taken 18 110 1IIIII1Iu IIf IIflhll ofthose
lhll those t 11111I I tun 1lcollnjt 111111 111111It tinily tinilyIt
It III i ellletil tu Nay thntuIIIIIolulil thntuIIIIIoluliltllllI
tllllI tlu a to hlllld 110 road fUIII JIIIk8I1nllIIe JaeksuntIlleto
10 1I111111 naH first received lute tie Lint 1I0tulIlI Lintonly
only HOllwthlllR lIul1Ull Impassible lllll but the I Idett Idettof lm lmIIf
IIf II el1IIIIIIlI 11111 KlllcI tll IlIflllII you youthat UU UUthllt
that even the IIIUtit tikllIthul 11t bight 11I to toIcllllw toIoltllw
Icllllw that ItlIlreltlllnl it tvllleerttllnlylehullt hohullt nith nithIn Ith IthIlIlhl
In IlIlhl lbu III utxt t ftll few year yearS ltltll ltltllhll
S Sine hll 10 hlllO Ituu KlvllIH out rely ICIYIHUI rely11th
11th IHUI tll tllli lh + IIl1hlll pretiti 111 have Iwell IwellIllIklll I een eenwurklug
wurklug IllIklll hard all saunter 111111 wllh nitlltill 1 11IIIIIh
1IIIIIh till oIt HIICCI success H 1111I lIHIIt eaunty hUIi dlIIIIIIII dlIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl dredgedII
II rnunay IIIIIHl > IIII Mix feet uhou hlKh WIlItI1 WIlItI1IIclJ nnterucrus
IIclJ P Hpl K111ll Liu cllock t1II1 Rust hll bay aun aunrampllted 11111 11111hlleIKc
rampllted hlleIKc IIlIOMII tilt clllllilmii clllllilmiiIh
Ih Ibt rued IlUt between 111111 1I11IUlICIIllk hliH hntiien hliHhCIIIllt
ien hCIIIllt slit nut 11I1l111I11I fund partly IrInllII std 1111 usmust
must IIf It hits 111111 1111 n IIlItllrul shall IIUllk IIUllk11m hwtkthe
the work 01 cuntpleUnn 11I Ill till II 1I11I1t will be wttiy IIIM tool toollull
11111 lull gn11ntIvelyhwxensivi I l1Ilt 1111 II 11 If rtultnur rtultnuriti elllllO elllllOIII
III bnildlug hlllllllll thlOIlKIt kin IIIOIIIt lit Ids Idsnwn
01111 111111 nth gives IVH h tll the tllUIII thegrnurnhfoul
III grnurnhfoul II IU I 111111 At II anaotbigof lIlotllfI IIf the dtntn dtntnmuldhutch111 1110 111011I0111lt
11I0111lt muldhutch111 clllh laNt Iwek fIUOt IIIOO was mixed ralNcl1III
III clI co511 h and every tl effort fort will will II be 1I111c1t tll toIneroasu
1111111181 thlll tu X4000 000 Nl New 11II Hutyenn Hutyennntid III11
11111 fort Olllllgu have PIOIIlIIll11 7 7ih 7ihIli Ii
Ili 0 luau III also u 1II ltlado lle 111 a ItlwlIl lu lu1lu Jlr Jlrhlugler
1lu hlugler I tll IOyntlr the road f run 011111I11I1 011111I11I1to
to Ilaytrnut II toll allli allow UII to uIXhuIhut1 Jilt JIrIIIulM Jiltfu11II1son
IIIulM fu11II1son Oil the nuts rant Yesterday cMlorlla 011I 011IlUllIllltteo umrunltnitteu
lUllIllltteo Egan work nod will CIIII CIIIIIIIIUU cononus
IIIIUU to 1II r11NIl h thlllgM 1111 fast IIIj Inonly IIIUII III IIICccllcd isttcd
ttcd Cccllcd ed Theuu11ty Jlm OUllt hlllj IIIHO IUllIlIlUII IUllIlIlUIIlhoh inaucll us ustheir
their 11IlsOIIIIH
II Nee 0 shall use 001 every effort to eomii 1l
the road frolll rmolld tu New I1W flIIyrnu flIIyrnuby
by JUllllnl Junuary la and Udq tltl with the road roadIIlrcady maulalready
already built from New BIIlYIna to Oak Oak11I11
11I11 will giro gh a continunllH hard road rondIII roadnliontthlrty
III outthlrty tulles lung 101lK0I111 mini 010 uf the UIO1II0llt themost
most beautiful hake III your IIIovollod IIIovollodclmln proposedebain
While wo are aware we ololltlln ololltllnour are lahi In Inour
our 11qllfst 10 Hhould ue very gl glad tll togot tllgut
gut the UoCrlllllent IIl11chlllelY to build buildLie
Lie a 11I111 of title load not HO much fur furthl forthe
the lIavnl caving to tie 01011 of one mile of rand but blltundouJtodlYI butundoubtedly
undoubtedly It would give 1111 practical JlrnctlcolIlI practicalInetruction
IlI tructioll that Vllld savee ao UH lIIuch1i lIIuch1ithe much n nthe
the long rllll 011111 and I believe ftc mere CIO po poP1l1O presuco
P1l1O wOllhlmthllHo would enthuse and IOUKO the people lHupleun
un tllfli part of the coast to the point poilltlhat pointthat
that they wOllld IIIHl iusitt t cXWlldlllK on both LllthIIlIrth both11urth
IIlIrth and south tit thus county 11111 If Ifthtt Ifthat
that were done Jtolnrd 1JIllltV Wlllllt Wllllltulldoullwllly wouldu11dOUbtodly
ulldoullwllly CO thl wisdom of CllnnlCt CllnnlCtlug cnnntetpug
lug and nd Udu woudfolllll I CtIJHIO 110 11011I010 nomule
mule important plncu fur the 00 00lrnlllent toy toyrnntentexperts
lrnlllent rnntentexperts ex pertH to work thnnrigllthere thnnrigllthereand thlllllIKIL Ilort Ilortnlld
and bellllo greater results would follow follnwthan followtitan
than III an any other portion IIf time Btttf BtttfWo StatsSVo
Wo IIhOllld ho glad to hno JOIl use 1180ollr useyour
your ollr Influence in every WItY waytowarrl tllwnrlllelp tllwnrlllelpIlIgIIA help helpfug
fug IlIgIIA IlIgIIAIllIIoll his
personally IllIIoll lly wO 0 wl wish h to conjrntllillte conjrntllillteJIlIn
JIlIn 3110 nn your Indeflltlgablll work nail the UIOeHult theresults
results nlrearJ already I1CCOIIlAhml for JntlfIL iIorhla11e JntlfILW
W 11e can appreciate III a small WRY the thedlfficliltIH thedifcultIesyouhateovercome
dlfficliltIH difcultIesyouhateovercome lIn hLnu orCIcome and andtrust trullt
IUII alit hI able tu till stll ttllllCl hulls lit IUIII vutnshilling IUIIIlIlIhl
shilling lIlIhl 1011111111011 1011111111011I
I 1 thit letter StlIl1tlll htllll IC ICI replied
I plied as f follows followsI llosnutlced
I noticed III time lltlll1 Ullloll 1IIlIIotilln 1IIlIIotillnJIIIIIlwulIJ thuenutianyour
JIIIIIlwulIJ your eoplt IIItl taken III 11111111111 ii tll 1111 nnhnoielllato 11111I1I1II1I11nh
1I1I1II1I11nh blghutlhig 1IJ11111 t mho h Ihll III ofroad
road tll St Nou HIli llnnrun 111111 111111 Iill hind rllllI rllllIIIl1l1tl ftilirunulu
IIl1l1tl nI 1 lilY 11111111 III 1111 write It JIIIIIIIIII yun and slug sluggent IIH IIH1lIIt
gent that If II 1111 possible III 11111 any 11111 11111ftll uayfur
fur IIII tll 1114 mu stlst 11I1 you 1111 II IIlIultl give ale 11I11I1IlIt alegrout
grout pllIINIIII tll todaso 1111 1411 I tau glad 111t1l1hOelH gladbunnveI
hOelH tllllt yaIt Ollilltlllilt did not wait fol III IIIto nn nnto
to du O 110 WhllIl I eau till walk you 011111 011111t lit littended
t tended IIItd tll dult tin It ClcllIrrtd III 1111I that n
11I1I111t r11ad tll ht lIII1 0tlshue1d IIlIlttll dlllllIg dlllllIgthe
the 1111I1111 tiuu of till IIIII would AIII alt op oppurtluity I Ipol
pol purtluity II II It I fll bn IIIIIIl llupllllf ref Iwpurhnlre IwpurhnlreI
to I o W II11155 1I11tllIlhl the en 1l1l1U ne lllllll 1111 nay hash 01 01tho ofthe
the 1llId V everolist 11 OlltitlllItcI tinted li by the IltlIUI IltlIUInlllIt d1purlmeat
nlllIt meatIkeobjitofthegovernuant
lhl Ikeobjitofthegovernuant IIhJI t III 1M Itnglvn ItnglvnIcasuuN 1I11In 1I11InItANOIIK
ItANOIIK lit rOII111111kh11 mail It atsuch HIICh tlllllHIIIIII Ihnusnndpieces tlllllHIIIIII1111IH
pieces 1111 a will dll I hW 1I11111UHt must good by h nay 11111of nayof
of hllllIH hoe tu tall lOIllllIlI tllht till rand 1111111Ihl randtad
tad Inganssiug Ihl JlllollI p1opleif uf till parts Ill IIfIIlIr Illuurluud
IIlIr uurluud nlllllllllnllllll lu telutiuu III tllllI IIIhll nod nodilupurhutce
ilupurhutce C11us1gncatly I IhllllllIIt
II tllm was IInoJIJIIIItlllllt alt Mlllh II I I1IIIIIIUIIht los lossnit
1IIIIIIUIIht snit aught to IJt glen mi tll11llI wing I III prlnl prlnlof hili
01 the 111I011 have I 1111111 111th OIlMlllllllluli nunslllttttanshoo I OIlMlllllllluliIIlIlIe
shoo rtllIvlllll ynnr 0111 MtlI bit tor with Iol W WSlIlIlIn lVId
Id SlIlIlIn till IIIICIlIl1l1lIt expert and 11I111ho andlie
ho 11I1IOgllIH fullyagreesnitit IIlth ale IIIll till t lit IIlIIli IIlIIliIt am oh ohat
It stick 1 n time would hu uf grmat rnmum Ill IIii
have 1 tlwldolI tlIcllllll hunt lilt if It I Is pus IIKslllll pusslble I
slllll even thllllgh the 1111I1 1M hllll nut 1ItIVlllmnku nutwill
IVlllmnku will nulku a lIl11plo 11111111111 rului on t the 1111 Ilea you youNugget IIII IIIIIIUlClc
Nugget t If It IIIIItH JUlito ynii to IIII little ilK 1111 1111 1111II satinning
II tinning II rill I tlrnt pCIhlll III 111111 I lint tl1I0 tl1I0IIhlllllw Uerusloth
IIhlllllw sloth he no 1IIIIIJIIIIIHIII misuadcrstruldilg IlIIIIIIIII I hlllI i nvo dr dreidud I IldOlI
ldOlI tll lI ask k CIUlII1 Hpllllll to visit 11111 11111tUlIlIlIlIII Ihttttltilt
tUlIlIlIlIII ttltilt otld Nee Ill II HIII1i 1111 1I11IIII nrrtulg1aouul tllIIII 11111 tt 111 111suit
suit III parties 11I111t Inlirest1d II IIl1tllllll uotllhugIntppens IIl1tllllllJlIIIIIIt
Intppens to JlIIIIIIt hl il h Ili nlll 1111111111 leav born 1111 1111III Liuthe
the III IIU tlllill HlltlllIIII IrIlIlIIII i and 11111I
I tlustlou tllMt UI will thuds hi him III 1111I1 make II IIIlo it1osslbin
Ilo 1osslbin sllllt for hllll III 11111111 1111011 10111 KOIIII KOIIIInlluNKIIIII 5111115aspossl11he
nlluNKIIIII lit ItotvIII 111 lltlli to Nit y 11111 11111IIIILtllrlll1 iii r rnutterinl
IIIILtllrlll1 anti 11111 vim s LI this lUUt tnul to I INI hll iuuI1uul1
1101111 III 1IIItI lust I let I hilly t elldl1 I e III 11 I1 I1Liu
UII till triad of I naahduory II1I1 ltir1sanrr II HIIII III IIIlip Inhis I
lip 1I0IIMIIlIcIl01I 1I0IIMIIlIcIl01Itleru
tleru and There There1clIIlIOllltlllO ThereImnpur11tuo
1clIIlIOllltlllO fur ycshitIny ycshitInyIIOSllN mtlldll mtlldll1I0iIO
1I0iIO 4 4NIlV 1 1NI
1111 11 111 lIM IOIII lti ltihI II IIHj
1141111 HII gIII i ldTdl ldTdlIt1ION1 H
11 It1ION1 rfON 11
Auto AccidentTwo Accident
10 of J C Pl1llcphel1 experts expertsI oxpertetuck
I tuck 0111 the ill fated cAr No 10 10thi 10this
thi this lIIolllillg for n trial run Be Be Befora I Ifolo
folo leaving tho cars number was WIISI waspinuctl
pinuctl I llIlc11 Oil limit hack If the chnffcur chaffourIho
1110 car 11I11 smoothly tmd nut 110 trou trouhl trouhlo
hl hlo wnporjenced las xpllicnccd Ulltil on the ro rolliill raUnti
lliill trip 11ltile hilo tyillS tOllcgotiato tOllcgotiatotill to negotiatolhu
till tllllI nl Olllllgo and Palmetto Palmettostreets Pill motto mottoillccls
streets tho rear IC wheel skidded on the thel1iPlJCIy theelippeey
l1iPlJCIy streets and the machine
+ Cadres CadresDeady I Iayowtlar
Deady ayowtlar ayowtlart wear weararmanas
t Sarmms armanas
J A AHendricks
Hendricks HendricksOpp
Opp Postofficc
rSllo Shoes s lor lor9lIn or I ISn
9lIn Sn Women llJom n nan 1 1and
an and Cltlldr n 1
11o owiHh wislt to tl call tho attelltioll of the IlIhlh tll tho largo aRSOItlllcnt oC oCV ofValcncicnncs +
V lencicnnes Laccs La cs Alioter ocr I Embroideries EmbroideriesTorchcot1 mbroideriesy
y Torchcot1 lOrChCllllIl1CCS Laces iedullions iedullionsOdcntul Ictlullionsf
f Odcntul O Lacl I W S embroidcrlcs embroidcrlcslIovcr 1 1Allover
Allover Laces Braids rtc rtcjllyt Ptcjust
just received and olluwllu tip Wn havo tne a largo stock Ht k oftheso of these trim trimmingy trjntmings
mingy ill oallUflil deHiglli lit petard 1IjellIlIs aN low its tho lowest and invito invitotho i ithe
the ladies to ClIllllld cull 1101 sea pu tlWIIi
dry ry SOOt oods oodsoflons
lollon oflons
was turned completed aver throwing throwing011 r rnprratalw
nprratalw 011 to the mad and tlw tlwaI they theycure
aI cure lUll ill tilt hauls of n physician physicianIf ph Hicilll1 Hicilll1If
If 1l1 nnyuuo IIC irl iuclilled to get back backnt
nt a IIlIeighhol hOldlOllhI ho tlhomld chnrlel this thisIIII1thino t thuteltiae
IIII1thino fur them 111l1II11111 sad titan gleefully gleoullyoutelllllalo gleefullyro11le111plato
outelllllalo tho assured ltilllUH ltilllUHCounty I ICounty
County Commissioners Meet Meetrho MeetIho
rho county cOllltl cOll1l11issiolltrK held holdflit
flit 1lljlllllllcti IIIcclillg yesterday yesterdayafternoon
11 afternoon fl OIllOIl lit tho nutolllobilo chili clullhOllsu chilihonso
hOllsu Oil Hidgowood Itjl Onvoad avetnte avolI lo to IIIR IIIRlIiSII f fcuss
cuss plnuH wilh Iho bUHinoHK men
111111 lane dlivlIti for the milling of offu111
11111111 tll hotter the county roads roadsTho f flh0
Tho lollllluseinllera Ollllllilil i1CI1 stated that thntlllll thatthoy
lllll thoy IHIlI lxpcllcd 10000 011 the thohlidgu thebridge
bridge across SP1UCO Creak and the theCIIIIIWWIIY thecuilKauay
CIIIIIWWIIY lit fuse slay and that no noIIUHO
morn fUlldH aero 10 allnilio for this
flue IIlItollloblle IIHBocinlion iR iRlIIIlgllIl G Gpldgd
lIIIlgllIl to 0 miHo IIiOO b to ho used IIRmlOil
Oil tll thO road rOil I hInon Port Orange Orangeand
and Hplu Spr11re rick Of this 1I11101lllt I Ic
c 100 have bconlulJHcllhcd beu11 aubaeribed file Ilaocili fileciti1eltt
cili citi1eltt ellli ur Nuw ilW SmY1l111 hnvo pledg pledged
ed dill 00 fill lIHO Oil the HalllO road rondnud
nud lit 1 a lI10elillg of Iho citizbllR nt atfart
fart Orange IIIUIW lust night 176 Willi Willimistd l l1111SCII
mistd 111111 a plOillioll lnvtIaIt tit waK mallo tun t la 10 10iucliaso t tihcrrn14o
iucliaso this ohm to 20 Mr MrHalIII lilyIhitiutway
Ihitiutway HalIII 111 attended the muctin maoting nt nttho atthe
the lUljllCRt of the nutomobilo nestaintkol nest nSBOdatillil
datillil 1111I1 11I11110 IIn excellent excollontlho I IPilo
lho HIIIII of Jf Vas suh8eribcd sullscrlbcdyeturtjny suh8eribcdslorlln
yeturtjny slorlln to rupnir the Port Orange OrangeIaytoua Omngol
Iaytoua l > allIlIn rand which will bo expend expendIHI S
IHI I nhda 111 Ina thn suparvtsj0n HupurvlR lI1I of J A AIlmllldeJa 1
IlmllldeJa hind 1 > n I Hogerl HogerlA
A letter teas III received from II M MFlaglln 1 1r
Flaglln IL r lglul pllclgillg ph dgung liOO for Icpairs Icpairsou
ou tho rmolldDaytonl1 road work
which ban been started
J JIAfleodricks JIAfleodricksOpposite A Hendricks HendricksOpposite
Opposite Iostoffice PO totrlce
Senfs ns ns7urnislllnps l lurnlrbngsd
This Space Res Reserved rved for GruberMorris Hardware Company CompanyThe
e The Leading Hardware Merchants of Daytona Daytonac e eQt
Qt frfft frPit frPittlt4
tlt4 j4 J eTJ t
N i it
4 Irv 4

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