OCR Interpretation

The Daytona daily news. [volume] (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926, January 09, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93063916/1905-01-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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See WIl W I LK KI I NSON ON th the R Real Es jstate te Man n nTHE
Vol H l I t No 1 t0 7 ocs lhrwhrnUtich Gterwhere and Reaches All Clam Jnytolln 111Ytonult1tlorida1 lilol dn Monday IJ January nnuulY U I li tuOb IratAd lest AdterlliIna rthlnK MtdlUn1 In lid lOnd nnHlclnlty and Vlclnlly Plico I IllU 3 Cents CentsVING111
0 o
q o w
51 VING111 NGH I f t c C TJfO I IiOMPSON l M PSON A A Numb Handsome HandsomeirRidgfewood 01 DblFunhd Ridgewood Cottag Residence ResidencefarRSSale ott 10 10 ant Sale R 1 L i L L4 f 11 IL L rNI N I I INSUR NS I U RfNCE NC
Whitelaw Reid Edlto u1 Diplomat DhlnmatWho DiplomatWho
Who lIuteeelb Mr 11 acute IlnateWhJtelaw acuteWtelatt
WhJtelaw Reid who will succeed To Josepb Toaepl1
aepl1 11 Choate liS amllllll nnthnssndor ndol of the theUnited theUnited
United States lit the court ot St James Jllnlesbas Jameshas
bas nlrclIl nlrendy sered In IlIstlnlIlsliell distItigiU lied po po8ltJoIIII pasltious
8ltJoIIII liS dlplolUat anlllOIllIUI anti eonuuls51one1 eonuuls51one1Mr lol1er lol1erMr
Mr held Is perhaps best known In InAlI1erlclI InAmerica
America however all lcUtOl ot tho thonewspalJer thonewspaper
newspaper toulld 1 L by IIlYmcl1 Ilu ueo Greelty I Ithe
the New ew York Tribune lie was born LornIn
In Xenia 0 III 1837 grRlluatetl from frolnMiami fromMiami
Miami UllhCIslfy Oxford 0 hl IBM IBMand 1850and
and has since cclI1 degrees from fromDnrhnouth fromDartmouth
Dartmouth Princeton Yule and from trowCnmlJrhlge fromCnnlbrldgo
CnmlJrhlge uIII1lsltr I Iagland 11 glllllll 110 110Legnll Hobegan
began his journalistic career editing edlUngtho
the XCIIIII 0 News NewsIluring ewH
During the civil war al ho 1111111 nil ex exhu extensive I
hu tensive he reputation UM II war 111 ollc poJlll poJlllCIII pondeat
CIII lie became 11I11111111111 editor lit f the thoJlIhullt the1rihtnle
JlIhullt 111 lSIiIl and wlwlI Air h IIlllr thcdtyriot
riot COI 1Jt prcsldent lllcnt lInlllst II nllIllnl nllIllnlOIuIII kunr11lGrant
OIuIII supported Iho flllIIIII tIgorutlshy hOlU1HI hOlU1HIIII
III the Tribunes jIILuIIOtIuhIUI1IH coin Inns 110 I to has hltU hltUlIlur I ecu ecuhi
lIlur hi tor 111 chief 11I11 Ihld proprietor oC oCIhe ofthe
the llIuullo sluice ISi III Ihdllllli Ihdllllli1I11lolIlllIIlut declhntlappolutntent
1I11lolIlllIIlut nil mlul in mist III ci tel nlIIIII1U kuniauy
111 ISjj tool IIIIIII III 1 1S1 I III Io ISSP < SI1 ho heWON
WON 11III101l1leil mllllslcl to Imllee IUIII IUIII1nl1 matsorted
sorted until IS 1n2 In Ihnt year 1 he WM was
WUlTELAW tvulr > LAW ltJlI Itrsunominated
nonlluatetlll by the UelHlullll1II part for torvlco foroleo
oleo prc prcsldent hleut nllli Ill rain II flU the ticket ticketwith
with JleuJaUilu 1IIIrlIsou 1IIIrlIsoufr I
Mr fr Helll has devoted himself to his hiswo hiswoy
wo woy as PIoJlllelor of the lrlllullo 9111elll 9111elllthetlefeat siucu 1 1the
thetlefeat the defeat at the Hepuhltrlln national nlltlonalticket nationalticket
ticket In 18112 but ou three occasions I Ibas Ihas
bas accepted appolntllllmt to temporary temporarypositions IIIJ1olllry I
positions at honolal luonorniy diameter IIe IIewas Hewas
was special lUlllnsslitlor of the Unite UniteStates Jllitetil
States to the tllulnOlll1 jubilee ot queen QucenVictoria queenVictoria
Victoria In lSOi 11I nucnber < IIIUll of the coin coinmission 1
mission which negotiated the treAI treaty of ofpence ofpeace
pence with Spain In 1808 ant specIal specialambassador
ambassador of the Vlllletl States for tortho forthe I
the coronation of 1111 King I Edward < VII of ofEnglnud ofEngland
England In 1002 Mr Ir Iteltl married n adaughter I
daughter at tllO multimillionaire D I 0 0MUll 0Mills
sat lablu R aarleltl time to WI WIFam Win WinFame
Fame Oil IUe O Own Merit MerlteTho MeritThe
The attention given his report on the thoeulIJect thesubject
subject of federal control ot corpora
tJous engaged In Interstate commerce
bas directed the public gaze ohm James
Rudolph Garfield second son ot the
Into lresldentJamcs A Garfield Onr leld As
bead of the bureau at corporations a
division of the new department of ofcommerce ofcommerce
commerce and labor Mr Ir Onrlleld boa boamade hasmade
made a record that shows be Is not notaiming notaiming
aiming to travel through life ou his fa fatbe1a fathem
them name He looks very much as
his father did lit hi his ago Ipivlug till tillHAnlU theNnmiio
HAnlU strong MtUltlr frame nod t1llul t1llulopeu tiuuicopen
open CoulltelJllllee that the elder Oar filiIfielll Oarfluid
fielll bilt lie was IJUIII lit 11111111I 0 0In 0in
In ISI 1815 and was graduated like his fit fllthCI fitthem
them from WIIIIllns college lie was WIISndmlttetl wasndnillted
ndmlttetl to tho thebnr Lllr and served m term termIn teratIn
In the Ohio Hennte senate In 1002lresident 1002lresidentItoosuveit OO lrcsldlut lrcsldlutItooslelt
Itooslelt nllpolnted him II IIlllnlJer ot ottbo ofthe
the national elll service coullnl commission commissionstud jlon jlonnull
null 011 the formation of the depart department departmeut
ment ot commerce amid labor In 1003 1003I1ppolntll 1003appointed
appointed him commissioner ot coupe corpomUons coupeIatlomis
mUons Tbo post has special hnpor hnportance hnportance
tance In view Iew of the urgency at the thoqU thequestions
qU questions < fItlons to 110 handled by Its Jncum Jncumbent incuntbent
bent bentWhen When Mr ir Oarllold In 1800 married marriedMIS8 marriedMiss
Miss Helen Newell a daughter ot the thupresident thepresident
president ot the Lake Shore railroad rallrolldIt
It was predicted by many that ho would wouldbecomo wouldbecome
become Identified with the Vanderbilt VantlerlJlltsystem Vanderbiltsystem
system ot railways and enjoy n career cnrlrn8
n8 a transportation magnate but his hisnmhltlon hisambition
ambition lay In another direction lIe lIewished liewlsbed
wished to make n name for himself 111 111public inpublic
public life a8 his father had done Ion < but butto butto
to acblevo fame on his own merits IIwrlts1I0t meritsnot
not as the son ot n martyr martyrllresldent martyrllresldentTime rtllideut rtllideutTbo
Time record be has made In the study studyat
at problems among the most Impor Important lmportint
tint DOW before the country 18 held to tojustlty tojustify
justify the prediction that be will tel tulf1 telAll
f1 his purpose
A cheap shoe is like it itpolitician apolitician °
politician it Clm be beasil beeasily
easily asil hen tin in any di dilltion di direction
lltion Vhy not wear weurQtteen wearQtteeii
Qtteen Quality and spare sparethe sparethefeet
the thefeet thefeetaootd feet feetJJooJ
JJooJ 3 3J 3p
J p low rpeelalr 13 SO SOJ SOA
J A Hendricks HendricksOpposite
Opposite PostIII PostoftlceNNINNIN < <
That Will ft lest t lhelr Speed un the theI theiaytona
I iaytona lolllloOrmoOlI Ormond Bench nt the theCIlI11I theComing
CIlI11I Coming Meet Mcetnlllillg Meet1n
nlllillg 1n ring IIII Iii 11 Ilf 11IIh
11101 niter entdrallle tlullliclllell tlullliclllellprelinuinury
pll1Iim prelinuinury lHlI lnlIll II 111111 tuulhi titt of ofIIIIILlIl ofnuilclisl
IIIIILlIl nuilclisl 1 IIppllInd min the ttttr ttttrtvashetl 1 1wIIslu
wIIslu 1ulwlI ui lIt FII1I lInlidiuit illll sillid sillidwllh1t old oldwhich
which sictuh5 IIlill nlilcniavt nllll OIlIlIIIHI OIlIlIIIHInn Oruluntlnail
nn nail milts IIdllw JII I11ytun11 IIIII wit tcitll It six sixatilt ix ixIlIihs
atilt wcn lute IWII lhlllllillg lhlllllillgphlltt1 IIunlingiplacc
phlltt1 placc11exuulrr
11exuulrr n lilid iI 1111
01 withill twoHflhs two lifths uf JoUIIIlIilIS JoUIIIlIilISCOlli FourniersColley
COlli Colley > Isltllul Ishui ul lIlucud rel record OId Fill FillclllUpetj Fatconlpetjtioptime
clllUpetj conlpetjtioptime tiollitho tidepolllulell tide pouttded strand tIlUullefl strandleft
left nothing 10 be e desired dtshcdor
or If till 1101 mcctwhh illl 111 111dlllIill audciliUt
dlllIill wolldtllllolll tturhdN record of all fat till tilllIill thetale
tale the clllth with OldHdd ill illwllillt intvht1I
wllillt Iho AIIICIilllll II Unlltt Willi Williant tvaaittul
ant ittul n Hnolout amOIlIl antount of other ullwlunlIlslho otherutentsthio
unlIlslho 8Iol story toils ns told ill such II IIpllIdiml alit
pllIdiml lit uIk al III111nOl Illat 1110 Flnrit1I Flnrit1Imll Flat id11 id11rove
rove lntll ennrse IltClIl1IO famous UII IlOtll IlOtllshlli 1n4 Ii Iisines
shlli > IIf the tlllblllllIt Itlllutil Itlllutilud tlautii1nt1
1nt1 ud IIr the third I1l1l1ual ut gllllll1lill gutthering guttheringthe
111Ilnllll the Lltlcr par tut IIf this 1II01l1h lillll lillll11IId hillsncd
11IId III said 111111 it iH suptrfuuus
I r 11111111111 turd driver driverJtrrh
Jtrrh ed till It P hi M l tih11n1t 1111111 dr dritttner 11
011111 111111111 uud ill hI hInil itrrJhIrads
JhIrads nil It pJultles I It 1IIII Ii ItuNr ItuNrmtarr
mtarr 11ud driver driverJlereedes
ltIlttlt till It aunes I 111111 Ilnrrt Ilnrrtna
1111111 na nel 0111111111 011111111111111I111 and driver driverheld
held ilt It tit It p UOllhl Ii iI aa aautenor
11111111 and IIIht IIIht1llIt delver1huit
1llIt IIU h 1nnltrbill 11I111111111111111111 nn nr nrvital
vital AIIIlolI il ii V1 V1Nmplem
Nmplem nplI 1111 It 1 p 1 hIIllIliIlI JtclunnolllclLIt1h hIIllIliIlI1It111tllItlIt
1It111tllItlIt 1111 It p I Ihlllllll Ihnlutsowner
owner and ii iItr iItrIlatc111issll
lIohllld Ilatc111issll IHI It
IIIMI ill It i I H IItollI IhdltcIin
11111111 Iin rot tl Nl II II 1 111 1111111 1111111M Ibu he heItllant1
Itllant1 M 11111 IIII 1utsls
1 ls Ib 1d 1111 II I e II
u h
11 I I 1 ItI TIIIiI fist my 1 Iteu Iill ntunlhilos 1hretst hlil I 1IIIIIIIIIdIIII 111I1I1 Iltaeh FIrida
II II I I IInlll H wil ttith h II
lmft flOl1I IIII ttlsutobil ralllll ralllllillid fttnrvunl
illid 01111 iu lIud 11 III aitu it11 Indian IlIdi11mllIIII IndianIt
mllIIII do It II Ilii lrio of ofnotel ofnotedpnrfnlnltin
notel notedpnrfnlnltin IhHIII IhesoLltlenworn IhesoLltlenworn5hnlllod hlel 011 011slIlIlIlod
slIlIlIlod IIlId nut IIIII1IOcl lI ngmin ilill mail mailthew
111111 Hhlll1 NhnllIl ant 11I011 with thin 10 10slIlI
slIlI 11111 111 h 1ei1 0 HIII slut IIIU Inuill
ill spoIl t11ang h1 10 I1 1IIIIIIInign IIH IIH10 I lit lit1ntulgilta
1ntulgilta 11utgnul lulu hiyo ivurknr5 ivurknr5to
10 It hegtt < gill plllnllino illlnliillcl fu fulIuolltCI far far11nothcr
lIuolltCI yecu Om Over II bench Ihal Ihal1m Hutttray
1m tray d ilotitlilly hIII ulT fll form Ill I the Wiulon 1ittoncleatintl
cleatintl 2 1I halt dope it t lido O ill 12 ij ijClub t tClub
Club House Improvements ImprovcmentsLnst I
Last Hd Ui u s teas IIH stuled ill The ThonII TheItnv
nII Itnv Xlm the F 1 Jo I l A A or ortlrcal
dllclllIII tlrcal tutu POlIsIIlIltioll of II piN to tooxicnd I Iexlclld
exlclld 110 I 10 feet out iulo the Allulllic AllulllicI Allulllicfro I
fro m III Ilwit lIaudsollllJ chili house for forthe Ol Olthe
the use of it 4 11111 IntIllhors he Ill null g nests W Wn usit
n aliingt point loillt from wllitltlo whtIm to vie vtou vtouthe I Itill
till races 111 fllIII tthtih llidl thy nil 110Iluo
11110 the tinny IelIi1IIIH pf tho th i deep dctpfmlll deepfrom
fmlll their hllhitnl huhitutnntht
nntht piel tier will lIo unit III built hllillflOIll builtfrom
from the club hOllso exlellilillg to towilhillr tottithiii
wilhillr t fvtt m feet of the hard IIclIlh IIclIlhIIg
IIg II gllIIul Htnlld from which to view viewtho vicesthe
the IIIlltol This will ho 1 llmpcd Ishapcdtba llmpcdtho
tho stingy illg IJxtellllillg 10 feet 1101111 1101111amI uortliand
and south nail being 12 feet wide whleTho wideJho
Tho piers mo to lJ1 of brick and CC CCI1Ilnt ccm
I1Ilnt m ont to n good Iwight nlJfJo lido lidowater ludotvater
water allll WOOl tvoodun Iou pfJoIH capping cappillUtheRe cappingthese
theRe Tllis will ho finished era the therllceB theraces
races canto ofT ofTI1
0 A II veterans gnlhcrcllmolllld gathered IiIo11111 IiIo11111a
R camp limo ttlllJ Cil Cily lintel Sallll Salllldll Satiuday I
dll day night 11I11 fought n agautn uin many manyof
of tie battles of till iOO Hcflcsh Hcflcshmentg Itefi esu I Iments
mentg were vcro served which WOIO much muchQnjo muchenjoyed
Qnjo enjoyed cd h by the old soldiers thirty tllirtytwo
two two of wllom OnHWelCII to the roll rollcall rollcall
i i Iii n Mute tint such 1 a lIIolOllIIcot meter Inset trill lIilllIi11 trillunt
lIi11 III clllpUcnwcI fill IIII1UY n tiny tinyihe
1110 ling of I lilt HIItIII II0tli lint Ii 1111111 uiiiiittatr
tatr 111111 ITloftolHillllnl will try the timeof
splc1 of their foroigllllllli foreign mill AlIIlIlillIu Alnuriennunit
unit UrNI lIolowiLlt 1110 111 tt I fill
with whitli 10 conjnret conjnrethtllmg111N
JoIIII htllmg111N IOS I ttLN ttLN1lertrvls IH IHhII1IIIII
11 1 r OIIIHIlIlIel chIIIr chIIIrIercldft drlvorMercedes
Mercedes 110 h pE n lllIIlIInIlOII lllIIlIInIlOIII
I 1 lnlain llwll II IIlIwlt ley di lvt r rMeltedes
lellIIIIJ 1111 h I ii 111111111 111111111IIWllellIl1llllrllII lluttdenotener
IIWllellIl1llllrllII IIWllellIl1llllrllII1t11t11H otener and driver driverJlerredrs
Jlerredrs 1t11t11H UlIl 0t Ii pS 11 It SIfIIIH 1111 u uA
A Houseboat Party Partylho
1110 IIOIIHOIJoat WClhclino of Day Day10lla flayinn
inn Vllpt Howe of MoclltllWII 11IIk 11IIkIidl PtukJlielt
Iidl in COIIIIIHIIIII IIlIivccl lhl1 lhl1lay ihtnsday
lay nftOlnOOIl IIl1d laid over CI fur 11 11tillY aduty
duty cn route to Pnlm Beach rho Thoputy rholaity
laity aboard i is front Chiellgo and i ior in incnmlxNcd
cnmlxNcd or 111 h IIl1d MIH 11 Ml MlImco 111cstunco
Imco Jlr h 11I111 firs h S II 111cd1 111cd1nnd 1reclturand
rand Ihrco dlilllell leHjIR i easts Ic Ilcmueo IcXIIIIIlO
XIIIIIlO mueo told Glceley limo 1II01l111clII of oftho iiithe
the Board of lrndo ill Chicago mid lIudIO midare i
are IO seeing Florida for too first time tillieort timeFort
Fort < ort Pierce News NewsDIg NesssDig
DIg Racing Machine MachineHenry Machinehenry
Henry l Ford ord of Detroit luau com completolln soarpletetl
pletolln a 100 h p Ford rocl rncrrfur fOI the theDaytonaOrmolid the1iytona
DaytonaOrmolid 1iytona Ormotid tourruuIICIIC tulrrnament 1ho 1ho1I0W Tlionow
now machino will ho driven FJ Frank Frankliulick nk nkKulick
Kulick who scored HO well with Ms Msdiminutivo liisdiminutive
diminutive racer on tho Empito Empitotrack Empimotrack
track elel election tioll day Too now racer mcolwill racertrill
will have six cyJinclora each xfi xfiand 0 0Inri
and will weigh 1JOO pounds Mr MrFord MrFord
Ford opxectB the new machine o tll tllIliko tohake
hake the straightaway honors at at time thocoming timecoming
coming meet Kufl Ktdkk k i8 n capable capahledrher capabledriver
driver and HhOllid ho able w pilot piloLtho pilotthe
the now speed creation
1IIItI III It Iolh InlirlWinton
Win Winton tOil HO It 11rl i is r rlnpe I ItltJ
lnpe ioledn tltJ flit Ii 11A I tlebh tlebh11hlh 011 011Itlt I
11hlh Itlt Iii It I p pIVebhbl pIVebhblColuatbia t II II 111 111Culullluh
Culullluh dQ II h I Itlll ItllllIIlIml IiuIL IiuILlhonols
lIIlIml 10111 1Itr III h p I f Jltll JltlltltolllliM Ibm us usibontus
tltolllliM FI Ilvr IIW 11 It p II 1111 1111HIIuv IlenNhliiw
HIIuv NhliiwIaerless
Iaerless 1 21 lIlt 11 p K I 11uiilun 11uiiluni lIIIII IIII IIII111I
111I i iut11kllna II k II II W h II p11 I Whlllu 1Vhahestet 14I 14IH
H Ii M Hlrllpllx ii 7 + II pIrnuk CIII CIIIker ro roker
ker UIllIr oa ntr and lritnr lritnrlucunaubile
rucullluhlll 1111 01 It IIIh r 1111I1111 Jo Jollf 1
Ihouuls attneramid diner
IiilstI llf inn It IIIItI IIliINIii IIliINIiiotivur
1111111 IIIIIIhII IIIIIIhIIWhll uud drittr
Whll flU tlohU ih pItullill 11hlte ltll OIIIlI OIIIlI1I1IIhIIII aicneruntl
1I1IIhIIII untl driver driverMt1111
1111111 this IHIIII IIf till tl IIt11t mt In togoat
goat CJ1I1 OltlllI1i IlItllIl
IIH IL loullIllI II IIK itgeneral
K general writtup 01 1111101111
Cot W L I Spoon the Oovemment OovemmentIxpert tlovornmentlixpert
Ixpert Road Builder Confers with withCitizens withCitizens
Citizens and Visitors VisitorsIII
III IWInlIIIIIIIO with tilt promitlo of ofllInh1l ofenutur
llInh1l A 1 H Mrlllll Co W V L LHJ100li Ltit
HJ100li tit eon 1II1 1urivetl Itl Saturday to confer cOllforwilh
wilh 5511 Ii tllo tIIIII smutty cOllunisiollOr8 ill ill10 inrg11rd
rg11rd 10 the flumbility of the con conHllIIlIion coltNlructton
HllIIlIion of a mndrlscction model section of road roadHeal
Heal I Daytona la loIIII ns 1111 object lesson to tonil toall
nil OIllIIIItd in Iho Intelligent use usoof useof
of IIIlIlllinl I1milnhlt I1milnhltllI1 avnilalIeIol
llI1 I4poon pnult titnllll that 110 had hadIlneR
IlneR lanl ill IIIIfoiOlIillo loaded
wil h nxu IXtIIIIIIL t hhunt rand 1II1I1II ntulltnelv lIIIY and nlldI
I 11 I I 11111 ill 11 hlliM hlliMi
i h t111utlied lHrl h by IIII folrlllllmt guoternnrntllnlulel folrlllllmti
i al llnlulel It rlll of 1111 ally exllrnsu xpllI n for forI forAlit
I Alit hii 1 nnilt 1111 tn111t1 UIIIII IIlIllwl Illltltnitis Illltltnitisnr litH litHHllupl
nr t1 t tvrnllll hatvo to Hllupl Hllupli NIII Iy IyLte
i Ill lIlIdl ullIlll uulleri11i lIl platsO un II III the theI
I Will II 111 it InII i It tills In III IIHIII dill 111111I dillrho
I lIllh lilt IIIIHldlll1 I Inbnrolu ees eess
I s II III I to niero I In dn 11111 I hu wOlk lie lieIoeri
Ioeri II t11tt fill 111111 Ioh d I Ist HI limit 011111 toiiltlignite
i Ii ignite I i 11 till II 115n111nce IIIIIIJ Ill of hitlllhiliLy his ability to torluo
rluo 11 al it Inter date
0111111111111 I hl nlrunnt of I hll pnlll panetty I of flllltill fundsto
1111 dfillil II unstvor II H 1 I 011111 110 given givllIIII
III tipuun lodn hum prominent plominentplldlIII prominentllellgetl
plldlIII to Rot RottngllllIIlho gettugethl
tngllllIIlho tugethl Ilia lolllll onnty and tOln IIl1thor IIl1thorititt nuthorties
ties 111111 JIglllpb toleg raph 11 Inuly ill II till tillm In
0 m Nn NnMany 11
Many 1101111111 huvo been lcn hlunlly tiltunllytvnstel hlunllyWIISIIlII
WIISIIlII on III IIII roads nlld streets hero herodllo lucreduo
duo to 11 pllllholk HYfltom ill vogue voguolIidl voguewhich
which night 110 saved if good ood ma tnaohiiwry
chillII ohiiwry IlIwkoll by intelligent use useof
of If salllO WIIO tt cro in usa If this oppor opportllllilY opportunity
tllllilY iH IIlowCHI to Blip by it will will11I1I11IlRl willtnlncsttonably
11I1I11IlRl tnlncsttonably ullllhly ho I a mistnko to bo bodoplowd bedepiured
doplowd in the lItlllO futureVnrk
Vnrk 011 till tutu Ormond Daytona Daytonaroad
road WIIR Rtllllml this mOllling The Theitatul
1011 IIIlwhino was sent up under IlnderIlin underthe
the HIIIOIisiClII of If Dr 1 French to aid aidill aidin
ill IIIHlting the work to completion completionA
A marl bed hOB been opened on the theI thelw
I lw 110 Jor h rty I > of l A It A Bunncll which whiehill whicht1ill
t1ill ill hI IIIlIdl inure convenient tlllm tlllmt thanthe
t the ono IIcldofolU in use uscIlio useThu
Ilio 1111 NIt 1M IIILIiMIitcI during durlugth
th thr lUIIIIHt tuurlsteeasnn IIlUHlln l 15 tenth 101 weok weokik cok cokCllIIellll
CllIIellll ik lh ulrd
Mason Wall Company
1 Have the Largest Stock of ofCrockery ofCrockery
Crockery Glass Enameled fnameledand
and Tinware TinwareIN
Prices Cant Be Ceat
ThisSpace This Space Reserved for GruberMorris Hardware Company Companyo
ac ae The Leading Hardware Merchants of Daytona tae

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