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The Daytona daily news. [volume] (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926, January 11, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93063916/1905-01-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 17 iY y p l lSee
I ISee
See WILKI WILKINSON NSON the Real Estate ManT Man
Vol 101111No H No 9 Ooee Oot Everywhere end nd Reecho All CIllel
DnytollH 1 Florida Wednesday January 11 190 Brt tA Advrrtl InR + lydlnm dlumln In Ilaltuna dtflnllnnHInUy nn4 Vklnlly Pl hriCO co 3 Cents CentsBINGHfJ
BINGHfJ 1 THOMPSON A A Numbar Handsome = d al iloaieable iRid Ridgewood Parnfahd t dcRid Cottrs RlteidenceroSf offtartad forlltnt Si le EtL I ES r rfl Te lNI1NSUPANCE N I INSURfNCE
What Came of ofe q qIn
e In Ideal IdealIOrlglnl1l
IOrlglnl1lJIII IOrlglnl1l Origlnallthere
JIII was once nn artist who whoIwlllllliI whowldeved
IwlllllliI b1 great lIt famo In the painting of ofJill ofone
one Jill flldUl 1k lure U lie n Ilerlr cr painted ll another allotherIlint anotherthat
that cnll10 nllwllero near equaling Ithot It ItLIII
LIII his masterpiece alone was enough enoughlI
to lI 1111110 i his fortune fortunellhlle
llhlle 1111 drugging for recognition he hofell
fell 111 III love with and married n young ToungJ1r1lIc1elln youngdt
J1r1lIc1elln dt I Ilclena woe her IInlUtwllo nniu ivho to toblm toblue
blue was perfection ert ctlon It Is well known knownIlint knownthat
that lovers endow the objects ot their theirlove
1111 love with every attraction ulIII this thissum
1111111 sum endowed his wife especially with wltbIIlIt withgrunt
grunt IIlIt beauty lollt He 1Jllinted n picture of ofIllr oflour
lour not tiS his Imagination saw her but butII
II is she was anti when tho plcturo was wascungllPtud ae aelol1lplpIIl1110
lol1lplpIIl1110 ho supplied Its bll111 beauty t from fromhl fromIda
hl Ida IlIIngluotlon Just us be bad done In Inhe Inthe
the he case or tile original 0lIgIIIU1OOIl
OOIl after the completion or the port portIrnl portrnlt
Irnl 1I Ilolea llIIn sickened and died The ThehllsJall Thehusband
husband was Inconsolable Ifs would wouldIt
sit It all day looking nt the > portrait portraitwhich portraitwhich
which to him was oven more beautiful benutlfultllnll beautifulthen
then It was when ho 1Jnlllted It It Itlhole Awhole
whole rear passel and ho hall done donenOllilng donenothing
nothing but mourn TIe was 80 poor poorhllt poorthat
that his clothes Were ele rags and he had had1I0thlll haduuthing
1I0thlll to eat lit except dry bread Then Thenunl Thenone
one day lll upon ICllrnlllg that there was walto wasto
to bo II competition for 111 altar piece piecefur Jlecofor
for n cathedral n Madonna and child childhI childho
hI rOil roused sed himself to nil effort effort to win wluIhe winthe
the prize The winning picture must bo boII
II wonder and three ycnls cars were given givenIII
III which hlch to I11OIll1cO It ItThe itThe
The artist knew that the first thing thingfur thingfur
fur him him 10 110 was to and n model It ItWI Itway
WI way the spring of the year eur and ho sal salIleti
11111 forth into the COllllh country thlllking thinkingto
10 11lsCOel among the dairymaids or orIihellhcr orsbephetiesses
Iihellhcr sbephetiesses cBses what he desired for It itwas
was from the simpler classes that the the1II0tlllI theanthem
anthem at Jesus 1 esus carne fho pleasant p1easnntIIlr
air IUlll Sllllshille brhlllenll the spirit spiritwithin spiritwltbin
within hi him III and ho became ecame Interested InterestedIn
In his Rlllreb lie visited IUI1U ninny young youngwomen oung101llCII
women but found none that ho thought thoughtloull1 thoughtwould
would 00 for n divine model Ills ideal llealwus idealwas
was the taco or his lost wife und one oneIIIU onemay
IIIU may look n long while without finding findingan UllIngun
un 11111 uf nnthillg nnythingOnu
0110 morning he passed n dairy term termand flUlUPhIl
PhIl going back to the cow sheds D girl girlIIr080 girlnruso
IIr080 front nlllting and greeted him bllnwith himwith
with n cry pleasant RUiIlen coupe of ofpity i iplt
plt pity fOl the man was In tatters and andlooked I Iloolltl
looked hungry She offered him n cup cupof cupof
of 11I11I fresh from the c8w and then thentuok thentuck
tuck him Into the neat farmhouse and andmace
mace 110 bum n good meal When thefarmer the thefllrluer
farmer and his wife came III they theyguo theygnvu
guo him a hearty shake ot the band bandand
and opproC1 of what their daughter daughterCecilia
Cecilia hud done doneThu lianeTho I i
Tho artist stayed nt the farm several severaldays
days Indeed they would notlet not let him himgi I IJJ
gi till JJ JI4wll1mlltrfDsth kR unrl l1 e r th to 0 Itsvel trav 1
During tbesn d days l fC ivns IIK j i1olln i1ollnUpon rowluupon
Upon him that the face of Ceclllll was wasesp IIS IISesp
esp lallr suited for the mother of ono onewho
who ho though divine was born III 0 0nlunger nmanger
manger nlungerTllo mangerThe
The artist confessed his IIIOtl881011 IIIOtl881011nnd
and told the farmer of his object fho Thnmaw fhomnn
maw was so pleased that Ills daughter daughtershould
should sit for a picture of the Virgin Virginthat 111111that
that ho consented to take her to the theI11tlsts theartists
artists studio himself himselfFor
For months tile picture of tile llIlIon Madon1a llIlIonna
na was growing 011 the canvas Un Unconsciously Vuconsciously
consciously the painter r though he tal tallowell followed
lowell Ceclllns features 1I11 ollllln olllllnput outlineput
put In the expression with which hIs hIsImaglnn hisImagination
Imaglnn Imagination tlon had endowed Ills lost wit wit1bo wifeThe
The picture therefore bCIIIIIO u thing thingof
of heavenly beauty But the artist nrlliltcould artistcould
could find no child that would 10 for tora
a model of the infant SIIloUI Ito 110bad Itohad
bad sketched a cblllls outlIne In the thopicture thepicture
picture hoping every do day to como upon nllonthe uponthe
the model he wanted The babe sboulll sboulllresemble shouldresemble
resemble Its mother Rnlll10 babe coulll coulllbe couldbe
be found with the features or Ceclllil CeclllaHy CeclllilBy
By this time thellrllst the nrlist hud become becomeengrossed becomeengrossed
engrossed In his work ork Gradually his hisImnglnnry hisimaginary
imaginary conception of Ida hl wltes wltesbenuty wifesbeauty
beauty was transferred to Iho model 1U0lielunll modeland
and through her to the COU1I8 though thoulhof
of this he was uncoll8clou Then one ouoday oneday
day It occurred to hIm to mnrl marry Cecl CecllIa CcciIda
Ida and perhaps they would have n nchild achild
child that would 110 for the mOllel In Infont inant
font Jesus tier father consented and
the marriage took place pIneoAfter placeAfter
After his marriage the nrtlst Mt her herpicture herpicture
picture ns It was hoping for u chlhl chlhlfrom chll1from
from which he might till III the child chlhlfn
fn the picture A little sun came to tohim tohim
him and when It Willi lIiullt tittelll tittelllmonths lltteenmonths
months old he transferred the image to totho tothe
the canvas The Madonna was II won wonder wonder
der the child had inherited her ten flntures tentunes
tunes and her father adored hi him himWhen III IIIWhcn
When the picture was 11nlslled the fo fowho few fewwho
who were permitted to see It were Wlrestruck werestruck
struck dumb with admiration lilt one onething onething
thing puzzled the artist No ono Sll Sllnn711keness saw sawany
nn711keness any likeness between the Inllnnnn nod 11I111Cecilia nodCecllla
Cecilia CeciliaIt
It was n happy morning for the ort ortfst art1st
fst and his family whlll the award nWllrllwal awardwas
was announced and ho was all found to tobo tobe
bo t tpe o winner r The prize was IlInulh IlInulhto
to keep thorn cry modellll modestly and thl thlnot they theynot
not only enjoyed n competence but Ihu Ihutome thufame
tome the father and husballll hind won wontie ivonRe
tie tried often again to do such work wllrlbut workbut
but never succeeded < however bl blnome his hisname
nome Oil D picture was over after sum sumclent scabcient
clent to insure Its sale for II largo SUIII SUIIIOne sunOne
One day several yours larlf utter the win winnlng winning
nlng of the prize the nrtl artist t weal UII UIIIllto upinto
into his garret to hunt for n fIIIIIO manna ho hohOlled liehoped
hoped might bo there Ills oltllchlrf oltllchlrfwero alit pictures pictureswere
were scattered about 111118tl IIIIUIIII ut oflute uthis
his student days There Willi one pic picturo plcturo
turo the portrait of n 111111I1111 that ho hocoulll liecould
coulll not remember er hll having lnJ paint paintel lIlnt lIlntro
ro lie took It up Rlllt held It to time thoIIgbt timelight
light The face was liB n very 11 common commonIllncl commonplace
place one lie tried to rClllemirr what whatmodel hilt
model he could have used In Its IIIIIIIt pnlnttug IIIIIIItInll
tug Suddenly the truth fillKhlll upon uponhim
him It was the picture he had made mndeof madeoffelena
of Uelena F A mrrCUEL
111 N 11111 11111FIT
A cheap shoe is like a apolitician
e epolitician
politician it can be beeas1 beeasily
eas1 easily y bent in any di diI o oteeth
I teeth n why not wear wearQueen wearQueen
Queen Quality and spare sparetho sparethe
the feet feet9JJ
i iJ
J 9JJ ootd 3 3l 3esgf
sgf l few w spocrafs 4p clal4 JJ 350 350JI so soJ
J JI A Hendricks
Opposite Postofflce PostofficeIIIIINIIIIIIINIIINI
Past Driving on the s Streets o Menace MenacetC1l1f Menaceto
tC1l1f to Life Sightseers on Deach DeachAr DeachAre
Ar Are Cautioned CuutlonedHalcl CautionedRacers
Racers are now 011 time DalolIII DalolIII11l1Ilh Diytoiiabcai11
11l1Ilh every ICI du when the tidespermit tides thlespeIlIl
permit peIlIl t lIIt1aOIill 10 test theiruunehrues their theirIIIl1dlilllH
IIIl1dlilllH thoroughly nlll and 11ll1l hundreds hundredsof < lLe s sof
of peopll gll over 10 so what time is istIIlllc isnmde
tIIlllc III haw raphlh the they shoot b blhlo by byThese
These lighlllcl nlll cungasc IIIIJlo Id I or orIIl1lollllhilislti atmml1nubilists
IIl1lollllhilislti CIIIlI hil bicyclist disl ill Iho Ihomllill thoIllilimm
mllill hilt IIHII many Ihlo ill Uwil 111I 111II caring
ring I tlHl1i ii III cven 111 wulk over They I 1110 1110lIt1xillll ureanxruum
lIt1xillll tl1 t10 fl1st limo made hilt do donut donut
nut SICIII III know tvhnt h111 it means 10 10tllwd tottnvcl
tllwd 111 8001 SII ti 110 I Ill mill per hOIlI Imonr0i
011 I tin hn hrlh it is 1 n I1SI1 of here heroslip herehl1
slip hl1 canes 10nlCii1f nod illlllllIlilll111y the thlslHltnllll themprtnhu
slHltnllll 1II11St mum ist soil all 11111 mm t IfIolllhr sho shogors1f suogees
gees gors1f
Ncep 01 nil the lOIllRO Eitllll drivo drivo1r 11 0
01 wnik 1111 well 111 lip 10 time soft sand 01 01clOiiO orclose
close tiliho to the wlllel edge lgo Jlw dtit dtiter dl dllI
lI of limo auto too often
wants tn 11101 lhnl his lilllllaI Ifttle ear tau Ilndo tauthe
do null takes lip IIII Illsl pllll nr the thetrack
track I Ilc h wens his goggles HlIII HlIII1I nmdnssuules
1I nssuules SIlIlI S mull IIl1lho time pustures 1 aui1 11I11111hi1 nits of oflimo If IftIll
tIll raccl 11IllIopn1i cs IIIC best patt l umIs umIsmil
mil Ilan truck maul immlgimes llln illllI limo eyes eyesof H Hof
of mull 1I1Inll mc IIpllll him and ill 1ai reality realitylug t thl
hl is Hldolll 1101 untiecd untiecdImuties hll
11111 Imuties hs 11010 Cru to ho IOCII yesterday yesterdayIf11IIIIIg lstcllln lstclllnIlIIIlIillg
IlIIIlIillg III fide IIhwlcs 11I111 Oll even evencbildremi 1I 1IchildlllI
childlllI i plll mni illg mg directly Ihcctl in the theIIiII timehuh
IIiII huh 1lIdallgl11 lIg not duly 0111 Ihehl Ihehlnll1 dmeir dmeirown
own Ii lives lS but the Ii lite3 Iei oC othersScrioms others otholslSI
SI Scrioms OIIS n old lid fllllll nceidents ace llentti 1110 SIIIO sureto I Itn
tn 011111 II few ml 1i1 uyshcncc s hCIICO whell thcro theiouiIi I Iwilli
willi uiIi by loamy IIIUII titlumie I fallitlIl1llhillell muehines speed tlpectlillg speediug
illg 1I111tss time ploplo aIO 11umrormmc 11umrormmcfill 11010 UI UIfnl
1111 1111 ii ii time rights of tin other othctide otherside
side 1 lul is ill flHt iince c JllOhilJililll JllOhilJililllchitlls prabrbitiugv1IIirhs
chitlls from being dl thriven II1I 011 the thostnls the4treit
stnls III II hpcv spcd I glentol than 10 10IlIilrs IIshies
shies mum hOill hut m Inud lIollel em 111 Inv old IIfI IIfIllll asthu
llll hills 111lIiloilulI all vehicles tl to turn 11111IIn
In b the rilhl rilhlIII rilmIn
III the 111110 flf 1 n higlJlolIl bigh pnwer I racer racerIIhhh racervllrlII
IIhhh must hn 11111 vu n over sumo oCtho oCthoHlreds of the thestreets
streets llloplu are willing that the IhespeltllfL thespeed
speed speltllfL lav bl hrolCII kllolling that thattIll thatthe
tIll IIIlwhincI due not able to run runwithin Iunwithin
within time 1CllIiled speed Hut Hutthclo lintthieve
thieve IIItJ 60OIllOWllors who tontin tontinIInll cantinunity
unity IInll drive lit a rate fur exceeding cxccdingtllC
time lall Tho they 110 not turn to the thoright theright
right especilllly for bicyclers who whoare
are often forced on to the side walks walksYeslerday walksYesterday
Yesterday II little girl fell from flOmICI fromher I
her ICI wheel on hooch street and was waskuockccl wasknocked
knocked unconscious An auto was wasalmost
111 almost most IIpon hem when hen time acci accident accidentoceured ent entoecured
oecured this auto was driven by byIIn byan
IIn expert n gentlemen who rarely rmclyif
if ocr excccds time peed limit and IIndhe andho
he was able to stop his machine machinoUtd machinehad
had it been CCI1 ono o of the inveterate inveteratefast
fast drivers l els a fotul acci accident cnt could couldnot couldnot
not havo been averted averlodTho avertedThe
The streets are for the use of all alloclllUl allEqual
oclllUl rights to all special privileges privilcgesto
to none should bo the watchword watchwordCourteous watchwordCourteous
Courteous treatment by no means meansraro meansrare
rare should ho morewidcly extended extendcdand
and thus not only obviate feelings feolingshut
hut ncei accidents accidentsThere enlll enlll1hero
There is no doubt but what you youcan youcan
can rent your our furnished rooms but butwouldnt butwouldnt
wouldnt it he easier to put a little littlelocnl littlelocal
local in Time J lutv > II NEil Ni vs amid rent rentthllI1 renttltenn
thllI1 sooncl titan you 01 would other IIlherwhu otherivise
J j I To The Auto AutoJ AutoApologies
Apologies to John Van VanHeros nn nnHeros
Heros 10 thc anti alltlIay antiblay
Iay we 0 heat it ItJ luut luutIn t tIn
In time to scoot scootTho scootThe
The Unchained Poet PoetA
A Sweet Joke JokeAn Joke1i
An Amcriclln army of1iel who whoWIIS tvluowas
was in Cuba dllt duriag ng time Spanish air 11111WIIS airwas
was eXhell1el dissatisfied llis ati nrd wilh the thoIll thecooking
cooking Ill Imm illli islemI Ild Ihllt IhoCubutls Iho Ihoeubllul
eubllul pltL sugar lute uIlIthing uIlIthingthoy evt1ytimilmgthey
they cooked At lust lie IUlllOltnCUll IUlllOltnCUllthllt
that Ill + rumld lIlthlellt eat Iwthing limit boiled boiledeggs boiledeggs
eggs 1ho IIley caut SlIglU thelll he hedeclared hedeclared
declared 811 11 he ordered thelll next IllxtmOllling nextnnorlliug
mOllling But berlllO ho appeared appearcdat
at the table another ollicel IUlll filled filledtho tilledthe
the salt cruet with SI1 sngm n When Whenthe WIIl1I1III
III the kicker appeared his eggs were WCIOhlought werebtnught
hlought 10 him lie opened thrill thrillwilh themwith
with a gloom lomphcOIIl coma plmtcetuey 1111I1 1111I1apt mulspriukled
apt spriukled nkltLI over them plant oC the thodoclolcd thedoctored
doctored salt At time lilst mOlllhflll mOlllhflllho
ho turned tllrnedllIlIpll purple Sugared HilS HilSgalctl Suggummed
gummed ho oxclaimed and rushed 1lIHhedflOIll rushedfrail
frail time lul table tableRobbing > l1 l1Rubbing
Rubbing The hI Malls MalhiD
D I OwillgH 10s1011il0 Inlpeelm InlpeelmflulII
from lIshinglun D I UIII111 U 1 1lolIiII 1blerlllUS
blerlllUS lolIiII U S MlIltlhnl lit Jackl Jackson Jacksontitle > on oniIIl
title iIIl IInicll lolllllY looking tot II IIulllnllcclIscd nmmum
ulllnllcclIscd mmum accused of rubbing the mllilH mllilHMlIItlhnl uuailsblarshnl
MlIItlhnl ube gao Wltllt IIi multi II 110 110couhl hocould
could but the thief was not IIPJlIC IIPJlICbcndoll apprehanded
New Auto Coming ComingFOld ComingPatti
FOld has now no 111 ulnlcat mCflt enumpletccl enumpletcclamilher om plelcd plelcdnluitlllr
nluitlllr cry light and very 01 high high1owclcd highpOmtemel
1owclcd car which ho plullidH will willbecomo willbecome
become os f1l1l101l1l allltifl as lira wonllclClI1 wondofnlold
old ODD with which ho last winter wintelon
on the ice fixed a an ii 4 1r G second flCCOlll1mnrk secondmurk
murk in spite oC time net tllllt thc thecar thcenr
car was almost thlco YUIIIt old 1ho Thunew 1ho1I0W
new car III to ho a hOh080 Ii0 hosu power cur CUIwIIidl curwhiclt
wIIidl will weigh but J II0 JIO pound poundsbh a ah
bh h Ford said that ho will IthnHelf IthnHelflll hinmseifdrivo
lll drivo vo the car lit Daytona Ford hUll humdennonstratel hUll1111I0nstllllcll
1111I0nstllllcll that ho ho huts 0111101 wmmlerful 0111101ful
ful nerve It is the lightest CiLl for forIho fortime
time power that was ever lodlwcd lodlwcdWill
Will Appear at CourtWalter Court CourtWalter
Walter W Rush arrived yesterday ycstcrdllYin
in the care of Sheriff rumor TurnerRush rumorltush
Rush was wonted for wife desol desoltion desortion
tion and after much search was 10 10cated losated
sated and arrested In Tampa lie lIomllrried liemarried
married Miss Livingston of this city cityaud cityand
and lived with her more than a year yearA
A child was born and when but a aCew afew
few days old tile heartless wretch wretcheserted wretchdeserted
deserted leaving no means for her hersupport hersupport
support lIe WAil arrested and put plltunder putunder
under bond to pay her > 3 pOI week weeklIe weeklie
lIe again in deserted and his bon bonds bondsmen s smen
men would not or could not pay 80 80he soho
he was again arraste arrested and put un under undera er era
a GOO OO rash bond for hit appearauco appearaucoat
at Criminal court whore ho is likely likelyto
to receive well weUmerited meritod punishment punishmentJohn
John Roberts killed two deer cer with within within
in three miles of town and was sell selling selllug
lug the meat on the streets yesterday yeslerdayA
A telegraph office has been open opencd opened
cd atthe at the Olarendon Hotel Seahrcezc Seahrcezcfor
for the use of the public Miss A AMorton AMorton
Morton 01 Sea Oliff CliffL t h r has charge chllrgoand
and will be found cry alcomll1o aecommnminting I Idating
The nrllcn Spot of 1lorlllR I IJrcsentK NresentsInducements IJrcsentKInllucements
Inducements for the Willing WillingWorkr trilling1Vorker
Workr WorkrJet 1VorkerIet
Jet 118 illnllgmlItl the new III of ofIltoallolit ofprosperity
prosperity which is dawlling upon uponUnytona
1 Unytona > 1tolln with 1111 enthusiastic spirit sphHJoIIIt spiritl
l JoIIIt mttnmo II 11 0 slIIileti upon us and let liS liStnko istithe
tithe nuhunitge 1lIl1lno of f0111I1I1 smilethey tllllilek tllllilekthe
the they 1110 mm ru UlIltiOIlI tlllIju to cujuymuid lIl1d ill illhih hllvhiclt
hih In bll husk k 1110 cornucopia cornucopiahamigm OIIII1COpillhllllgti
hllllgti JIIopililIlII Till Fi a glHllhtllll glHllhtllllIulllolla guildt m iii iiiPontoon
Iulllolla Is more plolili iu her now nowpledges 11011plcllgcti
pledges of Ie glllItllllllllllmllo glint abmudtinee ivhcit 11111 ivc ivcrcup e
ICllp this hnncst nol Iclllly to glll glll11l1 gullnet I
lien il is lIothing sail ill time past pustfOl pastfor
for 1 Iaytnuu > ylulIlI rho world wits bright brightI hlightFlol
Flol I Inlithut da was IllIl mull right ghl 1 iaytonti > itOIlIl i is Ihu tliebest Ihuhlst
best l city l ill Flolida Flni ids No 0 flollltl ll1flh tinsltaw
11111 aw uiy ploplllI hum I dslHi seisnliotmmhulemmce dslHitlllhlllolllU
tlllhlllolllU sears lilli kumI with withmOll1l011 withnlonlt1n
mOll1l011 lam 01 SlulllJ1i Ill the thonlTl theaifeigldid
nlTl aifeigldid glllll pOJllllml rho dark mid IIlIdolllillOIlS midununous
olllillOIlS ununous lloltllti thnl Iincatellcll hllo hlloplistild hnvopassed
passed 1111111 utway 1111I1 mmn l 1wrin 0111 willlUl inter of If dit diaeuatumt ditlOlllollt
lOlllollt iti 11111110 gllll glinrous olls tHlIIllIIUl muim moot II IItlw by bythe
the IIIighlllIillg tII rays t of these tHlllti tHllltiIf sunsof
of If Fhl Flulidui FluliduiRich dll dllllilh
Rich groves uC Itl bees 11 greet Uti 011 nnemery 011hlllill
emery hlllill limn wolltl iti Ollll Olllllho emsThin
Thin priers OIllIll1 fill the products IIlollIcltiuC
uC UIII m lallllllru lead nru Most flllttJl hlattemimmg lIg mill millCIIOIlIUgillg amidtlileliln4111g
CIIOIlIUgillg 10 Iho hll8hlllldll0ll hll8hlllldll0llFlol ii mmslnnldlllcliFbnrida
Flol Fbnrida tllI iti the glllllllI spot 01 time thoworld timeworhl
world worhlIle
Ile e IIIIVO IWillth thnll curt 1I11 ho fumul fumulalums fOil II 11
alums ill Nntmus utllloa sunrtmiunl lIl1illll lIlI Wo Iluililro
111110 lIlclIiH pumc his time IlllIIU thlll thlllfllillll Ihntfoiled
fllillll gods WCIO Wllilt to quell with wilhlcn withplea
plea lcn 1Vv u 1111111111 hnvo mull thomlwlolo time cnncroto bios blcsHillgti biosslugs
slugs thlll 1 mm alcdnct sinlulllollt sinlulllolltlIIight stiltalimntmight
might Ilulillo amt it is our plelltllllO plelltllllO11I111011I plcusueumid
11I111011I mid our 11 duty Illy 10 Ii III still ill C1IIthOl enjoy onjuythiR enjoythin
thin state ur hllllll1l1 hlllpillCHH hlllpillCHHnllytollli lla1ililmCmshaytnmia
nllytollli IIIIHll1I11 must nmd skull HI go IIhuld IIhuldIt
It huts time HiIlUIIt oC 1111 it has thin thoIi thinlire
lire Ii 10 oC yomitl Olllh and the COlllOgo uf its itsollliltioIlH itsromvu
romvu ollliltioIlH tiows 1 its ts IIIOWIt IlIlnoll 11I0 11I0IIdlIlIcillg mendvumcitmg
IIdlIlIcillg HteUlIiI steadily mmimi with II IIhcalthy ahemdtby
hcalthy glOlh timid OlOIthillg is ismovillg ismoving
moving slung lit morrily 1IIfJIliI II umK 1IIa1 1IIa1ringn uulrringo
ringn hells Ilit your 011 IIIIollltlols shot ml mh ms 10 10tho intime
time whool wlwollllill and pulp boost time tOlllI tOlllIIIclp townIielp
IIclp YOlllsutr mod GIIII will tlo IIIl IIIltCtll ti to torest
rest lhiH vicinity is most plOlifiu flu
wilh Oppoltllllities fOl nnoneynnakfnguud monermak monermaking
ing fnguud 11111 I ho limo il is opportune Our OllrICSlIlIIll1 Ourecsourecs
ICSlIlIIll1 mute legion nlll and fortune fortunewhidl fortunewhich
which knocks hilt ntHO at COl COl1111111A every everynmamis
1111111A tint is 110 now 100ul1y 1011111 knocking knockingnt J Jrat
nt nor gull gullHid 1 1111th
Hid if Wlll01l1l Wlll01l1lThe l
i ithe
The City Marshal MRrshalIf
If II 101 moue 1COIII1I un the streets 01 01II orn
II dlIllIllIl11l11lmlltlOpoli dranken Immt nuntnpohires clllho limo side sidowlllli sidewniks
wlllli II cry lI gunk 11 up P flom tho dli dliCIII crlilulls
lulls CIII 11hutc hulU is 1IIIIIIIIIIlIhnl 1IIIIIIIIIIlIhnlI1I0 lhim uuatslml uuatslmllimo
limo I1I0 it is that like time average nornAOJlOtilCIllI1I1 t tp0liremrnu
JlOtilCIllI1I1 when I1peLlcll ho ill of often oftenelscwucro ton toncllollllII
cllollllII III lalglI cities tho JlO JlOlillmun 1f1 1f1Ik
lillmun Ik enuu 111 have beats I covering OlIill a square y l lm
01 two mod corn Oil duty hilt eight eighthOIllH eighthams
hams Fill this aOIvito ho Iecoics IecoicsIitl
ii Mt Iitl pCI lily hero Ill have hilt hiltnnn Ye
nnn ollirrl who iA poplllal1y SIIPlOI SIIPlOId 4 j jell
ell d 10 b0 11I OIL LIllI duty nIl the time 11111 and d dcnvue
001 about two square milo For ForIhiH f fhula
hula IIllvl sorvrco < I ho receives time mtlnili mtlnililcnt ntunificent
cent shut of IO 1 a month On this thisp 1 1lilhutco
p lilhutco tllllwo II man ia expected to Blip Blippmt suu i J a
pmt 1 a family pay hit debts IInd IIndIIOIk turdwork
work PlUcl pluieticnlly llIl1y till time limonut limonut1lIII1lII1ion timemintIn
1lIII1lII1ion In whnt ho alight to lay up 11 11Col
i ilcrgtiisiles u1 u1i1
fur old age IIgl1IIClIiHihtI i1 m
1IIClIiHihtI ponto omo nice says Whnt 1Vhntare
are time pelIlIiHitos fOl 1111 hUl1ellt hUl1ellt11I1111 It Itmat
mat who dues II his is duty Not one 0110O 1 1coral
coral O II I Ifnllll it itSomme
fnllll oC limo citrons may not like likotho em emtime
time presort 11llel1t 1111Ishlll 1ortlollllIv but buttill butnil
till agree that ho has mlllo In elli elliI oilrient
I rient llIt OmeOl nl as ill attested by the thoI1l1mhol t tnumlbn
I1l1mhol of l11ominollt citizens who ivhohnvo whohuo
huo signed a petition to increase incll1aRohit
hit HI11nl salary nllllllY mull by house who donated donatedlihormlly onnte onnteIilJOIIIII
lihormlly IilJOIIIII fur 1 a Christmas present 10 10hinl tohium
hinl rj rjLot
Let tllll linlllly hn raised tn i350 liO m I Ipct
pct lI1olllhif ho is not worth that IJ IJIIIOIlIlI rt rtamount
IIIOIlIlI II Netter I1Inn ill sadly fi fineded
Hltl Hltl1II111tll
1II111tll nededIt t tt r
1 It olt1ficld tumid wife III1 and A G j iI iIIluclhuld f fIIcddltlltl
IIcddltlltl Jluc1ulHl < are ot lho 1j1 1 1I
IhsJlllllltl I rch rchA J f fA
A 1t 1 YOllnH 111111 tutu wife I Evanston vnnstoD Jp r nl nlIII
11I M bfrs Iti I HoUT Miss lnlllany 1mmanyyitss I IIisii 1 1n
Iisii 1lIiotl Nt JvIIIk N 1 Mrs E EII
n 1I011lloK huh ilt s Chilugo 1110 lit the Clar
i II i
0111 aimdnll I OIL
i6 i6Mason
L f
Mason M ason W Wall a II C Company ompany + J I rrl rrlilh r rHave
ilh ilhHave
Have the Largest Stock of L Lrr
rr i iCrockery t
Crockery Glass Enameled Enameledand i1J i1Jand S r 1
and Tinware rIi rIiIf 1
t 1t If
1 1Prices
t tPrices
Prices Cant Be Ceat
a i tfil tfili
1 1 1 n 1
+ l t L V
ma maIi
m Iim Ii The DUNLAP PERCAL PIRCALTOR TO R if you want good clear c cof fee rhe pot that boils boilsORUBERMORRIS P R1 R1U
t por t k kriL
hlI et riL

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