OCR Interpretation

The Daytona daily news. [volume] (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926, January 17, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93063916/1905-01-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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a J s4r pN x r S < y K N M r ti 1t + 1k rcY r r 1
I See WI WILKINSON KI N the Real estate M MTHE Man 1
V 01 1 Ct No 14 cloet Ioe Cmwhereand snd Rmhu All CIllu Clues Dnytollll I hoytunac < I liloIitlll I Inuinl lttl ut1wltl IIIIY y t I J usualy UIltIt1Y nu nuusualy 17 HIOf 1 lIul Ahulllnll Adrrrtl + lnu Medium ItIIlIII In Iu Uurto tonu and n VlcInlq VcII > PlilO I H Cents CentsINGHfM C CBINGMAM
INGHfM THOMPSON A HandsomeeRidryewood = idj dRid Residence roe Sale i RI L I ESTtTC CSI tTC tND ND INSUR1N JNSUPANCI =
Oreat A nealof Propert property Has as Changed ChaniedOwnershIp ChangedOwnership
OwnershIp In Daytona and on the thoenlnsula thePeninsula
Peninsula Recently RecentlyIlw RecentlyThu
Ilw nm NIWiI s publishes helow belonn
1 n list of nil IIarlltllt Ivan + utty deeds elating elatingto
to IIIopoll > in this vicinity icillit > which whichhave
have been recorded in the office of ofthe ofthe
the clerk of the ChcltiL Court at Do DoLand DeLaud
Land from tho first dar of JItIlUn1 Jnnunry Jnnunryap >
ap 111 Ulltil lust Saturday Satmdll > rho list listshols listshoos
shoos tltat seventeen transfers were wererecorded lO lOoclJlllod
oclJlllod during thhtcol lla days daysllercafter i ilIctoaflcl
lIctoaflcl the 1ltir 11 Xml Ni ws will iIl111Ih iIl111Ihlish pnh pnhlisp
lisp uelY everyyhntday l1l1dn II list of IIIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIIIIISfIJIt nil tlans tlansfei
fIJIt Clulllc1 daring the i1llcedillg hecveedingIveek i1llcedillgeek
Iveek IveekFlnrfda eek eekFlor
Flor Flnrfda lla East Oll curt t 1I IJv Co to to1 to1G T TO
O lh on I 10 lotll in SllIhlccze SllIhlcczeConsidemti SealaeezeConsiderati
Considemti 11 100 100T
T 11 I UlilIol1gh t ti J 1 1IIrllH 1IIrllHlot
lot 5 blli 11 1111101111l I lIi lcr lcratioti
otioll 3 3Ocorgo III IIIGoorso
Goorso JI Foolo to EdwinlocgI EdwinlocgIpnrt luluin Saegor Saegorpart
part of lot 2 Ilk I lImlgmlltls lImlgmlltlsIJllhdh llodgnumlssnhdivision
IJllhdh snhdivision 8ion of Daytona Consider Consideration ConsitlclIItion
IItion 10 10llIeo 10Theo
Theo Songst II to 10101111I0 11 11OSI iiJtais
Jtais OSI GOf t lot on t Ill I coall each Ilochnem eachnear
near the SOUt1 t Hil CJllsi retina 1llUliouiOOO II
AT A J UlltotinSOI1 to t IIIIIa 1 JIII JIIIlm Iil
101 180 feet I f Jots 1111111 1 mad lIorlg lIorlgUIIII llollgnlnna
UIIII 1aytoun 1 > a lolIlI Consideration not nltmcntiunoll notntentiufO
mcntiunoll mcntiunollJumes 1 1James
James A Ho flow o to CO C 0 OIIlIlI1Lc OIIlIlI1LciIi hmnberli1i
li1i iIi lot 3 ua unl l 4 south IIf Palmetto PalmcttoHotel PalmettoHotel
Hotel Hodgmans 1ayloua a > lollo Con Considell Considcrdtion
sidell sidcrdtion tion ijOO ijOOJ
J W Wilkinson 11 to W C Me ell elllock 1 1lock
lock lot 9 I hlk 3 I Schontzsu1Jltiyis Schontzsu1Jltiyision Schantz subdivis subdivision
ion of Daytona Consideration on 3G 3GW
W II l Peters > otcnl to tnllyiUCCl Polli Pollicior lcllitier
tier sOllth 50 feet of lot 2 23 blk to 49Jfuson torusln
rusln l Colomnll > addition to 1ity 1itytnnn a atono
tono Conshlerntion iiOO iiOOJ
J W Wilkiuson to E Rosa JIm JImdCI liarder
dCI lot 10 hlk i Schllntz sulHIiis subdivision
ion of Daytona Consideration 25 25Rohecca 25Rebecca
Rebecca II Garland tu Jacob W WEncggcr WLuctger
Encggcr lams I 2 1 t 1111118 null 18 IJlk IJlk2i
2i Mason l Colol11ons n ndllition llition to toDoytono tolaytonn
Doytono Consideration 50 50J OO OOJ
J a Green tfJ lcClellon Ed EdWC1ds Edwards
wards 220fUlt 220 foot lot in Kingston KingstonConsidoration KingstonConsideration
Consideration 000 000C 900C
C C Danner to toJ J JL Field lot 0 I
blk 30 Post t DnllO 1lallotighs ght Rllhdiis RllhdiisIon
Ion of East Daytona Cansidoralion Cons llollltioll
400 400J
J 0 Butler to Chlrit Charity Hate Liv LivImgslon h hIlIgston
IlIgston south 1 lot I blk 10 Me Menlento h hmento
mento Consideration 35 35C I IC
C n Oliver to ralhlillo Oliver OIiWIwcst Olivernest
nest 250 iO feet of lots 17 1 i nod IS 11m 11mgo Ik ir irgmnos
gmnos go nos tlnlltio Cil City COlIs Coltsidera Coltsideration llrm llrmtioll
tioll gi giant on IS one dollar dollm1I01IIeo dollar1loteo
1I01IIeo F StolOIt to Jhuy IIII 1 1Smith It ItSmith
Smith lot 7 blk 11 1 Scuhrete ScuhreteConsideration lalll z zConsitllmtioll
Consideration ConsiderationIToraco < OO OOIJUIUlO
IJUIUlO F 1 < Stewart to Clark lark I ISmith ISntitll
Smith lots 8 II 10 amid 11 Seabieoze Sm SmuIceiw
uIceiw COllsidemtioll 81100 81100Noah l1IU l1IUNoah
Noah Iillel to IA W V 11 1 I 1 hnomiIN I III IIIlot i ilot
lot Ii 1711 H to PmlllI IIlIh of Iii I Ihlk I Ihlk
hlk ail AI I ll Cllddilioll 10 tt oa oaCtImsidemat11111
COIIidlIutioll iill iillJ St StJ
J I 111111111 Ilmi vm IIII has III hnhlh Istl Istltill 1 1the
till lIidglollll IIIllIllI pHplIII h hlonging L1longing
longing to 111 I emmynm t1I1 IIllilh lies lieslat Ii Iiolnia
lat vilnl olnia utm IIlId i yluBnii 11I1111bm 11I1111bmnUllI iSr iSrHills
Hills nUllIIho HillsIho
Iho hell plIIIlII lit tt I I1lillgrialuvumtoi I IHidgIlIol
HidgIlIol 1lillgrialuvumtoi IIIIIIIII helllII11 Liinl LiinlIIIml
IIlIcI IIJIIIII 1111111 011 1 11w 11wtlmIlay 1 1I
I tlmIlay Ill nI h Ily I ltrilli ltrilliTe
ne Palmetto PalmettolhiH palmettothis
this hlllcl pllpulm llI1l1ng nlll nlllof many manyof
of tho tOlllills Who intuit hI is isnghin i ioghil1
oghil1 open for time season with 1 1William 111 11111illfams
William of Ifled Ile fe liS lhI tltrklimo
limo hotel has Henled fur l c Il stir stirson I Ison
son its usual share of till PItOllllgl piltrounguand PItOllllglIlId
and mfr h C O Chambellaill the pmprietot pro proIJIiotOl
IJIiotOl states that ho haH mil milhooked ny nybooked >
hooked for later dates > Mnuy Iall of the thoold theold
old guests have ohcnd already lotllllIrll rettuuedwhich
which speaks svcll ollfol for time popularity populnlilof
of the llOtclmnong hotel among its old cliclItS cliclItSMr
Mr Chamberloin is also proprietorI1l1d proprietor
and 1I11I10gor of Tho Adilollwk innlocated Inn Innlocntoll
located lit Sacolldllga ImlilIot Park not fill fanfront fillflom
front Samlogll 1 a famous null papa pOplilal papalam
lam hptd It D tcl ut in that Hoetioll HoetiollA H ccUall1A
A handy momorandum book lots lotsbeen 1111 1111been
been received IIY I time editor of tIll tIllDAII thinDAIIv
DAII NEwa II from Gco I E HelTillg HelTillgFlorida IlerriagFlorkht
Florida Passenger Agent gclllof of the I IN lk
k N I whieh is milch mac i lt IIPPIOPilllld IIPPIOPilllldfhe n Iheth mtch mtchrho
fhe lOok ontoinl lHsilolllllllk lHsilolllllllkpagos hesido blank blankpages
pages flJ for notes 11111 heaps pI of the laited laitedStates Fill I cll cllStatos
States Pallomn and munch valuable valuableinformation Uillahleinforlllation
A cheap shoe is like a apolitician a 7 7politician
it be beeasily
politician can o oeasily
easily bent in any di direction o orection
rection Why not wear wearQueen wearQueen
Queen Quality and spare sparethe sparethe
the feet feete
e JJoolJ 1 ood 3 3ow 2Jtow
Jtow ow spoclals 35 35J 350 350I
J I I A Hendricks Opposite Postolllce postofflceNNINNNNNIN
Racing Disease So Contagious that thatEwn thatLiven
Liven the Ulttor III not lIempt liremptSnapShot lIemptSnnpShot
SnapShot on the Bench BenchIliat teachPlitt
Iliat lid NIIying II te NIIIdcs lIpll alhtf alhtfdiehtrhaps
diehtrhaps Ii j1IIhIlP 11111 in sonny IIIIII > IIIII lhlly lhllydots
dots tlnl mini IIppl III h Ilu IIIOt pidlll pieUuesgn pidllll
esgn l > little totvm 111111 of SIIIIII sonny FI Iioridn IioridnIul 111 1111
111 Ihlll il is 10 1 see 11 huyloima lJiI lona null nulllilt 111111Ii
Ii lilt 1 10 sat it ill III 1111111 III Ih Ihtllpih live livedtspita
tllpih athts 11111 > au + I Isaias to set it hI hIIII isto
III ho III touerrhd 10 IIlItOlllllitiliSIit IIlItOlllllitiliSIitIilh
Iilh all it itstmutuLutl pleasures 111111
Ii lust st lItolUl cars that evtt 1m trnvi Ilwd Ilwdthlsl1 m I Ithese
these hard loIillll IIl1dlhllS amid thus IIlIlol IIlIlolillgl unhmnn unhmnniugly
illgl intrlllhttllllhis intrnduccl this Itnittll germ glI1iIhllt germshut
shut hll Ihtts infected all lonri I ts olld umleven
even the native Clllch ItI As 1111 ii ii111lml itlaslration
111lml laslration olI of lIitlll iii ntty > Pe PCPl III It Ivhoam 111111 Ill Illillitillied heinitiated
initiated that whiten ill ulll Imitolmbilimig ImitolmbilimigfortyfourIaunediately lllohilillg lllohilillg1I11
fortyfourIaunediately 1I11 > f lIl illllllllliallI II1IlIIHIhll II1IlIIHIhllI oiml mail iii iiithe
the I Ill fever mad p11rchascll pl 1lJlasltI liII ctrs II within withinone i I hill hillono
ono yeti yetiIhning lm lmlIming
lIming time HIIIIIIIIII edutalimg edutalimgthe
tilt hillsl horsesin ill time Whitl llIlInlllillll llIlInlllillllIII
III Nun lII Illltllpshitl InrillL limo Will nimItr
Itr tmillillg tlllll1atill the immure Filiridiilli ill inlima
lima nso II O IInllllltn turd nhuso o IIr the 1111111 11111
Murderous Attack AttllckhilI Attack11Ilnt
11Ilnt hilI liar Dean a ItIiollll IITII ulirav uliravitenrrtd 1 1lIlItllI
itenrrtd Sum lIlItllI limy night nil C Ccdnr Ccdnrsteal llm
11 steal nI 111111111111 ii t al t j oIlnlI oIlnlI11I
j 11m 11I OIJIJIIlI1 It IIwnt cutler nti nti111111 nt ntlouts
louts nlnrklt 111111 nil nlltlllol altercation altercationwith olI olIith
with ith 1 a IIlgllI hack drivem dl IH Illrillg Iluriugwhich Illrillgwhidl
which UOOIISIII HllIllk Iho lItg lItglIill negro negroMite
Mite II emi vtl tollcvted 111111 till Itva Itva111It I Ill
1111 ehnmittt11 Illflll I Ills hI IInnit bath hlldI bathluigresstd
luigresstd farther fartherI
I I lho I ll i l 1 1I i 1utIII lIlhl11 1I I 1lII 111 1I1 1 11 ith the IhoIlIgllI
IlIgllI rillrclrtl Inglllul Inlldll Inlldlli lulkimg
1 i UOlldtlll lIng illg elf III ills sub A AIIO 1 1miogro
IIO miogro III tvlu hn ill sOlid III have hilI 110 dinwl
lIlogahJl IImo IaytlnlaUrumml la > ttlllaOIlIlOllllllcalll Itemeh Fltllitla Ocean Ihll lirnuull
dil diseases diseasesIhobahly ens
Ihobahly nit Idnces have coutuihu coutuihuled lollll hll hllIld
led mh 1111 1 I IlIullllltllIIOhilo thin hlllllltl industrytluul hlllllltlllulIl
llulIl 1 Iloytoma > > 1folla and IlIltllld 101111111 101111111II
oil II hI by Ih the IUIIII1IS htm IWIIh It 1vhero 111101111 111101111holt nil nilhave
holt have htmi 11101011 nllel IIpOIl IIpOIllIh11 111111Itllirh
lIh11 ovary 1111 IIOIhlI Ilhll rides i is II nit nitiuly lit litIIIII
IIIII iuly 1lIlhlliu out hnsinstit lh lout III Duet 111101111 nllowsloimsdf 111101111hilllslJr
hilllslJr 10 IIIIIIIIW 1111 + Ilgilillllllu IlgililllllluplI
plI pray if HIIIllIolJill sdtsuu11 sdtsuu11linalt
Ihllall Inads nail till I this mugllili nntgmilitlnt
1111 bllIlh have drawlI I tlo hI ulltllist uutiisthitlio ulltllisthitllfJl
hitllfJl IIlId sllltllgc III say S 111 is 111 unlenua
101111 lint him IlIlISl iii lst ozonise u slJlIIO slJlIIO111111 smimofl
fl emotinrt null should III Illic IllicfaIII thiveI
faIII tllllli I ul II f 11I1I1I1n11 IlIili 3 3hula 1111 1111hllll
hllll 1 is linhle illhl In lit mrrtsted II by its iLHsolillll itssulitnry
solillll sulitnry III vy 1Iight pnlicvulau pnlicvulauIchu III
Ichu Iilh ilh nu i IlIudl11 gllll faith fllilhfllll faithfully
fully fllll pnlllIl1 Ihill thirty miles of tleelf sthcctsnod
nod thilt lhirty > milts of f bunch always IIhllI1Iwl alwaysready
ready Iwl > 10 humid IIII illfl inhingiag llgillg auto nllio1ilIlIi
1ilIlIi ill tllO tlvclve teIcfllOt funt jail Duel the IhoIhel thericer
ricer what tvhiilu hilo tHcal1l cscahm IIIIIJIIgh tlnoughthins IIIIIJIIghtlm
tlm thins IIJIII i ollcilldl mc imdh wnhl 1111 might he hepr hopassible
pr passible ilJlt the uTelllCl wunld 11111 Ii I he heolJligcll beobliged
obliged tn fi swium tIl to Ii 1J011 betty am IIWCt IIWCtItol muoctwatery
watery Itol grave gravelint gra l l1IIIt
lint little has hccn written Iglltd rtgnrdiug Iglltdiug
iug tho lIIIIII11H 011 Ilw FIIIIitl FIIIIitlIast
Iast 1 ast CotsL 1tI11111lIdclli and readers may 11Ii1 Hillilo In Inho toho
ho loll dolt il is Glut fa L brlIIllIillg It ItflllIlill alnrnrit
flllIlill 11111111111 IPSIIII rill nuuly nuulyvenlthyI 1111I11 1111I11weahhr >
weahhr venlthyI relduals c idulllli oligillllll houh houhtho IIIII IIIIItho
tho Nardi nlllI and tvlho 110 baring titllO titllOIIlId ti mime mimenod
nod lII means all tl to travel base lit Illst Illstf01l1l11 Inston
f01l1l11 on nil liS acne 11I1 ideal IIlItlic all the year yearrotted 1111 1111101111d
rotted climate liS this imported earth earlhIIII
dual J bJanuaiv tll1111 tll11111I0j
cna IIII supply Flom last 11110
1I0j uaiv the tllcrlllolllCtm reached no 90degrees nodlglceg
degrees hill 01110 and tllal 111111 Oil OilOrtrJor onOctober
October a aural the nights 010 nto always alwayscool 8 8coolllI
coolllI cool and olllfoltllhlc coutfoltuhlaPatlinps olllfoltllhlcPOIlnpH
POIlnpH tin OliO has done onlJ more to tolIard toward
ward hlillgilltt this beach to tho nt ntlelliioll attc11tion
lelliioll of time 1II10ll1ohiio oil Io nobile world than thanJlr thallh
Jlr h 1 F I 11111 Ilnlbnnay 1 1IIIIn Mtn ho ill the theli timetvi
tvi li lter 111 IIf Ili n hrnntht hlII llt Ius IH of the
Ilnlltl stoutly seeking non lilllis for mlis mlissiounry III is issiolllll
siolllll siounry lallol If this th i killtilif kind of illtWII iaocllhut
hut iou can ho INIIICII lUissiolllll nlissiounryirk
irk 01 ho hili Illast nt Inst oven Illt1Pled Illt1PledIho
the phllglllnt t alligator flOlIl his 1111 1111Iho nnlvo
Iho IlILtllltH 11111 InlliHI Lou mists I1llIRt iii iist hoot Iw hestartled IwHlalllc1
startled should they thl nun emmioum 1110111111 1110111111tlwHe miter mitertlltHo
tlwHe 1IIIIogatlJls whicll ollo iheylllg > illg
110 1111 sh1 ul to then i110 hellls hen is mllltlIl mllltlIltllltlligh tumulttluongll
tllltlligh hllllllt1olk k and HIIIIIIlS und undulllllg iuulalt
ulllllg alt ug lll this ti fan III Gutted Florida bench hcnehAn
An Invitation InvitationOil
Oil llIr by IlfIIOI1IIII Ion you stay III Ih mid bleak bllIk1I1lh bleakSitu
Situ Situlid 1I1lhIltl
lid till h Ireund 11111 tlllHIt thesllohmd 1IIIIId IIIlHIIIII Illes11nw11hin IIIlHIIIIIWIWIIPII
11hin WIWIIPII nrery 111 you 011 11I1 1111ght llt HIIIIv 101111 101111hllII Gnt1114heru
14heru hllII the bnllllil t IruezlH bluer bluerllhel7 bioIIlwl
llhel7 lwl till 1I11 Nt11IIes hllll height III Iii IllllHt IllllHtsky
sky skyAnd k kAIlII
And tilt trees IIr luroII j1IplI gmeuIhn
1110 stately I II tll palmetto llth I IIII11 oil UIIhljh oilIdgb
hljh IdgbTho
1110 IIu buy n willi ilh It Its hllllllllI null HhlllI Hhee11the
the IIIpouk with lth grateful 1IluIIIIM Is toumis or orIIIOH
IIIOH IIIOHIho 111115Thu
Iho UIIIIIjI with tlolH ul joll jollWhll gnbllthlle
Whll till srlunu ul 101 I 54s IH IIlIllctl IIlIllctlIIIrlJH vaftiInero5s
IIIrlJH nero5s1runl IIIrlJHIrulll
Irulll gIIJIIIM 111110 10111 su1nmur IIIIIIUI IIII1IIH IIII1IIHholt mudrsbold
holt holtIullih boldlotilh
Iullih ullllll1lJlIlh after uumth to prolong her HI stay stayInd 111 111lIll
Ind lIll tu 11II1I1h thin lilting hlJHlj hlJHljWhor811f fIoMt fIoMt1Viiure
Whor811f Ians H lit about thou Iholl1 Ihty IhtyAnd hl hlAIIII
AIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIH hut tcrlltts gold u11ihissud u11ihissud1111ero
WIIlIo 1111 flllIt oIIMIIIIIIH of Ilulh hlII hlIIIll hlvhuIu
Ill n IIIIHk 1I1I11I1II0hlll splu spluWhere
Wlllrl yun 1111 UIII auty lllIlII n rune gin IIIIIII IIIIIIIIKht iil iilsight
sight sightllhun IKhthollluIIIIt
llhun hollluIIIIt Ihondeu IIr rlllllllllIlIt 11111 u4niII
01 II WhPIIIl1I Ivhemm Oemi till llwgutnlwiula I1IC11H Jill II thl JIht ilglitAH JIhtAM
AM tho they crank the 1lIr with lth IL grin grinAnd IIII IIIIAud
And 111111 along HWlylllK left and right rightLike dRht1lkolll1
1lkolll1 Like may mud manikin manikinYes IBulklnYCH
Yes you Ollllutn auto K gn tll tllll 1111 hHW1 hHW1UII toraeuOui
UII the OrlllllllllIIItullI huuch huuchYuu bctlchYou
You auto visit that h beautiful lIlItlrllllllnlj lIlItlrllllllnljCIIIIIO place placeCnnhu
10 well tho crllwd with eager lugmItIf lugmItIfOr free freeOr
Or enter lu thou worlds 1IIut rice ricellr
e 11 11Mr
Mr JIIowlc8 and wife oC oCYOIkIIIe 4tv 4tvYork
YOIkIIIe York Iuo guests of Tho CIUlellIOIl
interest ill the affair HIpJ1IHI flu flu11111111111I1 farIvnrd
11111111111I1 Ivnrd timid lllId II 11 r UOllllsOII n 1 vis visduns iH iHl
duns l olIlI hlo Id 11 with ith a battle the eapoll IvenpKmstrikiaglhiml eapolltoIllildllg
strikiaglhiml toIllildllg him just behind time right IightOUl
cal k1111tkiImgllllih kuolld IIg h illl IIII1OIlHIioIlH illtlOIIHh1iiH illtlOIIHh1iiHIm
111 Stclyo d 1J IIIIH called and 111111II andspun
II pOll oXl1IlIillnl olI Hlllloll thnt tlintthe
the 1ittiuts 1I lIIA skull lIIR fllIdlllII fllIdlllII1111I
1111I 1I dodoI i1IIl 1 fOlllld tho putlellt 1 1ink 1t1c1ht hlcml hlcmliIII
iIII profusely > from Iho cal nod with wilhII
II cat ill till H scalp < IIlp hich 11111110 hind to 110 110HOWIIIIIP
HOWIIIIIP 040 Ii YHItIIIIIV ho pllIlIOllllted pllIlIOlllltedIIIf
IIIf + pnlillIt doillg U miM 1Iu1II11Iould 1SuhI as could he heIho hoho
Iho ho IlPglII escaped mild ns ho iH isunt
1101 IIfsit pnsililrly lly known k 1111111 IIHI mny Jlllt flu fluIt holih1111theudolh
lih1111theudolh It iR mils atoll Jut Jutprohtihlm lu luPIOhlllllo
PIOhlllllo I that Ibis lIeglII will iIl ho hoanledIHIIII hotvnnted
tvnnted anledIHIIII badly h by > Ih the HllPrilT hIIIIISO hIIIIISOII
II 1Ullllllns IVulhllll IIH SIliUIIH lit thit UIIII gOIl gOIlorally gtlliertlll
orally ertlll proves filial
M1 M1lid
I lid d Hawley nwleyon on a Mercedes Car Makes Makesllt1rtyseven MakesThirtyseven
llt1rtyseven Seconds And AndTies
Ties Dowdens Record RecordJhl i iIbe
Jhl 9I lIIhoIIIO horse power llerecdes llerecdesuwaed lcdcl lcdclmllIe
mllIe uwaed h ly E U1hontas H JlIolllatialld nutl d1 driven cn cnh I
h by 1llwill Vaulty IfIHlln > Ins 011 the bench brlchClltClhl benchyesterday
yesterday ClltClhl 1111 usual fat trial runs lItl1Swllll1 runswhen
when 1 a mill 1111 its covered ill 37 i this thistieing thitlieillg
lieillg III the record IIf 11 L Bowd11 Bowd11Illado Botvdetlmmde
Illado with ith n IIlIhmliI tbn horst llllllr 1t1I0 1t1I0dlH
des 011 tinadny ltllllll ltllllllA t
1 1A
A IAn v rtWil reporter saw Mr MrIIIIII y yIlnulty
IIIIII Ilnulty last uighl amid asked 1IIl 1ll hits if ifthis ifthis
this lima teas III mttunlly 1HIIIUII monde Jlu
this IoIlhlI rrtitcul 11
Iwillll dl 1101 IlIhllil 1111 lie lIPIlII lIPIlIIII
II iuhly laughed ntlll 11 slid lid It I IHk
Ask Hk thou Illn u i Imo Ihlll1 lion I 1111 I II t tnlfght
nlfght say I au 11111 + IlIill tuul your 11111 1I01lid 1J 1 Ialit
alit Ivhlelllli il Miss 1 liS SII 11 1l 1101 1 1liII t J r rIItirlv
IItirlv uioe will III hllhlI thollgh t tby I
11 srvtrIl 11IHlIilll 1111 roll I 110pp III to todrve
drve Due id them The hrmith ill ill infilm I
film ro ditinn dllll1l1l1l1d tuml Im eery fllMIIIIIII fast limn can canho i iIII
III IlIlIdl If will ill ho thin lIiggl biggest t 1M ti tinsHt
nsHt FIIIlida hums yet It scan scanII t
UIIIIIOIIII1I II tit lemami wll howolO uvro 01 nn the 111nch J i i IHlty
1111 Hlty 111111 thillll i IH Imo dllllllllllllll dumdit tit till hilt limitIhnl i iIhal
Ihal tlli lhI + fast tint IIII uns IIIldl h hy h hllih otlm otlmI 111 111I
I whim null pin I 111 ley null MIIII 10 IX i iI iN iNi
i pttl la loll ilhrlsof Or the hog llun4lllhts IlIlIdl lH1I lH1II awl awln
II IdllIlIlI err tshertu l III ii dll 104 11I11 if li liuil II
I uil hltlem whem 1110 Iglllal rotes roteslle b ball
all rue i
10 l1 II ItIhmmns 111111I08 tllll o oumicr Ill tI of tho tholIII I Iclu
lIII trial hill hall Itt Hpoctlillg nit
tl tlthin
thin Ill1aeh yesterday 111111 HIIIlletied HIIIlletiedill lt ltin
ill driving the eat 1 a milo ill 37 7 7Novelty i
4 4Novelty
Novelty Works Trouble Settled Settledflho
11 11tlho
flho clilTlIOIlCiI between 1tClol ifcClollull
lull Et IAIISilldN llIltls LOSHCII laytona 1I tollCl lI lIr i r r
Nmplty WOIkH 1I1It and the Carpenters Carpentersllnioml qli qliUlliol
Ulliol 11 17 1725 ij WitH satisfactorily satisfactorilysoled r rMIulI
soled atlltlloy evcaing11th lYellillg Ihlt il1Ht instnod il
1 1allli
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allli the 11111011 nuiau help has otlInOll to townrk i t f fwork
work Itt the will JII fIlt 3t I If
1 1j 1I 1fT l
f j
fT f Jo l COHluw of Detloit Mich is hi hiagain i ingaill
again lit 11111 ColUlllldcfI Cili nn res lhiH pop PI PImiler
miler lintel IIInll by his courtesy Itlll timid It ItI t tguests 1
fellilll gtI gtIleherevei tll il 111111l1l0lH lIu I HCIIIH HceIn cs guests j jwlour1O
I leherevei wlour1O Imo goes Ir f
Mason Wall Company CompanyHave r
1 iI iIHave
Have the Largest Stock of ofCrockery
lit litCrockery
Crockery Glass Enameled Enameledand i
I Ia
Ij Ijand
and Tinware Tinwaret a
N M e eM
1 1Prices Prices Cant Be Beat b
1 ti
t tv tII
+ II
L r fk fkt
t Sew j F iY

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