pt y r d b m9 N ° Lt Lty kw r w y y yi M n
h i 1 1y
See bt vILKINSON the Real Estate Man1 Man1THE Man I l fa faNLVV
01 1 C No 15 Ion eer Gverywhero hcreand end Re Iteacha AI Cla J Duytonu yfllltll Flolidu Y ednesdtlyt llhw8dn January J 111110 1st 1 HJOl 1 IIpt ItrytAdrrrll Admlllnl + Int lceJlum rdhll11In In 1111 nulnne nR nl1 and < lIclnlly Irl ll B Clint nts ntsOINGIIM i
BINGHff LX Tjl0MPSON TI A H Ha = > ndsomeRidgewo d r idgU 0 a tRidD Residenceror5 si e R hLI lL Ti I r I211t = S rlTl I L I lN NU INSUfNCE fl
Will Nave to b be Marked up on Slute SluteTill Slutenil
Till After Official Records are areMnde areAinde
Mnde AindeRoo Mnde1111
Roo aril 1111 wing IIl1ulo nookd dllil dllilIIU doily doilynow
IIU now 1111 tau head ICIOI records < 1I which whichhll whicltItnvt
hll 11 Ile IJI II ipcd out and 11llolIc1 lower eves OIlCSpllt evesput
put Ip IJllIlIsccach dn dayseos cc the I1n muiItiues I1nhim
iItiues him 1111110 thJIlHI tharaugldy h fluted upnud up upIInd
IInd uhll tl 11I1110 hotter lime 01 01il Orit
il minty IIlll be O that the northeaster lIolthensterIIhidllall1o northeasterwhich
which IIhidllall1o enmo ill good timo to SCII1IO SCII1IOdUIIII serupodown
dUIIII Tavel 01 and pack Daytonas Daytonasbeath
beath hUH dOllo Iho work expected cxpecledalld
alld illlplolcll this futnousracetrack futnousracetrack1Ie famous 1Ueo 11111 11111Tho
Tho drivers dd I too hire learning to tolIru tol0rtant
lIru o I cOltaill spots nOllo too IlIml httrtinml
111111 ho inn 10 hnl1lllo their lIIItI bat batttr Iwtkl
kl antler the conditions prevailing plcrailinghclc
here here1I011ovel
Howoel this l11a may he 01 whntoet whnteethe
1 the hI IlIl1Se ill i it remains n filet thllt tlmtIu
Iu better ti0w t lIIO has Icon and willcoatrooc will willIllIItilllloto
IllIItilllloto ti he mucIc than ever ho hoIII hoII
II III ro In 1 n precious issues were IC ICloldltI retnriled
loldltI the timo fIll n milo heat mndo mndoh
h I n l L Jlo Ilwden 11 Ill E 11 lholllutl
111111 Illwill Jlatvlcy 1I1I1IIc nil of whom whomlIIIIlml whoml
lIIIIlml l Iho milo ill 517 i amid 8tmllgo 8tmllgoIII
III t sa soy all drove Mercedes cars CaISYCilnllln carsYesterday
YCilnllln mOllllllg this record recorduas
111 lIlip ell II by ILtivley lIilllc ill 11 110 h Itp hp
p Jlercetlcs dl sllten holl Ill druvo < Jii mills millsill
ill f 1 lIIilll1tH I111l1 Iii seconds nil nililllI atnrlaiigo
illlI nrlaiigo of 117 i 10 tilt III mile ill mod yet yetdiI
1111 II ant III use l his Just t sliced lollll notchhum lollllhll
hum milo III this RplCllillg wat > 10110 1unein
in a fmclloll find tun less thun 5111 5111liuttrltn 1 1I
liuttrltn I IOlleI I 11 also ill 0 no h p lellI Jleclli lellIII
II IlItllIlIl was not yestrduty IIiIlIIIII clllcao endeavoring endeavoringhu lIg
11 hu lot hi Isis gasfllillo lIIolO drift in the thoLllcs thelaces
laces el the th 1 d mliivers I Iurti of other meerd meerdIII ntecraI
III I It slulccdCJcl ill corolillgtwo covering two mills millsill
ill I II5 ii IlIll1relOaO an aerne oC an anTho 37 37Iho
Tho m cIOIdH made provinus 10 yes yesttrdny S ShIdl
hIdl ttrdny IIIO dOllo with rt 1 7 711 milo umilobreezo
1111110 10 Iwl ielp p thr machines nlollg nlollgbllt Idnmghnl
bllt yesterday estcnla till II wind llIl sous laf rather mllaoIi ratherlieht
Ii lieht hl IIlTolllilll little if allY hul holit A AlIIilo itImo
Imo lIIilo the is also lupolted to Imo been beenoosoreil lIeembv
oosoreil bv 1II11lo lhutwdoy against time wind windyesterday lilldstcIlII1Y
yesterday time tiuu tillwJ being g given un UH
No Iceold lulo been opllltcd ns nsbeillg asbeing
being mado m ttdo hy 01 cuter hel titan clelcg Jlereetlescurs clelcgCnld
curs IIhetlwl because Ihe they are 0 not lIotnllowi notnllutving
nllowi nllutving ng the their l racers to go nt to to1I0llli top topnotch
notch speed 01 heCIIIIS Ihe they 01 011I100 are areunlit
unlit Ilt reticent eolit and will not let tillle timebe tilllehe
he taken 011 tl them 1111I iH nut news which whichtho whichthe
the 1lPOItCI could PIOCI1C PIOCI1CLaunch praculeLaunch
Launch Sank In Ocean Oeanlallnch OceanA
A haunch was 111 scout yestcrtlnynher yestcrtlnynhernoon cstcdl aftcl aftclnoon
noon nt I about out a t oclock JIIICcdillg JIIICcdillg80utllllllIl1 proceedingsouthward
southward At 1 KClltlngs pie hc
I WIIS nlllloll1 close enough for those thosothoro thosethere
there to sec her o olprmt or occur QCCUI occurpints
pant After passing mho pier she shewns shewas
I was headed toward time sham plung plungillg pltntglug
lug hadl badly front tho lfTCctS oC the thehlII timeheavy
hlII heavy semis whhh smack her her0n
011 IIl1iing lit a poi point lit nearly op oppOiiilo appasita
pOiiilo time ocean 110110 the IlIlIn1I IlIlIn1I1a8
teas sUlldonl brut t it put about and andstart nllcIslOltlul
start slOltlul for deeper wotCl w this action IIctiollo
o of hUIlIplaill item cnptuia hoillg II as is supposed supposodclllO
clllO cithcI to shoal IIlItel or to g gout gout
out into where it was calmol calmolTho calmor1ta
Tho little vessel inunediately 1I1IlWllilltc1 impon up
011 being 111111111 was seen to plungo plungoinle phangointo
into n lingo ttnveual was oiclonll ovidemlly ovidemllyswanmped
1 swanmped > 1111I1 > 011 mss she 1014 scout Ito 11I010 11I010Quite mnoreQuite
Quite n number o of lC poo110 Pl0 collectedamid collected collectedand
and the beach tnis a8 patrolled 101S01ll0 101S01ll0sigllt for sumo sumosigns
signs oC the heat 01 its occupants OlouponlHhilt
hilt nut II vest csl igo had been SC scout II o ocitlwl of ofeither
either when time 1 Dtttt > 11 News IIS moan mnnnppealed moanappeared
appeared 011 the scene of limo sup IIU1posed supposed
posed disaster Powerful glasses glassos1I1Ie
1I1Ie uaal telescopes were used ill II search BenohfOI
for limo bond fill out lit 8ca n hopillg hupungthat hopillgllUlt
that t situ ho humid 8 survived IIII O I h1 111 fcutmtimi fcutmtimiplunge Ifll I Iphmgl
plunge hilt she enaltl OII liCIt 10 IOIalllI IOIalllIhilt locatedvimat
vimat hilt bout it nuts III tvlm I hll woo hu timeoccupants I huOlcllpallttlllO
OlcllpallttlllO moo due seemed to 111011 111011Novelty kunaNovelty
Novelty Works Trouble Settled Settled11ho SettlediIho
11ho diOclcnccs di between lcClol 11cClolInn lcClollUll
lUll S 1dwm01s Trssl Inytnnn Inytnnnovelt nil lolln lollnolllty
olllty ovelt WIIkfoi and tlto Ih Cillponlrl CillponlrlIuioll iupentcmlnian
Iuioll No o 17r wets suit lIljffllltul isfutetorily isfutetorilysettled ly lyeUllI
settled Rnlllltlny Sutarduytvcaiug11tii lIIIIill 1llh illst instand
and thin IIl1iulI help has 1r111IIWtl 10 towork
work lit the mill Ili IfIat 8t 8tA
1 A Jiodcl lorlclll II Curlillllc udill w fu for Salo by byJ h hJ
J J C Prltephcl fully ull equipped
11o mite olleing this tveok at atSLAUGHTER
Iii fnllowllllr article
tallies and Misses WInter Hats Hats111111 HatsI
I nod MIs lIs o s l i ilic 5e hats nt iiOc iiOcIi iiOcLY5
Ii LY5 1 hCltl Clt bOr Je Je1i1J
1i1J hats lit 11f1 11f1Ii 110tints
Ii 2 hot l fit liii 175118e
1 2U8 hatH ut 21 21USe
USe nil l hats nt We
1Ir huts nt Ode OdetOO I
tOO hub nt 111 110i5 1112jJJ
2jJJ i5 hats nt lflS 108Lodi
Lodi s 111111 tlnt 1 Itsoat IiiO nt 2fn 2fnfit OO OOttt
fit 42iiOO 1h ii00 r1iO r1iOIIOU 550IOI
IIOU will go ut I1 f AO AOOne J JOnc
One lot Ladles Skirts Skirts111111
I iiI mite lime teem 22ii t5 now 1iiO 1iiOJlght 150Iiuht
Jlght 01111 Oxford IIIPY wera0now200 wera0now200Ixforl eru ano2OO ano2OOIIxiolll
IIxiolll 111111 we CII 045 12 note notehhtck 22 22IIarii
IIarii 1lfll1I untl gray In were a 850 o lit 2iU 350lilue 2iUIIhH
IIhH and brown rolllI were 3jJJ no now 2 ji jiIIIUl 05Imluck
IIIUl gmuy 1CIr liar hit novelties nell ltleH 501 IIU lit liill tislmIInck liillIlIlIck
IlIlIck nllll jute Iut jiiO and 800 nuts 518 518Fiult 4H 4HFIult
FIult 01 till Loom Muslin will hu sued suedIn HOItIIII
III 10 It ynrd url1 pieces
Flxtra xtll h henry r brnau 101111 muslin I
11II price e 8 8c i 11 r yawl IIII IIUIllItr till sale to tourH 10ants
urH ants In r lIh lIhApron
Apron OInghams OInghamsrho IfnghamsIhotmui
rho Ihotmui AIIIIJkln kung and Lancaster brilllllH br + tnds f fOtlllllIprUII fl flOther
OtlllllIprUII Other nprnn llIlrhnlJls InrI Sc c uo now 4 4Dress 1Dress
Dress OInghams OInghamsl
12yo l J dress JllIgllIlllIII at 1Or 1Orlac
HIe luJllIlIliH mot Imc ImcFlannelettes
Flannelettes Flannelettes10e FlanneletteslOcgitallty
lOcgitallty 10e Itllnllt1 will JO 1I1 c cC
14e C IIUllllt will wlillru go ul II IIHie lc lc15e
Hie qlllllltr will go I1t 11 lie liel8c 0 0tHe
tHe IIUllllt will 11I JO
One lot Ladles ShIrt WaIsts WaIstsJudlcH WaistsLadies
Ladies FJllIllwlntlo WnIHtH ilO at08 at0875r +
if ut4Ac ut4AcLu nt18cadles
Lu adles lcH 110111111 Wlillts iC100 ntl1IIe ntl1IIeIu at0ioLudics
Iu Ludics lls Ilrnnilcl Wlllllt 12 at 80c 80cLadles
Ladles whlto Ileac IIntII 1itll utU8n ntl18ci7
17 + 00nti10 00nti10t ut 1111 1111lnllllH
t SOat109 SOat109Ladies
lnllllH white a and 11I1 1111111111 300 nt1tlS
Sale ends Satur Saturday < Jay night Jan 21 210Jo 21J
Jo J 1 A ll NRICIS I
1111 1 1Fi1fI 11 HH 1Si i + iS HHIHIHIHiH ff 1IftS b 1Fhhd6 + H + IHIIII1 i I t 1rf MII + IiHk IiHkAn f1 Sil + S
An Old Foorte Fczori1e1hi 4 1
1hi 111 M H I 11i III I 1111 + 1 + + + 1 + MIS 111111111 Iii tI11t11 + 111 111YOUTH + S Su SuYOUTH
B y Chari Charley K Kindtley Inille I Ibrary
10 writer In the langlllg line hn II grcnttr m v m mat
of deecriptman dr rlpllon than 1 lnjlr Lnudrruier lallll II beset h n 1 n1 hll1 hll1an i ii
i an Invr Inreeled td with lth 1 poetle > Ilic harm rlll rcrdtI t11I1 or t + I Ilimo
limo hat placed IInslr nnl1g IIw IIIlulr m Is HI HIgrnlue Illy I Iseniua
grnlue WR was not rlull to n sL 11 sin IIIIHlll1hht lned ml lshm Ih rill 111 II IIb tut <
b beet 8t remembered rcmcmbcrellJy by th thoae c abort mllll1l1l I lyrk rs a iI Ihhh I ti ht hteaang Ii j
Inl1l1 In mlR8UfCS IIJllltInrhlilK ltIJIlInl1Wl1l1hrtI 11 1tof
brary braryKo brar of the World8 Ihs 13esULltorutul Ith > rntulI j jt jTEN f
1 1t
t t
TEN nil the world orltllH is YOIIII ennui lust IndA111 lustAmt
WUl Amt everything IH green gllWIInll i
tmul nll er every goo goose o 1 a HWIIII 1111 1111Al1 Indstill
still every Ir IMII 1 um IItmtIti I IThen
TIIIII boot tail old horse lilli IndUld lilli11111011I111
Uld 11111011I111 rronnd till wClrhllllllI wClrhllllllIAmI world mwny i iEach
And gult go goall It whlll iiuIktrees you youtom 01110 re Olllllt 1111 Intl1SIicn 1111Endl
Each dog lUlIHt have hl his tiny 111 111Whtll 7 i iAnd
Whtll all the world gets ltK old tail lillIA tailbrnau
A And AndAnd 1111 all mho trllli tom 1111111 1111111A II IItad
A tad 1111 rill time Jests get stole lillI lillIAmI htdAnal
Anal nil time whtlI inn IOWII donmiThen IOWIIlhllI
Then hlo bark In II1 Ihy hII tin III 11111 11111Ilio hulThe
The n1l1hlllll and sick 1I1II1I1Ig 1I1II1I1IgTllllUk I IThnuk
TllllUk Clod It tllllI yon 011 Ihlll one taco tacoYon i iYOII
Yon loved wllllI yam 011 WI ynnng ynnng141IhillI 111I1 111I1oIIHHI
oIIHHI + 141IhillI + IIII tI + 11 + + id I + 1H I + + i1i + + + ii I + HHII + 1I + IHII 1 + Ii4 + II I + 1 I + I 14 f
When Her Husband HusbandSaw HuabandSaw
Saw the Milliner MillinerMit MillinerM
STA STANI181I lHfm was 111011 luau wlien wlienhe Ilen IlenhI
Mit hI tveut llIt Into the 1IIIIIIIIel umliliuery estnbllshtncnt eH eHtIlIJIHhlllllIl
tIlIJIHhlllllIl 01111 the JUllger ho hoStll tiestayed
Stll stayed > OO time 1110IlthI hu got 1llMIlItly 1llMIlItlyho
ho wlllklti over to II SIUIIlIlIIg hhlk binckcrentlon hhlkcrclltlon
crclltlon that hung 011 n 1 peg neat the thevliutloi thlwillduw
willduw amid sold slIhlfhls soldIlls
Ills Is the hilt I Wllut tll seo you YOllnliout youabout
about nlioutTho aboutThe
The IlrOllllltor COIIIO tOIWIIIII 1V1mat 1V1matcan hnt hntCRII
can I 110 for you 011 ho naked nKlwllYou nakedYou
You can IIx this lint over time Wor tvnymy
111 my Vlfu IIHk asked 11 yen UII to said H IIIIIUHb Htantllshexplosively IIIIIUHbOXlllolIlI
OXlllolIlI Hho WIIIIIH Iho feather fUlltherIlut featherput
put elm the otlllr stile that III bow moved 1II000to
to the fllI front II t timid Nile WIIIIIH the rim to tobule tobulge
bulge u little moro over time temples teIl11lesHho
Hho says youve oUo reflltlell lu tl lIIuko lIIukoAU untkonay
AU nay ulle1llllol1s Oil time ground that time thonllllllioll timeeddltion
nllllllioll or sllbtrllclloll iam ot IIl1uUwr IIl1uUwrtltch auulheratlteeh
tltch IH bound 10 ulll It Jilt I tell you youpmts ou outhntH
thntH nil IIUIIHCllti My I llto klaUWII klaUWIIhow kmuwshoe
how she Wllllttl her lint to look nlad It Itell ifehe
ell ehe cant stlllld 1111 for her rights llI 110 110It doIt
It for her Hhe hu Is coming com III nrolllill thIs thisafternoon i iatternoon
afternoon to try the hut on 111111111 It IfIt I IIt
It IHlIt ready lJy tllllt time tholII1I bo beno i
no ellll ot n row rowTho rowThe
I Ion
The proprietor twirled the blRck hat haton
on hIs turltJu furetluger er onlllookcll amid looked from It to tothe tothe
the bead Anleswul1Inll IUjubrlouHly IUjubrlouHlyJ
J remember lie Hnlll that the lady Indyho ladywho
who ho ordered this hilt did brlllK It buck buckIesterdnr backyesterday
yesterday to lJe reumudeled clllUlll > 1ed lcrho lerliaps ll It Itwill Itwill
will lie powHllIlo to make the alterations IIlteruUooaluggested alterationssuggested
suggested after all allThe nilThe
The mUuog 8 humility made Stand Stnoll1b Standlab
1b feel cry proud ot hlmsllt fhots Thatsthe fhotsthe
the only WilY to deal with those tel tellows tellows
lows he w said when he left the shop shopYouve shopYouvo
Youve got to meet them on their own ownlevel
level It takes a wan to do that No NowOllder Nowonder
wonder women get cheated out ot their theirory theirvery
very eyeteeth The They hnnnt got sand sandenough sandenough
enough to say the thlu things that have to tobo tobe
bo said to secure theIr rIghts rIghtsThroughout rightsThroughout
Throughout the day Standish contlnuell contlnu
ell to reelln revel In self congratulations and lIullbe andbe
be actunlll went homo halt an hour hourahead hourahead
ahead ot lima to see CC It hIs wlte hat hathad linthad
had been mellllllorphoMllt 1 Into the thIng thIngot
ot beauty Jenlll he 11111 MIIJcstClI MIIJcstClIWell NuggestodWell
Well said 110 jUllllantly was the thebat thebat
bat all rights rightsAll rlght1All
All right said Mrs Standish StnndlshThey StandishThey
They hadnt even touched Lt how lIowcould howcould
could you expect It to lIe nil rIght wh when whenyou n n10U
you dIdnt stop In to s sow O about It Itnut itBut
nut I did stop protested Standish StandishIII
III l saw everybody about the place and nndlaid andlaid
laid the whole establishment out In Ingrent ingreat
great shape JJerolI their card I Iplckoo Ipicked
picked It up RS I was ns passing out outMrs outMrs
Mrs Standish took UII the cord and andreod andread
read limo n1lmo aloud nloudOooobl aloudO
Oooobl O o o ohl she cried tIs that where whereyou
you went Why you ou got at Into the thewrong thewrong
wrong place What on earth will that thatmouRger thatmanager
manager think lIe must think you 10nare youare
are crazy crazyIII
III I dont core It ho docs said Stand StandfHh
fHh 11111111 hut I would like to know knowhnt knowwhat
what hnt tile owner ot that black hot will 11
say It th they IIInko It over lIIIOllllllg 10 10m tomy
m my dltl dlrecllonsNeu tlon9 lI fork ISH ISHTrowble 1ressTrouble
Trouble COlllln COllllnMr Conrmnwr1
r1 1 1ACE5
ACE5 i 1 1Itl 1
oss It
1 Itl 1
4 ucsy snaste snastet
t Nu Nut NuMr
Mr ROQchThlll Is nn m IIlItIIIJI e Ill IllIwt Illbet
bet III nay rival posted thatllnu thllt IIII 1rulI 1rulIc1dcu Irraucleco
c1dcu EXIIIIIIIIIII EXIIIIIIIIIIIConenllnnal ExumtnerConventlonul
Conenllnnal ConenllnnalThey ConventlonulThey
They woro parting
rime light In time hell was lIm tilmlood
Clood night ho Htlll 1111111111 tll tllpress to toprose
press n kiss upon her cheek dlcelOW cheekNow
Now OW It you ever tell 1111 11113 0111 Hh HhtJ she shebegun
begun begunAli tJ KIIII KIIIIAll
All he whispered I printed tlmt tlmtkisli lhntkiss
kiss there not for publication hilt nil asan
011 evidence or good rlllthChlcilgo rlllthChlcilgoTrlbllne
4 ataral inference lalereDnow inferenceflow
now long have you 1111 been the Ions huaIinllil Ionsband
band ot the derCIIIIRlltr derCIIIIRlltrTwentytollr defendrtrdTwentyfour
Twentytollr yenrH yenrHEli cnr cnrEbl
Eli Sholl jllHt trHtl Icstllled CII that her hornie herago
ago III but twentreluht lion do you youexptaln OU OUolliloin
olliloin this thIHWo1O thisWewe
Wo1O married TOIIIIIl your 1111 bon bonorCloelnull lionorCleveland
orCloelnull Plain Denier JJenlerIlmplr Denieremmpmy
Ilmplr Couldnl Do It ItAmI 1tAnd
And you ou woulelnt begin II Journey jou1lleyOIA
OIA 1rldnT PrldnyYou I IYou
You Jet I woule1nt woule1ntI
I cant 1I1111el1llllll < 1 how you 011 can eRnbno canhave
have any faith 10 such IlHlly a silly slIperstl slIperstltlon
tlon tlonNo No superstition about ItHatllrllnys ItHatllrllnyspny
pay dayDelrolt News Ncwfo
fo o Cause For Alarm Alormnllllny AlarmRunnyDin
nllllny RunnyDin In there crones n hllllter hunterOld hllllterOld
Old ltal1bltBlt right stili 110 Wont Wonthurt wonthurt
hurt you That old cllllP has been beenhootlng beenshooting
shooting around lucre every oel nil for the tbo1IIHt theJnNt
1IIHt ten years nllll hoH never hit nil nilthlug any anything
thing yotDetrolt Free lrHH lrHHIbe Ircsnehe
Ibe Spoke Too SoDa SoDaAJgyI MoouAlgyI
AJgyI dont take much stock tn tnwhat towhat
what Miss Penny HaYS HaYSArthur saysArthurWhy
Arthur ArthurWhy Wby not notAlgyShe notAlgyShe
AlgyShe Mid she could die waltz WIiItZlng waltzlag
lag but when I stepped on her corn cornshe cornshe
she called me all time IIOIIICII In the thocalendnrPhlndelphln thecalendarPhiladelphia
calendnrPhlndelphln Caricature
Fine llullllIII for loodllil loodllilQn loodallenite
Qn enite tll II 1Igll 111 anuthrrr III hlI uf proplo proploiii
1Ili iii m lllI lollgllgapcI ill 011 Senhrtcyo Senhrtcyonvlquln lahltl l l1I11lIlll
1I11lIlll Il vlorday rdll lItehillg men ment l1l1IIIIl1ldlllo
t IIIl1ldlllo Ihe IIltilidlll mitt iticinl static which i iIII is isto
III to bl lIIlll ill Ihu lollHlnlcliulI IIf theIliildi1tg the thollIIilllillg
llIIilllillg 10 lit clcell h by DI 1aim 1aimValmmh all allahmh
ahmh which will bl ustd 1I Id 1lllIIIolOs 1lllIIIolOsOil for stores storesoa
Oil th the granutl liner 1111I1 apartmellts npurUncntsan
1111 t the hI uper uperThe I pplI
llll stouts 01 hrhliH 111 8xllh Sx1Osmimrhts 11 11lIII
imrhts lIII mull mu 111110 umntlouf of rentemt IIIlIt III and andstm III III8nlld
8nlld stm i TIll nod is immt timed from fromIt fromJlt
Jlt It Anorak that IlIjllg coarser 11111 nutlbcUoi 11111IwlllI
IwlllI tHlilld soil tttl far IIII work 11I1I1I1illh doom Ioaeh Ioaehsand
sand lhis is IIliwtl ill time riglll riglllplIIpl11I mightprupartionN
plIIpl11I prupartionN tlllS 1111111 IIlldltI 11111 the thetvhulu tll tllIIhll1
IIhll1 < 1I101lItlil iota time dtsirtd dtsirtdsunlit dlS
sunlit right IIlwll IIIl building iH III IIIIw tohu0
Iw ertktidIor IIIltlld
Ior time inufwscml hllildillg iL will willInlO trillInkeuhunt
InlO Inkeuhunt IIlIollt IfiOOO of tl1l181 II hrick hrickIt I I IIOl1I1
IOl1I1 It O of wllhh 11I11 now shout teddy teddyfor lId lIdIII
for III Ilt ase J The nark ill Iullo IiI rupmlly rupmllymind II IIII
II mind II I illlilllIl1t it will moat lake 11I1111 ninny 11a days 11 to togeL toget
geL timis thi npplllllItl largo 11111111101 11111111101clldr umuuberready
ready its Iho they IIl1l1ut do not hove tu 1m Ink Inked hllkl
l ed cI limey IlIo IIl era Himll damply lint lilt ill till sun sunam 1I11
01 triad tll dl dry 11I111 whclI Illlh look 101llilI lookvery
very lI 1II111h 1iiw like 8101le 8101leColonnadell stoueColonnades
Colonnades Orchestra UrchestmIlli OrchestraThe
The llIllIlIlIlIdlS OnIIIHtm haH 111 111iIld uirrived
rived IIlId rllIm 11111 until this pOI popn popnhut
hut until tlu5ts s I hll glltHts mind visi visiInns Isi
Inns wilillUllI will hove their Ih I HIII stay UlIlllltIod UlIlllltIodh
h by tllO lxdllIIIO or time IIII1Hie IIII1HieI
J I II JUWlllhl pillilisl lllU 1IIIIe ltudurof 1IIIIeIIf
IIf this ollwslm IIIK hero lust yea yeatlf 1111 1111IIlId
IIlId III popllllll I ln lIith thu gllc ls t UII UIIlItIUllllt
lItIUllllt II tlf hiN willillglll8t1 10 tupiny plll piny pinynut 1
Olll of hOlllH 011 thu Ho1icitlll snlicihition iOIl I
the 1lIrr18 III is IIKHilld this year yearby 1111 1111II
II by Irullk 11111111I11 Ibdloway CIlIo and 11I11illlill 11 1111r
11r lkem Phu illlill illlillI lie lieI
I O U F j Notice Noticel
1 ntbniiai III Odd FoIlolH Ichaosritsidoals FoIlolHlsidllIls
lsidllIls 01 tisitarN iii tI1IH iil rolled In limo limotoutlitiuu thulIllflitjllll
lIllflitjllll of N II iiuiloy lililu hlidgt hridgeleudor hlidgt1111
leudor an limo middlo hridgo who tvhotens wholIIH
tens HIriulIslI hlllI Sunday HIIIIIIII All AllIlrolllultlUll1 111Mothers
IlrolllultlUll1 Mothers mire rcqucslcd to call callI
I I Wil 11ilkcrsnu I III N Y nail lI1dll II I I1ordoa
CI 11111011 CIIII Carry Ill 11I0 guests lit atSohnmidls
HIhmidlH Villa I
State News Item Item1illlli
i iJlinmi
1illlli Ihlllil limb is mode lib lihural libernl
ural oITlI oJ lillnlllillillid bmaacinl tid ir it trill hI hIltllIO A At
ltllIO t any II hmllll1I1 of tilt y 1 i1 1 O OJho 1 1limo
limo Oli lklnuvohn 1 11111 hll rin1 ii verstasouopoaemI verstasouopoaemIytslertlay f tIIHOII OplIIl1 OplIIl1ItIcldll
ytslertlay ItIcldll tlmt II Okcitlllnpkeemlmldiillg OkcitlllnpkeemlmldiillgIho o klt11I1I1I plI11 III II Id 1110 1110Ih
Iho Ih initial trip tripllw tripIIe
llw Jlro prapctt04 fur n largo IIIIII IIIIIIhlI shunts shuntsheaytrap
heaytrap hlI IIIP III 0 11lulill I tStlo > roomy i iao
111 IXIllhlIl IXIllhlIlIhl
Ihl ncxl IWX 1I111111al mooetittg or the IhnFlnl thehlarida
hlarida Flnl da auto tlt lIaptist sllodalinll Issoeiotiauwill sllodalinllwill
will III held nl 111111 Ihtrlou II IIIh
rl rlIlmt
Ih Ilmt Hlllltlwlll SitU Slntk n itnwims OIIIIS As Asst K Ktlllialillll
tlllialillll st + tw rlu nl wII uuirh 1INd t In l it Its si stlIsiollK stlIsiollKill sans sansin
ill Jarksuovilia llIkt l II Iilit IUIII Iriiny FIi d II 1111 1111jlltlllllll utljuutnetl
jlltlllllll IIl1li Flh Rtbranry Ill II 11 II when whenthere
I there I II IIJ will bl mi nmcctiug ill 1UlllplI
Flit I OtlthlllI lIlplitiL 11itness tIlSti til o otrill e
will his I year nil I 1 he ill tllIlIn of IlIlJWC IlIlJWCilll a spec frf frfial
illl pllhlhatioll nand I compose1 of iProf i I IPll1f
Pll1f 1 A A minrplare llIlpll n n IUtlllll j jamtl
amtl 11111 II 1 0 I I Iaiutel 1111 I 01 Ii IiNo I J JNo 1
No sooner dues interest abate ill I
1 nllhlaH ollllgn IOp thllll IIthllltiOIl 1 J Iis
111 is tlllllcd to the HtlllllhollY crop I t + I N Nand
and il itl said tho lallll will ho hug hugen I I II
11 I than I IIIIIIIIC evil t thus I 1111 tpat 6lmIHnmt 6lmIHnmtfloc oll
I I IIho
Iho fl friends elltlK of Ih Iowio owil 8 say Iw hoIns J I I Ihntl
Ins prue I htllsl1f III 1m u Chititillll Olaistiatby I Ib
b by p paying illg JIIIIOOIIl ill debts Hilt Iii Iiiwhllt I Iwhat
what limo lailleslil1u Sou 1I11 Wllllttl to I Iknow
kllllW ill how 1111 enuiil any Ulan got 1 111111 haldif 1 1tlr
tlr if 10110000 and still to 110 a Chl Inis Inistiuum tI i ilillll
lillll i i
1 111 Ircmrcll shoots lee llIdllox Iloddoxmad I
mad illstllllily kills hilll ill UaillltI i ivillu > > i iilln
illn ti i r rt ril
il J JAnnounement
Announcement of Candidacy CundldnyIlwlh CandidacyI
Ilwlh I imemoby 0111 mHulf its 11 111I1i 1 i j J Ji JIlalo l ldmiletorllumyornud
dmiletorllumyornud Ilalo fol IIIJol 11111 if elected will j0 j0pnrsuo 1 1I
llIlSIiO I ho HIIIIIII lines of 1lII11II1It ndnmhiistta I I Imina Iii Iiitiolllltl +
mina tiolllltl Its ill tho ti iii past 1110 years rtI rtIIlospectfnlly
k Ik
IIUIIit Ihurisun lJlI III1I1W 1I0ii101l J I 11 11Ruow 1 i
1lIowh hw nail wife 1 1 Blwill mid f fwife t
wifclI wife II Heills 1110 Alolill Now Newfork f1 f1YIIIIj
YIIIIj L I Ol hiiumcs lIlltI and Willl1look wile Ibaok m mlye
lye N JI 1 1IIIIIhlllllii I lams nud wifnnad wifnlllulllilcl wifnlllulllilclChlllllPligll child childCliumpaigu
ChlllllPligll 111 H leis IIlItl wife tf tfOalllnd fir firOnkkuol I
Oalllnd CII mil Ir 1 H 1 Latvia willllllll and wifll i iChitlIgo t tChicago
Chicago 1lI1 III tIll OlolIllIdlI i
i s
l4 l4o
o Mas Mason ri Wall Company CompanyHave i
It ItHave
Have the Largest Stock of t t tt tCrockery
Crockery Glass Enameled fnameledand F I
1 1and
and Tinware TinwareIN l1 l1w
t w
tt t tt y
r h hy hPrices
t f ftd
Prices Cant Be Beat t to ty
tt td
tt t t
4 4 o + +
n m
t l ll