yT 11 4a fackl + hs M + qv W d
1 1See
yul yulSee
See WILKINSON the Real Estate Man I >
t1 t1NEWS r I I
o l I 1 No 20 lieee everywhere l = end Reeche + A Au C clout DIY Daytomtl F1oiidtll F1oiidtllVed11e8dayl 1110 I Ved11e8dayl edllesdll J 1111111111 25 190 ee Ad Advertlelnp Mm In hu iune and Ylclnlty IusIe r ri 003 a i C Jnts JntsNutm6er lIt l Y YJnts ±
BINGI1NM U HINGH I A 1 M C TIIOMPSON THO 1 MPSON A AA AA113a A Numb Nutm6er Handsomo 113a > nmassome ot Dulrable l1lblurnihctCoUiottct Ridlcwood Id iarntrhpd ewaoa Cottage Residence RIBB1lat13t1mCef0 RIBB1lat13t1mCef0fenLRIIL effaced torRent fenLRIIL to R Sale R8l L04 rS i fl l L fN Ni I IN INSUPf1NCIJ 1 SURN CI f t1 lJ I
kkk kkkThe
The First Day of the Big Race Meet Opens Auspi Auspiciously Auspiciously
ciously An Immense Crowd Present andSome and andSome
Some Fine Records Made The Re Results Resuits
suits In Detailkkk Detail DetailWORLDS
kkk kkkWORLDS
The program for the first davicueing dns dnsIIIcing I
IIIcing yesterday estcrdl ofternoon embraced embracedonly
only 111 stock car el1tl entries cs far nr one five fiveand
and ten miles Dy stock cars is iswcant mIuteamit
wcant all entries at catalog pli prices pricestars es eslar
tars to be o full tally quipped and car carrying cnr1inS
1inS the full ull complement o of passer IlIssengCIS passergels
gels The winning car in such r rvac n
111 vac nn bo bought It the catalog cntologIit
Iit price All races stllltCI front frontthe Iom Iomtlw
the Club house on the beach opposite OPIJO OPIJOite
site the south bridge and the races lncslIero raceswere
were nil ram south on the bench bcochThe benchThe
The following are the races as they thoylIere theywere
were run with the entries nnd timemade time timomad
mad in each event event130Kilometre
1 aO1ilometle class 13 event eontI
31 I 2 entries cullicsWehh entries11ehh
Wehh JO Jay 15 h p white steam steamIexhi steamllexis
Iexhi 10 JIIane R1anc10 10 h p Da1lncq Da1lncqWehb DarracqWei
Wehb Wei h Tny won casil easily in H 25 25I 2 b bthough
I though his car broke a shaft and he hethe het
t m ted the lost 100 yards yardsl151 nrds
1 l151 Hil mile class B event 31eutlies 31 31elltlies
elltlies elltliesot eutliesNot
Not ot run IunIOOJ runI001
IOOJ mile steam cars Cal n nI 11C
C I lutvey trophy 5 entries cntlicBot entriesNot
Not ot 1111I 1111I1l
1l 1155 5 miles stock cars 8ilil 8ililto 27ni1 27ni1to
to fi1000 IO event W 101 1 entries entricsI entriesSoules
I fOlllcs 20 h 11 Pope1olello Pope Toledol M Mftnllcrts I Inobelts
nobelts 40 h p prlmomns Thomns duo Cas Cnstveli Caswell
well a 351t 1f h p Colnm Columbia ill g C Bald BaldIaher llalddriver
driver driverSoules Iaherfoulcs
foulcs won in 1 5113 13 3lij 35 Roberts Hohertssrlolld Robertssrcnltd
srlolld in 5147 4i 45 45limo l lJimo
limo trial fio mile recolIJJe recolIJJelulIillo recordDoetmvillo
lulIillo car 11 Ouy Vaughn driver driverlimo dricrIi
Ii limo IIII 1132 1 l 25II 25 25II
II P I Maxim Electric Vehicle Co CoI
I II p 5 miles time 7102 7102tlti5 7 02 022Hi5
2Hi5 mile stock cars O50 IJ50and IJ50and1IIIIIcr and andunder
under event 22 2 entries
JI B Aultman Popelrihuuc a aIt I Ih
h p
Time 11 1139 39 I 15
1155 mill stock cars nl 4000 4000to
to 11000 oel1 event t 18 a entries eutdeA
A 10 Blanc 20 O h p Danacll E I M
Steck owner elllls HUl1lts 14 10 h p pPopeToledo piope
PopeToledo iope Taledn Soules 1I11ll rushld IIhloll IIhlollon
on trossillg lima Jillt mail looked hark harkfrecllIclltly harkfrequently
frequently for 10 1I1allc and tram 11011easil trameasily
easily easil nt least a L miloahead miloaheadTime milo IIhe11 IIhe11Timo
Time 51 517 i lIi
2155 mill stock cars lII 0100 to toX8000
X8000 8000 event Ill 2 entries entriesNot nt1 es esNot
Not run
3155 mill stork el cars 1Ij1 to
41000 1000 avert 1 I 3 entries lntlilllatholomew entriesBartholomew
Bartholomew Co I h p C CWheeler S SIVlmeeler
Wheeler mlnel and dl I river riverAutoca II IIAutoral
Autoral CII 10 it h p W K EIall Ivaiisdriver EIalldlicl
driver driverStanley dliclStanle
Stanle Stanley Htclmcl S h p Louis S SHoss SRoss
Ross driver driclHosi driver1ksi
Hosi sun in n 1i 3 j Emlls t sec secand el elDlld
lime tl trialt alIIO h p Nupierlrthur Nupierlrthurii11clonald Xllpicl Arlhul ArlhulEo
Eo ii11clonald Iconflill driver 5 milo nettle in
332 WOlllls record ICIOItlIIl1lle niado II by W 1VK
1 K Ynndolhilt on the bench hero hClelast herolast
last year CaI is 111 Iii mad that with witha wil h I IHtilT
a stiff wind hlhitul h Ilium Ilium1145511milo illl i
14 1145511milo J mile hllll haidtcnp < < lilall fIJI Inrs ill inclass I Idnss
class W event Ii I entries entries1icetrtc cntriesElectric
Electric thitlu Co 1 1j11 Iml h p pIlId ptad
tad 1111 18 h p LaUII lIIachinu lIIachinuwos
wos gi given 011 1Ji start start1inmshed Htn 11 11Finishell
Finishell 10 1 so clolllifl alllllI thn thnhigl1cl rholliglIer
higl1cl power vviumiog vviumiogIinmo illnill illnillIimo
Iimo tlialIlfl Imp h II Nnnier allilI A 1 I 11fCDenald IrJDlnalll
rJDlnalll dr I river rivermine lnr lnrlimo
limo 1li IIlIt IJIClIkillg the theworlds theworlds
worlds lccolll of 13 I a 15 Heconds secunlshundreds HecondsHundreds
Hundreds of people gathered galhelccllllollllil galhelccllllollllilthe nrounii nrouniilimo
the machine when it I ietnrnccl lllnell amid
1 I Ladle ad l Je J A Shoo slloulor slloulorll for 1
1 Peadyro ll adyIDw wear ar j Hendricks 9l f on nl Women lJJ mf1n mf1narmtmll 1
8arment i and Children ClIlltJrf1nSpring 1 1l
1 armtmll Opp Postofficc
Spring S rin Goods Goodsof 1
of nil kinds arc arriving dail daily and will soon he ready for or illspection illspectionTun inspectmonran
ran Shoes and Oxfords for ten and omen omenWhite omcn omcnWhite
White Canvas Oxfords for Ladles Ladlesand Litdiesand
and a complete line at other otherkinds 1
1 kinds for the whole family familyare
1 are already here hereCall hereCall
Call and See Them ThemlJry
1 lJry 91 ood J A J Hendricks 9ni i i91DtIDnl 1 l lOpposite
1 91DtIDnl Furnl4l1mJ1l
Opposite PostolHce Posto Ice IceI
iYi CXf W WI
I The o circulation of the DAILY NEWS is issteadily i Ii Iisteadily
steadily increasing and on Monday passed till tillOO
5011 OO mark by n deal majority of 100 Mondays Mondaysedition Mondnyldition
edition of the paper wag exhtltlsted l xhau htl fifteen min mjnutes minutes
utes after the last form was off the press BOO BOOfor 1100for
for II daily diI ill n city the size of 1I1Itollll is II 101 very verycreditable I
creditable showing and is evidence tllUt that the pith lIuhlie pithlie
lie I1PIHcdate our efforts t It shall RlmlllJll be our aim to tohuild tobuild
build the circulation t to n still higher figr fi nlre iie and andto nndi
i to wcol1lp1ish this will make it better and better bettereach
L each day
iWm iiX w iXW XJ
ricer after cheer was g given clI the theIhiOI thrdriver
driver limo lnthIl8in m tar exceed exceedml
ml any before shown 011 the beach heaehIhuo beachlimo
limo triallO 11 ldIO mile HClllllllt liO liOh O OIt
h p W Goultl Gouldlirokmv JllOlmw owner ml 1 1Hellill 1Reinmu
Hellill I driver driverhive hi 11 11Fit
Fit mills were covered ill Iiil
15 timid finished ill i 712 712115d0 I
llito 1 mill stork ems 11I1 lOlH lOlHto
to + ISO event 5 2 entries cnllilHJllIlthulolHew entriesItnrtholanlciv
JllIlthulolHew Col Co l21t h 1I pgasnlne gl1 OIiIlO L LWhellel CN
N Whellel driver 1 Electric dlillt 1eiikico
o 1 18 h JI gasulillohnth IIlItlio1 IIlItlio1li mtietl1inmc111
1inmc111 li I 35 351151t J
11510 mileR stock ears 2751 2751to ii l lto
to 4IKlq event i I entries clltricsJo
Jo I It Jhonu Car 11 H lIulI llouptown llouptownor pt 011 011CI
CI IIl1d driver 10 h p 1 IIectric 1lel I1i 1e 1eItielu e ehiclo
hiclo Vo Johll Vasslcll IIIhel 35 I h Inp hp
p Popo ao h r Chili HUllle driver drhorHOllics driverSoules
HOllics WOIl ill 1015 35 1 Caswcll Caswcll1I1 Caswellsrcnnd
1I1 srcnnd srcnndnntestents 1011l1
ontcHtentH hat Oil ground mealy mealyto
to start lit tillllH spcdfi specified d will llu lluclisqlllllificll bedisgnaliied
clisqlllllificll clisqlllllificllhlllgts disgnaliiedJudgls
hlllgts of tho COII1fllICOI I IVni i11tir
11tir Vni 1 Jo I It N Pratt C U 1Icln and andj
j 1 F 1 IIlIt Ihithmvny hllllI Ili II Hdo ill lh lhndauvavs h h1IIIIIIIIwnYH
1IIIIIIIIwnYH car mud M 11r 1 Prntt in Col ColWHilBIar Coloi
WHilBIar WHilBIarIlges oi ms OF OFledges
ledges Ilges of thc finishS finish S A IiICH Jlilesaid
aid lorry FOlcjck FOlcjckJlldgeH 1osdiekJlmilges
JlldgeH o of time Htllltg II It ItGreen t tOllcn
Green nncl II W Whiplo WhiploItcrtreoW Wh1pplcItefvreo
ItcrtreoW Itefvreo V 0 1emplo 1emploTho
limo o ofieiuls icilllf ill the meeting ore oreW areIv
W U CIempl lempluldeloolIl1d referee and Sirrhos Sir Thos Thos1ewnr
1ewnr 1 > 0111 Dim M P 1 essoehite nssol ntc judges Hay HayTohllfion flayJohnson
Johnson S A Mile > Col 1 L C CWeir C1Vcir
Weir August SincJllir rellrick It ItPratt It ItPratt
Pratt Ira Paine F 1 K E Bond Chas ChasH
H Hdonn llydonnd < < 1 1 FlIathawnYi F timers timersS
S M 1 flutter A II McMurty JohnC John
0 Ierrison Frank X Muddj starter starterail
ail clerk of the course C II Gillett GillcttI1Hsifitants Gillettassistants
assistants D I II Lewis Asa God Ooddnrd Godlard
lard A 1 F Robinson and harry II IIllIndy IIlluady
llIndy official scorers Alden Sump SumpHon
Hon 2d John Peters Arthur ArtlmrMolton ArtlmrMoltonf Molton
1 F Jt Hathaway Oco A Honker and andA
A Reeves deception committee committeeC
C G BurgolIc Cllpl 0 A Young YoungT
T B Moore Peter Sims John Antlerson An Anderson
derson and CIqOI C IttOliver er Entertainment Entertain EntertainmEint
mEint committee C II Ludwig J J JD
D Price A It Streeter George GeorgoFoot B BFoot
Foot and Frank Bond ond ond1I08s
1I08s Zuher Vas stationnd at thecast the theeBst
cast end o of the south bridge where wherethere wherethere
there is a bad turn in the road who whoorned whowarned
warned oncoming vehicles aI pedestrians pedes pedestrians
trians of danger lie attended to tohis tohis
his duties faithfully and 110 nevi accident81esulted nevidents
dent81esulted dent81esultedAll dents resulted resultedAll
All en entraces traces to the beach were wereclosed woreclosed
closed today and all vehicles except exceptmcors exceptracers
racers were kept oft the beach
lho heath i is ill the finlst possible possihlnHhnll possibleshupl
Hhnll H ItecCut < < IfHII storms 11I1tl parked plkldtill
till sand to t I t hn Slloot shmootlmtess hllCEIS of 11111 11111hII ninrble
hII IIventy 1llI1l miles of Btlaightllln Btlaightlllnsuing straightawaygoing
suing will gin Iho llrinIs tIll lip lippOllllIIit
pOllllIIit 01 their tlw l lives j11 to Iln tivotidies two two1IIi11
tidies ill III OliO IlIillllh amid ns filth llhmilo filthmilo
milo is 10 1 hr lillllll this SllIson with withtho withrho
tho JIcllnrray 1l hllliI a IIplilllltlls it will ill be bepossible e eJlossible
possible to ligllru out the highest highestspeed highetitsplcil
speed of Iho IIIlIt lad early in the 1I1 1I1Last day daybust
Last year IaI July IIII limo of liuish liuishwas lilli h
was 111 taken tuliclIMthlll takenlrthur
Mthlll lcllislIf the Ncty 1W YOIk VorkStan YOIkHIIII
HIIII is ill thu City l I IJ
J 1111 110 II II l hlIin is IIPI home 1plIIting 1plIItingfOl
for the N r lIemltl IImnldl
1 C WOIIIIOIO Vet iomu is representing IlJllIcsPlltillgthu
time N y 1 ElIillg i 1hmml 1hmmlf llil llilL
L f II Hlllith timid n 1 SIIPtllut SIIPtllutIIIU
IIIU reprusontiug Thu Alltullwllilu AlltullwlliluIIJCltlj Antnntuhil0Inert
Inert IIJCltlj I rape A W Iopo 1111I1 1111I11
It 1 WillJdl1Y III mime isitlils ill the thocit theeat
lilt 1I Princess llcelis ISHella hrollght IItllllglltllowII IItllllglltllowIIu 1I0wII 1I0wIIII
II lage illgo crowd flOl1l Hotd 011101111 tll tllHon tosee
Hon tilt rlwes rlwesSllcaks meesStreaks
Streaks of red Hallll lIIako the thohcach thehcach
hcach lit least tiara SOIOII1IH slower SIIll1thllll slowertiulin
thllll last year yearAl Cal CalAI
AI Hoocs of N y wit 110 IIIS rite 1IICillll ritelug
illll secretory lit JompiltJ City I track trackms lick lickiH
iH hero to Iellllt the OUtCOIIIO or the thorneeH theFacts
Iho crowt crowd Oil the hcnch today was wntcHtimlltClI wasestimated
estimated to 1I1111111er lit least 1OJJO 1OJJO1holo 10X0There
There were 010 fully IiOOO lit the F 110 110A g C CA
A A Club house Hou801Icd houselied
lied W Bottle replcselltillg time thoAssociated timeAssoctatod
Associated Press 11111 time rimeH Iiulescuion rimeHCnion
Cnion aid 1Ilt1oJoIiH of TnckHon TnckHoniJle Jueksonville
iJle is reporting the IIICCS IIICCSA
A 1 G JlatdlClder President of the tholItiona theNational
National lItiona Cycling Association lnll 0111editor lnllcditor
editor of Motor is in time city to toreport toreport
report time races for his nmgnrine nmgnrineSotmth IIIngll ine ineHOllth
HOllth hrid bridge o Iali clowdcd at atti attirncstoday
ti tirncstoday rne todn pcolllo plofolrin this thiHhr thisbridge
hr bridge d o rnainl rnainly beeaasu aI1HO llr r Lcdwith Lcdwiththe
the h1 hiulgo IIgo tender kelfps ke < < ps the lip lipproach imppreach
preach ill fine condition conditiollh
Mir h Jasper Owen of Philadelphia Philadclphiawho
who iR n guest o of the Clnrendon aid aidwlmo nne nnewho
who lees flatting lip brown from fromOccnn fromOcean
Ocean pier ia off for or now fielllH fielllHsome fieldssome
some fresh water fishing It Spruce HplucoCreek SpruceCreek
Creek where hu spent two da days s 10 10tllrning returning
turning with fifty trout mud black blackbass blackbass
bass weighing four IInd five pounds poundHeach poundseach
each Ito caught twentyfio fish in inan inan
an hOllr the first Clll day
0 0f
t +
t f Program in Detail for TodayItaeiug Today i iit
IIMillg willlJlgin will begin hHlu today WIlhlrSllu lit Dill clock ti p 111 allll It ItiIlIW iA iAtrill
it trill iIlIW Lie carrirl out along thlllilllH of thu follnwing tentative pro prog
grtu11 g Ill III
Iweul NI I IllIglalll Ihv grmul page 17 87limu 17li1ll0
li1ll0 trials thl hisses SIS 1 B I
5 entries entries1ocnt
1 1ocnt vent So 2 PI11gmm page pat ots otsDewar Ii IinewlII
newlII llllil tmp intent OIW milo mu IIc jmIm jmImheats ill illhca
heats hca 17 IlIt1 entries entriesrent cS cSl
l rent l1t No o IPIogmm page pagoliI
One mile I limo lIII ll tinls nls Stock Stockears HhIklal
lal ears t1llItl 0 entries entriesFmnols c coillnl
oillnl of event 1111 No NoEvent o ol
l Event I1I No in S11I1gmllllagl S lmogiiimii 1 3 3One
One mill fill llnlH IIIIS for filII IIs IIstil hi
01 n lIIII Clowry tr1phy ii Ill IlltrieR rimtries
tries triesIweht
EnlIt No f Itogranm page
one 1111 IIInll IIInlltellllmllllS mmmmiitlem
tellllmllllS lem corners only ill heatH Iii IiilIII1il j jentries
entries lIII1ilInt entriesIwent
Int No o lIllogrnm pogo In go
a 58 I
One mill Class 11 entries 11lllilFillals entriesIciminis
Fillals of event No u 0 0NI
hvrut NI 33Imgrnm 11P o III11 IHI pmgt pmgtI I IIi i
I Ii a I 1 s sOmo
0110 mill lass Hi entries
Event No o 10Prog1ll1ll pagt pagtIiI patohi
Fi Iimy fly mill fOI Ca AllllllilUIlhlliit AllllllilUIlhlliitfOl mtn11im bnilt bniltclts
clts far limo Lo Iuaiv ill trophy i Ill Illtlh enhits
hits hitsI tlh
1111111 I or lent No al f
lime automatic tape 1IIIIIIimilig mud timing uppnrotus I11P lUtll will ho a
J JOnllllolillt tmm
IIImldoI1 pits idod tIlt pt0ide mud curs hto keep IP oil time COUIII J JIWS
Onllllolillt mm aeeoutit 01 IIIlI 1lIl1llitiDI of the 1I1Ih north of Dntollll Daytonarites
rites will Iw run 11011I the tutu hllll Imunso 1I lllllhwlIlll III lucase CIElO thuwind tho willll i 1
iH from time south n tht they y will fillish ilL time plllh house houseIhe I ij I
1111 I oierIrnplry iel lIIIhr lll will 110 rte liS followH from thoeluh tho 441 a aI1otse
hOllse to till I O 1 1Ilmis pllstj Iltst to post W 10 0 POkl O clllb house Jlf JlfThis i i
This IJIoglUIII iK Huhjtlt 10 dllwgo nt time lliHcretioll of the thereferee j jlcfllen
referee mid II III I oficinls oficinlslimo llllil II 111 111lho 11 i i iE
limo Pllhlh pit hit is IIIgell 10 keep 01 nil the speeding beach
Eo JI 1 RIEOI President F E O A 1 A t trFfKM hi hiJf
rFfKM Jf i fMMIrM f f
0 0IiS1i
hiss Lettio I OhllHOlI nf 1011 01 01all Ortinge
all tinge iH visit jug hot sister I 1I Irs Irs1lIiI is isI
I 1lIiI nnIy LOllS ill the Ollllnllli c0tmao c0tmaol OUII t tL
l L II UIIIII wHo tutu 11I11 dllughtlJl of ofChirnRo ofhicngo
ChirnRo commit 1111 011 I limo ho IUllIWh IUllIWhIIOPl hmmmuihllopt
IIOPl from litIlSIiII today IlIdll mud mudwill 111111will
will spend Ito week heru heruTho I
Tho launch HqllllUie 11111011 II II1Iell by byirod
1Iell Conriul Cnn1llclllllCl ntttl Fred Siva IH has hasJecn hasbeen
been Jecn Icpuilltell anll revarnished illlwll by byhits h hChIlH
ChIlH hits Mdonllili She iH so n nmuhihlp0oyod mlwll mlwllimploncl
imploncl thlll old I river JI IIIIHI 110 lIut lIutIecngn hetrccoguian
Iecngn rccoguian i 1I hot IWIHholilT hotShormlt
HholilT lulUCI rlllolts that tIll tIllcrrJd thecrowl
crrJd was very cllllelly A 1 fOIl fOIlenmjllnilllK faireonldahmts
enmjllnilllK wvno IIO rondo IWelllHII 1 ecrmiso eu euhides 11 11hieles
hides worm kept off the 1itlIch limit ImtlIen limiteven
lIen these tow wCle 1I11111n in i 1111 n Plensant pllas pllasant
ant mnnner
limo 1 It I 0 A A Clllh lcslnll1lIIt lcslnll1lIItWIIS 1 1provisInns
WIIS Iihlnnll IihOPnlly pahoui1cll nud the thopreJisiOlIR ji
preJisiOlIR nllIIly oil sold Bottm BottmlleparntiollH lktterPrepart1tions
lleparntiollH will 110 mado for tn tnIIIOII toImnltn1Y
IIIOII Imnltn1Y 11I111 KIIIICOlIiIlH tlnYK tlnYKaIlY IitlyMlimy
limy aIlY of thin hotels mire fall to mm overlloiiing
flowing fir h null MI w ldonrlmlll ldonrlmlllof 4 4of
of Ii tllHitI0 ivero 110 not successflll ill iiiohlaiung i 1 1ohtllillillH
ohtllillillH rllUI1IH until time WII 11 11N J z zNiws
N Niws I lulollol illtolvencil and HeCIII sedumed
pel mums for them fit rho CI rnnd I Ipel j llj 1 I IAtlllItw t tUuumliu
AtlllItw dim dimAhktrmaa I It
i iAldulmlill
i14 i14Riehmmnd
Aldulmlill Bernard 1 Hhllll1 of
HidIIllOlIlI a Vn has taken up guar 41tll 41 4tors
tors tll at HlhmilltH Villa fir M Sehnlt1 Sehnlt1is
is hot timid of the snorting speedy i Ii Iinnhw t tnlllol1 °
nlllol1 aK 111 had 11101111 Kenn a tmincl of nil rI1 1 1 1kiwis I I Ikmuds
kiwis of wild willllJJsltl beasts ill time fit flllllOIlH ntoims II IIBustmk
Bustmk wild iI1 animal show II j jI jlit
I i
Mason Wall Company CompanyHave
Have the Largest Stock of ofCrockery + q
l lCrockery
Crockery Glass Enameled Enameledand j jand
and Tinware TinwareIN w 1
l lIN
1 1 Prices Cant Can t Be Beat r r
i ittJY
d n yf yfrwli0Lr07
rwli0Lr07 ttJY iQ