OCR Interpretation

The Daytona daily news. [volume] (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926, January 25, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93063916/1905-01-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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+ I + It1ltiffltfllllf kitlfflEltitfi tf ifttflt ElOl + if ifw
This Space belongs to toDR toDR
i i > Ii < ii < i < < iiI iiIi iiIocal
Coca ocal eaecoscowo eaecoscowoclurelles Jalelrloscopo I
i in
n i iJlcIureliel
JlcIureliel ollJally of sally oClfe In n l7aylona lJay mt and Vlclnlly elms elmst
t i f if I
i ifi U iw
CIIIII Clut ly tonight IIhOWCIt to tounnron
1111111l1W unnron1ho I
Tho Butler cottugo au the l river riverfront el elfront
front Goodall is nearly completed completedDr
Dr HOllghton the well known knownIhntist knowndentist
dentist iR in the ci city to sce the theIos theraces
races IosCOlltmctor racesContractor
Contractor Dnrdick is erecting a a1Iieo anicu
1Iieo collage on Pine street Goodall GoodallflJl
flJl Irs Livingston LhillgstonSo
So S X Haley and wile nrookl Brooklyn BrooklynN n ny
N y alo gutstsof guests of E D Lallgwor Lallgwortlt
tlt thy who is a relative re1atie1Ie relativeBev
1Ie Bev W W Jones pastor of St StIllkes Stlalkei
Illkes s Baptist Church in East EastJocksollilIe EastJacksonville
Jacksonville is in the citytIho city cityAt
At The Parkinson are registered registeredIS
Mrs IS A H Ioalrar and Mis 1is Hortense HortenselIulllmnon HortenseItobnnnon
lIulllmnon of Kinderhonk N r rrs YMrs
Mrs rs J W Vrinker finkel wife of Jno JnoW Jnovlinker
W vlinker fillkcl n well known banker of of1t of5t
1t Louis and daughter ale at The TheIt rholtidgetyood
idgoood idgooodW It
W U Russell of Hartford Ct CtIII CLhas
III has arrived to spend another winter winter11e1C winterhere
here As of yore 010 lIe is registered at atTho atlho
Tho Hidgewood Hidgewoodamucl RidgewoodSmnuel
amucl D Jordan clerk Circuit QircnitCourt CircuitCourt
Court accompanied by his wife ar arlhed arrived
rived yesterday an and will remain remaillIlndng remainduring
during the races raccsr racesMr
Mr r and Mrs I rri P S McKennnn Ic KcnullI and all1It and1l
1l It alII and I Mrs h8 John Mcn McReynolds McReynoldsprominent lIolth lIolthIlolllillellt
Ilolllillellt ClovclalldolH are register llgistcltd
td at ntIho The HidgowoQ1 HidgowoQ1lIalWoml RidgUWOo1Ilnrwood
lIalWoml RosRer a broker from fromIatksonvillo flumJ
J alksollville arrived today and Ild will willIisit willvisit
visit hi his friend Neville Clark dUI dUIillg during
illg the great lacing events on Daytlron Day DayIOlla
IOlla beach beachIt
It 1 The nidgowood are registered legi8toredIirk
1 V Kirk 1ll11la 0 I Sherwood SherwoodOW
New OW York n N Gordon Atlanta Atlantai
U i fl Crawford N E Graham and andJ
J Sloan Pittsburg PittsburgJ PittsburgJudge
Judge J and Mrs R B Archibald Archihald1IIIIIIheir
1IIIIIIheir 1111 their niece 1iss Ethel Brown BrowlIlIill Brownwill
will splln spend this week at Daytona aud audotltcr 0111other
other points along the east coast coastallllwill coastnntl
nntl allllwill twill probably take ill the auto autoIIIJhile automaile
IIIJhile aces here hereG
A G 1 Hutchinson n well known kuowniglll knowniga
< < iglll manufacturer of Cleveland CleelandlIeeomplluied Clevelanduccon1panied
lIeeomplluied Ly his wife are guests glle8tFoC
oC the Hidgewood Mr Ir IJutchill Ilutchinson
son has just returned from Iom Cuba Cllimwhele Cubawhere
where he went to lay in n supply of oflear ofleaf
lear tobacco tllhaecotSOIIenlr tobaccoSouvenir
Souvenir postal cards of 22 22111t08 22111t08Lillo 11105 11105Lino
Lillo up Oil the beach and 111 tnauy tnauyother a II IIother
other scenes at McFaddens Shell Shell1I01lt Shellfloat
float opposite the bank 202t 20 t
C L Duhll anti wife II i ft of New Newrmyran 111 111Smrllln
Smrllln IIII ed II this morning III III 1tlead
lead the 1lS 1lSA rasesA
A look III the lInrendan llg register registershows sIII sIII8hOI
8hOI shows j HbI silly glllls lIgiStlId there IhlIISltnl thereSaturday
Sltnl Saturday < la IIlId 01111urty JUlt Oil O Sllltdll SllltdlltWsllIII Sunday SundayjVtsrii
jVtsrii tWsllIII ily CII energetR Ollllg youngSVOnnm Ollllgwomlln
womlln position liS ll1Il1panlllll Ad Addre Aldress
dre dress 1 I lox i I Ilaylona 11I lollll f 6 6D
D II lingsllllll R 1 WOIho WOIhoII IVoebnys IVoebnysII
II Gould Nov I fork M I S 1erner 1ernerPittsburg CIIICI CIIICIPittshmSj
PittshmSj neo 11 lilkIlUI FlIlIk
11 1 1irlmm Jlainfiehl N y 1 I F Flcrc I IPercival
lcrc Percival II lIoslon W 1 P Whllltoll 11hi8rtonGroton WhllltollGIotOI1
Groton la811 are guests of The TheDeghllllld he
Dcspllll1 DeghllllldBest <
Best views IOIS of the racing IIlall111l08 IIlall111l08and
and IIClk lit lIaCIti tlldio eppositeY8yht or orpasite
pasite positeY8yht Ylllht Clull it
11 1 E G trnber Ill bel II member of the thefirm thefirm
firm of Tho G iruber Ill bo Jlurris olli 8 lIlIld lIlIldwnre 1101x11tvaro
wnre Co J J L lo1lIlIOII UUIU UUIUagel ntaualter
alter for Swift 1l Co o Incksoi Incksoiil1j Incksailvine
vine il1j Jn01uox Jno KIIOX IIloold Ilcokly uj ii Chas leis J Jnogcls IRogers
Rogers IRlksollilc II Jo F cllllllz Schultzltichnbnul cllllllzHich
Hich ltichnbnul mOI1l I 1110 III HdIlIl SclnuilIts lIt1I fills fillsFor illa illaFOI
For rest or Hall lie new cottages 011 011Secolld onSecond
Second AoFlIllIifJhcd 1val muishctl with bath bathroom ballii balliiroom
room hot turd IIIIIllold cold IIlIltH Peron Peronheat
heat in allloolUs ell roams IIICJII Ingnho Io of Oco OcoF I cu cuF
F drown HidgeorJllawl Itillge voud nnll 1I11 A eve eveli 0 0Ii
T 11 r l1oilllSidl li tiiside Chicagll ilrs 1 111 1 1J IJ1icmcr
J J1icmcr Hicmcl llrs hl A L ilib hb CJO CJOlalll1 Cluve Cluveland < <
land U Iclllllglin New < II Rochelle HoehelilX
X y 1 1f r A I Itballes lhod Illdiallapolis luuiu11lsdisltis
ltis 118 S ChlistlllllH lI 1 I Pi Iike k lisH l isF
F 0 Pikl P1 k liss Ii lIlIfold raw IiiI lrs J JIi J JII
II 1Jcalllle llIIlIlIlInol1I Intl nnnngn IIIC guests gllCHtHor
or Ilw Bennett lIolillellLIIiteJold Bennettc
c LIIiteJold stol alch 011 till tillhCllch tItobeach
beach near the 0111I01111 11111 Finder Findolwill Finderwill
will be libllIlI liberally IcIIarded h by return returning letllrning
ing to the ofiico of tile COlolllllllles COlollllllllesHotel Colonnadeshotel
Hotel Illitillls on lIatch liS 511 H C CJ
lit litJ a
J 1 11 SlclJlcts line mid I wife Goshell GoshellInd Goshculit1
Ind J S Perkins J L Jfclaiiel JfclaiielJennings car i l lJenllings
Jennings Fin S P Olilfillhl and alldwife andwife
wife 1itchclilIePu 1 W Linba LinbaIIncl Liusay Liusayand
and wife Chillicotlw 1 P 1 DellI DellIan Dewey Deweyand
an and < l wife CIdl 0 1 are guests ff ffThe bfThe
The fables J1IJlcsThe fablesIlio
The IIpplOlch to Seahloeze avenue aenuolIa avenuewas
lIa was ill a fearful condition owing to tothe tothe
the great depth or loose sand This Thismade lidsmade
made it almost impossible for loll lollgeared lowgeared
geared machines to go 111 and down downanti downand
anti quite II test fur heavy touring touringcars
cars It WH thoroughly cleaned cleanedOllt
out Oil 1JIIjny however11hiloin however hOIIeerWhilo
Whilo 11hiloin in Iiytnila fil ttna rend the thoNEW theNOW
Special reports from all the Will Willtel IVinter
tel Resorts and news from every everywhere eer eerwhero
where On sale at Clarks and andDulllcs andBarnes
Dulllcs Ftuuls t II1cJS Fri Frii
0 0o
o 0 wi cl clC
o 1 6 i or lu 0
j > i
0 7 1f f 0 0r
1 1j y r 0 00 eRapid a 0a
I I1
1 A Ai
i Rapid and Progressive is Science of Photography PhotographyThe i iThe
The advance In lbotograJlblc uielhudd lII thud hM beau L ll cOllshlornhl rllltloJ rllltloJtbe i ithe
the last few yents II IOU would satisfy lItl r yourself otmllf or tlil KO tll the Kodak hodilkPlace KodakPlace
Place one block uth or Central IIrld Hrldgo o IItlll eco the Mt Ihutogrllph 1 or orOrmond 1 1a
a Ormond Daytona and vicinity vlclnltHENRY 4 4HENRY
General Outdoor Photographer PhotographerI1ouhaye i ii
i Ifyou I1ouhaye bape A goduktry od 1ktr U8 with your 8nl Auleldng hlng lYe Vo aim to plea please e you you111i1MM I Iti
111i1MM ti INNiM iliilNliH1 11111 + i io
C Cf
f A N ojf < 0 r
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1I + + + + + + + + + + + + M MTMI + + + +
Nab t
Stockings are a boon to tosnap toI toRLJOLVLDI
THftT to tired mothers and a aVHqLOHVTJAW
it itI itt1UnR
VHqLOHVTJAW I t1UnR aR WN snap for the boys and andgirls andgirls
1IIEi girls girlsI girls1IIEi
I i7 f p New stock just in inTHE
C Peck Foster Proprietor Proprletorrj ProprietorDAYTONA
j j j DAYTONA FLA FLAOlothing FLAClothing
Clothing Shoes and Gents Furnishings
M a < + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
P 1Ur D II roam rllllIll1h fnrnlNba
or lent en t
a Ill hlll huuNt IWI IWIIt1 nrni nrniHidgena0d
Hidgena0d It1 glWUIH1 olllhnll on rntlyu w 1110111 ce 1111111 RlectrleIlghtN 1111111IIltht
IIltht tll II 111 JllmI hili bath II 11111 all 11111111111 11111111111h taoIrrIIh1Pravenltut
h h1Pravenltut lIlIelllllIl Ilvlrvthlbriii I 1111 hiliA tltII 11111 11111ln I1Irlrcnsnltibte
rcnsnltibte ln lIlIlIhll Require IICJuII IIf I II I Itllhr 11nthyuuitmrnr ItllhrIIIIUIII
IIIIUIII uuitmrnr I fend 11011111111111111 Itunbcr lo I
I lntist Icntist11ill > lntisthill
11ill uIHtl hill ol1ieo In the Opelll OpellllInllSI OpenIlousc
lInllSI 11I1I1i nl Iavtoia lonl ollTn1 on Jtul Iii
II Mi1M 111 + hh II + I + IHHHH + IIHHIIIIIIIIII + I + IIIII + H + H HAn
An hhAn Old Favorite FavoriteTHE
1 + + + 1 + 1111 + 111 + 10 10THE
By FeUcla D Ilemena IlemenaJ lIem an anCOME
COME 1 cOliIII 1e hall 11111 11I1 11I1I 11I1II luug
I COIIII 011 III ho 1II11l1l1lnlllH with llIhl and HOII HOIIYo snag
Yo may 11I11 Irllld m sap h 1 1Ilr 111 IIi1111111 IIIlh earthii
11 the IIlnd whllll tdl of Ihl lh11I vi Irts 1 IIlh > IIlhII
3 J II Ih Iho primreYU lrlmr I suns llll III IIII sIiitp hllhl y grass KruMMII
I iI II U 11b4 green turves t epe0hig II us I pnx III IIII s
I tltllI hrltllIll un tilt seam lIlh and the IIi u hl8111111 lIower IluwereIts
Its 11 IhlllMlIlIIIM hlllI Iollr burst 1 rlIIIII the I h nit t IIUIII IIUIIIAlld bowersAnd
And tilt then11cient 1Il1IlIt IImltM nod Ih flillel flllll8 flllll8Aro nneY nneYAro
Aro vetted with wreaths no II 1111111111 IIIIIIIH IIIIIIIHlIut 110 110hut
hut 111M it I nut fr 1111 III III oty hour lIr bloom bloomTo lhI11To
To penk of the ruin vr the 111I11 111I11I nib nibI
I ho paned otr tilt hll18 tit f the Ih sternly IIIIIII Iwrlh IwrlhAnd uurhAnd
And the larch has hung ell hl8 hi IIISHIIH forth furlhTho forthrho
Tho slier I is out on thl iii sums HIli HIliAnd HtnAnd
And the rflndcer bounds IhrllllII Ihi asture tree frceAnd treeAnd
And the 111110 has n frlllju IIf 811rtI s ncr t 11111 11111An1 it III IIIAnd
And the IIIOIS looks bright where III HIt11 hlill begirt lJeenI
I IlIIvo lent through the wnnilpdhs IIII < ll1l1lhH II lllIlh rhrh rhrhAnd h h hAnll
And cllllod out each vulce IIlel of thu 11 d1 < ep 1 111111 rh rhFaun I IFrllI1
Faun Ihe night birds 1 lay thruagll Ih HIMII tune thnIII tuneIn
III the groves ot the Stitt Ilrsprrol IIhlll rltnusT
T 10 the 8wnn8 wild IIIItl by h the Ih Irekuul IIHI lake lakewhen
When the dark nr IlOligh hen verdure 111111 IorolIhH IorolIhHFrom braksFrom
From the 81rellml nail founts I hn mr II I orrd I rile Awls ImlaThey AwlsThey
They arc IVcfplng on to the slivery 1I1r lIIah umhThey lIIahThe
The They are 1I08hllll II0Wli flolll till rn mcmarln IIIIII11I hroll hrollIllcy
9 hey lire IIIngll11 Rllrll UII the rUIlH tires bi I IThey
Thl They are hllr bnrsllu lllilt g rrl fresh h rttlil Ihdr Iart ii rry IIIU IIIUAnll n vv vvAnd
And the corlll resounds wllh till p 11 or u + 1111 1111Como oceComo
Como forth 0 ye 0 ehllllrrn tit 11lIllIrllH 1011I0 1011I0Whcro rntno1Vhero
Whcro the violets III 11I 11111 ho IIIIW your lIIlr home homeYe 11111111Ya
Ya of the rosr ro lc1Iek mid IItIVIII111 dew brtght Il IlAnd eye eyeAnd
And the bounding foolHlclI tll meet 11I1 IIIvlth II IIWith
With the lyre and tho wnlIth wren tIt aunt Ihu JUIIUS IA IACome lay layu
Come forth to the IUIIshlnl J t11111l 11111 1111 u t ahl sln1 sln1Away 3I 3IAway
Away tram the dwellings of IlIrllIrll rii into intorho 1I1l1ICho
Cho wolrrl are Ipnrl epnrklitig < lIlIg III wuud and Ulan UlanAway Iell IellAway
Away from the clnulIlJlr nod daslt3 IIIHII Illullh IllullhChe hIiIIiThe
The youule leaves aru tndng 111111111 III brcrzy nI7 11I11111 11I11111Chclr nihlhlTheir
Their IIlIht st items ms thrill tll thu welt 111011 wou t slrul slrulAnll rtrulru rtrulruAnd
And youth Olllh Is abroad III m my greed domilin domilinlIut dotnnlnsbut
but yet lpl 1a are change1 sillco ye 0 mel me Jut JutA mittA
A shodo of cllrlh has been 11111111 1 you 01 cast cRRIrherij castThera
rherij Is that rurne aver 3uur Ullr brow tad eye eyelyhlch O OWhich
Which 1I1I1111s of u world where the lit Mowers Intuit dieYu die dltYo
Yo untie but your smile hull 1 a dlmn dlmuuss HI yet yetOhl I IObI
ObI what haVII ye Ie looked 1111 Hlnce hut wu metYe met metYe
Ye arc changed ye are cnngrdt chllnl 11 and I see co not hereAll here hereAll
All whom I saw In the vanished year yearThcro cnr cnr1hero
1hero were graceful IwodH with their rlnglt bright LrlhtWhich brightWhich
Which touod In the breeze with II 1lny of liGht liGhtThero IlnmThere
There were Onl In wholo Kllttenlng laughter 1 1No lay layNo
No taint remembrance ot dull decay IlccolThere decayThere
There were lepI that flew pw ocr the cowslip headAs head hondA
A As If for a banquet all earth were spread sprondThere spreadThere
There were voices that rung through the nplhlre aky akyAnd Ilk IlkAnd
And had not n eound sOIlIl < of murllllll rnortulllyAre murllllllAre
Are th they gone 1 a their II1lrlh rrum ram the green huh s paM4 paM4Ye pauedtYe
Ye have looked on death HIIII ye 0 met me last In81I lastI
I know whence the IIhlllow lom comes 8 ocr ye C now nowYe nowYe
Ye have strewn the duet 01 tl1f sunil shinty II brow browYe row rowYe
Ye have lIven the lovely tll the IMIII embrace embraceShe miltIceSho
She halh taken the fairest tit I 1RlltyS race roocWith raceWith
With their IIIUlhlng DnS and their tutnl crown crownThey crownThey
They IIrlone are gone from amongst you ou In 811cnee down downlrhey downThey
They 1110 gone from amongst you 011 the Ilrlllhl and tall tallYa fairYo
Ya have lot the gleam of their 8hlnlnR hair hnlrBut hair13ut
But I know of a worlll where there fnlll no blight hllghtI
I holl and them there with their eyee y of lightWhero light lightWhero
Whero death mh18t the blooms ot Ihll morn mOl dwell lwelJI
I tarry no lenllertllruwell longer faruweil fllrlwelll fllrlwelllThe
The lummcr II hastening 011 soft winds borne borneYo
Yo may preal pro the grape ye J Inn many hind Ind the corn cornFor cornFor
For me 1 depart tD a brlllhl r shore shoreYe horeYa
Ya ore marked by IJ care ye e era mine M more moreI
I 10 where the loved who have left I rt you dwell dwellAnd dwellAnd
And the flowers arc not dlIthHfore ye a well tartwelll
W P Chaflo nllfl wire 0 n Tcl1 Tcl1amI Terry
amI wife Now 111 York Ynrk1 T M lIa 1layit 1I alld aulwife alldwife
wife Sl Lnlliri Mrs fIs J W harper IfllrJlerWCRI harperNest
Nest lalll1 Bench G 11 I Silllp Si mpanlt JII I IWotsOIl I1Vnttoll
WotsOIl 11111110 1110 tfsls IIr the theiahnetto 111ftPillmetto
Mrs Irs M 1 o Trdou fllll 011 Dalton Oa Mr MrIIlIrI Mrand
and Mrs Irfl Rufus H lultnfr Minneap Minneapolis
oliH lInll Arthur Hdliorint Clove Clovehunl ClofIlIlIrI
IlIlIrI Milton Pruitt Edinburgh and andh Indi IndiE
E H BrqwlI CnlllmlluH Ohio Hiss HissMlye Ii s sHo
Mlye Ho N Y are at the Ht James llIm < s
Toiler Waters and Perfumes PeriumesROQer
ROQer S Gullets I Iludnuts ColgatesRickseckers COlgates COlgatesHickseckers
Hickseckers 1 Pinauds PiveysAlways Piveys PiveysAlways
Always on hand at the theAtwood theAtwood
Atwood Pharmacy PharmacyPbone
Phone Uti it IAXWErL HANKINS I NKINS1roprietr lroprletor
YN Charming Enough If
I Ir IpllII
pllII lhHlgh WWII 111IIp enough Tlds Ili a + > ay 1 1or
1 or our 011Toilet ourToilet
Toilet Preparations PeparntionsIIfllI
Whir yon 011 hlll hatexauiincllthem IXlllllltlld 111111I 1 ttnndtlInlil rl I
11111 of lIIalIlS tulle hnlll1 ern rnittai11rd in m1 Nt ch IJI IJIWell
11 Well yenr rnigt llILI IIf selrrtiou olI will hI allindtiI 11hill hi I II
thse I hi IItlidl nil hole ill PI Inirt I tlllit altllal tllur dlll to toItnll isreally
really Itnll mare than whet III rluuge 111111 for I lit iii 1111
IIII hnyecveiy111ingcnn lIg 11111 tunld expect 10 hind ilt 1111 liP liPlodllll 1 t tluthnle
lodllll 1JIlt Itnq SIIII SIIIIBurdines
rY rYBurdines t t1cIiJ
1ili Burdines Pharmacy PhllrmacyI h
1cIiJ I O Hench St I r rf
f i
1 I Dlc1dison a Innmineat 1I1 I HII HIIlimolcnn it ittimorean
limolcnn is rcsistolcII 01 1111 Ilillgl ilidglttvno0l
tvno0l 101 101C
C p 1 Oliver loft tOtlll today 1 rll r hah hahay IlhIIa
IIa ay N N1 r where his IIIothlI IiIs IiIssrilltlld liisseriously
srilltlld seriously ill illn illNo
No n 8 Ihl green hictiles nun 11111Iho nunthe
the 1IOIIIII of II 1 1 Shallll 4hnnley iK IIII IIII1I111lllillo thenuahi8o
1I111lllillo whih 1111110 Ihu wrrhls wrrhlsrecord d 11 11lIronlof
record lIronlof of 311 IIIIIIIt Instt yea Ial I 1111I1 this li 1a1 1a1Ill iv ivemi
Ill hy 11nl1 111 1 lnullrrhiltlr lnullrrhiltlrIsaac lIlIdPIhilt Ia IaIlIa1l1
Isaac If BllllltlIlIlll 01111 oC II IImammoth aInntnntnth
mammoth pl prilitiug pln11t in Ne8 Ne8fork II IIYork
York ho legiritllcllllt tit Seluuidls 1hllll < lll VU VUIn iI iIIn
In lir h Blanchard i is accmupanied accmupaniedby
II by his aifo Ifo 11I11 tutu aughlol Hiss HissGrncn lis lisGraco
Graco Blanchard Ylslollln Yesterday the thoparty theparty
party visited the allloll1ohilo dllil dllilh01l80 el11bhouse
house nod WOIO so wellpleolle1 ttell pleased with withthe withthe
the hospitality HxtlllIletl t thong turd turdtilt
tilt geniality IJllialil of its IIIIJlllhels that tlUltMr thatDfr
Mr Blllnclmril tiled IIn application applicaliollror
for l 11I011I lenlber14htp lenlber14htpJohn bel8h i p pJohn
John AloxlIlllor Now haven Ct CtMro itMrs
Mrs Enoch TmhalU hiss l ElIlI ElIlILexillgtoll inty intyiexington
Lexillgtoll 1 Ky iI 1 1 YOllllg MrH MrHlcarg i1 is isIenrgic
lcarg tI HpartlH 1 1111110 YOllllg YOllllg111I 1111 hg hgFrankfurt
111I Frankfurt II keo It l Iy y J r1I lh 1I01lltol I Hilt IlutIntld I IImltl
Imltl Vt Mr i1 r 11111 1Iis Irs r 11 1 dais daistoy IIII
10 toy littHhllrg Ir h r mill llrs hH I to Alfurri140n A AMOIIilillll
MOIIilillll Nol IIIHIJ lcrsny il lls 1111 J JIt I
1 It Silllptlll Jlrs lrF A t W Neal n l 1 1NUIII INoel >
NUIII OllllOllllj W V WIrlIkR IIOHlolI Ilnstnnleo I
00 W Vluliny 111110 1111 turd < 1 wife r D 1 Im ImHOIIH
HOIIH Sprillgfinhl MlIss ChaH ChaHIIIChluIJlOIIIIO A AIlllchlohrowuo
IIIChluIJlOIIIIO IItHI wife anti hiss iHS iHSgUa
gUa 1 ttn Mlldllnhlllwllt Dluddabrotyue19tlsbnrg iUHhlllt Ia IemO Ianr1ro
nr1ro mO rcrell < < lmlllllivaIH arrivals8tIhoolnituIII lit Iht lIlnnllllIfH lIlnnllllIfH1h N NPlitt
1h Plitt CIlIlIlIc1ol1 shows the CIIllolI fullotting CIIllolIillg
illg Oil Sunday Will I 1 ulluls IdllorsJuck14011ViIIt1Iiss ullulsJllcksllIvillt
JllcksllIvillt Juck14011ViIIt1Iiss liss TIIIIIOII COIIOIl COIIOIlMo CoueniiiMu
Mo Miss 11 1 A Moore New JJIIP JJIIPChlls lersey lerseyChits
Chits W 11luto 11110 1l1ckllollvill 11x 11xamid Ia Iaall
all amid < 1 lrH LouiH H Clllrk lark dlillrclI dlillrclI11I111 ohiI Melt Melttend
tend gOOIIICH HarIColll feat 01111 a1l A
1 McComh W C EVIIIIH I vais Aii Mdll1ow Mdll1owPII Iii no nol1
PII Mr Ill1l and Mlslilbert MIH JillwlL H COWIIII COWIIIILou Cowan1ouisvillo
Lou 1ouisvillo willo Iy y Hnidoll Kennedy KennedyNow Ilmlwtl IlmlwtlNow
Now Jersey JorRe Jo 11 T H Ornell 1 reel Ellgellu EllgelluCllrley EltgelliLiarloyIandl
Cllrley LiarloyIandl londl IIXnH Visit 11 l fo foKaJlow I IKarlow
KaJlow DII lJnllns 11 1111 Tux JOHN III llliii llliiiworth i IIgs IIgsworth
worth Ollio Darwill Davill Jlallliiv JlallliivEdwin BJoho BJohoEdwin
Edwin T1iest J 1iellt DallnH lalhtsFox lalhtsFoxB lux luxB
B Halsten < < I foighllJlI Baxter lIaxlelNorfolk BaxterNorfolk
Norfolk Va W V I JoU wife IIlId IIlIddlilI itudchild
child MemphiH Penn A II Ihlt Ihlttenegill
t ncgill < 11rs rrs Emma IIIt1ollogill IIIt1ollogillAnn
Ann Arbor liclt 1 W HUlldllol Sudhietwife HUlldllolwifo
wife and cllildlell Springfield III IIIMr II IIMr
Mr and Mrs Ihnyel Chiengo Miss MissJrifrth liHHGriffith
Griffith IIIHiViIle Mr 11 and Jlrs JlrsIf IH Jo JoII
II Gilbert Now Jorllo Jorsoy j W O Ito 1111lair Itolair
lair Jacksonville O J WIIVII WIIVIICillcillnati 1VricverCincinnati
Cincinnati urn nt thin JlllallfJIH 110 110tel Ilntel
tel Sellhrce1c Sellhrce1clho
The Seaside TIlII hits tl1l1lo teen InUItlecillod teendecided
decided ImprovemolltH ill ill Ilwil lintel hnlnlnnd lintelaJ1el
nnd this year th they < have alrled tWIIU tWIIUty ttvnuty
ty now 1II lage o roomH III 1110 Jorth tlnrthfacing Jorthracing
racing the beach mail ere now being IJIillJlfitted beingfatted
fitted with new furniture thrmigiiouttheir throughout throughoutlheir
their rcgiRler shows the following followingrecant followillgrecellt
recant arrivals g lhomliIlHon ITlaomlinsonKasbo II lhomliIlHonKaHlIO
KaHlIO n 0 W N Clark Clarklr J r J JJJ 1L
JJ JammiH New York Ocorgo Ford Forelalld Fordand
and wife New 1Iflrlleallgh Md MdMildred MdMildred
Mildred Lane IrK C Jr Georgo GeorgoAnn GcorgeAnn
Ann Arbor Mich lich Mr and Mrs MrsHoover 110 1101I00er
Hoover Vellio U hoover Aory
0 James H Fry IIntl son Mary MaryDrosto lIrJ lIrJDroste
Droste PiUsburg K r Lowry 10111 and IIl1dwife andwife
wife Kansas City Mu Io Mrs IrH G 1 1Mugon J JMURon
MURon New Jersey H 1V Ba Baum Baumand m man
an and wile Indial1ola 111i Ilh Mrs 111 Sarah SlIruhStewart SarahStewart
Stewart Dnnville 11 Jo T 1 1111111 1111111bIen Ilunblon
bIen Lansing Midi Midit4000 Micht4000
t4000 souvenir souvenir postal car cards s nIl nIlnewviofs allnowvietvs
newviofs JU just t received at Mdad Mdaddens Mcladdens
dens Shell Boat opposite the Bank
A lood Show 1 1fhellmnagcllteutofioitnlls
i istuds
fhellmnagcllteutofioitnlls 1111 1011011 Mitt I ill ill1I1111Plr
studs tolheived 1I1111Plr I iilla ill the 1111aIIiIIlllIwUt j4 j41111allglIlnnt ΒΌ r
aIIiIIlllIwUt Ilf Ihlil IIIII Ii
pall NItllug thus thi SIal1l1 Iltklr IltklrIho iproducts
the edict < I11l of 11 10111 ruulpatir Ia 111 111of I If Ifof
of ul nlinsUrls perforuIil II a aaIIll uIlonrr
Ilonrr Jethi l buvn aIIll IIr il InlIi I I IelII
elII III w tyilltol lltOI IWOII aud il Ita 11 11dOllllllS I Ielnh hl
elnh + noloI dOllllllS lhnne 1s 10 ehllllne I 0n all allisl I Iislir
islir isl h runnuullut inn The rlnnpoty 1 1nod r
nod Iho eusttinting a ttte 1 ui ilIiy I I IIhl ispetIIiI
spetIIiI IIitItllnli hue ts 111 111I II IItit1110il
II IIallllll t
allllll I III ill Iho I II 111111111111 Iuslnlll lo IOIII II IINIOr IIH
NIOr H of LOllill XI 1 I pearl gray Iar wtiiii wtiiiitrouts al1I r rIpatll
Ipatll kllll1 hauls 11111 tlllil plllli I11iii salill i t tOxrordri 1 1Oxfnrds
Oxrordri Iho end men tttl 11111 i 1111 rvv11iug 1111illlt
illlt cress hl snits of coris0 oriS satin the thearubeNtrll
ordllII1I stills or Hlcd glII grey satin I J Jnlill i i iamid
amid the 11I111I1IllIt < I II eoshnna 01 II IIwhihl i i iviiite I
whihl Hili satin ill hl IlIlho the distant e I risus risusthe sl l
f fIho
the splendid Hp1 < 1IIc1hl hotel Iune 111111 ill 1m ff e i j jI
I feolt 011 unlid 1111 I d II plufttsIUII III ItIW glrg1Ills I I11010111 I
Ills tllpieaIIlowers 11010111 SI t lugnstirlt lugnstirltRecorI II IHlillt I
lItOlll 11 11The tithe
The Marguerite nr lIerlte Here HereIr
Dr1 Ir J 1 11 JoIIIIIHOII of tall itt lIIPn ote ote8rlIki
8rlIki nvn 10 1111111 111113 Filiridiall Ila huts I
tirrivu aIl II11 011 liollld his 11 new yiohl lIlhl th Ihu Ihullnlgnlet II I t sl sltirrivu 1 1aIl I III
llnlgnlet II I jIlln IIho
Iho Ihug1rot iH II llotisi 11C1I1Hollltal llultl mel 1 i i ityIIN
11111 rccntly hili built It III I Ihu hI yardN 1 III 1 I 1Ihu 1 I I IIho
Iho llnriuu llIl llu ClIlIHIlllItill1l CII o Nlaltll SlnlenIsh1u1
IHIIIIIII fur III Ell IJnitelsnn I fll1i0 II Slit III Hail Hailcd I Ied
cd front IInitillllllOIl a fete weeks IIgo 1
I Inil
01111 nil ti fOllt Itlilllilis 111111111101 PItlht PItlhthue
11 hue 1U yacht lelllIallll I unwell I a after f 111 Ili IJ hn1 11111 + r a as111s
l ltlto l lilia
101111 tllIlIglttPI tyns WII > dHiglll fl
tlto uneiar I CleillIl h lIIHllf all null iH of II itpocidim 1 1ler
pocidim ler ldllll build l lh 1 I
Shin h is hllilt h tilt like II uuul nl tvitr tvitrluiving i iIIIIillg
IIIIillg the emu lien IOI Iho heel tan tanhlid t tlaid
laid ill HOP Sepleulher 111111 hilI ntviar 1 ii iii0 I
10 flit th Ii linlulcial 111 lIi a I dif1 dillicnlties < illllil III IIII IIIIlllIpaIlY Ih1nllSllIIoiiii11
nllSllIIoiiii11 lllIpaIlY IIIlk IIIIS C I ISlipprtl t
Slipprtl Oil it fOIiglll fur eiIII uenllhs 11 1 1Ih0
1110 yacht aeht i is lint filii folly eInl I n vlint nI
I lint lilt ns I h I IIWIH dl desired I IHIIII I h III 1111111 j u4 u4South j jlilt I Iollth
South this Willlll IIl1d 1111 luslls y i idO
tr trclose
dO close J 011 Ueccnlhur 21 O ii IIIIH Will
slay lhat lie HfIII 111 tore The Thework Ihl IhlwOlk
work IIIS lillislwd 11 11I1110 After Afterleaving flll j I IImillg t
leaving hole HIIIJ will step Ill Iilll0 i iBitted
Bitted mid Iillllli rrtnruirlg IIJ III II Ilnl Ilnltinuno JI
lillllJlU ill April pdl lhn Ihnso I 1111 b suI f J rthe
the yacht apil in illllridilioll III thin 11111111 111111111I11d 7t1 t
1I11d tlw 11011 IIf t1 t11elm Illll t1 111 111rIIIIHHfllI is ishnunson
rIIIIHHfllI llrs I IVnrihiuglnn WOItll lIgfoll lies liesIli Irs IrslIltldillJ
Ili lIltldillJ MIII Will Iadi Wad e
111 1111 Hlllilli ollis 11 I < < dilltlll of If II IIill t
vingtnn ill lolI fit fitThe r rvingtnn
The vjUgIOJ Trod HUIIlnlIIIlII HUIIlnlIIIlIIOIIM 1 10wvnr
OIIM ill rill ldlollllldlI ways as 1111 1111illg Ilaying
illg hen Jfltlrllil 1ixo1 up fill the II allil IIilulIleneb allilIkiwh
ill illp0to
Ikiwh IIIPH ill whieli oI111 will rnti 1
pnlo Irsitl Irsitlhits
IIa hits Vllllols or Stntnll 1 lallol lalloly
N y 1 howl his HlIhrigilL loll HldllfaltlwllOd lollInnnolloll
faltlwllOd today III iiitIrf11umIdH III1I1Ir1H 1 boat 11 a I IlIrd IL s syard
yard lIrd h 11 Wlllloll prepaid ln l lici 1110 1110CIiglit 3K 3Kfreight
freight Oil his boat 11111 m1 is mudl pet 1111 1111Ollt tju tjuout
out 1eIlIlHO hu had lo pll pity IIga again lI lIhero qt qthere
hero here1V
W H rJJoIIIII1I1I1 mot rife ift or 1 1lithlsvillo
liltlHill will spend tll1J well ill illlJaylolll 1 1Ua3bmn
lJaylolll ll rl dllllIlIcI i is thin tlloIi j jmnnagor
Ii IIIIIlgo I of Wllllucol dllIIS and is isII rl rlI
II wdl known 11I111 J1ollullll g0liIIc g0liIIcIIIa1L oullu oullulIIall
= 13 13Here
Her and there fl1ere1oll111e1Otnro thereTomperalnro
1oll111e1Otnro for yesterday cstorla cstorlanOHlON > i t t tItOSION
nOHlON I IN 12 j jNIi
N NIi W S lOHK a a11AL111101113
UJlI 11AL111101113 IOItI 21 21Sr I Iwr
SUES it ILL 21 21DA J Ij
DA YTONA no Ijit
it itn
itJ J
r rr r

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