MIS :lv .xzws ; nwe;xjr of th tty, tjt pot moat f ; J-cfvn nature; j'ef thi moat auccaaa- THE WEATinU Fair tonight and Sunday, fresh southeast and south winds. NEW tURVlCC Intsrnattoiuit Nwa " Sarvte. United Prata. Newspaper Entarprlaa Association. MEMBER Associated Oaitlaa of Florida. Florida State Preae . Association. Southern Newspaper Publishers Assn. Advertising - Bureau, American Newepa per Publishers' Assn. HE LOW TIDES -ON THE OCEAN BEACH Today '.4:H Tomorrow '. 4:57 tha world. DAYTON A,: FLORIDA, SATURDAY. MAR. 26.; 192t 7 it Hp : ;t mm it 3T su::day PKIFCOM JAIL '( CUiea ibis season havei ; ana robberies but the 1 1 of all was reported this a it was found that the ) jt jail had been entered J It night or early today. equipment of the wire (sin a raid last Saturday, 1 l? jail. i ti ftho robbery was found 1 when Deputy Sheriff W. V o figured eo conslpcu sldfatr, visited the bastile r h high Bounding name . lock on the only door 1 ! if . Every piece of the . Corn tlib cashier's cage, 4 f and blackboards, in- elephone and telegraph wfrn to the minutest piece Biding held against the ; Cleared from the build- tl i night. t of the opinion that the (Ved last night was not sf the gang, but by per . l id that the producing of ,i srould draw- others con- te matter. The theft of nJ last night followed the ; U) Cadillac car, also tak- ra, which was removed 1 ireeze garage on MiiTou:.::.v:EiiTAT CLEAHWATEn STARTED TODAY WITH A DER3Y The Associated Press.) CLEARWATER. Mar. 2S. The National Scuthern Air, tournament opened today to continue through Monday. It brought together some of the most noted army and mvry avia tors to- contest in a series of events which will include seaplane, airplane races, bombing. .parachute drops, for mation and stunt flying. Today's fea ture was a 100-mile derby in which nine army fliers, driving DeHaviland Nleuport ami Shad machines were entered. CONEY IN PRECARIOUS CONDITION DESTROYED, NAKED FonnmuvMoir LAUNCHED UQIIDAY (The Associated Press.) QiriNCY, Mar. 26 Mr. and Mrs. V M. Corry of this city arrived ih San F"ranelco today to witness the launching Mondays of the destroyer Corry, named for their son. a naval aviator, who lost his . lifts several months ago attempting to rescue a fellow aviator whose plane was in flames. PLANTATION MAN t DENIES KILLING t t OF 11 NEGROES J - ' 4 (United Press.) $. 4. ATLANTA. March 26. John 4. 4 Williams, arrested on a charge mm of murder in rnnnotinn witH ? the probe of peonage in Georgia, 4' denied in full the statement 4! J. made by Clyde Manning, a negro, -j- f. yesterday, that they together killed eleven negroes on Wil 4 lianis' plantation in Jasper coun- ty because they were feared to J.j 4 be informers of peonage, which 4 Manning declared was being A practiced on Williams' planta- tion. when he was brought here '! 4 last night for safekeeping. 44444ix4II'z4l Conev, transcontinental aviator, who was seriously mjurea in a tan near inRAST P. STFPS I t nr tiupii in ? lUBMAKtll lfi 4 BERGDOLL CASE i J. denied in full the statement 4. OTII I AllUL 11111 IV I 1 1 i II i i i u WITH LITTLE HOPE FOR HIS RECOVERY (United Press.) NATCHEZ, Miss., Mar. 26 Lieut. MARINE WORKERS ON COASTWISE TUGS ALL WORKING BUT A FEW Bicycle Thief Is Sent Up for Six Months by Beers C'rowviiie, Ala., h3s about one chance in five to recover, attending physic ;ans said this morning. Coney was brought here for hospital attention. An Xray examination showed that Coney is suffering with a bad spinal fracture and several minor injuries. Physicians say he w'-ll live through the , day. Even if he should survive. he will be an invalid tcr life, say the doctors. He is fully conscious, talks about his flight and said he was tly'.ng ! JU ' (United Press.) 4. 4. WASHINGTON, March 26. 4 4 The United States government J' 4 Is prepared to take drastic steps J 4 to bring Bergdoll back to this 4. country trcm Germany to serve J. 4 a jail sentence, it was under- sioon lOiiay. iot ouiy ui una j 4 government continue to press i demands tnat Berguou De ae- livered up, but will request Eng- 4 laud to do so also, on .the 4 4 grounds that Bergdoll is alleged 4 J. to have forged a passpoort in 4 Canada, iu his escape to Ger .! many. ! GRAND JURY VOTES TRUE BILLS IN CASE . OF BALL PLAYERS (The Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Mar. 26 True bills aga'nst eighteen men were vot ed bv the county grand jury as the result of the second investigation of the alleged throwing of the world ser ies gr.nies to Cincinnati by White Sox players. The bills named thirteen men indicted during the first investi gation and five others, none of whom are bail players. Total indictments number 144. There are eight indict ments against each man named. NEW WAGE SCALES FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES COMING CONDITION FORMER PRESIDENT SAID TO NO TRACE FOUND OF i AIR f.lf BELIEVED LOST IN -FORESTS ALONG THE FLORIDAWEST COAST (International News Service.) PENSACOLA, Mar. 26 That tha balloon missing from the air naval . - 1. - rr.. 1 J ..1 v J 4 Ji nr lllinil llinnniirn station nere snicts luemiay umiuu iu Rl- M 1 1 1 . H I M P S II W I-11 land and the men were killed or badly UU IliUUII lllll I1W I L.U j (The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Mr. 26 Prospects ... . . 1 . V . . , . , V ' , anione marine workers on coastwise low over the Mississippi river because fix ne. stdnF,al. .g.J. tugboats is bright. Conciliator F. A. t of fogs, experienced engine trouble David wired Secretary of Labor Davisand struck a tree while descending, today that all workers have returned ! He fell 75 feet. to work except in the Norfolk district, j His mother is enroute here from - ', Jacksonville. "1 will make the flight from the Atlantic to the Pacific yet if death or permanent Injuries do not stop me,"' he said. l'?n Koss. a member of the Wear Willi class, sentenced to sis months on the chain gang, or to pay a fine of $1)0 before Justice Beers the! Friday evening, charged with stealing eang following the cap- bicycle trom ueorge vgiesoy, iu 1 evidence. Kington. -jiarance of the wiretap- According to police officials, K03? t completes all evidence la suspected of having turned two or 1 fc officers, there being three deals at second story work, and t this time in the hands j they are busy trying to gather evi - j i : i dene to prove that he was the man , . . ifriehtened from a Palmetto avenue r iif Orlando people were residence several nights ago, when his -.J . tk i,.ji.' 1..1 nlektlr DrowlSngS awOKe several mar sancx.lallir In hoar VOllUE UlUieS. o,om rMn.aral It i said that Koss hit this tltv Hk whiter with Cimers's! several days ago dfessed , in the. tis 1 fayed a season engage-! ual fashion vt those that travel via id Who. with her hus side door Pullmans or on the blinds I rts "of friends in : the ' but when arrested he showed signs of Free Lecture at Auditorium Next Tuesday Evening Coiey Cheerful (The Associated Press) ! NATCHEZ. Miss.. Mar. 26 Wth i his back broken and his body para- i Ivzed from the waist down. Lieut. Invitations are being extended by r.,nv to,iav is battline for his life in the Daytona Chamber of Commerce i the Satchel hospital. Physicians sa'-d to tne spcaKing at tne Auauorium ho nad abfn,t one chance ra ten for Tuesaay evening by W . F. Brenn.an. recoverv and tbht hl3 condition is of the National Cash Register com-. vfry serious Coney remained cheer pany, entitled "Getting the Most Oiitjful Bnd pxprpg,, ,ne nope that he of Retailing." , would vet be able to mako the flight The Associated Pretp. "WASHINGTON. Mar. 26 A bill to ernment employes will be one of the first, measures to obtain consideration at the approaching session of con gress. Salary- scales in general win be raised, according to plans, but wages for several classes of employes may be reduceJ. (The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Mar. 26 Former Reed, instructor of President Wilson is recovering from the attack of indigestion that he suf fered yesterday, Dr. Grayson said to day, after visiting the former chief executive. He is still upset and con siderably weakened by the attack but i speedy recovery is expected. He was up at the usual hour this morning and breakfasted with Mrs. Wilson. He may take a motor ride thi8 afternoon. Benefit for the Erection of Marker for Soldier Boys Under the auspices of the Abigail j Bartholomew chapter of the D. A. It. a marker is to be placed m Burgoyne Park. In honor of the soldier boys 01 School Children Are Found to Be U nder -Nourished njured or marooned in the swamps j along the Calhoun or Bay county coast was tne theory auvancea ny uieur- meteorology at the station today after a study pf weather conditions Tuesday night. Reed platted the eourse of the bar loon'sts and does not understand' how the aeronauts could have ventured tin sea in the teeth of fresh southerly winds pervailing. ' A dirigible this morning left with sufficient staying power to remain more than a day over the forests to search for the missing a.'rmen. Tha Eagle boat which made a zig zagging search of thirty-six hours, has return id to the station with no news. Mr. Brennans lecture Is ot great : ,h i,i,n t fh Par-ifi,- An iripie v.t,r u ... interest to merchants, clerks an'1! Xrav examination showed fractures ilaV; war : .. . ! 1 U. O i tmmknnaiereut Dxosoeruy, naviu uuuSm , . Utag from the.balcony 1 suit and wmplete outfit . . tat on 1 ronvirt ions - Ka ffava thAr last sea- - m iift'et recalled the many' he gave there last sea 14 his own band. I . '.this morning. His mother is enroutep Anou '.here from Jacksonville, but is. not ex- un(t; their wives, as well as other lines of ; of thc thlrd fourth ani fifth iulnharj salesmen, ana win ne mceieniinsiy "-'vertebrae and doctors expressed the lustrnted by a special motion picture j ff.ar &lsfl that he sufferfd internal in- bringmg out the strong points 01 tne jurjes. Considerable fever develop lecture. The nlcture lecture will be free, in vitation tiekts being distributed by ! pP(.ted to arrive before Sunday morn- Secretary tTwny 01 ine cnamoer 01 Ing. ' Commerce to all those wishing to at- : ' - " ... Various organizations are contribut ing to the cost of the marker and the Peninsula club will give a card party on Tuesday afternoon at the S. J. Peahody residence on North Halujx Daytona Bearh. for the ptir- Experimentj will 'be continued at the South Ridge wood school with the noonday lunches, formerly prepared and sold for 15 cents by the Asso ciated Charities, to determine exactly what improvements in the child's health and studies are attained, ac cording to J. H. Meagley. president of the Associated Charities. Mr. Meagley, in speaking of the discontinuance of the hunches owing to the loss sustained by the Charities, declared that of 37 children patroniz ing the lunche service, the average gain was 2.3 pounds Searching Forests (The Associated Press.) PENSACOLA, Mar. 26 On the the ory that the missing naval balloon, lost with five men since they left here Tuesday, night, could not hav drifted to sea !n face of the souther ly winds prevailing , .Thursday off St. Andrews Bay, a huge navaL diri gible with two days' supplies left thw naval nir station to search the forest along the coast. Meanwhile the search it sea and along the coast was. con tinued by seaplanes and vessels. Rurr.r rs Say Two . Picked Up , (International News service) . PENSACOLA. Mar. 20 An uncon firmed rumor today sa'd two members This proves that some of Uie chil-jof the crew of the missing ballooa nose of raiding fundi to pay their por-1 ,ir,, -ptv undernourished." he said.' had been nicked up by a' merchant. for zsew Orleans and TEMPT IS ; 110 WRECK A 'jpA. B. A. R. R. (U Med Press.f !-3?E. Ga.. March 26 A T a scouricg this district tra of what is thought to 1 th third attempt to wreck r tas atlanta, Birmingham fc ritlr Last night an eu 1 Heated by unidentified per- dows the track, crashed Into 1 and thence into the ticket ting the ticket agent slight engiui was unoccupied when 1 Off. A witness says he saw an fn m the cab and escape, WOMEN ACTIVE IN ST. AUGUSTINE AFFAIRS (The Associated Prejs.) o-r a i-nT'CT! VW Man-h ?fi Worn- i bv the police department lately s f gt Augustine has begun active! . ! that of. Willie Wright,, a Laronna ne- work aa cilv officials for the fit-sti ! ere.' alleged "to be one of the slickest Thf ..re members ot ! I . . Ti'.-ti: . . c ,v 1 " SHOW'S THE WEATHER? TODAY? tlon i f Ihe subscriptions to PT. It is .hope. that '.ill Ihnae prechtfe the service r-ndied their ;untry by Uie inple l ilies ex-oi niai ft-! .-i-ndonVrl rhil.lrpn will Eain fast until K-ssel bound they reach normal weight.: Children ; that the others were lost in the Gujf. vlio. ai)-'.it T..t-m ,1 woiirnt can nht. he made to! . . - t i gain much more than normal. j Searchers Cover 8,000 Square Miles I turned to thc school phy ci;m i ' (The Associated press.) thicken thleve3 known. Willie after diers nnd sailor.-, will show this ap- ,...riio when I found the rfsult of the i oreciation by contributing to the fund ! .,nchps ami was astonished to find o erect ih! marker, any contributions i tj,.,t nearly every child is under .'for 'bis purpose bing made to Mrs. j jit. a great many as much as TiC H. itaynor of Daytona. ! j,.Ven pr cent and many 10 per cent. I 'rtv. .. ,1... If.,.;, iiil-i i-;i,li I ..,- r 1 : . imn.ii ... i.ml t r nmit imia 111' IUUH-.1 Ul 111 ,,,.-..., ...... j ? IUUIIU It a. 1. X v.'l,t," the newly created advisory board on bers are Mrs. J. W. E.stes, Mrs. K jfair"warm day- Noble Calhoun ami .Mrs. i-.. . m-att. ! having terrorized the roosts and poul jtry houses throughout the south end. was caught ana couvicieu vy officials and is now serving eighteen months on the chain gang. . 1. !- .ji.i that Willie had grown soi r-s",? rrsr ""-"'t! HEAVY CASUALTIES IN lets pulled from their roosts were F- IJ 1TTI C IT ClOl CRCM OH I ILL ft I LigLLULll .-.... ; are desirous that a large attendance '; ti,? lunc hes in school but will con 1 ,r,,i t.ic.-tt.,i hv th.. b,anl i : 1m nrvsent at the 1 uesuay carii pariy i-nuc tli. exneriment oy teeuinz a of citv convuissioners. The mem-i ,,,.,,,, rlirA lator intn a! that the fund may be considerably ; t-mited number at noon time and in The high mark of .augmented ny tut conn iduuoii niao- order to conduit tnis experiment very grees while the low mark was 66 de-a' futnl. grees. rne aay was leaiurcu ov a light southeastern wind. Other portions of the country are WASHINGTON, Mar.' 26 In 'fna search for the naval balloon misitinc; from Pensacola since Tuesday, air planes, dirigibles and naval vessels have covered approximately 8.068 square miles of territory withont sighting a trace, the navy department was advised today from Pensacola. M. Rowe, Mrs. J. v. Myers, j - r rnn..h m 1-1 o rrv IIII1I.U UlllltXI- wi ui.rikw Ne Will!c is in Jail. experiencing warmer weather. High Boston 72 Chicago : 56 nsas City 0 w i ors u FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT i Cincinnati .. (International n:wi Service.) j Washington BERLIN, (noon) Mar. btiiKers , ;e.iV Orleans i are spreading throughout the factor-j AtUinU 74 7S S6 74 Low 50 42 54 48 46 WOULD INCLUDE CITY OF BERLIN IN ZONE OF COMMUNIST FIGHT UPRISING OF ANTI- SOVIETS REPORTED IN EASTERN RUSSIA 66 : WONDERFUL JET TO VISITORS TO DALLAS WELCOME ics of Berlin witn many rass mm-. sings of Communists ooing iicui .u me , i Kiiluirbs this, atternoon. Fighting is i i A.nriatton. I aeain reooi ted st Eisleben between fNCWSMDCr ClllK'" ' c v-i.-rr a nv v Y. March 26. Communists , , of water, spurting 75 feet with heavy casualties. . w in the air. neautnuuj muiuiuauru and govern incut troops (United Press.i BERLIN. Mar. 26 Plans to inc'i.i ie 0 imunist uprising were discovered to '. , , . ' Mlav. Pol'ce sav thev have unearthed: - .a mammamm 0? L w!""! 3 ! in America are said to be leading the; 3 revolt. a: ths home of F. A. Seaman at 40t South Palmetto avenue. They will ; be weighed each week, the record will ; be kept bv the school physician, Dr. Josie Rogers, and everything possible . s will be done to insure a record that i ' can be depended upon to determine ; what our school board should do to. ' correct the condition. j "It seems to., nis very probable; that the children as a wuole lack a ; mii- east 01 Moscow. Some members larse percentage in efficiency in their, of ,v,(. extraordinary commission in sc hool work by reason of their --on- j ta, ,.j(v arf. siti to have been killed, dition as shown by Dr. Rogers' reports f:Mlv ,,'t hr Soviet officials also were (The Asssciated Press.) STOCKHOLM. Mir. 26 An "Bti. iet risiiiT is reported in Kaza. 680 o! each child." n . r. . ruirtCMC ASP ntiuvn vt .. ..... , 1, 1 rMV from TOUr rLUntU v.rnurvk.'.J ' ' ' ' - (Udted Press.) ever changn g coored ry Hr COMING INTO THEIR OWN !TA.? larch 26,-ln a decision powerful incandeMrent -rch UBh u; w Ated Press ) lata U-teriay. Judge Sibley 'hidden beneath ' PJU ure j ST. AUGUSTINE. Mar. '.S-Miss lewtt defied the iH tition ot base, will bV'hBp,U,7mi3 Unnn Heist, home d-mnns-rauoa opiates of the A. B. & A. of what pro ui.e be Am An Uat Ihe order allowing the most , U ' f ' ga,,en ; n patronizing home indu.trios an,l l,e rescinded. PrrUV A X newunion ; stead of ordering young chic kens this station at w-i.", .n..rnm. ' ;h rfitrihnted it will be Known as . .... "j7.LE, SMALL iHOniDATOWN, C;PT BY FLAMES Tn. A oci.t.d Pre., ) never li- thew7ni.andesl.eDt search-! this sea-on -ACOU, Mar. 26 - Fin; swept j OOt W,ZZtly changing col- ery at Run a .own of r-oo in Jack lights v ' 1 " attempted. ing such a ; fate bat night, burnini? the re,i xrfens mtnj arrive l.oeO l-lorula bre-J iatiV Uiuminated fountain itf the t An ad- tnal shni- ?JUor of the General E.ec- complete the order. trio laboratory w , . ,,,1 . a !., rasrr in Ohio by 1 .,.1 'IC ltS nave uvcu vn m " " r- , , tl i t il oilnatinK fountains, but individuals, but at the U??-tton o l,fore in lUi'.un ai 11 is r. win.-ttei .t the orders were combined the scuems v. 7. : i:"r:: , a.ilh h.,t, h Flagler county. Hav trjve! cor. di- lu.iel and srv allies, houses, telegraph ofli-;NEW 1 reside nces. Th loss is un-t . The UU heard from the tei , . . . t sav-; ri I . ) was to (Vina the teleeraph of-, local hip a the Bra was then in the office. IS t OIITINUING nell a snort uisume ed here iu excellent RASEBALL FIELD tian and with a very small pei teniae, g FOR ST. PETE'S H. S. 0f loss. All were of thoroughbred (The Associated Press.) stock. 5 l-KTEBSHUUtt. Mar. 26 -The THROUGH I FVEB GLADE S TO STUDY PLANTS j will have a n-! l-' ,;po.! (The Associated Press ) g inStoananuoun ; . t.Uy RISSIMMEE. March 26.-Dr. How- M. Lynch. M.peuni.uuc- K-iiv. consulting surgeon at s . ,,-t V 11)1 iiic - . . . frantfll by the c:t - I I TV.- 1 a f ' ' "GI: AGAINST THE pjsHING BOAT GOES Johns Hopkins hospital iu Baltimore. and Dr. A. K. Small, of the New York g will set out lrom g 1 Another Easter I Comes to Inspire I and Help Mankind. Th- CHURCHES of THE i TRIPLE CITIES on the morrow I wit! again interpret the ever- ? new Easter message. With it ; comes a present day lesson of greatest importance to every j man. woman and child, the answer to the quest-on, "What ; is the object and end of life ! t-clf?" In the record of the earthly costence cf Jesui Chrst which has stood unaltered through aM the years is sh3wn H's li's o true sefvee with its cl'max, th; triun-ph over death and th; ni-av. That exarro'e thus set fr evr'v individual cf every age and clinic s that the I'fe of the rjrca'cst serves ' the most nearly perfect if. at the end. all those tabors Have be;n cowned with th love for God and man kinr which carries the soul en throunh Eternity. If th?re were no oth?r reward than that which comes to God's people on this earth the tru'ts of right living and he'pfulness to others are sweetir than the flcstinq pleasure of greedy. HE LIKES HIS TOWN V;i"d. it declared. Insurgents hold Mr- entire district. BUT READ AND SEE IF HASN'T REASON TO HE NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH I TO BE ERECTED AT OCALA (The Associated Press.) ; (Nrpaper Enterpr.se Association) OCALA. March M Work has be-i MOBILE, ,'la . Man-h ifi.-Foley, n cuu on the new Catholic church which . Baldwin county. Alabama, is the van , is to. be erected at the corner of'adise (.f the world, says I.r. J. ' Ocklawab avenue and Tuacawiila ' Foley. Chicago capitalist. street. The new edinte win De 01 ' Aiayoe, ST. PETERSBURG WILL WIDEN MAIN STREETS (The Associated Press.) ST. I'KTKIISBI.TIO. March 26. St. Petersburg has found it i.ecf-ssary t- widen "titain streets upon which tr;.8n- is heavy and the city corntuU smrr has ordered Hip work begun dun ine - 1 he sunimt.r. with lite intention 'r er.n;,;( ting it before fall. pcrpen ii(.ula'- Gothic dee-ien an-, have a seating capac:ty of .H'0. was touijie-: o-. r,'iii pujiuSatio'. vt 5.i0.0''f. rre:-t hd..- XiVA K':i- It h ', no"it ' rip 1. yedr-. No ts I'njre " f f bu bjve bta reeorded. I '..I.; oi' e the y Jie . ;!- 11-;. Frank Dr. Fol-y. rh tiank LAW OcbOo!TION TO THE NEW 'NO-FENCE (The Associated Press.) BROS'toON". Mdrch 26. The pro posed 'no-ft'j'. e .-lock law' to be pre- : setd to 'he ofx'. se. .-ion of the !ts-i-lature will meet with tlie cppoiitioa : of Lew countv ttockmen. The stock- 'men rei-enCv" foraied an orsanudtion WANTj CANDIDATES TO for the purpose of fightics adoption o! the proposed taeiiure. n.-.t ut ions ursfc".-' -Boehard di'or . 11. in di- INJUNCTION GIVEN t IN GASE OF COUNTY SITE REMOVAL IN GA. ( ot 1 inlooker. 1 TATE THEIR POLICIES 'th Associated Press) PKTFRSBt'RG. Mart h 21. : BR ANN RESIGNS POolTiON WITH NEW SMYRNA B. OF T. (The Associated Press.) ' NEW SMYRNA. Mar. 26 R L. I Mudsett has a.-iumed chirge a:. fc: rttaiy of 'he New" Srryrna C oronado ' Board of Trade. He succeeds J- A. i Bran-i. resigned. (Int'.rnational Nei Service.) ii'vV. ';' . Mar. Zi Judge Bell in circuit court after midnight this uiorn'ns. -ratiled an injunction acain.-t the i.ouniy site removel. The -dection In Calhoun cujinty has al- - n- N--,el Mi'chell Ua alaresseu I IP3UV Win ll:IU, auu. Riam.-:u a. uiau- fr,,er to e'-r ii thc candidates in ; damns petition to compel the election .A, , , ,iv ,..m-ui'-sionr asking mana(;ei s to consolidate voteu cast iu I si'. - . 't . . . . . j j ,,1 I rr-W,. ..I m.ip public the piatlorru uie ciecuon ueciareu meeo-i. l ik crci h thev are basing their cam- 'on was Marc h 10. after Judge Bell had previously 'K-cisneu to grant a. temporary injunction. r s rij 1 up v.h: pa 1 en.-. Tlie niavor said in his letter ti'!i(t he di writiug as a taxpayer and n'-r an oticial. Sj HEAVY LOSSES "nternatusal News Service.) 'iNS, liar. 26 Greek troop ; aached au offensive against j rka Walnesdav are continuing; rivanva ana re uw wv. t ASHORE; 33 CASES OF BOOZE CAPTURED your place is n n.itaiiical flardens ' here soon for a month's journey g grasping after riches and g'ory. i throueh the Everglades to make a g To,s Easter there is a mes- study. ot plant life in the Bi; ( ypre:-s sagc 0f vjtai importance to ! and other distrit ts. They win ot s everyone and i nHMi hv Seminole Indians. 1 he two scientists will be olfered every courtesy bv the Seminoles because of '.the long standing friendship existing 'between Dr. Small and "Tommy Hot - the oifl mean .ue . uan n-- Tnmmv Doctor" on several b haa fathered snecniiens of Anclated Press) , -a Miami Beach po-' tor. -Mi -stt ndinc from Akardar to; Mi-"'...,. ...a.ateo 33 cases ot . tribe " a.:l laol ui6- . . nn M a " ' Trks quor aboard a nsuing noat u.cu r------ m e.,ic.Inal v!u .md 1 looa). 'wo hunared lurks vhen tt ran out ot feas He .wio ltu.".i me !- ' Irf rel w srrected forar;Jert tnem t srt siSjn 1 ' CHURCH tomorrow to gam new thoughts and renewed hope; to join with others in extending the Gospel of Salvation through out this community. The an nouncements of the Easter Sun day services appear today on the regular Church page. SEABOARD AIR LINE TO GET LOAN FROM I GOVT. OF A MILLION FIGHTING QUIETER IN GERMANY TODAY WITH I THE GOVT. IN CONTROL i (International News Service.) 1 BERLIN. Mar. 2ft The general sit- Y-SHlNGTON. Mar. 26 tfnowers nation in central uermany, wnere ror ,,t r,f th.- week began after, th f.a.-t two anyu mere naa wuiu SHOWERS AND COOL WEATHER PROMISED FOR LATE NEXT WEEK ! (The Associated Press.) I international News Service.) Si WASHINGTON. Mar f--Th i I . . . ,. .,.,r,,i.-"!-in ln.l'j'.' . thu fi r it T'A V !2....i .il ,'...Lr,oni ir!iti in 1 he i Tiiiir-il i v with considerably cooler ; much fighting between government s ; c. .v.n,.,i liri-n.. for 1 1 . St .('( iu ne! -AeathT i no brst hait. is 1 i used iii meet ins maturing indented-j for the forecast ; forces and Communists, la much eek i.eauiiiing i -piiiter today, with the government 3 - " , , , ! c, ! riHnail fatnine f.tn'.roi. 5 ig'rn'OgW!gM!SH''HJ!llN ne am! tor maK.u- i " ' J " - v. Florida for the 5 3 i r .