Newspaper Page Text
. PULL - LZJ12ZD WIRE "i - cf ths mrrrtfATiONAL y UZ73 SERVICE .1,1 18 NUMBER 48 nn 3 ! "CTCHCE WINS A BIG i " ,-,-'v nvro utc CrPCNENTS. :3fc;vehsof if cro:i iiew irir.,fcniciiT v " t hCietd Arrcndroents to fceXIl Which Had Been . . rrcpoacc. LCdDpN. Feb. 17. Thelriih ' ?st act. conferring the -rr ?f the Anglo-Irish treaty provisional government svt,til, was passed by the J i Commons this afternoon , cssead reading. vote was: For the bill, j 1 einst the bill 60. i 4 IMiun n( tK KiM wa l victory for Prcmiar LI -.yd vote automatically reject's rU to the bill which had "osed. ' Mtical foes of the premier A their supreme fiht ui n V upon tV- premier'' , ?y. Austin t'liambe hrn. k-iv t.tpokesman in rcvur.cns. h;o tMtnated before- the vot wac , Jka If the bill .wtro .'fJtt I yd George' tabinct wou'd rc , . rtbwlth. M living in l inter couniit . ,PX the free state would bo al i . to make the!- own choice .ar.they wished to nuintain a! j to flKt-r. r swear all g M to the free stile. Sir l-amin? L - Car :." laming W-.ivth'n.xton-FIvf.ns J A strong pl" for tin- ld!. IN'P'i'l ''St taunts of Fi'-ter t:niini' ts t!ia aad "belraveil h'-i cuanliy," the V aftcreury vepled: -"RekK-t'on of this bill ie. eins th C?i ot a I prospect- for I: '.1 pence.' Klctael Coll iii. iitst.- r.i ng fieurp 1 rovlslonnl rov-i nmnt at Pub Itlearraphed t'.tl fi--cretarv 'Irfn. rhiirefiill tbf best W1V ! . .hi .h P.r,rii, riM'nvnmoni i n rv r HIDE inous f MM help at the present time wasjaHo s::iJ that Fine;' as co:n uued : . t adhere strictlv to the b-tter and What tK-rm n sea all' t. p.y.-r in- 1 i lrlt ot the Anglo-Irish tiPatv to con lemnity and donia --i t!,.u t.ei nuun, ae Ireland that Britain "i reall ! lay t.-r linaieia: c ards ou tae t.- i C JlWrir.g the go.nls this time." M.m 'What are cine', .tanner :i tnv '-va j 'fwyto ia Ireland are .-till suspicions ; ' e- ..n.-iimc reeoiis;nn t.o;i ov.-i ; U Efttlund s khkI fai.b. Celiiu- said ' e-re '" M l.oa.-h-ur ask-'i. . ; Well." suidi M l.ouelieur. "tlii.- c'nei , Wms. of !it it 1 am ufra'al i tuat , I,,.,-, rnav in- a 'li is,; iv! ''r.-t a ri 1 i a i cj; ' W m .. . w v. n . ni.trY t- Lit, II .11.1' i1 . - V . .0rmmhm wnwa.'.b LTLN CONFIDENCE VOTE N .... .. PARIS. Feb. 17 A unanimous vm Xl euafldence a- gr. en to the I' e.n cart cabinrt rlus ait anooti b t'. Caamber of lmtles. ' , CTAHOMA SHERIFF IS CUKD GUILTY NEGLECT C7 DUTY TOWARD WETS - ARDMORK. Akla. Feb. 17 Suenfi t Oarrctt. of Ca.ter loiintv. :i 1 imu fumy iiMiay 10 ine in" " mH the Ouster suit biomibt acieuo tkB. He was hurged -ith n 'r lect . Cat r. with nei mitt inn viotatnn- of t prohibition laws ,nd fa lime t ataami c .hne a I .in a 1 i t L1CIIIC0LA OYSTER EF0TS MAN AMD V'V;JE III JAIL TODAY .j. TALLAHASSKK. Fia Ft b, IT. llaifa Lee rojdiam. pie.,: ier, t. and j MA atillvr l' hN v.ifc. re IVt the Dvster' Co ;.e: a- SMtK-iation. arc under arret ben. V Wl CUrg. s of bavn. desraude I -aasover i&e I'nited states out m "Stlmatcly Jl.(n" in the l.i-t .B months in an oyster heii leae at Apalaehicola. Fla slat two. who were in-li, te.l rei t n;l Itas federal court at lVns..i ;.(. w.-i... TSa a aeariOK before l"n:te I State- -SUBUiioner Sidney lilamoad he-e JTMterday und bound ovt r to triiil. t -r he tuas of Florida. o.-t-- ' e are raiisfei rahla to t-st t - . , a Of lrii., "ThUl Our Daytona Paper" 1 nn .tuT.iT.. .1, ' " 4- j LAY cLJil 4- : k:.:e TODAYTOIIA? j. Unconfirmed rumors about .j. A Daytona today state that Presi f. dent Hardin? will soon -pay a 4. j. brief visit here, upon the return 4 of Secretary cf State Hushes -L from a vacation trip to Bermuda. . tThe president, after a short visit here with Mrs. Caroline 4. 4. Kling. of Magnolia avenue. Mrs. Har.linr'3 step-mother, is ex- . peeled to ko to PaVn Beach. J. whare he w'H visit Gilbert .J. J Fletclier. a brother of Henry Fletcher, assistant secretary of 4 - state, who will alio be a mom- 4. ber of the party. 4. 4. WILL BE ABLE Tfl NT DEBTS v t r 1 1 Regions in Btiand Cabinet and Present Member of Deputies Tells Pi ess Representative by No Posiibls Means Can Amer ica Ever Expect to Collect the Money Borrowed by Fiance During War Ctiticizes Failure of Ame. ica to Accept Currency. BALTIMORE. Md , Feb 17. Frank R Ken, foreign rercsenatlve of the H;'t:moi. Sv.n. in a lencthv r.ihl m- ;t1. ,.,u.js ,.at5, publisiiC- i in the rfur. , ..!av. att-s tlist an ii.t.Tv:w h. .....i .(, 1 .,u 1 ..n. h. nr fornwri vmu.h ,ijster itor th- d.-vasLtte-i r.'-! I'lons. I. Loiti'iieur declare.l ei:iphat- icallv tliat Fiance nevfr ;?n pay Iihv ; debts. Th. I'nited State bars Kvcm hj so :da and v, ill not accept her cur- j reiiey. M. Loii 'beur ass rts. Mr i Kent'.-i cablegram in part sas: i "in a viKoious talk I ha I with lii:j .od.iy at li's home, ;i ituo Ilamoi'n. J I.oais I.. hciir. niini.iter of devas- : Sated r-Ki.;ns in the Brian 1 cabinet! md now a in.emb -r of the chamber j if Iieputies. il.ii'.y and eir.niui icallv IccUre I that Fiance not only cinnot uivt or ia rhe rear future her d'et 1 'a America, but call never pay It. i u-iiier. tie asserted, that the reduo- .ion of her army will not alter in the j iea.,t her al-i'.i'.. to nay." I M l.oacbe'ir said ie- had much faith; ui tlie jr.ipoed liean.i i vine, t. n e. li, l ie e etlietltal Tae.s ill iv.i! opy America You ask Us to jiv ear vai ),hts. Wo (jniiiil new. We ,,.nno ay new and we can t pay No elear-hea led man w ith a real kuowl . ilae of rinain :a! facts has the ne'c-U idea 111 it we , n ever pay. -The elil po..sild. . in v.r-v h wc .V(.- , ,,-aH pav is in oai 1:0 is. ami ! '' V'.int .,n denJimuoid. and ,ou ; a ,h- p.W in the wm-hi in !own ault- An i now yen prepue to ,.ir,: w.,ll .ip.unl .ir can- ,ry ti. aj ,-.:! acin cemp'' 'eh bar- , at. our oe ts now u-iei ,y ..,,,1 , unsi-terit is th Xiueru Ml .1 , jti,.jv . TWO KILLED IN POWDER WORKS EXPLOblUIN 1UUAT ; I A K II !! Wi 'N'; N I . Fob IT Two men are In-wn ( line h. -n k-.ll.-d. in an evulo ion in th '!a I'owbr wm'ii . 'o-ir fi' v..;e n . 11 i of Lake Ilot ate ,tit; lodav. Tii . ieo inn. was sa ai to'!.ae oceuiel in t h - ilvnaiiiiio l.iiasOlr: lion a. w-i !: tiom 1 il.-lam of 1 1 in. If. 1 '; ,dant is a pot of th-; !mp-:i '- : iai ou. " ' . . a tr K were tar. FEDERAL WARRANTS rOR FRAUD OF MAIIS SERVED JACKSONVILLE TAPPERS t vfKSONVILLK Feb 17- !V I . ..! warrants c!i':r n.- th- - -f : U mall.- to ' -fl.i-.ld we' e U.-ue-l t .ia ai-a tl,t C.-Olile K.-lC'Osou P. I '!' .- 1 lt;ee. iwo of tie- live m -n a-'e.t t,,j in u , u,.r.. la-.r weo"; en t'. rbmat tei s of alleged wire tan: . s The five will be nien a ti-elim n v . ln-arim; this afternoon bo 'ore th (uslire of the p- ace on a charce of , ,.i..-i-;.t.iu e oaiiliim hei.-e on THE PL sj u oj TUB NEWS HAS TEE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN ITS FIELD cum i D7 t THE "I LOVE YOU" LETTERTO SLAi:i DIHECTOn ! 4. 4., Xs 1 tt ,u- 'J 4 THREE KILLED AND THREE INJURED IN TRAIN-AUTO WREGK ' Ul'llllAM. N. C. Feb. 17. -Thiee lie n w re k:!ie l and three serin:i,! inj.iro.l v!i. n the automobile la which i iiev .Ti r'al: i; lv by a Southern Railway en j-ve j 1st ea of- of itiiis ctty cauv i'iis moin::is t i .he victims os t!v ac i,i tents f tho I'ni rer:;i: y o; 'Via. M t'iiatcl Ific. 1 i e:e stu 01 lb Cai o ..-. -si ot one Co. I- !' . th w: t'llaoei i a m.' r i r Tae !! c--n V. 1 '. . 1 . ' v 11 T I !: ! e i,' :a . 11 T: 01 ; I. C. -c '' .1 I. !'. li- 11. W .no. -00. f o. ( . (hi il.e c-; :m, ht c a an. I t t lie ! a; -if .i;..ii.e. w;,', w.-- !rae,aa , i-t-s -;i 001... .. or- n. 1 . . 1:1 " ' '',.!!. :..! .... 1 ' - ' - VrXJ-. Z" Z L ' s ,..e.-,,,.., ;.. host r n: '! - - JACK JOVSON TO CFFF.R DFMFSr.Y $125,000 VOil EOUT FOR TITLE IN N. Y. N..''. 1 1 d t o . f ft e ! t. lie Hi - , i H H 1 Hi i ': f I! CUDDM-SV '. N HtNOARS i ' !VST. i . ' 1 I : r, A ne l jl m DAYTONA. FLORIDA. FRIDAY. FEB. PA "i'-'-'t' -.'.'I, - v. ; This is a facsimile vt the "I love you" letter v ritten 0:1 slat:orery of Mary Mi'es i!nt 'r, 1:1 eve star, and founa aon thi- eSc.-.:s ct William 1 V '!': ier. .in. '. -red in .vie (iitcct-c !:!" c; a n - v FORD WILL LIMIT flJ!T GARS TO 53 DAILY By AtLAM L. BENSON (Copyright, by I. N. S.t 1 rHO!'!'" Feb. 1" - ilelsrv Foid 1 a l i:.t.-r',.. w tli is,;- tc..'ia. al 1 -st ma'iy : .;t- ,; eileiiiatiell with iiliU' ei-en ;! t 1 b.s plans 1 ii.i .e the r,a- r. .ra't el en. .-!n M-.t,,r a : a . !' : .'. 1 a a ' e 1 1 !n !,.,!. eiy ..11 I.,:'.- 1 tiiat ihc 1. 1, 1 1; f ' e, 01 a ' - r: nimu ' ";-e ia1 jc :re.-sion." mi . 1 the i : 11 1: ;' !lai:t. that I !.;;!! :n t' : C.c . V.OJ bl t,i k ;!!:; I I ' ' li ! i a;-:. ' ttc U..I1..1 !!- TO RE INTrf'JDl SI'OI'.TLY , ' !A!-H.i WO'.!N ,wai wrri cami MIA jyrru 17. 1922. cm p 7 "f OOe -cany hires' -"r ot Director Chauffeur of Car Given Probing By " fC Utticers on Lase t IVr.n Poll 17.Rolii.'n that a connected utoiy of his life niriv nrn nn nfrtiun mn- the mystery of his death, inve-tisa tors of the murder of Wi.liam i. Taylor, famous motion picture direc tor, today set about the task if com piling an account cf h's l.'fe activities starting with his bir'a at Cappoqitin. Ireland. In data now in han i there may be many breaks, coniusin stor ies and totil lrick of infnrniaticn a-; t som periods. But thn authciiit:f hope by painstaking woik ;;nd world wi;ie inritat'on to supply miasms facts and check those alrea.iy known, i Meanwhile, there contintieil ininute i checking and re-cheokins of all tli testimony in th cae so far K-theied. Today deputy sheriffs wore cr.K;ii;i. in invostiKntinf? en apparent disc.ep-en-y which ami-e wiun siat-mer!t of Wm. Davis, c'ianffeur for Mab,. Normand and Oforaie F. Arto, were compared Chauffeur on the Grl'l 1 Irivis drove Miss Normand's car ' the Taylor home the evening of th; i tragedy and w aited outside until Tnv. ; ' "tor escorted M'.a. Normind to tha j fir. lie has been qustiened th'-ee timeH mimilfdy. Davis told of having ha.I a brief onverwat icn w'i":i H' v i'eavey. Taylors negro seivant. ai he -t la the cir. Arti. who s..3 he pav ci1 by th.e Taylor house evenii?. ' 'r..;i-ts he av a thirl strung t:l'i:n: to l'ei.-ey and l.Vivi-. Tav ;. u h u .t.!end a;;a:n laft si'-ii". ,'eei'el th- p-.-sciic nf the d man I'esvey probably v:!l b' tioivd sa:n on this pcipt. Tic it lie. iree known that Ch.o?. J 'Tifs "arm tT i tlU-f of pell- e who .:. bef -i ' re in asK':.t:n UUtii.-t AUo-n--- oolw ine in tho investigation, ha , He-n einmei! b me'i.iu pii-turi o;.e -ts to aid In fh- soh ticn of ?h Tisci It was ie;i,,;t. d that M slontmft. ;"'i-i:oiis prodnctr. ho lef tt..,i:v for Ne Yi.rk. it id been om ef tbtve w h nr'vl em; to nient of pri .ati t'. -tt-ct iv-s tt! Jssl iu tunnhi.; lortn the r.ii.n'"-e,-. M ny Mmjr Tips FollOArd Ai'a h-s of th.' di tii.t Mto'moy o'bee da! not atta-'-h a!),nifl, ance to lh" n:;e..t;ou!ng :n Ch'.euCo oi" 1 Mrs. Mary Kn Jr. This s' -it v a .lira ',) t'-, ch- king UIl OT.,' if the 'h a-am's ci ips.' ) eiv-'d. i),n i f . hifh be co erlooti-d Ne th.-r i!iti 'h e f t -v!--Iltf to a ;';. led -.'..! of 1 Mexcan rt"'nti it' i.ii.-.l thou, Cb i-.e.. in.i t 1 tb ef.eet r !i 1 had . :.- t K-i ml F Saiid 4. : e. :e!ai v c;' To 'o; . :li :11c vale ial'i V. - c$.n ! ' n t'nb : .;.n trt -at r I'c - - 01 a . .1 ...'. '.. le-Ved h- e. ..,!! -,.;v. he a . of 'h . , .. j --Vi. a .1 he h.e l'i"a r: air. and . i i n t- ) t 1 .n -t RcTv BI iCAN PARTY BEING BUILT LT IN GEORGIA 1'. 'V. kkc::ivfr AFPOiM-n ; or Today's News Today S CENTS PER CCY, OR 20 m tZS raw SBITCBITTir.7iia: 1 r i.. - t svrte fi . WASINCTON. Feb 17 - -I- slun.fl distrt-t Mus-. I Shoals is 4.; : ;:tci. t'd.iy issued a stare- 4.1 :4 wnt favoring tin con.-;re&iion;.I 4! -J adortlcn of th" devel -j.'.-nent of- 4.! 4 fer of Hvnry Ford. A' KoToa"?" STt'-ment -n fivor if the .;. Kiuwuu stronger 4 v e.u'n Jay," snid Imo's state- 4' n--r-. t.i P.ese-u St. tu 0f i thf niatipr Is very sai.-,f ictory. 4 I'niert.j wcnelhitiR unforsecn oc- T " ' "f .u.i'if"i iiai f win :,--eed :n h;vini th-. Ford of- A 4 "" pted bv Congress. -t- BIG MERCHANT MARINE THING OF ICESSITT . ... . c., r..,4. . - . w iSatioral Me cLatit Mai ine As- sedation, Tells the Cincinnati -hoals property from the govera- Chambcr of Ccmme. ce That a merit. Reduction in Navy to the 5-5-3 In the upper Tennessee river Ea-u Puts Britain Far these is more than one million Ahead cf Ame. ica Because of potential horsepower which Ford te tVc ease in Merchant Ma- will exact from the stream if Con tine Here. 1 areas looks with favor on his bid. CINCINNATI. IN ATI. Ohio. Feb. 17 -l'n i state. h ,s a n.u;; ?n-l moll balanced merchant marine. !;. Ame: h :n navy w .l not be as er- ; a. V.i f U-c.t Brita'n !. p.t tb" " .' .htif of th ' V v-h n r an ci'r' a-fo con.'enc. Senator .losi pli !' iboisd ih 1,; l..:i,atm dee la red ! ; jod.ij in an addr-ys befoi th s C 1'cln.iati I'bain uT of c mnierc- ' A sti-'-ng me chant t.i..rme is . -iut:l t) :.n one. five ntivv," .soil, t: ..ii'.,; !'. ahi. la nt of th N-i- ti.mal y.en le.nt Mai 'p.e a.'s. iat ion. "The w ibi iisarn; um-it oni'-;erj-; e ni' e 1;-. ..pi'a! sh ; nt the rat'-i of ! .. w -h (iieii Br't.tin. and flee. t thee with .baiiHit TVs rat'o "ivi.?.:i . - .:i- t.4? ty in ti w 1I1 t; cat Po, '.an. Is:' :;'- '.ess wo a--- to h:o a tf.-i-ni: ; n ! well bt'.'iacoil :i;fii'i nt th.m 'tie oar a. w 11 n.d lit' like as of tlva a (hat -,;e ,t IT, tain " il n-e 'i ; id o-tt that at j s "l ;s t -. an :; tha i ... tit he 1 Vm 1 a in sh : ' m;' at v d d 1 : 1" . t-nt oi ;cnts 1 er nee s. :,. a:. J , 01 ti al. .te I d n i ) y rn.,;: . ; t .,,1-. re s ?a it a. vri an shiio.; 1 i t ' 'i;v 'lild-T . i ' ,-r a o ot - lb, 'i d. V -..-! ' '. ' : !i O y . . :b n. ! he n , : - ; !; :- - . .1. 1i. v 1 NASHVILLE STAGING ELECTROCUTION BEE: RSI TH!2 M9HMING TH WEATHER Generally cloudy and warmer teaisjM and Saturday. Fmh cast and ioUl wect winds. LOW TIDES ON THE OCAI1 CEACII Today :5t Tomorrow 7:41 CUT ItUb.LML. IT S flF IS Mi Ml V rnnn F5inn WORTtaNCTOH DEFENDS DETROIT MAN BEFORE SENATE COMMITTEE. :SAKfHS IBS NOT SEEK RANIS &!2 ACCGSDISGTOIIOm Cc-ijtejs Asked fcr Fori Bid, an i Then Continued ta In vile Other Bids. i WASHINGTON. Feb. I 7. A great water power development at Muscle Shoals. Ala., second only to .Niagara Fal'a. was pic tured for the House military af- f,: . 1 1.. 1 ir 7 ,J-.W.; vvcicningien. tesurying in Denair of Henry Ford's offer to lease the 1 1 t "usc,f I: P'operty , atone Mere is U,UUU horsepower,' the wi' slated. ' - ' Heplylng to interrogations of Rep. resent; live Juin. of Mississippi. Worthington tobi the committei. biat ' be, e "is no place in the United Stales eeoncinit a'cy situat-ul fer the tnan- ufaejiae of fertd'Se.s." Ci'iin d:gtsse! from ljls inquiry t ' stattf the For.1 oT r cave ' more to !l" g-;veruniej:t than congress itself K ve." He noin'eil out in siipiMtrt of statcin. tit. the action of th 'bo:-e on r.-hruary 7. 19-1. in rjliis- ;H7 10 areo a v of heven mjijritv to npit te dain n ;mber 2, on s ...opelty ih .f bov.-.-d h.-:d and t 'ieclare; ii n, "and hearl I a 1- n'e:s s..y .y its aitinii that part !' 'h- Musi it. Shoehs pro.ett was v.i t1 b- r An 1 now. Ford i . wiltins o Co all -a i aad (level. i;, tills property V in 'he fae , . ih't iotam. I alll ir-ey .... b 1 ei'ef that if ,nRts.s ,11s d en tics Ford offer. It will be ie cut; i llle t A !. t ,t.'1 il cinttliy." ("h- r ji.t-th'j ei c ni.mittee mein- Wert'n n. (en to sum up what ! :i h" oht.i;n-, a hundred e of M-i.e ! Shoals as ful- 1 n? er power tin the r and . pen the Klomu ler bcr in suMicient 1 tiie lit:, lis Ot tb water pccr possibilit- Sh .a!s. tiorit- s and maintain i o 1 a n plant ready for to cat.iin xphsive 1 a ! . . added n addition Hi KoH hope I to b" abie ' t- a 1 on :ti iiia. i-ic, 1 1 ;ih tia' !ho;e a;.- ut'ner ''rid the itiiat; n,it .ou ; ta ts to let uole to ' n- arr H' - r- t tl , lie Fo. d i t,..n. 1.. r ! f.,r no" i.'lc ,;i 1 - I i; ! j WEST PALM BEACH MAN WANTEBi SAiO m FGNZi SCHEME I n !U-'